[HN Gopher] Going mouseless
       Going mouseless
       Author : FelipeCortez
       Score  : 115 points
       Date   : 2021-08-03 03:14 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (felipecortez.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (felipecortez.net)
       | dainiusse wrote:
       | Hmm. This sounds like a modern day amish :) i guess some sort of
       | tiling window manager could better suit it
       | dotBen wrote:
       | oh boy. I'm happy to send the OP a mouse from Amazon if they DM
       | me their address
       | dolni wrote:
       | If you're interested in a mouseless browser experience, another
       | great option is qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/
       | toiletaccount wrote:
       | I've been doing this for the past 15 years. I use bash, tmux,
       | (n)vim and git. It runs in whatever WM and on any OS I'll
       | encounter. If your environment is a few simple tools, it's
       | basically future proof and very portable. I like to keep config
       | files fairly minimal as well so I don't become dependant on
       | custom keybinds or functionality.
       | Touch screens on laptops have really made things nice for
       | mouseless browser use. (eg, when you can't keyboard select a
       | field or button)
       | trey-jones wrote:
       | It's a good skill to have. I think sysadmins kind of acquire it
       | naturally, with much work being done in the terminal. I'm fairly
       | proficient on my own computer with my own hotkeys, though I'm
       | sure I could take it further with some effort. I still use a
       | mouse frequently in the browser, but for the bulk of my work my
       | hands don't leave the keyboard.
       | I'm not sure whether it's significantly faster than an "expert
       | mouse user" but I also don't think it's slower. I haughtily think
       | that my killing and yanking is more precise than it would be
       | clicking, but who knows?
       | I think it's kind of a parlor trick really, but it does impress
       | the younger and less experienced team members to some degree.
       | amelius wrote:
       | I'm using a simple Wacom tablet. However, I still switch to the
       | mouse for some tasks (Inkscape, KiCAD), because of the
       | scrollwheel (indispensable for quick zooming).
       | I wish there was a hybrid solution (e.g. tablet with separate
       | wheel for zooming) which is easy to set up in Linux.
       | raihansaputra wrote:
       | Is there a keynav like utility for MacOS? Maybe a
       | Karabiner/Hammerspoon other scripts?
       | EDIT: I've found some, should be "customizable" with Karabiner
       | customization on top
       | https://github.com/trishume/QuickMouse
       | https://github.com/h2ero/XEasyMotion
       | https://shortcatapp.com/
       | Some great discussion here:
       | https://gist.github.com/lornajane/3892c39098cf70baa9c7a1874c...
         | nathan_phoenix wrote:
         | You might want to check out Vimac[1], provides system-wide
         | Vimium tooltips. Not the same as keynav, but imo works even
         | better.
         | [1]: https://github.com/dexterleng/vimac
       | a-b wrote:
       | OS X users could try https://github.com/pqrs-org/KE-
       | complex_modifications/blob/ma...
         | a-b wrote:
         | Nicer UI https://ke-complex-
         | modifications.pqrs.org/?q=Mouse%20Keys%20...
       | asymptosis wrote:
       | I remember trying this a decade ago with uzbl and vimperator. It
       | was okay for a while, but uzbl unfortunately failed to gain
       | momentum, and vimperator was nixxed more and more for various
       | reasons.
       | The article in the link makes it sound like vimium is the last
       | holdout of the resistance. It would be nice if it were possible
       | to have other options again.
         | square_usual wrote:
         | On Firefox, Tridactyl is actively developed and very feature
         | rich. The only minor annoyance I have with it is that it
         | sometimes overrides shortcuts other webapps have defined, which
         | makes it difficult to work with eg. linear.app or RES for
         | reddit. You _can_ blacklist sites from Tridactyl, but then you
         | have to choose between only native shortcuts, which can miss
         | some crucial actions but are otherwise better than tridactyl,
         | or only tridactyl.
           | bovine3dom wrote:
           | I think bindurl and unbindurl would solve most of your
           | complaints: if you just want a few Tridactyl binds use
           | blacklistadd then `:bindurl [URL] --mode=ignore ...`; if you
           | want just a few webapp binds use `:unbindurl [URL] ...`.
           | There's also Ctrl-v in normal mode that lets you send one key
           | sequence to ignore mode - I use it on YouTube with `Ctrl-v f`
           | to toggle fullscreen. Ctrl-o works similarly but for normal
           | mode from ignore mode.
