[HN Gopher] Show HN: Age 1.0 - Simple, modern and secure file en...
       Show HN: Age 1.0 - Simple, modern and secure file encryption
       Author : FiloSottile
       Score  : 254 points
       Date   : 2021-09-06 16:53 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | danenania wrote:
       | A tangential question: is there an age equivalent du jour for
       | signatures? For release signing and verification.
       | I'm looking especially for end-user ease of installation.
       | minisign seemed promising but `brew install minisign` has _tons_
       | of dependencies and takes forever. I found a Go port with
       | compiled binaries, but it 's not a popular repository.
       | Is there anything cross-platform and widely trusted that's better
       | than gpg?
         | tptacek wrote:
         | Yes: it's minisign/signify (a deliberately simple ed25519
         | format based originally on OpenBSD's package signing system,
         | which I think 'tedunangst designed.) Minisign is packaged by
         | the libsodium team.
           | danenania wrote:
           | Gotcha, thanks! It seemed perfect until I tried the homebrew
           | installation. I missed that they're releasing compiled
           | binaries as well.
         | Tomte wrote:
         | It's minisign.
         | I see a libsodium dependency in the sources, anything else?
         | Don't the binaries at
         | https://github.com/jedisct1/minisign/releases work for you?
           | danenania wrote:
           | Ok thanks. Maybe the problem is that the homebrew formula is
           | building from source instead of using the binaries? I'll have
           | to look closer.
       | twp wrote:
       | age has been an alternative plugin to gpg for transparent file
       | encryption and decryption for the chezmoi dotfile manager for a
       | couple of years now. age's CLI is so much nicer and easier to
       | integrate than gpg's. Now with the Go API being stable, I can
       | also bake high-quality modern encryption straight into the
       | binary. Much appreciated.
       | [1] https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi
         | tyingq wrote:
         | >age's CLI is so much nicer and easier to integrate than gpg's
         | Some of that seems to be from omitting features, though. Gpg
         | CLI integration allows passing both the cleartext to be
         | encrypted and a passphrase on pipes. Which means things like
         | --passphrase-fd, which age doesn't seem to have. Makes it
         | simpler, but also means you have to have more clear text in
         | files, at least temporarily.
           | a1369209993 wrote:
           | > things like --passphrase-fd, which age doesn't seem to have
           | You can use /proc/self/fd/N if the program handles files
           | correctly (particularly, no seek).
       | dang wrote:
       | One big past thread and two tinies:
       |  _Age: A simple, modern and secure file encryption tool_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21895671 - Dec 2019 (197
       | comments)
       |  _Age - The PGP Replacement (alpha)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21188517 - Oct 2019 (2
       | comments)
       |  _Alpha release of Age-tool - A small command line encryption
       | utility made in Go_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21177063 - Oct 2019 (1
       | comment)
       | jl6 wrote:
       | Bold move, grabbing a three-letter name with widespread pre-
       | existing meaning, but it looks like you might just have gotten
       | away with it! Congratulations!
         | FiloSottile wrote:
         | Right?! I'm as surprised as you are.
       | jchw wrote:
       | The main thing that confuses me with age so far is it feels like
       | there's no way to have private keys that are automatically
       | detected and also encrypted on disk. It seems to have a defacto
       | mechanism for a user-local keys.txt, and sops for example uses
       | this. However, as far as I can tell, keys.txt can't be encrypted.
       | It's probably true that on most developer machines even just
       | read-only filesystem access with the user's permissions would be
       | catastrophic, but I feel a bit uncomfortable with how easy this
       | makes it to extract private keys. Am I missing something? I know
       | there's also a mechanism that can use SSH keys as private keys,
       | but sops doesn't support that yet. (It also doesn't work with SSH
       | agent, but that's still better than nothing I think.)
         | FiloSottile wrote:
         | We did eventually add support for encrypted native key files,
         | despite my skepticism around what threat models it actually
         | addresses. You can now pass to "age -d -i" a file encrypted
         | with "age -p".
         | Not having a default keychain location though is a deliberate
         | decision that's here to stay. age keys are application-specific
         | keys, not universal personal identities. We want to avoid
         | implicit state and make rotation and compartmentalization as
         | easy as possible.
           | jchw wrote:
           | Oh, OK. So if sops wants to support encrypting its own
           | keys.txt file, it would need to be implemented on their end.
           | For some reason, I was under the impression age itself had
           | some logic for keys.txt files.
