[HN Gopher] You want enabling CSS selectors, not disabling ones
       You want enabling CSS selectors, not disabling ones
       Author : AryanBeezadhur
       Score  : 206 points
       Date   : 2021-08-31 21:21 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (css-tricks.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (css-tricks.com)
       | jimkleiber wrote:
       | Hmm, I visited the site on my phone and it seemed to be glitching
       | out. A red background with white outlined large lettering
       | blinking on and off so quickly I couldn't decipher the text.
       | Looked like maybe a GA and some xxxxx after it. Viewing from an
       | iPhone X using the iOS 14.7.1 on Firefox.
       | Anyone else seeing this? Or am I 1) crazy and/or 2) admitting to
       | having some crazy virus on my phone?
         | maccolgan wrote:
         | If it starts with GA and has random stuff after it, probably
         | related to Google Analytics
       | politician wrote:
       | Is there a language that compiles to CSS but excludes the decades
       | of cruft that have accumulated in CSS? Something that just
       | exposes a few key primitives and jettisons the rest even if that
       | means it doesn't handle some extreme edge cases?
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | I wonder if people would have the same sentiment if it had been
         | a newly introduced language that the major browsers overnight
         | agreed to all include as alternative to CSS. Now I feel like
         | CSS keeps getting more complicated, but if there was a shiny
         | new thing supported by all browsers, I would probably feel
         | different.
         | goto11 wrote:
         | What in particular do you consider cruft? The original
         | "standard flow" layout model is still very relevant for
         | document-like pages like Wikipedia even if more advanced layout
         | models have become available. In theory you can do everything
         | with absolute positioning (the only primitive you really need)
         | but it would be completely impractical.
         | extra88 wrote:
         | > decades of cruft that have accumulated in CSS
         | Like what?
         | I assume there's _some_ CSS that doesn 't have a use anymore
         | but thinking about layout, we don't need floats for page layout
         | but that was basically a hack, float is still useful for its
         | original purpose.
         | Basically, the CSS spec isn't full of cruft but there are a lot
         | of CSS _practices_ that are no longer needed.
           | Brendinooo wrote:
           | Was just thinking about this the other day. Once aspect-ratio
           | gets Safari support, that will take away the need for the
           | height:0/padding-bottom: 66% thing, which is one of the last
           | hacky bits of CSS that I use regularly. Container queries
           | will fill another huge hole, but I don't polyfill/do hacky
           | things for that in the meantime.
           | CSS really does do pretty much everything you need these
           | days.
         | ArchieMaclean wrote:
         | I think the hard part with this is that because CSS properties
         | are so context-dependent, the compiler would have to somehow
         | figure out a way to translate your simple property into the
         | correct one, without knowing how your HTML is structured.
         | For example:
         | .thing { topgap: 10 }
         | .other { topgap: 10 }
         | Would have to compile to different things if .thing was in a
         | flexbox and .other was in a grid or a box. Since a lot of HTML
         | is dynamically generated, we don't actually "know" this, and
         | specifying which to use yourself ahead of time defeats the
         | purpose, since you may as well just use the normal CSS
         | properties. This could however work with completely static
         | HTML. Maybe some JavaScript solution could hack on dynamic CSS
         | but I would be sceptical of accessibility and performance in
         | that case.
         | In the precompiled case, unless all the CSS was outputted using
         | a very limited subset of CSS along with a large "base" CSS
         | file, I don't quite know how it would work.
         | I hope somebody proves me wrong!
           | eyelidlessness wrote:
           | This is a case where build tools surprisingly shine. Example:
           | if you use Fela (CSS-in-JS atomic style library), but build
           | statically, it has all the context it needs to determine
           | optimal order of rules and which rules are actually in use...
           | but you can pipe the styles wherever you want at build time
           | and eliminate the runtime for anything static.
           | (I use this on my site. It's suboptimal for build and could
           | use a mountain of refactor. But the source is up on my GH if
           | anyone's curious)
         | tenaciousDaniel wrote:
         | I've been in the process of designing exactly such a language.
