[HN Gopher] Develop Native Mobile Apps with JVM Clojure, GraalVM...
       Develop Native Mobile Apps with JVM Clojure, GraalVM, SCI and Skia:
       Watch this episode of Apropos where Adrian Smith and I show a novel
       approach to developing native mobile apps with JVM Clojure,
       GraalVM, SCI and Skia:  Video: https://vimeo.com/585335551  Code:
       Author : Borkdude
       Score  : 25 points
       Date   : 2021-08-13 12:30 UTC (10 hours ago)
       | kevinherron wrote:
       | When people talk about an app being "native" they generally mean
       | one that uses the UI toolkit(s) provided by that target.
       | This is not native, this is just not-Electron (or Xamarin or
       | whatever else).
         | jchw wrote:
         | There's definitely some ambiguity as I have reasonable doubt
         | that a Qt app wouldn't clear the bar for "native" and yet, on
         | Windows and macOS, it doesn't really use the native UI toolkit.
         | (To be fair, it _can_ be the native UI toolkit on some
         | platforms, but that's a bit irrelevant to this point.)
         | I don't really know what makes an app "native." React Native
         | apps are considered "native" because they are using the native
         | UI toolkit. (C++) Qt apps are native because they are "native
         | code," and compile down to machine code with native binaries
         | for their platform.
         | Web is distinctly _not_ native because it's a different runtime
         | abstracted from the underlying OS. Electron introduces wrinkles
         | in the distinction since they put the abstraction layers into
         | the application package. React Native does that and then also
         | introduces the idea of "native" meaning native widgets.
         | But what _is_ the native UI toolkit? Win32 has a controls
         | system, but even many Microsoft apps built into the OS don't
         | use it... so if your app does the same thing the built-in OS
         | does, and uses say, WinUI or what have you, it's hard to argue
         | it's "non-native." Likewise for Linux. There's no actually
         | standard UI toolkit in any given Linux desktop setup.
         | MacOS and iOS largely stand alone as the platform where the
         | "native UI" distinction stands strong, but I do think Flutter
         | challenges it a bit on iOS, if at a high cost.
         | This all to say, I think the word "native" is surprisingly
         | unclear.
         | the_optimist wrote:
         | I think you're saying that a "native app" just uses the APIs
         | for the "native" OS.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | I think they mean it runs as native code.
         | What libraries that native code uses is a different issue - but
         | it's still native code.
         | cmiles74 wrote:
         | I don't think people are all that interested in native UI
         | widgets anymore. I think Electron has shown that a web-like UI
         | is more than good enough.
         | valbaca wrote:
         | It's pretty close with Clojure & Obj-C interop:
         | https://github.com/phronmophobic/mobiletest/blob/main/exampl...
       (page generated 2021-08-13 23:00 UTC)