[HN Gopher] GitHub: Git password authentication is shutting down
       GitHub: Git password authentication is shutting down
       Author : judge2020
       Score  : 142 points
       Date   : 2021-08-12 20:12 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | ushakov wrote:
       | Embrace. Extend. Extinguish
         | jrockway wrote:
         | Passwords are probably one of the worst things to happen to our
         | field as a whole (phishing, password managers, etc. are the
         | results of their ubiquity), so efforts to remove them are
         | probably not part of some Microsoft plan to kill open source.
         | This change is a good thing.
           | HeckFeck wrote:
           | Indeed. I wish there was something like a token or key that
           | was as ubiquitous as passwords.
           | Though from a developer POV I can certainly see why passwords
           | are so attractive: take a word, hash it, compare hash on
           | subsequent logins.
           | The alternatives are tricky, but not I suspect impossible, to
           | do in a decentralised manner. I've often pondered that
           | something like PGP servers with revocation certificates, but
           | adapted to logins would be near the realm of a solution.
             | toiletaccount wrote:
             | Do you want to be the one to explain PGP and revcerts to
             | somebody who has used the same password for everything
             | their whole life?
               | HeckFeck wrote:
               | That's why I said 'something like'. An extension of the
               | idea adapted for wider use.
               | I'm certain such a person uses TCP/IP every day and
               | doesn't need it explained. Yet twenty years ago, some
               | knowledge of IP addresses and subnet masks etc was
               | necessary to get connected.
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | I feel a great disturbance in the force... As if millions of CI
       | jobs suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
       | Androider wrote:
       | Hopefully they'll enhance the other authentication methods. I was
       | quite surprised how complicated yet insecure the GitHub Actions
       | and personal access token mechanisms are just last week.
       | GitHub Actions tokens are scoped to the single repo they operate
       | in, so for anything that you need covering any cross-repository
       | or org access the official docs immediately tell you to just use
       | a PAT instead. But PATs have no repository scoping whatsoever,
       | it's all or nothing. So although both PATs and GHA Tokens have
       | these complex scope requests, it's completely missing the most
       | basic use cases in my opinion, like creating a PR in repo X,
       | allow installing a package from GitHub Packages in repo Y, check
       | out code from repo Z etc. You either go full mono-repo for
       | everything, or you use PATs for everything with no repository
       | boundaries at all, yikes.
         | Operyl wrote:
         | Yeah .. it's not great. Creating a machine user is really the
         | only way to do it right now :(.
           | Androider wrote:
           | And they'll charge you the full seat price for it :/
             | foxpurple wrote:
             | GitLab now has project access tokens for that.
               | kevincox wrote:
               | If you have a "project" not a "user". If I'd known this
               | in the past I would have just created a "kevincox"
               | project and a "kevincox-u" user.
       | narraturgy wrote:
       | Ok I'll admit it. I'm the dingus who is still using https and
       | login/password. It's how I learned to use it years ago and since
       | I only ever access GitHub via cli it's all I've ever learned. I
       | don't program anything complex and I've never put anything secure
       | up on GitHub (it's public, after all, so i had the expectation
       | that all info on there is insecure). I don't understand why this
       | is being deprecated when it's the default suggestion GitHub
       | provides you when you add a new repo to your profile so that you
       | can connect your local git repo to it. For hosting my trivial
       | personal projects it seems so silly to have to go onto github's
       | web interface and click through a bunch of their ui to build a
       | personal passkey(which is just a password with a different name
       | afaict). I just not the intended audience for the change or am I
       | missing something crucial that doesn't make this seem like a
       | bunch of extra effort for no meaningful change?
         | amiga-workbench wrote:
         | Key based auth is much more resistant to phishing. Its just one
         | command to have openssh generate a key pair on your computer,
         | and you're done. Password auth in general cannot go away fast
         | enough.
           | Osiris wrote:
           | Not in Windows unless you have WOL installed.
             | kiwijamo wrote:
             | Windows comes with ssh by default these days so you can
             | easily ssh-keygen. Doesn't need WOL as I used that without
             | WOL.
         | the8472 wrote:
         | > I don't understand why this is being deprecated when it's the
         | default suggestion GitHub provides you when you add a new repo
         | to your profile so that you can connect your local git repo to
         | it.
