[HN Gopher] Docker Desktop no longer free for large companies
       Docker Desktop no longer free for large companies
       Author : alanwreath
       Score  : 419 points
       Date   : 2021-08-31 15:53 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.theregister.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.theregister.com)
       | princevegeta89 wrote:
       | Is the docker for Mac fixed yet? Last time I checked there were
       | issues with disk mounting which really affected performance
       | coding123 wrote:
       | As weird as it might seem, Microsoft would probably be the best
       | company to acquire Docker at this point.
       | They could probably turn this around a bit into a free with
       | Windows, pay for Linux (at the 250 employee level - possibly up
       | the employee count to 500 though).
         | orthoxerox wrote:
         | Nah, they should just build a vscode plugin that makes it easy
         | to manage docker running inside WSL2. Bam, Docker Desktop is a
         | beached whale.
         | hbn wrote:
         | > free with Windows, pay for Linux
         | Isn't Docker Desktop (i.e. the part being sold) just a client
         | that sets up a Linux VM to run the free part?
       | [deleted]
       | antonyh wrote:
       | I see this as an opportunity to play with Podman. I don't fall
       | into the category where I'll need to pay, but Docker Desktop has
       | long been somewhat user-hostile.
       | The forced updates I HATE. It's my machine, I get to pick the
       | version of software it runs. And I've had enough bad updates from
       | Docker to get jittery when it pushes one on me.
       | mfer wrote:
       | Rancher Desktop is an open source container management and
       | Kubernetes desktop app.
       | https://rancherdesktop.io/
       | Disclosure: I work on Rancher Desktop. Feedback welcome.
         | dwaite wrote:
         | I'm hitting https://github.com/rancher-sandbox/rancher-
         | desktop/issues/56... but will look again in the future.
         | emptysongglass wrote:
         | You guys (by you guys I mean you and Docker, Inc) would do
         | yourselves a _huge_ favor not spiting the Linux devs who
         | invented the technologies you build your tools on.
         | Where's the Linux version? Give it to me in Snap, AppImage,
         | Flatpak, deb, or rpm, whatever you want. Just offer something.
         | We'll take care of the rest.
           | mfer wrote:
           | Thanks for the feedback. A Linux version is in the roadmap
           | for this fall. I've had several discussions on it in the past
           | week.
           | Part of this was due to priorities and part of it was
           | technicalities. For example, do we put it in a VM so that way
           | someone can easily blow things away and we don't touch the
           | base system? We had to come to some direction on what we
           | wanted to do there. Now that we have that idea we need to
           | finish up one thing on Mac that will translate over to Linux.
           | The Linux side will be based on Lima[1] just as the Mac side
           | is.
           | Earlier today I had a discussion on the packaging format.
           | [1] https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
             | emptysongglass wrote:
             | Thanks for the update! It's refreshing to see more turnkey
             | GUI competitors in this space coming from larger corporate
             | names.
           | mikl wrote:
           | The whole reason this (and Docker Desktop) are used is that
           | Docker and K8s does not run natively on macOS and Windows.
           | If you're using Linux already, most of this stuff is as
           | useful as nipples on a breastplate. You could theoretically
           | run an emptied out husk of the app on Linux, but there are
           | much better tools for working with the tools directly.
           | So I'd be greatly surprised if any Linux kernel hackers are
           | miffed about this.
             | mfer wrote:
             | I'm not sure the whole reason for Docker Desktop is that
             | Docker and K8s don't run natively. I mean, someone could
             | create a Linux VM and get them running right through there.
             | The tools exist to do this.
             | There are even programs like minikube that can get you
             | Kubernetes in a VM on Mac.
             | There is something else to it that people want and that
             | translates to Linux, I've learned. They want an easy button
             | with an easy UX. There are a lot of people who are like
             | that.
               | emptysongglass wrote:
               | Right and when you're a corporation it cannot be
               | overstated how important it is to coalesce around
               | universal solutions that get up and out of the way with
               | as few steps as possible. Handing new developers a
               | handbook of incantations to get going is very fragile.
               | Handing those same developers one executable with a big
               | Go! button is much easier to get right.
               | One example from my last job was having one shell.nix in
               | the root of every project folder a developer could nix
               | shell into that contained everything they needed, same
               | version and all, to get going with that project.
           | 41209 wrote:
           | It's open source, you could probably port it yourself.
           | I somewhat agree with your viewpoint, but given Windows 10 is
           | generally just Windows 10 , OSX is OSX... But Linux could be
           | anything from Redhat to Alpine to a raspberry pi , I
           | understand why devs wouldn't support it
           | naikrovek wrote:
           | I installed this and could not get networking going again in
           | WSL 2 until I uninstalled it. I was sad.
         | adolph wrote:
         | Ok, I gave it a try. It's given me two K8s errors before any
         | meaningful container work can be done. Not going to waste
         | further time given a first run experience this bad. I'm
         | interested in investing in my tools, not alpha-testing.
           | athorax wrote:
           | Probably shouldn't run tools in alpha status then
             | [deleted]
         | thegagne wrote:
         | Feedback:
         | 1. There's very little "getting started" info here, you seem to
         | assume everyone already runs kube everywhere else and already
         | has workloads ready to go.
         | 2. Not sure if this is feasible, but I'm looking for something
         | that solves the Docker Desktop problem! I want something that
         | can port map to a local port for testing, I want something that
         | I can map a local folder to in order to store job input/output.
         | 3. I tried starting it, and I'm already running Docker Desktop.
         | It didn't seem to start a healthy kube cluster, and actually
         | did nothing for me but just said it was waiting for the
         | cluster. It might have been attempting to connect to old Docker
         | kube clusters that I'm no longer running. Did I just need to
         | wait longer? It wasn't clear.
         | kristjansson wrote:
         | Seems interesting, but the name conflict with
         | https://rancher.com/ is _very_ confusing. Is Rancher Desktop
         | associated with the linked company?
           | mfer wrote:
           | Rancher Desktop is being build by Rancher (which is now part
           | of SUSE).
             | kristjansson wrote:
             | Thanks - that wasn't obvious from the Rancher Desktop site.
       | zmmmmm wrote:
       | Interestingly, I think this may be a boon for kubernetes.
       | We've been managing all our infrastructure with docker / compose,
       | and its been great. But one of the key advantages is unifying the
       | dev & prod environments. Now lately we've been outgrowing the
       | docker solution so k8 is on the radar, but one of the things
       | holding me back is losing the unified prod/dev experience.
       | So the question has been, take the hit and suck up all the bugs,
       | confusion, duplication etc. that come from having these separate,
       | or move everyone over to k8 and have to deal with the complexity
       | on the developer side?
       | Well, this decision now definitely tips the scales - there's a
       | distinct advantage to going all in on k8s because we can run it
       | up and down the stack and not be constantly hassled by licensing
       | and software restrictions.
       | smarx007 wrote:
       | I think HN needs to update their algorithm. If there is a large
       | number of upvotes and flags, flags should count as votes from
       | some point on. More people need to see this post and discussion
       | needs to happen instead of pushing it off the front page in less
       | than an hour.
         | Macha wrote:
         | I think since flags effect on ranking has becoming more known,
         | there's more people using it as a post downvote, too.
         | jameshart wrote:
         | If this isn't front page headline news on HN then something NZ
         | gone very wrong, agreed.
       | [deleted]
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | Of course it's already obvious how successful Docker is in terms
       | of consumption, but it's even more clear in this thread how
       | successful Docker is.
       | Look at how many complaints there are, and people still use it.
       | ben7799 wrote:
       | We use Docker Desktop for the Mac at work. (Large company)
       | Docker for Mac absolutely sucks. If they're going to force
       | everyone to pay they better start fixing bugs.
       | They recently stopped allowing skipping a release unless you pay,
       | and then promptly shipped a point release with a showstopper bug.
       | I literally asked IT for a Linux VM/Cloud machine yesterday for
       | development because my Mac is dead in the water due to a bug.
       | It's time efficient to develop on the Mac if it works, but the
       | overall experience is terrible compared to Linux on the desktop
       | IMO.
         | watermelon0 wrote:
         | In my experience, minikube (hyperkit) performs better than
         | DockerForMac Kubernetes, if we ignore mounting of macOS folders
         | to the VM.
         | sixothree wrote:
         | Docker for Windows isn't particularly stellar either. For
         | instance, you have to actually log in to a machine to have a
         | docker image running. Additionally only one user on a machine
         | can run the host application at any given time.
         | I have no idea how this is popular.
           | naikrovek wrote:
           | That isn't the case on Windows Server, and on Windows Desktop
           | SKUs, having a logged in user is normal and expected.
         | tunesmith wrote:
         | Our team uses it too, but we don't even use the UI - it's just
         | to get the daemon started on startup. Is there a way to do this
         | easily on the Mac without using Docker Desktop?
           | dwaite wrote:
           | you could check something like ubuntu multipass
         | xtracto wrote:
         | I got bitten by a Mac bug a couple of months ago: The latest
         | version of Docker desktop didn't work for something (don't
         | remember anymore) so I had to revert to a previous version and
         | work in that for several months now.
         | SilasX wrote:
         | >They recently stopped allowing skipping a release unless you
         | pay, and then promptly shipped a point release with a
         | showstopper bug.
         | Whoa, really? Is this written up somewhere?
         | My first "WTF" with docker was in Fall 2015 when we dockerized
         | our app and had it nicely set up so we could tell employees
         | "run this command and the app Just Works" ... and then they
         | introduced a breaking change to the format of docker compose
         | files so it just mysteriously stopped working in the middle of
         | the day.
           | Rebelgecko wrote:
           | They might be referring to this?
           | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/183
             | SilasX wrote:
             | Thanks! Great HN discussion about it:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26547268
         | nagyf wrote:
         | > They recently stopped allowing skipping a release unless you
         | pay
         | I honestly thought that's a bug. That is so ridiculous if
         | that's intentional. I agree with your post and have similar
         | experiences with Docker for Mac
           | stusmall wrote:
           | After they introduced that feature I hit a bug where it would
           | try to force an upgrade to version "null" and then crash. I
           | ended up having to uninstall and reinstall it to get things
           | usable again.
         | steviedotboston wrote:
         | I have to restart Docker for Mac multiple times a day. I'm
         | surprised there hasn't been a community driven open source
         | alternative yet
           | drocer88 wrote:
           | Singularity ( https://singularity.hpcng.org/user-
           | docs/master/introduction.... ) is a platform that lets you
           | create and run containers. Source is on github :
           | https://github.com/hpcng/singularity
         | stusmall wrote:
         | I recently switched jobs and made sure I wasn't going to get a
         | mac again just because of Docker Desktop. At my last job, we
         | had an application that did some very strange things with the
         | Docker API. It regularly crash or lock up the VM or hit subtle
         | correctness bugs in networking.
         | I get the problem they are trying to solve is extremely
         | difficult. I don't think I'd do much better trying to
         | seamlessly ship a very Linux-centric API on Mac and Windows.
         | They have my sympathy but that doesn't mean I'll use the
         | product given a choice.
         | yurishimo wrote:
         | Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen. At the scale Docker is
         | operating at now, the reason the Mac app sucks, is because it's
         | really hard. They already have the resources to throw at this
         | problem now and this is the product we have.
         | This is purely a $$$ move (which is fine) but we shouldn't
         | expect an order of magnitude more work going into the product
         | as a result of this move, imo.
           | devoutsalsa wrote:
           | If you expect me to pay for it, it better work well enough to
           | not be a blocker to my critical job path workflow.
             | vesinisa wrote:
             | But you're not actually paying for it. Your employer is.
           | nicce wrote:
           | They are still looking for their business model, because they
           | have no money. They have been unprofitable for their whole
           | existence.
