[HN Gopher] Debian 11
       Debian 11
       Author : marcodiego
       Score  : 422 points
       Date   : 2021-08-14 12:21 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.debian.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.debian.org)
       | Shish2k wrote:
       | PHP 8.0 is 10 months old, and debian's upcoming release will be
       | upgrading from 7.3 to 7.4, which will make 7.4 the standard for
       | the next ~3 years (even though it only gets upstream support for
       | 1 more year)...
       | I am starting to reconsider my personal policy of "use debian-
       | stable as a benchmark for what language runtimes I should build
       | on top of", now tending towards "use debian stable as the bare-
       | metal OS, and build all my projects inside docker, using each
       | language's most recent stable release"
         | dmd wrote:
         | Meanwhile, over here in healthcare, I'm currently carefully
         | evaluating whether to update some software packages from their
         | 2011-release version to their 2015-release version (which are
         | 99.9% compatible but add one or two new features).
         | And many of our critical systems (mostly MRIs) are on RHEL 5.
         | (Not connected to any network, don't worry!)
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | as user5994461 wrote that's a bit too extreme in the opposite
           | direction.
           | However, most people don't realize that the majority of the
           | software deployed in the world is meant to run for years
           | without getting feature updates.
           | Most production code is running on servers, vehicles,
           | industrial systems, infrastructure, military stuff and so on.
           | Planes and power plants can have an expected lifetime of 40
           | years.
           | Case in point: the civil infrastructure project
           | https://www.cip-project.org/ plans to maintain a Debian-
           | derived kernel and basic OS and backport security updates for
           | 25 years.
           | midev wrote:
           | > Meanwhile, over here in healthcare, I'm currently carefully
           | evaluating whether to update some software packages from
           | their 2011-release version to their 2015-release version
           | This could partially explain why healthcare IT is some of the
           | worst in the world. Can't imagine the number of
           | vulnerabilities you have from using such outdated tech.
           | From EHR systems, to basic appointment scheduling, to billing
           | and insurance, everything is so poorly built and tedious for
           | the users. Not to mention, healthcare is always falling
           | victim to ransomware, shutting down entire hospital systems.
           | I know you'll say you need to move slow, lives are at risk,
           | etc. But what healthcare IT is doing now certainly doesn't
           | work. So maybe push on the gas a little bit.
           | user5994461 wrote:
           | That's a bit too extreme in the opposite direction. :D
           | For those wondering what features are missing from RHEL 5,
           | look further than SSL.
             | dmd wrote:
             | Fortunately nobody has ever needed to access the internet
             | from these machines.
             | People on HN forget that a huge amount of computing has
             | nothing whatsoever to do with the web.
               | inglor_cz wrote:
               | In 2002, I underwent a LASIK operation on a machine that
               | ran Windows for Workgroups. I believe the same machine
               | was in use until 2012 or so.
               | user5994461 wrote:
               | Expect all healthcare machines to be networked, even if
               | only internally. Need the active directory to login and
               | need to upload the image/test sample somewhere else after
               | it's taken. That's sadly one reason why ransomware can
               | propagate so easily and stop hospitals. :(
               | In theory there can be computers with no network,
               | typically an isolated computer attached to heavy test
               | machinery, but it's becoming impossibly rare in all
               | industries.
               | And they should be easy to recognize, look for the post-
               | it nearby with the shared username/password to unlock it,
               | also notice the doctors leaving with the x-ray printed on
               | paper or a USB key to be able to transfer it elsewhere.
               | wallaBBB wrote:
               | This if done is usually against the manufacturer's
               | directives (if even possible to put online). The
               | equipment that has networking capabilities is designed
               | for internal networks, physically isolated, and it's a
               | big emphasis on this coming from the OEMs.
               | Changing/maintaining SW in medical devices is not easy
               | (FDA, CE...) and as many mentioned, not everything is
               | designed to move like the web...
           | umvi wrote:
           | Getting your doctors off internet explorer would be a good
           | start
             | dmd wrote:
             | But IE7 hasn't been sufficiently tested for enterprise yet!
             | j/k don't worry they're all on Edge.
         | samueloph wrote:
         | Seems like you should take a look at https://deb.sury.org/
         | PHP 8.0's release wasn't long ago enough to fit into the stable
         | release, bullseye was too close to the initial freeze period
         | when that happened.
         | regularfry wrote:
         | That is the correct approach. Docker optional, but language
         | interpreters included with the OS _are for the OS_. The
         | distribution is there to provide a mutually compatible set of
         | working applications for end users so they don 't have to care
         | about matching package versions by hand.
         | Unless what you're doing is writing an application to be
         | packaged with Debian, the version shouldn't matter to you:
         | /usr/local is there, use it.
         | (note: none of this is "official" in any way, just what I've
         | learned over 15 years or so of deploying on Debian-derived
         | distros)
           | ncphil wrote:
           | IMHO, that is the correct approach no matter the distro. The
           | OS is a platform, the software included with it should be
           | what works best to support that platform during a given
           | release cycle. Anything beyond that can be addressed by
           | containers, or third-party package repositories (including
           | your own personal repo). It may be a biased perspective from
           | the server side, but give it credit for being based on long,
           | hard experience with frightening permutations (as in ugly,
           | prone to misbehaving, many-headed beasts supporting critical
           | services).
         | dannyobrien wrote:
         | I'm similar, except that I use Debian as the underlying system,
         | and install with Guix. I imagine it's the same with Nix folks.
         | I'm still unsure whether Docker injects that much more
         | complexity and runtime burdens, but it sure feels a little more
         | messy after installing a few tools.
         | roenxi wrote:
         | I'll opine, happily, that nothing showcases the gap between the
         | OS people and the Web people as well as someone who considers
         | 10 months to be a significant length of time.
         | There is a happy day coming for the web developers, sometime
         | this decade hopefully, when skills learned as long as 12 months
         | ago will still be up to date.
         | Did you notice OpenJDK has been upgraded from v11 to v11? That
         | sort of radical change is why I run Debian. They don't break
         | stuff.
           | elipsey wrote:
           | When I was an intern there was this old dude who had an
           | ancient computer with the same Debian on it for like 7 years.
           | He never got excited about new stuff, and just didn't want to
           | break anything. I thought that was kind of funny and un-hip,
           | back then, but now I'm like that. It's like Dad OS. :)
             | burntsushi wrote:
             | I'm a Dad and I use Arch. I can't stand non-rolling release
             | Linux distros. They are constantly getting in my way
             | because they don't track upstream.
             | I have multiple machines running Arch (some over a decade)
             | with no problems. In constrast, doing dist upgrades on
             | Ubuntu has put me into states that I could not figure out
             | how to get out of, and thus had to do a clean install.
             | (Granted, it's been a long time since this has happened,
             | but mostly because I very specifically avoid non-rolling
             | release distros.)
