[HN Gopher] Launch HN: Arengu (YC S21) - Frictionless Signup Flows
       Launch HN: Arengu (YC S21) - Frictionless Signup Flows
       Hi HN, we're Jacobo, Sergio & Pablo, founders of Arengu
       (https://www.arengu.com). We let you build cutting-edge signup
       flows as Airbnb, Stripe, or Slack for your SaaS, without dedicating
       a full engineering team.  Building an application requires coding
       boring flows like signup, logins, payments, and waiting lists. As
       applications grow, more complex flows are required, and most of the
       time they can only be edited by engineering teams. If something
       breaks, sometimes it takes time to notice. Measuring where users
       drop off can be tricky. Growth and marketing teams want autonomy to
       sign up users in landing pages, test new flows and get insights
       into what performs better.  At our previous jobs, we were
       constantly asked by clients to customize the signup, adding logic
       or integrations. We didn't find a good solution to cover the UI and
       custom logic with APIs other than coding from scratch. So we built
       a low-code platform, suitable for non-engineering teams, where you
       can build all the UI and integrations with a visual interface. Then
       you embed the flow in your site where you want it to appear with
       just a line of code.  Key features include: email or phone
       verification with OTPs; Stripe integration to enroll users in trial
       subscriptions; rate limiting to avoid spam or brute force attacks;
       approvals to build a waiting list and manually approve or reject
       signups; analytics events to track any user interaction with your
       flows; native integrations to send data back and forth between us
       and your apps; custom HTML/JS to extend your flows' capabilities.
       We make money based on the volume of submissions you have per month
       or based on product capabilities (eg. adding payment flows in your
       signup).  Watch our product intro video
       (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go_Dxbj0Jdo) or if you scroll down
       our homepage (https://www.arengu.com) to "Try a sign-up flow demo"
       you can see what the product looks like to the end-user and play
       around - it's not to sign up to Arengu :P. There are more demos for
       every of the common use cases we have (https://www.arengu.com/use-
       cases).  We would love to get feedback about your experience
       building signups flows: painful parts (eg. UI, logic, security,
       etc), complex flows (eg. KYC, OTPs, data verification, etc);
       anything you would like to share with us, or if you think we can
       help you, feel free to reach out at jacobo [at] arengu.com :)
       Author : jacobovidal
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2021-08-06 13:12 UTC (9 hours ago)
       | usbfingers wrote:
       | Tried the demo and got stuck at the Stripe payment step and hit
       | the error "Provided API Key is wrong".
       | That said, this is a desperately needed product for small teams.
       | Was considering building something like this as a SaaS for the
       | last couple years. A small team I was apart of spent multiple
       | sprints mulling over onboarding tweaks for our users involving
       | all these components.
       | If it's not already a feature or being worked on, please consider
       | making template Q&A flows that can plop users in a bucket. It's
       | often asked for right before or after signup and is a relatively
       | big lift to keep building over and over.
       | Looks great and good luck!
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | Thank you very much for the feedback! Yes, we see the pain on
         | small teams and also on big companies with complex flows or
         | when they want to scale user acquisition.
         | Can you provide an example of the template Q&A flows? You mean
         | the onboarding screens?
         | Btw, we've just fixed the API key for the payment flow, thanks
         | for reporting :P
           | usbfingers wrote:
           | https://www.noom.com/#/survey/basicHealthGoal
           | https://www.lemonade.com/onboarding/1
           | So many signups now involve taking a small survey that will
           | sort you into a some cohort. Lots of times, this is required
           | prior to even entering an email or password. Making this
           | process easy, or having a template with predefined dynamic
           | questions and answer flows (even if they're fake and meant to
           | be changed) would be super helpful and solve a whole
           | engineering effort in one fell swoop.
             | jacobovidal wrote:
             | This is really helpful! Thank you very much.
       | heckerhut wrote:
       | Trying the demo, the page is too wide for my phone, resulting in
       | horizontal scrolling (Safari)
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | Thanks for reporting it!
           | mbforbes wrote:
           | I wrote a tutorial for fixing this issue, in case it might
           | help: https://maxwellforbes.com/posts/fixing-mobile-page-
           | layouts
       | mritchie712 wrote:
       | What's behind the name Arengu?
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | Arengu means development in estonian language. The funny part
         | is we're spanish and we're based in Spain :P
       | colinplamondon wrote:
       | Holy crap you guys are awesome. I've brought this idea up with
       | all my entrepreneur friends, everyone's surprised it hasn't been
       | built. Super slick, flexible implementation.
       | The onboarding was smooth, and made it clear how feature-filled
       | the debugging experience is.
       | Don't have a use case for this personally right now (iOS /
       | Android apps only, native code), but will definitely use in the
       | future. Congrats on the launch.
       | Really a tremendous accomplishment. I hope you guys are proud as
       | hell of what you've built.
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | Thank you very much for your kind words! Feel free to reach me
         | out when you have a use case, I would love to help :)
       | dopeboy wrote:
       | Love the energy going into this problem space. I've been using a
       | competitor (https://clerk.dev/) and excited to check Argengu out
       | too.
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback!
       | masa331 wrote:
       | Building a sign-up/sign-in flows takes like a two hours at most
       | for me with the frameworks i'm fluent with. And i can tweak
       | anything and everything exactly to the product needs. I don't get
       | why would anybody want to be dependent with such elementary thing
       | on some external provider AND pay for it.
       | But i know people trying to outsource everything whats possible,
       | i see this trend getting stronger and stronger, so perhaps it can
       | get a lot of clients. Good luck anyways.
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | I get your point and yes, a basic sign-up or login flow can
         | take a few hours to code using a framework. But when you start
         | adding features like OTPs, social login with account linking,
         | conditional logic, data validation, 3rd party widgets to verify
         | identity or link bank accounts, automations to send a welcome
         | email, store the data in your CRM, etc. And as you grow, more
         | things come up and that's when this starts to get messy and
         | most of the time you regret reinventing the wheel.
           | masa331 wrote:
           | I think only the welcome email is really valuable to have
           | from all the things you listed. And if you can't handle few
           | ifs within your sign in logic... good luck with your business
           | logic.
       | runako wrote:
       | Congratulations on the launch! This looks really awesome, and I
       | plan to try it out for a project I am working on.
       | A feature request: I would absolutely love to have something like
       | Arengu that also handles the rest of the boilerplate SaaS stack.
       | Key is a branded user portal with a billing area (I should just
       | give it my Stripe keys and let it generate the screens);
       | user/team management, etc.
       | To give an example: if you click your avatar in the top right of
       | a Github page, I would like to outsource all of those pages. (How
       | would that work? I would provide APIs and then have some kind of
       | page builder in Arengu that would display the data & handle user
       | input. So for example if I were Github, I would have an endpoint
       | that would return JSON for the repositories for a user, and
       | Arengu would display github.com/$USER?tab=repositories. There
       | could also be API contracts where my API essentially returns the
       | HTML for part of the page.) Basically -- use your front-end
       | builder to reduce the front-end code I need to write & manage.
         | jacobovidal wrote:
         | This is a really interesting use case. If you use Stripe, you
         | can use the Stripe Customer Portal to allow your users to
         | handle subscriptions, update users' information, billing
         | details, etc: https://www.arengu.com/tutorials/passwordless-
         | authentication...
         | Anyway, there are many boilerplate SaaS blocks that might make
         | sense to explore for Arengu, but currently we're focused on
         | signup and onboarding flows/screens.
       (page generated 2021-08-06 23:01 UTC)