           | I understand that it is an ugly and imperfect layer of
           | security to secure keys this way, but I still prefer it over
           | nothing. Maybe applications could try implementing OS-level
           | 'secure' keyring storage; that seems marginally better... No
           | idea, though, I'm no expert on security.
           | Thanks for age regardless. I'm sure I'll be using it a lot in
           | the future.
             | ricardobeat wrote:
             | Where do you store the key that decrypts your key file?
               | jchw wrote:
               | You can encrypt with a passphrase.
       | flurie wrote:
       | Has anyone managed to replace file encryption using gpg or sops
       | with age for anything other than simple use cases? I realize age
       | doesn't cover the breadth of scope of the other two, but it
       | doesn't seem like those gaps are being filled by anything else,
       | either.
         | cpach wrote:
         | What is it that you're missing?
           | aborsy wrote:
           | Not OP, but I am missing:
           | * password store (Pass)
           | * hardware key support
           | * back up software using Age (as with duplicity)
           | * integration into operating systems (cross platform)
           | * integration into apps
           | * Mobile support
           | * command line for key management (maybe), to help me
           | organize and rotate keys, and maybe share public keys
           | * An agent?
           | * robust positive review or audit (security people need to
           | review the source code independently), or a long history of
           | good security
           | Mount would be great too!
             | wolf550e wrote:
             | hardware key support exists: https://github.com/str4d/age-
             | plugin-yubikey
               | upofadown wrote:
               | Correct me if I am wrong, but that doesn't seem to do the
               | decryption on the yubikey itself. So the Yubikey wouldn't
               | act as a portable air gapped system as in the case of,
               | say, GPG.
       | lmeyerov wrote:
       | Something I've been wondering for awhile: while innovation for
       | per-file-level encryption is useful, is there a clean way to run
       | encrypted docker volumes for achieving containerized encryption-
       | at-rest? In particularly, a _portable_ docker-only way (ex:
       | docker-compose containers  / users on the network get access and
       | that's it), with no host linux FS / k8s extensions?
         | [deleted]
       | jph wrote:
       | Great work, thank you for sharing. I especially appreciate your
       | link to your "Goals" section-- I'm listed them below because they
       | are important and helpful IMHO.
       | + An extremely simple CLI that composes well with UNIX pipes, and
       | that works well as a backend for other programs
       | + Small copy-pasteable keys, with optional textual keyrings
       | Support for public/private key pairs and passwords, with multiple
       | recipients
       | + The option to encrypt to SSH keys, with built-in GitHub .keys
       | support
       | + "Have one joint and keep it well oiled", no configuration or
       | (much) algorithm agility
       | + A good seekable streaming encryption scheme based on modern
       | chunked AEADs, reusable as a general encryption format
         | Aachen wrote:
         | How do you do AEAD with seeking? Tags (MACs) every few
         | kilobytes?
           | some_furry wrote:
           | https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/oae.pdf (Section
           | 7)
           | Previously: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21897192
           | STREAM is a well-studied construction for online
           | authenticated encryption. It doesn't _just_ involve an auth
           | tag every few kilobytes (or megabytes, or gigabytes). There
           | 's also a byte flag (called a "tag" in some implementations)
           | to indicate whether or not there should be additional blocks
           | or not.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > The option to encrypt to SSH keys, with built-in GitHub .keys
         | support
         | It's not built in, just composable in. And to the version in
         | the readme I prefer using command substitution personally: it's
         | clearer when there are multiple recipients, and the infile
         | tends to be much larger than the keys.
         | The biggest issues wrt github are that it rejects age files (so
         | you have to rename them) and there is no /keys at the repo
         | level whivh would give you the keys of all maintainers, so you
         | have to hunt them by hand.
       | charles_f wrote:
       | One thing I miss and would imagine probably front and center of
       | an encryption tool, is the algorithm(s) it's using to encrypt.
       | There are multiple mentions of keys, but not the encryption
       | mechanism itself. I've been roaming around the doc for that but
       | couldn't find anything. Is there any pointer to that?
         | ameliaquining wrote:
         | Specification of the format is at
         | https://docs.google.com/document/d/11yHom20CrsuX8KQJXBBw04s8...
         | and includes all the cryptographic primitives that it uses.
         | TL;DR: Mostly the djb stack.
       | b8 wrote:
       | The DoD has a public encryption wizard
       | (https://spi.dod.mil/ewizard_govt.htm). It requires Java and it
       | just reached EOL though.
