[HN Gopher] Egui: An easy-to-use immediate mode GUI
       Egui: An easy-to-use immediate mode GUI
       Author : ducktective
       Score  : 276 points
       Date   : 2021-08-13 08:13 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | soheil wrote:
       | I just couldn't resist posting this here from one of the files
       | comment section:
       |  _iOS-style toggle switch:_                   _____________
       | /       /.....\       |       |.......|        \_______\_____/
         | freemint wrote:
         | Not sure if that would look better:
         | _____________        /       /.....\       (       (.......)
         | \_______\_____/
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | I get why people like immediate mode GUIs but the performance
       | tends to be pretty bad.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | There are some misconceptions about this. The first issue is
         | people assume you have to render the whole gui every frame even
         | if nothing has changed. This is the usual pattern in games,
         | when you have to redraw the screen anyway, but you do not have
         | to do that, in applications where it doesn't make sense.
         | runawaybottle wrote:
         | I mean, I'm looking at this on mobile and desktop and just like
         | a another poster mentioned, in relative terms, the damn thing
         | is smoother than most web apps.
         | What's the end goal here, right? The web sucks at the moment
         | and I'm open to all ideas.
           | naasking wrote:
           | Smoother yes, but to be fair how much CPU and power is it
           | using? That's invisible to you right now so appearances can
           | be deceptive.
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | As soon as you want to do anything remotely as complex as the
           | web does, like say arbitrary UI element sizes with scrollable
           | overflow, you immediately have to do the same thing CSS 2.1
           | rasterizer engines do.
             | runawaybottle wrote:
             | I think you are just dead wrong about this. I've played
             | video games my whole life and they always _always_ had more
             | complicated UIs, akin to web apps. It's always been a
             | richer experience.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | I am the author of a CSS 2.1 rasterizer, as well as the
               | author of GUI software for game engines. They have
               | different ways they draw user-interfaces.
               | CSS 2.1 and the associated modules and extensions to it
               | that you would use today to build UIs are much more
               | complicated to implement than game engine UI.
               | If the opposite were true, you'd see more web browsers
               | that weren't KHTML derivatives, but that's not the case.
               | runawaybottle wrote:
               | _I am the author of a CSS 2.1 rasterizer_
               | Yikes, checkmate.
               | I guess, the frustration expressed has more to do with
               | applications shifting to the browser. However we are
               | rendering now is just not acceptable for web apps. My gut
               | said 'fuck it, do what games do'.
               | We need something different, and I'd be happy to hear
               | your thoughts.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | I agree with you. I think the real issue is that web
               | developers don't have any ability to control the
               | compositor besides hinting it to move portions of
               | documents into explicit backing layers. You do this today
               | with CSS transform operations, because those operations
               | are done in shaders today.
               | That being said, I don't know if web developers should
               | have that type of access, either.
               | The slowness you experience is based primarily on not
               | redrawing something once, but several times, as modern
               | web browsers need to break down very large web pages into
               | tiles, then repeat draw instructions per tile where
               | intersections exist. If I recall correctly, WebKit
               | actually has an option to let you see the tile boundaries
               | and when layers invalidate. This is my best understanding
               | of the architecture KHTML derivatives use today.
               | Compositing is very slow. And layout algorithms are very,
               | very slow.
               | So you can either do some fun stuff that I think imgui
               | does, like sending VBOs over which is very performant,
               | because you can draw lots of elements but you can't at
               | all do things that people care about like compositing
               | (think blurs behind panels, or layer opacity, etc.), or
               | you can composite layers, but this becomes very expensive
               | and slow to do.
               | If you simply said, hey redraw this portion of a web page
               | into a single framebuffer, you'd cut down on draw time a
               | little bit, I'm sure, but because you can't allocate
               | framebuffers reliably at arbitrary sizes, or beyond the
               | viewport size, you run into GUI software that has weird
               | limitations like all of a sudden you notice that for some
               | reason you can't resize windows beyond the bounds of your
               | screen, etc.
               | I think Valve actually did this somehow, but I'm not sure
               | how they did it with their old VGUI code.
               | Anyway, all of that being said, today's modern GUI
               | architectures allow for two choices: fast and lot of
               | elements with no compositing, or slow and really good
               | looking GUIs.
               | It turns out most people want the latter, but complain
               | about it, because reasonably(!) it's not fast, and
               | hardware keeps getting faster, but GUIs are one of the
               | prime examples of us eating up all of that performance.
             | kragen wrote:
             | Which same thing do you mean? I read your very interesting
             | longer comment below, and you mentioned a lot of
             | differences, and it's not clear which of them you mean
             | arbitrary UI element sizes with scrollable overflow
             | requires you to do. Do you mean that it requires you to use
             | very slow layout algorithms? Maybe the problem there is
             | that CSS wasn't designed to be efficiently implementable; I
             | feel like CSS doesn't usually give me better layouts than
             | LaTeX, which runs orders of magnitude faster than any CSS
             | engine.
             | Is there a specific reason that _scrollable_ overflow
             | (rather than visible or hidden, which TeX can do)
             | inherently makes the problem much harder than what TeX
             | does? Naively I 'd think making the overflow scrollable
             | wouldn't affect the computational complexity at all, but
             | clearly I know a lot less about the space than you do. Are
             | there other things in CSS that are very useful for UI
             | layout but very difficult to implement with submillisecond
             | timing guarantees?
