[HN Gopher] Git-cliff - Generate changelog files from the Git hi...
       Git-cliff - Generate changelog files from the Git history
       Author : ducktective
       Score  : 184 points
       Date   : 2021-09-05 12:31 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | joshuanapoli wrote:
       | We've been using charmixer/auto-changelog-action to generate
       | release notes. This action makes nice references to GitHub pull
       | requests. The release notes are attached to a GitHub release by
       | an action. This turns out to be an invaluable reference for SQA
       | and Product Manager for testing and creating customer-facing
       | release notes.
       | One downside is that we run into trouble with GitHub API rate-
       | limiting.
       | https://github.com/charmixer/auto-changelog-action
         | tedmiston wrote:
         | I don't see it documented in that action, but from the
         | Dockerfile this appears to be wrapping github-changelog-
         | generator [1].
         | [1]: https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-
         | changel...
       | cormacrelf wrote:
       | I'm building a changelog system at the moment. It's basically the
       | github_changelog_generator gem, but without overwriting old
       | changelog entries. In git-cliff terms, it has `--prepend
       | CHANGELOG.md`. But the data it gives you is a list of closed
       | issues and merged PRs instead of commits.
       | I like the prepend mode a lot, because I would like to write
       | proper release notes above the autogenerated changes. Machines
       | are only so good at this stuff. I think everyone should use these
       | things in prepend mode.
       | I am not personally a big fan of conventional-commits, mostly
       | because you can never edit the message if you mess it up, and I
       | am more of a ten-commits-at-a-time person so it's hard to
       | remember. I guess you can put it on a (PR) merge commit. But I
       | also think there's a lot of value in scooping up data from the
       | GitHub API, like github_changelog_generator does. Listing closed
       | issues by whether they were closed in the time between tags is
       | fantastic, it's like if you'd been using milestones all along.
       | This would be a great addition to git-cliff: `--issues` to parse
       | commit messages for GitHub-style issue-closing directives ("fixes
       | #24") and build a list of closed issues to link or render
       | freestanding. Same goes for "Merge pull request #25 from ...".
       | c_joly wrote:
       | This is so awesome! I've been waiting for something like this
       | written in Rust for a long time!
         | _arvin wrote:
         | Why the f** was this comment greyed out?
         | A positive comment is greyed? HN sucks. Mods need to get their
         | head out their ass. Go ahead and flag this post, nobody.
         | zomglings wrote:
         | Out of curiosity, why does it matter what language it is
         | written in?
           | skyfaller wrote:
           | I initially was interested in Rust because of performance +
           | speed + safety, but now I have to say that cargo is a big
           | selling point for me.
           | I always used to be scared of compiling software myself
           | because I never seemed to be able to get it to work without
           | endless headaches. Now, I generally find it easy to compile
           | Rust programs if they aren't in my package manager, and with
           | cargo install-update https://github.com/nabijaczleweli/cargo-
           | update I find it easy to keep the software up to date. I have
           | higher confidence that I can get hobbyist Rust software
           | working, and the more Rust software I use, the more familiar
           | I am with the ecosystem and the more comfortable I am.
           | If this was written in some obscure language I wasn't
           | familiar with, I'd be less confident I would be able to run
           | it at all, let alone keep it updated, and I may not bother
           | even trying to install it.
             | zomglings wrote:
             | Thank you. I really appreciate you sharing your
             | perspective.
           | c_joly wrote:
           | Also, some languages (like Go, C, C++, Rust) make it easier
           | to get relatively self contained binaries, as opposed to a
           | Python or Perl script with a lot of external dependencies
           | that one has to install and manage.
       | epage wrote:
       | While auto-generated changelogs aren't the best, they are better
       | than nothing. Too often I've seen projects without a changelog
       | which is especially annoying when dealing with breaking changes.
       | I've been considering switching to a changelog generator, either
       | from Conventional Commits or from a folder of files just to avoid
       | merge conflicts with the CHANGELOG file.
       | If people want enforcement of Conventional Commit, check out
       | https://github.com/crate-ci/committed
         | rkeene2 wrote:
         | What I do is include the ChangeLog in the tag for the release.