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | Ubuntu upgrades are extremely messy compared to Debian.
               | If you want a rolling-like experience, the testing
               | channel of Debian is pretty good for that - though it
               | does get frozen when approaching a stable release.
               | burntsushi wrote:
               | The dist upgrade is more of an example meant to dispel
               | the myth that non-rolling release distros break less
               | frequently than rolling release. Or at least, an anecdote
               | anyway.
               | Jumping down from the meta level of rolling vs non-
               | rolling, I personally find Archlinux style of packaging
               | much much simpler than Debian's. I've writte numerous
               | PKGBUILD files over the years and it's been dead simple.
               | But my eyes gloss over whenever I look at Debian
               | packages.
               | I'm sure the complexity in Debian is warranted for one
               | reason or another. But it ain't for me.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | I think the web people have the right idea. If it hurts, do
           | it more often [1], right?
           | I've used Debian for a long time (edit: on servers), but the
           | short (and in some cases getting shorter) release cycles of
           | popular projects like Chromium and Rust have got me wondering
           | if Debian just moves too slow. I'm tempted to try using
           | Fedora as a container base image and see if it's practical to
           | keep up. Edit: I guess Fedora is no worse than Alpine if you
           | actually update to each new major release quickly, since they
           | both release every 6 months.
           | [1]: https://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/FrequencyReducesDiffi
           | cult...
             | qwertox wrote:
             | It is possible that if you build up a routine to always
             | stick to the latest, it will become an automatism. This
             | opens the door to several types of risks.
             | Containers are always an option.
             | murgindrag wrote:
             | No, the web people have it wrong. It's called:
             | - Failure to do upfront design (yay, misinterpreted
             | agile/MVP/etc)
             | - Reinventing wheels over, and over, and over
             | Newer versions and frameworks tend to be 10% improvement,
             | and 90% unnecessary churn.
             | miohtama wrote:
             | Static binaries like Snap, macOS, etc. solve "moving
             | slowly" issue. There should be little need to update the
             | core OS (kernel, initd, /etc stuff) often.
           | Shish2k wrote:
           | Very fair point :) All my other dependencies, using 5 year
           | old versions is fine; it's mostly just PHP that gets an order
           | of magnitude less-painful to work with in each release, so
           | being stuck a few versions behind is extra frustrating...
             | slim wrote:
             | That's because php decided it needs 6 month release cycles
             | now. You're better off targeting php 7.4 for the next 3
             | years imho
               | jorams wrote:
               | PHP releases once a year. They've been doing that for
               | almost a decade now.
             | CogitoCogito wrote:
             | Is it that difficult to build and/or install a newer
             | version that better fits your needs? I tend to stick to
             | debian stable, but in the few cases where I need newer
             | software I just build it myself. Using `apt build-dep
             | [package]` and then something along the lines of `configure
             | && make && make install` basically always works.
             | edit: I guess if you work somewhere with a policy of
             | requiring you to use system packages, you're a little
             | screwed, but that seems more of an organizational problem
             | than a debian problem.
               | Shish2k wrote:
               | In this case I'm building software whose primary selling
               | point is "trivial to install on practically any cheap-ass
               | $1/mo shared web host, just unzip and FTP the files to
               | your website folder" - which is the whole reason it's
               | written in PHP in the first place.
               | (The more I think about it, the more sad I am that it's
               | 2021 and still no other language has come _close_ to
               | PHP's low barrier to entry...)
               | dreyfan wrote:
               | PHP 8.x is very easy to install on debian by adding
               | deb.sury.org to apt sources.
               | https://deb.sury.org/
           | martinp wrote:
           | OpenJDK 17 is in Debian 11 as well [0]. A decision was made
           | to include it before its official release since the release
           | is so close (September). An updated package will be available
           | when it's released.
           | From the release notes [1]:
           | Debian bullseye comes with an early access version of OpenJDK
           | 17 (the next expected OpenJDK LTS version after OpenJDK 11),
           | to avoid the rather tedious bootstrap process. The plan is
           | for OpenJDK 17 to receive an update in bullseye to the final
           | upstream release announced for October 2021, followed by
           | security updates on a best effort basis, but users should not
           | expect to see updates for every quarterly upstream security
           | update.
           | [0] https://packages.debian.org/source/testing/openjdk-17
           | [1] https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-
           | notes...
           | eyelidlessness wrote:
           | I read GP as considering ~4 years total and 2 years out of
           | support a long time.
           | seoaeu wrote:
           | In other settings I can add a new feature to one of my
           | dependencies and start using it within days or weeks. You're
           | telling me you prefer having to wait _years_ to get any newly
           | implemented feature?
             | notyourday wrote:
             | OS should not ship your language run time. OS is a giant
             | cargo ship. It does not turn on a dime and it is not
             | piloted by a "lets rewrite it in rust!" crew.