         | It's nowhere near ready, but my goal is to create a design tool
         | that can edit this language either using a figma/sketch like
         | GUI or by editing the code directly.
       | avereveard wrote:
       | So what's the enabling fade/in equivalent?
       | jontro wrote:
       | I don't see why 0 should be treated as special value. Initial
       | should be used if meant to "disable" it.
       | What if you want margin: 5px as the general rule and margin: 10px
       | on the last element. Is 10px a disabling selector?
         | cerved wrote:
         | I believe that's exactly the point. You don't set all to 5px
         | and then override using a special rule that says 0px for the
         | last. You exclude the last element from the 5px rule.
         | There might be other rules, browser, user that should not over
         | the 5px rule
           | TimTheTinker wrote:
           | I disagree. If a 5px margin is the general rule, then I would
           | argue it's cleaner to apply it generally, and then apply the
           | 10px margin exceptions in separate rules.
           | - When special cases are added or removed, the general rule
           | won't have to be adjusted, just code that handles the special
           | cases.
           | - On the other hand, a single general rule that specifically
           | avoids application to multiple exceptional cases will be
           | pretty long and have multiple :not()s, thus reducing
           | readability and maintainability.
           | Why burden the general rule with knowledge of its exceptions?
           | To me, doing so is a (small) violation of the principle of
           | separation of concerns.
             | mattwad wrote:
             | plus it's called "cascading style sheets". you're going
             | against the current if everything wants to be so specific.
             | This is one of my gripes with styled components.. it makes
             | it easy to forget the power of cascading rules!
               | TimTheTinker wrote:
               | ... but if you're nesting styled components, you'd better
               | not forget about the cascade :-)
               | leephillips wrote:
               | I think that forgetting the power of the cascade is part
               | of the point, maybe the main point.
               | TimTheTinker wrote:
               | For me, forgetting the cascade has nothing to do with it;
               | in my use cases, styled-components is all about:
               | - eliminating the chance of colliding CSS class names
               | when composing multiple micro-clients together
               | - simplifying builds, especially cascading builds
               | (library + client). It's nice when styles are covered
               | entirely by the JS build (no separate CSS/SCSS input or
               | output files or separate build pipelines).
               | Yes, there are other complexities/problems that styled-
               | components adds (including the likelihood that devs
               | _will_ forget about the cascade)... so I wouldn 't
               | recommend it for every case. But it does have its place.
         | croes wrote:
         | As I understand it it's not about the value but that first a
         | rule is applied to all elements and then a new rule overwrites
         | the previous rule for some element, the last one in that
         | example.
         | To quote the article referenced in the article: "I call this
         | technique disabling selector since the li:last-child selector
         | disables the previous selector's rule."
         | So the 10px margin for the last element is a disabling
         | selector.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | > _Initial should be used if meant to "disable" it._
         | `initial` isn't any better than 0 for this sort of purpose.
         | `unset` and `revert` are _probably_ less bad; I'd tend to
         | choose `unset`.
         | [deleted]
       | oleganza wrote:
       | This reminds of an idea in math that proofs by construction are
       | better than proofs by contradiction. Or making artificial
       | grammars (e.g. PLs) with recursive descent parsers instead of
       | context-sensitive grammars with Turing-complete parsers.
       | If you can build something step-by-step with a clear hierarchy
       | and easy to trace causes and effects, the result seems to be more
       | convincing/reliable than a process involving a bunch of logical
       | roundabouts. Of course, if that's at all possible for a problem
       | at hand.
         | leephillips wrote:
         | That's what made Paul Gordon complain after he read a proof by
         | David Hilbert, of his own conjecture, that "This is not
         | mathematics. This is theology."
       | ljm wrote:
       | I think CSS is approaching the point where it's equivalent to
       | assembly because it's impossible to keep up and write good CSS.
       | It's no longer easy to do it by hand which is why there is a
       | whole ecosystem of tooling that handles CSS.
