[HN Gopher] Lisp in an "impossible" language, the most complex M...
       Lisp in an "impossible" language, the most complex Malbolge program
       to date
       Author : palaiologos
       Score  : 212 points
       Date   : 2021-08-03 11:44 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | Thomashuet wrote:
       | This interpreter was obviously not written by hand, the author
       | has likely written a compiler from a sane language to malbolge
       | and used it to obtain this result. It would be much more
       | interesting to see the source for this compiler to malbolge or
       | have an explanation of how it works.
         | poizan42 wrote:
         | A C compiler that can output Malbolge (among many other
         | esolangs) can be found at https://github.com/shinh/elvm - dunno
         | if it has any relation to this work.
         | Note that the Malbolge (or rather LMAO/HeLL) backend was added
         | back in July 2019, so I'm not so sure about their claim that
         | "It's as of 2020 and 2021, the most advanced, usable Malbolge
         | program ever created."
         | palaiologos wrote:
         | Basically, my toolchain is built on two separate projects. The
         | first one is a low level assembler (that lays out code on
         | instruction cycles, handles restoring things, etc.. -
         | generally, very similar to how Malbolge works, except with the
         | incredibly annoying parts such as manually encrypting the code
         | or finding instruction cycles is), and the second one is a high
         | level assembler.
         | I used my existing project called asm2bf:
         | https://github.com/kspalaiologos/asmbf (feel free to check it
         | out), as a base for the high level assembler. And the original
         | Lisp has been written in a tweaked version of it.
         | Once I was done, I optimised the high level version, and then
         | took the asm2bf compiler output and did a few optimisations
         | manually on it (everything that my peephole optimisation didn't
         | catch).
           | [deleted]
       | linkfee wrote:
       | Interesting deep-drive into this part of esolangs, I like the
       | mathematic look on it
       | Jerrrry wrote:
       | transpiled, boring
         | lucrtz wrote:
         | what do you mean? it's a lisp interpreter, not a transpiler.
           | [deleted]
           | lucrtz wrote:
           | Also of course this was not written entirely by hand, but
           | with a toolchain as the author says somewhere else, it's not
           | exactly feasible to write this by hand.
             | Jerrrry wrote:
             | exactly, but this audience knows anything can be trivially
             | transpiled to any turing-complete language regardless of
             | the "difficulty" of the language once basic operators are
             | established.
             | the entire sadistic point of the esoteric exercise is to
             | dwell in the agony of unaccomplishment, not roll it up
             | using a toolchain.
               | palaiologos wrote:
               | I think that you never touched Malbolge yourself.
               | > anything can be trivially transpiled to any turing-
               | complete language regardless of the "difficulty" of the
               | language once basic operators are established
               | Yes! It already was. There exists the Nagoya toolchain
               | which I'm aware of, but it's generated code simply is too
               | inefficient and unstable (from my testing) to be ran on
               | contemporary machines. To write efficient Malbolge
               | programs, like I just did, you'd need to implement a good
               | chunk of "basic" operations in Malbolge (or, for the
               | record, low level assembly which maps really well to
               | Malbolge itself).
               | > the entire sadistic point of the esoteric exercise is
               | to dwell in the agony of unaccomplishment, not roll it up
               | using a toolchain.
               | It's easy to program assembly, it's hard to write a
               | compiler that targets good assembly. As humans we've been
               | striving to make good compilers for ages, yet still we're
               | not even close. So, I'd say, the fact that I made it
               | _using_ a toolchain makes it even more impressive.
               | > this audience knows anything can be trivially
               | transpiled to any turing-complete language
               | This is the definition of Turing-completeness and I'd be
               | surprised if this audience didn't know it. But I wouldn't
               | be so sure about it being trivial. Two questions:
               | 1) How do you "obviously" target cyclic tag systems and
               | the Rule 110 automation?
               | 2) How do you make it efficient? If we assume the
               | simplest way of transpiling, we'll get nowhere near
               | _actual usability_ (to some degree) which MalbolgeLisp
               | exhibits.
               | yladiz wrote:
               | Who are you to be the gatekeeper of what is or isn't an
               | acceptable way to use Malbolge, or any esoteric language?