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | Can you give an example?
               | seoaeu wrote:
               | Sure. In the Rust ecosystem, if you submit a pull request
               | to a library it is very common for the maintainer to
               | release a new version soon after. Even patches to the
               | Rust compiler repository are released to stable in a
               | matter of a few months (far less for the nightly channel
               | that many people use)
               | There's always workarounds and so forth, but it is really
               | empowering to be able to have an impact over such a short
               | timespan
             | tomc1985 wrote:
             | So add a couple of vendor repos and jump the versions queue
             | like everyone else. I do this for all my main
             | dependencies... postgres, ruby, etc
           | koolba wrote:
           | OpenJDK is still at 11 because that's the latest LTS version.
           | Subsequent versions have significantly shorter upstream
           | support lifetimes (IIRC, six months). Until another LTS is
           | released, it'll continue to be 11.
             | smarx007 wrote:
             | Next LTS will be released on Sep 14, exactly in one month.
               | AndyPa32 wrote:
               | It means nothing that it will be released in a month.
               | Because new software goes into unstable first, then is
               | promoted to testing and only then to stable. So even if
               | the next LTS release would have been released a month
               | ago, it certainly wouldn't have made it into debian
               | stable.
               | vbezhenar wrote:
               | Too bad, now wait for 2023.
               | smarx007 wrote:
               | I think it's rather Docker, Alpine, JDK 17 and jlink than
               | waiting till 2023 :)
             | cogman10 wrote:
             | There's no such thing as "LTS" for the OpenJDK.
             | LTS is strictly a JDK/JRE vendor concept. Oracle's
             | distributions have 11 as an LTS and will have 17 as an LTS.
             | That, however, only matters if you are paying oracle for
             | support.
               | ape4 wrote:
               | This page https://adoptopenjdk.net/support.html has Java
               | 8, 11 and 17 marked as LTS
               | spockz wrote:
               | Yes, that is LTS by the AdoptOpenJDK project. The GP was
               | speaking of oracle LTS I presume.
               | spockz wrote:
               | Although technically true your statement misses a fact.
               | Jdk 11 is still an LTS version for oracle which means
               | that they are committed to improving that version with
               | (security) fixes. These fixes will also be(come)
               | available to the main OpenJDK distributions.
               | Therefore, as a user of any JDK distribution you can
               | depend a bit on the LTS versions, in addition that what
               | your distribution promises.
           | TavsiE9s wrote:
           | > They don't break stuff.
           | Unless they do due to their stance on licenses and remove mp3
           | support from the lame package.
           | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
           | You don't seem to know anything about the "web people" you're
           | criticizing here. PHP skills learned two decades ago are
           | still very relevant today. It's the Java of the web world.
             | lexapro wrote:
             | I don't understand the downvotes at all. Yes, PHP 8 is
             | different from, let's say PHP 5, but that doesn't mean
             | knowing PHP 5 doesn't help with writing good PHP 8. Same
             | with Python 2 vs 3.
             | roenxi wrote:
             | What criticism?
               | JasonFruit wrote:
               | That's an excellent point: you described a difference,
               | which is in fact real. Any perceived criticism is just
               | that: a perception.
             | bonzini wrote:
             | Hmm no, not at all. My first job in 2002-2004 was using
             | PHP4. I barely used classes (and if I did they were just my
             | code, not from the library because I didn't need anything
             | from PEAR) and used the original MySQL client API. Almost
             | nothing of what I used back then would be useful today.
             | PHP4 vs PHP8 is almost more different than Python 2 to
             | Python 3.
               | itwy wrote:
               | Nonsense. +95% of Python 2 knowledge is transferable to
               | Python 3. Same for PHP 4 to PHP 8.
               | ptero wrote:
               | I agree with your point, but your first word may get you
               | many a downvote; I would remove the "nonsense" word to
               | increase the penetration :).
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | I've initially learned PHP4 when PHP3 was still used. Later
             | I learned PHP 5 which iirc was the first version which had
             | classes. I also learned Drupal 6 and then 7.
             | Modern PHP code looks nothing like PHP code back then. Of
             | course, the core syntax is mostly the same, but if you look
             | at a framework like D6 or D7 _no one_ would do anything
             | even remotely like this today. PHP security has completely
             | changed since then as well.
             | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
             | I thought that Java was the Java of the web world.
               | stormbrew wrote:
               | Java is the Java of the Java world.
         | arendtio wrote:
         | AFAIK, Debians conservatism was the reason why Ubuntu got so
         | popular. So complaining that Debians packages are too old is
         | somewhat of an old story itself ;-)
         | flatiron wrote:
         | I do the same but with Ubuntu. Arch Linux containers are
         | awesome.
         | geofft wrote:
         | I'm an occasional Debian contributor and to be honest I think
         | that's the right policy these days. It is effectively what we
         | do at my employer.
         | At my last employer, we ran Debian stable, and we told people
         | to use versions of software (notably Python and Python
         | packages) from the OS. One of my teammates was a Debian
         | Developer, meaning he has full access to upload packages, and
         | the two of us would package things up for the OS as we needed
         | and get fixes into Debian as appropriate. In many cases we
         | needed newer versions of packages than were appropriate for a
         | stable release and (for whatever reason) weren't appropriate
         | for backports either, so we ended up with a noticeable delta -
         | it wasn't obviously less work than just building things
         | ourselves independent of Debian. But because they were
         | systemwide and you needed someone on the systems team to
         | install those packages, what ended up happening is that my team
         | found ourselves artificially in the middle of artificial
         | development conflicts between other groups in the company,
         | where one wanted a really old version and one wanted a really
         | new version of the same package.
         | At my current employer, we also run Debian stable, but our VCS
         | repository ("monorepo," as people seem to call it these days)
         | includes both internal and third-party code. Our third-party
         | directory includes GCC, Python, a JDK, etc. (sometimes compiled
         | from source, sometimes just pre-built binaries from the
         | upstream). A particular revision / commit hash of our repo
         | describes not just a particular version of our code, but a
         | particular version of GCC and Python and Python libraries and
         | so forth. Our deployment tool, in turn, bundles up all your
         | runtime dependencies (like the Python interpreter) when you
         | make a release. In effect, it's exactly the software release
         | cycle properties you get from something like Docker.