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | The Docker experience is (and has been) subopar on MacOS. With
         | the way Apple Silicon is headed, I don't really have much faith
         | that the situation is going to get better, and I really wonder
         | if the Mac client is even a priority for them at this point.
         | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
         | I've found Docker Desktop to be equally awful with Windows.
         | You'd think they'd care about giant swathes of the market like
         | that.
           | jandrese wrote:
           | We de-dockerized our Windows deployments because it was
           | causing no end of headaches for the end users.
           | Ansil849 wrote:
           | > I've found Docker Desktop to be equally awful with Windows.
           | You'd think they'd care about giant swathes of the market
           | like that.
           | The fact that they don't care, and yet you (or if not you,
           | others) still use it, succinctly explains why they do not
           | care.
           | If they have a shitty, buggy client for Mac/Windows, and
           | people complain about it but still use it, then they have no
           | incentive to care.
             | sixothree wrote:
             | I use it only when some required tool is only available via
             | docker. It is not a choice for us for any of our
             | development.
             | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
             | Actually, I did like jandrese did, and got our solutions
             | out of docker.
             | VenTatsu wrote:
             | It's hard to complain to much about a free product that is
             | a side line to the companies main business... Oh wait, we
             | just lost the free version and it's now the companies main
             | monetization scheme? Well now I care a lot about the little
             | annoying bugs I've been dealing with for the last 3 years.
           | matsemann wrote:
           | Wish they fixed the issue where it uses all available RAM
           | even when running no containers yet.
             | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
             | When running no containers? I've found that it's a problem
             | when one is running (the solution to that is here[1]), but
             | I've not experienced it when nothing is running.
             | [1] https://blog.simonpeterdebbarma.com/2020-04-memory-and-
             | wsl/
             | dijit wrote:
             | That's not an issue though. That's just how virtual
             | machines work. You're carving out a chunk of your system
             | for the docker Linux VM that runs your containers.
             | You can open up the docker app and configure a smaller
             | amount of ram if it impacts your host OS
               | sixothree wrote:
               | That's not how virtual machines work on Windows. Even
               | Linux virtual machines use dynamic memory. You assign a
               | minimum, maximum, and a startup value. When the machine
               | needs more RAM, Windows give it to it. When it releases
               | it, it's available for other purposes.
               | matsemann wrote:
               | No, that's not how it works with WSL2 as the backend. You
               | then cannot configure a smaller amount of RAM in the
               | docker app, it's greyed out. One can limit the RAM that
               | WSL has, but that's not really helpful when docker steals
               | all of it. (And WSL2 supports dynamic allocation of
               | memory anyways, so it's supposed to return unused memory
               | to the host)
               | So you are wrong. For those of us affected by the bug,
               | it's a _big_ issue.
               | onlywicked wrote:
               | You can configure the max memory in wsl 2 with .wslconfig
               | file.
               | matsemann wrote:
               | yes, but docker will eat whatever I give to it, leaving
               | nothing for the actual containers or other stuff in wsl
               | naikrovek wrote:
               | Linux considers unused RAM to be wasted RAM. WSL 2
               | addresses this with a Linux kernel change that right now
               | is insiders only. I expect it to land with Windows 11.
           | nickjj wrote:
           | I've found it to be really good on Windows 10 Pro, even with
           | 6 year old hardware.
           | I've been using it full time since 2018 and it's been nothing
           | but really fast and as stable as you can ask for given how
           | complex of a tool it is. It rarely crashes (maybe once every
           | few months) and I've built thousands of images across many
           | different tech stacks.
       | emptysongglass wrote:
       | Docker Desktop with developer environments would be a great value
       | add if it supported Windows, macOS _and_ Linux. As it is, we have
       | developers in the company using Linux workstations so our Docker
       | subscription is just for a registry.
       | We'll be moving soon given no forthcoming Linux client.
         | justincormack wrote:
         | Hi, we have requests for Docker Desktop Linux, please upvote
         | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/39 and we are looking
         | at the details of what we need to do to implement this.
           | emptysongglass wrote:
           | Thanks for listening, Justin. Looking forward to updates. I
           | know it must be tough facing a lot of adversity from the
           | community. I hope you guys continue playing to your
           | strengths, improve customer support (number 1 in my book) and
           | continue beefing out your product portfolio so companies like
           | the one I work for can build healthy relationships with
           | Docker, Inc.
         | frant-hartm wrote:
         | If you are on Linux and using only the open-source bits (that's
         | what I do) and have subscription for the registry, why would
         | you be moving anywhere? What does this change bring that I am
         | missing? As I understand it the change only affects Docker
         | Desktop, which is for MacOS and Windows.
           | emptysongglass wrote:
           | It's not this change in particular, it's that you can get
           | paid image registries with better customer support at a lower
           | price point and higher availability. Docker needs to value
           | add to their bare registry product otherwise they will be
           | outcompeted by larger companies that can offer registries as
           | part of a larger product suite.
           | Unfortunately, Docker's most valuable addition, developer
           | environments, is only for two of the three OSes used most
           | commonly by developers in a corporate environment. No company
           | is going to adopt a feature that can only be used by two-
           | thirds of its workforce.
         | Macha wrote:
         | I wonder how many people just use docker desktop as a nicely
         | packaged installer/VM manager? I know I don't use any of the
         | other included tools, so can't see why I'd use docker desktop
         | on Linux myself over just install docker from my package
         | manager (or podman in my case)
       | [deleted]
       | moogly wrote:
       | How do you even install Docker Engine on Windows without WSL2?
       | Same goes for macOS.
         | treesknees wrote:
         | If you're referring to Docker Desktop on Windows, you can use
         | the Hyper-V backend instead of WSL2. MacOS uses HyperKit API to
         | spin up a Linux VM to run it. There is no native engine for
         | Windows or MacOS.
         | https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/
           | moogly wrote:
           | Sure, but I've never seen a non-Docker Desktop installer for
           | any of the tools like the CLI, Compose etc., and I can't seem
           | to find one now either.
             | naikrovek wrote:
             | https://download.docker.com/win/static/stable/x86_64/
             | Not an installer, and doesn't include docker-compose, but
             | this is what you're talking about, I think.
             | Only supports Windows containers.
       | physicsguy wrote:
       | so, when's everyone switching over to Podman?
         | bionade24 wrote:
         | When it's actually 100%ly compliant in it's APIs, especially
         | regarding podman-compose and the socket API.
         | cpuguy83 wrote:
         | Podman doesn't do what docker desktop does. They are not the
         | same thing at all.
         | raesene9 wrote:
         | If you want an open source alternative, just use Docker Engine,
         | it's still open source.
         | You can install the docker client inside WSL/OSX and connect
         | over SSH to a docker CE instance.
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | If you're doing $10M in ARR, how much engineering time are you
         | going to spend to switch compared to paying Docker a few
         | thousand dollars a month? Your spend on cloud and Slack (or
         | other comms) is likely far higher. You're probably spending
         | more on mobile/cell business service.
         | "Docker attempting to monetize users of its product who can
         | easily afford the cost." I mean, the terms seems reasonable,
         | and wouldn't you rather support Docker vs IBM (Redhat->Podman)?
         | Nothing changes for users who aren't making money using Docker,
         | but I suppose you could still spend your time switching to
         | podman on principal.
           | jhawk28 wrote:
           | I'm part of a large company and I have no influence over what
           | most other people do. My projects within the company are
           | small so whenever these sorts of things happen, it rarely
           | translates into the company spending a bunch of money to
           | provide the product across the company. At best, I may be
           | able to convince a manager to buy it for 2-10 people on my
           | team.
             | [deleted]
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | Licensing isn't perfect. On the contrary, it is the least
             | worst implementation of attempting to extract a reasonable
             | amount of revenue from the user of your software, who is
             | realizing value creation or benefit themselves from its
             | use. SaaS is popular because the exchange of value between
             | producer and consumer (and the ownership and responsibility
             | model) is much more clear (imho). Open source tooling might
             | be a better fit based on your org's needs and your use
             | case.
             | Solving for the intersection of building and maintaining
             | tools people desire and those building said tools eating
             | and paying rent is hard.
             | (no affiliation with docker)
           | physicsguy wrote:
           | My tiny part of a _division_ of my last company made $40
           | million USD per year in revenue. We had ~40 employees.
           | Getting the funding for using something like this came from a
           | few levels up and would be in no way guaranteed.
             | [deleted]
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | I admit Docker will likely have to tweak their licensing
             | model while also building relationships where there is some
             | wiggle room for how licensing is handled (perhaps accept
             | credit card payments from corporate users that they can
             | expense to sidestep procurement). "Call Us For Pricing"
               | adolph wrote:
               | At my institution the "adapt open source" vs "buy"
               | balance is also affected by the high effort of making a
               | purchase happen. My bet is that things will get hung up
               | on an exclusive acquisition justification, at which point
               | the IBM/RHEL sales team will come in with "solution"
               | using podman, buildah, etc. I've quit DD just now to try
               | those tools out.
               | justincormack wrote:
               | We do accept credit card payments. All our pricing is on
               | the website https://docker.com/pricing - the Business
               | plan will be available by credit card soon as well.
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | This seems like a false economy. Docker adds insane value
             | for us (similar number of tech employees), and while I
             | don't like price hikes based on things other than value add
             | features, I certainly want Docker to exist in five years.
             | Or get bought by Hashicorp, perhaps.
           | stuff4ben wrote:
           | I'll preface this by saying I'm an IBM employee. That being
           | said your comment rubbed me the wrong way...
           | > wouldn't you rather support Docker vs IBM (Redhat->Podman)?
           | Podman is an open source product and Docker is not. I'd much
           | rather support an open source project. And what's wrong with
           | "supporting" IBM anyways? Did they hurt you in some way???
             | nonameiguess wrote:
             | Docker Desktop is not open source, but the Docker container
             | engine is. Also, runc, which is the actual container
             | runtime, is not only open source, but was created by docker
             | but is also what gets used by podman. podman is very nearly
             | just a fork with the daemon and socket removed, which would
             | not have been possible if docker hadn't been open source.
             | syshum wrote:
             | Docker is not really a product, Docker is a company with in
             | that there are several products, some are open source some
             | are not.
             | The Docker Engine is Apache License and open source.
             | chucksta wrote:
             | Many people in many ways
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | > And what's wrong with "supporting" IBM anyways? Did they
             | hurt you in some way???
             | They are a dysfunctional consultancy masquerading as a
             | technology firm, running on inertia. They are not to be
             | supported. (Also, my genuine condolences)
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24228972
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26532125
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26869877
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22224782
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23268191
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27706128
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24471903
               | stuff4ben wrote:
               | FWIW, we've divested/spun off the "consultancy" part. And
               | not every part of IBM is bad, there are a ton of great
               | developers and teams that work here, no condolences
               | needed. I quite enjoy doing what I do here. Lots of
               | innovation in multiple areas, but I guess if you have to
               | drink the startup koolaid prevalent here on HN, be my
               | guest.
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | I'm not at a startup nor drink the koolaid [1]. I am a
               | consultant, so I get to see how the sausage is made
               | across a wide variety of orgs. In my long tenure in tech
               | (20+ years), I have arrived at evangelizing and
               | encouraging engineering first and data driven
               | organizations; in my experience, that provides the best
               | environment for technologists to have autonomy, while
               | pursuing mastery and purpose (which, hopefully, enables
               | some amount of fulfillment alongside financial
               | compensation). IBM is not such an org, hence my
               | comment(s), but there are startups, enterprises, and a
               | fat middle of SMB businesses that truly are innovative
               | and can demonstrate results to back up that description
               | of themselves.
               | TLDR I want the best experience for my fellow
               | technologists and engineers.
               | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28181703
               | stuff4ben wrote:
               | Looks like you've had problems with IBM consultants, I'll
               | grant you that, but I don't dabble in that side of the
               | business. In my 20+ years of professional experience I
               | have seen it all when it comes to software development
               | and IT service management. From small startup shops
               | barely knowing how to manage Java dependencies, to
               | ecommerce shops doing millions of dollars a day in sales,
               | to large enterprises being among the first adopters of
               | Kubernetes. To lump all of one company into a single
               | disparaging statement is disingenuous.
               | TLDR; your comment is stupid.
         | n42 wrote:
         | as soon as a viable alternative to Docker Desktop for Mac
         | exists I am done with this company forever (and they seem to be
         | anticipating that)
           | handrous wrote:
           | I've used Docker for years and never touched Desktop. What's
           | indispensable about it?
             | saxonww wrote:
             | It's not great, at all. But at least on Mac it's a lot
             | easier to get going with Docker for Mac than it is to roll
             | your own with e.g. VirtualBox. I assume it's the same on
             | Windows.
               | handrous wrote:
               | I just use whatever `brew install docker` gives me. They
               | don't call _that_ Docker Desktop, right? I thought that
               | was some kind of GUI thing of theirs--I do all my
               | dockering from the command line, which looks the same
               | across Mac and Linux except when (rarely, these days) the
               | virtualization the Mac implementation uses leaks through.
               | saxonww wrote:
               | The key is the virtualization. I think (!) with `brew
               | install docker` you've got to set up a VM and get Docker
               | running inside it, yourself. Docker Desktop for Mac does
               | that, and implements filesystem and networking
               | integration for you.
               | Most people like the convenience of that, if not the
               | performance or (now) the cost.
               | handrous wrote:
               | Closest I've come to having to manually set up anything
               | with a simple `brew install docker` making sure my shell
               | sets the env vars correctly. It automatically sets up the
               | VM, and has since I started using it years ago.
               | (but, it's possible that what I'm using is _also_
               | considered Docker Desktop--I just associated that term
               | with their GUI thingy [and I think it includes some kind
               | of sys tray widget?], which I 've never used)
               | [EDIT] oh no you're kinda right, I think I recall having
               | to run one command, post-install, on older versions, to
               | set up the VM, though I don't think you still have to
               | _and_ that was all still handled for you, you just had to
               | _tell it_ to do it. `docker-machine create default` or
               | something like that, was enough for 99% of use cases. Don
               | 't have to even do that, now, though, IIRC.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | Honest question: what features of DfM are you using and what
           | alternatives have you tried that don't work for you?
           | justinholmes wrote:
           | Just use multipass https://multipass.run and folder mount.
             | rcarmo wrote:
             | This. This is what I do (except I use VS Code to remote to
             | the Multipass VM)
           | stuff4ben wrote:
           | why do you need the Docker Desktop? Can't you just use the
           | command line? I mostly use Docker on Linux and even then I've
           | almost switched everything over to Podman.
             | ianburrell wrote:
             | The Docker CLI can't do anything without the Docker daemon.
             | Daemon (and containers) only runs on Linux. On Mac, it
             | needs to run inside a Linux VM.
             | Before Docker Desktop, would need to create VM with Docker
             | and connect to that. Docker Desktop makes that smooth and
             | wraps in nice UI.
       | detaro wrote:
       | Curious to see what that means for Windows containers. Microsoft
       | is heavily recommending Docker there, but asking people to
       | license another thing from a third party just to be able to use a
       | feature on their expensive Windows licenses seems somewhat on the
       | nose for them to push.
