[HN Gopher] Tech Interview Handbook
       Tech Interview Handbook
       Author : oumua_don17
       Score  : 114 points
       Date   : 2021-08-23 19:35 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (techinterviewhandbook.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (techinterviewhandbook.org)
       | mnd999 wrote:
       | Honestly, I despair.
       | sto_hristo wrote:
       | These interviews are becoming their own profession.
         | smnscu wrote:
         | I've been an interviewer with Karat for 2.5yrs, it's genuinely
         | great. https://karat.com/
         | I know you made the statement in jest, but trying to improve on
         | the interview process is not a bad idea. At the very least,
         | it's less engineering time wasted conducting interviews.
         | mLuby wrote:
         | The last time I interviewed, I did it full-time for about a
         | month. Was kind of fun actually: you're solving isolated little
         | coding problems, talking with companies about their engineering
         | and business challenges, meeting smart and friendly people, and
         | at the end of it all you get a big pay raise. The downside is
         | mostly that it's a ton of scheduling calls and on-sites (back
         | when those were in person).
         | At the end of that month, it really did feel like I was a
         | professional interviewer.
           | MattGaiser wrote:
           | Well yes.
           | To get a software engineering job, step 1 is to quit your
           | software engineering job to study full time to get a job
           | doing something very similar.
           | Doing your job as a software engineer is an impediment to
           | interviewing as one.
             | someelephant wrote:
             | Except for all those stories of people who have been
             | interviewing for months but can't seem to land anything.
             | Much better to realize you have developed some behavioral
             | problems and seek treatment for them while you are employed
             | rather than after you leave your job.
       | drdeadringer wrote:
       | I disagree about having an Objective Statement. I replaced mine
       | with a Summary long ago.
       | Also, talking about your interests should happen during an
       | interview or even a phone screen. You don't list "Film Noir" when
       | applying to a flowers shop.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | The typical "Looking for a challenging position juggling
         | chainsaws in a hard-driving..." OK I exaggerate but I never
         | liked anything along those lines. I was usually pretty fluid
         | about what I was looking for and mostly stuck it in a cover
         | letter or was having a conversation with someone I knew anyway.
       | ecshafer wrote:
       | I disagree with this resume advice actually. He for example
       | removes that he was in the military sniper team and won best
       | shot, but keeps high school education? I would totally say the
       | opposite, keep the cool the side thing that's a conversation
       | starter, but remove irrelevant educational experience.
       | Including the number of stars on the github projects they worked
       | on seems so.... narcissistic? Promotional? Idk but its
       | distasteful and I would probably throw out the resume at that.
       | I really think all of the resume changes, other than the incoming
       | intern at bytedance were extremely bad changes. It went from
       | someone who is smart, with a breadth of experiences, to someone
       | that is obsessed with social media likes.
         | keithnz wrote:
         | I don't mind the stars, I wouldn't discount the resume based on
         | that, but the changes themselves seemed useless. Having looked
         | at many resumes of candidates, I scanned both with my "looking
         | to hire" hat on and quickly determined, 1) is a grad and seems
         | smart 2) is involved with open source projects and seems to
         | enjoy creating software, on that basis I'd bring them in for an
         | interview
         | zerkten wrote:
         | I would modify the cool side thing (being a sniper), if it
         | highlights leadership skills, collaboration, and determination.
         | There are many opportunities to develop these and many more in
         | military and other roles before you get a first real job.
         | Depending on whether you took advantage of the opportunity and
         | who you are interviewing with, it can be a strong
         | differentiator and set you onto a quicker path to promotion.
         | The stars part is flawed because it's set against the 19
         | commits which don't really quantify anything. Both these miss
         | after some good build up around the adoption of the Docusaurus.
         | It'd be better to have a description of the impact of the 19
         | commits.