       | Not to mention that CSS is essentially platform-specific due to
       | differences between chrome, safari and firefox.
         | ericwood wrote:
         | What this article describes is no different than programming
         | patterns in more traditional languages.
         | I legitimately can't think of anything that has made it more
         | difficult to write by hand in the last 15 or so years; if
         | anything it's never been easier! Building complex software
         | is...complex, and frameworks and tools in the CSS world are no
         | different than reaching for an MVC framework or ORM.
         | There's minor quirks between browsers, but it's a far cry from
         | being platform-specific, and a huge improvement on the
         | incompatibilities of yore.
           | iratewizard wrote:
           | Mirroring this sentiment. CSS is fantastic now and they've
           | put a lot of careful attention into the new specifications. I
           | haven't run into a situation in years where I was unable to
           | lay something out the way I pictured it in my mock ups. We
           | used to have to do a lot of hacking just to get simple things
           | into layout in the mid to late 2000's.
         | extra88 wrote:
         | Some tooling is for managing the complexity caused by
         | complexity of the site/app.
         | Some tooling is managing the complexity of managing component-
         | centered design (particularly scoping); it's a very positive
         | approach to design but it's not without its problems.
         | Some tooling is to help developers avoid having to actually
         | learn the CSS language well and/or to force it into JavaScript.
         | > CSS is essentially platform-specific due to differences
         | between chrome, safari and firefox.
         | That's an exaggeration. Consistency of implementations between
         | browsers is better than its every been. There are still some
         | vendor-prefixed properties to care about, especially if one is
         | generous in one's support for older browsers, but that's
         | another reason CSS tooling exists, to write only standard CSS
         | and let the tool fill in the older variants.
         | chefandy wrote:
         | That's true for every language/format used on the front end.
         | I do a lot of visual work as a designer/developer. If it
         | weren't for the obvious accessibility caveats such as basic
         | page structure, I'd be making at least 20% of the pages I code
         | in straight SVG.
         | Edit: Maybe not HTML5 I guess... you can make anything
         | inscrutable if you try.
       | serverholic wrote:
       | If you're using react or another frontend framework then you
       | really don't need css selectors. Just make plain css classes and
       | dynamically append them to your components. So much simpler.
       | We do this at my current job and it's honestly the easiest time
       | I've ever had with CSS.
         | extra88 wrote:
         | How do you solve the kind of problem the article is describing?
         | How do you have a margin on the bottom of every <Card> except
         | the last one? Is there a loop for cards with a conditional that
         | doesn't add the margin? I think the declarative language
         | solution they offer is better.
           | serverholic wrote:
           | Yeah just use the index of the card. For example:
           | cards.map((card, i) => {                 const isLast = i ===
           | cards.length - 1            const className = "card" + isLast
           | ? '' : 'card-margin'            return <Card
           | className={className}  />
           | )}
           | The nice thing about this is you have a full programming
           | language at your fingertips. You could do something with
           | every even card, ever prime number card, etc.
             | extra88 wrote:
             | Just because you _can_ do everything in JavaScript doesn 't
             | mean you should. The equivalent CSS is a lot shorter and
             | more performant.
             | > every prime number card
             | You got me, CSS alone can't select only primes.
               | serverholic wrote:
               | The performance difference is negligible. If you add a
               | new card to the list then react is going to add/remove a
               | couple CSS classes. Completely negligible.
               | Plus you're going to need this approach anyway if you
               | want to do any more advanced logic like maybe you have a
               | list of users and you want to color them based on some
               | status.
               | With this method you have the above logic all in one
               | place and in one language. After having used traditional
               | CSS with selectors vs this method I really can't go back.
               | extra88 wrote:
               | You may need the .map() for styling based on status but
               | const isLast = i === cards.length - 1       const
               | className = "card" + isLast ? '' : 'card-margin'
               | Seems funny to argue for JavaScript's simplicity while
               | using .map() and an anonymous callback function; a good
               | ol' for loop would make it more clear what's happening.
               | > all in one place and in one language
               | That seems like the real reason, keeping to one language.