         | jrsj wrote:
         | Maybe this is just a play to get Microsoft to acquire Docker
         | lol
       | mleonhard wrote:
       | > There's a standards conversion going on where we can trace the
       | provenance of each and every layer of the image, we can start
       | signing those layers, and with that metadata, we can start doing
       | automated decisioning, automated reporting, automated visibility
       | into what's been done to that image at each step of the
       | lifecycle.
       | Docker's CEO is being disingenuous. When you deploy a Docker
       | container, you specify the image ID. The ID looks like a SHA-256
       | digest and even starts with the string 'sha256' but it is an
       | arbitrary value generated by the docker daemon on the local
       | machine. The ID is not a hash of the image contents [0, 1]. In
       | other words, docker images are not content-addressed.
       | Since docker images are not content-addressed, your image
       | registry and image transfer tools can subvert the security of
       | your production systems. The fix is straightforward: make an
       | image ID be the SHA-256 digest of the image contents, which is
       | the same everywhere: on your build system, image registry, test
       | system, and production hosts. This fix will increase supply chain
       | security for all Docker users. It is massive low-hanging fruit.
       | Now Docker will add image signatures without first making images
       | content-addressed. Their decision makes sense only if their goal
       | is to make money and not make a secure product. I cannot trust a
       | company with such priorities.
       | [0]
       | https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/39247#issuecomment-49697...
       | [1] https://github.com/distribution/distribution/issues/1662
       | EDIT: Added another link.
         | voxic11 wrote:
         | You seem to be mixing up image ids which are not content
         | addressed and image digests which are.
         | bspammer wrote:
         | Images not being content addressed is very surprising to me. I
         | just always assumed they were because... why would they not be?
         | I bet a large proportion of other devs assumed the same.
           | voxic11 wrote:
           | They are if you use the digest rather than the id.
       | glutamate wrote:
       | If Docker wants to grow up, maybe they could start with replying
       | to support tickets from paying customers. I have a 10 day old
       | open ticket with no reply.
         | emptysongglass wrote:
         | This has also been our experience with the company.
         | justincormack wrote:
         | Hey sorry about that, can you send me the ticket details justin
         | @ docker.com and I can look into it.
           | mikestew wrote:
           | So, like many companies, successful support consists of
           | yelping at the appropriate public forum, be it Twitter or in
           | this case, HN. Anything the public doesn't see: "due to
           | unexpected call volume, you'll wait at least ten days before
           | hearing from anyone". All the while the company forgets that
           | the complaining customer isn't the only one reading. The rest
           | of us are reading a live account of what company's customer
           | support looks like.
           | adolph wrote:
           | _Policy success is directly dependent on how we handle
           | requests for exception. Granting exceptions undermines
           | people's sense of fairness, and sets a precedent precedent
           | that undermines future policy. In environments where
           | exceptions become normalized, leaders often find that issuing
           | writs of exception--for policies they themselves have
           | designed--starts to swallow up much of their time.
           | Organizations spending significant time on exceptions are
           | experiencing exception debt. The escape is to stop working
           | the exceptions, and instead work the policy._
           | Larson, Will. An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering
           | Management (p. 122). Stripe Press. Kindle Edition.
             | myko wrote:
             | Thanks for posting, ordered a copy just now
               | adolph wrote:
               | Another point of genius is right after the above section
               | on exception debt.
               |  _It was in that era of my career that I came to view
               | management as, at its core, a moral profession. We have
               | the opportunity to create an environment for those around
               | us to be their best, in fair surroundings. For me, that's
               | both an opportunity and an obligation for managers, and
               | saying no in that room with my manager and CTO was, in
               | part, my decision to hold the line on what's right._
               | Larson, Will. An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering
               | Management (p. 123). Stripe Press. Kindle Edition.
             | [deleted]
           | resizeitplz wrote:
           | Fwiw, while there probably isn't a _good_ public relations
           | response here ... N=1, when I see a company publicly managing
           | escalation via public shaming, it inclines me to steer
           | purchasing decisions away from them in the future.
             | gorjusborg wrote:
             | My thought as well.
             | If I have to tweet-storm to get someone to look at my
             | support ticket, there is no real support.
           | mongol wrote:
           | It should not have to work like this.
             | indemnity wrote:
             | Agree 100%. I don't want to have to resort to Twitter or HN
             | to get a ticket worked. Fuck that, hire some staff, work on
             | your enterprise support.
               | temp_praneshp wrote:
               | > hire some staff
               | And that's why they are scaling back on free plans.
           | glutamate wrote:
           | I have a better idea. How about you look at EVERY open
           | ticket, starting with those from paying customers?
           | EDIT: Wow, they actually did this and got back to me - thank
           | you!
             | asddubs wrote:
             | if they're smart they just looked at all the 10 day old
             | tickets
               | ghostpepper wrote:
               | maybe 10 +/-1 for time zones
       | raman162 wrote:
       | It's shameful that this product was once free is now going to be
       | charged, even if it's only for larger businesses.
       | I wonder how sustainable it is for docker to be like other open
       | source entities and rely on consistent donations from major
       | corporations to rely on income.
       | I also wonder if this will impede on docker adoption in the
       | coming months. I guess time is the only one that can tell
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | Shameful? What's shameful about it? Software entitlement is
         | outrageous. It's the only field where people expect
         | professionals to keep doling out labor for free and then
         | complain about the free stuff.
         | If it isn't already abundantly clear to you: free software
         | isn't sustainable. It's built on the backs of people who
         | provide it for whatever reason they choose.
         | This be a beggar so I can continue to have free stuff mentality
         | has got to go.
           | raman162 wrote:
           | Shameful may have been a harsh word , disappointing is more
           | appropriate.
           | The disappointing part is that a product that was once free
           | and distributed in abundance is now requiring licensing
           | starting immediately for small businesses. There is a
           | transition gap but the policy is effective starting today.
           | There were no added features of value, it was just a random
           | change of price from nothing to something.
           | I think the new enterprise features that they are boasting
           | about which is probably where they would end up making most
           | of their money could have been suffice as this new policy is
           | going to be difficult for them to enforce.
           | I'm sure docker desktop originally being free contributed to
           | them being this popular. It made using containers for
           | development super easy on windows and Mac.
           | Now that they have the huge user base, they're in a good
           | position to dictate terms in their favour whether we like it
           | or not.
             | andrewmcwatters wrote:
             | The only thing you're saying here is that you don't
             | recognize its value and you don't want to pay for it. No,
             | wait, you don't want _businesses_ --fully capable
             | organizations who can pay--to pay for it.
             | You should be ashamed.
             | There's nothing random about it. A tech business is finally
             | realizing giving products away for free isn't a business.
             | What a surprise.
             | > Now that they have the huge user base, they're in a good
             | position to dictate terms in their favour whether we like
             | it or not.
             | No one is forcing you to use docker. Grow up.
             | Better yet, you try building a product, giving it away to
             | choosing beggar developers, and figure out how to run a
             | business where you pay six-figure engineering salaries to
             | qualified employees off the cash flow of "donations." What
             | a joke.
       | CyanLite2 wrote:
       | Surprised no one like Microsoft has stepped in to buy Docker out-
       | right.
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | What a strange sentence.. As if "Docker" is some third party.
       | They're referring to themselves in the 3rd person.
       | Be warned
         | hbn wrote:
         | Meh, it's just for the headline. If someone shared the article
         | and the title is scraped, "we're" isn't as self-explanatory and
         | required you to look at the URL for context.
         | The article itself uses "we"
           | sekathlon wrote:
           | they just have to delete the word "our" in the headline and
           | all would be fine. this is just weird.
             | Proven wrote:
             | It's not.
       | erikkri wrote:
       | This seems like a relevant link:
       | https://medium.com/crowdbotics/a-complete-one-by-one-guide-t...
         | berdon wrote:
         | This is likely the most realistic path forward for most
         | developers using MBPs.
       | benjaminwootton wrote:
       | Docker have never done the one obvious thing to monetise - an
       | upsell and enterprise support for the engine.
       | Trying to be a poor mans pivotal was a stupid strategy, and
       | developer tools is awkward too.
       | I'm convinced if they charged $10 per engine per month they would
       | have kept all of the goodwill and momentum and been the next
       | VMWare.
         | V99 wrote:
         | They tried that ("Docker Enterprise Edition") years ago, with
         | some minor differentiation on features only available in EE...
         | but for $62-300/node/month. This is now the part Mirantis owns,
         | current Docker is the developer-focused side.
         | https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-enterprise-edition/
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20171118161452/https://www.docke...
       | dharmab wrote:
       | Note that Docker Desktop and Docker Engine are separate products.
       | Docker Desktop is the desktop application package that makes
       | Docker user-friendly on macOS and Windows. Docker Engine, the
       | container runtime itself, remains free:
       | > No changes to Docker Engine or any upstream open source Docker
       | or Moby project.
       | If you develop on Linux, no changes are needed.
         | alanwreath wrote:
         | Not a trivial thing to run Docker natively inside of a WSL2
         | environment - at least my attempts to install straight docker
         | strictly inside Ubuntu running in WSL2 always resulted in
         | Ubuntu's attempts to reach some .exe with regard to Docker. I
         | did learn some fun facts WRT Linux in WSL2 - it doesn't have
         | systemd installed by default.
           | spooneybarger wrote:
           | I've never had a problem with it. I've been using docker
           | engine in WSL2 for a couple years.
           | I install `docker.io` via apt and its good to go except that
           | package has on some ubuntu versions been missing the
           | /etc/init.d/ startup script.
           | I build my WSL2 environments via Dockerfile. You can see
           | everything here:
           | https://github.com/SeanTAllen/wsl-
           | environments/tree/main/ubu...
           | Using that dockerfile I can then export the file system as a
           | tar (https://wiki.seantallen.com/notes/docker-export-
           | filesystem/) and import into wsl using the wsl import
           | command.
             | naikrovek wrote:
             | well the installation process seems to have changed in the
             | last 2 years. installing `docker.io` is _not_ enough to get
             | docker running in WSL 2 anymore.
         | arsfeld wrote:
         | How would that work if you're using WSL? Docker for Desktop
         | uses WSL but creates it's own separate VM (if you can call it a
         | VM).
         | Would I be able to install and run Docker inside Ubuntu's WSL
         | distro to avoid paying for Docker for Desktop?
           | easton wrote:
           | Yes, but you'd have to connect the Docker CLI running in
           | Windows to the engine inside Ubuntu (not hard), and then you
           | wouldn't be able to mount stuff in Windows into Docker
           | containers via relative paths (you'd have to start them with
           | /mnt/c/...). If neither of those things matter for you (like
           | if all of your project code is inside your WSL VM), then it's
           | totally fine.
           | JoyrexJ9 wrote:
           | I do all my work under WSL, and run Docker engine in WSL and
           | it works perfectly. 100% headless.
           | I may have had to expose the Docker socket for VS Code
           | containers support to work, but that wasn't any pain, and
           | secured with TLS.
           | Never needed Docker Desktop, which seemed like a bloated
           | mess.
           | dharmab wrote:
           | You could configure Docker Engine in Ubuntu to expose a
           | network socket, and configure Docker CLI in Windows WSL to
           | use that network socket:
           | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Docker#Daemon_socket
           | maple3142 wrote:
           | Enable WSL2, then you can just install the docker provided by
           | your distro package manager. For example, I am using docker
           | packaed by Arch Linux, and it works as expected.
           | If you need to use `docker` command under Powershell, maybe
           | exposing docker socket to Windows host would probably work. I
           | didn't try it as I don't need it.
           | raesene9 wrote:
           | You can connect to a remote Docker engine instance over SSH,
           | which is easier to setup than exposing the Docker socket over
           | a TCP port.
           | So install the client inside WSL and the engine on a Linux
           | VM.
           | EDIT:
           | https://raesene.github.io/blog/2018/11/11/Docker-18-09-SSH/
           | was a blog I wrote when that feature landed, AFAIK it works
           | the same way now :)
             | Macha wrote:
             | Or just use it inside WSL2, which already is a Linux VM?
               | raesene9 wrote:
               | I've never actually tried installing Docker engine in
               | WSL2... might work I guess :)
           | mishafb wrote:
           | You probably can, there's nothing about containers that
           | shouldn't work on WSL2
       | peytoncasper wrote:
       | There reality of this is that Docker is setting themselves up as
       | an enterprise software business. Like the one they spun out a
       | short while ago.
       | You as a developer won't be involved with purchasing Docker
       | subscriptions. Instead they'll have sales teams that approach
       | your IT department who will pay for support reasons and pre
       | install Docker Desktop on all company hardware.
       | That's why this is only focused at larger companies. This gives
       | IT departments someone to call when a developer reports a
       | problem.
       | krzyk wrote:
       | I'm a bit puzzled what costs and what not, as it is a first time
       | I see "Docker Desktop" name.
       | I use docker on linux, mainly executing "docker build", "docker
       | run", etc.
       | Does it still cost if I do it in a 1k+ company during work?
         | treesknees wrote:
         | Docker Desktop is the only way to run Docker "natively" on
         | Windows and MacOS (I say "natively" because it's really using a
         | linux VM behind the scenes.)
         | So if you're on Linux, nothing has changed (yet).