         | The practical effect is that upgrades are so much easier
         | because they're decoupled. Upgrading the OS is hard enough -
         | you have some script that's calling curl, and /usr/bin/curl is
         | using the OS's version of OpenSSL, which has deprecated all the
         | ciphers that some internal service that nobody wants to touch
         | uses. Or whatever. Testing this is particularly hard if it
         | affects your bare-metal OS, because you have a fairly slow
         | process of upgrading/reimaging a specific machine, and then you
         | run _all_ your code on the new OS, and you see if it works. If
         | this change also includes upgrading your GCC and Python and JDK
         | versions, it becomes extremely cumbersome. If you can deploy
         | your language runtime, library, etc. upgrades separately (via
         | Docker, via LXC, via something like our monorepo, whatever),
         | then you 've decouple all of your potentially-breaking changes,
         | and you can also revert changes for a single application. If
         | the latest GCC mis-compiles some piece of software, it's a lot
         | nicer, operationally, to say that this one application gets
         | deployed to prod from an old branch until you figure it out
         | than to prevent anyone from upgrading. And if a particular team
         | insists on staying on an old version of some library, they
         | don't hold up the rest of the company.
         | And in turn that's why Debian has such a long freeze cycle and
         | doesn't release the latest version of things. There's a whole
         | lot of PHP software in Debian. All of it has to work with the
         | exact same version of PHP (or you have to go to lengths to find
         | every place that calls /usr/bin/php and stick a version number
         | on it). If something is incompatible with PHP 8, the whole OS
         | gets held back. That's exactly the policy you want for things
         | that are unavoidably system-wide (init, bash, libc, PAM, etc.
         | etc.), but you don't need that policy for application
         | development.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | PHP 8.0 was not shipped in bullseye specifically because it
         | could not be supported by Debian. A semi-official backport will
         | most likely be available shortly after bullseye is released and
         | testing/sid are reopened for new updates.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | I'm kinda surprised they didn't run out of toy story
           | characters yet. After all Ubuntu already ran out of letters
             | georgyo wrote:
             | Ubuntu releases twice a year. It only takes 13 years to
             | outrun the English alphabet.
             | Meanwhile, Debian from 1.0 released in 1996, 25 years, had
             | only 11 releases. 16 if you count unique codenames.
           | JPLeRouzic wrote:
           | > _PHP 8.0 was not shipped in bullseye specifically because
           | it could not be supported by Debian_.
           | Please what do you mean by this sentence? What is the
           | problem?
           | (I use PHP 7.3 for my personal web site under Debian 10)
             | progval wrote:
             | There is a discussion on the topic here:
             | https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=976811
             | > The timing of this request makes me uneasy: php8.0 has
             | been in Debian for less than a week, and we are a month
             | away from the transition freeze.
             | > My point of view after actually working on those issues
             | is that there is a significant number of packages that are
             | not working just fine with PHP 8.0, and require a fair
             | amount of work before that. Some of them being security
             | sensitive, so just working around visible issues may not be
             | of the best interest of anyone...
             | And by the time the maintainers decided to go with 8.0,
             | they missed the deadline:
             | > The transition freeze has started, so we'll not
             | transition to php8.0 in bullseye.
           | amyjess wrote:
           | Honestly, I'd rather just use RHEL 8 (or a clone like Rocky
           | or Alma) with EPEL. You have all the stability advantages,
           | _plus_ an additional repository with bleeding-edge software
           | that 's not in the official distro.
           | (I worked at a RHEL shop for five years, and from my
           | experience there I'd honestly rather not go back to having to
           | deal with Debian-based distros ever again)
         | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
         | Unlike previous PHP releases, 8.0 broke backwards compatibility
         | pretty hard. Some old PHP projects that I have to support are
         | completely unusable on 8.0. This gives me a few more years to
         | port them, so I am all for it.
           | miohtama wrote:
           | The same happened with Python 3 and it took a decade to catch
           | up. To be fairness, it was mostly about Unicode support and
           | applications doing stupid stuff with strings.
         | [deleted]
         | je42 wrote:
         | On the other end of the spectrum you have a distribution like
         | Arch which gives you most recent releases, but then you also
         | have to deal with breaking packages / package dependencies much
         | more often.
         | But i guess this comes down to "there is no free lunch".
         | rubyist5eva wrote:
         | Personally, I moved to CentOS from Debian (and then to
         | AlmaLinux OS) because of DNF modules. You get multiple versions
         | of different language runtimes and you can pick the ones you
         | want to use - so I stick to the LTS versions. You aren't
         | necessarily stuck to just _one_ packaged version of a language
         | runtime now - and 10 years of support is lovely.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | Debian has the alternatives mechanism for that kind of thing.
           | It works quite well.
         | SkyMarshal wrote:
         | Or just use the Debian Alternatives system to install PHP 8.0
         | and make it the system default:
         | https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAlternatives
         | Once setup, one command can toggle between your version and the
         | Debian repo version as the system default.
         | DA is great, I used it for years on Ubuntu to override Debian's
         | older default versions, or to install anything I wanted to
         | build from source.
         | I eventually migrated over to NixOS because, in a way, NixOS
         | takes the concept of Debian Alternatives and applies it to the
         | entire OS.
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | This is why I like nvm/pyenv. Available versions should be
           | managed via a tool, not by the system.
         | [deleted]
         | nickjj wrote:
         | > ... build all my projects inside docker, using each
         | language's most recent stable release
         | This has been my personal policy for the last 6 years, it works
         | well in practice.
         | You get the best of both worlds. A rock solid system with the
         | flexibility to use whatever programming runtime versions you
         | want.
           | user5994461 wrote:
           | I don't think that works anymore with the speed that
           | languages are moving and breaking these days.
           | If you tried to use Python 3.9.0 for example (released
           | November 2020), it had changes in the C bindings and broke
           | many libraries (like numpy), which was not noticed until
           | after the stable release.
           | That took months to fix and I'm not even sure if all packages
           | have been fixed as of today (9 months later).
             | mistrial9 wrote:
             | side note - this is huge news to me that Python 3.9 broke
             | numpy ! very interesting to hear this
             | nickjj wrote:
             | > I don't think that works anymore with the speed that
             | languages are moving and breaking these days.
             | The beauty of this approach is you don't have to use the
             | latest version if you don't want to, but the option is
             | there if your app is compatible. You can still use Python
             | 3.7.x or whatever you want. Docker has official Python
             | images going way back.
           | KronisLV wrote:
           | Agreed.
           | This also has the opposite effect - if there is any old or
           | outdated component or piece of software that you still need
           | to be running for unfortunate reasons, there's always the
           | possibility of putting it in a container with all of the
           | packages and other environment configuration that it
           | requires.
