[HN Gopher] Snap: A microkernel approach to host networking (2019)
       Snap: A microkernel approach to host networking (2019)
       Author : teleforce
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2021-08-21 14:03 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (research.google)
 (TXT) w3m dump (research.google)
       | techthumb wrote:
       | How does this compare to OpenOnload?
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | Hard comparison to make. Snap can be used with traditional
         | socket APIs, but that is not really its purpose. OpenOnload can
         | _only_ be used that way.
       | kwindla wrote:
       | So much interesting stuff happening in userspace networking these
       | days. It really feels like the pieces are almost there to treat
       | the network as just another part of the stack that you're
       | programming. (Albeit a pretty low-level part!)
       | If you're interested in Google Snap, you might also want to take
       | a look at Snabb [0], and Rush (Snabb in Rust) [1].
       | For an example of how this stuff is useful at sub-Google scale,
       | we just open-sourced the Rush-based tools we use to test our
       | WebRTC code [2]
       | [0] https://blogs.igalia.com/dpino/2017/11/13/snabb-network-
       | tool...
       | [1] https://github.com/eugeneia/rush
       | [2] https://github.com/daily-co/synthetic-network
         | dochtman wrote:
         | Rush sounds interesting, but the README is pretty sparse. Do
         | you know more context/background?
           | kwindla wrote:
           | Sure. We [0] make APIs for live video and audio, so we do a
           | lot of different kinds of network testing. Over time, we had
           | cobbled together a variety of tools to support load/scaling
           | testing, CI/CD, testing during development, and helping our
           | customers debug and test their applications. For all of
           | these, some ability to simulate packet loss, latency, jitter,
           | and other network realities is somewhere between helpful and
           | critical.
           | I'm a big fan of Snabb, and had a few conversations with Max
           | Rottenkolber, one of the Snabb authors, about how we might
           | tackle building a common network-simulation framework that we
           | could use across all the different kinds of testing we do.
           | Max suggested more or less the approach that you can see in
           | the synthetic-network repo. (He wrote a series of documents
           | during implementation that are really fun reading. They are
           | in the /doc directory.)
           | Since we increasingly use Rust in various places, and our use
           | case was a bit different than the core use cases for Snabb,
           | Max took a swing at porting parts of Snabb to Rust for the
           | synthetic-network project. That worked out really well, and
           | that Snabb-implemented-in-Rust is now Rush!
           | [0] https://www.daily.co/
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > So much interesting stuff happening in userspace networking
         | these days. It really feels like the pieces are almost there to
         | treat the network as just another part of the stack that you're
         | programming. (Albeit a pretty low-level part!)
         | There's also fly doing userland tcp over userland wireguard
         | because peeps might not have a local wireguard client.
           | dochtman wrote:
           | It's not just Fly IIRC, the official macOS Wireguard also
           | relies on userland Wireguard (wireguard-go), as does
           | Tailscale.
           | kwindla wrote:
           | > There's also fly doing userland tcp over userland wireguard
           | because peeps might not have a local wireguard client.
           | Oh, yeah! That whole thing [0], up through the integration
           | with flyctl, is fire.
           | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26315695
       (page generated 2021-08-21 23:01 UTC)