[HN Gopher] Stop using Zoom, Hamburg's data protection agency wa...
       Stop using Zoom, Hamburg's data protection agency warns state
       Author : jrepinc
       Score  : 426 points
       Date   : 2021-08-17 14:14 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (techcrunch.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (techcrunch.com)
       | cookiengineer wrote:
       | For people from the EU that hate techcrunch due to its cookie
       | banner spam fatigue - here's the source:
       | https://datenschutz-hamburg.de/pressemitteilungen/2021/08/20...
       | (Note that DPA means Deutsche Presse Agentur in German, so we
       | don't use that term over here)
       | swiley wrote:
       | Wait, governments are still using zoom? WTF?
         | rblatz wrote:
         | I don't know what rock you are living under but everyone uses
         | Zoom. Even Cisco sales reps use it for sales meetings and they
         | own WebEx.
           | baal80spam wrote:
           | > everyone uses Zoom
           | Well, my org uses Teams and I don't know anyone who uses Zoom
           | professionally.
             | breakfastduck wrote:
             | Well that must mean nobody uses it then. Huh.
             | el-salvador wrote:
             | Teams comes from free with Office 365.
             | I think last year someone from the accounting department
             | suggested cancelling Zoom because we had meetings already
             | included in Teams.
             | It caused quite a commotion from the Zoom users a few
             | minutes after we learnt about it. The plan was promptly
             | cancelled.
             | brewdad wrote:
             | My son's university has been holding tons of virtual
             | sessions for incoming first-year students and their
             | parents. Every one has been on Zoom.
             | In my experience, Zoom is the standard when you are dealing
             | with the public at large. Teams/Hangouts/WebEx, etc are the
             | go to options when dealing with an internal organization
             | where all of the users are "known" ahead of time.
             | csydas wrote:
             | For a time in 2020, Zoom for whatever reason had a
             | significant boom of popularity (I suppose they had some
             | freemium option for group calls? I really don't know).
             | As a result, a lot of companies bought licenses because
             | Zoom was the cool tech at the time. My company did this,
             | despite there being an official mandate that all official
             | communication/calls must go through Teams the year prior+.
             | I think the persistence of Zoom is just whatever the tech
             | equivalent of a hangover is. Everyone binged on Zoom in
             | 2020, and now that we're far more comfortable with work
             | from home and have more stable setups, a lot of places are
             | stuck with Zoom licenses. Embarrassingly, our company's
             | periodic all-hand-calls still are on Zoom when every other
             | operation is done on Teams. I think our brand team also
             | decided to host a few presentations on Zoom when we
             | presented in the US for the sole reason of "well, it's
             | cool."
             | + I have no love for Teams to be clear, it's awful
             | software. I do understand IT's mandate though, since the
             | entire point of the mandate was to get people to stop
             | installing random stuff on their work computers, which
             | turned out to be a great idea when it comes to Zoom.
             | ubermonkey wrote:
             | I have a couple of (honestly not very tech savvy) clients
             | who adopted Zoom at the beginning of the COVID era, and who
             | are absolutely swallowing whatever lies Zoom is telling
             | about security and encryption and whatnot.
             | Zoom has the absolutely BALLS to sell a product called
             | "ZoomGov" they say is more secure or whatever, but who
             | wants to bet it's the same code running on different
             | servers? They're also claiming HIPAA compliance, which I'm
             | also certain is a complete lie.
             | They don't care. They'll say literally anything, and pay
             | whatever fines happen if they get caught.
           | el-salvador wrote:
           | Sounds famliar! I remember attempting to do a meeting with a
           | company that resellls Webex. The meeting was not Webex
           | related but related to another product they sell. We ended up
           | switching to Zoom because Webex wasn't working.
           | metalliqaz wrote:
           | Not surprised. Among the various solutions discussed in this
           | thread, WebEx is the worst. Hangouts, Zoom, and Teams are way
           | ahead.
         | whoomp12342 wrote:
         | Maybe I am missing the point but what is the problem here? is
         | there some major security flaw in zoom?
           | mishafb wrote:
           | Zoom is not end to end encrypted at all, and they can see
           | every video stream. Also their clients had vulnerabilities in
           | the past.
             | djrogers wrote:
             | For one thing, zoom does have E2EE
             | (https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-enable-zoom-
             | encryption/) and secondly - if we're talking about public
             | meetings (like city council meetings) why would it matter?
               | swiley wrote:
               | E2EE means just about nothing without open source
               | clients.
           | howaboutnope wrote:
           | Well, for one, this happened:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25474372
             | dredmorbius wrote:
             | "This" being "Zoom executive charged with disrupting
             | meetings commemorating Tiananmen Square".
           | shakna wrote:
           | Zoom has had several major security flaws [0]. (Arbitrary
           | execution, installers with malware in them, and so on.)
           | Executives charged with coordinating attacks against citizens
           | outside China, on behalf of the PRC. [1]
           | They recently settled a class action for lying about having
           | E2E encryption. [2]
           | [0] https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-
           | list.php?vendor_id=...
           | [1] https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/china-based-executive-us-
           | tele...
           | [2] https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58050391
         | cupcake-unicorn wrote:
         | Yup, just had some meetings with my city's local government as
         | well as local nonprofits over Zoom. Concerning from a security
         | standpoint.
         | nsizx wrote:
         | What should they use instead, some half assed open source
         | solution subcontracted to the usual cronies of the consulting
         | business?
           | swiley wrote:
           | Anything else, even something proprietary.
         | saeergsergesrg wrote:
         | Yes, there is version of zoom specifically for government.
         | https://www.zoomgov.com/
         | wintermutestwin wrote:
         | Zoom is used in some courts:
         | https://www.npr.org/2020/06/19/880859109/zoom-call-eviction-...
       | caseydm wrote:
       | Anybody else prefer Google meet over zoom lately? I feel like
       | it's a cleaner layout.
         | kevincox wrote:
         | Also depending on the type of calls you have Google Meet can be
         | a lot more usable.
         | Zoom seems to come from the Seminar/Presentation mindset. By
         | default no one can join until the host does, only the host can
         | share their screen and no one except the host can mute other
         | participants. Most of the default ACLs can be relaxed if the
         | organizer changes their default meeting settings but most
         | people won't.
