[HN Gopher] Challenges students face when learning to work with ...
       Challenges students face when learning to work with relational
       databases and SQL
       Author : gousiosg
       Score  : 70 points
       Date   : 2021-08-29 17:13 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | sdevonoes wrote:
       | I takes days/weeks to pick up the core of SQL:
       | - create tables, update the schema, insert rows, add an index
       | - select, filters, joins, order by, limit, inner queries
       | It takes forever to be comfortable with:
       | - anything that involves summarizing, grouping, having, min, max,
       | windows
         | myspy wrote:
         | Something other which is hard is writing performant queries.
         | Using statements with subqueries/in syntax for example.
         | And I always forget which join does what.
           | AdrianB1 wrote:
           | Remembering which join does what is easy: inner joins
           | strictly joins the tables, left takes all on left (first
           | table), right takes all on right (second table), outer (or
           | cross) join are so rarely used you don't need to memorize.
           | MeinBlutIstBlau wrote:
           | same with the joins. on paper it makes sense, in practice it
           | does not. if its more than a "select * from dbo.whatever
           | where column abc = 'thing'" i have to refer back to notes and
           | play with it.
         | [deleted]
         | AdrianB1 wrote:
         | Not really. I used to teach SQL not a long time ago and about
         | 1/4 of the trainees were getting up to speed fast, about half
         | in a reasonable time, the rest were there only because they
         | were sent there by their managers.
         | I found that the most important success factors in learning SQL
         | is the analytical thinking of the trainee and the way the
         | trainer is explaining the concepts, in what order and what
         | examples are used (the best examples are the ones the trainees
         | meet in their regular work).
         | The functions are simple, the only difficulty is to remember
         | the ones that are not used often enough (ex: some window
         | functions). Even in that case, a quick check in the
         | documentation is enough to get up to speed. The major
         | difficulty with SQL is to write efficient queries on large data
         | volumes, covered by the right indexes. This is very specific to
         | each RDBMS, especially because of the tools helping with the
         | work are specific (ex: SSMS, SQL Sentry Plan Explorer,
         | statistics parser etc).
           | MeinBlutIstBlau wrote:
           | If all you do is SQL, anybody can learn it quick. If you do
           | full stack, you're only gonna care about what gives you the
           | data you need at that time.
             | AdrianB1 wrote:
             | No offence, but a full stack's job is not to write good
             | SQL, it's to write enough SQL to get what is needed, then
             | the development DBA's job is to make it fast and efficient.
             | You don't need to be a great car mechanic to drive to the
             | office and back.
         | 542458 wrote:
         | Personally I feel that it took me a while to get really
         | comfortable with more complex joins. There's an problem they
         | used in the study that required joining a table with itself,
         | and honestly I would probably take a while to come up with that
         | answer, if at all.
           | weaksauce wrote:
           | A basic approach(probably what they are going for in a basics
           | study) would be something like this off the top of my head
           | select c.cid, c2.cid         from customer as c         inner
           | join customer as c2 on c.street = c2.street         where
           | c.city <> c2.city
           | though that has reflective duplicates say (1, 5) would also
           | have (5, 1) in the output. So I'm not sure if that's
           | "allowed"
             | fifilura wrote:
             | There are lots of cases where a join with yourself is
             | applicable, although they are mostly superseded by window
             | functions these days.
             | For example normalisation (join with a groupby/sum of
             | yourself) or rank (join each row with all rows that have
             | lower value than yourself and count those rows).
             | But as I mentioned above. A good start is to sketch that
             | out in excel. You will realize that what you need is
             | another column (e.g. total sum for this id). And from that
             | you can work yourself backwards to figure out what is the
             | table you need to join with to create that column.