             | As I understand it, for example, iOS UI autolayout uses
             | Cassowary, which uses the simplex algorithm and I think may
             | at a better point in the expressiveness/performance
             | tradeoff space than CSS. (Hilariously in this context, the
             | original Cassowary paper
             | https://constraints.cs.washington.edu/solvers/cassowary-
             | toch... has an overfull hbox.) But Cassowary is from 02002,
             | and there have been a lot of advancements in constraint
             | solving and optimization algorithms in the last 19 years,
             | both in theory and in practice:
             | * Z3 wasn't released until 02012;
             | * SAT/SMT solvers in general have gotten astoundingly
             | better (the SAT Competition started in 02002);
             | * there have been enormous advances in conic optimization
             | (overview in https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.08841), including
             | open-source libraries like CVXOPT that are widely used (in
             | the context of conic optimization, anyway);
             | * for more general optimization, automatic differentiation
             | has gone mainstream; and
             | * there have been huge advances in gradient-descent
             | variants including AdaGrad (02011), RMSprop (02014?), and
             | Adam (02014).
             | In general, gradient-descent solvers and the interior-point
             | methods often used for conic optimization are anytime
             | algorithms, so you can trade off responsiveness against
             | stability/correctness. If your layout algorithm hasn't
             | converged by the frame deadline, you can just draw the best
             | layout it's come up with so far; it's guaranteed to have
             | all the right stuff in it, just maybe overlapping or in the
             | wrong place, probably only by a few pixels, and displaying
             | _something_ is often better than displaying nothing. The
             | conic optimization algorithms can also guarantee that the
             | layout they deliver is  "feasible" in the sense of
             | respecting all the hard constraints in the constraint set;
             | it might just be suboptimal. (Gradient-descent algorithms
             | don't really have hard constraints; they have to simulate
             | them by adding heavy penalties to the loss function.)
             | I don't know of anybody actually applying this stuff to UI
             | layout; do you?
         | dkersten wrote:
         | Citation needed? I have a not too complex but definitely non-
         | trivial editor I made for a little toy game engine and the Dear
         | ImGUI code and related UI logic runs in under 1/10th of a
         | millisecond per frame. My past Qt applications performed worse
         | than that. My single page web applications often perform worse
         | than that
         | But like the other reply says, bad is relative.
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | > Dear ImGUI code and related UI logic runs in under 1/10th
           | of a millisecond per frame. My past Qt applications performed
           | worse than that.
           | are you using freetype font rendering with dear imgui ?
           | because otherwise it's not a fair comparison - just getting a
           | "proper" font rendering (and not ImGUI's default, "okay-for-
           | an-internal-app" font rendering) is a super large
           | computational cost ; last time I had to profile that for my
           | Qt app, just proper font rendering if you have a few thousand
           | characters shown will easily be more than 1/10th of
           | millisecond without counting anything else on a decent
           | computer.
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | Immediate mode GUIs are not designed for production.
           | As soon as you want to do compositing, you can't, because
           | compositing is done with retained structures.
           | Immediate mode GUIs already lie to you by retaining some data
           | then flushing it later.
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | It's not a _real_ immediate mode GUI unless it starts
             | drawing pixels instantly? That 's not even how _real_
             | immediate mode graphics APIs worked.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | I don't know what your qualm is. I just said that.
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | Well why do you think it's important (important enough to
               | call immediate mode a lie, even)? Immediate vs. deferred
               | is in my view entirely about the API design, it does not
               | really matter whether an immediate-mode GUI framework is
               | appending to a drawlist when you call into a widget's
               | code or is writing some pixels into some buffer; the
               | point is that it does not have retained state about
               | individual widgets (ImGUI doesn't, don't know about
               | egui).
               | As you say, compositing on a widget level is much, much
               | harder, but even traditional retained frameworks
               | generally only support compositing on a top-level window
               | basis (e.g. partially translucent windows, translucent
               | menus or drop-downs) because as we are seeing (and you
               | point out in another post), compositing between
               | essentially arbitrary _stuff_ is heinously complex to
               | implement, let alone implement with decent performance.
               | I'd be interested to hear what use cases you have in mind
               | for intrawindow compositing.
         | joshmarinacci wrote:
         | Bad is relative. If it's a game where you have to repaint the
         | entire screen anyway, then it doesn't matter. But a lot of
         | potential optimizations are lost when you don't use a retained
         | scenegraph.
       | darknavi wrote:
       | I haven't looked at the usage pattern/implementation but the
       | visuals are much nicer to the eyes than ImGui[1].
       | 1: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
       | louib wrote:
       | The project depends on `libspeechd-dev`/`speech-dispatcher-
       | devel`, but there's no mention of support for voice commands.
       | Does the framework support speech recognition? That could be
       | pretty neat.
         | sodality2 wrote:
         | Sounds like the screen reader dependencies
       | transfire wrote:
       | Needs copy and paste?
       | ducktective wrote:
       | Be sure to checkout the web demo, quite impressive IMO:
       | https://emilk.github.io/egui/index.html
         | mastax wrote:
         | > NOTE: The WebGL backend does NOT pass the color test.
         | > This is because WebGL does not support linear framebuffer
         | blending (not even WebGL 2!).
         | > Maybe when WebGL3 becomes mainstream in 2030 the web can
         | finally get colors right?
         | Yes, I had to transcribe this manually because I couldn't copy
         | and paste it.
           | weavie wrote:
           | This is quite standard desktop gui behaviour.
             | danShumway wrote:
             | Definitely, but I think part of the underlying criticism
             | here is that standard desktop GUI behavior on text
             | selection and copy-paste is _bad_ , and we're kind of
             | questioning whether it's good to encourage the web to
             | continue moving in that direction.
         | Rd6n6 wrote:
         | That official egui demo is phenomenal.
         | micheljansen wrote:
         | This is way snappier on iOS than I would have expected. Feels
         | faster than most web apps.