           | That way you don't have to risk compromising the entire
           | system and don't even have to run VMs with old OS releases,
           | while at the same time only need to expose the ports that the
           | software uses, if even those at all. In my eyes, access to
           | devices and such could still use a few improvements in Docker
           | and other competing container runtimes, but for the most
           | part, the technology is a lifesaver!
           | While i do think that it's nice if the same packages are also
           | available outside of containers, for the OS of your choice,
           | which i'm sure will also be the case for latest versions of
           | PHP and other software, even if done by a third party shortly
           | after Debian's new release, that's sadly not always the case.
           | In those situations, containers indeed seem like a good
           | choice.
         | e2le wrote:
         | Given the inclusion of the Guix and Nix package managers into
         | Debian stable, installing newer versions of software is an
         | option if you need it. Perhaps even a better alternative to
         | installing and using Docker.
         | https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/guix
         | pavon wrote:
         | The only time it took 3 years between Debian stable releases
         | was between Woody and Sarge, which happened over 15 years ago.
         | All releases since have been on a 2 year cadence.
         | heurisko wrote:
         | On the other hand, I can think of many businesses who would be
         | happy with such a conservative baseline.
       | vbezhenar wrote:
       | I think that the most significant feature in Debian 11 for me is
       | wireguard. Debian is the only distribution that I could install
       | on 256 MB VPS to use as a VPN.
         | zargon wrote:
         | Even 128 MB works great for a debian vpn.
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | Blog posts please, from you both :-)
       | bondant wrote:
       | Is it released yet ? The download page still gives a download
       | link to the version 10.10
         | jhealy wrote:
         | Not quite. The volunteers involved in the process are working
         | on it, but there's probably still some hours to go.
         | Some progress updates are being posted to twitter:
         | https://twitter.com/debian
           | gspr wrote:
           | And here: https://micronews.debian.org/
       | nvr219 wrote:
       | Awesome! Grats on the release. Debian is my favorite Linux
       | distribution and my go-to whenever I need to provision a server.
       | [deleted]
       | 404mm wrote:
       | I know it may sound silly but I really like that they're still
       | sticking with the Toy Story characters! Although I cannot say I
       | even remember Bookworm (Debian 12).
       | eth0up wrote:
       | Probably futile, but... Please put wicd-curses back in the repos.
       | Rumors of its deprecation have been greatly exaggerated. I find
       | it continuing to work as well as ever while enduring the status
       | as the only acceptable means of clean network management
       | available in Linux.
       | -Debian Testing user
       | More practically, I beseech the compassionate and unglabrous-
       | necked wizards of yore to impart their glorious mana to this dear
       | and ailing friend, wicd. Please resurrect it. I beg.
         | throwawaybutwhy wrote:
         | Doesn't that require resurrecting py2 or porting it into python
         | 3?
       | gautamcgoel wrote:
       | Debian is one of the software projects I admire the most. No
       | glitz, no fuss; it's like the index fund of Linux distributions.
       | TekMol wrote:
       | I use Debian on all my servers and love it.
       | I never managed to install it on the desktop though.
       | How do you install Debian on a desktop these days?
       | Usually, I downlod it, dd it onto a usb stick, boot from it and
       | then Im stuck because it does not have my wifi drivers and I
       | don't have a cable to connect my desktop to my router.
         | abdullahkhalids wrote:
         | You can grab the unofficial images as others say. Or simpler
         | still, just usb tether your phone to your desktop and use that
         | internet to install any necessary wifi drivers from the non-
         | free repositories.
         | Arkanosis wrote:
         | That's pretty much the same for the desktop, except you are
         | maybe more often in need of some non-free driver that you have
         | to keep available at hand (eg. on another USB stick) for when
         | the installer asks for it. I find it simpler to do the initial
         | install with an ethernet cable, and only then install the Wi-Fi
         | drivers (or the Nvidia proprietary driver) using the non-free
         | repository.
         | After installing your desktop environment of choice (eg. KDE),
         | the user experience is very similar to that of Ubuntu, except a
         | bit more barebone (or more minimal, or less bloated, however
         | you say it) and more stable (in the Debian sense of stable; eg.
         | you get Firefox ESR instead of the latest Firefox).
         | I like the stability of it: there are very few updates, and
         | even when there are, I've yet to see one that breaks something.
         | That being said, I wouldn't use Debian on all my desktops:
         | having few updates is not always desirable.
           | TekMol wrote:
           | I wouldn't use Debian on all my desktops:         having few
           | updates is not always desirable.
           | "having few updates"?
             | Arkanosis wrote:
             | Well, yes; you don't get much to update with Debian,
             | whereas using Arch, for example, you have many updates,
             | very often. Sometimes having many updates is what you want
             | (therefore use Arch) sometimes it's not (therefore use
             | Debian).
             | sillystuff wrote:
             | If you run Debian stable (or oldstable), you only get back-
             | ported bug fixes, and no new features-- the upstream
             | versions of the packaged software are "frozen" before each
             | new major Debian release _.
             | So, you don't get a million updates caused by exactly
             | tracking the upstream. You only get the updates necessary
             | to address bugs.
             | A huge upside of this is that you don't have to worry about
             | breaking changes until a major version upgrade. E.g., some
             | years ago upstream TCL changed its default from blocking to
             | non-blocking I/O. I had to change nearly every TCL script I
             | had to account for this change after dist-upgrading to the
             | new Debian version. It was nice to not have a breaking
             | change like this occur with just some random automated
             | update.
             | If you want Debian + rolling release, there is testing and
             | unstable. But, packages in testing only get security
             | patches when they trickle down-- there is no explicit
             | security patching for testing. E.g., I wouldn't run a web
             | browser or other security critical software from the
             | testing release where it is exposed to the outside world.
             | Probably safer to either run sid/unstable for a desktop, or
             | careful use of pinning. For my own desktop, I've been
             | running Bullseye testing, but pin Firefox back to Buster
             | since it doesn't have any library conflicts.
             | _ Firefox and Thunderbird are handled differently. These
             | packages track upstream ESR versions in Debian "stable",
             | and the version can change in the course of a stable
             | release.