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | I'm not sure if you are replying to the wrong person but
               | the question has nothing to do with a total sum of ids...
               | the question was: "List all pairs of customer IDs who
               | live on a street with the same name but in a different
               | city." listed under self-join
               | that said i haven't wrangled with raw sql in a spell so
               | the reading on window functions is interesting.
         | fifilura wrote:
         | I think one tip here is to always work with CTEs "WITH", and
         | not nest queries. That way you can always go back and check
         | "what is it I join with what", by querying the individual steps
         | with LIMIT 10.
         | The other tip is to sketch the problem in excel/google sheets
         | when it gets hairy. Not the actual code (I don't have a clue
         | how to do that, others have), just the values in the different
         | steps. In the end it is only about rows and columns.
         | But that said, these days a lot of it happens intuitively for
         | me, I pretty much know the solution before I can spell it out.
         | It certainly was not like that when I started.
         | When you begin, "programming without for loops" feels like
         | programming with your right hand tied behind your back. But in
         | hindsight you get a lot of exercise in the immutable paradigms
         | of functional programming, working with comprehensions, sets,
         | maps folds comes very natural.
           | odipar wrote:
           | Yep, CTEs are a huge boon to structure your SQL - use them
           | where you can.
         | btilly wrote:
         | Meh, summarizing, grouping, etc aren't that hard.
         | However WINDOW queries definitely have a learning curve. Not
         | the least because useful examples almost always require you to
         | use a nested query.
           | magicalhippo wrote:
           | I learned SQL on a need to know basis. For me, recursive
           | queries were the ones that needed the most time to click.
           | Another one that caught me by surprise was NULL vs
           | unknown[1]. That bit me in a couple of queries.
           | [1]: https://learnsql.com/blog/understanding-use-null-sql/
         | pge wrote:
         | and worst of all, anything that involves vendor-specific
         | keywords...
       | ipaddr wrote:
       | One of the best ways to learn advanced oracle specifically is
       | through the ask tom q/a. The question are difficult and the
       | answers teach more than any course.
       | https://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:1000::::::
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | To me the most difficult part is learning sql before knowing what
       | can be done with a computer, both on the complexity and the
       | language design part.
       | Before learning interpreters/compilers/prolog, I'd spend a lot of
       | time trying to figure out about naming/namespaces in queries,
       | while after doing some PLT, it all becomes very very obvious, you
       | can now focus on the operators and since you'd know how far can
       | programming go, you'd see faster how nested queries could make
       | sense, what aggregating functions meants etc
       | TrackerFF wrote:
       | I see they mentioned previous course knowledge - this is
       | something you see in many (programming) classes.
       | Students that have zero prior knowledge in programming, are able
       | to pick up functional programming pretty easy. Students that have
       | studied and used paradigms like OOP, seem to have a hard time
       | grokking functional programming - as they see everything through
       | the lens of OOP (and the languages they've used).
         | btilly wrote:
         | Functional and OOP techniques do not seem to be best friends.
         | http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2006/03/execution-in-kingdom...
         | uses Java to discuss what this can look like in an extreme
         | case.
       | gnat wrote:
       | https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3446871.3469759 has the actual
       | paper.
       | hahamrfunnyguy wrote:
       | In my experience, inexperienced database developers pick up SQL
       | fairly quickly under the guidance of an experienced mentor.
         | [deleted]
         | Spooky23 wrote:
         | This.
         | Usually I see people struggling to formulate questions. They
         | know what they want, but don't understand how to get there.
         | Left to their own devices, they hack up some nightmare in
         | Excel.
         | I worked with a summer intern on creating reports and learning
         | SQL. She was a really smart business major who ended up with
         | the wrong work assignment. I was getting 5-7 questions a day
         | from her in June, 1-2 a week in July and by the time I got back
         | from vacation in August, she had basically done about 90% of a
         | project that was going to be hired out and was showing me some
         | features of the database we were using that I didn't know!
         | It inspired her to switch majors and she is a fancy data
         | scientist somewhere! Awesome mentor experience.
       | patrakov wrote:
       | Direct link to the research paper, instead of the summary:
       | https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3446871.3469759 (pdf)
       | tracyhenry wrote:
       | SQL has a steep learning curve. It expose almost zero insights
       | into the underlying query execution. As a result, increasingly
       | amount of inefficient queries are being written by ML engineers,
       | who in general care little about query efficiency. The solution
       | right now seems to have a team of data engineers to optimize the
       | queries.
       | Should we think about an alternative, at least for ML ETL
       | workloads?
         | tester756 wrote:
         | >SQL has a steep learning curve.