         | athorax wrote:
         | The font rendering is almost unreadable on my machine, but the
         | functionality seems to be there
           | rkalla wrote:
           | Same - Fedora 34, nvidia driver. Excellent performance
           | though.
           | Jackson__ wrote:
           | On windows 10 here, the font rendering was also what put me
           | off immediately in the demo.
             | wongarsu wrote:
             | It seems like the font rendering doesn't do any
             | antialiasing (other things are antialised, you can toggle
             | it in backend/settings). The result is pretty painful to
             | look at small sizes, unless you compensate with screen
             | resolution (as apple now does).
             | Zooming the page to 130% gives me a quite acceptable
             | experience.
         | elpocko wrote:
         | Why does every IM UI library have a dropdown widget that they
         | call "Combo box"? Dear IMGUI, Nuklear, this one does it too.
         | A dropdown list is not a combo box - a combo box is a text
         | input box _combined_ with a dropdown list. This  "combo" aspect
         | is missing in all these frameworks, but they still call their
         | simple dropdowns "Combo box".
           | DonHopkins wrote:
           | One taco short of a combo box.
           | https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-phrase-one-taco-short-
           | of...
           | badsectoracula wrote:
           | In some widely influential toolkits, like Win32[0], this is
           | just a part of the style state and even comboboxes without
           | text fields are called comboboxes.
           | So the name stuck. It isn't really much different than
           | calling them "radio buttons" even though they have nothing to
           | do with radios.
           | [0] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/windows/win32/controls/abou...
           | cobalt wrote:
           | here's windows's docs on it https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/windows/win32/uxguide/ctrl-...
           | stagger87 wrote:
           | > Why does every IM UI library have a dropdown widget that
           | they call "Combo box"?
           | They can call it whatever they want?
           | > A dropdown list is not a combo box
           | Who says?
             | thrower123 wrote:
             | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/windows/win32/controls/comb...
             | The Win32 API is going to continue to drive naming
             | conventions when all of us are dead.
             | But yeah, the difference between a combobox, a listbox, and
             | a dropdownlist is just a flag value.
               | karmakaze wrote:
               | There's actually a separate ListBox control. And I never
               | thought of it at the time, but why does an option turn a
               | ComboBox into a DropDownComboBox, but an option doesn't
               | turn a ListBox into a DropDownListBox? Oh no, it's all
               | coming back to me, because ComboBoxes were added later
               | and rather than change ListBox they added DropDownList
               | functionality to ComboBox.
               | I also don't see an option in ListBox to make it multi-
               | select, was it all horribly done in the notification
               | handling code?
             | abraae wrote:
             | Parent has been down voted to oblivion but they make a good
             | point - arguments over words and names seldom produce any
             | interesting discussion or definitive conclusions.
           | cjaybo wrote:
           | I use JUCE a lot and they have use the ComboBox name as well.
           | Always reminds me of creating custom levels in THPS...
             | hules wrote:
             | the juce combobox uses a texteditor widget, so it actually
             | deserves that name.
           | [deleted]
           | joshmarinacci wrote:
           | Because in the 'olden days' (Win 3.0 era) there was only a
           | combobox, not a separate dropdown. Over the years the names
           | have stuck.
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | FWIW, Windows screen readers also refer to plain drop-downs
             | as combo boxes. I didn't think anything of it until I read
             | this thread.
           | prewett wrote:
           | I think what happened is that a combobox and dropdown-list
           | merged, because basically the combobox is an editable
           | dropdown list. Qt's QComboBox definitely combines them. Apple
           | does not (NSComboBox is editable, NSPopupButton appears to
           | not be). Not sure what Windows or GTK do.
         | dleslie wrote:
         | I can't seem to select any text on my phone.
           | [deleted]
           | 4fips wrote:
           | Text in labels and other controls is not selectable
           | (unfortunately), in this regard egui behaves as a native app,
           | so mostly just editable texts are selectable. This feels a
           | bit unnatural on the web, but one must consider that egui
           | uses a custom WebGL renderes, so the content is not backed by
           | standard DOM.
             | savolai wrote:
             | On native apps with Qt text on any widget can be made
             | selectable via a property.
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | Non-copyable texts by default in "native" applications
               | sounds reasonable but is actually one of those things
               | that introduces unnecessary friction down the line when
               | users try to write tutorials or reports and have to
               | manually type out everything.
               | 4fips wrote:
               | Yeah, I would like to see that behavior as an option, or
               | even better allow to select the whole UI as a block of
               | text (to feel natural and be searchable on the web). I
               | belive any UI (incl. native) should not prevent you from
               | copying any text.
               | wongarsu wrote:
               | The text in the textbox is selectable, so it's not like
               | egui can't handle text selection. It's just following
               | convention with making GUI text unselectable.
           | monocasa wrote:
           | Yeah, it's not using the dom, it's using a canvas with webgl.
       | biryani_chicken wrote:
       | Is this Rust only or is there bindings for C?
         | pornel wrote:
         | It takes advantage of Rust's closures for convenience, generics
         | to avoid pointer indirections and heap allocations, and Drop
         | for automatic memory management.
         | The API isn't complex, so it may be possible to export a
         | C-compatible wrapper, but due to lack of the aforementioned
         | language features it may be less optimized and less ergonomic.
       | prionassembly wrote:
       | This looks like a good excuse / starting point to learn Rust, but
       | available documentation is basically tutorials that are hard to
       | follow without knowing Rust. (I did work through Rustlings but
       | mostly forgot it).
       | Of course, it's unfair to ask of any library to provide an intro
       | that also presents the surrounding language. But Rusteros are
       | always so eager to gain converts so... hey, here's a tip.