               | I think following the rule of least power [0], having
               | HTML semantics do what it's good at, CSS what its good
               | at, and JavaScript for the rest is best for robust and
               | performant outcomes.                 <Card
               | className={className}  />
               | I only have a little experience with React and that was a
               | while ago, can you not have the Card typed as an Element
               | to use `Card.classList.add(className)`?
               | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_least_power
               | mst wrote:
               | > Seems funny to argue for JavaScript's simplicity while
               | using .map() and an anonymous callback function; a good
               | ol' for loop would make it more clear what's happening.
               | When you're doing a side effect free transform of some
               | data, I find .map far clearer.
               | A for loop would require .push type noise for that case
               | and so personally I'd find that noisier and harder to
               | skim read.
               | Tastes vary, of course, but certainly it doesn't seem
               | funny to me at all.
             | 11235813213455 wrote:
             | you're missing parens: "card" + (isLast ? '' : 'card-
             | margin') // ternary has a very low precedence
             | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
             | or `card ${isLast ? '' : 'card-margin'}`
       | poniko wrote:
       | yes but no .. seems like a weird rule that makes it harder to
       | understand and read. A flow of default, exception, exception is
       | easier to follow. And What if you have odd even, every third etc
       | etc ..
         | extra88 wrote:
         | > What if you have odd even, every third etc
         | The solution is the same. `:nth-child(3n)` selects every third
         | so you add the :not(:last-of-child) to the end to prevent it
         | from being matched by the rule.                   .card:nth-
         | child(3n):not(:last-of-child) {           /* styles for every
         | third card, not the last card */         }
         | What's less clear to me is why `.card + .card` would be better
         | for applying a style to all but the first card than
         | `.card:not(:first-child)`. I think there are reasons for not
         | using `*:not(:first-child)` and preferring the "lobotomized
         | owl" `* + *` but my hunch is they don't apply when styling
         | classes.
       | matthoiland wrote:
       | Interesting way to think - we use additive color (RGB) on web so
       | why not additive styling?
       | But in practice while creating interfaces, we're making broad
       | brush strokes, then accommodating exceptions, like :last-child.
       | Also curious about how browsers prioritize the render stages -
       | does every style get applied sequentially (hence cascading), or
       | do pseudo selectors get applied later during the paint?
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | > Interesting way to think - we use additive color (RGB) on web
         | so why not additive styling?
         | Sounds confused. I'm not sure what "additive styling" means,
         | but I'm sure it doesn't mean the same thing as "additive
         | color". "Kids like jelly beans, so why not lima beans?"
         | The reason we use additive color on the web is that it reflects
         | the display technology, which is a bunch of independent light
         | emitters. The web has nothing to do with it, except that the
         | web is viewed on computers.
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | Style calculations are typically done before rendering, but as
         | far as I know, there's nothing in the spec that dictates you
         | needing to do anything specific other than comply with the
         | output outlined.
       | emadabdulrahim wrote:
       | The best resource that will teach you systematic thinking and
       | give you a proper foundation for how to use CSS is https://every-
       | layout.dev/. [0]
       | Really enjoyable read and it takes you through the thinking
       | process.
       | [0] Not recommended for absolute beginners
         | nine_k wrote:
         | $69 for full access (one-time payment AFAICT).
         | Must be worth it if web design is your profession.
           | asleepawake wrote:
           | Absolutely worth it. Top 3 books I've ever read on web design
             | emi2k01 wrote:
             | May I know what are the other two? I read Every Layout for
             | the past hour and it's good so I'd like to read something
             | else of similar quality in the future.
             | Also, how did you come across those books? I just found out
             | about Every Layout in this thread. I'm not a web developer
             | so I don't know if it was advertised in a web dev forum or
             | what.
               | dairylee wrote:
               | Here are some other excellent resources from the authors
               | of Every Layout:
               | https://inclusive-components.design/
               | https://cube.fyi/
               | https://briefs.video/
           | emadabdulrahim wrote:
           | Imagine you charge $69 an hour as a developer. Learning the
           | proper way to think about building resilient CSS layout will
           | save you tens of hours throughout your career by building
           | things the right way from the beginning.