             | square_usual wrote:
             | Hey, awesome to get a reply from you! Thanks for all your
             | work on tridactyl, it's made life a lot easier!
               | bovine3dom wrote:
               | You're welcome, glad you like it!
               | I managed to get ctrl-o/v the wrong way round when I
               | first posted it, but I've fixed it now : )
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | On Firefox there's also Surfingkeys. I've been using that for
         | the last year or so. Can't remember the exact reason I switched
         | but it's been working well so far.
       | nodejs_rulez_1 wrote:
       | Now go fingerless on your smartphone. Oh, we make an exception
       | there do we?
         | toast0 wrote:
         | Physical keyboards on smart phones were glorious. Not all the
         | apps would let you go through fields using only the keyboard
         | (and some keyboards didn't have enough navigation keys,
         | anyway), but when it worked well, it worked well.
         | Sadly, it cost money to include a keyboard, so the race to the
         | bottom means you can't find them anymore. Just like real back
         | buttons.
         | sillyquiet wrote:
         | I think the snark is overboard, but I get what you are saying -
         | but I will defend the article in that it's a neat experiment
         | and it sort of highlights gaps in accessibility, like others in
         | the thread have noted.
         | However, my first computer was a Commodore 64 and I currently
         | have a Commodore 64 emulator I love playing around with - and
         | doing everything in keyboard commands is a pita for things like
         | word processors and spreadsheets even when you have the
         | shortcuts in muscle memory.
         | There's a reason the mouse was so successful.
       | CharlesW wrote:
       | For anyone considering doing this for speed reasons:
       |  _We've done a cool $50 million of R &D on the Apple Human
       | Interface. We discovered, among other things, two pertinent
       | facts:_
       |  _* Test subjects consistently report that keyboarding is faster
       | than mousing._
       |  _* The stopwatch consistently proves mousing is faster than
       | keyboarding._
       |  _This contradiction between user-experience and reality
       | apparently forms the basis for many user /developers' belief that
       | the keyboard is faster._
       | https://www.asktog.com/TOI/toi06KeyboardVMouse1.html
         | orzig wrote:
         | As with so many things, worth noting that 'people' vary widely
         | across every relevant spectrum, and I can't imagine that the
         | median hasn't also shifted since (checks notes) 1989 (!!!)
         | xyzzy123 wrote:
         | I wonder if this is due to the mouse requiring a sort of
         | constant attentional feedback loop as you look at the screen
         | and guide it where to go.
         | Even if it's subconscious and technically faster, or even an
         | illusion - I _feel_ like mouse is consuming more cognitive
         | resources.
         | The feedback loop with keyboard can feel quite different, in
         | flow it feels like you issue commands and look for immediate
         | response.
         | Also, when doing a _repetitive_ task you quickly pick up key
         | rhythms and patterns without needing prodigous memory to recall
         | every possible  "shortcut".
         | What I am not sure the user interface testing covered is making
         | users perform the same task 50 times per day.
         | I don't think that using keyboard to control mouse has the same
         | advantages as a keyboard-native interface.
           | strogonoff wrote:
           | The essence of the difference between keyboard and mouse
           | interfaces is simply that the mouse introduces that extra
           | mechanical layer between user's intent and internal APIs, but
           | offers the advantage of discoverability.
           | That advantage and disadvantage tradeoff heavily depends on
           | the nature of core functionality, how it's mapped to the UI
           | by the developer/designer, and user's overall experience and
           | familiarity with software.
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | I have been mouseless for over 30 years. (The office being the
         | exception but I still use it minimally.)
         | The issue is not speed, it's control. Precision, if you will. I
         | can automate repeated tasks with the keyboard. Doing that with
         | the mouse is beyond awkward; it's counterintuitive.
         | Mouse is for interaction. Keyboard is for automation.
         | (Obviously for some tasks, e.g., ones involving graphics, we
         | need a mouse.)
         | Is automation faster than interaction. You tell me. Try doing
         | everything your computer does by hand. I will give you $50
         | million for your efforts. Then report back with your
         | discoveries.
         | Generally no one (seriously) programs a computer exclusively
         | with a mouse. A keyboard is used. Surely, there must be a
         | reason for this.