       | Shadonototro wrote:
       | Very slow to compile, on top of being over engineered with
       | dependencies
       | Also something seems very weird with the way they render their
       | fonts, it's very blurry (could be the font+size that is the
       | issue)
       | nuklear or imgui are much better at doing immediate mode GUIs
       | without dependencies
       | syrusakbary wrote:
       | I was playing last week with this framework.
       | One of the best things that Egui does is updating the layout
       | using a reactive rendering strategy by default. So rather than
       | doing a paint per frame (each 15ms), it does it lazily only when
       | the state changes.
       | For example: if you have a plot that updates each 10ms... a UI
       | paint will be triggered each 16ms (up to 60fps I believe). If
       | not, the UI will be updated lazily (when you move the mouse or
       | other event happens).
       | Note: you can choose a "continuous" rendering mode for the
       | backend as well.
       | It also has great accessibility with a built-in screen reader.
       | It's an impressive piece of work.
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | This is an old UI redraw strategy. It's been used since the
         | dawn of GUIs and is referred to as invalidation.
         | Here's an example of a standard GUI invalidation event:
         | https://github.com/Planimeter/grid-sdk/blob/master/engine/cl...
         | As you mentioned, most GUI software invalidates primarily on
         | mouseovers, and individual components handle things like
         | invalidation on focus.
       | danShumway wrote:
       | I've had this fight a dozen times and there's nothing really new
       | for me to add, but I consider GUI frameworks that target WebGL
       | and Canvas for their basic elements like text and sliders to be
       | usually harmful, for multiple reasons[0].
       | That being said, some (imo high) praise:
       | - Demo is faster than most other WebGL/Canvas-backed frameworks
       | that I've looked at in the past, including Flutter and Qt. It
       | easily blows them out of the water.
       | - Demo works in Firefox
       | - Demo respects platform scroll direction(!!!)
       | - Demo supports platform-specific cut/paste(!!!)
       | - Demo responds to (some) browser zoom events(!!!)
       | - Demo is at least semi-responsive (again, compared to Qt/Flutter
       | this is miles ahead)
       | - Demo handles touch events
       | - A _ton_ of impressive attention to detail around UX affordances
       | like showing link locations and tooltips on hover. Clearly
       | focused on actual usability, not just on showing off tech.
       | - Just again stressing that interactions are really snappy and
       | performant. Kind of starts to chug if I open a ton of windows,
       | but... I'm comparing this to the last Flutter demo I saw on HN;
       | the performance is great.
       | ----
       | And some criticism:
       | - Evergreen accessibility concerns (I've seen some conversations
       | about exposing a separate API, this... misses some of the point
       | of how accessibility on the web is designed to work imo. Also,
       | the _DOM_ is an accessibility layer. I don 't understand why we
       | keep reinventing the wheel here, I don't understand why we're
       | recreating content trees to send to screen readers when the
       | browser has a content tree baked in)
       | - Search doesn't work at all
       | - No right click menus anywhere
       | - Font rendering appears to be heavily platform/DPI dependent
       | (?), on some of my screens the whole app just looks blurry, I
       | would abandon any app in the real world that had fonts that
       | looked this bad on some of my screens.
       | - Copy/paste/text-selection disabled in most of the demo (for
       | example, no way to copy links)
       | - Good on the demo for catching platform settings for scrolling,
       | but it doesn't catch any of my other custom keyboard shortcuts or
       | gestures. Even some stuff that's not platform-specific: I'm not
       | sure why page down/up isn't getting caught.
       | - Demo blocks some mouse gestures that should filter up to the
       | browser level (pinch to zoom, etc)
       | - Demo has no fallback if WebGL isn't enabled, which makes this
       | solution unworkable for anyone configuring their browser to avoid
       | fingerprinting (hopefully Firefox will make this concern go away
       | in the future by bundling WebGL permissions into Canvas
       | permissions. This is not really the author's problem to solve, I
       | don't think).
       | - Evergreen criticism that demo does not respect my font choices
       | or work with any of my browser extensions. This is the important
       | thing, because I still don't see how (short of re-implementing
       | the entire DOM) a GUI framework like this is ever going to
       | respect my browser settings and extensions. You can polish a GUI
       | framework for eternity, that doesn't mean 3rd-party extensions
       | are going to start working with it. This is a huge step backwards
       | for the web in my opinion, I regularly customize and extend the
       | sites I visit. There's no way for a developer to allow that using
       | a framework like this.
       | ----
       | TLDR I think this is easily the best Canvas-backed GUI demo I've
       | seen so far, the author(s) should be very proud of it. I can't
       | speak to its native performance but I'm seriously impressed by
       | how the demo performs in the browser. Also seriously impressed by
       | some of the little UI touches I'm seeing. I can't stress this
       | enough, good job.
       | However, this is still not the right way to build a cross-
       | platform GUI that targets the web. The demo still has serious
       | flaws that aren't the result of a lack of polish, they're the
       | result of the rendering target itself. I still heavily advocate
       | that people trying to build GUIs for the web use something else
       | (even for the stated use case of a simple GUI). There are
       | multiple cross-platform GUIs that will spit out actual DOM
       | content. A polished cross-platform GUI that spits out HTML
       | instead of pixels as its render target won't have the problems
       | that I listed above.
       | I understand that working with HTML is frustrating, particularly
       | in some native circles where the way developers think about UIs
       | is primarily visually. But the DOM is not a framework for
       | displaying visual graphics, the DOM is a render target. A lot of
       | benefits on the web stem from the fact that we treat the DOM as
       | its own render target. That philosophy is why a lot of extensions
       | and behaviors on the web are possible. No rule is absolute, there
       | are instances where WebGL is the right choice. But for most
       | frameworks, particularly frameworks that are displaying text
       | data, it's not.