         | Google Meet seems to assume some level of trust between the
         | participants which matches my use case much more. So by default
         | anyone can share their screen when they need too and if someone
         | forgets to mute themselves when they take a call someone else
         | can help them out (I have seen a Zoom meeting that had to be
         | abandoned because someone took a call thinking they were on
         | mute.)
         | I'm not saying that the Zoom defaults are "wrong". In fact they
         | are the safer defaults. But for my most common use case of a
         | meeting between people in the same company the Meet defaults
         | work much better. (Although it is nice when a meeting gets
         | "canceled" because the organizer is out sick and no one can
         | join /s)
         | gtsteve wrote:
         | I'll give it another shot, but every time I do I'm not
         | impressed.
         | I'd love to use Google Meet and save some money but the audio
         | and video quality looks like a cheap trick compared to Zoom. My
         | users complain endlessly about this. We discovered Zoom a few
         | years back because we were desperate to get away from Hangouts.
         | I expect their client does a lot of work around clearing up
         | audio and similar whereas you'd need to do that on the server-
         | side (and accept the lag) for Google Meet unless you can use
         | WebAsm to clean up the audio stream possibly. I don't know if
         | developers have that access.
         | I guess Google could solve this but it would require some
         | considerable resources. I think this is one of those situations
         | where video calls are a hobby for Google but they're the entire
         | business for Zoom.
       | aendruk wrote:
       | The actual announcement:
       | - de https://datenschutz-
       | hamburg.de/pressemitteilungen/2021/08/20...
       | - en (auto)
       | https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3...
       | bjourne wrote:
       | Zoom is an incredibly creepy company. I completely loathe that my
       | company forces us to use it.
       | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
       | Offer a comparable alternative, then. I spend half my day on
       | meetings either internally or with clients, and every time I have
       | to jump on a client meeting with Microsoft Teams/Google
       | Hangouts/WebEx/GotoMeeting because their company bans Zoom, it's
       | a recipe for a fruitless meeting. Someone will fumble the sharing
       | controls; screens will take forever to present; at least one
       | person's microphone will become inaudible, static-y, or suffer
       | from "robot voice slow-down" lag.
       | To say nothing of the clusterf*ck that happens when two company-
       | specific instances of Microsoft Teams try to communicate with
       | each other and I'm left with a bunch of orphaned chatrooms with
       | outside personnel after the meeting concludes.
         | wsinks wrote:
         | Dang, Webex is still that bad for you? Is it because you're
         | using company's instances where it's more locked down and
         | they're on older code?
         | I know it's not perfect, but it's pretty reliable for me (and
         | full disclosure, I work for a different subsidiary of Cisco -
         | but I also try to be pretty critical of it since I'm close to
         | it)
         | I don't use Zoom a ton, but I've experienced what feels like a
         | similar amount of sluggishness and AV issues as I have on
         | Webex. At this point I know I'm a bit too close to have a
         | useful anecdote, I'm just surprised that Webex is still put in
         | the same group as Teams / Hangouts / GTM.
         | Again, not trying to sway you, just understand a bit better.
           | oritron wrote:
           | I found Webex to be quite a lot worse than Zoom in my limited
           | experience. I attended a few IEEE presentations hosted on the
           | platform. Audio didn't connect smoothly and needed a few
           | restarts. The talk was constantly interrupted by a chiming
           | noise whenever a person joined or left the meeting. I
           | remember finding a configuration setting for this but the
           | hosts didn't see my message (another bad feature), as this
           | was a meeting-wide setting rather than a client one. Even if
           | it were configurable per-user, that chime turned on is an
           | unexpected and intrusive default setting.
           | Beyond that, I couldn't see the presented content in full-
           | screen. There was a lot of junk in the form of perpetual UI
           | elements for the "fullscreen mode".
           | These seemed like pretty fundamental misses for the platform
           | to make.
             | echlebek wrote:
             | I attended a webex earlier this year and I found the
             | experience was far better than Zoom. The audio and video
             | quality was better, and also the presentation controls were
             | much more sophisticated.
         | bwship wrote:
         | I never have issues with Hangouts. I think Zoom is a slightly
         | better experience, but just making a Calendar invite in Google
         | Calendar, and it automatically having the Hangout meeting is
         | pretty nice.
         | [Edit] Google Meet
         | blululu wrote:
         | As someone who runs Zoom via the browser (they do deploy a dark
         | pattern to discourage this behavior but there is no good reason
         | to trust them) I find that Hangouts and Teams are both solid
         | alternatives in terms of AV quality. Would be happy to see some
         | actual data on this claim.
         | People prefer the interface they are used to. I personally find
         | Zoom to be really frustrating from an interface angle but that
         | is probably just familiarity. Of course Zoom could have avoided
         | such issues had they been more conscious of ethics.
           | danielrhodes wrote:
           | Perhaps I am jaded, but as of yet I have never used a
           | browser-based video chat that worked well. Invariably
           | connection issues arise which I have only rarely experienced
           | with Zoom. My best explanation is that a native app has more
           | to work with in terms of codecs and connection management
           | than a browser can offer.
           | So to this end, that "dark" pattern is ultimately to a user's
           | benefit and they are truly better off if they use the native
           | app. If Zoom did not do this, they would pay the cost in
           | terms of support and perceptions that the service is not
           | reliable, in much the same way that Hangouts is unusable.
           | Having said that, you should be able to acknowledge that you
           | do want to use the browser and don't want to see the pattern
           | again.
             | blululu wrote:
             | This dark pattern may benefit some users, however there is
             | a trade-off between video quality and data security.
             | Different users have different preferences/needs between
             | these two aspects of a video call service. Tricking people
             | into selecting one option is rarely done out of concern for
             | the interests of the end user. I would personally be much
             | more convinced that I am benefiting from installing an app
             | that has a history of data security issues if they gave a
             | clear and up front explanation of why this benefits me.
             | FWIW, my work uses Google Meet running through Chrome and
             | it gets the job done for remote collaboration. I would
             | actually be curious to see some figures on the difference
             | in performance between Browser and Desktop. I imagine that
             | you can do a few tricks for compression and buffering on
             | with a native app that would not be possible on a browser,
             | but I haven't seen a big difference in terms of my ability
             | to have a meeting.