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | The article says there are no changes to the command line tool.
         | This is the first time I'm hearing of Docker Desktop as well.
       | db3pt0 wrote:
       | Looking at the installation instructions for Docker on
       | Mac/Windows, what is the expected way to install the Docker
       | Engine without installing the Desktop bundle?
       | From https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/binaries/#install-
       | cli...
       | > The macOS binary includes the Docker client only. It does not
       | include the dockerd daemon.
         | kristjansson wrote:
         | Docker Engine only runs on Linux.
         | Docker for Mac/Windows sets up a Linux VM using macOS/Windows
         | native virtualization via the open-source HyperKit/VPNKit
         | abstractions maintained by Docker-the-Company and the
         | community. That VM runs Docker Enginer (dockerd) and all
         | interaction (docker CLI commands, shared volumes, networking,
         | etc.) are proxied into that VM.
           | OldTimeCoffee wrote:
           | So unless I'm missing something important, why not just use
           | docker engine directly on a wsl2 instance?
             | kristjansson wrote:
             | I'm not a Windows user but AIUI just running dockerd in
             | WSL2 misses some of the volume sharing and networking
             | niceties. Nothing that couldn't be replicated though
             | mongol wrote:
             | Is that working? Does wsl2 provide more than a shell?
               | singingboyo wrote:
               | Last I recall, docker desktop on windows explicitly
               | recommended WSL2 over Hyper-V or whatever based setups.
               | dharmab wrote:
               | WSL2 uses a full Linux VM running under HyperV.
               | devoutsalsa wrote:
               | WSL2 can get weird when you start trying to install
               | software with low level virtualization and file system
               | features. YMMV. I'd use it to install apps, but I
               | wouldn't be confident it'd work with Docker. Even if it
               | did initially work, eventually you'll hit a problem for
               | which there is no googleable answer & good luck with
               | that.
               | amaranth wrote:
               | Docker Desktop installs dockerd in a WSL2 instance these
               | days instead of using VirtualBox so I'd assume it works
               | pretty well now.
               | w7 wrote:
               | Current Docker on Windows detects if you have WSL2 or
               | not, and gives you the option of just installing docker
               | in WSL2 + configuring the Windows docker tools to
               | manipulate the docker daemon running in WSL2.
         | Ajedi32 wrote:
         | Yeah, that's the biggest issue; right now Docker Desktop is the
         | only supported way of installing Docker on Windows:
         | https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/#supported-platforms
         | That's literally the only reason I use it.
         | There's probably a fairly simple way to run Docker directly in
         | WSL, but a lot of documentation is going to need to be updated
         | to point to that method.
       | ericpp wrote:
       | A better strategy to me would've been to keep it free and tightly
       | integrate it with Docker Hub to push people towards Docker Hub
       | services. This software is already installed on most Windows
       | computers that need to use Docker and provides a perfect
       | opportunity to promote Docker Hub and any of their other
       | services.
       | nickjj wrote:
       | For everyone who is against this change, can you please write up
       | why?
       | For a ton of small companies (anyone making $10 million or less
       | per year) nothing is going to change and DD is still free to use.
       | If you're at a big organization with let's say 200 developers
       | chances are your company makes hundreds of millions of dollars a
       | year. Even Docker's most expensive business plan would cost you
       | 200 * $21 = $4,200 month.
       | Payroll for your 200 developers will likely be over 3 million
       | dollars a month. How can you be upset with paying 4k a month?
       | That's almost nothing relative to other expenses.
       | Realistically I'm surprised Docker is charging so little for
       | their business plan. Making 4k on 200 developers at a 300
       | million+ company is not asking a lot.
         | 0x500x79 wrote:
         | I don't get enough out of docker desktop for mac to be worth
         | the 21 dollars a month, personally. It manages a VM and the
         | port mappings/exposure of docker sockets on my behalf. That is
         | something that can be replaced fairly easily and not cost me
         | 5-20 dollars a month.
         | This on top of some of the decisions in the past year like
         | removing the ability to opt out of updates, and the issues that
         | pop up when I don't expect it (crashes, file systems, etc) I am
         | more inclined to find other solutions.
         | dwaite wrote:
         | Because we use containers to share images outside our
         | organization. This reduces the accessibility and thus the value
         | of the entire Docker ecosystem.
         | zmmmmm wrote:
         | you jumped from $10m revenue to a 200 developer company with
         | payroll of $3m month in your example.
         | There are tiny companies with $10m revenue (remember, revenue
         | isn't margin and certainly isn't profit). A company could
         | easily have non-employment expenses be 90% of its revenue, so
         | we are talking about $1m or 7-8 person company there on decent
         | salaries. A far cry from the 200 devs you give as an example.
         | However as to "why" - because docker's precise value
         | proposition is its ubiquity and universality. The exact reason
         | people have adopted it is because everyone can run it, no
         | matter who, no matter where. So this compromises the _main_
         | value proposition of Docker. People will now find alternatives
         | because if I can 't distribute my application using docker and
         | know the person at the other end can run it (because now they
         | need a license that they don't have) then it lost virtually its
         | whole point to me.
           | nickjj wrote:
           | > A company could easily have non-employment expenses be 90%
           | of its revenue, so we are talking about $1m or 7-8 person
           | company there on decent salaries
           | Can you give a few real world examples where a $10 million /
           | year revenue company with 7 employees would have difficulty
           | paying $147 a month (or $49 if they went for the $7 / month
           | instead)? With the $7 / month plan (if you only care about
           | DD), the entire annual cost for all 7 devs is less than
           | hiring 1 developer for 1 day at a normal US dev salary.
             | zmmmmm wrote:
             | Ok, so you're asking about a different point, now, the
             | difficulty of paying. In that case the difficulties arise
             | because of corporate gatekeepers, licensing stewards and
             | general policies governing software licensing. Typically my
             | organisation would not approve this sort of purchase
             | without a business case and justification - not least
             | because we are a not-for-profit and any money not going to
             | our cause is scrutinised heavily (the thing donors
             | absolutely hate the most is the idea their money doesn't
             | get to the cause they donated to and instead goes into
             | sinkhole of funding commerical company's bottom lines).
             | Obviously one payment is not too big but as soon as the
             | policy allows one it allows all such things so its
             | effectively opening the gate to all kinds of micro-payments
             | that quickly build up and become entrenched as "essential".
             | Here's a similar analogy ... does your company pay for your
             | parking? Why not, its small compared to your salary right?
             | and it definitely helps you get to work, be more efficient
             | etc? Well its not just about the parking its because that
             | represents a _class of purchase_ that if allowed would tilt
             | the scale towards a massive number of similar types of
             | expenses. So in fact most places will have blanked policies
             | disallowing small purchases.
             | Another question: since the price for Docker Desktop
             | already got arbitrarily changed with no notice, why would
             | you believe that it won't go up in the future? Or get more
             | restrictive in other ways? Once a company executes bad
             | faith one time, continued manifestations of that have to be
             | considered as a risk.
               | nickjj wrote:
               | With Docker, even if 1 dev spent 2 days coming up with a
               | perfect solution that would allow all 7 devs to move away
               | from DD without wasting 1 second of productivity you're
               | still losing out vs sticking with DD at their new annual
               | rates. To me that's a very strong business case.
               | > Another question: since the price for Docker Desktop
               | already got arbitrarily changed with no notice, why would
               | you believe that it won't go up in the future?
               | Personally, I'll worry about a future notice when it
               | happens. A meteor could wipe out all of humanity tomorrow
               | but I try not to think of "what ifs".
         | mgarciaisaia wrote:
         | I'm part of a company that doesn't need to change a thing
         | because of this.
         | I want to move out of Docker services because of the "The new
         | terms take effect on August 31, 2021" part of the email I've
         | just received, even if it's followed by a "with a grace period
         | until January 31, 2022".
         | I'm OK with them trying to get money. I'm not OK with them
         | changing things overnight.
         | darkarmani wrote:
         | Extortion. They built an entire community of docker users and
         | then this. it's one thing if we all knew they were oracle. It's
         | another thing for them to turn into Oracle after capturing
         | mindshare.
         | kcb wrote:
         | Because procurement processes suck and developers don't want to
         | deal with them. When it's something from Microsoft, Google,
         | Amazon, it's not a problem because those deals are handled at a
         | level that developers don't interact much with and are
         | ingrained as business critical. There's no way we're going to
         | have a contract with Docker by January so I fully expect a
         | "Please uninstall Docker Desktop" email long before that.
           | nickjj wrote:
           | What if you asked the person who would write that email to
           | instead ask Docker if they can extend the grace period for
           | you until you can get a contract set up?
           | Since it's unclear if / how Docker can enforce their TOS I'm
           | guessing they would be happy to extend it because the other
           | avenues lead to you not using DD or using it without paying.
             | Closi wrote:
             | > What if you asked the person who would write that email
             | to instead ask Docker if they can extend the grace period
             | for you until you can get a contract set up?
             | I think OP's principle is that it will probably just be
             | easier to switch tools than to push the $42k annual spend
             | through the organisational mud to get it approved
             | (depending on how muddy the mud is).
             | This is particularly true for a single developer that wants
             | to start using docker desktop, if the rest of the org isn't
             | already using it.
       | Shank wrote:
       | "Large" is a bit of an interesting statement. Companies with $10m
       | in revenue are very common, and are often smaller companies.
       | Software is all about leverage. A very small team can create a
       | lot of leverage with the right tools to make a very strong
       | product and get to $10m ARR without necessarily having many
       | people.
       | It seems like the real cost to this change is the goodwill from
       | smaller companies + teams that are now realizing they'll have
       | another expense dropped on them. Except the expense is a
       | previously free product with no real improvements, at least from
       | what I can tell.
       | 0xdeadbeefbabe wrote:
       | Linux containers ought to update and extend their product
       | subscriptions too.
       | raesene9 wrote:
       | It'll be interesting to see how well this works out for Docker, I
       | have a feeling they'll lose quite a bit of custom but convert
       | some to this model.
       | I'd guess a lot of people will just use Docker engine on a Linux
       | VM with the CLI on Windows/Mac as that'll work just fine and is
       | open source.
       | This was kind of inevitable though, ultimately Docker had to find
       | a revenue stream somewhere. Docker Hub must be massively
       | expensive to run and developing docker's product isn't free
       | either...
         | syshum wrote:
         | There has been a huge push in the community to switch away from
         | docker anyway. The warning signs from the company have been
         | there for awhile and there are several container engine's,
         | systems, UI's and other management tools not built on docker.
         | This will accelerate those programs
           | awestroke wrote:
           | Can you link me to a single of those alternatives? It must be
           | equally easy to use
             | staysafeanon wrote:
             | Podman: https://podman.io/
       | etxm wrote:
       | Honest question: Besides IT endpoint management, why does our
       | industry continue to develop software that is leaning more and
       | more towards containerization on Mac OS?
       | I've been a Mac user for 20 years and do a lot of docker and
       | Kubernetes work. I recently started developing on a Linux machine
       | that was a fourth of the price and a lot less burden for my day-
       | to-day work.
         | 0x500x79 wrote:
         | I mean, your "Besides IT endpoint management" comment is the
         | primary reason that most of the jobs that I have worked at
         | won't let me get a linux machine.
       | flemhans wrote:
       | Received an unsolicited mail from them outlining the new terms,
       | with no way to unsubscribe.
       | paxys wrote:
       | Their product and pricing page is extremely vague and full of
       | dark patters, and doesn't really describe what "Docker Desktop"
       | even is. Can I use the CLI without downloading Docker Desktop?
       | Can I launch the daemon and interact with it via the API?
       | alanwreath wrote:
       | Companies with more than 250 employees or $10 million USD in
       | annual revenue must pay a monthly subscription to adhere to the
       | new terms of service.
       | rkachowski wrote:
       | Additionally this change is effective starting August 31st 2021 -
       | i.e. now.
         | justincormack wrote:
         | (CTO of Docker here) there is a grace period until 31 January
         | next year, we understand that this is a change and people need
         | time to sort out payment.
           | jen20 wrote:
           | ... isn't it effective January 31st then?
             | justincormack wrote:
             | Sorry it is a bit confusing, the overall terms and
             | conditions update is as of now, but the part about paying
             | has a grace period but obviously we want people to know now
             | what will apply. The terms are not very different from
             | previous terms (although I did get the old no benchmarking
             | clause removed, I don't know why we had that there).
               | hyperpape wrote:
               | > I did get the old no benchmarking clause removed, I
               | don't know why we had that there
               | Your company is probably not going to fare well in this
               | thread, but thanks for this! No benchmarking clauses are
               | gross. Glad to see someone with the means to remove one
               | do so.
               | antonyh wrote:
               | I would guess it's to do with the abysmal performance
               | before WSL2.
             | birdman3131 wrote:
             | It sounds to me like if you start now you have to pay if
             | large enough of a company but if you are already a
             | "customer" you have till january.
           | [deleted]
           | BitterAmethyst wrote:
           | Curious how bound I'd be to these terms if I just don't
           | upgrade Docker Desktop. I'm not even signed in to dockerhub
           | and most of our containers are on an Azure private registry.
           | reustle wrote:
           | > and people need time to sort out payment
           | Or their removal of Docker
       | adolph wrote:
       | I wonder how much Docker is paying Synk.io for 200/mo _Local
       | vulnerability scans with Snyk_?