         | Does it? I think SQL just sucks and its tooling sucks too
         | Even SQL Management Studio which felt way better than PGAdmin
         | is miles behind IntelliSense that's offered by Visual Studio
         | for C# (when it comes to reliability)
         | SQL would benefit a lot from being like C#'s LINQ (Query
         | syntax) e.g:
         | var result = from s in stringList
         | where s.Contains("Tutorials")                       select s;
         | some SQLv2 is something we need
           | keithnz wrote:
           | try DataGrip, it's got really nice intellisense and
           | autocomplete. I'm not sure how your example from linq is any
           | better than SQL                  select s from stringList
           | where s like '%Tutorials%'
             | tester756 wrote:
             | The difference is when you type "select (here)" then your
             | tool cannot really give you hints about column names in
             | table
             | because you haven't specified the table yet.
             | Meanwhile LINQ starts with table name.
             | Ofc you can always go ahead and write queries in "different
             | order"
           | da39a3ee wrote:
           | https://opensource.google/projects/logica
         | dspillett wrote:
         | _> SQL has a steep learning curve._
         | Overall I don't think it is that steep, though maybe I'm
         | blinded by having worked with various implementations of it for
         | more than two decades. The key sticking point is jumping to
         | thinking in a set based manner to get best results. The rest of
         | the difficult parts are when you need to think about
         | implementation details because the query planners are no
         | perfect (index hints and such) or being aware of limitations
         | (like postgres before the latest major version having
         | optimisation fences around CTEs).
         |  _> It expose almost zero insights into the underlying query
         | execution._
         | That is pretty much by design. It is intended that you say what
         | you want and let the query planner worry about implementation
         | details. Of course how you tell it what you want involves
         | learning to express those intentions in SQL. It does fall apart
         | a bit when implementation limitations become an issue, at which
         | point you are forced to think about the underlying
         | implementation and how you might prod this more imperative code
         | so that it interprets and process your relational descriptions
         | most efficiently.
         |  _> As a result, increasingly amount of inefficient queries are
         | being written by ML engineers_
         | That isn't specific to ML. I see a lot of inefficient data
         | interaction from code written by other devs. This seems to be
         | for two reasons:
         | 1. People seem to have taken to heart "make it work, make it
         | work correctly, only then worry about making it work fast" to
         | heart but tend to skip that last part and assume because all is
         | well with their test sets of data at hundreds or thousands of
         | rows (or sometimes tens and singles) that it'll scale just find
         | to the hundreds of thousands or more that the clients datasets
         | will eventually contain.
         | 2. People using further abstractions without much care for how
         | they implement their directives (again, in an ideal world they
         | shouldn't have to), resulting in massively overcomplex queries
         | as the framework tries to be clever and helpful and preempt
         | what might be needed, getting _everything_ whether needed or
         | not (effectively `SELECT _`) meaning the query planner can 't
         | apply families of its internal tricks for better performance,
         | or getting many rows individually instead of as a set which
         | sometimes means a lot of extra work for each row.
         | There is a definite "we'll worry about that when it happens
         | attitude in both cases which is dangerous. While a live system
         | has practically ground to a halt and the client needs their
         | report by EOP or someone will get it in the neck (and be sure:
         | they will pass that on to you!) is not a good time to be
         | optimising data access, or worse finding out the structure just
         | doesn't support efficient generation of the required data.
         | Another common failing is applying what would idealy be UI or
         | BLL concerns (timezone conversions etc) in the SQL statements
         | in a way that blocks index use.
         | _> Should we think about an alternative, at least for ML ETL
         | workloads?*
         | I don't work with ML so that is a little outside my day-to-day
         | wexpertise, but I'd wager ETL there has the same problem as
         | everywhere: the basics are all well known and very well
         | optimised for already. The rest differ so much between
         | applications that no one abstraction would be optimal for more
         | than a small portion of real world needs.
         | I'd be wary of a separate team for optimising queries. I
         | suggest a reasonable understanding in the whole dev team with a
         | data expert embedded who is involved in design work and code
         | reviews so issues are caught early and junior devs can be
         | tutored as needed so by the time they are seniors they don't
         | need the data expert except for really gnarly problems or long-
         | term planning.
       | ttfkam wrote:
       | Step 1: "SQL sucks!"
