[HN Gopher] CSS Nesting Module (First Public Working Draft)
       CSS Nesting Module (First Public Working Draft)
       Author : bpierre
       Score  : 131 points
       Date   : 2021-09-01 01:32 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.w3.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.w3.org)
       | [deleted]
       | schube wrote:
       | While as part of SASS nesting is a marvelous feature I am an
       | absolute fan of, I can't help but see this as yet another step in
       | the direction of making new and varied browsers even more
       | impossible to implement. I rather like the "unixy" route of
       | having SASS handle the complexity of understanding nesting and
       | having a simpler browser consume plain flat CSS.
         | gherkinnn wrote:
         | That ship has long sailed. Nesting is inconsequential at this
         | point.
       | sharmin123 wrote:
       | How Does A Hacker Hack A Phone? How To Avoid Phone Hacking?:
       | https://www.hackerslist.co/how-does-a-hacker-hack-a-phone-ho...
       | gedy wrote:
       | Nice, nesting seems to be so much more understandable for typical
       | developers, will be nice to not need SASS or LESS preprocessors
       | just for this.
       | 22c wrote:
       | I used SASS in a recent project essentially just for this
       | feature, so it seems like the CSS WG is slowly chipping away at
       | convenience features that some people have been using for quite
       | some time.
       | cosmotic wrote:
       | This seems nice but we'll still likely need preprocessors to
       | aggregate multiple files. The import feature of CSS results in
       | additional, serial requests, which are very not good.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | This is where standards and bundlers are converging. Move as
         | much syntax to standards as possible to relieve compilers of
         | the duty, use bundlers to do static analysis of dependencies
         | and build optimal packages for the network waterfall.
         | inopinatus wrote:
         | sometimes your preprocessor is                   cat
         | spankalee wrote:
         | We rally need Web Bundles so we don't have to merge files, but
         | can create a bundle with all the individual files in it that
         | populate the network cache correctly.
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | > The import feature of CSS results in additional, serial
         | requests, which are very not good.
         | I'm not sure about that. HTTP2 server push seems to fix this:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2_Server_Push
           | abdusco wrote:
           | Server push is deprecated.
           | - https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-
           | dev/c/K3rYL...
           | - https://evertpot.com/http-2-push-is-dead/
           | la_fayette wrote:
           | The networking overhead of serial requests would be reduced
           | by multiplexing in Http2, i.e., multiple http
           | requests/responses can reuse the same tcp connection in
           | parallel...
             | bawolff wrote:
             | I dont think that helps much in this case (or not any more
             | than http/1.1 keep-alive did).
               | la_fayette wrote:
               | Multiplexing is completely different from keep-alive.
               | With http2 a web browser requires one tcp connection per
               | website as communication is in parallel, approaches like
               | conncatenating several css files into one have no use
               | with http2 anymore! Http1 keep-alive allows reusing the
               | same tcp connection for sequential requests/responses
               | only.
           | bawolff wrote:
           | I dont think server push is a thing anymore, but preload
           | hints (<link rel=preload) might work just as well for this
           | usecase.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | unless you send _different_ files each request, pretty sure
         | browser caching is still a thing and imports with `preload`
         | links are just fine?
       | ihuman wrote:
       | I read the page's reasoning for why everything can't be directly
       | nested, but I still don't get it. Why is an "unbounded lookahead"
       | an issue?
         | klodolph wrote:
         | The amount of lookahead necessary dictates what algorithms you
         | can use for parsing. If you go from 1-token lookahead to
         | unbounded lookahead, you might force a lot of people to rewrite
         | their parsers or make major changes (because they would have to
         | use different algorithms). This would mean that a lot of CSS
         | parser would simply _not adopt_ the new syntax, at least not in
         | a timely fashion.
         | If you keep 1-token lookahead, existing CSS parsers can just
         | drop this in.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | It's the same reason backtracking is a performance hit in any
         | scenario. CSS is blocking, and if a selector needs to wait for
         | every network resolution and JS parse/execution to resolve it's
         | essentially as expensive as your worst case scenario.
         | zeroimpl wrote:
         | The term "unbounded" seems a bit strange to me too. At worst
         | you only need to lookahead until the next ; or { to figure out
         | if it's a property or a nested selector.
         | I guess that's unbounded because the parser can't know how much
         | data it will have to buffer, but in practice we're talking like
         | a few dozen bytes most of the time.
           | dmitriid wrote:
           | IIRC there are easily reproducible pathological cases. The
           | author of Sass said it was one of mistakes he made when
           | creating Sass: he didn't require & for nesting everywhere.
           | Unfortunately, on mobile I can't quickly find the relevant
           | links.