           | cupcake-unicorn wrote:
           | That dark pattern drives me crazy. I use Zoom on Linux and
           | prefer to use it in browser and I still almost always miss
           | the link after having done it several times.
             | kevincox wrote:
             | If you use Firefox I recommend
             | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/zoom-
             | redirect...
             | lisper wrote:
             | That must be a very dark pattern. I didn't even know it was
             | possible to run Zoom in a browser, and even now that I know
             | I can't figure out how to do it. What's the secret?
               | scrollaway wrote:
               | You need to click download zoom on the meeting launch and
               | give it a second, it will show a "having trouble?"
               | message and let you open in a browser.
               | lisper wrote:
               | Wow, that is evil. Thanks!
               | throwaway192874 wrote:
               | The web UI is severely limited compared to the desktop
               | client which is why I suspect they do this (even though I
               | disagree with it).
               | I've had some very confusing meetings because I worked at
               | a company that required us to use web, but the presenter
               | wasn't and what she was seeing didn't match us which led
               | to some confusing scenarios. Things like the grid view
               | weren't there last I used it and some of the more
               | advanced presenter features just don't do anything for
               | web iirc
               | el-salvador wrote:
               | It can be enabled/disabled by your company's Zoom
               | administrator.
             | sombremesa wrote:
             | Just replace the /j/ in the URL of the page with /wc/join/,
             | and you should be in the zoom web client.
             | You can even prepare your links this way so you're there to
             | begin with.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I don't really get the religion around the video platforms. I
           | use three (Zoom, Google Meet, and Bluejeans) on a regular
           | basis and they all seem simultaneously decent enough and
           | imperfect on my network on a given day. Teams is fine too but
           | I rarely use it.
             | el-salvador wrote:
             | From my experience in Latin America, Zoom tolerates network
             | problems better. I've connected from or have had attendants
             | using DSL, Cable, 3G, 4G (Not LTE) and call in phone audio.
               | mttddd wrote:
               | yep I think alternatives have improved but pre covid i
               | traveled all over the world for work and the big thing
               | was Zoom worked the best on iffy connections and also
               | played best with multiple companies IT systems
           | NullPrefix wrote:
           | Browser zoom drops my audio after several minutes making me
           | disable and reenable audio to get a few more minutes of
           | audio. Annoying when it happens mid sentence, but that's a
           | price you have to pay for using Zoom.
           | sofixa wrote:
           | > As someone who runs Zoom via the browser (they do deploy a
           | dark pattern to discourage this behavior but there is no good
           | reason to trust them) I find that Hangouts and Teams are both
           | solid alternatives in terms of AV quality. Would be happy to
           | see some actual data on this claim
           | Some anecdata, recently i had to switch from Teams to Zoom,
           | with the same person, and the audio quality was drastically
           | better on Zoom for both of us.
           | tracker1 wrote:
           | Hangouts is all but dead, and Chat/Meet suck by comparison...
           | at one point, I loved Hangouts, one comms app to rule them
           | all, SMS, chat, video conf, messaging, even google voice...
           | then it all fell apart.
           | Half the time, I can't join a meet with video, or the video
           | works in the "test" window, but as soon as you join it's
           | broken.
           | I'm mostly okay with Teems though.
         | jeppester wrote:
         | I've seen this argument used many times against GDPR
         | regulations.
         | Who are obligated to provide an alternative? And why?
         | It's not like the police is obligated to give drug abusers
         | something in return for the drugs that they are confiscating.
         | choeger wrote:
         | Do you ask for a comparable alternative when a road gets closed
         | or slowed down? Or when a particular, well working, herbicide
         | gets banned? Or when carrying guns openly gets banned? Did you
         | ask for a comparable alternative to leaded fuel?
         | sharken wrote:
         | Have not experienced this myself, but it could be due to poor
         | network connectivity.
         | What i find annoying about Teams, is the ability to use 100%
         | CPU and 90% of the integrated graphics on a laptop.
         | Thankfully disabling GPU hardware acceleration have helped
         | quite a lot.
         | duxup wrote:
         | >Offer a comparable alternative, then.
         | Maybe I am not doing a lot of meetings compared to others but I
         | really haven't had more or less problems with Teams, Google
         | products, or GoToMeeting (haven't used webex in a long time)
         | ... compared to Zoom.
         | It's all a wash for me among those experience wise.
         | I constantly have various orgs tell me all about how they only
         | use X video conferencing app because of Y experience. Most of
         | those stories conflict ;)
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I'm in meetings typically 2+ hours a day. I'm on a decent but
           | not great Internet connection. My experience is they all
           | mostly work but none are guaranteed to have a video/audio
           | glitch free call.
             | duxup wrote:
             | Same. I think a lot of people's experience with them is
             | just happenstance.
             | [deleted]
         | badLiveware wrote:
         | I believe that the government in Hamburg and the Bundeswehr are
         | implementing(or has already) element and matrix.
         | https://element.io/pro/federation-collaboration
           | hef19898 wrote:
           | The latter organisation is not necessarily a benchmark in IT,
           | or organisation in general.
         | iso1210 wrote:
         | Webex is so shockingly bad. Zoom, Teams, Slack, all seem to
         | work fairly well, all have clients (and can run in the browser)
         | Webex - which I have to use as part of a university course I'm
         | doing on the side - _requires_ you to run it in a browser on my
         | OS, it has really awful options (like allowing the presenter to
         | unmute people), half the claimed features just aren 't
         | available (virtual whiteboard, no major loss as everyone uses a
         | shared google doc instead), and if you disconnect for some
         | reason (like sound stops working which happens fairly
         | frequently) you are kicked out of a group and you can't get
         | back in.
           | saiya-jin wrote:
           | Must be your specific webex/connection settings/version then,
           | we have it in our massive banking corps (90k+employees
           | worldwide) and none of the things you describe are an issue.
           | We have adopted it some 7 years ago.
           | You don't need to run it in browser at all, there are desktop
           | (and phone) clients for every major OS out there. This shows
           | that you are really not familiar with it.
           | Now it is still a crappy system, but for different reasons
           | than you describe. And other solutions have their own
           | problems, as indicated by article and elsewhere.
             | hobofan wrote:
             | The 1000 slightly different versions of Webex that are all
             | bundeled under the same brand are its biggest drawback.