         | arthurcolle wrote:
         | > requires Java
         | if the federal government builds a time machine one day I'm
         | sure the firmware will consist of a little Java 5 servlet
         | running on a Windows XP machine
           | schmorptron wrote:
           | Big words for someone who doesn't run on over 6 billion
           | devices(tm)!
         | [deleted]
       | fXmBeWm3TQ wrote:
       | calling this format "secure" is not sufficient, here is a review
       | that asked the right questions.
       | https://neilmadden.blog/2019/12/30/a-few-comments-on-age/
       | Unfortunately, the age spec doesn't document its threat model or
       | the security goals it is intended to achieve so I'm having to
       | read between the lines to work out what was intended.
         | est31 wrote:
         | Yeah it's definitely not cutting edge on all fronts. Another
         | issue is that the length of the plaintext is being exposed.
         | Simple padding would help mask that in most, if not all,
         | instances.
         | upofadown wrote:
         | It's for the case where you are concerned about malicious
         | modification and the user is expected to not deal with the
         | ramifications of the error message. This case in particular:
         | $ gpg2 -d backup.tgz.pgp | tar xz
         | So the modified backup file can do bad things before anyone can
         | stop it because gpg will complete the operation before warning
         | of the modification.
         | It doesn't have integrated signature support so that in most
         | cases an attacker can use the public key to entirely replace
         | the file and avoid the bother of some sort of known text attack
         | in the first place. So I think that the use case is so narrow
         | as to disappear.
         | The linked article covers this. That is really all there is.
         | It serves best as a demonstration of what an encryption utility
         | would be like that blows up and errors out on a possible
         | modification, as opposed to completing the operation and
         | returning the error at the end.
           | tptacek wrote:
           | More on this argument here:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27433186
           | This is, to put it charitably, an idiosyncratic argument
           | about how data encryption is supposed to work.
             | upofadown wrote:
             | That age does not yet have a data recovery utility is, I
             | think, an interesting point, but it is a different point
             | entirely.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | If I've confused this for some other idiosyncratic
               | argument about PGP's "authenticated" encryption, I
               | apologize for scrambling the thread. Probably the top-
               | line response re: PGP is that there might be no
               | cryptographic tool in common use with a less coherently
               | documented threat model than PGP.
             | some_furry wrote:
             | Has someone created a Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder CLI
             | program to use with age yet?
             | I think if we did that, the stupid discussion about GPG and
             | framing its lack of IND-CCA2 as a "recoverability feature"
             | would become moot.
               | upofadown wrote:
               | The single bit error in the discussion was intended to be
               | an extreme example. Typically media errors involve entire
               | media blocks. Often the blocks are missing entirely.
               | I have looked into this a bit and there doesn't seem to
               | be any reason age could not have a recovery utility. It
               | would involve some minor brute forcing to find the next
               | block and block number. It could even skip any 64k block
               | that failed the integrity check so that only
               | authenticated data was recovered. That would be
               | consistent with the general principle about not releasing
               | unauthenticated data that age was created to enbody.
               | some_furry wrote:
               | The reason I suggested a separate utility, and a
               | composition thereof, is that complexity is the enemy of
               | security.
               | Error-correction and media block-based encryption is a
               | separate utility than what age provides, and should
               | therefore be a separate tool.
               | That separate tool _can_ use age for the cryptography.
               | That 's fine.
               | But I will not advocate for more complexity to be shoved
               | into age. It's fine as it is today.
       | balu_ wrote:
       | I would love to see a password manager based on age. Idealy using
       | ssh-keys beeing combinable with git
         | honko wrote:
         | There is passage that does this:
         | https://sr.ht/~gpanders/passage/
       | SrslyJosh wrote:
       | > The author pronounces it [age], like the Italian "aghe".
       | I've seen a number of READMEs with this kind of pronunciation
       | note recently--I don't think they really help, because I suspect
       | that most readers aren't familiar enough with the IPA
       | (pronunciation) notation.
       | I suggest including a link to something like this: http://ipa-
       | reader.xyz/?text=a%C9%A1e&voice=Joanna
       | aborsy wrote:
       | Good job!
       | I much look forward to: hardware key support, password store,
       | mount and integration with back up software (and perhaps rclone
       | which is for data movement).
       | I am pretty happy with GPG, which supports most of these features
       | and more (sometimes via third parties that use it), but also
       | appreciate Age and may play with it, once it's more useful.
       | I like that it's, apparently, easier for applications to
       | interface with it, particularly in the large and growing Go
       | ecosystem.
       | One complaint: It's hard to find Age by Google search!
       (page generated 2021-09-06 23:00 UTC)