       | This focus on taking the DOM out of the picture to get rid of the
       | messy details of how it works is a bit like arguing that the best
       | way to improve command line interfaces is to abandon text and
       | start streaming OpenGL buffers to the terminal output. It's
       | missing the point. Yes, working with the DOM is frustrating, but
       | a lot of the frustrating parts are a result of the medium itself.
       | The DOM is part of the user interface.
       | ----
       | [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27132087
         | videogreg93 wrote:
         | > No Right click menus anywhere Just wanted to add that I think
         | that's going to be added soon, I see there's a pull request[0]
         | to get those in. Seems like development on this is pretty
         | active
         | ----
         | [0]: https://github.com/emilk/egui/pull/543
       | 4fips wrote:
       | I'm using it for some of my little tools, and it's pretty
       | seamless going between native and web, which I appreciate a lot,
       | and unlike other non-native UI frameworks, navigating through
       | egui feels pretty natural (the way input are handled etc).
       | gavinray wrote:
       | Something interesting to think about:
       | - This has a framework "eframe" which lets you write generic apps
       | which can be rendered and run either natively on on the web with
       | WASM:                 -
       | https://github.com/emilk/egui/tree/master/eframe
       | This has me thinking -- there's an existing standard "Web Audio
       | Modules (WAM)" which never really went anywhere:
       | https://www.webaudiomodules.org/
       | I'm imagining some way of bridging the VST3 API's and the WAM
       | API's, so that you could write code using "eframe" that would run
       | either as a natively compiled VST plugin, or in a browser and
       | using the DOM audio API's as a Web Audio Module.
       | native -- glium (OpenGL) --                              ---
       | VST3/LV2 API "Adapters"                   /
       | \                            /         eframe ---
       | Generic Audio/Synth/FX API's                   \
       | /                            \
       | web ----- WASM (WebGL)-----                              --- Web
       | Audio Modules API "Adapter"
       | Wouldn't something like that just be really friggin cool?
       | I'm not big-brain enough to figure out the details or if it's
       | even viable, but damn it would be revolutionary.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | Figuring this stuff out is mostly grunt work, see if you can
         | get a minimally viable prototype going, then maybe you can
         | attract some big brains to refactor and improve and make it
         | into something.
       | rasz wrote:
       | no error checking = browser with no webassembly fails silently
       | with no error messages
         | paulgb wrote:
         | Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say, but I
         | don't see how that's a criticism of the library. You can't
         | really do WebAssembly feature detection from within a Rust
         | library compiled to WebAssembly; that's the responsibility of
         | the JS loader you use, not your UI library.
       | [deleted]
       | bionade24 wrote:
       | How about Wayland ? Or does it need Xwayland?
       | no_time wrote:
       | Looks pretty nice apart from the font rendering, which is
       | terrible. It looks half decent with the default color scheme but
       | when you switch to the dark mode it really shows.
       | I'm using a regular 1920x1080 27" display for reference
       | EDIT: the unhinted editor font looks good.
         | sodality2 wrote:
         | Oddly enough it's the inverse for me: I can hardly read the
         | light theme one.
       | soheil wrote:
       | Reminds of highly interactive older Windows programs, like
       | Photoshop. Every slight mouse movement gives you some sort of
       | feedback, every click makes a change, everything is snappy... I
       | like those things and I'm sad the web took them away. On the web
       | everything is dull and dead, you can tell it very much was
       | designed for reading.
       | mahoho wrote:
       | _egui_ (egui) is Japanese for  "harsh (taste, feeling, etc.);
       | acrid; pungent; astringent "
         | lioeters wrote:
         | It's also a slang term meaning "awesome; amazing; incredible;
         | cool".
         | https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/egui
       | radarsat1 wrote:
       | The plot widget is pretty nice. Makes me wonder if it could be an
       | interesting frontend for viewing data in Python, like a realtime-
       | capable, GPU-driven, web-friendly matplotlib.
       | [deleted]
       | innocenat wrote:
       | One thing I wish every immediate mode GUI library would show is
       | how it handles complex script like Thai, Arabic, etc. because
       | it's quite hard to get it correct, but it's also the hard
       | requirement if your application need to support those language.
       | dleslie wrote:
       | How is it for accessibility?
       | Looking at the custom widget example didn't leave me with the
       | impression that it has that in mind, but I could be mistaken.
         | mastax wrote:
         | The WebGL demo has a checkbox for (Experimental) screen reader
         | support but I don't have any speakers on this computer to test.
           | wongarsu wrote:
           | It basically tells you what you clicked on, so for example
           | "Widget Gallery: checked checkbox" or "Click me: button" or
           | "width: slider, 250".
           | It also reads these things out when you tab through the
           | interface (which mostly works). Obviously a bit rough around
           | the edges, but I've seen far worse.
           | [deleted]
         | ndarilek wrote:
         | Blind screen reader user and game developer here.
         | As of a recent release, egui pushes out some events that I'm
         | able to consume and provide TTS feedback for. You can find a
         | simple Bevy example with a bit of event coverage here:
         | https://github.com/ndarilek/bevy_egui_a11y
         | In my game, I'm able to use this for buttons, checkboxes, and
         | single-line text edit fields. Sliders are a bit wonky but I'm
         | hoping to eventually get those working better as well. Much of
         | this development is needs-driven for me, and as of now I only
         | need these few widgets. I certainly wouldn't complain if
         | coverage improved, though. :)
         | Before anyone jumps on me about screen readers not being the
         | accessibility end game, I do know that. But as a totally blind
         | developer myself, I can't easily work on solutions for low
         | vision, high contrast, etc. And for my needs (simple keyboard
         | navigable game UIs for games targeted at blind players) it
         | works well enough, and should hopefully get better soon.
         | For true cross-platform accessibility with integrations into
         | native APIs, we'll need something like https://accesskit.dev.
           | saurik wrote:
           | > my needs (simple keyboard navigable game UIs for games
           | targeted at blind players)
           | Huh... I am surprised that, with that target, you are even
           | using a UI library--and then dealing with its resulting level
           | of accessibility--rather than building something more akin to
           | an IVR tree out of direct usage of text-to-speech and
           | keyboard APIs.
           | dleslie wrote:
           | Interesting, thank-you!
           | I hadn't heard of access kit; I'll dig through that today.