         | It suggests SSH commands by default for me, I assume this
         | depends whether you have added an SSH key to your account or
         | not.
         | runj__ wrote:
         | I'm also a dingus and I am sometimes forced to clone private
         | repos from new machines which doesn't have my keys. I know that
         | ssh-agent is a thing which is sometimes set up but I still
         | don't really know how it works, and sometimes it doesn't work
         | at all.
         | I wish there was some way of _manually_ identifying via a
         | simple link or QR code or whatever.
         | cyral wrote:
         | You forgot about the part where you run `git push` later and
         | realize it didn't save your passkey, so you have to make
         | another one. This time you Google how to save it and copy the
         | top answer on StackOverflow, which uses the git credentials
         | store to save it in plain text in your ~/.gitconfig file. Now
         | is the passkey more secure?
         | peterburkimsher wrote:
         | Thank you for being humble and describing the ways you use
         | GitHub!
         | I'm the same, and it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only
         | one just using it as a free web host for personal projects.
         | Until starting a new job in January 2021, I "knew git" to the
         | extent of git pull, git add, git commit -m, and git push. For
         | everything else I just made a copy of the repo. Now I've
         | learned a little more about branches and merge requests, but I
         | still make a copy of the repo and copy my changes over when
         | things go wrong. https://xkcd.com/1597/
         | Like you, I got some password-related warnings on GitHub, and
         | honestly it's scaring me away. I know it'll take an hour or so
         | to figure out what went wrong, regenerate a ton of SSH keys for
         | every computer I own and link them to my account, disable 2FA
         | because my phone number is in another country... I'd rather
         | just upload a file, thanks.
         | The increased overhead means I'd rather just use FTP to upload
         | some files to an HTTP server, but I don't think that such free
         | FTP web hosts exist any more. At least, not ones with a domain
         | that people recognise. That said, peterburk.github.com is no
         | longer accessible, only peterburk.github.io, so maybe it is
         | time for me to go looking for a free .com subdomain.
         | I'm grateful for GitHub hosting all the junk I decide to share,
         | and I'm obviously not their target market if I'm not paying. I
         | just wish there were a place I could drag & drop to upload
         | content publicly.
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | a-dub wrote:
       | it seems about the only use case for passwords was cloning a
       | private repository in an environment where you don't want keep
       | your keys. that said, any environment where you don't want to
       | keep your keys isn't necessarily a place you want to be typing in
       | your account password anyhow.
       | human typable one time passwords for this purpose could be cool.
       | although it's a pretty rare use case.
       | jampekka wrote:
       | So now I can't use git client on github repos anymore without
       | carrying a device that has some impossible to memorize key or
       | token on it?
       | I hate it. I don't care much for the slight chance that someone
       | gets into my github account. I care a lot more that now I have to
       | jump hoops to get into my account myself. There's more to things
       | than security.
       | vtbassmatt wrote:
       | Disclosure: I'm the Git Systems PM at GitHub. Opinions are my own
       | and I wasn't directly involved with this effort.
       | GCM Core is a really straightforward way to auth with GitHub and
       | several other Git hosts. It comes with Git for Windows by
       | default, can be installed with `brew` on macOS, and from a .deb
       | on Linux. https://github.com/microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-
       | Core (it started under the Microsoft banner but is maintained by
       | GitHub employees now).
         | gigel82 wrote:
         | GCM still doesn't support multiple users properly, though.
         | Https auth is what I was using for a second GitHub account, so
         | I'm not thrilled about this change.
         | I want to have work and personal GitHub accounts on the same
         | machine and very explicitly choose which account goes to which
         | repo. Too often I have changes going in with the wrong
         | user.name / user.email or account to the point where I
         | paranoidly reauthenticate every time and manually check each
         | clone's .git/config.
           | chipotle_coyote wrote:
           | Can't you still use https with this? You use the personal
           | account token for the specific account to log in as the
           | "password". I've been doing this recently with two GitHub
           | accounts.
           | In my ~/.gitconfig file, I've included
           | [credential "https://github.com"]             useHttpPath =
           | true
           | Which means that the first time -- and _only_ the first time
           | -- I try to do something with a GitHub repo that requires
           | authentication, I 'll be asked for the username and password
           | (token), and I make sure to use the right one. :) At that
           | point things stay set.