         | Of course, the "tech" company model of the world needs users to
         | not be programmers. The mouse is taken as a signal "we have a
         | human on the line". Automation is taken as a signal "it's a
         | bot". Truly, the only significant difference between the two is
         | that it is far more difficult to manipulate, analyse and serve
         | ads to "bots" and charge advertisers money for it. Users who
         | can program the computer to automate tasks can escape online
         | advertising and tracking in ways that others cannot.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | > Generally no one (seriously) programs a computer with point
           | and click, drag or touch. A keyboard is used. Surely, there
           | must be a reason for this.
           | I certainly use a keyboard to program, but I also make good
           | use of my mouse (well, touchpad) for text selection, changing
           | windows, etc.
         | zck wrote:
         | This article also says:
         | > It takes two seconds to decide upon which special-function
         | key to press. Deciding among abstract symbols is a high-level
         | cognitive function. Not only is this decision not boring, the
         | user actually experiences amnesia! Real amnesia! The time-slice
         | spent making the decision simply ceases to exist.
         | That's not my experience at all. Once you learn a keyboard
         | shortcut, it doesn't take two seconds to recall it. Were his
         | tests on expert users, or on beginners?
           | Taylor_OD wrote:
           | Well it depends on how often you use it. There are a handful
           | of shortcuts I use... Once every other week? It certainly
           | takes me a second or two to remember exactly how to do it.
           | Even if I've used them on and off for years.
           | Sure ctrl z everyones got down. But what about alt k to kill
           | that one process in that one program you have to keep fixing
           | for that one client?
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | "Sure ctrl z everyones got down. "
             | Not really.
             | smoe wrote:
             | Sure, but one of my most commonly used keyboard short cuts
             | is the one that pops up a fuzzy search over all the
             | available actions/settings. Whereas with the mouse i have
             | to dig trough a ton of sub menus and often even have to
             | google to find what I want.
         | chaps wrote:
         | It takes two seconds to decide upon which special-function key
         | to press. Deciding among abstract symbols is a high-level
         | cognitive function. Not only is this decision not boring, the
         | user actually experiences amnesia! Real amnesia! The time-slice
         | spent making the decision simply ceases to exist.
         | Hmm. Not to be "that vim guy", but when those
         | navigation/search/etc become muscle memory, it's not really a
         | high level function anymore to do things like searching.. at
         | least in terms path decideability. The sort of amnesia they
         | talk about here happens to me whenever I need to pull my hands
         | away from the keyboard. Though, their study probably didn't
         | have that many opinionated text editor nerds.
         | intrepidhero wrote:
         | I can't find it just now but I thought there was a followup
         | study that looked only at operators familiar with the interface
         | and in that case the results were overwhelmingly in favor of
         | keyboarding (as most of us would expect).
       | accurateappL wrote:
       | I use tridactyl on firefox and it works very well.
       | arpa wrote:
       | I went readless on mobile. Text doesn't wrap, can't zoom out to
       | fit lines into view...
         | FelipeCortez wrote:
         | Sorry about that. I wrote the style sheet in a hurry and forgot
         | to test it on mobile, although zooming out worked for me.
         | auslegung wrote:
         | Same here, but I turned on reader mode on mobile Safari and was
         | able to read it
       | bartvk wrote:
       | Firefox has a neat trick to only search in links. Press '
       | (single-quote) and at the bottom, a text input field appears with
       | the hint "Quick find (links only)". Type two or three characters
       | will focus the link in question, just press enter to navigate.
         | janus24 wrote:
         | I'm using the US International keyboard mapping, to type ' I
         | have to type ' + space. The goal is to add the possibility to
         | wrote letters like e (' + e).
         | So this doesn't work for me and it doesn't seem possible to
         | change the shortcut on Firefox :(
           | jolmg wrote:
           | There's a variant of the US layout called altgr-intl where
           | instead of making ' a dead key you can do RightAlt-e for e.
           | pge wrote:
           | ctrl-shift will switch back and forth between selected
           | keyboards in windows, so you can keep the keyboard in ENG US
           | most of the time (allowing you to use the ' shortcut in
           | Firefox), and use ctrl-shift to switch to ENG INTL when
           | needed.
         | jbaber wrote:
         | Discovered this when some vim-like plugin failed. Realized it's
         | about 90% of the reason I was using a vim-like plugin.
           | thomasahle wrote:
           | I just tried using it when I realized I couldn't upvote your
           | comment as the link has no text.
           | Back to vimium.
             | dictum wrote:
             | Slightly more involved, but still serviceable:
             | - start typing the text on a link near the icon you want to
             | click (for this comment, `thomasa`...)