       | mettamage wrote:
       | Let me give a cautionary tale in the form of an ad (my email is
       | in my profile). Full disclaimer: it's both, but the value to the
       | discussion is the cautionary tale part. Feel free to ignore the
       | ad part. Edit: I tacked on a perspective how I started to like
       | leetcode questions, I hope that helps people find some
       | inspiration to get through the leetcode grind. If I can do it
       | during the evenings, then so can you! ;-)
       | I'm looking for a FAANG internship and/or entry level job
       | opportunity.
       | Years of experience: 1.5 years
       | Academic degree: bachelor + master computer science.
       | Interview preparedness: 100 leetcode questions, 30 easy, 50
       | medium, 20 hard (my opinion on them: I like them). Average
       | solving time: 30 minutes for leetcode medium (not quite FAANG
       | level yet).
       | It may seem I aim the bar a bit low. Here is why: after
       | graduation, I took a gap year and because of that missed the
       | graduate loop. Before I knew it, I couldn't apply to FAANG
       | anymore because I was not a current student (for internships) or
       | a recent graduate (due to gap year). I also didn't realize that
       | being from Europe would hurt my chances somewhat. It took me
       | quite a long time to realize this, and now even more time had
       | passed (after many rejection emails and 0 phone screens).
       | So, it is possible that you may get top marks at your master
       | program. It is possible that you did a bachelor + master and have
       | TA experience during your degree (that I'm not counting here as
       | experience). Yet, FAANG can still completely ignore you, because
       | you didn't know you should be applying for internships when
       | you're in your second year of your bachelor.
       | If I could redo it, I would:
       | * Get a real developer job as soon as possible
       | * Start leetcoding in my 3rd year bachelor while applying to
       | internships
       | * More leetcoding during my 2 year master + applying to
       | internships + getting actual developer work experience (actual
       | dev experience trumps TA jobs)
       | This is why I'm open to internships and/or graduate positions.
       | I'm not good enough at systems design. However, with coding, I
       | think I have a clear shot.
       | To the leetcode naysayers: I used to dislike leetcode questions
       | too. However, I've noticed simply by practicing it, it does
       | become easier over time. More importantly, you have to own it in
       | a way that suits your personality.
       | In my particular case, I view data structures as organisms. I use
       | plants a lot to visualize linked lists and trees. An array +
       | linked list is a brick wall (array), and a vine (a node looks
       | like a vine leaf). Traversing that linked list is dying the whole
       | vine a certain color. Stacks are actual stacks, queues are queues
       | of people, a set I need to iterate through (like an array) looks
       | like my laundry basket, etc. I love visualizing data structures
       | like this and it gives me a sense of wonder. That sense of wonder
       | translates into motivation, and that's how I'm owning it with my
       | personality.
       | Currently, my only real weakness is dynamic programming, but I'm
       | confident that I can master it over time :)
       | Full disclosure: recently I have been rejected by all the FAANGs
       | again (outright, no phone screen), except for 1 and I've finished
       | their onsite and am awaiting their result. I'm horrible at
       | systems design though and wish I could interview for a graduate
       | position.
       | If someone could help me apply for a graduate position
       | (internship or job) despite my unusual circumstances, I'd
       | appreciate that.
         | frfl wrote:
         | If it helps, I didn't really start to grok system design and
         | architecture until more than 2 years full time. Before that it
         | was just a bunch of functions/methods, classes that used each
         | other. Slowly though, you start to notice the patterns, you see
         | what failed badly and how it failed (bad design). You get burnt
         | having to solve problems in badly designed code. You get stuck
         | trying to test badly designed code. You slowly see the bigger
         | picture, how to put together these small pieces into that
         | complete application that isn't a tangled mess and
         | unmaintainable (bad design = maintainability being inversely
         | related to time * functionality, or some equation of that
         | sort).
         | Of course this has nothing to do with what system design
         | questions (most) interviewers care about. But this is the
         | system design that matters on the job.
         | Read books for the real system design after you land the job,
         | they won't really stick before you get expeirence - refactoring
         | legacy applications, pragmatic programmer, clean coder, clean
         | code, clean architecture (all clean books are by 'Uncle Bob').