           | lentil wrote:
           | While this probably doesn't completely solve your problem,
           | have you tried using conditional includes in your .gitconfig?
           | I've been using that to ensure that anything under ~/work
           | uses my work email for user.email, but anything under
           | ~/projects uses my personal email. It's quite handy.
           | https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#_conditional_includes
           | batuhanicoz wrote:
           | I think you can achieve this with an SSH config like
           | Host github-personal       HostName github.com
           | IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal            Host github-
           | work       HostName github.com       IdentityFile
           | ~/.ssh/id_rsa_work
           | Then you can use `github-work` or `github-personal` in the
           | remote URL like `git clone git@github-
           | work:mywork/somerepo.git`.
           | edit: I realized after reading the other comments that I got
           | the problem wrong! This would push the commits from the
           | correct GitHub account but the commits would still have the
           | e-mail from git's config and GitHub would link the account in
           | the committer e-mail.
       | itake wrote:
       | Seems odd Github would announce the cutoff time in PST when the
       | USA is in PDT.
       | spondyl wrote:
       | For any Githubbers reading, my coworker was apparently affected
       | by a brownout window and changed to using a personal access
       | token. He didn't know it at the time but I just mentioned the
       | period and it lines up with when had issues with his
       | authentication. Seems like a success if you ask me!
       | spondyl wrote:
       | For any Githubbers reading, my coworker was apparently affected
       | by a brownout window and changed to using a personal access
       | token. He didn't know it at the time but I just mentioned the
       | period and it lines up with when had issues with his
       | authentication. Seems like the brownout was a success in our
       | case!
       | wheybags wrote:
       | When will we get repo-specific tokens? That's what I really want.
       | As-is, I've just created extra special purpose github accounts,
       | but that's a bad solution IMO.
         | rmorey wrote:
         | I'm guessing that if that's gonna happen (cmon, it's gotta)
         | they view this migration is a pre-requisite
         | rmorey wrote:
         | I'm guessing that if that's gonna happen (cmon, it's gotta)
         | they view this migration as a pre-requisite
       | orf wrote:
       | I wonder how many old, forgotten systems there are out there that
       | pull from Github with a password. Brownouts are a smart way to
       | try and weed those out, but there are going to be residual
       | requests. I wonder how many.
         | bastardoperator wrote:
         | Looks like they've been doing them for about a year, but
         | stragglers are a guarantee!
       | polote wrote:
       | This is stupid, they only had to request passwords longer than 15
       | characters and that would have an even better effect. As web
       | access will be also safer.
       | They do it to prevent password reuse, but still allow passwords
       | on the web. I don't get it
         | X6S1x6Okd1st wrote:
         | You have a much more flexible interface with the user on the
         | web than via git push.
         | eropple wrote:
         | They do it to prevent passwords, which allow access to
         | privileged things like account settings, from being stored (and
         | thus subject to being accidentally leaked).
         | It doesn't matter how long your password is if your password is
         | in a text file with bad chmod permissions to people who
         | shouldn't have it.
         | An access token, at least, limits the blast radius.
           | polote wrote:
           | Ah get it. They don't want the password to login on github to
           | be the same as the one you store on a text file. Makes sense.
           | But it is still Baby-sitting
             | eropple wrote:
             | What you describe as "baby-sitting", I would call
             | "encouraging users to fall into the pit of success."
             | Many, many GitHub users are not professional software
             | developers, and many more than that are not security-minded
             | users at all. Small incremental improvements like this are
             | a kind of defense in depth, and it is valuable.
             | tclancy wrote:
             | And we have fifty years of software development history to
             | prove we need this kind of babysitting. It's a pain one
             | time and then you realize it wasn't hard to do and start
             | doing a better practice out of habit.
             | kdmccormick wrote:
             | Eh, I think everyone stands to benefit when a service
             | increases their security standards in a reasonable way.
             | Fewer account recovery support requests for them, fewer
             | footguns for inexperienced users of theirs.
             | Do you consider password length requirements baby-sitting?
