[HN Gopher] Fishdraw: Procedurally Generated Fish Drawings
       Fishdraw: Procedurally Generated Fish Drawings
       Author : sigil
       Score  : 325 points
       Date   : 2021-08-12 15:37 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fishdraw.glitch.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fishdraw.glitch.me)
       | amirGi wrote:
       | This is so dope - creating good generators is so hard, great
       | work!
       | bazzargh wrote:
       | This is just lovely. But I am also tickled by the nominative
       | determinism of the dots on the fish being generated using Poisson
       | Disk sampling.
       | https://github.com/LingDong-/fishdraw/blob/main/fishdraw.js#...
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersampling#Poisson_disk
         | andrelaszlo wrote:
         | Because poisson=fish in French? <o))))><
       | jugg1es wrote:
       | An absurd and wonderful project!
       | [deleted]
       | dbish wrote:
       | Love the generated art projects. I just want an art 'frame'
       | (display with small computer) that generates new art every so
       | often. Put together a few of the various art ML projects into one
       | product for this.
         | pbhjpbhj wrote:
         | New images, yes; but, new art? Isn't the art of an image imbued
         | by the artist, DuChamp style.
         | Or, I guess maybe it's like a quantum effect and the art
         | appears when the viewer perceives it.
         | Don't get me wrong, I too love generative art, conceptually and
         | the outputs of generative algorithms too.
         | [deleted]
         | mikeInAlaska wrote:
         | with a button where you can click it to save particularly
         | genius results that appeal
         | dh-g wrote:
         | Hacked kindles work well for this.
           | dheera wrote:
           | Also, used Boox tablets of previous models. You can get ones
           | upto 13 inches, which Kindle doesn't have. They run Android,
           | so you can just write a standard Android app and run it, no
           | hacking needed.
           | dbish wrote:
           | Kindles are too small and have no color. I want a large
           | colorful framed picture. E-ink would be awesome but that's
           | not cheap for color displays and def not for large ones.
             | dheera wrote:
             | I mean, if you have cash and time to spend on the
             | engineering, you can do it
             | https://shopkits.eink.com/product/31-2%cb%9d-color-epaper-
             | di...
             | If you don't have that much cash but don't mind it emitting
             | light, just get a used 4K TV or monitor and get a custom
             | frame built for it.
             | xwdv wrote:
             | The good thing is you only have to buy it once, and then
             | you have unlimited amounts of art you can display.
         | dheera wrote:
         | Yep, I did this
         | https://dheera.net/projects/einkframe/
         | I'm working on a 3-panel version of it since I want a "wider"
         | view of this scrolling landscape, and single e-Ink displays
         | that big aren't cheap but 3 of these smaller displays are still
         | within my budget.
         | https://imgur.com/a/3IfKpb3
           | dbish wrote:
           | This is really cool! Thanks for sharing
       | siavosh wrote:
       | This is wonderful. There's just something evocative about fish--
       | with their flat side portrait look, and wide open eyes that make
       | them a perpetually interesting subject for art.
       | tartoran wrote:
       | I love the simple style, this is great. I've been toying with
       | procedurually generated drawings in Racket and find it
       | mesmerising to observe how much conplexity can be generated from
       | the permutations of a few rules. There's still a lot of fish to
       | catch in generative art
       | gregsadetsky wrote:
       | The same author's "Procedurally-generated vector-format
       | infinitely-scrolling Chinese landscape" is also quite beautiful:
       | http://shan-shui-inf.lingdong.works/
       | (keep clicking the rightmost arrow)
         | ZephyrP wrote:
         | Inconvergent (https://inconvergent.net/) is another stunning
         | generative artist as well; their generative trees (browser
         | version: https://zv.github.io/static/algorithmic-tree.html) are
         | especially evocative of Fishdraw.
         | dheera wrote:
         | Yes, Lingdong Huang is awesome! I have that exact one running
         | on a framed eInk display on my wall. I had to make some minor
         | modifications to make it run in NodeJS instead of in a browser,
         | and then generate a raster image to send to the eInk display,
         | but it wasn't hard.
         | I got permission from the author to post my work to Hackaday
         | (with credit to him) which I'll do at some point. I'm actually
         | working on a 3-panel "wide" version of it that I want to get
         | done first.
         | https://dheera.net/projects/einkframe/
         | 3-panel version in progress:
         | https://imgur.com/a/3IfKpb3
           | FpUser wrote:
           | >"Lingdong Huang is awesome!"
           | I looked at his github and yes is is awesome. Thanks for
           | pointing this. Will read a bit more of his stuff.
           | gregsadetsky wrote:
           | Really great project! Thanks for sharing it
       | foobarbecue wrote:
       | Why does this use let and var together? Was I (not a modern js
       | expert) wrong to think var is considered obsolete? Is it because
       | OP wanted to use var's scoping rules?
         | jugg1es wrote:
         | var is not obsolete. You still need it sometimes for scoping
         | reasons.
           | int_19h wrote:
           | Could you give an example? It seems like any "var" could be
           | replaced with "let" at a different scope.
             | dheera wrote:
             | Won't work:                   if(checkForSomething()) {
             | let foo = 2;         } else {           let foo = 3;
             | }              console.log(foo); // won't work
             | But:                   if(checkForSomething()) {
             | var foo = 2;         } else {           var foo = 3;
             | }              console.log(foo); // will work
             | That said, I religiously avoid "var" and just declare the
             | variable beforehand with "let" because there are too many
             | other gotchas with var. Less debugging headaches. And use
             | "const" religiously as well, like C++ people do.
               | speedgoose wrote:
               | const in C++ is very different than const in JavaScript
               | though. I guess you are well aware of that but I feel
               | like being pedantic.