             | My university uses it as well, and the normal latest
             | version of Webex is on par with Zoom. However for some
             | courses the lecutrers use e.g. Webex Training which is
             | barely usable garbage (but is the only version that has
             | built-in quiz features).
             | silurian wrote:
             | > there are desktop (and phone) clients for every major OS
             | out there. This shows that you are really not familiar with
             | Now you sound as if you are not familiar with it. Looks
             | like Webex added Linux(Deb & RHEL) on May 28, 2021. Before
             | that, you had to use their legacy java applcation which
             | also necessitated you to *manually* figure out, then hunt
             | down & install the missing dependencies. And it was still
             | shit.
         | azalemeth wrote:
         | I very much agree with this.
         | Zoom may be terrible from a security point of view; I dislike
         | the fact that I may well have installed spyware on my machines;
         | and I have _absolutely no idea_ why in the nine hells the
         | Android version _complains that my phone is rooted_ (it should
         | exist in a chroot!) but --- despite all of that --- _it works_.
         | Teams, in particular comparison, is like DIY dentistry with
         | kitchen implements as surgical tools. It lags; it doesn't have
         | a native client on any devices and turns them all into heaters;
         | its codecs are nowhere near as good, and it can't display as
         | many people on screen at one point in time -- and there's no
         | private chat. I understand on one level why most organisations
         | seem to want to force their staff to use Teams - it's "free"
         | (if you already pay the microsoft tax) and comes with the
         | corporation (+-NSA) being the spying overlord, rather than
         | "E2EE" (+China). However, I _completely_ also understand why
         | most users prefer Zoom. Frankly, I do too!
         | tehnub wrote:
         | When my company first started using Zoom, people were fumbling
         | the controls constantly. In fact, people still do ("Can you see
         | my screen?"), and no one knows what "Optimize for video clip"
         | even means.
         | I don't think those other platforms are inherently worse, we're
         | just slightly more familiar with Zoom.
         | ubermonkey wrote:
         | I've been a heavy user of GoToMeeting for over a decade. It
         | works very, very well for us, and our use case is entirely
         | multi-org meetings.
         | If someone has shitty home internet (a COVID-era problem), then
         | they should probably dial in separately and not use the meeting
         | audio, but that's going to hurt you no matter what meeting tool
         | you use.
         | croes wrote:
         | It's not their job to name alternatives, it's their job if a
         | tool complies to the laws.
           | geofft wrote:
           | Technically yes, but practically, if someone can't get their
           | job done without breaking rules, they're going to break the
           | rules. If your goal is _actual compliance_ with rules, giving
           | people a way to comply is much more effective.
             | croes wrote:
             | Tell that the software companies. You can't demand to
             | change the maw just because software companies want to
             | illegaly collect data from their users. Why are people
             | always complaining about data protection officers but not
             | the shitty software companies. They have the tracking and
             | the bugs which endanger their users and most of the time
             | they won't even get punished.
         | [deleted]
         | dcow wrote:
         | Tandem is still new and has bugs but it's never been a meeting
         | killer. It doesn't really have a guest access feature yet,
         | though (at least to my knowledge).
         | fukmbas wrote:
         | Teams is superior to Zoom... I don't understand why anyone uses
         | Zoom, it's trash and compromised
         | reedlaw wrote:
         | Jitsi Meet (https://meet.jit.si/)
           | zelphirkalt wrote:
           | Easy to self-host and probably less expensive to host than
           | all the MS Office licenses used for MS Teams or paid Zoom
           | licenses. I set up Jitsi Meet months ago and all I ever had
           | to do was to add user accounts using prosody on the server
           | (which should be improved imo). I've not needed to touch
           | anything since first setup, except for user accounts. It just
           | works. What's more is, that some solutions like MS Teams
           | still is not able to properly work on all browsers. While
           | Discord has solved this problem for ages and Jitsi Meet
           | simply works in all modern browsers. I have a hunch, that
           | with MS Teams there is active unwillingness to make it work
           | properly. How else can this be explained?
             | da_chicken wrote:
             | > _I have a hunch, that with MS Teams there is active
             | unwillingness to make it work properly. How else can this
             | be explained?_
             | As the saying goes, never attribute to malice that which
             | can adequately be explained by stupidity.
               | fartcannon wrote:
               | There's an update to that saying:
               | Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be
               | explained by stupidity, unless it's Microsoft. Then it's
               | definitely malice.
           | rad_gruchalski wrote:
           | Used it once, host shared the screen, never seen anything
           | what they have shared.
           | ryukafalz wrote:
           | Yup. We use this for every meeting at my local hackerspace
           | and it's been great.
           | Bonus: it tells you when connectivity issues are on your end
           | or someone else's end, everyone's network stats are visible.
         | KronisLV wrote:
         | > Offer a comparable alternative, then
         | Here's a few:                 - https://meet.jit.si/ which you
         | can also self host https://github.com/jitsi       -
         | https://bigbluebutton.org/ which you can also self host
         | https://github.com/bigbluebutton
         | I've found that they're especially useful, when integrated with
         | Rocket.Chat https://rocket.chat/ which you can also self host
         | https://github.com/RocketChat
         | That way you have an experience that's a lot like Slack/Teams,
         | with pretty good support for chat, reactions, file uploads,
         | discussions, making quotes etc., while also being able to start
         | video/audio calls with the press of a single button.
         | Of course, if that's too many platforms, Rocket.Chat also
         | supports WebRTC, albeit the UX was a bit less stellar when i
         | last tried it.
         | Alternatively, there is also Nextcloud Talk, which can
         | integrate with your instance of Nextcloud and allow for file
         | sharing, chatting etc., though personally i found Rocket.Chat
         | to be more usable: https://nextcloud.com/talk/
         | Regardless, those are some very competent options which allow
         | all the data to remain on your own servers.
           | cpncrunch wrote:
           | Yes, there are many self-hosted options out there.
           | https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway works well for
           | multi-party video with up to about 15 users in a room
           | assuming everyone has a reasonably reliable connection.
           | saurik wrote:
           | AdmiralAsshat's point was that all of the alternatives sucked
           | because they were difficult or flakey to use: they weren't
           | "comparable". Notably, the alternatives being mentioned as
           | non-comparable weren't even trying to be local: they were
           | remote service/ (which if you think Zoom is particularly bad,
           | is still an improvement) built by giant companies that have
           | tons of resources to have an army working on just these
           | tools... and they all still sucked.