               | isoprophlex wrote:
               | Could you be a little bit less condescending? Simply
               | don't upvote if you think this is trivial or crap
               | content.
               | In any case this definitely feeds my intellectual
               | curiosity. Even if it's indeed trivial to transpile
               | between languages, I have zero idea how to go about
               | that... and besides, I for one always love reading about
               | Malbolge.
       | srpablo wrote:
       | Finally! A Lisp that lets me also interop with the Malbolge
       | ecosystem!
       | jk jk, super cool
       | razetime wrote:
       | _Obviously_ someone decided to program in a literal line noise
       | language.
         | roywiggins wrote:
         | The difficulty is less in the line noise and more that creating
         | Malbolge programs is more of an exercise in cryptanalysis than
         | programming.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | Looking like line noise is pretty standard for esolangs,
         | especially amongst the brainfuck variants and functional turing
         | tarpits (unlambda, jot).
       | default-kramer wrote:
       | From the linked Wikipedia article
       | > In the soap opera General Hospital, Colonel Sanders of KFC
       | makes a guest appearance because someone is trying to kill him to
       | obtain the secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices. He knows
       | Malbolge and is able to disarm the destruct sequence.
       | I didn't realize General Hospital was willing to get this silly.
       | Kudos to the KFC marketing team though; they do some outrageous
       | stuff.
       | https://twitter.com/generalhospital/status/10153849081921904...
         | aasasd wrote:
         | I mean, GH's first, and so far only, TV run is from April 1,
         | 1963 to the present day. I guess they wanted to spice things up
         | at some point.
         | chris_st wrote:
         | Also worth a look, the KFConsole:
         | https://landing.coolermaster.com/kfconsole/
         | qw3rty01 wrote:
         | They also made a colonel sanders dating sim:
         | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I_Love_You_Colone...
           | spicybright wrote:
           | Not to mention the marketing in the tv show Community! This
           | was a very good episode too, surprisingly.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcjW6maPJko
       | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
       | >> Do you want your code featured? Please open a pull request.
       | I'll have to keep an eye on that repository. I would like to be
       | the first to know when, inevitably, someone makes a pull request
       | for a Malbolge Unshackled interpreter written in MalbolgeLisp.
       | jerf wrote:
       | That is like... ENIAC levels of performance. I want to say at
       | least the interpreter has more RAM available to it than an ENIAC
       | would, but I'm not sure enough of how malbolge works to be sure
       | about that!
       | On behalf of the HN gestalt, I award this program the official
       | Hacker News Bloatiest Bloat award for 2021. HN commentators are
       | now invited to derail the perennial bloat arguments with constant
       | observations that "At least it's not as bloated as that Lisp
       | interpreter written in Malbolge."
       | SIGBOVIK also take note.
         | bitwize wrote:
         | > HN commentators are now invited to derail the perennial bloat
         | arguments with constant observations that "At least it's not as
         | bloated as that Lisp interpreter written in Malbolge."
         | OTOH, the Electron team now has a new KPI. Whoops, did I just
         | say that out loud!
       | brundolf wrote:
       | For years I've wanted a video game that lets you play the part of
       | a wizard in the D&D sense: painstakingly decoding the threads of
       | arcane reality, looking for ways they can be utilized. This
       | always sort of felt adjacent to code, but of course code isn't
       | very hard to figure out and being able to freely command the game
       | world via anything like normal code would quickly become
       | overpowered and uninteresting
       | But now I'm imagining some sort of Malbolge-based magic system
       | (ascii characters mapped to runic symbols for flavor, of course),
       | where getting it to do the simplest of tasks really is an
       | accomplishment
         | aasasd wrote:
         | There are multiple text adventure games where you have to
         | figure out the game's mechanics before you can do anything, and
         | of course you can't just wave the mouse around and click on
         | some targets.