             | - then press Shift+Tab to highlight the previous link
           | nextos wrote:
           | Vimperator provided an incredible Vim-like experience for
           | Firefox.
           | Sadly, the transition to a new plugin architecture killed it
           | and Tridactyl doesn't come even close. Some things are not
           | possible with the new Firefox APIs, and many websites steal
           | keyboard focus thereby ruining the Vim-like experience.
           | Really frustrating.
           | tejohnso wrote:
           | I ditched my vim-like plugin when I realized I could ctrl-f,
           | ctrl-enter to follow links in chrome.
         | dagw wrote:
         | Wow, TIL. Thanks!
         | petepete wrote:
         | Thank you so much for this. Used it since more or less day one
         | and never knew about this feature.
         | globular-toast wrote:
         | This used to pair nicely with "/" which opens up the normal
         | quick search. Unfortunately this is broken on the "modern" web
         | as many web pages "helpfully" override the "/" key to make it
         | go to their search box which, of course, is not at all what
         | that key should do. There doesn't seem to be any way to stop
         | web pages stealing this key and I've slowly learnt to use the
         | comparatively clumsy "Ctrl+F" instead as I'm too scared to try
         | "/" now.
           | bennyp101 wrote:
           | Not sure if it's a feature or not, but setting the page
           | permissions for "Override keyboard shortcuts" still allows
           | '/' to work, but will disable 'esc' for closing the search
           | modal/popout - and as '/' is a keyboard shortcut, I have no
           | idea why it still lets the site take it over
           | stronglikedan wrote:
           | Heck, MDN themselves is even guilty of this. It's maddening.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28051562
           | Grumbledour wrote:
           | I wasn't even aware / was for quick search. I always used
           | Ctrl+F, which is incidentally much easier on my localized
           | keyboard. But trying it right now, I notice that / and Ctrl+F
           | opens different dialogs? One is called "Quick Find", the
           | other "Find in Page", with the latter offering additional
           | options, even though both seem to do the same thing? What is
           | up with that?
           | tintt wrote:
           | Interesting, up to this day I thought that browser search is
           | Cmd/Ctrl+F and webapp search is typically "/". I got used to
           | that to the point that I find it convenient.
           | swalladge wrote:
           | > Unfortunately this is broken on the "modern" web as many
           | web pages "helpfully" override the "/" key
           | Argh this kind of thing makes me really cross. So many sites
           | seem to feel the need to reimplement things that are already
           | part of most browsers or even in the spec. It's not just
           | overridng default shortcuts, but custom context/rightclick
           | menus, custom 'links' (where clicking them runs javascript
           | code to window.open, instead of being a real link), custom
           | form fields that advertise 'excellent accessibility', where
           | the fields would have been accessible anyway if they didn't
           | decide to reimplement them, disabling text selection,
           | overriding focus styles because the accessible styles 'look
           | ugly' ... the 'modern' web is pain.
           | Anyway, this wasn't going to be a rant. My point was going to
           | be that consistency is key. Your comment on '"Ctrl+F" instead
           | as I'm too scared to try "/" now' really resonated with me,
           | because I've thought about this before. I've found that a
           | feature or shortcut is only useful if it's consistent. I
           | can't build muscle memory or be confident using a feature if
           | it only works 90% of the time. Or even 99%.
           | I've tried tridacyl and other vim-style plugins for browsers
           | several times in the past, but always end up uninstalling
           | them in disappointment, because it's not possible to have a
           | consistent experience. 99% of the time it works perfectly,
           | but then there are the handful of sites or browser specific
           | pages (eg. about: or view-source:) where it doesn't work at
           | all, or doesn't work consistently so one must disable it.
           | Then muscle memory totally breaks; you need to learn two sets
           | of keybindings for the same context, and that introduces a
           | hesitation for every keypress, which kills speed and
           | enjoyment.
             | sseagull wrote:
             | I've always had in mind "you can't have simplicity without
             | consistency". Applies to user interfaces, code structure,
             | and APIs as well.
             | The more consistent something is, the less you have to
             | remember. But it can be really hard to do things
             | consistently for various reasons.
             | i_s wrote:
             | I mostly agree, but every now and then there is actually a
             | good reason to override/re-implement them. For example, let
             | us say you are using virtualized components [0], so all
             | available elements have not necessarily been rendered to
             | the DOM (making Control-F useless).