       | kcb wrote:
       | Overall if they want to charge for their product that's fine. I
       | just hate the model of release free or really permissible
       | application, wait for widespread adoption, then tighten clamp.
       | For what it's worth they've lost my business there.
         | codyogden wrote:
         | I want to coin it as "embrace, extend, extort."
           | benbristow wrote:
           | Same with Telerik Fiddler recently. Good piece of software
           | for debugging network requests on Windows.
           | Was free for as long as I've known it existed. Telerik
           | recently bought by 'Progress' (ironic), software re-written
           | in Electron and now charges a subscription to use it.
           | Glad HTTP Toolkit is now available free for 'hobbyist' tasks
           | - https://httptoolkit.tech/
             | pimterry wrote:
             | I'm the author of HTTP Toolkit! Just ran into this by
             | chance, glad you like it :-D
             | I should mention here: not only is the core product all
             | free, it's also completely open source, even including the
             | paid bits (https://github.com/httptoolkit). And those Pro
             | features are completely free for all contributors to the
             | project.
             | I've tried to set it up so I couldn't run off with it and
             | force everybody to start paying even if I wanted to, but
             | any suggestions for further improvements there very
             | welcome.
           | cyral wrote:
           | Very accurate for a lot of companies like this lately.
           | Consider it coined.
             | [deleted]
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Nah, newer generations rediscovering the concept of
             | shareware and trial/demo versions.
               | kcb wrote:
               | Not really. Shareware, Trials, Demos all come with the
               | expectation that if you want to utilize them fully you
               | will eventually need to pay.
               | Rexxar wrote:
               | The (big) difference is honesty. You know you should pay
               | at some point in future if you use shareware/trial/demo
               | and find it useful.
         | eikenberry wrote:
         | Docker desktop was never really free, as in free software, was
         | it? If so, then it was always a proprietary app and they were
         | always in control. IE. the clamp was always tight.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | It was free of charge.
             | eikenberry wrote:
             | Which is why being free of charge isn't really the point of
             | free software.
               | chrisseaton wrote:
               | But not everyone cares about 'libre' software, or thinks
               | the simple descriptive term 'free' should be co-opted in
               | discussions like you are.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | It used to be called shareware.
       | rad_gruchalski wrote:
       | So is Docker going to now maintain all the base images themselves
       | or do they rely on the community to provide those for free?
       | Also, announced on 31.08, effective 31.08 (albeit grace
       | period...)
       | 0x500x79 wrote:
       | Unless I am missing something this is pretty huge. Every company
       | I have worked at that has issued MacBooks has had development
       | environment instructions which outline using docker desktop
       | (since it is the simplest solution). Given this headline every
       | one of those companies would have needed to get licensing for
       | that.
       | As others have stated: I am okay with attempting to monetize your
       | work, but increasing prices like this (especially from free to a
       | pretty pricey per-head subscription model) doesn't sit well with
       | me. There doesn't seem to be much differentiation between the
       | tier besides: "How many employees/revenue you have" and that is
       | not my favorite line of charging.
       | Does this relate at all to the forced upgrades that were pushed
       | earlier this year?
       | techthumb wrote:
       | I've been using Minikube's docker-engine and haven't missed
       | DockerForMac for some time now.
       | Minikube sets up a Linux VM using MacOS Hypervisor.
       | It even has a convenience command to configure docker-cli/docker-
       | client.                 $ minikube docker-env         export
       | DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1"         export
       | DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"         export
       | DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/wibble/.minikube/certs"         export
       | MINIKUBE_ACTIVE_DOCKERD="minikube"
       | For corporate situations where MITM proxies are used, you can
       | inject/trust custom CAs using                 $ minikube start
       | --embed-certs
       | https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/untrusted_certs/
         | deusex_ wrote:
         | But what minikube backend are you using for this? The preferred
         | one is Docker and all the others are also paid on Mac.
           | techthumb wrote:
           | I am using "hyperkit"
           | Available options:                 --driver='': Driver is one
           | of: virtualbox, parallels, vmwarefusion, hyperkit, vmware,
           | docker, ssh (defaults to auto-detect)
           | TheDong wrote:
           | > all the others are also paid on Mac
           | Hyperkit is open source software that works on macOS.
           | https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/hyperkit/
           | Virtualbox is also a free (as in beer, and mostly libre)
           | driver that works on all of windows/linux/macOS
             | vesinisa wrote:
             | Wait, so you're running your app on virtualized Linux
             | inside Docker inside Linux inside Virtualbox inside native
             | MacOS?
               | Spivak wrote:
               | That's how it has to work when there's a kernel mismatch
               | from host to guest. You're implying more layers than
               | there actually are.
               | - MacOS running a hypervisor
               | - A Linux VM with Docker installed.
               | - A Linux container running on that VMs kernel.
               | Containers on Linux aren't virtualized (normally, you
               | could use runV I suppose if you wanted). The only
               | overhead is the extra disk space to extract the root fs
               | of the container image and the namespacing.
               | _joel wrote:
               | It's spinning pinwheels all the way down
               | TheDong wrote:
               | That's a reductive way to phrase it, but more or less
               | yes.
               | It's arguable if the container is "virtualized linux" as
               | they all share a single linux kernel. In reality there's
               | one virtual machine, one linux kernel, and many linux
               | userspaces (one per container), which is kinda the whole
               | point of containers.
               | Over docker+linux, the virtual machine is the only
               | additional layer.
               | fwiw, I personally don't use macOS, so I've only got
               | virtualized linux (containers) run by docker running on
               | linux running on my hardware.
               | Are you trying to make a point or something here? Like,
               | yes, we've built layers of abstraction that include
               | different types of virtualization (VMs and containers),
               | and they compose. Is that all you're observing?
               | vesinisa wrote:
               | > Are you trying to make a point or something here?
               | Nah, just curious/intrigued by how these stack.
               | OS-level virtualization is very much a thing. I'd be
               | interesting to compare this to the approach taken by
               | Docker Dekstop for Mac. I bet they do something quite
               | similar (hypervisor-based virtualization like Virtualbox)
               | - nothing fancy like WSL1 that I believe runs a sort of
               | "tortured" Linux kernel _inside_ the NT kernel.
               | simiones wrote:
               | WSL1 didn't run a Linux kernel at all - it was
               | implementing the Linux user-space API over the Windows NT
               | kernel. Well, some of it - not enough to run Docker, for
               | example.
               | Docker on Windows and Mac does the same as what is
               | described above - it runs a Linux VM and runs the docker
               | server inside that, and then does a little magic to
               | expose native OS paths and so on to that VM. On Windows,
               | it uses WSL2 by default now, but WSL2 is also a Hyper-V
               | VM in the end, with some Windows magic to blend it more
               | nicely in Windows workflows.
             | truffdog wrote:
             | Hyperkit is docker for mac's backend though, so... whatever
             | bugs that upset people are probably still present.
             | tensor wrote:
             | Beware of VirtualBox. While part of it is free, it's not
             | very useful without the extension package. This package is
             | easy to download on the same website as VirtualBox, but...
             | it's not free.
             | Even better Oracle tracks the ips that download this
             | extension and after a suitable amount of time they will
             | come knocking on your company's door asking for an
             | insulting amount of money (e.g. more expensive than VMware)
             | or get sued. You need to read the fine print of the
             | additional Eula printed in really small letters on the
             | VirtualBox website to figure out the extension isn't free.
             | It's almost a honeypot tactic. Scummy.
               | folmar wrote:
               | I don't know how Macs fare, but on Linux the extension
               | package is not really a great feat, mostly adds RDP and
               | some faster USB modes, but USB passthrough is marginal at
               | most anyway.
         | jackcviers3 wrote:
         | Before Docker Desktop there existed a solution called docker
         | toolkit that worked exactly like this. The only problem is that
         | occasionally internal corporate networks will use the same ip
         | address and you have to customize that by building your own
         | docker engine.
       | qeternity wrote:
       | So many people in this thread don't understand how enterprise
       | decisions get made.
       | The business license costs $21/month, probably less in reality.
       | Do you really think that businesses are going to jeopardize the
       | workflows of their $250k/year assets over a very core piece of
       | software for $250/year?
       | Any alternative has switching costs and risks. Companies will
       | just pay this. I see so many people saying "just do these 10
       | steps and it's basically the same". It just ain't worth it for
       | $250
         | aprdm wrote:
         | That math changes a lot in companies that don't sell tech as
         | their profits margin aren't as fat. It also changes when you
         | have 1000s of developers.
         | efsavage wrote:
         | Many engineers at large companies won't want to bother dealing
         | with the headaches around licensing software and spending
         | money, whether it's $2/mo or $21/mo or $200/mo.
         | If it's a core part of my job and the best option available,
         | it'd be worth it, but if there's _any_ reasonable alternative,
         | I 'll go download that today instead of wading through all of
         | the lawyers and approvals and compliance to use something
         | slightly better.
           | dheera wrote:
           | If you're getting started, sure.
           | If you already have a live deployment then the company's
           | bigger fear is the a risk of switching to a completely new
           | infrastructure and they'll all of a sudden push the paperwork
           | quickly to stay on their existing codebase.
         | isoprophlex wrote:
         | That's not how it works in my experience. If it costs more than
         | 0 but less than 10k, the pencil pushers at procurement wont
         | even answer your emails...
         | katzgrau wrote:
         | That would be the wise thing to do, but I'm sure there are some
         | ways companies will eff it up anyway. Survival of the fittest I
         | guess.
         | Management may want some badge of honor for saving a budget
         | line item. Or developers may want to embark on a new and
         | interesting project and successfully convince management it's a
         | good idea, who will agree for a wide range of reasons (not
         | pissing off developers might be one of them).
         | Both will ignore the risk and considerable downsides. Happens
         | all the time.
         | fmakunbound wrote:
         | It's not at all about the price. Obviously a corporation can
         | afford that. It's the sheer dread of even starting the
         | procurement process in your average corporation that your
         | average developer must overcome, that is the barrier.
         | I'd rather investigate an alternative like running it on a VM
         | than deal with that. Actually I'd rather shave my face with
         | some mace in the dark than deal with that.
         | Aqueous wrote:
         | $21 / user / month - so if you have 100 engineers that's $2100
         | a month or $25k a year.
         | Still should be doable for most businesses that size but
         | licensing costs can blow up when you start to have a lot of
         | seats. An annoying thing about the company I work for is that
         | they have a limited number of licenses for things like IDEs, so
         | they ration them. And so I'll boot up an IDE for a language I
         | work in less - like say, PyCharm - and it will stop working
         | because my license got taken away and given to someone else.
         | I'll have to request another one be given back to get working
         | again, which is pretty annoying when I'm trying to get
         | something done. I work mostly with Docker / Kubernetes so if
         | I'm in a situation where my core tools are being constantly
         | taken away, I'll be pretty miffed.
         | I agree that Docker has every right to charge big companies for
         | this software. Just wanted to point out that the costs can be
         | more than you'd expect.
         | raffraffraff wrote:
         | True. Absolutely. But I guarantee you that this headline means
         | that even junior "devops" engineers will have workable
         | alternatives by _tomorrow_ , and can tell you how to implement
         | them with little friction.
         | swiftcoder wrote:
         | That sort of depends on the size of business under discussion.
         | If you are a Fortune 500 with 2,000 engineers who all need
         | licenses... half a million in licensing costs is not always the
         | easiest sell.
         | Of course, that fortune 500 is going to pick up the phone and
         | demand to pay 1/4 of that (and they'll probably get it).
         | Enterprise sales is _fun_
           | otterley wrote:
           | *Actual fun may vary.
         | Cacti wrote:
         | lol obviously you've never worked in a giant bureaucratic
         | corporation.
           | dang wrote:
           | Please don't post personal swipes or unsubstantive comments.
           | If you know more than other people, that's great, but then
           | please share some of what you know so the rest of us can
           | learn. If you can't do that or don't want to, that's fine,
           | but then please don't post.
           | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&sor.
           | ..
           | qeternity wrote:
           | Lol obviously you've never risen to a level of management in
           | a giant corporation.
           | It's ok. Just keep telling yourself you're smarter than
           | everyone else.
         | andix wrote:
         | From my experience: Yes, they may jeopardize it.
         | If docker and containerization is not yet widely used in the
         | company, a lot of decisionmakers will not buy it, because they
         | did fine without it for decades ;)
         | tyingq wrote:
         | >Do you really think that businesses are going to jeopardize
         | the workflows of their $250k/year assets over a very core piece
         | of software for $250/year?
         | Tech companies? No, they will probably cough up until they have
         | another solution.
         | IT departments in non-tech companies? Yes. I fully expect a
         | circus there. Many won't have known it was being used,
         | purchasing will have their ego bruised by a company "hijacking"
         | them and won't want to pay, and so on.
         | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
         | The places where I worked there's an inverse relationship - the
         | smaller the cost, the harder it is to justify with finances.
         | ($4000 monthly AWS bill for "testing purposes"? No questions
         | asked. $10 wireless mouse? Mission impossible!)
           | WhatsName wrote:
           | In case you aren't aware, it's easy to explain by that fact
           | that most finance departments are afraid to question your
           | spendings on grounds of looking incompetent.
           | So it's less about 10$ and more about: "I understand what a
           | wireless mouse is and it doesn't look mission critical to
           | me."