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | If this is babysitting, I never want to grow up.
           | lanstin wrote:
           | I doubt this "saved passwords" is the issue, but people
           | choosing guessable passwords. Especially with the bit-coin
           | attacks on the Github CI sandboxes, thee attackers don't care
           | about the repo that much but they want access to the X% of
           | github accounts that use a top 100 or top 1000 password, so
           | they can get in and start mining.
       | hiimshort wrote:
       | I'm fine with this change for my usage, I don't think I've used
       | password auth for myself or any automated service I've setup for
       | years now. However, this will introduce more confusion for
       | newcomers who already have to figure out what Git, GitHub, etc
       | are. I just spent some time last weeekend teaching someone the
       | basics of how to create a new project. Such a simple idea
       | required introducing the terminal, basic terminal commands,
       | GitHub, git and its most common commands. It took about 3 hours
       | for us to get through just the most basic pieces. Adding on ssh-
       | keygen, key management adds even more friction.
       | It's certainly a difficult problem. How can we offer a more
       | gentle learning curve for budding developers while still
       | requiring "real" projects to use best practices for security and
       | development?
         | mynameisvlad wrote:
         | Is there a reason one of the many git tutorials online wasn't
         | good enough?
         | https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/set-up-git
         | https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials
         | This one's always fun: https://learngitbranching.js.org/
         | https://www.tutorialspoint.com/git/index.htm
           | hiimshort wrote:
           | We're taking a 1:1 approach, but most of the time I take
           | issue with the language used in many guides. The linked
           | guides are good examples, they contain a whole load of terms
           | and buzzwords you don't need to know as a beginner.
           | AlexandrB wrote:
           | Let's look at the tutorial for caching git credentials, which
           | is referenced in your first link:
           | (https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/getting-started-
           | with-...).
           | It walks you through installing a "cask" using "brew". It
           | doesn't mention how to install homebrew but instead directs
           | you to the homebrew homepage which shows the output of a curl
           | command being fed to `bash -c`. Something that's both bad
           | practice and unintelligible unless you're quite familiar with
           | Unix shells. _If_ everything works as intended, you 're good
           | to go! But if anything goes wrong, or you have to update the
           | "cask" in the future you're left with little to no context
           | about what you just did.
           | For someone unfamiliar with Unix shell commands, homebrew,
           | curl, etc. this is a quagmire that can take days to unravel
           | without someone there to help them.
             | geofft wrote:
             | Piping the output of curl to bash is not "bad practice" any
             | more that downloading an application from your browser and
             | clicking on it or downloading a distro CD/USB image and
             | booting it up "bad practice."
             | You have to trust the place where you're downloading it
             | from, of course. But there's nothing inherently worse about
             | /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.co
             | m/Homebrew/install/HEAD/inst...)" than burning
             | https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-
             | cd/de... and booting it up.
         | ysavir wrote:
         | Are you teaching a junior at work? What's the context?
           | hiimshort wrote:
           | In this case it is a younger college student who's interested
           | in web development but hasn't done any CS learning and isn't
           | generally familiar with tech.
             | tcoff91 wrote:
             | Does someone who just wants to experiment with a little bit
             | of web-dev really need to have version control right away?
             | Seems a bit out of scope. That seems like a concept that
             | can wait a few months while they actually just explore
             | writing some code first.
               | mrosett wrote:
               | Totally agree on this. So many coding (or even data
               | science) courses start with Git which is just not that
               | important for a newbie.
               | hiimshort wrote:
               | > Does someone who just wants to experiment with a little
               | bit of web-dev really need to have version control right
               | away?
               | To explain: She wants to eventually work as a developer
               | and has a project in mind guiding her. I started her with
               | the simplest possible steps and she's been learning html
               | & css for a few weeks now with some great progress. She
               | got the the point where she was starting to have multiple
               | projects she was building for learning. In addition, she
               | was starting to feel the pain of "this project is on my
               | desktop, but I am going to be away from home for a week
               | and will only have my laptop." For those reasons (as well
               | as the benefit of introducing GitHub as a place of
               | collaboration), we took some a few hours to cover git and
               | the terminal.
               | It didn't seem like we jumped to it too early and after
               | those three hours she had the basics which is good enough
               | to ensure her projects are safely replicated to GitHub
               | and available for her no matter which machine she is on.