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | AccessKit developer here. It's still really early in
             | development; there's not much there yet.
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | > _Each node has an integer ID, a role (e.g. button or
               | window), and a variety of optional attributes. The schema
               | also defines actions that can be requested by assistive
               | technologies, such as moving the keyboard focus, invoking
               | a button, or selecting text._
               | This sounds very similar to what I'm using for my
               | Semantic UI project (which has similar aims).
               | Accessibility systems require the ability to
               | programmatically interact with the UI, too (install
               | Accerciser if you're on an AT-SPI2-based system to have a
               | play around); I'm not sure how your system supports
               | typing. (Is it all done via Action::ReplaceSelectedText?)
               | Also, have you thought about latency? AT-SPI2 is really
               | laggy ("bring down your system for several seconds at a
               | time" levels of laggy), and from a cursory inspection
               | AccessKit looks even heavier.
               | mwcampbell wrote:
               | I'd like to know more about the Semantic UI project.
               | The way text input is implemented depends on the user's
               | platform and input needs. When using a screen reader with
               | a hardware keyboard, the screen reader will often use the
               | accessibility API to programmatically move the keyboard
               | focus, but once the focus is in a text input control, the
               | input itself happens as usual, not through the platform's
               | accessibility API. For users who require alternate input
               | methods such as speech recognition, it depends on the
               | platform. On Windows, for instance, text input isn't even
               | done through the accessibility API; it's done through a
               | separate API called Text Services Framework. But
               | AccessKit will offer the ReplaceSelectedText action for
               | platforms that can expose it.
               | I have certainly thought about latency; as a Windows
               | screen reader developer, it has been a difficult problem
               | for a long time. The relevant factor here is not the
               | amount of information being pushed, but the number of
               | round trips between the assistive technology (e.g. screen
               | reader) and the application. If I'm not mistaken, this is
               | what makes AT-SPI problematic in this area. This has also
               | been a problem for the Windows UI Automation API, and a
               | major focus of my time on the Windows accessibility team
               | at Microsoft was to help solve that problem. As for
               | AccessKit, I'll refer you to the part in the README about
               | how applications will push tree updates to platform
               | adapters. Since a large tree update can be pushed all at
               | once, AccessKit doesn't make the problem of multiple
               | round trips any worse.
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | > _The relevant factor here is not the amount of
               | information being pushed, but the number of round trips
               | between the assistive technology (e.g. screen reader) and
               | the application. If I 'm not mistaken, this is what makes
               | AT-SPI problematic in this area._
               | That explains a lot! AT-SPI2 has, as you say, a lot of
               | round trips - and some applications (e.g. Firefox) seem
               | to use a blocking D-Bus interface that means they drop X
               | events while talking to the accessibility bus.
               | > _I 'd like to know more about the Semantic UI project._
               | I don't think it qualifies for a definite article just
               | yet. :-) I got annoyed with the lack of good,
               | lightweight, cross-platform GUIs in Rust, and I tried to
               | make my own, but then faced the same issue with
               | accessibility APIs... so now I'm trying to solve both
               | problems at once: defining a schema and interaction
               | protocol for the _semantics_ of a user interface, as a
               | first-class citizen - all the information needed to
               | construct a GUI interface would be present in the
               | "accessibility data", but in principle any kind of UI
               | could be generated just as easily. (Of course, a GUI
               | auto-generated from the SUI data would be like a CSS-free
               | webpage; I 'm planning to make a proper GUI library too,
               | later.)
               | There are three types of thing in the schema I've got so
               | far:
               | * "Widget type" - basically a role. Each widget has
               | exactly one widget type, which implies a certain set of
               | features (e.g. section-with-heading has a heading)
               | * "Feature" - a group of attributes with a semantic
               | meaning (e.g. the heading feature consists of a reference
               | to the heading widget (which must have the feature
               | providing its natural language representation)). I'm not
               | sure how to deal with stuff like "can be scrolled",
               | because I still haven't finished bikeshedding things like
               | "should there be implied zero-size features, or should
               | widget types just have a lot of semantics, or should
               | there be a load of explicit-but-redundant mandatory
               | features on every button widget saying it can be
               | pressed?". (I'm leaning towards the latter, now, under
               | the assumption that simplicity is better than trying to
               | reduce bandwidth.)
               | * "Event". Every change to the state of widgets is
               | accompanied by an event. There are separate events for
               | semantically different things even if the same thing
               | happened; for instance, when LibreOffice Calc deletes
               | table cell widgets that have gone off-screen, the widgets
               | have been _deleted_ but the actual cells are still there;
               | that 's a different thing to what happens when someone
               | deletes a worksheet, so it should have a different event.
               | This makes SUI retained-mode, but it should be usable
               | with immediate-mode UIs in the same situations as
               | AccessKit is.