         | ajot wrote:
         | Personally, I use the non-free netinst CD. When I get to
         | tasksel I only check "Standard system utilites". After
         | rebooting (into a system without even X) I install, wifi and
         | GPU drivers, microcode, "kde-plasma-desktop" and "plasma-nm".
         | This way, I get a very minimal and lean KDE desktop, and after
         | rebooting I install other programs as I see fit.
         | em500 wrote:
         | You could try the images which include non-free firmware:
         | https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/image...
           | TekMol wrote:
           | Thanks. What does "Unofficial images" mean?
           | It sounds kinda dangerous to me.
             | [deleted]
             | sillystuff wrote:
             | Debian will not ship non-free software in its main repos /
             | official installers. The unofficial images are exactly
             | that, created outside the rules of the project to avoid
             | this prohibition. But, you don't have to trust them.
             | You can download and place the non-free firmware files on a
             | thumbdrive yourself, and the official installer can use
             | them. It will stop and prompt you to insert the thumb drive
             | if it is necessary to complete the installation.
             | https://wiki.debian.org/Firmware
             | If you e.g., netinstall over a wired ethernet connection,
             | it is rarely a problem. But, all 802.11ac and above wifi
             | chipsets require a non-free firmware. You can always add
             | non-free to your sources.list and install nonfree firmware
             | after installation for any devices other than those
             | required for installation, i.e., your network adapter (and
             | in maybe a super rare case for a desktop install, your disk
             | controller).
               | TekMol wrote:
               | My first problem with this is the Firmware link you
               | posted. I don't know what to download from it.
               | My second is that I would like to boot from an USB drive
               | first to try Debian 11 for a while without installing it.
               | So there is no installer asking me to insert a thumb
               | drive. I just dd the downloaded ISO to the USB drive.
               | otterlicious wrote:
               | The live images with firmware are here:
               | https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-
               | free/image...
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | These images are only "unofficial" due to the
             | aforementioned non-free firmware; everything else in them
             | is the same as in official images. Debian cannot guarantee
             | that this firmware will be supported in any real sense,
             | being proprietary; they're simply making it available for
             | the user's convenience.
         | viccuad wrote:
         | Grab an image with non-free firmware and drivers included (for
         | WiFi, GPU, etc):
         | https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/image...
         | Put the image on a USB stick, boot from it into Live mode or
         | start the installer, which is quite good.
         | [deleted]
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Years ago I'd be reluctant of using debian stable on my desktop
       | because it mostly meant old packages. Now, with appimages, snaps
       | and flatpaks I can finally have a rock-solid stable system
       | combined just released new software.
       | Debian are also very important events because it influences all
       | of its descendants like ubuntu, armbian and raspbian.
         | zibzab wrote:
         | How well does system stuff work as snaps/flatpacks?
         | (I.e. things like LXC and multipass)
           | mrweasel wrote:
           | I was testing out MicroK8s on Ubuntu, as a Snap. Regarding
           | stability, I can't say, I didn't use it long enough. What
           | really annoyed me is that it's confusing as hell. Files are
           | no where near where you'd expect them to be. When things
           | break and you need to go look for configuration files, you'll
           | find that they are hidden deep down in /var. Snaps add a
           | level of complexity I'm not comfortable with, while I gain
           | very little.
           | I am pleasantly surprised by how cleanly Snaps uninstall
           | though.
             | rlpb wrote:
             | > Files are no where near where you'd expect them to be.
             | > I am pleasantly surprised by how cleanly Snaps uninstall
             | though.
             | These two things are connected :)
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | Pretty bad, by design. It cannot really integrate with the
           | OS, that's why OS packages exists.
             | zibzab wrote:
             | Hmm... that's not good, I really prefer LXC to docker
             | (mainly because of better security and that I use Ubuntu
             | and debian images instead of alpine anyway)
               | goodpoint wrote:
               | You can instead use dedicated directories, virtualenvs,
               | chroots, firejail sandboxing, systemd nspawn containers.
               | (In increasing order of effort)
         | e2le wrote:
         | Don't forget about the Guix/Nix package managers, available in
         | the stable repositories.
         | https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/guix
         | _frkl wrote:
         | That's similar to what I do, I just use the nix package manager
         | for the stuff where I like to have newer versions. Best of both
         | worlds...
         | mgbmtl wrote:
         | If using Gnome, using Sid is worth it. A lot of hate directed
         | at Gnome is because of old versions, or distribution-specific
         | hacks. I use the latest beta of Firefox for the same reason (as
         | a webdev, worth it).
         | Edit: the main risk with Sid is with proprietary software, such
         | as Zoom. There's always a fix somewhere, but fiddling around
         | can be distracting.
         | cies wrote:
         | I hate snap (no experience with flatpack). I have setup my
         | Ubuntu to not use snap, and have snapd removed. I install
         | Chrome from Debina Buster because that way it is not "snap
         | packaged".
         | Since I use nearly exclusively open source software I tend to
         | trust it. I see the extra security benefits of snap and want
         | that for sure, but all the trouble I had using it was simply
         | not worth it for me.
         | I'll come back in 10 years with snap and wayland have actually
         | matured :)
           | LeoPanthera wrote:
           | If you're going to so much effort, why run Ubuntu in the
           | first place?
           | opan wrote:
           | Wayland is great, imo, but I do not want any part of these
           | alternative package formats. I'm much happier with the
           | guix/nix approach.
             | nickstinemates wrote:
             | isn't guix/nix fairly alternative?
         | nsizx wrote:
         | I've been doing that since forever with Gentoo. Old kernel and
         | desktop but recent applications. Or the other way around,
         | really.
         | sgarland wrote:
         | Personally, I'd be fine with using Sid as a desktop as long as
         | all data was backed up - but that should be a given for any OS.
         | I'm a bit of a hypocrite, though, as I use a Mac for daily use.
         | I do run Debian Stable for my servers, though! With Bullseye
         | nearing completion, it looks like it's about time to bake some
         | new VMs.