               | funtime wrote:
               | or start with svn or something simpler to get the basics
               | of source control.
               | WorldMaker wrote:
               | SVN was the reason most people when I was in college
               | didn't use source control at all. It was painful to
               | install on Windows. There weren't good hosts for it. (CSV
               | at least had bad old SourceForge.) Once you had it
               | installed and had settled on a host computer (and SVN
               | needs a host), configuring your repositories in it was a
               | whole new mess. SVN is definitely not "simpler".
               | With git you can install and git init anywhere and go you
               | have source control. Moving commits to another machine
               | gets us into the complications way above of learning
               | GitHub and tools for GitHub, but in terms of 0-60 on
               | "start a repository so you can commit changes" it's
               | really hard to beat.
         | tomrod wrote:
         | Github Desktop I've found to be an excellent way to get people
         | into git generally. Those with proclivities to GUI get what the
         | need, those that like to explore have some initial guardrails.
         | brtknr wrote:
         | Fifficult indeed
         | Animats wrote:
         | Setting up this authentication is a huge pain. First, the
         | Github site lies to you. It tells me that, having previously
         | generated a token, that token has never been used. It's been in
         | use for months on one machine. Their web site and their
         | repository system are not talking to each other.
         | Then they want you to generate a new token, in the "new
         | format". Then they refuse to generate a token valid for more
         | than a year. With a dark pattern where you push the "generate"
         | button, but nothing happens.
         | Then comes dealing with Git itself. If you have a credential
         | store file, there's no obvious way to log out of Git so that
         | you get prompted for the new "authentication token". So I had
         | to find out where it stores that data and delete the file. Then
         | I could log back in with the new "authentication token". The
         | documentation is written assuming you are using Git for the
         | first time, not, as is more likely, updating an existing set of
         | repositories.
         | (Why do I suspect that, at some point in the future, we will
         | see "Log in with your Microsoft account?")
         | bilalq wrote:
         | VSCode has come a long way in making this easier for newcomers.
         | The Remote repositories extension basically will open up a link
         | in Github to generate the Personal Authentication token to
         | associate with your VSCode app and that's it.
         | https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2021/06/10/remote-reposi...
         | Combined with things like Codespaces, I can see a lot of intro
         | classes glossing over some of what's happening under the hood.
         | That said, I really do think that skills like learning how to
         | use a terminal and work through the CLI are necessary for
         | developers to grow. It's not so different from how woodworkers
         | don't just learn how to use a chisel, but also how to sharpen
         | and bevel the tool as well.
         | BeefySwain wrote:
         | I also have found teaching someone how to be even marginally
         | capable of contributing to a Github project from scratch to be
         | a very time consuming and frustrating thing. Think, having your
         | graphics designer able to make commits, or having someone who
         | only wants to update docs.
         | The worst part is the "easier" solutions are actually just
         | footguns in disguise, as soon as they accidentally click the
         | wrong thing and end up with a detached HEAD, a few commits
         | ahead and behind the REMOTE, and halfway through a botched
         | merge, you have to figure out how to bail them out of that
         | using a GUI you've never actually used. Knowing all this, you
         | either teach them git (high short term pain, high chance of
         | them just giving up immediately) or you tell them to download
         | the first result for "windows foss git gui" and pray that
         | history won't repeat itself.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | The solution that everyone actually uses until they learn the
           | unnecessary details is "take a backup of relevant files and
           | blow away & redownload the repo".
             | omnibrain wrote:
             | Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1597/
           | post-it wrote:
           | > Think, having your graphics designer able to make commits,
           | or having someone who only wants to update docs.
           | GitHub's web interface is pretty good for this.
             | the8472 wrote:
             | Until you need them to rewrite history because it consists
             | of 20 "fix" and "update" commits.
               | WorldMaker wrote:
               | Then don't need them to rewrite history? That's kind of
               | on you and your own OCD at that point. If you are making
               | them use a PR workflow anyway, become friends with git
               | options like using --first-parent to shallowly traverse
               | the DAG and let git's tools give you a clean view. (Or
               | use GitHub's PR Squash options, if you really must
               | rewrite history.)