           | You then responded to this comment by just matter-of-factly
           | asserting that you had the list of missing alternatives...
           | but, really, you are simply hijacking the thread to point out
           | that alternatives exist "which allows all the data to remain
           | on your own servers"; but, you provide no evidence or
           | argument to address whether these products are actually
           | "comparable" (to the point where it just feels like you
           | didn't even understand the point being made) in a way that,
           | say, Google Hangouts--which is the product Google created
           | WebRTC for!--isn't.
             | ratww wrote:
             | I disagree that alternatives are flakey or difficult to
             | use. If anything it's the opposite. I use BBB daily (and
             | sometimes Jitsi) with a very varied group (including people
             | who never had a computer before) and the results are _much_
             | better than with Zoom. Maybe Zoom is intuitive if you grew
             | up with computers and with bad software, but honestly the
             | quasi-requirement of installation (it 's non-trivial to use
             | the web version) and the dark patterns galore are hard to
             | navigate for non-techy people.
             | lrvick wrote:
             | I use https://meet.jit.si/ daily and can confirm it is
             | easier to use than Zoom or Hangouts.
             | No nag screens trying to get me to install desktop clients
             | or trying to get me to create an account or give up
             | personal information.
             | It just works.
               | saddlerustle wrote:
               | Like all apps that are "just" WebRTC, jitsi doesn't work
               | well on networks with persistently high packet loss. A VC
               | app needs to work reliably 99.99% of the time, not just
               | 99% of the time.
             | [deleted]
           | okprod wrote:
           | I think the OP meant options that are as "easy" as click on a
           | link and join a meeting. I use BBB and Mumble but there are
           | others I know who would never know how to set up their own
           | instance or even what github is.
             | lrvick wrote:
             | This is why multiple companies exist to sell you one-click
             | hosted instances of these without lock-in.
               | yorwba wrote:
               | Yeah, the press release https://datenschutz-
               | hamburg.de/pressemitteilungen/2021/08/20... mentions that
               | (in addition to a nameless internal videoconferencing
               | tool) Hamburg uses Dataport as a vendor, which seems to
               | imply Jitsi Meet: https://video.openws.de/
             | FiReaNG3L wrote:
             | jitsi is exactly that, been using it for the whole pandemic
             | for meetings for my team of 10 ppl, never had an issue.
           | taf2 wrote:
           | I like your line reasoning... but the problem with video
           | conferencing isn't really technical- IMO it's all about the
           | User experience (UX). Zoom by far beats the competition in
           | this regard. It's UI could be better but compared the mess of
           | competitors it's far more straightforward ... just my
           | opinion...
             | ratww wrote:
             | I don't think Zoom "beats" anyone in UX, especially with
             | the dark patterns. They're just popular. I've seen
             | countless times hundreds of people unable to activate the
             | "Computer Audio" option on company-wide meetings because
             | it's in a secondary tab with zero-affordance. Recently they
             | made it very hard to find the "gallery mode" icon (you have
             | to hover a dark area). They also make it borderline
             | impossible to open it on the browser, forcing multiple
             | reloads or whatnot (the method it changes all the time).
             | Honestly Jitsi, BBB and even Teams are all better IMO.
               | cycomanic wrote:
               | One of my pet-peeves with the zoom UX is that it always
               | switches to full-screen mode if someone is sharing the
               | screen. This is particularly annoying if you are also
               | using the participant or chat windows (because there's
               | voting or chat messages etc.) and if you are switching
               | between different presenters (meaning it switches again
               | and again to full screen). Why can't it respect my
               | decision to not have a full-screen window?!
           | schmorptron wrote:
           | Element, too!
             | Akronymus wrote:
             | Element actually uses jitsi.
               | schmorptron wrote:
               | Oh right, they're just planning to get voice and video
               | working over matrix natively in the semi near future
         | geraneum wrote:
         | Other big services sometimes solve this problem by creating a
         | data center in EU for European customers (DataDog, 1password,
         | etc.). I don't know how feasible could that be in Zoom's case
         | technically, but if they see a threat of losing customers
         | because of GDPR they might dedicate such resources.
         | baja_blast wrote:
         | As someone how uses both Zoom and Google Hangouts, there is
         | nothing Zoom offers that Google hangouts does not provide. The
         | quality is the same for both, but at least Hangouts does not
         | install a sketchy client on my machine that constantly runs in
         | the background.
           | whoomp12342 wrote:
           | you can disable said client on startup...
           | jbluepolarbear wrote:
           | Google hangouts is garbage. I have never had a hangout call
           | that didn't freeze or have someone dropout. The audio on
           | hangouts is beyond bad and makes people sound completely
           | different than they do in person. The video quality is always
           | grainy on my fiber connection. Zoom doesn't have these
           | problems for me.
             | el-salvador wrote:
             | Same issue here. If the link is too slow screen shares
             | become grainy and text is hard to read.
             | While Zoom usually only slows the frame rate, but not the
             | resolution.
             | remus wrote:
             | I find it interesting that people have such different
             | experiences with the same tool. I tend to have 2 or 3
             | hangouts meetings a day and I can't remember the last time
             | there was an issue.
               | jbluepolarbear wrote:
               | How are you okay with the audio compression? It makes
               | everyone sound flat, monotone. It's hard to tell who's
               | who if people have their cameras off.
               | vosper wrote:
               | Likewise - we switched from Gotomeeting to Google Meet
               | (which is the same as hangouts, right?) mostly because
               | the experience for staff in Latin America was so much
               | better.
               | That said, Gotomeeting is the worst of the bunch. They
               | haven't added a useful feature in years, the CPU usage is
               | terrible, their parasitic launcher is very difficult to
               | get rid of, ugh... I'm surprised they're still around.
           | rand_r wrote:
           | I'm sorry, but Hangouts is terrible. It sucks on every level.
           | The UI is so bad it's hard to believe. I wish I could sit
           | down with their product team to get an explanation for how
           | badly Hangouts is designed. Takes about 10s to see all the
           | problems with it compared to Zoom.
             | john_yaya wrote:
             | I used to agree with you, until I discovered that
             | (surprise, surprise) Hangouts works great on Chrome, not so
             | much on other browsers.