           | "No idea what those items on that AWS bill mean, but I'll
           | probably be better off not asking"
             | Tarsul wrote:
             | he, well said. It's basically the bike shed effect:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality
             | xenadu02 wrote:
             | If you must exist in this kind of organization use this to
             | your advantage. Get involved in important projects, setup
             | purchase proposals, then make sure you add in new laptops,
             | cables, mice, extra monitors, and whatever other
             | accessories you need. Do you have a remote KVM attached to
             | all 100 servers? Yes. Will finance care if you add 100
             | monitors, keyboards, mice, etc? Nope. Will your vendor
             | happily add those on to the price? Yup. How do you get
             | involved in projects? Find a Director or VP who wants to
             | get something done and say "yes" or "we'll find a way" to
             | whatever it is they want to do. Then do your research and
             | give them a proposal: "We can accomplish X in 24 months
             | with Y headcount and Z equipment budget". If you can
             | cultivate a reputation as someone who "gets things done"
             | eventually you will find the normal rules no longer apply
             | to you. Finance will stop asking questions about your
             | projects.
             | You have three rational choices: 1. Play the game, 2. Keep
             | your head down, 3. Quit and move to a company that doesn't
             | play those games.
             | Sitting around complaining that a big company has crappy
             | inefficient processes is like complaining that water is
             | wet. A complete waste of time and makes you look
             | incompetent to other people in the company who _are_
             | playing the game. These inefficient processes end up
             | optimizing for people who know how to talk the code and
             | cultivate the right relationships. Take advantage of that.
               | noizejoy wrote:
               | Your post rekindles memories of the great Y2K era, where
               | this kind of trick to get many things funded was used
               | liberally by many in the enterprise world. Good times for
               | IT budgets!
               | jacurtis wrote:
               | Yep, large companies work like congress.
               | First you need something core to start a bill around.
               | Let's make a law that makes it easier to buy guns.
               | But no one is going to vote for that, so let's give it a
               | name you CAN'T say no to. It will henceforth be known as
               | "The Child and Family Home Protection Act".
               | Great we have a cool name and we have a law significant
               | enough to send to the floor of congress. Now let's get
               | enough people to promise to vote for it so we don't waste
               | our time. Oh, Congressman X says that he would vote for
               | it as long as we add another law about funding polar bear
               | research. Sure, whatever just add it in, we need the
               | votes. Congresswoman Y says she will vote for it if we
               | add a law about requiring masks at church. We need the
               | votes, tack it on. Congressman Z has been trying to get
               | more tanks sent to Afghanistan for nearly a decade, if we
               | add that in I bet he will vote for out law too.
               | Then these things get bundled up and sent to the floor
               | where people vote on laws with fun marketing names added
               | to them.
               | The same thing happens in business. You start off with a
               | core project like a new ERP system. Give it a complex
               | sounding name that no one in accounts payable will say no
               | to. Then we add in a bunch of computers into the budget
               | that we have been trying to get for 2 years. Add a new
               | printer. Throw in some docker desktop licenses for our
               | developers, and then bundle it up and send it to Accounts
               | Payable. Bam, now you have docker desktop licenses and
               | new computers. You're welcome.
             | noir_lord wrote:
             | "2.4Ghz Laser Based Human Interface Device, $10" seems
             | cheap approved.
               | noizejoy wrote:
               | Another fun approach is to request some number of things
               | with the intent of getting them denied, so the decision
               | makers feel like they've done their job and are more
               | likely to approve other things. The trick is to figure
               | out the psychology of those decision makers to steer the
               | denials and approvals properly.
               | Off-topic: Similar approach can work with auditors.
               | Deliberately give them some stuff to write up, so they
               | don't hassle you on random topics, since they have to
               | find something to report to justify their existence, too.
               | However: There are some great and smart practitioners of
               | these kinds of gate keeping functions, who are smart and
               | wonderful to work with. Just like in any walk of life
               | though, the really good one's are rare.
               | aenis wrote:
               | Too cheap. Been in a few places where getting 700k for
               | something with a boring but plausible name was a no
               | questions asked thing, but trying to get a $15 miro board
               | license was literally impissible. I paid for a lot of
               | tools out of my own pocket to avoid the hassle. I bet I
               | am not alone with this approach.
           | pharindoko wrote:
           | ;D damn right.... Wanted to buy a css framework extension for
           | 50$ - Mission impossible ..
           | qeternity wrote:
           | Exactly. Cost is a proxy for importance (usually). I can't be
           | bothered to approve your $10 mouse, but I can be bothered to
           | approve your $10k AWS budget.
         | regularfry wrote:
         | I honestly don't think I could get Docker Desktop through our
         | procurement process before the end of the grace period. It's
         | not a matter of "this is peanuts" as much as "we're guaranteed
         | to breach the license terms if we keep using this thing, so
         | everyone has to get off it _now_. " And then once it's gone,
         | we'll limp along with whatever plugs the gap until something
         | else emerges a as a winner, which probably won't be Docker
         | Desktop.
           | truffdog wrote:
           | This reminds me of the genius of AWS. The engineering team
           | can just buy whatever they want, no questions asked.
             | hughrr wrote:
             | Hey we get asked plenty of questions when the bill comes in
             | :)
         | namdnay wrote:
         | That's assuming some kind soul in engineering management has
         | the patience and leverage to guide this through 10 layers of
         | purchasing, procurement, finance, legal etc...
         | Another likely outcome is that it's "easier" for teams to
         | switch to another tool (easier in that at least they're not
         | waiting on a third party for approval) and everyone loses a lot
         | of time
         | Big corporations are not the most efficient beasts for this
         | kind of situation
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | This.
           | Buying anything on my organization costs something around
           | $10k. Add your price to this to discover the total we are
           | spending.
           | That's on financial cost. The opportunity cost of stopping
           | technical people to handle the technical details of an
           | acquisition is just huge, and larger the most differentiation
           | there is on the market.
           | mc32 wrote:
           | Sometimes you can put these things on CC rather than P.O.
           | ithkuil wrote:
           | You can drill through layers of that crap if you can sell
           | something through aws marketplace or equivalent thing that
           | your company is already set up to spend millions a month.
           | Not sure how would that work for a desktop tool. It's in them
           | to figure that out though
           | CyanLite2 wrote:
           | Perhaps you're not understanding corporate bureaucracy.
           | Nobody wants to be the manager who gets fired for trying to
           | save $25k by switching from Docker Desktop to {insert random
           | open source project here}. Not only is it not worth the time
           | or the risk, but the engineering manager's exact purpose is
           | to traverse the corporate bureaucracy. It gives them job
           | security. Plus the engineering manager can negotiate big
           | discounts with the vendor and can brag about that on their
           | own performance reviews.
             | whimsicalism wrote:
             | It's not the manager, it's some department somewhere else
             | that'll take weeks to respond and then you'll have to chat
             | with them about it and they'll be like "i don't see why
             | this is necessary"
             | oneplane wrote:
             | That is not the point he was making. It's about wanting to
             | get the licenses procured but the process being
             | unreasonably laborious so people just don't bother. The
             | problem isn't cost, it's the mess of corporate wastelands.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | I really doubt that procurement is going to be harder than
           | switching a technology out.
           | posterboy wrote:
           | > Big corporations are not the most efficient beasts for this
           | kind of situation
           | What situation, being trapped? I'm not sure what size has to
           | do with it. Are small corporations maybe more ... agile?
           | PragmaticPulp wrote:
           | I've been fortunate enough to work at companies where
           | engineers were trusted to make small purchasing decisions. It
           | works well for a while, but eventually everyone accumulates a
           | lot of random recurring charges and the company cracks down.
           | $21 is nothing for a one-time spend.
           | $21 per month per employee is now $252/year per employee, but
           | now you also need someone managing all of these licenses and
           | accounting. Every new employee or team change requires some
           | juggling of licenses with associated turn-around times before
           | that person can get started.
           | It's not bad when it's just a couple key pieces of software,
           | but it doesn't take long before every engineer has some mix
           | of 20 different subscription tools and platforms and licenses
           | and you're on the phone with a different vendor every week
           | doing the annual subscription renewal pricing negotiation
           | dance. The sales people know how this works and would prefer
           | to wear you down with endless conference calls until you get
           | tired of negotiating and just pay the new, higher price
           | they're asking.
           | Soon, all of those "cheap" tools have added up to $1000/month
           | or more per employee with a couple people dedicated to
           | managing these licenses and negotiating with vendors all of
           | the time. And it's terrible.
           | When the tool isn't easily replaceable, you deal with it. I'm
           | not sure I see that with Docker Desktop, though. When you get
           | a new hire, do you tell them to submit a ticket with
           | licensing and wait until they can get their Docker Desktop
           | license? Or do you simply write some documentation about how
           | to accomplish tasks without using Docker Desktop so you can
           | remove another external dependency? Teams generally gravitate
           | toward the latter.
             | cies wrote:
             | > requires some juggling of licenses with associated turn-
             | around times
             | This! I've always said that a bit reason for FLOSS to win
             | over the internet server-side is because scaling fast and
             | juggling livenses is just too hard. Especially with the
             | prying eyes of Oracle/MSFT/etc's powerful legal teams and
             | hidden "phone home" code.
             | Going with a LAMP stack was just to simplest way to keep
             | moving at speed.
             | acdha wrote:
             | One other big factor: certain other vendors have very
             | aggressive sales tactics which essentially boil down to
             | "buy a bunch of stuff you don't need or we'll audit every
             | computer in your company and charge a penalty for anything
             | we can find to quibble with".
             | Docker doesn't need to actually do that to run afoul of
             | policies based on the scar tissue from those other vendors.
             | Simply going from "you can use it without being sued" to
             | "we have to pay people to make sure we'll win" will
             | increase the perceived cost at many large shops.
               | kristjansson wrote:
               | Yup, this is the concern. Having been kindly asked by
               | Oracle to remove virtualbox extensions, this sort of
               | gotcha/conditional pricing feels dangerous
               | acdha wrote:
               | The big thing for me is the question of the future: they
               | say they currently won't be predatory about it[1] and I
               | have no reason to doubt that the people saying that are
               | being completely honest, but we don't know who will be
               | working there in the future or where the next
               | acquisition/merger will take them.
               | Without a contract, it's hard to disagree with the policy
               | types who are going to ask what protects the organization
               | if that happens. Once you go down this path even a
               | little, the barriers to entry at large organizations go
               | up since you have to look at it from the perspective of
               | both the upfront cost and possible future cost / off-
               | ramps.
               | 1. https://twitter.com/scottcjohnston/status/143272649295
               | 845376...
             | jeremyjh wrote:
             | Fixing this has to be a great business opportunity. Surely
             | someone is already working on it?
           | wintermutestwin wrote:
           | OpEx is much easier to get vs CapX. That's why so many things
           | are subscription now. (also Sarbaines Oxley pushed vendors
           | into subscription models)
           | jdwithit wrote:
           | This poster has clearly worked at the same kind of companies
           | I have. Plenty of them would _gladly_ burn 10x what it would
           | cost to just buy the damn license on engineering man-hours
           | switching something that 's inferior but free. Because it
           | doesn't show up as an expense on the annual budget.
           | The concept of opportunity cost is completely lost on a lot
           | of business leaders.
             | alkonaut wrote:
             | If someone suggests a tool that costs $1k/yr over a free
             | tool that costs $5k/year in extra work, I'm going to die on
             | the free tool hill. Because the $1k/yr tool will disappear
             | when the company goes defunct, or it won't interoperate
             | with something else and there is no way of fixing it. Or it
             | can't migrate to the next tool. Or we need to upgrade to an
             | enterprise license because we become 21 developers instead
             | of 20. Or they just bump the cost to $20k for whatever
             | reason. Or the tool won't work on CI servers because it
             | only works after entering a key in an attended install (yes
             | this is still a thing).
             | Free tools have a predictable and stable cost.
             | I have probably been burned more times from free tools over
             | the years, but the scars aren't as deep. It's just a shrug
             | and hoping the other project works when the first doesn't.
               | Closi wrote:
               | > Free tools have a predictable and stable cost.
               | Unless they suddenly turn from free into a $21/month per
               | person fee.
               | 10000truths wrote:
               | I think he means free as in open source, rather than free
               | as in freeware. In which the worst case scenario is that
               | you are stuck with the last open-source version, but at
               | least you retain full control over your fork of the code
               | and can add features and bug fixes as you see fit.
               | alkonaut wrote:
               | Indeed. Proprietary/Closed-source but costing $0 is the
               | worst of both worlds.
               | bluGill wrote:
               | Then I'll find the fork and use that. We have already
               | done that a few times. There is a reason we audit all the
               | licenses of open source software we have.
             | Johnny555 wrote:
             | A big advantage of using free open source software is that
             | the licensing prices will never increase because the
             | company needs a new revenue stream to support its business
             | model.
             | Docker Desktop was free, now it's $21/month, what will it
             | cost next year when Docker needs more money?
               | sokoloff wrote:
               | That depends on how many frogs contentedly stay in the
               | pot.
               | rchaud wrote:
               | Licensing prices might not increase, but paid technical
               | support costs could theoretically be unlimited.
               | Especially if you're at the mercy of an open-source
               | software that isn't well-maintained.
             | sokoloff wrote:
             | A lot of the driver here is not in the moment short-
             | sightedness, but rather a byproduct of the procurement or
             | other finance processes (ironically often instituted with
             | intent to prevent waste and fraud or make the company more
             | efficient).