           | eyelidlessness wrote:
           | The lookahead isn't to the next bit of CSS syntax, it's
           | looking ahead to the next potential selector match in the
           | DOM. If that can't be resolved, you can't unblock the CSS
           | resolution to un-suspend the next blocked portion of the
           | initial render
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | You could be parsing invalid syntax (forgot a } somewhere),
           | and now your parser tries to nest EVERYTHING until it finds
           | that matching curly brace or errors out at EOF.
         | wlib wrote:
         | Keeping a tiny bounded lookahead is essential for the extremely
         | fast and memory-efficient parsing that browsers want for CSS.
         | Sass, less, &c. don't really have to care about that, and they
         | have the benefit of also being able to completely trust that
         | the user won't give pathological inputs - unlike browsers on
         | the web. Also, I think the standards bodies want to minimize
         | their changes in general, to keep the door open for unexpected
         | changes later.
           | adamrezich wrote:
           | I'm no expert in parsing but my gut tells me there's no way
           | this can actually be a performance concern as much as a
           | implementation complexity concern
             | klodolph wrote:
             | Right... you don't want to force everyone to make
             | significant changes to their parsers. If you are writing a
             | C or C++ parser, you know up-front that there is lots of
             | funny business in the language syntax and can plan your
             | parser accordingly. If you are writing parser for something
             | a bit more sane, like Java or CSS, then you can choose a
             | much simpler architecture for your parser.
             | Part of this means that if, say, your language is LL(1) or
             | something like that, you will want to keep future versions
             | of the language LL(1). This can put you in a bit of a tight
             | spot sometimes, when you're making backwards-compatible
             | changes.
       | paulclinger wrote:
       | The very last example in 2.1 ("__bar.foo { color: red; }") should
       | instead be "foo.__bar { color: red; }" if I understand it
       | correctly.
         | tantanel wrote:
         | No, I think the example is correct. __bar in this case is
         | interpreted as an element name (custom html element), not a
         | class.
       | gherkinnn wrote:
       | I fail to understand people's infatuation with CSS nesting.
       | It is nice not to write too much to get some pseudo elements or
       | selectors working, but that's the extent of it.
       | Tying your CSS to the markup is a recipe for misery and pain.
       | Over all these years, I've never seen it not turn out to be a
       | nightmare.
         | roman-holovin wrote:
         | I feel that problem is that some CSS _has_ to be tied to markup
         | and some of it - doesn 't.
         | There is bunch of CSS features and techniques that work only
         | when you enforce certain parent-child relationships of the CSS
         | rules.
         | Simplest example of it is 'position:absolute' that requires
         | some parent node to have 'position: relative' to be useful. But
         | there is more to that, both flexbox and grid require certain
         | properties to applied to both parent and children nodes at the
         | same time.
         | Nesting is one way to enforce those relationships and make sure
         | that they are co-located in the stylesheet code.
         | Something like that is, in my view, good usage of the nesting:
         | .parent {            display: flex;                 & > .child
         | {               flex: 1 1 auto;            }        }
         | .child {            color: red        }
         | I specifically added an example that changes color for class
         | `child` and I think this should not be included in the nested
         | rule because this part of the styling is not affected by a
         | parent in any meaningful way.
       | akersten wrote:
       | This looks _awesome_. I 'm so glad they re-used the & syntax
       | popular in many compile-to-CSS languages. Between this and CSS
       | variables, I might not even need SASS in my toolchain anymore,
       | which would be amazing.
       | @nest looks extremely cool too. An easy way to keep rules
       | affecting one selector logically grouped with it, even if the
       | selector relies on a small thing about its parent elements.
         | Ciantic wrote:
         | Was thinking about SCSS/LESS too, but notice that this is not
         | valid:                   .foo {             color: blue;
         | .bar {                 color: red;             }         }
         | The ampersand is required, unlike in LESS and SASS. I don't yet
         | understand why, because requiring ampersand makes copy pasting
         | things difficult, as you need to add or remove seemingly
         | redundant ampersands to move in out of nesting.
           | asddubs wrote:
           | it says it on the page, it's required because otherwise
           | parsing will need unbounded lookahead, since any rule could
           | also be a selector
           | >Nesting style rules naively inside of other style rules is,
           | unfortunately, ambiguous--the syntax of a selector overlaps
           | with the syntax of a declaration, so an implementation
           | requires unbounded lookahead to tell whether a given bit of
           | text is a declaration or the start of a style rule.
