[HN Gopher] An error message if you put more than 2^24 items in ...
       An error message if you put more than 2^24 items in a JS Map object
       Author : norescue
       Score  : 37 points
       Date   : 2021-08-27 21:05 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (searchvoidstar.tumblr.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (searchvoidstar.tumblr.com)
       | retbull wrote:
       | I feel like if you are working with genome levels of data maybe
       | you shouldn't be using JS to do the work. JS is a great tool in
       | some cases but not really a scientific one. I guess you use
       | whatever you know.
         | albertgoeswoof wrote:
         | This person is using tumblr as their blogging platform- I don't
         | think they are making great life choices overall
         | H8crilA wrote:
         | (Not being sarcastic at all) I remember the times when bringing
         | JavaScript anywhere near data analysis would be considered a
         | cute joke.
       | roberttod wrote:
       | TIL You can write javascript numbers with underscore separators
       | https://v8.dev/features/numeric-separators
         | codetrotter wrote:
         | Same in Python 3 and Rust too.
         | https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0515/
         | https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/primitives/literal...
           | omegalulw wrote:
           | Interestingly, why do they specify base 10 integers as:
           | nonzerodigit (["_"] digit)* | "0" (["_"] "0")*
           | Isn't digit (["_"] "0")* simpler?
             | Jasper_ wrote:
             | 012345 is the old way of doing octal notation in Python,
             | which has its roots in C. I'm guessing they want to prevent
             | ambiguity by making it so that it's an error for "012345"
             | to be a decimal literal.
               | dr_zoidberg wrote:
               | Yes, it gives an error -- if you want decimals, you can't
               | use leading 0's:                   Python 3.6.3
               | (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct  3 2017, 18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64
               | bit (AMD64)]         Type 'copyright', 'credits' or
               | 'license' for more information         IPython 7.2.0 --
               | An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
               | In [1]: 01           File "<ipython-
               | input-1-3351d58b1d3b>", line 1             01
               | ^         SyntaxError: invalid token                   In
               | [2]: 0o1         Out[2]: 1              In [3]: 0o10
               | Out[3]: 8
           | de6u99er wrote:
           | And Java since Java7 which was released in 2011.
             | nayuki wrote:
             | Note that different languages have slightly different
             | syntax rules.
             | 0_0: Legal in Java, legal in Python, illegal in JavaScript.
             | 0__0: Legal in Java, illegal in Python, illegal in
             | JavaScript.
             | 0x_0: Illegal in Java, legal in Python, illegal in
             | JavaScript.
             | 0_, 0_.0, 0._0: Illegal in all three.
             | It wouldn't surprise me if C# and C++(14) have differing
             | edge cases too.
           | banana_giraffe wrote:
           | And C# since 7.0
           | https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/proposals/csh.
           | ..
           | First time I saw it was in C#, I love it personally
         | [deleted]
       | rbanffy wrote:
       | 16,777,216 keys ought to be enough for anyone.
         | fridif wrote:
         | What if I'm trying to model every atom in a multi-cellular
         | being?
           | l-lousy wrote:
           | Don't use JS
             | munk-a wrote:
             | Indeed - you'll want to upgrade to Basic.
           | Someone wrote:
           | That question doesn't show understanding of the relative
           | sizes of atoms and cells.
           | https://www.thoughtco.com/how-many-atoms-in-human-
           | cell-60388...:
           |  _"According to an estimate made by engineers at Washington
           | University, there are around 1014 atoms in a typical human
           | cell"_
           | = it isn't necessary to use "multi-cellular" there by a wide,
           | wide margin.
           | kook_throwaway wrote:
           | PHP is webscale.
           | peanut_worm wrote:
           | I think you'd have a hard time modeling a single celled
           | organism
             | H8crilA wrote:
             | The difference between multi cell and single cell is not
             | the hard part.
       | CyberRabbi wrote:
       | If the user has the memory there should be no hard limit. Oh
       | wait... there's the pesky issue of memory overcommit...
         | xsmasher wrote:
         | It COULD be written to be infinitely scalable in size (up to
         | allowed memory) but that comes with a speed cost.
         | I remember something about NSArray switching its layout (and
         | speed characteristics) after adding certain number of items,
         | but I can't find a reference now.
       | [deleted]
       | Mountain_Skies wrote:
       | Ran into something similar years ago on the Blackberry where if
       | you created more than 2^15 objects, performance could drop by
       | something like 90%. There was no error but the performance hit
       | was bad enough to make the app unusable.
       | sillysaurusx wrote:
       | A year or two ago, I helped the Cloud TPU team fix an obscure
       | error when creating more than 200 TPUs.
       | Apparently no one had ever tried to create more than 200 TPUs
       | before (https://battle.shawwn.com/swarm-training-v01a.pdf). I was
       | pretty proud of that.
       | (As a bonus, I actually wanted to use all 200 TPUs. It wasn't
       | merely a stress test. Big data indeed!)
         | ZeroCool2u wrote:
         | Here I was having fun with my p3.16xlarge at work today, that's
         | awesome!
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | If you like playing with ridiculous amounts of hardware,
           | definitely try out TPU VMs with TFRC:
           | https://blog.gpt4.org/jaxtpu
           | You can create up to 5 TPU v3-8's in europe-west4-a. Each
           | core is _roughly_ equivalent to a V100, so it 's sort of like
           | having 5 p3.16xlarge's. (The TPU has 96 CPUs and 330GB of
           | system RAM, whereas a p3.16xlarge has 64 CPUs and 488GB of
           | system RAM according to https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-
           | types/p3/).
           | The best part IMO is that you don't have to figure out how to
           | link the cores together. JAX does that for you automatically.
           | You get 100GigE from TPU to TPU too, which you can also
           | leverage:
           | https://twitter.com/theshawwn/status/1406171487988498433
         | CamperBob2 wrote:
         | Wow, that docdroid site is toxic waste. Don't click on anything
         | but the back button if you follow that link.
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | Sorry. As an AI outsider, I wasn't sure how to publish to
           | arxiv, so I used the first PDF hosting site I could find.
           | I've mirrored it to https://battle.shawwn.com/swarm-
           | training-v01a.pdf and edited my original comment with that
           | instead. Thanks for pointing that out.
       | mastrsushi wrote:
       | I always read these with my arms crossed like "pffffff yeah
       | obviously"
         | H8crilA wrote:
         | There's no limit for array size in C++, or for any core
         | structure. Other than int/size types, which naturally scale up
         | as we get newer architectures (2^64 for most people at the
         | moment).
       | jdeaton wrote:
       | The actual mistake here was trying to do bioinformatics in
       | javascript.
       (page generated 2021-08-27 23:00 UTC)