         | E.g. (I myself haven't gotten around to any of them):
         | For a Change https://ifdb.org/viewgame?id=t61i5akczyblx2zd
         | Bad Machine https://ifdb.org/viewgame?id=3a9rb059miw9fc9h
         | Counterfeit Monkey
         | https://ifdb.org/viewgame?id=aearuuxv83plclpl
         | This is somewhat similar to the game 0x10c, where apparently a
         | virtual computer was to be one of the central features, and you
         | would use it to do advanced stuff. But, echoing your sentiment,
         | the author said that it's not fun and dropped the project:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0x10c
         | xaedes wrote:
         | If you are into this you might want to check out the Wizardry
         | book series by Rick Cook:
         | "It all began when the wizards of the White League were under
         | attack by their opponents of the Black League and one of their
         | most powerful members cast a spell to bring forth a mighty
         | wizard to aid their cause. What the spell delivered was master
         | hacker Walter "Wiz" Zumwalt. The wizard who cast the spell was
         | dead and nobody-- not the elves, not the dwarves, not even the
         | dragons--could figure out what the shanghaied computer nerd was
         | good for.
         | But spells are a lot like computer programs, and, in spite of
         | the Wiz's unprepossessing appearance, he was going to defeat
         | the all-powerful Black League, win the love of a beautiful red-
         | haired witch, and prove that when it comes to spells and
         | sorcery, nobody but nobody can beat a Silicon Valley computer
         | geek!"
       | capableweb wrote:
       | > Malbolge Unshackled - Malbolge Unshackled is a dialect of
       | Malbolge from 2007 by Orjan Johansen. It attempts to remove the
       | arbitrary memory limits of Malbolge in order to create a language
       | that is hopefully Turing complete, while keeping closely to the
       | spirit of Malbolge in most ways.
       | > Malbolge - Malbolge, invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998, is an
       | esoteric programming language designed to be as difficult to
       | program in as possible. The first "Hello, world!" program written
       | in it was produced by a Lisp program using a local beam search of
       | the space of all possible programs. More practical programming
       | methods have been found later. It is modelled as a virtual
       | machine based on ternary digits.
       | Seems like a lot of fun to try to program a lisp in these
       | languages, although I'm nowhere near as crazy as the author to
       | actually sit down and do it. Kudos author!
         | pmoriarty wrote:
         | _" an esoteric programming language designed to be as difficult
         | to program in as possible"_
         | As difficult to program in as possible?
         | It seems like it would be easy to make a language that is even
         | more difficult to program in.
         | For example, instead of storing only ternary numbers in memory,
         | each subsequent memory address could store a number in a
         | different base.
         | Also, instead of having a static lookup table for the
         | encryption, it could create a table based on its own program
         | representation instead, resulting in a different lookup table
         | for every program (while remaining deterministic).
         | Speaking of determinism, all sorts of non-determinism could of
         | course be easily added to the language, making it even harder
         | to program.
         | Naturally, all sorts of complex mathematical operations could
         | be used instead of simple arithmetic operations as well...
         | etc..
         | I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for any creative programmer
         | to tweak this language in many other ways to make it harder to
         | program.
         | In fact, after a certain language complexity is reached, I'm
         | not sure how one would judge that one "extremely difficult"
         | language is actually harder to program in than another, making
         | the claim that a given language is "as difficult to program as
         | possible" hard to prove.
           | jerf wrote:
           | It's no trick to make something so hard that it's impossible.
           | It's riding the line that is interesting.
           | Clearly, in the direction that Malbolge is hard, it is very
           | nearly maximally hard. A LISP interpreter of this kind is, in
           | general, not _that_ hard. There are some conceptual
           | challenges to implementation, but once your brain has
           | absorbed those, it 's not hard to implement. It's generally
           | considered to be a good student project. Many people use it
           | as a "hello world" program when learning a new language. Yet
           | it took a decade+ to pop up. Much harder and you're not going
           | to get anything, ever.
           | Presumably, there are other directions that you could make
           | programming hard in.
             | pmoriarty wrote:
             | _" Many people use it as a "hello world" program when
             | learning a new language. Yet it took a decade+ to pop up."_
             | I'm sure this was largely due to not many people even
             | bothering to try to write such a program.
             | If Malbolge had as many users as, say, Java, I'm sure a
             | hello world would have been written pretty quickly --
             | especially if these users were as motivated to write
             | Malbolge programs as they are to write Java programs now.
             | Not to say that programming in Malbolge is not insanely
             | hard, but I'm not convinced that a more difficult language
             | would be impossible to program in.