           | >For example, if a parser starts by seeing color:hover ...,
           | it can't tell whether that's the color property (being set to
           | an invalid value...) or a selector for a <color> element. It
           | can't even rely on looking for valid properties to tell the
           | difference; this would cause parsing to depend on which
           | properties the implementation supported, and could change
           | over time.
           | >Requiring directly-nested style rules to use nest-prefixed
           | selectors works around this problem--an & can never be part
           | of a declaration, so the parser can immediately tell it's
           | going to be parsing a selector, and thus a nested style rule.
           | >Some non-browser implementations of nested rules do not
           | impose this requirement. It is, in most cases, eventually
           | possible to tell properties and selectors apart, but doing so
           | requires unbounded lookahead in the parser; that is, the
           | parser might have to hold onto an unknown amount of content
           | before it can tell which way it's supposed to be interpreting
           | it. CSS to date requires only a small, known amount of
           | lookahead in its parsing, which allows for more efficient
           | parsing algorithms, so unbounded lookahead is generally
           | considered unacceptable among browser implementations of CSS.
         | honie wrote:
         | Those were my reactions, too! The one thing that I want the
         | most whenever I have to jump out of the CSS per-processor world
         | and write regular CSS.
         | It is worth noting that in SASS you can already refer to parent
         | elements as they have shown with the `@nest` rule (apologies if
         | I misunderstood what you said and you already know this). I do
         | prefer the more verbose `@nest` syntax though, as the intention
         | is clearer.
           | JonathonW wrote:
           | I'm sure there's a reason here that I'm not seeing, but it
           | feels like it's being different for the sake of being
           | different to me-- requiring `&` even in the simple case where
           | you're combining them with the descendant combinator (plain
           | space), but then also requiring `@nest` in any situation
           | where `&` is not at the start of each selector.
           | SASS takes the opposite approach-- there's an implicit `&` at
           | the beginning if you don't specify it elsewhere, and it can
           | appear anywhere (i.e. the example `:not(&)` does not have to
           | have anything like the `@nest` syntax in SASS).
             | ihuman wrote:
             | There's an explanation in section 2, in the green box that
             | says "Why can't everything be directly nested?"
         | [deleted]
         | leemcd56 wrote:
         | I agree! I may use Sass if I were to write functions to
         | generate grids, or element permutations based on a color
         | palette, but at this point I don't feel it's all that needed.
       | the_other wrote:
       | Nesting is useful, but not as useful as you think.
       | It's great for keeping your pseudo-selectors close to your
       | selectors. It's great for faking scoping, by wrapping a whole
       | file in the whole file in a single classname labelling your
       | component.
       | But nesting also increases specificity and can distribute the
       | name of a selector token across multiple places within the source
       | file making debugging much harder.
       | If you use nesting as an aid to writing more CSS faster, you're
       | using it wrong. If you use it as an aid to constructing what
       | would be a neat CSS file without nesting, then you're doing it
       | right.
       | [deleted]
       | stupidcar wrote:
       | Good. But nesting could and should have been added to CSS a
       | decade ago or more, and it is an abject failure of the working
       | group that it wasn't, despite the obvious, overwhelming demand
       | from authors.
         | dbbk wrote:
         | Considering it works just fine with a build step it's not that
         | urgent.
         | CSS Custom Properties, on the other hand, I'd argue were much
         | more important to drive through quickly as a build step can't
         | modify them at runtime.
         | emadabdulrahim wrote:
         | It's definitely way overdue. I hope this gets in soon and full
         | modern browsers support.
         | klodolph wrote:
         | "Abject failure" is more than harsh. Not many people have the
         | expertise to sit on these committees and the passion to drive
         | through new changes. It takes a while.
           | stupidcar wrote:
           | In 2012, the www-style mailing list (where the CSS WG
           | organised and discussed before moving to GitHub) was
           | receiving up to 1400 messages _a month_ :
           | https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/ . There was
           | active participation from professional, full-time standards
           | experts employed by Google, Apple, Mozilla, Opera, Microsoft
           | and more organisations. The author of this nesting spec first
           | proposed it in 2011:
           | https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-
           | style/2011Jun/0022....
           | And this was hardly the first such discussion. You can find
           | requests going back for _years_ before even that point, with
           | people requesting nesting /hierarchical rules and being shot
           | down.
           | So no, there was no lack of expertise or passion. So why has
           | it taken this long? A failure of leadership? A failure of
           | process? Perhaps the few, pigheaded opponents of an obviously
           | desired and useful feature were able to sabotage progress by
           | making it impossible to achieve consensus. I don't know. But
           | I refuse to let them off the hook because they finally got
           | around to delivering something in 2021 that the web should
           | have had in 2001.
             | klodolph wrote:
             | > So no, there was no lack of expertise or passion.