       | Step 2: Let's make a database engine that doesn't use SQL.
       | Step 3: "This is hard!"
       | Step 4: Make SQL access layer.
       | Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
       | See: PartiQL
       | Those who ignore the lessons of SQL are doomed to reimplement
       | them...poorly.
         | ttfkam wrote:
         | Corollary:
         | 1. "SQL doesn't scale!"
         | 2. We made this database engine that's "web scale"!
         | 3. "This is hard to use!"
         | 4. Make SQL access layer.
         | See: Spanner
         | Those who blame SQL for their performance problems are doomed
         | to repeat them using a proprietary syntax.
       | odipar wrote:
       | My first encounter with 'SQL' was a course on relational algebra
       | that was taught at my university.
       | It started out with defining relations as a mathematical
       | construct, and continued with various operators on such
       | relations. Then they continued explaining the various normal
       | forms up the fifth normal form. I was completely out of my depth,
       | but at least it was good and solid theory that could be learned.
       | What really messed with my head is they then introduced SQL as a
       | 'practical' implementation of relational algebra. I'm still
       | having nightmares where I try to understand nested HAVING
       | statements that where asked at the exams.
       | Hey relations don't contain duplicates! But that's OK. We should
       | call (modern) SQL 'BAG ALGEBRA'.
         | melony wrote:
         | Don't forget loops
       | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
       | I noticed that the article doesn't mention relational-calculus at
       | all, only relational-algebra. That's a huge oversight, imo - as I
       | feel one needs to understand both RA and RC in order to grok SQL
       | and other RC-like systems, like Linq in C#/.NET and List-
       | comprehensions in Python (or even use those _before_ RC /RA and
       | SQL).
       | -------
       | Rather than improve how SQL is taught (which seems to be the
       | paper's objective), why not improve SQL so it isn't as horrible
       | to try to learn in the first place?
       | The barriers to grokking SQL could be lowered considerably if SQL
       | made minor adjustments like moving the projection part of a
       | SELECT query to being below or syntactically after the WHERE
       | clause instead of being at the top, and making SQL more "natural"
       | to write-in without needing excessively verbose inner-derived-
       | table expressions when all you want is to do perform some
       | repetitive calculation which will be reused in later query steps.
       | Also, the GROUP BY clause really needs to be renamed to
       | "AGGREGATE BY" or similar, because when normal people think
       | "group" they're probably thinking of sorting/ORDER BY or
       | PARTITION BY and they certainly don't imagine "don't display
       | these rows at all, lol".
       | I just don't understand what drives the ISO SQL language design
       | committee - I'd have thought that the newer revisions (e.g.
       | SQL-2003) would have improved the language's ergonomics - on the
       | contrary: the language's grammar and verbosity gets worse every
       | release, and the team has strange priorities: apparently they
       | feel needing to generate in-memory XML is more important than
       | deferrable constraints - and I only ever see ISO SQL's XML
       | features being abused to make-up for a lack of decent string-
       | aggregation functions.
       | (...I could talk for hours about everything wrong with SQL.)
         | de6u99er wrote:
         | The trick of becoming really good at SQL (applies to all areas
         | of IT) is having a certain ambition to produce high performance
         | beautiful (readable) code.
         | This requires experience which can only be gained by rolling up
         | your sleves and working on stuff until the high ambition has
         | been satisfied. Sometimes when I see old code from myself, and
         | I can follow what I have been doing I get really proud of
         | myself. Many times I end up slightly improving it based on new
         | knowledge I have acquired since I initially wrote it.
           | minism wrote:
           | High performance and readable certainly. Not sure why
           | beautiful would be something to strive for though
           | AdrianB1 wrote:
           | Readable code can be easily done via good formatting, but
           | performance requires a combination of writing the query in
           | the right way and the indexes to support it. The second part
           | is not even visible from the query and most of the time is
           | not self-explanatory, but the best part is that indexing is
           | not even universally valid, statistics decide execution plans
           | and the same query with the same indexes can result in very
           | different performance on 2 different instances.
         | jimbob45 wrote:
         | If the general computing community can agree on anything over
         | the last 20 years, it's that Python 2->3 was a disaster. Even
         | though Python 3 made several highly necessary (and irreversibly
         | transformative) changes to Python 2, no one liked it because it
         | fundamentally changed the language to something unfamiliar.