             | [0] - https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized
           | williamdclt wrote:
           | Special mentions to the github actions log output, which not
           | only overrides ctrl+f with their own search, but have a
           | completely broken search. Which means logs are unsearchable.
           | Thanks a lot.
             | tux3 wrote:
             | Does it open the browser search if you press ^F a second
             | time?
             | wging wrote:
             | Unless they're doing something wonky like hiding content
             | that is not in the viewport (thus reimplementing
             | scrolling), you may be able to work around that by using
             | ctrl-f from the URL bar, denying them the opportunity to
             | hijack ctrl-f. So ctrl-l ctrl-f.
             | MiddleEndian wrote:
             | A Firefox extension I want (or maybe I'll make one day)
             | would be one that prevents javascript from detecting any
             | key input while holding right ctrl or left ctrl
             | specifically.
         | nicholasjarr wrote:
         | Wow! One more reason to stick with Firefox. Thanks!
         | manaskarekar wrote:
         | Thanks, this is awesome. I totally expect to rely on this
         | feature after using it for a few weeks and expect Mozilla to
         | yank it out for usability reasons.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | I so forgot about this. Incredible.
       | fleaaaa wrote:
       | Vimium extension(I don't even use vim) and split keyboard
       | browsing experience is such a god-send to me, maybe I should
       | donate some to these dev..
       | ndand wrote:
       | My attempt to make a practical keyboard-driven cursor app for
       | Windows:
       | https://github.com/ndandoulakis/SlickCursor
       | alpb wrote:
       | For macOS, if you like Vimium, you'll like Vimac
       | https://vimacapp.com/ as well. It supersedes vimium but vimium is
       | still better while working in the browser context.
       | I'm also actively trying to go mouseless and Vimium+Vimac and
       | setting custom keybindings to move/click my mouse on my ZSA
       | Moonlander keyboard are currently helping me excellently.
       | In many cases, moving your hand to the mouse, finding the cursor,
       | moving it and clicking it is a lot slower than a keystroke combo
       | like F-SD.
       | enricozb wrote:
       | If you're on linux, consider trying a tiling wm like i3 [0] or
       | sway (wayland) [1]. New windows automatically place themselves in
       | a nice place and don't overlap. It's extremely (if not entirely)
       | keyboard driven and pretty configurable.
       | [0]: https://i3wm.org/
       | [1]: https://swaywm.org/
         | michaelcampbell wrote:
         | Last time I checked there was no equivalent to these, or any
         | sort of actual tiling manager in MacOS; is this still the case?
         | (For anyone to answer, if you know.)
           | ggm wrote:
           | https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai
           | bpanon wrote:
           | Amethyst is pretty good
             | samhh wrote:
             | I think that was replaced by Rectangle.
       | jchw wrote:
       | Whenever I _don't_ have a mouse, I notice. Immediately.
       | Been staying in hotels recently. The wifi login for IHG hotels
       | varies a bit, but often has either tabs or a checkbox that is not
       | keyboard accessible because it is not part of the focus order.
       | Obviously this sucks for people with disabilities, but it also
       | sucks for people with Android TV devices (in my case, a
       | Chromecast.) Now obviously, one of those things is more important
       | than the other (although unfortunately, I bet I know which
       | complaint would be more likely to lead to a change.)
       | So yeah, I've always got a bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo for
       | this reason. (It's a bit pricey, but a K830 works well.) It's a
       | bit sad that websites and apps are so careless with
       | accessibility, but unfortunately, for that reason, it's hard to
       | truly go mouseless. At least this page describes how to set up a
       | virtual mouse, because yeah, you're going to need it.
       | whall6 wrote:
       | Investment bankers are judged for using the mouse when using
       | excel. It's a rite of passage to be completely mouseless
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | I remember some finance dude handling excel like a korean gamer
         | playing starcraft, it was as exciting as humbling.
           | f00zz wrote:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xubbVvKbUfY
             | agumonkey wrote:
             | wrong link
         | 908B64B197 wrote:
         | Intern: Uses the mouse
         | Junior: TrackPoint
         | Senior: Keyboard Only
         | Partner: Has someone else use the computer
       | zerop wrote:
       | Same thing happened to me quite a while ago when my mouse didn't
       | work consistently and started exploring keyboard ways of doing
       | all work... and it did improve my keyboard shortcut awareness and
       | usages. I still use them... I feel that keystroke of older
       | keyboards was better than modern laptops. The key press was
       | longer and somehow I like it more than modern ones.