           | pbhjpbhj wrote:
           | I'm not experienced here, but is using the GitHub website
           | perhaps the easiest way to submit a PR, that's how I first
           | did it and I think it worked ... I've only really used git
           | privately and for pulling code from public projects.
         | lsaferite wrote:
         | Wouldn't introducing them to Github Desktop be a better first
         | start if they are fully unfamiliar with all of the rest of the
         | command line stuff?
         | outworlder wrote:
         | > How can we offer a more gentle learning curve for budding
         | developers while still requiring "real" projects to use best
         | practices for security and development
         | Difficult question. In the past, the solution was just not to
         | use any of that. A bunch of files inside a random folder in
         | your computer that were not version controlled in any way. That
         | worked, but that's also the reason I lost most of the source
         | code that I've written before/during university.
         | Version control is not a simple problem. A distributed version
         | control system, even less simple. Git has some ergonomics
         | issues that may possibly get improved, but the fundamental
         | problem is not trivial.
         | We already have to learn so much to do the simplest of tasks,
         | that removing password auth seems to not move the little much,
         | if at all.
         | You can certainly 'postpone' some of this learning, maybe
         | that's one route. Back when there were "IDE wars", that would
         | be one of the arguments ("we don't have to learn no stinkin'
         | CLI"). Some IDEs even had their own, local, "version control".
         | At some point you'll have to "pop open the hood" though.
         | chrisshroba wrote:
         | Just so folks know, you can still use personal access tokens,
         | which basically work as per-application passwords. For someone
         | just getting started with git, I'd recommend they go to
         | https://github.com/settings/tokens, generate a token, and then
         | they can just use that as their password when running `git
         | clone`.
         | This will certainly be a little more difficult for newcomers,
         | and not very discoverable, but it is there.
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | Right, but this is also what makes me skeptical of the whole
           | thing. I now have a Personal Access Token saved in my
           | password manager. When I'm in a disposable VM, and git asks
           | for a password (because it's a fresh, disposable VM), I copy
           | paste the personal access token out of my password manager
           | instead of copying my Github password out of my password
           | manager.
           | Okay, no big deal, I just have to spend an extra second
           | searching for the copy password icon since it's not in the
           | normal place, but did this really improve my security at all?
           | It's just a different password.
             | geofft wrote:
             | I would guess that " _in my password manager_ " immediately
             | puts you into the minority of GitHub users. (Maybe not the
             | minority of power users or high-profile software
             | maintainers, to be fair, but they care about security for
             | the site in general.)
             | So maybe it didn't improve _your_ security, if you were
             | already letting your password manager generate distinct
             | passwords, but it almost certainly improves the median user
             | 's security, who has come up with a weak password they
             | think is strong, and may well use that password on multiple
             | websites.
             | Generating the accout password instead of allowing a user-
             | supplied password would also work here (and incentivize the
             | use of password managers, if enough websites did it), but I
             | would guess getting people onto SSH keys is useful for them
             | in general - e.g., it allows them to make 2FA or CAPTCHAs
             | mandatory for use of high-abuse-potential features like CI
             | or Codespaces.
             | RussianCow wrote:
             | Presumably, the token is stronger than the passwords most
             | people are using.
               | foota wrote:
               | They can also be revoked more easily.
               | xur17 wrote:
               | Bingo. Not having to deal with the horrible passwords
               | like to use is huge.
               | [deleted]
         | jareklupinski wrote:
         | We just have to normalize it.
         | Passwords were useful until better alternatives were available,
         | and are around now to satisfy authentication based on
         | 'something you know'. As long as the necessity is to verify
         | something you know or something you have, a private key can be
         | more convenient.
         | People who prefer to enter through doors by entering a PIN
         | instead of using a metal key will disagree.
         | The thing left to do is make maintaining this private key as
         | frictionless as adding a metal key to my IRL keychain. The kids
         | may have some good ideas :)
           | overgard wrote:
           | Pins are probably more secure than most metal keys (most
           | locks are pickable < a minute)
         | young_unixer wrote:
         | Teaching git & Github to someone that doesn't know how to use a
         | terminal is like teaching calculus to someone that doesn't know
         | how to add.
         | Of course you won't be able to do it in a couple of hours. Most
         | people spend years learning the things that are required to
         | understand how git works, or at least many months if you want
         | to learn in a fast, intensive manner.