         | I'm guessing the SQL and C++ committees looked at that
         | transition and decided that such transformative changes really
         | need to be done in new languages (like the Perl -> Raku change)
         | rather than in a new version which risks alienating your
         | existing base.
           | btilly wrote:
           | The Python 2 to Python 3 migration was such a disaster that
           | Python 3 is now used by both more programmers, and a higher
           | proportion of programmers, than Python 2 ever managed.
           | This is not to minimize the pain of switching. But it does
           | not seem to ahve limited the success of the language.
           | darksaints wrote:
           | Python 2->3 was a disaster, but I'd refrain from
           | extrapolation because a lot of that difficulty was very
           | specific to dynamic typing or python itself. There are tons
           | of languages that have gone through far more transformative
           | changes in the core semantics of the language, and have gone
           | a lot smoother.
           | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
           | Oh of course - I have no doubt the ISO SQL committee is so
           | conservative (no... they're _regressive_ ) is because of the
           | sheer collective industry investment in not-only SQL tooling
           | and SQL-compatible databases, but just energy-spent in
           | teaching non-CS/SE/programmer types in businesses how to
           | express their data-queries in SQL. It's very, very difficult
           | to get the kind of industry cohesiveness around any technical
           | standard, so the fact that SQL is so widely supported is a
           | miracle (though it probably has something to do with US
           | federal government requirements for information systems to
           | support it, just like how POSIX is a thing because of the fed
           | pushing for it).
           | To be clear: I am not advocating for a brand new query-
           | language syntax or any kind of Python3-style overhaul, but
           | I'd like to see SQL start to take small steps towards
           | integrating the lessons learned from the past 60+ years of
           | language design rather than doing the complete opposite.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | Have been using openai codex for a week and it's shockingly good
       | at SQL with well defined prompts.
       | pcblues wrote:
       | I have been developing software that includes SQL for twenty
       | years, and watched my own mental progress from misunderstanding
       | to understanding. I found the biggest initial problem is that I
       | used to imagine SQL queries as an imperative language rather than
       | as expressions of data. Maybe in the teaching of SQL, this should
       | be highlighted so absolute beginners can have that mental model
       | when they are formulating solutions and grappling with the
       | syntax.
         | k__ wrote:
         | I don't know if that's enough.
         | Understanding the difference between declarative and imperative
         | programming is rather hard with all the abstractions we have
         | today.
         | People always say, declarative programming is defining what you
         | want, not doing the steps needed to get it. But today no
         | imperative interface requires you to do all the steps either,
         | plus, most programming languages use both paradigms at the same
         | time.
           | pcblues wrote:
           | I guess my point was that if you are trying to achieve
           | results in a language paradigm that isn't the one the
           | language was designed for, the learning curve is _really_
           | steep, and to use the declarative features of any language
           | still requires you to understand the paradigms' differences.
           | When I was at uni it wasn't until the final year that
           | Programming Paradigms was a course, but even a rough
           | introduction to them in any of the languages I studied
           | earlier would have helped. Something like, "This language is
           | used like this. It is not used like this, for example."
             | k__ wrote:
             | I'm not even sure, I totally understood the difference now,
             | 10 years after I studied CS.
           | btilly wrote:
           | _Understanding the difference between declarative and
           | imperative programming is rather hard with all the
           | abstractions we have today._
           | The distinction is are you telling the computer *how* to do
           | it, or telling it *what* steps to take.
           | If, even with access to all of the code, you'd have to ask
           | the computer how it chose to do it to figure out what it did,
           | you have a declarative system. If the code reads like
           | instructions for a recipe, it is imperative.
           | The complications come with the fact that these two paradigms
           | do not describe all of the possibilities. Notably object
           | oriented and functional designs are neither imperative or
           | declarative. (But may share some features with both.)
             | k__ wrote:
             | Yes, that's probably what was always my problem.
             | Theory is one thing, but actual programming languages are
             | something different. An "impure" mix.
             | So, when people told my language X is imperative and
             | language Y is declarative, I got confused, because they
             | often had parts of both.