       | jordwest wrote:
       | This selector has saved me an inordinate amount of time hacking
       | together UIs quickly:                   .vertical-stack >
       | :not(:last-child) {           margin-bottom: 8px         }
       | Just add the class to a parent and all the children will have
       | spaced between, but no spacing around the edges. It's then easy
       | to add padding to the parent:                   <div
       | class="vertical-stack">           <h1>Heading</h1>
       | <p>Paragraph</p>           <p>Paragraph</p>         </div>
         | have_faith wrote:
         | This is a bit easier these days with Grid. You can set grid-
         | template-columns: 1fr; and use gap: 20px; to control the
         | spacing which feels much more natural. You can then pad as you
         | like.
         | edit: realise this is at the end of the article so you probably
         | already know this
           | evan_ wrote:
           | `gap` is available on Flexbox in most browsers since earlier
           | this year.
             | innocenat wrote:
             | Currently it's ~86% according to caniuse.com. I think it's
             | still a bit low to be used comfortably.
               | pdamoc wrote:
               | Good enough for vertical markets and admin/back-office
               | apps.
             | gempir wrote:
             | It doesn't work on iOS 13 only grid gap works
           | [deleted]
         | raihansaputra wrote:
         | Yeah I have a variation of this too. stack-y-<size> and
         | stack-h-<size> for horizontal spacing. This combined with Flex
         | makes a lot of layout implementations easy.
         | thorin1 wrote:
         | I am always using negative margins on container for this.
           | wruza wrote:
           | And then you can't nest one container into another, because
           | there is only one "margin" rule and they don't add up. You
           | start to wrap children into separate containers only to find
           | out that it breaks more and more "nice and simple css tricks"
           | you used before. Eventually you end up with half-broken
           | bootstrap/etc clone that even supports component design if
           | looked at from afar. After few weeks it starts to feel like
           | not using components at all would be much less of a
           | maintenance. Css "tricks" are full of these situational
           | traps.
           | eyelidlessness wrote:
           | If you want to keep doing this, it'll save you a whole lot of
           | heartache if you also wholesale prevent margin collapsing. In
           | fact, some people recommended that as a baseline default (I
           | personally find it great for layout but surprisingly mixed
           | for typography).
             | wruza wrote:
             | If only we had <sizer> (or display:sizer) element that
             | could expand, disappear on wrap and not count as a regular
             | child (sort of like a space in a text node)... But that
             | would be so '90s.
               | eyelidlessness wrote:
               | I really think CSS gap is going to cover most of these
               | needs. Adding decorative nodes to the DOM doesn't seem
               | like a good solution.
               | wruza wrote:
               | _decorative nodes to the DOM doesn't seem like a good
               | solution_
               | Why? You could add the same constraints to the sizer:
               | min, max, flex shrink/grow, put a line or any other shape
               | in it. It wouldn't even take a separate "display" mode,
               | just make :row-start, :row-end and :row-wrap
               | pseudoclasses to control collapsibility of regular divs
               | at the sides of a container (or whatever styling you
               | need, anything). Instead they feed us yet another
               | crippled special case with these gaps.
       | ximm wrote:
       | The downside of the enabling rule is that it has high
       | specificity. I often have that issue with links. But if you are
       | really strict about this and never overwrite styles anyway you do
       | not even need to think about specificity.
       | mewpmewp2 wrote:
       | It might be subjective, but I disagree, for me it would be easier
       | to reason, read and maintain the first way, preferably with scss,
       | so you nest the last child. Maybe it is because that's the
       | pattern I have most faced, though.
       | And I think definitely avoid li + li. It wouldn't be immediately
       | obvious at all for me if I saw that, what the intention is.
         | extra88 wrote:
         | > I think definitely avoid li + li. It wouldn't be immediately
         | obvious at all for me if I saw that, what the intention is.