       | salamandersauce wrote:
       | Surprised there was no mention of using a tiling window manager
       | like Xmonad, RatPoison etc. That can really cut down on mice
       | usage.
         | HKH2 wrote:
         | Even just using shortcut keys to tile windows is better than
         | using a mouse.
       | matsemann wrote:
       | Using a Rollermouse, I never have to leave home-row when moving
       | the pointer, so not such a loss of time compared to a normal
       | mouse. The mouse-bar is just a centimeter off the space bar, so I
       | just move it around with my thumbs. Index+thumb if I need more
       | precision. No more elbow pain as well.
         | thom wrote:
         | This is what I liked about the old ThinkPad nipples. I would
         | still buy a laptop with that setup and no trackpad, tbh.
           | jbay808 wrote:
           | New ThinkPads still have these! They have trackpads too but
           | you can disable them in the bios to avoid accidental clicks.
             | thom wrote:
             | Yeah I just genuinely want the option of no touchpad at
             | all, the much loved X200 was the last mode that offered
             | this.
       | Koshkin wrote:
       | I use text-mode links whenever I can, works great (even on
       | Windows [0]).
       | [0] http://links.twibright.com/download/binaries/win32/
       | anthk wrote:
       | Doable with cwm (window manager with being everything manageable
       | with a keyboard), st (pick any terminal here), tmux (better than
       | spawning lots of terminals) and vimb (keybindings based web
       | browser, but you can use the mouse if you want too) under
       | BSD/Linux.
       | It helps against RSI.
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | For me, the key to "mouseless" is going to be the Tex Shinobi[0].
       | I haven't quite worked up the confidence to buy one yet
       | (partially because current mechanical keyboard still works
       | frustratingly well), but I look forwards to the day I could get
       | something like this for TrackPoint synergy across all my typing
       | surfaces.
       | [0] https://tex.com.tw/products/shinobi
       | nathan_phoenix wrote:
       | If you're using MacOS and are looking for system-wide Vimium,
       | checkout out Vimac[1]. Works really well!
       | [1]: https://github.com/dexterleng/vimac
         | hultner wrote:
         | I tried it about a year back and it was missing to much back
         | then to be usable day to day for me. Took a look again now and
         | it does look like there's a lot of improvements, will have to
         | give it another go.
         | spfzero wrote:
         | This looks cool, especially hint mode. Wondering what scroll
         | mode adds though, compared to just using the existing Mac OS
         | shortcuts (or Pg Up/Pg Dn)
       | Aromasin wrote:
       | I've used the ZSA Moonlander (https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/) as
       | my main driver for the past 6 months, except I've replaced the
       | right hand thumb pad with a custom mouse mod. I basically pulled
       | the electronics from a Logitec trackball mouse and machined a
       | casing for it to clip to the keyboard once the thumb buttons are
       | removed.
       | It's been wonderful. I'm reaching the stage where I'm just as
       | dexterous now with my thumb as I was with my regular mouse, and
       | my right hand isn't constantly searching for the home row when I
       | return to type. I can't recommend it enough.
         | mariusor wrote:
         | The guys at Ultimate Hacking Keyboard have a trackball
         | module[1] for their split keyboard that uses the same idea.
         | [1] https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com/product/trackball
         | sithadmin wrote:
         | As a fellow Moonlander user, I'd love to see a write-up of what
         | you did.
         | fullyforged wrote:
         | This sounds really interesting! Do you have photos/a link to
         | share?
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | It's a lot easier with a touchscreen.
       | swader999 wrote:
       | What I want is a very small thumb trackball mouse that I can
       | stick right in the middle of my truly ergonomic cleave keyboard.
         | darnir wrote:
         | The Ultimate Hackers Keyboard has exactly that as a module you
         | can attach to the keyboard.
           | swader999 wrote:
           | It does it does! Very tempted.
       | taxcoder wrote:
       | Thanks for the keynav pointer. I switched from a mouse to a
       | trackball due to shoulder pain, and it has really helped. Still,
       | anytime I can use the keyboard instead of the mouse it makes me
       | happy.