       | da39a3ee wrote:
       | I've done backend web development with a relational DB via an ORM
       | for 10 years. I'm OK at that, but I'm fucking hopeless at SQL. I
       | know that my opinions are thus undermined, but I really wish we
       | could get rid of SQL and replace it with something like logica
       | [1] like today.
       | SQL's pseudo-natural language syntax is an embarrassment and its
       | lack of composability is even more of an embarrassment.
       | [1] https://opensource.google/projects/logica
         | simonw wrote:
         | Have you used CTEs much (aka the WITH statement)?
         | I find them to be a huge step forwards in terms of adding
         | composability to complex queries.
           | odipar wrote:
           | Yes I concur: CTEs is closer to the spirit of relational
           | algebra: every step/expression should yield a table/relation.
           | As data munging is about
           | combining/correlating/sorting/grouping data, why not have a
           | sound (bag) algebra to do that? Such algebra would give us
           | equational reasoning, proofs, etc.
           | And consequently: students would be learning an algebra which
           | is easier to learn IMO.
           | da39a3ee wrote:
           | Thanks yes I have learned to use the WITH statement, and I
           | agree it gives more composability. But still, a half way
           | house wouldn't you say?
       | dehrmann wrote:
       | > For example, some students wrote queries containing ,[?],
       | instead of != or <>.
       | Was this done on paper? Typing [?] takes some doing.
         | Wevah wrote:
         | Option-= on a Mac with the US layout, fwiw.
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | Man, Mac's keyboard shortcuts for special characters irritate
           | me so much.
           | First, they're there, and it's absolutely wonderful! I use
           | far more semantically accurate Unicode rather than lossy
           | ASCII approximations than I did back in my old Windows days.
           | (If you don't know the special characters you can get, turn
           | on Keyboard Viewer and whack your keyboard, especially
           | modifier keys, a bit.)
           | But ... I can't customise them. Even back in the days when
           | macOS was OS X and believed in user customisation, these
           | specific shortcuts were frozen and un-customizable. (Like the
           | folder shortcuts in Finder. Maybe it makes sense to you for
           | CMD-SHIFT-D to open the Downloads folder, not the Desktop.
           | Too bad!)
           | (Boy, I hope I'm wrong and someone will come along and
           | explain my stupidity to me.)
             | lelandfe wrote:
             | > these specific shortcuts were frozen and un-customizable
             | I think Karabiner should allow you to do this:
             | https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/
             | It's a utility that "remaps" keys - you set up key/key
             | combinations that fire the original key/key combinations
             | (it does not remove the original combination). E.g. you
             | could bind Cmd-Q to Caps Lock if you wanted a really fast
             | way to quit stuff.
               | JadeNB wrote:
               | The memory of what happened with kext's always makes me
               | leery of relying on anything that reaches too deeply into
               | macOS's guts, so I've always shied away from Karabiner,
               | probably unreasonably.
               | Old-style OS X believed in customisation--even now, you
               | can set per-app keyboard shortcuts; it doesn't seem
               | possible to bind Cmd-Q to Caps Lock, but, after slipping
               | from Cmd-W to Cmd-Q and so quitting rather than closing a
               | tab one too many times, I do have Cmd-Q bound to Cmd-
               | Opt-Q for Safari only--and yet there's no Apple-blessed
               | way of changing _those_ shortcuts, when it clearly had
               | the architecture in place to allow it. That always
               | irritated me.
         | turnerc wrote:
         | From the study:
         | > Participants wrote their notes and answers on paper, which
         | they showed in front of the webcam.
         | Yes it seems they did
           | dehrmann wrote:
           | That's pretty flawed methodology since you'd want to know
           | what problems people encounter in the real world and how
           | quickly they solve them.
         | nightpool wrote:
         | Yeah, IMO counting this as a syntax error is a pretty low blow.
         | It's completely clear what the person intended, and they would
         | probably have no problems clarifying if the researchers asked
         | how they would type that query in.
         | [deleted]
         | pcblues wrote:
         | Easy if you have an APL keyboard :) (Hint, it's on the 8)
         | https://www.dyalog.com/uploads/images/Business/products/us_r...
       (page generated 2021-08-29 23:00 UTC)