             | robrenaud wrote:
             | My 94 year old grandpa would constantly struggle with zoom,
             | to the point that we'd schedule him 15 minutes early to
             | avoid half the meeting being about zoom problems. Hangouts
             | worked well for him first try. The auto captioning also
             | works quite a bit better with hangouts, which is good for
             | people with hearing loss.
             | aqme28 wrote:
             | Can you be more specific about the UI problems? It seems
             | pretty equivalent to Zoom to me.
               | rand_r wrote:
               | Two words: Gallery view.
               | Like what in the actual fuck. How are they unable to do a
               | simple grid properly? It's just rectangles. The UI is
               | there to copy from Zoom even.
               | SahAssar wrote:
               | I don't think having the gallery view grid less
               | gracefully handling non-even numbers of participants
               | justifies saying "The UI is so bad it's hard to believe".
           | BiteCode_dev wrote:
           | Appart from not having a linux client.
             | azornathogron wrote:
             | The client is a web browser. There are web browsers on
             | Linux. I use hangouts in both Chrome and Firefox, and
             | haven't had a problem with either of them.
           | _huayra_ wrote:
           | While hangouts is a dumpster fire, Google Meet seems to work
           | pretty well for those who aren't willing to jump through some
           | self-hosted hurdles to run their own.
           | yibg wrote:
           | Screen sharing on hangout (a year or so ago) has been
           | terrible for me, especially for text dense screens like code.
           | Pair programming on hangouts I can't even read the other
           | person's code a lot of the time. Also hangout quality for
           | video and audio drops really fast on relatively poor quality
           | network. I've had a few cases where the quality on hangout
           | was too poor so we switch over to zoom.
           | CrimsonRain wrote:
           | Hangouts has zoom-level annotation or 5k screen share where
           | texts are crisp?
             | eurasiantiger wrote:
             | How often do you use those features, and how useful are
             | they to all participants?
         | godot wrote:
         | Although I mainly use zoom for work, I've also used Google Meet
         | occasionally and have found the quality to be on par with Zoom.
         | I notice you mentioned Google Hangouts instead of Google Meet,
         | I'm not sure if they are the same now (too hard to keep track
         | of these) but a brief google search seems to suggest they are
         | not the same. If so, my past experience with Google Hangouts
         | with friends would suggest it is indeed terrible. If so, you
         | could give Google Meet a try.
         | e40 wrote:
         | Yeah, it's amazing to me the hate people have for Zoom.
         | I feel about Zoom like Garp felt about the plane that hit the
         | house he was looking at buying. When the real estate agent said
         | he wouldn't want to buy it now, he said _The odds of another
         | plane hitting this house are astronomical!_ and bought the
         | house. I think it 's unlikely Zoom will jeopardize their
         | leadership by not taking security and privacy seriously.
         | Rd6n6 wrote:
         | I use whereby and it's always been without issue. They used to
         | have a very good privacy policy too, but since they updated it
         | I can't make sense out of it
         | el-salvador wrote:
         | I have to do many online meetings, with attendants from
         | developing countries (like mine) or unstable links. From our
         | experience it seemsthat Zoom tolerates our unstable internet
         | links better. I guess it has better error correction.
         | There's also the annotate feature is super useful, which is
         | missing in Teams and Webex. And also offers dial-in phone
         | numbers in more countries then the rest.
         | Zoom's audio design is nicer too, compared to Webex has some
         | very annoying beeps that are a pain in large meetings.
         | Regarding Teams, I have a computer with plenty of RAM, SSD
         | disks and a high end work provided smartphone. Teams is super
         | slow in both of them. I haven't been able to use the Exe
         | version for weeks now because it's too slow. There is also no
         | way to quote a chat using the Windows and Web version, so in
         | order to quote chats I have to do it from my phone.
         | Every once in a while I have buggy Teams or Webex meeting, that
         | ends with a "Hey you know, I'll just send you a Zoom link".
         | comeonseriously wrote:
         | I hate Teams because of other issues[0], but the video and
         | screen sharing are really good.
         | [0] It will occasionally leave artifacts on the screen if I put
         | my laptop to sleep and wake it up. Just an empty rectangle in
         | the notification area. I had to write a powershell script to
         | cycle teams. And that's just one of the annoyances.
         | IncRnd wrote:
         | I think Teams has every bug known to computers. Though, I've
         | found GotoMeeting to work extremely well, and WebEx has been
         | very decent but much better than Teams.
           | rjsw wrote:
           | Teams manages to reboot Macintosh M1 machines after a few
           | minutes in a call.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | Given my experience as a sad participant in Teams meetings,
             | I'll go on a limb and say Teams is probably running an
             | electron shell implemented in x86 code calling a 64bit shim
             | layer inside an ARM hosted VM.
             | el-salvador wrote:
             | I'm not surprised. It can runs super slow on my computer
             | with plenty of RAM and lots of CPU.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | Hangouts would surely have the same problem since I doubt
         | Google can rule out the possibility that your video streams are
         | being relayed through frontend servers outside the EU. The only
         | way you could really control it is to use the old school
         | approach to video conferencing: legacy standards like SIP or
         | h.323 with all of the usability problems that implies, or
         | WebRTC with your own STUN/TURN services ... and all of the
         | usability problems that implies.
       | stalfosknight wrote:
       | It would be nice if Teams weren't yet another Electron disaster.
         | foepys wrote:
         | And instead of improving their code so Teams is fast as VS
         | Code, they delegated it to the Edge team to write a new version
         | of Electron called WebView2.
         | Teams' codebase is apparently so bad that it's not fixable and
         | they need to rely on others to rewrite the runtime for them.
         | For good measure it also subscribes to the media keys on the
         | keyboard. To mute your microphone you might think, but no, to
         | play the dial tone twice when pressing play/pause for your
         | music! Very useful, thank you Microsoft.
           | wila wrote:
           | WebView2 is the MS Edge browser technology that can be
           | instanced as a browser control in your application. [1]
           | It is not electron.
           | [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/
             | foepys wrote:
             | Since it's unreleased they might name it differently when
             | releasing but I don't think they will make it open source.
             | Microsoft will most likely use it for themselves.
       | ezconnect wrote:
       | Economic competition has now become who can control state
       | government.
       | Ansil849 wrote:
       | I use Zoom for the simple reason that it provides end to end
       | encryption and can seamlessly support large (50+) team meetings.