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | I'm at a courthouse, their software is web based and it's so
       | horrendously inefficient. They tried to make a few keybindings
       | but it's mostly mouse driven. Not even Enter to submit the main
       | form. Gah. Lead dev please remember how fast a keyboard is and
       | how important it is to go swift on simple jobs duties. Ergonomy
       | and efficiency.
       | alkonaut wrote:
       | A mouse or trackpad is a 2D input device. Unless you have a 2D
       | input problem (dragging nodes in a graph, drawing a free form
       | curve, selecting a point on a map...) then it was never the right
       | tool to begin with.
       | Navigating discrete UI elements or making simple UI actions of
       | the kind that can be mapped to keyboard input - that's easily
       | doable with a keyboard. Occasionally it's just a tad harder with
       | keyboard than with mouse (web pages are notoriously useless with
       | keyboard) but it's _possible_.
       | I wouldn't last a day without going crazy without a mouse though.
       | People who say they have gone mouseless also seem to argue they
       | have zero 2D input and basically use text and ignore all other
       | workloads. That's not exactly solving the problem (not that I
       | think it can be solved any better than just using a mouse!)
         | CharlesW wrote:
         | > _Unless you have a 2D input problem..._
         | Are not most GUIs are a 2D input mechanism?
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | Sort of (depends on terminology): A form is a set of controls
           | laid out in 2D. But they are ordered and discrete so you can
           | just ignore their positioning in x,y and instead navigate in
           | their order instead (e.g tabbing through controls) making it
           | a 1D input!
           | By "2D input" in this context I mean input where there isn't
           | also such a navigation option and you _must_ input one or
           | more coordinates and there is no way to enter the coordinates
           | as numbers. For example the input surface (image) in a
           | drawing program like Microsoft paint.
             | auggierose wrote:
             | Random access vs. sequential access. Guess which one is
             | more efficient?
           | arksingrad wrote:
           | It depends on the GUI.
           | For photo editing, the interactions with the photo directly
           | require fine control in two dimensions with the cursor.
           | Many GUIs are just interfaces to modal switches, or a
           | categorical variable with usually a finite number of options.
           | enriquto wrote:
           | yes. But text UIs are, arguably, infinite-dimensional
           | (because language is). Thus a 2D input problem is a severely
           | limited particular case, that allows for very specific and
           | useful optimizations helped by a mouse, pad or trackball.
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | Keyboard is faster when instructing the computer for actions that
       | you execute all the time. For situations where it's practical to
       | learn a keyboard input, it's great.
       | Where this interface paradigm breaks down are in contexts where
       | the input is novel. Keyboard shortcuts and commands have a
       | discoverability problem that has not been commonly solved in way
       | that makes them faster than the mouse for new/rare users.
       | cle wrote:
       | Take care of your hands. I went on a crusade to go mouseless a
       | few years ago, and eventually it resulted in RSI from typing so
       | much. Focus on your posture, take breaks, stretch your hands and
       | fingers, get an ergonomic keyboard, etc.
       | An under-appreciated benefit of using a mouse (as a programmer)
       | is that it "switches things up" on your hands so that you aren't
       | doing the same repetitive motions all day long. You can be
       | marginally faster with a mouseless workflow, but you're
       | definitely not very productive when you can't type for months due
       | to RSI.
         | cainxinth wrote:
         | My computer-related RSI prevention tips:
         | Get separate mouse and keyboard wrist rests.
         | Use a vertical mouse instead of a traditional one.
         | Use more than one type of mousing device and switch up from
         | time to time. Graphic tablets with digital pens take some
         | getting used to but are excellent.
         | Look up RSI forearm stretches and take breaks to stretch your
         | arms and hands for a few moments at least every few hours. I'm
         | also a big fan of gyro ball exercisers.
         | Get an ergonomic chair with movable arm rests that can keep
         | your arms at around the same height as the desk your working
         | at.
           | jxramos wrote:
           | I second the alternation idea, I have something like 4 input
           | devices I alternate between to "spread the load" across
           | different limbs and body parts. People experiment with
           | different keyboard layouts too that basically remap the
           | characters to different keys on the keyboard.
           | * roller mouse * left hand vertical mouse * right hand
           | vertical mouse * trackpad * foot pedal
           | treeman79 wrote:
           | Started having severe wrist pain 20 year ago. I got a bean
           | bag wrist pad. No pain ever so long as I use bran bag ones.
           | Comes back quick without.
       | nikivi wrote:
       | I do similar but on mac and using Safari.
       | https://github.com/televator-apps/vimari is great for this.
       | So is Karabiner (https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz/macos/macos-
       | apps/karabiner) to map opening apps to two keys.
       (page generated 2021-08-04 23:01 UTC)