         | For interview system design (I'm not speaking from too much
         | experience here), youtube has some good videos "software system
         | design interview", I've seen "grokking the system design
         | interview" book being mentioned.
         | Good luck. Hope this helps somewhat.
       | gorbachev wrote:
       | "GPA does matter"
       | No, it does not, unless you're a recent graduate. Absolutely
       | nobody pays attention to your GPA, if you're more than a few
       | years in your career.
         | nosequel wrote:
         | I never put my GPA on any resume. I had a garbage GPA because
         | the only classes I went to were CS classes so I got horrible
         | grades in all my required electives. I was worried someone
         | would ask and no one did.
           | Graffur wrote:
           | Did you not have to submit transcripts of your results?
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | I think the only company that has ever asked me for this
             | has been Google.
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | I always put my GPA on my resume. I'm always hoping somebody
           | will mention it and nobody ever does.
         | yupper32 wrote:
         | As a new grad I didn't have my GPA on my resume and it never
         | actually came up except for the occasional transcript request.
         | I had a fine GPA, but not high enough for it to be a nice
         | datapoint.
         | I had plenty of interest with lots of companies, including many
         | FAANGMGOEWVIOPJW companies.
         | This was years ago though.
           | nvarsj wrote:
           | Maybe things have changed, but when I went to career fairs as
           | a uni student in the 00s they all asked for my GPA. Less than
           | 3.5 was pretty much an instant no.
             | yupper32 wrote:
             | I'm talking like 2012-2015ish here. I was never asked for
             | it specifically, or asked why it was not on my resume. A
             | few big companies asked for my transcript, but that's all.
             | I don't even know if they looked at it.
             | I had about a 3.5, so nothing to write home about. Got
             | offers from a few big tech companies.
             | I really think they didn't care, unless my barely 3.5 GPA
             | just made the cutoff when they looked at my transcripts.
       | bovermyer wrote:
       | This is... incredibly disconnected from my 15-odd years of
       | experience in my career.
       | Is this how Silicon Valley engineering careers work?
         | teddybloake wrote:
         | This is really skewed to recent or new graduate and elite
         | universities. When I was out of college, 15 years ago, some of
         | the internships listed were hard or near impossible to get
         | into. Take for example Goldman Sachs. They should be listing
         | more regular internships and not those who managed to
         | matriculate into the elite of the elite (hint: not a
         | meritocracy). If anything it creates disillusionment that STEM
         | careers are a straight path to being the next Bezos. It is like
         | golfing: pick up golf to play golf not to play on the PGA tour.
       | rcurry wrote:
       | One thing that always blows me away (literally) is candidates
       | that will eat like a tunafish sandwich with onions five minutes
       | before they come in for an interview.
         | data_spy wrote:
         | With that kind of confidence, I hire them on the spot!
       | decebalus1 wrote:
       | Here are some psychological tricks that will help you ace a job
       | interview.
       | Tailor your answers to the interviewer's age. Generation Y
       | interviewers (between 20 and 30): Bring along visual samples of
       | your work and highlight your ability to multitask. Generation X
       | interviewers (between 30 and 50): Emphasize your creativity and
       | mention how work/life balance contributes to your success. Baby
       | Boomer interviewers (between 50 and 70): Show that you work hard
       | and demonstrate respect for what they've achieved.
       | --
       | Are you kidding me? Maybe insert a joke about 'millennials' if
       | you get interviewed by a boomer, am I right? Really tailor your
       | material for the crowd.
         | mbernstein wrote:
         | Since when are 35 year old in 2021 gen-x?
           | nosequel wrote:
           | They aren't. It has the generations all wrong.
       | [deleted]
       | walshemj wrote:
       | I think this may be very targeted to certain cultures and while
       | its useful to take elements from maybe for your first job.
       | Now I have a pitch style CV and have dumped the chronological for
       | well over a decade.
       | However writing a guide like this you need up front to show that
       | you have actually done a lot of recruiting.
       (page generated 2021-08-23 23:01 UTC)