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | There's no real danger to your _data_ with Sid, just your
           | productivity when your OS breaks.
             | flatiron wrote:
             | Never understood by people use Sid as a daily driver when
             | there's arch.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | Unless you're using btrfs.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Then sid isn't your problem...
               | ComputerGuru wrote:
               | Lol, I was going to make a btrfs quip and say I'd rather
               | trust my data to Sid on xfs or jfs rather than an
               | alternative stable distro that uses btrfs _cough_
               | OpenSuSE _cough_.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Is it that bad? I have been using Tumbleweed as my
               | desktop OS for several months, but I don't really use the
               | Btrfs features at all.
               | alyandon wrote:
               | There are features of btrfs that are currently considered
               | experimental/unsafe to use like their raid-5
               | implementation.
               | I personally use btrfs raid-1 setups and have survived
               | actual device failures without data loss. However, I also
               | perform regular backups so I'm not overly concerned about
               | "eat my data" bugs in a filesystem either.
               | matmatmatmat wrote:
               | Plenty of people, including me, have never lost a single
               | bit to btrfs.
               | Now, is it super fast? (No.) Is it (or any other COW FS)
               | the right choice for an SSD or database? (Probably not.)
               | Is it the right choice for data that get read much more
               | often than written and you'd like to be sure 10 years
               | from now that you haven't lost any of it? (There's a
               | pretty good argument to be made there, I think.)
               | ComputerGuru wrote:
               | I've lost* data with just RAID1 thanks to btrfs bugs
               | post-1.0 that corrupted the entire metadata on both
               | disks. There was no good place to get support nor any
               | instructions on attempting reconstruction of corrupted
               | metadata at the time and I haven't bothered with it
               | since. Apparently I wasn't the only one that suffered
               | such a loss and as I recall, it was blamed on OS-
               | integrated CoW under certain circumstances but it was
               | quite shortly after adopting it and not a particularly
               | weird configuration so I swore it off and have been
               | happily btrfs-free since.
               | I should have known better since during my initial
               | evaluation in search of a better llvm for Linux, I set up
               | a root non-raid btrfs volume comprised of multiple
               | dissimilar disks and lost all the data after an unsafe
               | shutdown (a kernel panic that may have been caused by
               | btrfs in the first place) even though all the disks were
               | still functioning fine. I was an early adopter of ZFS -
               | first under OpenSolaris, then under OpenIndiana, then
               | (and now) under FreeBSD, so I thought I understand what
               | "initial stable release" meant but it is clear that what
               | ZFS devs consider to be stable and what btrfs devs
               | consider to be stable are leagues apart.
               | * I was able to use forensic tools and low-level fs-
               | agnostic recovery methodologies to get some of the
               | important stuff back, but the btrfs volumes were
               | completely lost.
       | fogihujy wrote:
       | Argh, and I just deployed a Debian 10 system last week! Serves me
       | right for not checking when the next release was due . :D
         | scaryclam wrote:
         | I have a new work laptop on the way. It was delayed, otherwise
         | I'd have 10 on it now, so I'm pretty happy about this news :D
         | wongarsu wrote:
         | Me too. Well, still have three years to update before LTS runs
         | out for Debian 10. The system probably won't survive that long
         | anyways
           | doubled112 wrote:
           | Obviously YMMV, but the machines I've upgraded from 10 to 11
           | have been running smoothly, and the upgrade was as simple as
           | one could imagine.
           | You know your systems better than I do though.
         | viccuad wrote:
         | Debian upgrades between major versions are supported and tested
         | (contrary to other OSes). Reading the release notes of 11 is a
         | good idea though :).
           | user5994461 wrote:
           | In theory it's supported, in practice you might lose the
           | machine.
           | Tried on 3 tests VM last month, nuked 1 out of them, failed
           | somewhere mid process after removing half of the system
           | packages. That machine never rebooted.
             | goodpoint wrote:
             | I've been upgrading company servers and personal desktops
             | and laptops for 21+ years without getting an unbootable
             | machine.
             | blibble wrote:
             | you've been pretty unlucky
             | I must have upgraded at least 1000 times over 20 years and
             | I've only had a machine become unbootable once
               | lostmsu wrote:
               | If Debian were Windows, that would be 3+ millions of
               | users with unbootable PCs.
               | blibble wrote:
               | the machine it broken on was prehistoric, vs. the
               | Microsoft approach for Windows 11 of not supporting
               | machines less than 5 years old
               | also: Debian and its derivitaves likely runs on more
               | machines than Windows does
               | user5994461 wrote:
               | For the anecdote, it's possible to upgrade a windows
               | machine in place from XP to Windows 7 to Windows 10.
               | I've done it at home for multiple computers and it works.
               | I don't do that sort of things at work however.
               | There are obvious limitations on the hardware if you
               | really want to go all the way from XP (32 bits), don't
               | expect it to take SSD or high core modern CPU.
               | P.S. Debian has order of magnitudes less desktops/servers
               | than Windows. There's a tremendous amount of embedded
               | devices on Debian but that's a completely different use
               | case, if anything they never get an upgrade from the
               | manufacturer.
         | gspr wrote:
         | Debian upgrades are notoriously smooth.
       | YLYvYkHeB2NRNT wrote:
       | > transitional dummy
       | I take real offense to this politically incorrect descritptor
       | used in the documentation.
       | edwinyzh wrote:
       | Great! And my free GUI admin panel will support it!
       | https://sitemakertools.com/vps-bootstrapper (runs on workstation,
       | only SSH is needed, no need to pre-install anything on the server
       | side!)
       | geokon wrote:
       | I haven't used Debian in very long time. Have they converged on
       | some alternative to the PPA?
       | Like if I want the latest GCC or OpenJDK.. surely you don't
       | download some AppImage, right?
         | e2le wrote:
         | If necessary, it's possible to install either the Guix or Nix
         | package managers and then get the specific version of GCC you
         | want that way.
         | https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/guix
         | Likely, this is more preferable than unofficial apt
         | repositories or Docker.
         | goodpoint wrote:
         | Do not install OS components from unofficial sources.
         | Regardless of OS or Linux distribution, there is no way to
         | guarantee an unofficial package will not break your OS.
         | You can instead use dedicated directories, virtualenvs,
         | chroots, firejail sandboxing, systemd nspawn containers.