       | Other than WebEx, which is more cost-prohibitive and has a
       | clunkier UI/UX to boot, I believe there are no other video
       | conferencing apps that can provide the service I'm looking for
       | (which is 1. E2EE, and 2. support for 50+ attendees).
       | _Is_ there anything else that can provide this, besides Zoom or
       | WebEx?
         | fartcannon wrote:
         | Yes.
         | https://jitsi.org/security/
         | Plus you can self-host it. So you're only limited by the
         | machine you host it on.
           | Ansil849 wrote:
           | I've stress tested Jitsi's E2EE (both on the official server
           | and on a self-hosted instance, with was a PITA to setup, by
           | the way) and....it does not scale. After more than 20 clients
           | joined, there were noticeable problems that made the meeting
           | impossible to conduct (audio drop outs, frozen video,
           | disparate lag times, etc), both on a self-hosted instance
           | that had more than enough bandwidth/hardware kit to handle it
           | (the same self-hosted setup is also used to host Zoom, which
           | runs perfectly), and on their main server.
           | I would like to hear real-world examples of people
           | successfully conducting large-scale E2EE meetings over Jitsi.
           | What setup did you use?
         | intel_brain wrote:
         | Telegram?
           | Ansil849 wrote:
           | Telegram does not support E2EE for group chats.
           | It's also not a video conferencing platform.
             | fsflover wrote:
             | > It's also not a video conferencing platform.
             | Yes, it is: https://telegram.org/blog/group-video-calls.
         | swiley wrote:
         | E2EE is meaningless with a closed client downloaded by
         | individuals from the service provider.
           | Ansil849 wrote:
           | If the option is "not use any closed-source E2EE video
           | conferencing platform because of ideological purity" or
           | "conferencing platform which promises E2EE and has SLAs and
           | legal contracts backing these claims with the client", for
           | practical purposes the latter wins.
         | rrdharan wrote:
         | > it provides end to end encryption
         | (After lying about it for years)
         | https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/08/zoom-to-pay-85m-...
         | Theranos-level of "fake it til you make it" and they actually
         | did make it...
       | rblatz wrote:
       | So this is different than all the other Zoom is insecure things.
       | This is related to Zoom sending data to a "hostile" state (the
       | US) which cannot guarantee GDPR compliance and there is no waiver
       | to allow transmission of protected data to The US.
         | superkuh wrote:
         | In addition, Zoom developement is largely based in China which
         | has an even less stellar record and definitely does not respect
         | GDPR.
         | d0mine wrote:
         | who doesn't send data to US? (google, apple, facebook?)
       | cannabis_sam wrote:
       | I feel like I live in a bizzaro world...
       | First, I've been working remotely over skype, audio-only, for
       | over a decade. Yet in 2020 and with the emergence of zoom, it's
       | suddenly become an expectation that everyone is incessantly and
       | awkwardly staring at each other through screens for the whole
       | workday.
       | Second, the few times I've used Zoom it's been absolutely
       | garbage, with video and sound dropping or just not there (this
       | was a university paying for Zoom's services).
       | Yet I use teams everyday, and while I have plenty of complaints
       | about it, at least I can get the sound and (screen-sharing) video
       | that I actually need for my work.
         | 8ytecoder wrote:
         | I don't know - my company/team (except for one or two instances
         | of introductions) never expect us to turn on video. Some people
         | do; other don't; just do your thing. Turning on the video is
         | especially hard on women. From what I have heard from friends
         | they have to get ready and put on makeup as if they're going to
         | work simply because they're expected to be on zoom video all
         | day long.
       | lrvick wrote:
       | I recommend almost anything else at all other than Zoom.
       | As a security researcher that has reported a number of issues to
       | Zoom, I can say without reservation they are one of the most
       | security negligent companies I ever worked with.
       | It was evident after multiple calls with their team they didn't
       | employ anyone strong technically in their US offices and had no
       | idea how to translate security issues, even obvious ones like DNS
       | takeover, to their (I assume China based) eng teams.
       | The software was designed without security as even a thought as
       | many researchers have demonstrated. To this day the clients
       | expect administrative access for no reason. I refuse to install
       | them and tolerate the webapp when people insist on Zoom.
       | A friend and I compiled this list to consider.
       | https://gist.github.com/dacruz21/dd2480f195f5b48a9ab7af8b41c...
         | ramimac wrote:
         | Disclaimer: Have worked with many smart folks who now work at
         | Zoom.
         | I agree that Zoom has had numerous security and privacy
         | failings. I think it is important to color the characterization
         | of their security teams with a timeline however.
         | Looking at that gist - the majority of the content predates the
         | conclusion of the "90 day security plan" [1]. The team, and
         | product no doubt, has changed immensely in the past year. That
         | doesn't wallpaper over the history here, but there is
         | completely different security leadership (e.g the current CISO
         | didn't start until late June 2020 [2]) and staffing in place at
         | this point that means your statements on their team likely
         | aren't reflective of Zoom today.
         | [1] https://blog.zoom.us/ceo-report-90-days-done-whats-next-
         | for-... [2] https://blog.zoom.us/zoom-hires-jason-lee-as-chief-
         | informati...
           | toiletaccount wrote:
           | and yet i still dont trust their shitware. there's a lesson
           | to be learned there.
         | sombremesa wrote:
         | Zoom has fixed the UX in this business, which is the one thing
         | that matters most(tm), and which is why they will continue to
         | be successful.
         | It's like a restaurant which has the absolute best food by a
         | mile, so they remain in business despite the cockroaches and
         | unfriendly waitstaff.
         | Most customers don't really care about privacy and security,
         | they just want to pretend, and as long as they can easily
         | pretend they're happy.
           | version_five wrote:
           | Many of the replies to your comment have the "No wireless,
           | less space than a nomad" vibe" People seem to nitpick or
           | claim equivalence between individual features, but like you
           | say, Zoom was the sea change toward mass videoconferencing.
           | acdha wrote:
           | Which UX problem do you think it fixed? If I had to rate by
           | the ability to successfully start a call and not have
           | technical issues interrupt it, I'd rank Zoom, Teams, Slack,
           | and Google Meet roughly equivalent -- the quality isn't as
           | good or robust as Facetime but that's also not designed for
           | meetings or cross-platform.