         | I do semi-manually generate the ChangeLog using the titles of
         | the Story/Bug that was merged in for a given PR, and then any
         | commits that were done directly get a special notation (if any
         | exist). The list of Stories/Bugs is generated automatically
         | (branch->PR->Story).
         | This way there is no ever growing file, but the ChangeLog is
         | available for every release within the VCS, and it's organized
         | by release.
         | krick wrote:
         | I work with projects where this is utilized and I'm not sure
         | they are better than nothing. Maybe I will change my mind
         | someday, but up to this point, "conventional commits" are the
         | stupidest thing ever. First off, this is not really a
         | convention, more like a pretentious attempt to invent one: they
         | are really bad defined and it isn't really clear when one or
         | the other prefix should be used. As a result: if you are
         | working alone (or your only teammate has very a mindset similar
         | to yours), you won't need it, it will be just inconvenient. If
         | you have a team of developers with various experiences and
         | habits that need a convention to be enforced, it will be very
         | hard to evaluate if they use prefixes correctly, let alone if
         | commit messages are any good.
         | The real problem is that commit messages and a changelog serve
         | 2 different purposes and have different audiences. Changelog
         | exists to explain what happened with the product, and commit
         | messages exist to explain what happened with the code. These
         | are the same thing only in the most basic situations, like
         | "change Delete button color to red" (and then you probably
         | don't even want to clutter your changelog with such bullshit at
         | all). So, this works when 1 Jira ticket equals 1 commit. This
         | is not usually the case, and, what's more, this usually
         | shouldn't be the case.
         | If your changelog audience is a project manager, for example,
         | you are better off with generating if from ticket ids that you
         | include into the commits that resolve some task (you don't need
         | and probably don't want that atrocity of "conventional commits"
         | for that). Changelog generated from "conventional commits" is
         | verbose, clunky, sometimes outright false, misses most of
         | important stuff if some things are resolved in libraries. It is
         | simply bad. But arguably better than nothing if there are no
         | tradeoffs. But there are.
         | The real problem is, now your commits are bad as well, because
         | they are completely fucked up in an attempt to shape them into
         | a changelog, which cannot be done effectively. Best case
         | scenario, your commits now completely mirror your tickets and
         | you end up with huge commits, but at least the changelog looks
         | OK-ish. So the tool intended for developers no more is.
         | Anything in between and both your commits and your changelog
         | are messed up.
           | lowercased wrote:
           | > it will be very hard to evaluate if they use prefixes
           | correctly,
           | I faced this on a small team that adopted it. From my
           | reading, it's OK if you create some of your own prefixes that
           | suit your workflow. The point is to get everyone to use the
           | same thing, not to try to say "feat/chore/etc" are the only
           | things you can ever use. But... the team I was on didn't want
           | to change anything, just use out of the box defaults, because
           | "these are the community standards" (words to that effect).
           | I do not like being forced in to the "conventional commit"
           | style as it gives the impression that it's providing
           | something of value, when, in our case, it's not really
           | valuable to anyone on the team. I did some other work in 2019
           | on a different team which was much more efficient and
           | effective with their commits, review, merging, etc, but
           | didn't use conventional commit.
       | dlundqvist wrote:
       | We've been doing something similar at day job for a couple of
       | years now, at least. Tried a few different things, but this cause
       | us the fewest problems.
       | We have a monorepo with a dozen different products, supporting
       | four rolling release series at any time. Some code is shared
       | between products. So having a commit that contains the release
       | note is very convenient. It'll automatically follow merges, both
       | when merging up bug fixes through all the release branches and
       | merging in features.
       | When it's time to build release notes, simply walk the new
       | commits since last release and extract each release note.
       | Note, I'm leaving out most details on exactly how we have this
       | setup. It's not that complicated though.
       | hrpnk wrote:
       | A similar project, tightly integrated with Gradle:
       | https://github.com/shipkit/shipkit-changelog
       | axegon_ wrote:
       | Nice work right there. One thing that makes me appreciate it even
       | more is the fact that it's written in rust without the authors
       | trying to make it into a primary selling point, which is
       | annoyingly common in these days("X written in rust").