         | Nothing unfamiliar is obvious. As with any language, get to
         | know the capabilities of CSS better and it will feel familiar.
         | The article is right that for spacing, the `gap` property on
         | the parent makes more sense but hasn't been around long enough,
         | we need some more older browsers to age out (especially when
         | used with Flexbox).
           | mewpmewp2 wrote:
           | Yeah, but it wouldn't be just me, point of writing readable
           | code is so that as many developers as fast as possible would
           | understand what is going on. So in this case I think using
           | the pattern that is most commonly used is the best thing to
           | do.
           | I've done web for more than 7 years and I still immediately
           | wouldn't recognize why someone has used selectors in such
           | manner (li + li). Just obfuscates things IME.
       | dvaun wrote:
       | I found the linked article "Axiomatic CSS and Lobotomized Owls"
       | to be a decent read. I'm surprised that it hasn't been highly
       | upvoted in the past despite having many submissions to HN.
       | Article: https://alistapart.com/article/axiomatic-css-and-
       | lobotomized...
       | Prev. submissions:
       | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | While "Axiomatic CSS" per se has (unfortunately) not quite
         | (yet?) gone mainstream, its origins -- see https://every-
         | layout.dev -- are a profoundly excellent resource, and have
         | been highly influential.
           | dvaun wrote:
           | What a neat resource. Thanks for sharing!
           | leephillips wrote:
           | That site is black on white1, and has no other colors,
           | images, fancy borders, nor any other obvious "design"--and
           | yet it is remarkably pleasant to look at, even beautiful. The
           | site sells the authors' ideas; they obviously know something.
           | (Plus no doorslams, cookie warnings, or other annoyances. And
           | an RSS feed.)
           | [1] Really very dark grey on very light grey.
             | juped wrote:
             | "and yet"? It's "and therefore".
             | + The only problem is that the atrocious #fafafa on #050505
             | is made a whole lot worse because there aren't a bunch of
             | even worse things distracting you from it.
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | Okay, I'll bite. Why is #050505 on #FAFAFA (not the
               | reverse, as you stated) "atrocious"? Are we playing the
               | "anything less than #000000 on #FFFFFF is grey text on a
               | grey background and entirely unreadable" card?
               | extra88 wrote:
               | I don't understand their complaint either. Some people
               | have a hard time with absolute black on absolute white
               | (and/or vice versa) so easing up a little can be helpful.
               | It's a small difference, 19:52:1 vs. 21:1 contrast ratio.
               | I've seen advice to avoid exceeding 18:1 in large areas,
               | maybe #111 on #f9f9f9.
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | We tend to focus only on the accessibility issues caused
               | by low contrast, but very high contrast also makes
               | reading more difficult, especially for people with
               | dyslexia -- and it's also more likely to cause eye strain
               | if it's a full-length article.
               | At any rate, "it's okay for text not to be pure black and
               | backgrounds not to be pure white" has become my tiny hill
               | to die on.
               | dotancohen wrote:
               | How do you calculate the contrast ratio?
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | I use the WebAIM contrast checker:
               | https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
               | It's basically a measure of perceived brightness. The
               | actual formula involves calculating the relative
               | luminance of the background and foreground colors, where
               | luminance is a value from 0 (darkest) to 1 (lightest),
               | and using the formula
               | (lighter_luminance + 0.05) / (darker_luminance + 0.05)
               | So the highest possible contrast ratio in this system is
               | 21:1.
           | mobilemidget wrote:
           | thanks for the site link, did not have that as a entry on the
           | resource list myself :)
           | [deleted]
           | mninm wrote:
           | I was trying to figure out what font they are using and when
           | I was inspecting the page I found the comment below. I have
           | nothing in particular to say about it. I just thought it was
           | interesting.                 <!--
           | ...                  s,                .