             | Have any legendary programmers like John Carmack, Fabrice
             | Bellard, Ken Thompson, Peter Norvig, Xavier Leroy, or Simon
             | Peyton Jones spent much time trying to come up with
             | Malbolge programs? I doubt it. If they did, would we have
             | had a Malbolge hello world a lot sooner? Almost certainly.
             | One of the main difficulties of esoteric programming
             | languages is getting people to actually spend any
             | significant amount of time trying to program in them. Most
             | people just don't care. Get them to care and there'll be a
             | lot more programs written in them.
               | ollran wrote:
               | Esoteric programming languages are usually created to
               | bend the boundaries of programming language design or
               | prove something, not to be actually used to write
               | software. It is hacker culture.
       | crystaln wrote:
       | Why is there human attention focused on this at this point in
       | time?
       | daniel-thompson wrote:
       | I would like to know what techniques the author used to build the
       | interpreter. Was it done by hand? Was it semi-automated?
       | The reason I ask is, the Wikipedia article mentions the extreme
       | difficulty of writing even a simple Hello World program (to the
       | point where a brute-force automated search was required to "find"
       | one).. a working Lisp interpreter seems to me to be many orders
       | of magnitude more difficult than that.
         | Sharlin wrote:
         | I believe writing Malbolge programs became easier (in a very
         | relative sense) once Lou Scheffer published his cryptanalysis
         | (!) of the language (specifically, the instruction encryption
         | scheme) in 2004. [1][2]
         | [1] https://esolangs.org/wiki/Malbolge_programming
         | [2] http://www.lscheffer.com/malbolge.shtml
           | palaiologos wrote:
           | Lou Scheffer's cryptanalysis is still fairly shallow. It
           | seems like Lou themselves weren't too sure about Malbolge's
           | capabilities (see below); their website remains mostly
           | theoretical the entire time.
           | > The day that someone writes, in Malbolge, a program that
           | simply copies its input to it's output, is the day my hair
           | spontaneously turns green. It's the day that elephants are
           | purple and camels fly, and a cow can fit through a needle's
           | eye.
             | boomer_joe wrote:
             | Given the amount of time people spent trying to implement
             | something interesting in Malbolge (unshackled), I would
             | also be very interested in a detailed explanation, perhaps
             | a blog post, of how you achieved this.
             | Otherwise I am inclined to believe that this must be the
             | result of exploiting a loophole, perhaps the interpreter
             | not implementing the malbolge specification or something.
               | palaiologos wrote:
               | You're free to run this with alternative Malbolge
               | Unshackled interpreters to verify it (although you'd
               | probably be better off using an optimised one, that fixes
               | to some rotation width - otherwise the code will be
               | orders of magnitude slower).
       | Causality1 wrote:
       | Why add clickbait bullshit like "impossible" to the title? The
       | article title is _A lightweight (150MB) Lisp interpreter in
       | Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete
       | programming language._
       | That should be the submission title, per HN rules.
         | ElijahLynn wrote:
         | The title definitely does seem like click bait to me, as I went
         | to the source and looked for where it said that and it does say
         | that the Malbolge language (a Lisp dialect) is "almost
         | impossible to use". Does that mean that Common Lisp is
         | "impossible"? No, it doesn't, therefore that is why I think the
         | title is click bait.
         | > Malbolge is a public domain esoteric programming language. It
         | was specifically designed to be almost impossible to use, via a
         | counter-intuitive 'crazy operation', trinary arithmetic, and
         | self-modifying code.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | It's in quotes, which I think is appropriate as Malboge is
         | designed to be extremely cumbersome if not impossible to build
         | practical programs in.
         | kibwen wrote:
         | HN limits post titles to 80 characters and your proposed title
         | is 44 characters too long, so it's reasonable to abbreviate
         | "often dubbed the hardest Turing-complete programming language"
         | to something like "'impossible' language".
         | lucrtz wrote:
         | Since you referred to the HN rules, i think your comments
         | itself could fall under:
         | "Be kind. Don't be snarky. [...]"
         | (you could have phrased this like "i'd have preferred if the
         | author didn't use clickbaity terms and instead used (...)")
         | "Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of
         | what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to criticize.
         | Assume good faith."
         | (you interpreted the "impossible" as something done for
         | attention grabbing, while it's quite clearly simply a shorter
         | and more interesting way to say very difficult)
         | "Eschew flamebait. Avoid unrelated controversies and generic
         | tangents."