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | I would argue that people aggressively (perhaps annoyingly)
         | evangelizing Rust is part of how it has come to be "normalized"
         | now. People were doing the same thing Go several years ago.
         | Also I am not bothered by it; I personally find it interesting
         | when a tool is implemented in a language that I find
         | interesting. If it's a language I don't care about, I shrug and
         | move on.
         | Are you bothered when somebody says "implemented in C 99"?
         | If you're at the point of looking at the source code, The
         | language used for implementation might actually be relevant to
         | you, when making a choice about whether to use a piece of
         | software or library.
           | axegon_ wrote:
           | It bothers me because it may lead to overexploitation and
           | turning a great language(rust, being my absolute favorite at
           | this very moment) into an abomination from the depths of
           | hell. Similar to what we've seen with many languages over the
           | years.
           | Library - yes, of course it matters what it's written in when
           | I'm choosing it. Software - no, not really, as long as it
           | does what it's supposed to do, C, C++, go, erlang, java,
           | kotlin, python, julia, rust or brainfuck for all I care -
           | sure, god speed.
           | saurik wrote:
           | > Are you bothered when somebody says "implemented in C 99"?
           | Ironically, I felt this was your strongest argument _because_
           | I am bothered when someone says that... like, I am first
           | bothered that someone thinks the language their tool is
           | written in is a selling point, but then I am _additionally_
           | bothered (even somewhat enraged) that anyone considers their
           | project being written in C99 (and not _at least_ C++, and
           | even explicitly so) to be a selling point!
           | Like, whenever I see "implemented in C99" I tend to be able
           | to very quickly find a few buffer overflows or memory leaks
           | as it is so hard to dot all your eyes and cross all your tees
           | manually in every single function (with the consequent
           | annoyance that I say the code is likely buggy, get challenged
           | to find a bug, find multiple sometimes only even a few
           | minutes later, and then the goal posts shift to "well we
           | fixed the bugs you found, so we're fine")... and so I guess
           | "implemented in Rust" us at least telling me the code that
           | implemented the tool I am about to use is more likely to be
           | correct? ;P
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | Fair enough.
             | > so I guess "implemented in Rust" us at least telling me
             | the code that implemented the tool I am about to use is
             | more likely to be correct?
             | This was my point! It's information for potential
             | consumers, that might or might not be interesting or
             | relevant to you.
             | Also some people just like talking about _how_ they did
             | something, not just what they did. Maybe they 're proud to
             | show it off or they want to let people know about whatever
             | cool thing they like.
         | [deleted]
         | tdy_err wrote:
         | What's being 'sold' is the speed of Rust not the novelty of the
         | language choice
           | lhorie wrote:
           | Saying "written in Rust" as a proxy for performance is a bit
           | like saying "X in Y kb" in JS-land for the same reason. It
           | says nothing about actual performance. One needs to show
           | benchmarks if they want to have a convincing performance
           | argument.
           | rwmj wrote:
           | Why would speed matter for something that runs a few regexps
           | over some commit messages once a month? I would have chosen
           | Perl for this task: good enough speed for the task, excellent
           | built-in support for regexps, templating libraries like the
           | Template Toolkit, and flexibility around things like loading
           | custom modules at runtime and parsing configuration.
             | handrous wrote:
             | We don't need _more_ of the  "git-[whatever]" commands to
             | be in scripting languages. It's hard enough to bundle,
             | distribute, and support as it is (especially on Windows).
             | Though, yes, parts of it are already Perl so that probably
             | would have been fine, but still a move in the wrong
             | direction.
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | It could matter in edge cases, perhaps someone runs this on
             | google3 or the linux kernel and it takes 10 seconds versus
             | a minute+ on something like Perl (not sure if that's the
             | case).
               | rwmj wrote:
               | I agree. If that's really one of the requirements then
               | Rust or C++ or OCaml or something like that would make a
               | lot of sense.
               | Also I'd like to add to my original comment above: I
               | don't care at all that this is implemented in Rust. Good
               | on you. Open source software goes where the developers
               | go, and isn't dictated by anything except what the
               | developers want to do.
             | jstummbillig wrote:
             | Got to admire how smoothly we went from "Props for not
             | selling language x for this" to "I am selling language y
             | for this" in just 3 consecutive posts.