           | .s                   ss,              . ..               .ss
           | 'SsSs,           ..  .           .sSsS'
           | sSs'sSs,        .   .        .sSs'sSs                     sSs
           | 'sSs,      ...      .sSs'  sSs                      sS,
           | 'sSs,         .sSs'    .Ss                      'Ss
           | 'sSs,   .sSs'       sS'             ...       sSs         '
           | .sSs'         sSs       ...            .           sSs
           | .sSs' ..,       sSs       .            . ..         sS,
           | .sSs'  .  'sSs,   .Ss        . ..            ..  .        'Ss
           | .Ss'     .     'sSs. ''        ..  .            .   .
           | sSs '       .        'sSs,        .   .             ...
           | .sS.'sSs        .        .. 'sSs,      ...
           | .sSs'    sS,     .....     .Ss    'sSs,                .sSs'
           | 'Ss       .       sS'       'sSs,             .sSs'
           | sSs      .      sSs           'sSs,
           | .sSs'____________________________ sSs ______________'sSs,
           | SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs,                               ...
           | sS'                                sSs       sSs
           | sSs     sSs                                  sS,   .Ss
           | 'Ss   sS'                                   sSs sSs
           | sSsSs                                     sSs
           | s                                   YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD.
           | MAKE THE MOST OF IT.         -->
             | rocqua wrote:
             | Pretty sure that is from the church of satan. Which is not
             | about worshiping satan but more humanist / atheist / there
             | is no god but you should still be a force for good.
             | It's just that their imagery is intentionally quite jarring
             | to christians. To quote the satanists. It is not them who
             | believe in Satan, its the christians who believe in Satan.
               | BongoMcCat wrote:
               | As a European, I find it quite amusing that religion is
               | so central to american culture, that they even figured
               | out a way to make a christian version of atheism.
         | sings wrote:
         | I didn't really understand why the sibling selector was
         | introduced as a scoped version of the lobotomised owl, as if
         | that was the canonical implementation. The sibling selector has
         | always been underrated.
         | noman-land wrote:
         | It's an excellent article. I share it with people constantly.
       | bob229 wrote:
       | Stating the obvious much
       | sfink wrote:
       | I think rule-followed-by-exception is clearly superior because
       | it's more flexible and generalizes better to future additions.
       | Except when it isn't superior. Like when the exception is pages
       | of code below the rule.
       | Which means that precise (enabling) selectors are more robust
       | since you don't have to worry about future CSS additions (or even
       | whether to look for exceptions).
       | Which means that in general, general rules don't work very well.
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | Yeah, just like "in theory, there's no difference between
         | theory and practice; in practice, there is."
         | wruza wrote:
         | This stems from the incorrect (but popular) idiom of doing a
         | container's job by invading child properties. One can't make it
         | non-leaky neither to layout around, nor to a developer. These
         | gaps are ones of the parent, not of a child, and anything else
         | will leak.
       | kebman wrote:
       | I had a sore throat, so I made an "In A World" reading of this
       | web page.
       | math-dev wrote:
       | I wrote (what I hope) is a great read to CSS selectors, check it
       | out if you are keen for a nice intro to this important topic:
       | https://ashok-khanna.medium.com/rounded-tables-an-elusive-dr...
       | paraph1n wrote:
       | > I think gap is where this is all headed in the long term.
       | gap? Is this new? I've been waiting for years for CSS to finally
       | support something like that. Always thought it was weird that I
       | had to mess with margins (and last-child hacks) to get a proper
       | gap between items in a container.
         | btown wrote:
         | Yep!
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/gap
         | https://caniuse.com/?search=gap
         | seumars wrote:
         | It's part of CSS grid so in a way it's new, but CSS grid well
         | supported nowadays.
           | petepete wrote:
           | It's been made more general than just grid (it used to be
           | called grid-gap) and works with flexbox too. I don't know if
           | Safari supports it in flexbox yet and it's a pain to detect
           | with @supports because Safari _does_ support gap but in a
           | different context, but it works fine in Chrome and Firefox.
           | Edit: just checked, Safari 14.1 added support for using gap
           | with Flexbox.
           | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-09-01 10:00 UTC)