             | Passion to make proposals != passion to drive through
             | changes. Making the proposal is the first step. If you're
             | in it for the long haul, you make revisions and get
             | consensus.
             | Software engineers, largely speaking, love to design
             | things, build them, and move on to the next project instead
             | of dealing with maintenance. Standards committees, largely
             | speaking, are designed to get consensus first and figure
             | out what the issues are with a proposal _before_
             | implementing it. This kind of  "eat your vegetables" way of
             | working drives off a lot of people. And of the remaining
             | engineers who are patient enough to drive something through
             | committee, most of them are off busy doing other things.
             | You might have a taste of what this is like if you have
             | ever worked at a company that did design docs before
             | implementation. Like, if you're proposing a change to the
             | system, and you write up a short document and get a couple
             | other engineers assigned to review it. Have you ever had
             | more than a couple engineers assigned, like five or ten?
             | All looking at it with critical eyes? Now imagine that they
             | work at different companies.
             | > Perhaps the few, pigheaded opponents of an obviously
             | desired and useful feature were able to sabotage progress
             | by making it impossible to achieve consensus.
             | Jeezus, that's a great example of the kind of attitude that
             | makes this so painful in the first place. I want to print
             | this comment out on paper and mail it to the next person
             | who complains about slow standards committees.
             | You're speculating about how people's personality flaws are
             | sabotaging the process. Well, guess what? You're not the
             | only one doing making shitty comments like that. People who
             | make committees work get a lot of disrespect from random
             | strangers on the internet.
             | Maybe someday you'll sit on a committee, but you shouldn't
             | have to do that in order to have an ounce of empathy for
             | how standards committees work.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | The various working groups are plagued by various problems.
             | SVG is carried forward by a few determined people against
             | all odds (see e.g. this tale by Amelia Bellamy-Royds
             | https://codepen.io/AmeliaBR/post/me-and-svg)
             | IIRC the CSS working group is just slow for various reasons
             | (from disinterest to lack of people to drive things
             | forward).
             | Some parts of working groups and standards committees have
             | been completely taken over by Google that just pushes its
             | own agenda.
             | And so on.
       | JimDabell wrote:
       | It's not apparent from the document posted, but this is actually
       | almost six years old [0] and already implemented as a PostCSS
       | plugin for just as long [1]. It was adopted by the CSS Working
       | Group a couple of years ago [2]. So this is very well-established
       | and you've been able to use this syntax for many years. But it's
       | good to see it moving forward and hopefully browsers will
       | implement it soon now.
       | [0] https://tabatkins.github.io/specs/css-nesting/
       | [1] https://github.com/csstools/postcss-nesting
       | [2] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/2878
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | This is good historical context but missing one bit and another
         | deserves clarification.
         | The nesting semantics has been a part of SASS/SCSS for the
         | better part of a decade before the proposal, which is now
         | pretty much standard in CSS pre-/post-processing.
         | It's been available to use all that time, but AFAIK still
         | requires a build tool. It's only now becoming a tentative
         | possibility in userland.
           | JimDabell wrote:
           | Yes, sorry, I was assuming knowledge of Sass etc.
           | When I first saw this link I thought _"Hang on a sec., this
           | says 'First Public Working Draft', but hasn't this spec. been
           | around for ages?"_
           | I figured people might make the mistake that this was
           | something new that the W3C were only just getting around to
           | rather than something that has been cooking for a long time.
           | Didn't mean to imply that the spec. itself sprang up out of
           | nowhere - it was definitely based on the Sass work that came
           | before it, and you have been able to use this syntax with
           | Sass for a very long time!
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | And proposed a decade ago
         | (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-
         | style/2011Jun/0022....)
       | throw_m239339 wrote:
       | Good!
       | Now, CSS scopes back in the menu when?
         | extra88 wrote:
         | There's work CSS scoping going on as well.
         | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping-2/
         | Yet another thing Miriam Suzanne has been working on is a
         | proposal for CSS Layers. I think it's a way of declaring what
         | styles should "win" when specificity is equal instead of "last
         | one loaded wins" or using the very crude `!important` tool.
         | This could be particularly helpful if stylesheets for 3rd party
         | components are loaded dynamically or on platforms where the
         | style author doesn't have absolute control over stylesheet
         | order.
         | https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-5/
         | All of these will take some time to get right and then some
         | patience for older browsers to die off (or decent fallback
         | strategies, I think all these would be hard to polyfill).
       | southerntofu wrote:
       | WTF. Why is w3.org blocking tor exit nodes? That's a recent and
       | worrying development!
       (page generated 2021-09-01 10:00 UTC)