           | edflsafoiewq wrote:
           | Doesn't have anything to do with knowing the terminal or not.
           | Before getting up and running with git just involved typing
           | git commands. Now one of the least mysterious parts to a newb
           | (type in your password!) involves picking an external
           | credential store that works on your OS, and figuring out how
           | to install it, and setting it up with your PAT, and making
           | git talk to it. That's a long way from stuff like "now type
           | in git add -A".
             | edgyquant wrote:
             | Wait what? I just use keys generated by ssh and copied to
             | GitHub it was way more straight forward than the git
             | commands themselves to work on a given repo.
           | edgyquant wrote:
           | Yeah. I start using git for personal projects in 2015 and
           | didn't even know about git diff until last year. All I knew
           | was how to git add, git commit, pull and push. If anything
           | tricky happened I just copied my changes, deleted the repo
           | and recloned. I don't think you need to teach git beyond
           | those few commands to people but even then I've been using
           | bash since I was a kid playing with openSuse so I'd imagine
           | there's a lot of bash experience that made it easier for me
           | to pick up. I can't imagine someone who's never typed ls will
           | have an easy time picking it up.
           | bsder wrote:
           | And yet I can teach TortoiseHg to CEOs and secretaries in
           | less than an hour.
           | But, hey, git is sooooo superior. </s>
           | GitHub has done almost as much damage to version control as
           | PowerPoint has done damage to presentations.
       | infogulch wrote:
       | I don't know how disruptive this will be, but there are many much
       | better options to authenticate against github besides a password.
       | alpb wrote:
       | tldr Git SSH protocol will still support authentication via
       | username:password but in this case, the "password" can no longer
       | be your Github Account password, but it can be a Personal Access
       | Token.
       | So no need to panic if you've been using a build system or other
       | tool that authenticates with username:token instead of a SSH key.
         | justinator wrote:
         | TLDR? The article was three sentences!
           | geerlingguy wrote:
           | Well, the comment was two :D
         | nemetroid wrote:
         | This change affects HTTPS access, not SSH.
           | striking wrote:
           | https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-
           | requirem...
           | Workflows affected:
           | * Command line Git access
           | * Desktop applications using Git (GitHub Desktop is
           | unaffected)
           | * Any apps/services that access Git repositories on
           | GitHub.com directly using your password
             | nemetroid wrote:
             | Which one of those is non-HTTPS?
               | verdverm wrote:
               | git@github.com:org/repo where you've set it up to use
               | username:password
               | People who've put this information in a netrc file may
               | see downstream issues in several applications which auth
               | with info found therein
       | daxuak wrote:
       | I have a noob question: what's the right way to use these tokens
       | without password managers? I believe Github recommended assigning
       | it as an environment variable in docs related to this
       | deprecation, but isn't a (managed) server free to log the output
       | of `echo $token`?
         | bastardoperator wrote:
         | Use SSH and GPG to authenticate and sign commits, it's easier
         | and quicker. If you're doing something that needs a token use a
         | GitHub App Token:
         | https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/getting-started-w...
         | geofft wrote:
         | If there's a managed server you don't trust, it's unsafe to put
         | _anything_ that authenticates you to GitHub there, because it
         | can (e.g.) modify the git command to push malicious code.
         | For a semi-trusted machine (e.g., you want to "git push" to
         | work-related OSS from your work desktop, but you don't want
         | your work HR/IT departments to have full access to your GitHub
         | account if they decide they want it), make a new SSH key and
         | configure it as a read/write deploy key for that one repo. This
         | workflow is primarily intended for automation, but it's
         | reasonable for this sort of interactive use as well.
         | https://docs.github.com/en/developers/overview/managing-depl...
         | eropple wrote:
         | One probably has to assume at least some level of control of
         | any system where there's access to secrets where they're
         | necessary for production processes.
         | But if you _aren 't_ confident of it, then at least that token
         | only has access to a repository, and can't be exfiltrated to
         | let somebody log in and really mess with your user account or
         | your organization.
         | (All that said: I'd recommend a single-use, minimally
         | privileged SSH key over an access token, just because that
         | workflow's what you should be using on a desktop too.)
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