         | palaiologos wrote:
         | Malbolge has been considered theoretically impossible to
         | program for a longer time; a Lisp interpreter in Malbolge is a
         | big breakthrough in Malbolge's history which proves that in
         | reality, Malbolge isn't really "impossible" :) - hence I
         | wouldn't call it a clickbait. Also, the title you proposed is
         | exactly 45 bytes too long, so I couldn't submit it.
         | In fact, many relatively credible places I've seen, like my
         | national-language Wikipedia use the word "impossible" - I just
         | want to break the myth :).
         | BTW: In the rules, I can only see "Please don't do things to
         | make titles stand out, like using uppercase or exclamation
         | points, or saying how great an article is. It's implicit in
         | submitting something that you think it's important." - I don't
         | think my submissions breaks this rule (please let me know if it
         | does!). To adress the other point, the original title/name is
         | in the README (and it's MalbolgeLisp v1.1, or the repo name, as
         | you wish - malbolge-lisp), not in the Github description. I
         | felt like it's not descriptive enough and might be misleading
         | (since you could interpret it as a malbolge interpeter _in_
         | lisp).
           | ElijahLynn wrote:
           | Would this title be an improvement?
           | > Malbolge Lisp is an "almost impossible" language, ...
           | Causality1 wrote:
           | From the HN guidelines:
           |  _Otherwise please use the original title, unless it is
           | misleading or linkbait; don 't editorialize._
             | lucrtz wrote:
             | Being a github project one could argue the title of the
             | post should have been the repository description, which is
             | too long for HN's limit, unless you expect people to change
             | their repository descriptions just so they fit on hacker
             | news i think it's fair to "editorialize" the title.
       | BlissWaves wrote:
       | What a pointless endeavour
         | shaunxcode wrote:
         | pointless endeavor; a what?
         | YorickPeterse wrote:
         | Yeah, how dare people have some fun trying to implement a Lisp
         | in an esoteric language. They should be ashamed!
       | shaunxcode wrote:
       | lisp finds a way.
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | Why do I need to download a 7z file to view the source code?
         | palaiologos wrote:
         | The source code is 150 megabytes, so you wouldn't be able to
         | read it without downloading it either way.
         | It compresses well (down to, if i remember correctly, 3
         | megabytes), so this is the preferred way of distributing the
         | program.
           | Null-Set wrote:
           | Git will compress the objects it stores, so checking in
           | compressed objects is usually redundant.
             | spijdar wrote:
             | That may be so, but GitHub has an individual file limit of
             | 100MB, and practically speaking, most people don't
             | want/expect to open a 150 MB text file in their browsers,
             | so I think this is a good compromise (though it might be
             | worth being extra clear in the readme that the malbolge
             | source is in the archive)
               | palaiologos wrote:
               | Quoting the readme: > What is inside the zip file? > The
               | release bundle includes interpreter binaries [...].
               | malbolgelisp-v1.1.mb is the source code for the
               | interpreter.
               | spijdar wrote:
               | The way I parsed that when I first read it, I took it to
               | mean that the filename of the lisp interpreter was
               | "malbolgelisp-v1.1.mb" and was somewhere else in the
               | repo, not in the 7zip archive with the interpreter
               | binaries. I see what it means now, but the two ideas felt
               | disjointed on my first reading.
             | masklinn wrote:
             | > Git will compress the objects it stores
             | Only when they get packed, and it doesn't exactly help when
             | github will reject individual objects larger than 100MB
             | inflated.
           | globular-toast wrote:
           | Thanks for the answer. No thanks to the >= 3 people who
           | decided to downvote my question.
       | ElijahLynn wrote:
       | This title seems misleading, the actual quote is:
       | > Malbolge is a public domain esoteric programming language. It
       | was specifically designed to be almost impossible to use, via a
       | counter-intuitive 'crazy operation', trinary arithmetic, and
       | self-modifying code.
         | lucrtz wrote:
         | Yes and as many other people have said in this thread, that's
         | why impossible is between quotes.
         | After all if it were truly impossible do you think someone
         | could have written anything in it?
       (page generated 2021-08-04 23:01 UTC)