               | I haven't worked out how to represent "alternate
               | interface interacts with program" yet, but I'm leaning
               | towards a second kind of event, with the set of valid
               | user events (and hence what the alternate UI "looks"
               | like) determined by the
               | Another question is how to represent cursors. Obviously
               | there should be co-ordinate-positional (mouse-like) and
               | cursors over the widget graph, but keyboard-driven GUIs
               | don't behave like _either_ of those things... so do I
               | just let the alternate interface deal with cursors? But
               | then how does the application know what 's currently
               | selected by the cursor? (Focus, hover, select... all with
               | different semantics, not all of which I'm aware of.)
               | Maybe SUI should just completely keep out of that, and
               | pass through a cursor ID and various events without
               | trying to fit them to a model?
               | You can tell I'm not very good at this; if I'd heard of
               | AccessKit earlier than a week into this project, I
               | wouldn't've started it! :-p
               | Since pretty much every OS supports Unix Domain Sockets,
               | I intended to use that as the communication protocol.
               | Backends for existing accessibility systems (e.g. AT-
               | SPI2, IAccessible2) were planned as daemons, but to be
               | honest I don't know enough about IPC to have planned this
               | out properly, and I haven't really got attached to any
               | one architecture. I don't even know that that would work
               | properly; IAccessible is a COM interface, and afaik
               | Windows cares strongly about which process provides
               | those.
               | I thought amount of information was a factor in IPC
               | latency (even though computers can download GBs of data
               | over a network in seconds), so I've been distracting
               | myself with trying to "lazy-load" lots of the data. If
               | you're right about latency - which you probably are -
               | then that's worse than useless, and I should just bubble
               | that up.
               | A final question is: how to deal with reading order? I
               | have no answers to this.
         | 4fips wrote:
         | Yeah, I believe accessibility is not addressed at all.
         | Similarly when compiler for web, it would be great if the UI
         | would actually behave as text (actual web page) and could be
         | copied into the clipboard etc.
         | da_big_ghey wrote:
         | Why is everyone concern with accessability on small gui tool?
         | Someone make a cool project and always hackernews with the
         | question on how it serve this very small demographic.
           | dleslie wrote:
           | Because many of us make use of accessibility options, and so
           | it's relevant to whether or not a project is of interest to
           | us.
           | fsloth wrote:
           | Accessibility is probably a good way to discern is gui usable
           | for a particular use where one needs accessibility. It's an
           | _interesting_ feature to have for many. I don 't ever read it
           | as a way to disparage the gui (guis after all are quite hard
           | to implement - any experimentation no matter how playfull is
           | probably more than welcome in this space).
           | handrous wrote:
           | A _large_ percentage of users benefit from good accessibility
           | features. These don 't just include screen readers, but
           | things like being able to change colors and font sizes
           | (manually, or to pre-sets designed to help people with
           | deteriorating vision or colorblindness, et c.)
           | Most people's vision and hearing go to hell at some point.
           | Practically all older people can benefit from a11y features--
           | whether they know they're there, and know how to enable them,
           | is another matter.
             | dleslie wrote:
             | Hell, I use display scaling to make everything large on my
             | TV and everything tiny on my laptop.
           | yosamino wrote:
           | I think I get what you mean: the percentage of people who
           | access the web using a screenreader is not huge. That doesn't
           | mean we should discount it, it's just common courtesy and
           | it's a legal requirement in many circumstances.
           | But if you take one step back, the demographic is not very
           | small at all! It includes everyone who is a bit older and
           | maybe can't see as well as when they were 23, so they like to
           | increase the contrast a bit. I myself am not very far above
           | 23 and I read hackernews zoomed in to 130%, it's just more
           | readable. Many people have an easier time using a computer by
           | for example making buttons larger so that a mouse can click
           | them faster. There are more examples.
           | And last but not least: Writing functional UI tests for
           | applications is enabled, in a good chunk by accessibility
           | capabilites built into the gui toolkit. My job would be much
           | harder if that wasn't baked in to most UIs.
           | So, while I agree with you: let people have fun playing with
           | technology and create new things without having to implement
           | _everything_ from the beginning, I don 't think it is fair to
           | just dismiss accessibility concerns like that.
           | wrnr wrote:
           | Totally, I am a dyslexic and frequent user of my systems
           | text-to-speech vocaliser as well as a big proponent of
           | immediate mode graphics. Every single time this topic comes
           | up people who often neither use accessibility features nor
           | program immediate mode graphics make this point as a cheap
           | put down. Sure this is a downside of the paradigm, just like
           | a hovering dropdown menus is hard to always do right in
           | immediate mode layouts. In both cases there are ways this can
           | be mitigated. This point has been made so many times that I
           | got my cheap comeback ready: Here is a blog post by the web
           | agency of the W3C _giggle_ explaining why they had to create
           | there own CMS system because existing solutions don 't have
           | good support for accessibility _giggle_ :
           | https://w3c.studio24.net/updates/on-not-choosing-wordpress/
           | savolai wrote:
           | The point of accessibility is not minorities, but taking all
           | users in various circumstances into account. Sometimes you
           | may yourself be on a device where images do not show and you
           | need alt text, or where you need to resize fonts to be able
           | to read text.
           | IggleSniggle wrote:
           | Folks ask because everybody really really really wishes there
           | was a GUI tool that made accessibility concerns easy. And so
           | when they ask, they are asking: Is this finally "The One"??
           | And why do folks care about accessibility so much? Because it
           | instantly makes everybody's life easier, and prevents you
           | from needing to reinvent the wheel for a whole host of
           | features.