             | It's not just the $250/yr/dev, but rather the requirements
             | to create a new vendor in the ERP morass, to get approvals
             | for an exception to the standards for payment terms (and/or
             | methods), any requirements for vetting vendors, etc.
             | If you're selling to an enterprise, don't charge just above
             | whatever the "employees can put it on their card without
             | approval". If you're going to exceed that, you might as
             | well exceed it by a lot. (If you're going to make every
             | developer file an expense report every month, I can readily
             | prefer to do a lot of command line typing rather than
             | filing an expense report... If I automate that for a lot of
             | my fellow devs, I get to do something fun and be a minor
             | folk hero.)
             | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2004/12/15/camels-and-
             | rubber-...
               | zapita wrote:
               | A lot of those enterprises already have Docker on the
               | vendor list though, because of Docker Hub.
             | treeman79 wrote:
             | I've seen companies burn half a million in developer time
             | to save 10k or less several times.
             | Oh some JavaScript graphing library is expensive. Let's
             | roll our own!
             | Heroku meets our needs 100% let's spend millions to switch
             | to K8 and have a much worse experience.
               | sokoloff wrote:
               | The 4 hours I spent learning the basics of d3 and then
               | couple hours a night for a few weeks working through
               | examples (of others and of my own design) really gave me
               | a powerful new tool for charting applications. Rolling
               | your own is difficult to justify, but "learn and use d3
               | (BSD licensed)" seems an entirely reasonable alternative
               | to a high-priced commercial offering.
               | grp000 wrote:
               | How much of that is developers doing it because they want
               | to make something new?
           | OJFord wrote:
           | It's very impactful though, it'll probably be people seeing
           | it as highly visible and career-advancing who manage to
           | muster the 'patience and leverage'.
           | If the org's been thoughtful to in advance, it's at the level
           | of being almost an operational risk - all of engineering uses
           | this tool, tool's licence or pricing might change, retooling
           | has an associated cost and down-time.
         | roguecoder wrote:
         | That price is per person, not total. The highest total I've
         | heard so far is going to cost that company $108k a month, for a
         | development tool.
         | VCs are shooting themselves in the foot here: it is very
         | obvious that we should never adopt any technical tool backed by
         | VC, because they will eventually try to make us an offer we
         | can't refuse and then go out of business shortly thereafter
         | when their extortion attempt doesn't work.
         | stevebmark wrote:
         | What companies are offering $250k/year for engineers?
           | adolph wrote:
           | TCO ain't paycheck offer
           | Salary + Taxes (Payroll, etc) + Fringe (Healthcare, etc) +
           | Dev licenses + Training/conferences = paycheck * (n > 1.5)
           | cebert wrote:
           | It seems like 200k+ is pretty typical for Engineers with at
           | least some experience even in less hot markets like the
           | Midwest. I know several developers in the Metro Detroit area
           | making more than 200k base.
           | yellowbkpk wrote:
           | At least Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Microsoft.
           | ArchOversight wrote:
           | When you add up salary + benefits + workplace amenities +
           | taxes + software licenses and whatnot, you get there mighty
           | quick.
             | stevebmark wrote:
             | I don't know what you mean by taxes, my question is about
             | 250k base, excluding bonuses, stock, and excluding the
             | supposed monetary value of benefits/training/travel/home
             | office whatnot
               | InvaderFizz wrote:
               | The statement was that the engineer is a $250k asset to
               | the company.
               | Rule of thumb TCO for headcount is 1.5-2x salary to
               | account for taxes, Medicare, health insurance, equipment
               | cost, licenses, office square footage, stock options,
               | travel, etc.
               | So a $250k asset from a business perspective is typically
               | someone that makes $125k-$165k.
               | golover721 wrote:
               | In the US, companies are responsible for paying 50% of
               | the medicare and social security taxes for each of their
               | employees.
         | jpambrun wrote:
         | I think you don't understand how big company procurement work.
         | Getting legal's and procurement's attention to look at this is
         | more effort than its worth. The logistics of managing licenses,
         | single sign-on, etc is a nightmare. Besides, running docker is
         | already frowned upon by InfoSec and require special permission.
         | It will never happen where I work. Not because of money, but
         | because it's too much trouble.
         | captainmuon wrote:
         | I guess it depends on the enterprise. I can imagine the
         | thoughts of certain managers: Recurring costs? Something that
         | used to be free and now they want money? Pricing per user? More
         | expensive than Office 365?
         | gfiorav wrote:
         | Exactly. This makes sense.
         | USD 21 per user/month + bulk discount is nothing.
         | If companies want to roll their own they can, but most won't.
         | Docker Desktop adds a lot of value if only by removing the
         | hassle for quick os-agnostic development.
           | eptcyka wrote:
           | What is the value add for Docker Desktop?
           | In a world where podman exists, what's the point of docker on
           | dev machines anyway?
             | gfiorav wrote:
             | The fact that you _could_ do something alternative doesn't
             | mean it's easy, supported, or streamlined for developers or
             | company tech ops.
             | I don't think that thinking like an engineer will help you
             | understand the value add here.
             | trey-jones wrote:
             | Well, I hadn't heard of podman until now, and I imagine I'm
             | not the only one. Does it consistently have functional
             | parity with docker?
               | zerkten wrote:
               | It doesn't matter if it has parity of functionality when
               | Docker has grown to the point where it has name
               | recognition with enterprises and a sales team that can
               | engage with these large customers.
               | It needs to have parity in all other pseudo-layers (3rd
               | party tool support, support plans, OS support, someone to
               | sign a contract with, compliance tools, etc.) We know
               | most of these go unused or have no real meaning to devs,
               | but they unlock enterprise procurement.
               | I believe podman has a linkage to RedHat which may
               | actually bring all of the things that procurement want to
               | hear, but the question is whether the door is open to
               | RedHat, or not. Procurement departments can be fickle,
               | preferring Oracle for everything or the other way round
               | trying to eradicate Oracle while permitting a combination
               | of others. It's all politics based on previous
               | experiences and opinions in the end.
               | eric__cartman wrote:
               | I use it on my Fedora dev machine and it's pretty good.
               | Still wouldn't replace a mission critical machine with
               | it, as it isn't the primary target for docker containers
               | to run on and it can break more easily.
               | eptcyka wrote:
               | trey-jones, I apologize, but I cannot reply to you
               | directly.
               | The biggest showstopper for podman is that it runs
               | entirely in userspace on Linux. Having said that, I use
               | it as a drop-in replacement for Docker and it's only
               | become better in the past year. This is somewhat
               | irrelevant to the Docker Desktop product, as podman
               | doesn't provide a nice packaged up solution, but you can
               | use podman on Windows and Mac as long as you have a Linux
               | host available, either as a guest VM or as a machine
               | _elsewhere_ on the network, see [1]. I only use Linux if
               | I can, and the ability to run images without having to
               | run a daemon with root privileges is a very big bonus for
               | me, but it might not be for you. Now I do wonder, how
               | hard would it be to declare a minimal nixOS VM for
               | running as one's podman host :)
               | [1]: https://podman.io/getting-started/installation.html
               | Sebb767 wrote:
               | > The biggest showstopper for podman is that it runs
               | entirely in userspace on Linux.
               | As I see it, that's the whole selling point. Need to have
               | something with limited rights or build a container
               | without root? Podman is the way to go.
               | eptcyka wrote:
               | I agree, what's missing is a nice VM appliance for macOS
               | and Windows.
             | theptip wrote:
             | Docker for Mac includes a Kubernetes cluster that's way
             | better than minikube etc.
             | Not sure the bare docker daemon VM wrapper has a defensible
             | moat though. Maybe this does more in Windows?
             | andyroid wrote:
             | How about the fact that not all, or even most, dev machines
             | run Linux, which is the only platform podman supports?
               | oplav wrote:
               | I don't use podman, but a quick search shows that you can
               | install podman on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Are you
               | referring to something else?
               | https://podman.io/getting-started/installation
               | kristjansson wrote:
               | > Podman is a tool for running Linux containers. You can
               | do this from a MacOS desktop as long as you have access
               | to a linux box either running inside of a VM on the host,
               | or available via the network. You need to install the
               | remote client and then setup ssh connection information.
               | Literally the first non-title element in your link. Just
               | because the client is cross-platform doesn't mean the
               | entire solution is turn-key cross-platform.
               | dralley wrote:
               | If you read the instructions, they basically say that you
               | still need a Linux VM or WSL environment to run Podman
               | in. Which makes it not a complete replacement for Docker
               | desktop, which handles the VM for you. So OP isn't wrong.
             | [deleted]
         | jandrese wrote:
         | It's not the amount of money that is the issue, the issue is
         | that it this wasn't budgeted into the project when it was
         | proposed 2 years ago. It is software that falls under category
         | S which means you can't use overhead funds it has to be a
         | category S purchase, but you have no category S funds budgeted
         | to the project because you were using free software.
         | Being so cheap actually complicates the matters even more,
         | since the finance people don't really want to mess with
         | purchases less than $5,000, even though it is their own rule
         | that requires all software to go through them regardless of
         | cost. It just means they won't be willing to help very much.
         | mike_hock wrote:
         | Which is why this shady tactic works time and again.
         | ryandvm wrote:
         | I think you're correct about existing users at large
         | corporations. Converting all those into paid accounts is a no-
         | brainer.
         | However, this will have a massive change on the competitive
         | landscape. For companies that haven't yet adopted Docker, this
         | is a huge red checkmark. This change is going to spur
         | development on open source alternatives like nothing else
         | could.
           | qeternity wrote:
           | Nah. We're not 250 people. We use docker, and we won't
           | stop/switch because of it.
           | This is such a good problem to have. I would love to cut
           | Docker Inc. a check.
           | And we've basically moved over to garden (a k8s dev env)
           | anyway. But we still use docker plenty.
       | BCM43 wrote:
       | Since they've buried it a little:
       | "Specifically, small businesses (fewer than 250 employees AND
       | less than $10 million in revenue) may continue to use Docker
       | Desktop with Docker Personal for free. The use of Docker Desktop
       | in large businesses, however, requires a Pro, Team, or Business
       | paid subscription, starting at $5 per user per month."
         | dang wrote:
         | This comment was originally posted to
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28368997, so it's quoting
         | the press release, not the current article. We've since merged
         | the threads.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | Anyone know how they plan to enforce this? Audits into the IP
         | space connecting to hub.docker.com? Maybe arbitrary device OS
         | detection a la                 (nmap -O $local_subnet | grep
         | -ci 'Macbook') > 250
           | qeternity wrote:
           | They won't need to. The number of 250+ engineer businesses
           | that would risk running unlicensed software is small.
             | merb wrote:
             | well it is AND: "AND less than $10 million in revenue"
             | basically most companies with ~50 people probably has 10
             | million in revenue (annually). considering wages and
             | buildings and stuff you need for 50 people...
             | academia_hack wrote:
             | I don't think it's 250 seats, but 250 employees. Lots of
             | fairly low tech businesses (such as restaurant or retail
             | chain or universities) may have less than a dozen docker
             | users but still cross that total threshold.
               | qeternity wrote:
               | Well, that makes it even cheaper.
             | hbn wrote:
             | Maybe this is common knowledge, but I saw an ad recently
             | for a company that offers money to snitch on your employer
             | for using unlicensed software, or not paying for free-for-
             | personal-use" software
       | YetAnotherNick wrote:
       | I don't get it. There still seems to be a free version, which
       | includes bundled docker engine, right? I think this is the only
       | part of docker desktop that most devs need. Private repos were
       | always a paid feature AFAIK.
       | The concerning text written is "Limited image pulls per day".
       | What's the limit here?
       | [deleted]
       | throwawayy293 wrote:
       | I personally support Docker Desktop for Mac for an organization
       | of 250-300 engineers.
       | I have been supporting it for 2 years now. Been through all the
       | Docker Desktop upgrades, performance issues everytthing. I have
       | researched docker performance on macs running k3d + k3s + istio
       | and a bunch of microservices. I have had to jump into the
       | internals of Docker daemon and docker cli and networking to solve
       | how docker networks are provisioned for various proxying issues.
       | 1. Docker dragged their feet with native performance for file
       | syncing. We have to selectively enable it and just so that it
       | doesn't bog the machine down.
       | 2. When running it gets the CPU running at 75-80C, causing the
       | fan to run non-stop at 3000 rpm at least. It is definitely impact
       | by bad macbook pro design, which is terrible at airflow and heat
       | sink activities
       | 3. We were on unstable for a bit to test the new file syncing
       | approach. Docker dropped that in stable and said "deal with it"
       | 4. The paid forced upgrade notification means that I can't peg
       | the Docker Desktop version for the whole org at a certain
       | version.
       | 5. Right after we switch from the unstable to stable, the next
       | minor version is a breaking change.
       | 6. Number 4 would be fine it docker would keep to their guarantee
       | of stable being stable. They do a terrible job of being backwards
       | compatible. The current stable we had was 3.3.1. With the
       | constant minor upgrades, and pushing people, some people went to
       | 3.6.0. (the latest as of yesterday, Aug 30) This broke everything
       | inexplicable with just a VM error where k3d would keep crashing.
       | I downgraded everyone back to 3.3.1 to get teams unblocked while
       | waiting for me to find a fix.
       | 7. Finding a fix usually involves waiting for Docker to
       | prioritize something but at this point I don't trust that Docker
       | know what it is doing.