               | This is allowed in JavaScript:                   const
               | foo = {bar: 1};         foo.bar = 2;
               | int_19h wrote:
               | It's not really any different if you keep in mind that
               | foo is a _reference_ here, and so that 's what const
               | applies to. The equivalent in C++ would be a const
               | pointer to a non-const object.
               | int_19h wrote:
               | That's exactly what I meant by "any "var" could be
               | replaced with "let" at a different scope":
               | let foo;         if (checkForSomething()) {
               | foo = 2;         } else {            foo = 3;         }
           | zeven7 wrote:
           | You don't need var, you don't need it's weird scoping
           | behavior.
         | yathern wrote:
         | It's almost certainly from copy-pasted code from other sources.
         | The Perlin Noise section at the top is not original code at
         | least - though I can't find an original source.
         | https://github.com/processing/p5.js/blob/8213eecccdff510015e...
       | atum47 wrote:
       | This is great. Where did the inspiration come from for this
       | project?
       | aendruk wrote:
       | A gallery of example results:
       | https://github.com/LingDong-/fishdraw#gallery
       | tunnuz wrote:
       | I love these kind of projects. Well done!
         | AlanYx wrote:
         | If you like this, check out Lingdong Huang's personal website.
         | It's chock-full of really joyful little projects.
       | darnfish wrote:
       | Fish
       | abdupattoh wrote:
       | amazing.
       | dcaranda wrote:
       | why isn't this an NFT project?
         | NelsonMinar wrote:
         | ugh
         | adam12 wrote:
         | because NFTs are bad for the fish / environment
         | zeptonix wrote:
         | the name could even be catchy ... CryptoFish
       | krylon wrote:
       | 1. I like it!!!
       | 2. Are these fish real or just real-istic? Not judging, just
       | curious.
         | Thoreandan wrote:
         | Generated AFAICT :)
         | RBerenguel wrote:
         | Here is the repository (was shared yesterday in reddit's
         | r/generative): https://github.com/LingDong-/fishdraw
           | sdevonoes wrote:
           | I took a look. I can't really understand it (unless I spend
           | the whole next week on it... which I will probably do). Could
           | someone with more expertise in the topic explain me how it is
           | done (high level overview)?
             | RBerenguel wrote:
             | What coolspot says below. I want to have a look and maybe
             | create my own version, I love generative art. My "best"
             | (the one that made me happiest) creation followed the same
             | approach. It's an iris [0] , and the process of drawing
             | tries to mimic how you'd draw it... and I just broke the
             | implementation in the pieces needed for it:
             | - Create background gradient         - Create muscular
             | coloured stripes         - Add a bit of noise to the
             | stripes         - Gradient for the pupil         -
             | Reflection in iris and reflection in pupil (the last one is
             | "fake")
             | [0] https://github.com/rberenguel/sketches#iris-p5js
             | coolspot wrote:
             | 0) sepect random parameters for body size/shape, fin
             | size/shape, etc.
             | 1) draw fish outline
             | 2) complete rest of the fish
               | MauranKilom wrote:
               | Sounds a bit like /r/restofthefuckingowl.
       | gadders wrote:
       | I think this is the first time I have ever seen Glitch used for
       | anything.
         | micromacrofoot wrote:
         | This seems like an unnecessarily harsh anecdote. I've seen
         | Glitch used for a lot of things! There's a bunch of cool stuff
         | on there.
         | booyah5678 wrote:
         | This was made on Glitch too
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27929278
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Fun! And since "there's no such thing as a fish", these drawings
       | are as legitimate as anything else you call a fish.
       | rektide wrote:
       | Feature request: it'd be nice to have a way to generate a link to
       | a particular fish, such that it can be generated again.
         | brianherbert wrote:
         | It looks like you can provide a seed based on the readme in the
         | github repo. This would produce the same fish every time.
           | jaredsohn wrote:
           | I think GP is asking that every time you refresh the fish, it
           | uses a different seed and it publishes it, perhaps via a
           | share link. Otherwise, to find a fish you want you'll have to
           | manipulate the url multiple times.
         | mzs wrote:
         | https://fishdraw.glitch.me/?Bob=1234
       | dpeck wrote:
       | Does anyone have a good list of resources for people who want to
       | get a get baseline on understanding and implementing procedural
       | generation?
         | brianf0 wrote:
         | I have some generative art tutorials using p5js on my blog @
         | https://brianfernandez.dev/art
         | dannygarcia wrote:
         | The Nature of Code book is a great resource. Dan also deep
         | dives on specific topics on his YouTube channel.
         | - https://natureofcode.com/book/
         | - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCodingTrain
         | noduerme wrote:
         | In terms of the drawing aspects, working on SVG or raw canvas
         | drawing each have some drawbacks. If you don't need to output
         | vector files, I recommend PixiJS, which gives you a stage-based
         | display chain on top of WebGL where you can mix free-form line
         | drawing with pre-made sprites. I used to write a ton of
         | procedural graphics with Actionscript, and this has been my
         | clearest path to continue on those projects. Some AS3 drawing
         | code is almost directly portable.
         | https://www.pixijs.com/
         | wrnr wrote:
         | It's more art than code, maybe start drawing a city skyline.
         | Have different basic types of roof (triangle, trapezoid, none),
         | windows (round, square, subdivided) and a variable number of
         | flours. Play around with it in html canvas.
         | 123pie123 wrote:
         | I don't have a list, but "processing" language is very good at
         | art and math(s) stuff
         | https://processing.org/
         | it has some cool demos/ examples
         | https://processing.org/examples/
         | and it's opensource
       (page generated 2021-08-12 23:00 UTC)