           | I don't have any disabilities, but I love it when
           | accessibility is done right anyway. Examples:
           | - I browse the web at 175%
           | - I prefer keyboard navigation whenever possible
           | - I like knowing what something is about to do before it does
           | it, even if I'm not hovering my mouse (see "keyboard
           | navigation", or "touch screen input")
           | - My connection is often unreliable, and I like knowing what
           | images are supposed to be and, for that matter, being able to
           | _simply read text content_ (which some websites manage to
           | break)
           | - tools with good accessibility, whether on the web or
           | native, are almost always easier for me to write automations
           | for, because they "follow the rules" and thus have reliable
           | hooks for automation
           | Those are just a few of the reasons as a person who doesn't
           | _need_ accessibility tools, that I am always eager to know
           | how well a GUI tool handles accessibility questions.
             | radarsat1 wrote:
             | > - I browse the web at 175%
             | are you _sure_ you don 't have any disabilities? (j/k :)
           | petters wrote:
           | We're asking because that is often a legal requirement for
           | production use.
       | Decabytes wrote:
       | I've always enjoyed making little apps with Immediate mode GUIs.
       | It's a shame that they aren't as effective as retained GUIs for
       | more complex apps.
       | When I was still programming in Rust FLTK was the only GUI I used
       | that both worked on my Raspberry Pi 4 and was something I felt
       | like I could grasp. I'm not sure if that is retained or immediate
       | or not. I wish the OS maintainers would all get their act
       | together and create an api that made creating cross platform GUIs
       | easier. You can't blame people for using Electron when you see
       | the state of desktop GUIs
       | 1. https://github.com/fltk/fltk
         | DennisP wrote:
         | Why aren't they good for more complex apps?
           | lazypenguin wrote:
           | Layout becomes challenging after a certain point with ImGUI.
           | Especially if your layout "flows" based on the state of
           | existing elements. This can require multiple draw passes in
           | ImGUI to get certain effects and outcomes.
         | beagle3 wrote:
         | FLTK is retained.
         | It's, from my experience, the sanest of all toolkits - much
         | easier and simpler to use than almost any other, for 98% of
         | tasks, and usually faster. Back in 1998(!) when I started using
         | it, it was also the only flicker free one for Windows and X
         | (without very significant effort) although I believe that gap
         | was finally closed circa 2008 or so.
       | paulshen wrote:
       | I investigated egui early this year. It's a very good library!
       | For me, getting used to immediate mode UI was a change from being
       | used to DOM / React-style UI. imgui works well for a lot but it
       | struggles with complex layouts, eg flexbox. This is acknowledged
       | in egui's README
       | Couple things I built with egui:
       | https://artifacts.bypaulshen.com/rust-gui/code-render/
       | https://artifacts.bypaulshen.com/rust-gui/tictactoe/
         | [deleted]
         | fluidcruft wrote:
         | Tic-tac-toe is frustrating me because I can't seem to force it
         | into a draw.
           | volta83 wrote:
           | I tried to make it win every time and I'm wondering whether
           | given a Tic-tac-toe opponent that does random moves, it is
           | always possible to play such that your opponent always wins.
         | soheil wrote:
         | The tic tac toe is easily defeated
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Could you possible share the source to your two examples? I'd
         | love to see how much is accidental complexity vs actual
         | complexity, compared to how web UIs (and other similar
         | paradigms) can be built almost in an almost fully declarative
         | way.
           | paulshen wrote:
           | Here's the main file of the tictactoe implementation.
           | https://gist.github.com/paulshen/b04db68c754f73e693cd29a481c.
           | ..
           | `update` is similar to React's render function except here
           | it's being called on every interaction (eg mousemove tick)
           | and redrawing the entire screen from scratch! The code runs
           | so fast that this is fine from a perf standpoint. Note that
           | egui has a reactive or continuous mode. You can rerender
           | everything from scratch 60fps (continuous mode) and it'd be
           | fine in most cases.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Part of what makes the DOM slower by comparison is the fact
           | that it supports such advanced, declarative, adaptive
           | layouts. There's a tradeoff for having that vs not having
           | that
       | sodality2 wrote:
       | I use this in a few of my projects. Simple, no complaints.
       | Compile time is faster than it takes for me to yawn most of the
       | time (using mold linker and sccache, which improves compile time
       | a lot with a far superior linker and caching compiled
       | dependencies, respectively).
       | (Edit to add: below complaint is entirely within rust and
       | irrelevant to this library)
       | Only problem (not the fault of egui) is sometimes the elements
       | disallow me using the templateapp object mutably as a whole:
       | sometimes I have to mut borrow a part of `self` before the ui
       | part (instead of mutating `self.whatever` within the UI element,
       | I have to do `let borrow = self.whatever.borrow_mut()` before the
       | UI element then call that borrow) which seemed odd to me as a
       | beginner. I think this is mostly a rust "problem" but also maybe
       | because of how UI element creation was designed.
       | If you understand the borrow rules then you'll probably
       | understand it fine. I might be able to just lock an Arc Mutex
       | instead and avoid the problem but I just learned how to use them
       | so :p
         | pornel wrote:
         | The awkwardness is because use of `self.whatever` in closures
         | borrows `self` as a whole instead of just the `whatever` part.
         | The good news is that Rust is going to fix this soon:
         | https://blog.rust-lang.org/2021/05/11/edition-2021.html#disj...
           | sodality2 wrote:
           | Thank you so much! that's very interesting.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Oh thank god. This has been so annoying in the past
       | [deleted]
       | videogreg93 wrote:
       | I've been looking for an immediate mode GUI library for LibGDX, I
       | might have to write a port of this. I'm struggled many times to
       | get ImGUI working nicely with LibGDX but it's never worked for
       | me.
       (page generated 2021-08-13 23:00 UTC)