       | I am currently pushing for Linux laptops, hosted dev environments
       | and reducing the need to run distributed monoliths. We shall see.
       | alanwreath wrote:
       | " the Docker Desktop updated terms only apply to Mac and Windows
       | "
       | tacobelllover99 wrote:
       | Mirantis needs to pay the bills
       | dpratt wrote:
       | This appears to be cutting of their nose to spite their face. We
       | have a team of 50+ engineers that all use Docker for Mac for
       | daily development tasks, but I suspect that will no longer be
       | true in a rather short amount of time. Frankly, I don't really
       | know if anybody actually uses the UI components for it outside of
       | starting and stopping the engine and for basic configuration of
       | the VM. Everything else that comes with it is just useless cruft
       | for our use cases.
       | As soon as there is a viable alternative (and I'd be happy to
       | contribute to the effort), I'll be moving away from Docker for
       | Mac.
         | solarkraft wrote:
         | > As soon as there is a viable alternative (and I'd be happy to
         | contribute to the effort), I'll be moving away from Docker for
         | Mac.
         | I just SSH into my server. The biggest pain about macOS is that
         | it can't easily mount SFTP.
           | wiredfool wrote:
           | I've been doing development in docker, but unrelated to that
           | I did an upgrade to big sur and borked the machine for a few
           | days.
           | Pulling the same projects to my (admittedly quite fast) linux
           | box in the cloud is night and day for speed in docker with
           | volume mounts. Browserfy runs 5x faster, at least. Yarn
           | install is 10x faster.
           | And it's reliable. Docker's filesharing on the mac has about
           | a 25% failure rate that any given save will be properly
           | picked up by watch, with a complete, uncorrupted, updated
           | file.
           | vhodges wrote:
           | Fuse/sshfs exists for OSX. Seems to work okay the little I
           | played with it.
             | watermelon0 wrote:
             | I used fuse/sshfs quite a lot in the past, and never had
             | much issues (I think most of my issues were with how my
             | editor displayed and refreshed the file list, not with the
             | actual sshfs implementation, and were similar to those on
             | Linux/Windows.)
           | smoldesu wrote:
           | Ouch, really? Cyberduck was always one of my first installs
           | simply due to how much I spited Finder, but I didn't know
           | things were... that bad.
           | mockingbirdy wrote:
           | You can mount SFTP with Mountain Duck [1], from the creators
           | of Cyberduck. Costs around $40.
           | [1]: https://mountainduck.io
         | rcarmo wrote:
         | For the Mac, just get Canonical's Multipass
         | (http://multipass.run) and do an apt-get to install Docker into
         | a VM and use VS Code to "remote" to it. It will automatically
         | install the Docker extension inside the Linux VM and you're
         | set.
         | For Windows, use WSL2 and do the same.
         | Both can mount "local" folders, although the setup is obviously
         | different.
         | You now have a better way to manage containers than ever
         | before.
           | SkyMarshal wrote:
           | Why run Docker inside a VM on a Mac, when you can just run
           | the Linux dev environment directly inside the VM? That's just
           | starting to sound like Docker for the sake of Docker.
           | Multipass, Qemu, and Parallels can all provide a solid VM on
           | Mac host. All you need after that is your dev environment VM
           | guest image to deploy to the team.
           | https://wiki.qemu.org/Hosts/Mac
           | https://www.parallels.com/
             | osdril wrote:
             | On Apple Silicon Multipass actually uses QEMU under the
             | hood. Basically it's just a (very convenient) wrapper
             | rcarmo wrote:
             | Because you can map your working folder inside it on both
             | Multipass and WSL2, and you can get an integrated editor
             | experience with VS Code, which is what many people
             | apparently want to do (I'm a tmux guy so I don't care, but
             | I thought I'd provide a user-friendly approach).
             | dsjoerg wrote:
             | Some people here actually want and need Docker features.
             | For me it's the ability to run from a given image and know
             | that I've got _exactly_ the same image that other
             | developers have. Reproducibility.
               | techthumb wrote:
               | When I want a very specific version if the image, I use
               | the SHA to pull/run                 $ docker pull hello-w
               | orld@sha256:7d91b69e04a9029b99f3585aaaccae2baa80bcf318f4a
               | 5d2165a9898cd2dc0a1
               | _joel wrote:
               | Or you could tag a little more optimally.
               | rileymichael wrote:
               | Tags are mutable, digests aren't.
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | I might be wrong, but I think his point is that by the
               | time you're running a linux VM for docker, why not go
               | ahead and get the rest of the tooling for free?
               | Docker can still be run in the VM just fine, for cases
               | where you want a reproducible build environment.
               | I do this at any company that lets me (and by lets, I
               | mean doesn't explicitly forbid) - They all give me a Mac,
               | and the first (and sometimes only) thing I install is
               | usually vmware fusion, followed by the linux distro of my
               | choice (Arch).
             | sneak wrote:
             | Because the end result of a lot of workflows (eg k8s) is a
             | buildable dockerfile, or built docker image for deployment.
           | nklmilojevic wrote:
           | Doesn't work on M1 chips yet.
             | osdril wrote:
             | It's in "beta" right now but it works quite well (you can
             | find the binary in the dedicated GitHub issue). Under the
             | hood it just uses QEMU which in turn uses Apple's
             | Hypervisor.framework for virtualization
           | alanwreath wrote:
           | Can't say that limiting developers to VSCode is necessarily a
           | step forward.
             | rcarmo wrote:
             | Well, it does set up everything automagically for you. I
             | can also dig around for my Docker CLI config and the right
             | way to expose the Docker TCP socket to the host, but if you
             | need a quick way to get working, VS Code is it.
             | mbreese wrote:
             | You don't need VSCode specifically, but it does provide an
             | alternative GUI for managing Docker containers that isn't
             | tied directly to Docker Desktop.
             | You could use anything to manage the Docker VM... VSCode is
             | just one option.
           | secondcoming wrote:
           | Why don't you just use the VM directly?
             | rcarmo wrote:
             | Folder mapping, which both options provide.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | Do you mean APT via
           | https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/, correct?
             | rcarmo wrote:
             | No, you can apt-get docker.io (the repackaged version
             | available for the last 2-3 LTS releases, built from source
             | and with fan networking support). Works for 99.9% of your
             | use cases.
           | [deleted]
         | boublepop wrote:
         | Personally I think just running portainer as a container is a
         | viable alternative to docket desktop. But I never really used
         | the UI much, so perhaps there are features I don't know of.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | Unless there's podman or similar for local dev, you'd still
           | need Docker Desktop to use it on Windows/MacOS.
         | [deleted]
         | mgkimsal wrote:
         | > (and I'd be happy to contribute to the effort)
         | Isn't paying their fee also contributing to the effort of what
         | they've put in to it so far, and ideally what they'll do to
         | keep it working and improve over time?
         | make3 wrote:
         | 21$/month/user is nothing for the business setting.
         | zapita wrote:
         | You're going to spend scarce engineering resources
         | reimplementing a Docker for Mac alternative, then roll out your
         | immature alternative to 50+ engineers, instead of paying a few
         | hundred dollars a month for a good product and moving on?
         | It seems to me you would be the one cutting off your nose to
         | spite your face in this scenario.
           | coding123 wrote:
           | The reason this move isn't popular is because it seemed like
           | local docker development (for any size corporation) was
           | always going to be free. If I personally had known this was
           | in the cards I would have invested (time, money and effort)
           | into alternatives earlier on. Instead they killed all the
           | competition and are now demanding money. So yeah, this is the
           | first move by Docker that has made me kind of mad at the
           | company.
           | How does this affect consultants that want to introduce
           | docker to large corporations but small teams? A lot of
           | scenarios become crappy now.
             | dralley wrote:
             | > Instead they killed all the competition and are now
             | demanding money. So yeah, this is the first move by Docker
             | that has made me kind of mad at the company.
             | Which alternatives did they kill? The Podman tool ecosystem
             | is doing fine and is closing in on being a complete
             | replacement, and Docker Swarm hasn't exactly killed
             | k{number}s.
           | chrisandchris wrote:
           | Assuming that you currently don't need any other than the
           | functionality the free plan provides, and assuming all 50
           | engineers need a license, your ,,a few hundred dollars" is
           | actually $1'250/month just for getting the same as before.
           | I understand (in some way) the decision Docker made but I am
           | not sure it is the way-to-go. However, it is a very hard
           | question and if I had to pay a monthly fee for each component
           | I'm using to develop a solution, one or the other project
           | would not even start because it's not worth it anymore.
             | yarcob wrote:
             | That 50 people team probably costs at least 250000/month.
             | Are you going to take away a tool that everyone on the team
             | needs to save 1250?
             | Or put another way, how much time would you need to
             | replicate what Docker offers for a team of 50 people? If it
             | takes more than 25% of the time of a single employee, then
             | Docker is cheaper (assuming your employee costs $5000 a
             | month, which I guess is a lower bound for an engineer).
         | gigatexal wrote:
         | I tried getting podman working pointing at a Linux server and
         | ram into issues as an alternative to Docker. I'm hoping the
         | kinks get worked out and I can move over.
       | lanevorockz wrote:
       | RIP
       | babaganoosh89 wrote:
       | So using the CLI is still free on Mac, just not the gui desktop
       | app?
         | athorax wrote:
         | I believe "docker desktop" on mac includes all the various
         | plumbing to get the docker cli working transparently (vs.
         | running docker yourself in a VM)
       | [deleted]
       | cybrexalpha wrote:
       | This seems like a bit of a footgun from Docker Inc. Those on
       | Linux will just run Docker Engine (the open source part)
       | directly, or move to alternatives like Podman. Docker Desktop
       | only really has value on macOS and Windows, and there it's only
       | because nobody wants to manage the glue to setup a Linux VM.
       | Given the cost, I suspect many will chose to do that glue work
       | themselves and I wouldn't be surprised to see an open source
       | project spring up to do that.
       | Everything else is handled by other parts of the ecosystem
       | already, image registries both private and public, orchestration,
       | etc.
         | sascha_sl wrote:
         | macOS is the hard one to solve. It does a lot of magic things
         | in the background and Docker even created their own "distro" /
         | VM build system, linuxkit, that went on to be useful in a lot
         | of other places to make it work.
         | A lot of macOS developers imo seem to have more knowledge in
         | their specific domain and less in how to wire up a VM to look
         | seamless, they'll need the docker CLI to work with the local
         | filesystem to keep a lot of existing Makefiles functional, I
         | see a bunch of companies caughing up money in the short term
         | just for that.
         | Docker Desktop on Windows itself proves quite well that WSL2
         | works fine for this use case.
         | qeternity wrote:
         | It's not the users who will be paying for it. Enterprises will
         | bend over and take this 100%
         | Good move by Docker, financially speaking. They have little to
         | lose.
           | coding123 wrote:
           | It's a short sited move that will kill D.Desktop. It's not
           | that these large corps don't have the money for this, it's
           | how money is allocated in companies. Instead, now all hobby
           | projects in large corp get killed fast and early because the
           | hobbyist knows their project is doomed if the company isn't
           | going to go for a new bill.
           | A whole bunch of scenarios die now.
             | cshokie wrote:
             | I agree that it seems self-destructive. I use Docker
             | Desktop at work for a one-off side project that I run
             | manually every once in a while. Using a container for it
             | helps keep things maintainable compared to a full VM that
             | needs full maintenance. If I have to get formal approval
             | and a purchase to continue using it then the most likely
             | outcome is this side project stops completely. And with it
             | my excuse to gain professional experience using Docker.
         | dhagz wrote:
         | Honestly, I don't see a reason to keep Docker for Mac installed
         | on my computer. I haven't run a container workload locally in I
         | don't know how long and I haven't built a container locally in
         | even longer. It's just taking up space on my laptop and bugging
         | me to update what seems like constantly.
         | duped wrote:
         | The hype/buzzword driven development surrounding micro
         | services/containerization has hit middle America and
         | enterprises spend dumb amounts of money on related projects. I
         | can see them spending more money on Docker Desktop with no
         | difficulty, because the incentive is not to save money.
         | remram wrote:
         | There is a Docker Desktop for Linux? What does it do?
         | Why would I go out of my way to set up Docker differently on my
         | dev machine compared to my servers? That seems like a recipe
         | for failure.
           | simiones wrote:
           | Nope, there isn't (at this time, at least).
       | detaro wrote:
       | front page: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28368997
         | dang wrote:
         | Thanks!
         | Although that thread was posted earlier, I think we'll merge it
         | into this one, on the principle that corporate press releases
         | tend to make worse HN submissions. This is something of an
         | exception to HN's original source rule.
         | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&sor...
       | zenlf wrote:
       | On the one hand, I'm sad that I probably have to uninstall docker
       | desktop because I only use it for small side projects, on the
       | other I understand Docker Inc's need to monetize as a for profit
       | company.
       | I do have a genuine question though. Can a company just change
       | their pricing structure and make it effective immediately(I
       | understand they have a grace period here)? I guess for free tiers
       | they probably can, because the users have never paid them, but
       | what if I'm a paying customer? Could Docker simply say sorry we
       | have changed our pricing from next billing cycle(or tomorrow) you
       | have to pay 100% more. Could they legally do something like that?
       | sgt wrote:
       | "or higher than $10m in annual revenue" .. that isn't necessary a
       | large company. And it says nothing of profit.
       (page generated 2021-08-31 23:00 UTC)