         | tomc1985 wrote:
         | Huh? Just add the vendor repos to APT and install through
         | them... no need for anything exotic
         | gspr wrote:
         | The laying of some groundwork was recently discussed here:
         | https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/07/msg00028.html
         | still_grokking wrote:
         | There is an unofficial (afik) effort to build something like
         | AUR for Debian. It's quite new I think.
         | https://mpr.hunterwittenborn.com/
         | (HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27638107)
         | But you don't need it for things like the latest GCC or OpenJDK
         | as stuff like that is usually available form the Testing or
         | Unstable Debian branches.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | If you're running Debian Stable, using the backports repo is
           | generally preferable to installing packages from the testing
           | or unstable channels. The latter will give you an unsupported
           | configuration that might be broken to begin with, or break
           | without warning in the future as stuff gets upgraded further.
             | geokon wrote:
             | I just checked and `openjdk-15-jdk` `openjdk-16-jdk` are
             | only on sid/unstable - which `openjdk-17-jdk` is only on
             | testing.
             | So yeah, the only alternative is mixing version which is
             | playing with fire.
             | These seems like pretty basic distro problems, no? Since no
             | one seems bothered I figured I was missing some obvious
             | solution.
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | The bullseye-backports repo is just being started, so
               | these packages will most likely be available there
               | sometime in the future.
               | still_grokking wrote:
               | Testing is (almost) Stable right now.
               | They included a JDK17 pre-release so an upgrade though
               | backports in a month will be easier than. (It's in the
               | release notes linked here).
               | Same reason why v15 and v16 are only in Unstable right
               | now: They where not meant to be released for Debian 11,
               | so removed from Testing.
               | Usually Testing and Unstable are mostly in sync. Besides
               | the packages in Unstable that are causing serous trouble
               | of course.
               | But right now Testing is mostly identical to the (still
               | next) Stable Debian 11. So it makes no sense judging
               | availability of packages in Testing right now until the
               | release is out.
       | lovasoa wrote:
       | > A new open command is available as a convenience alias to xdg-
       | open
       | It's 2021 and we can finally open files from the terminal with
       | "open". Hooray !
         | [deleted]
         | Tommah wrote:
         | the year of the Linux terminal
       | lazyweb wrote:
       | Nice! Already upgraded most of my systems (around 10 VMs and 2-3
       | HW systems) to Bullseye a few weeks ago without issues.
       | lebrad wrote:
       | We're about to experience a dreamy period of numerical software
       | versioning where Debian, Windows, and macOS have all gone to
       | eleven
         | zibzab wrote:
         | And android...
         | dijit wrote:
         | Doesn't that imply that they're all currently at version 10?
           | vesinisa wrote:
           | Latest stable macOS release is in the 11.x range. But it's
           | likely that macOS 12 will be released before Windows 11, so
           | GP's magical moment might not come to be.
           | jtwaleson wrote:
           | I think OP believes that 11 is more significant ;)
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_to_eleven
           | HKH2 wrote:
           | It implies that they're not all at 11 yet.
           | zymhan wrote:
           | Sure, but anyone can go up to 10. These go to 11.
             | senorjazz wrote:
             | :-D
       | 0x0 wrote:
       | Sad to see support for QNAP dropped in the kernel packages for
       | armel, presumably because the vmlinuz kernel is 500kb too large
       | for the default flash partition.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | This issue will also hit many mobile/embedded devices in the
         | future where the kernel has to be flashed separately from the
         | main installed system. (Debian does provide a flash-kernel
         | workflow for this purpose.) The general solution is to use a
         | separate bootloader (even Linux itself can be used as a
         | bootloader via kexec), though this can involve a bit of wasted
         | space.
           | 0x0 wrote:
           | Fingers crossed a solution could be found during the lifetime
           | of debian11. The entire distro is ready for armel, such a
           | shame that 500kb of missing flash partition space holds it
           | back :-/
           | I saw one of the bugreports had a message talking about using
           | a different flash partition but it involved a lot of scary
           | uboot hex memory addresses, which without a serial console
           | could be a quick way to make a brick...
             | ripdog wrote:
             | I don't know anything specific about your situation, so I'm
             | sorry for sticking my nose in here, but isn't this a case
             | where you just need to compile your own kernel with a bare
             | minimum of modules for your hardware? Surely that would
             | save 500kb.
               | 0x0 wrote:
               | I'll have to look into it. I was hoping to ride the
               | official marvell kernel binaries because building from
               | custom sources on armel would be a great inconvenience.
               | Also not sure I'll be able to find 500kb to cut that the
               | debian people couldn't carve out. I would have thought
               | these QNAP devices would make out a large percentage of
               | the armel install base. Grateful that armel is still
               | officially supported, just crazy that 500kb of missing
               | default flash partitions is blocking access to the dozens
               | of gigabytes of official debian armel goodness.
         | puzzlingcaptcha wrote:
         | Was it really just partition size? I vaguely remember Buster
         | cutting support for armel below ARMv5T and the Kirkwood SoC was
         | not quite making it.
           | 0x0 wrote:
           | The release notes say you can pin the debian10 kernel* and
           | upgrade everything else. So my impression is 500kb of flash
           | is the only blocker
           | * and then you're on your own for security and compatibility
           | issues
       | acd wrote:
       | I love Debian its very stable and well packaged. Big thanks to
       | all Debian developers!
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | Woohoo! Congratulations to everyone involved on the release! I've
       | tried almost every distribution under the sun and my heart always
       | goes back to Debian. I've been running Bullseye for a few weeks
       | (the RC's) and it has been a pleasure.
         | uggedal wrote:
         | Debian does not have release candidates. The installer does
         | though.
       | Tomte wrote:
       | Off-topic, but I'd appreciate a hint: because I don't see a link
       | to change language: what's the non-negotiated English URL?
         | blendergeek wrote:
         | English:
         | https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-notes...
         | The other language URLs are built like this:
         | https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-
         | notes/index.<ISO LANGUAGE CODE>.html
         | So for French it would be:
         | https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-notes...
         | Just change the language code to your language and you should
         | be set.
         | forgotpwd16 wrote:
         | https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-notes...
         | Didn't even knew they had release notes in other languages.
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