           | I'd accept Google self-selecting out of the market with their
           | incoherent messaging strategy but that has nothing do with UX
           | other than not needing to tell people to uninstall the old
           | apps and install the current one.
             | artursapek wrote:
             | The reason Zoom won is their meeting URLs which open their
             | app, combined with no registration requirement. It's just a
             | very viral product.
             | justaguy88 wrote:
             | > Which UX problem do you think it fixed?
             | You can join a call without signing up
             | sombremesa wrote:
             | When Zoom first came onto the scene, the other technologies
             | you've listed had more friction than coarse grained
             | sandpaper. Zoom was the very first to let people join
             | meetings without a) signing up; and b) downloading
             | anything. I don't know about all the solutions you've
             | listed, but Google Meet for example still requires an
             | account whereas Zoom still does not.
             | As more and more people use Zoom, the friction of using it
             | decreases as well, since you can more safely assume that
             | people have used it before and are familiar with it - if
             | not, they can still use it without making an account, and
             | without downloading anything (though this has become a bit
             | harder now).
             | Furthermore, Zoom was also one of the first solutions to
             | let you simply call in with your phone (and put that option
             | front and center), which also does not require accounts or
             | any downloads.
             | There are probably many other things I'm glossing over here
             | - UX is a holistic phenomenon after all, and requires many
             | small things to feel right. I'm not sure whether you're
             | arguing that Zoom did not have 10x better UX than anything
             | out there when it launched, but if you are, I can't help
             | but think you're being willfully ignorant.
               | rrdharan wrote:
               | Google Meet does not require an account to join a
               | meeting.
               | https://support.google.com/meet/answer/9303069
               | vitus wrote:
               | Um, it does...?
               | Under "Personal account users":
               | "Anyone who isn't signed into a Google account can't join
               | your meetings."
               | This is a feature, not a bug: https://workspaceupdates.go
               | ogleblog.com/2020/07/anonymous-us...
               | Although: "Note, this does not prevent users from dialing
               | in by phone."
               | ethelward wrote:
               | > Zoom was the very first to let people join meetings
               | without a) signing up; and b) downloading anything
               | E.g. BigBlueButton and Jitsi were doing it for much
               | longer.
               | Krasnol wrote:
               | Which is irrelevant because those who knew about those
               | are not the significant majority which is responsible for
               | the success of zoom
               | cycomanic wrote:
               | So the point is not that zoom was better UX wise, but
               | simply had better marketing, or not?
               | nwienert wrote:
               | Both.
               | Honestly - there's huge, massive room for better UX that
               | would really revolutionize online communication:
               | - Presence indicator/avatar in your toolbar of close
               | contacts or team
               | - Push-to-talk to send audio to anyone from toolbar with
               | non-disruptive indicator
               | - Instant screen/mouse share from there with audio and
               | floating video optional
               | - Just so many fluidity improvements if you do a more
               | minimal video window that can add/remove people without
               | friction
               | I really wish someone would build it.
               | acdha wrote:
               | > Zoom was the very first to let people join meetings
               | without a) signing up; and b) downloading anything
               | I find your second part interesting because for years
               | Zoom has tried to force you to download their client --
               | you have to learn how to construct the web URL to
               | generate links to use it in a browser since they removed
               | the option from their web UI.
               | > I'm not sure whether you're arguing that Zoom did not
               | have 10x better UX than anything out there when it
               | launched, but if you are, I can't help but think you're
               | being willfully ignorant.
               | I'm not sure why you're inclined to take such an
               | uncharitable view but I'm coming at it from the
               | perspective of someone who was relatively late to using
               | Zoom (2020) and found it pretty similar to the
               | competition. I used Skype, WebEx, Teams, Hangouts/Meet,
               | and Chime professionally first and Facetime / Hangouts
               | personally prior to that and the only one I'd say is 10x
               | worse is Skype.
             | reilly3000 wrote:
             | It's tight integration with calendar systems and Slack
             | definitely help. Their browser extension makes Google
             | Calendar event creation have a Zoom Meeting link that is
             | seamless, and /zoom is irresistible. For a time they had
             | the best free tier on the market, and people appreciated
             | the 45 minute time limit that came along with it.
             | FWIW the competition was terrible for a time. I've never
             | been on a BlueJeans call that wasn't painful, Google
             | Meet/Hangouts had terrible quality, GoToMeeting was
             | neglected post-acquisition, slack killed their meeting
             | product for a while, and WebEx was bloated. Join.me was my
             | goto for a while, but now I use Jitsi when I get to choose,
             | but usually end up on Zoom calls.
             | biztos wrote:
             | I think a lot of it is that everyone has heard of Zoom, and
             | Zoom works pretty well for calls with a lot of people, so
             | it became the default for group video calls.
             | The "UX" in this case was "fixed" by being less crashy than
             | the competition for long enough to earn a reputation.
             | As someone with a security background myself, I really hope
             | organizations use it less and less, because the competition
             | by now works just fine. But as a human living in the world,
             | I don't refuse to use Zoom, I just use it on my iPad and
             | assume the conversation is intercepted somewhere.
           | CabSauce wrote:
           | Really? Their UI/UX within a call is the worst of the major
           | video conferencing tools, IMO.
             | netr0ute wrote:
             | I think it's because we power users want more from a UI,
             | but to Average Joe, Zoom is great because all the simple
             | stuff is easy to understand.
               | hnlmorg wrote:
               | I've got to agree with the GP on this. I would argue Zoom
               | is one of the least simple to understand UIs.
               | - It's multi-window (like WebEx). Whereas Teams and Meets
               | is a single window interface
               | - It has a great many options and not all of them are
               | immediately obvious. Like how filters are hidden behind
               | then stop cam button
               | I'm not saying I'm a fan of MS Teams nor Google Meets
               | either. But they do have a much slicker UI.
               | [deleted]
               | cycomanic wrote:
               | I can tell you that this is pretty much everyone. I've
               | just experienced this in some interviews and conferences
               | where people were using Zoom and Teams for the first
               | time.
               | There was definitely much more confusion when using Zoom
               | than teams. How do I share my screen? How do I open the
               | participants/chat when sharing the screen ... The
               | interface especially when sharing a screen is absolutely
               | horrible.
       (page generated 2021-08-17 23:01 UTC)