               | ExtraE wrote:
               | Language choice is a legitimate decision, debating which
               | one to use is a legitimate topic. Selling an-already
               | existing product based on its language is questionable,
               | as the parent pointed out.
       | danfritz wrote:
       | Cool, does it also work when you squash PR? One thing that annoys
       | me about conventional commit is that they assume merge or rebass
       | but if you squash features / bugs it's a one line change in your
       | history. By default the auto generated message of a squash does
       | not conform conventional commit
         | 3np wrote:
         | It's good practice to review that you have an appropriate
         | commit message in squashed commits before pushing.
         | not sure what you mean by "auto generated message" - "squash"
         | during interactive rebase will by default ask you to edit the
         | commit message before generating the commit, prefilled with
         | concatenation of messages of all the squashed commits.
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | How many people actually customize that message?
             | 3np wrote:
             | At the very least, anyone contributing to a repo with
             | contribution guidelines around commit message format is
             | expected to.
             | Anyone who cares about others reading the commit history,
             | should.
       | siva7 wrote:
       | This only works if all team members have the exact same
       | convention and discipline about commit messages which is rarely
       | the case at which point a manually curated changelog is more
       | useful than commit messages.
       | afranchuk wrote:
       | This looks like it does what it sets out to do well. I think
       | commits and changelogs serve separate purposes, but I have gone
       | to commit some changes and wanted to at least _see_ the text from
       | the changelog enough times that I wrote a prepare-commit-message
       | git hook to help out. It detects changelogs and starts out the
       | commit message with any new lines, or puts a little (commented)
       | message in the commit message if no changelogs were altered, kind
       | of as a reminder to think about whether the changes being
       | committed really should include updates to the changelog. It 's
       | been very helpful, so much so that I installed it as a global
       | hook!
       | platz wrote:
       | According to Conventional Commit, what is the correct type and
       | scope to use when upgrading dependencies?
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | Is it a "public dependency"? In that case with a breaking
         | change for your crate if it's a breaking change in the dep.
         | kkirsche wrote:
         | I use build type with scope of the package manager. For
         | example:
         | build(poetry): update alembic dependency to 1.7.0
           | platz wrote:
           | according to angular docs build is
           | build: Changes that affect the build system or external
           | dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
           | so using build for things that affect /src seems wrong.
         | jameshart wrote:
         | I think it depends on the observable effect of the upgrade to a
         | consumer of your component.
         | Did the dependency upgrade just improve performance? fix a bug?
         | Add a new capability? Remove a backward compatible feature?
         | Certainly doesn't automatically follow that if a dependency
         | upgrade adds a feature, that that is a feature addition in your
         | code, because you haven't changed your code to use the new
         | feature. But it could be - if you upgraded a parser library so
         | it now supports strings longer than 4K, maybe your component
         | now supports strings longer than 4K too and that merits a minor
         | version bump.
         | It can be a pretty subtle judgement - especially with
         | potentially deep dependency trees like are common in node.
         | If you're bumping a dependency because the dependency has
         | bumped one of its dependencies... can be tricky to figure out
         | if there's actually a noticeable effect.
       | rurban wrote:
       | gnulib and a lot of GNU projects have this for a long time.
       | https://github.com/coreutils/gnulib/blob/master/build-aux/gi...
       | haxiomic wrote:
       | Nice project :)
       | I think this relies on you following conventions for commit
       | messages. There could be be an interesting usecase for something
       | like GTP-3 here: I'd love to not have to think too hard about
       | carefully writing parsable commit messages but still be able have
       | something scan my commit log, understand context and create a
       | summarized changelog from it
       | brhsagain wrote:
       | Do people actually write detailed commit messages? After years of
       | buying into writing good commit messages, nowadays I usually just
       | write "save" or "lol" and not once have I regretted it. If I'm
       | looking through old commits I always search by the content of the
       | commit, not the message. If I'm looking at someone else's code I
       | just go ask them about it.
         | mattrighetti wrote:
         | In a real working environment you should be required to write
         | good commit messages. It's not about you, you may be okay
         | asking someone else but other people might not want to ask you
         | about what did you do in your "lol" commit. So yeah, we usually
         | have pretty strict requirements for commit messages that at
         | least we try to follow.
       (page generated 2021-09-05 23:00 UTC)