[HN Gopher] Coalton: How to Have Our (Typed) Cake and (Safely) E...
       Coalton: How to Have Our (Typed) Cake and (Safely) Eat It Too, in
       Common Lisp
       Author : reikonomusha
       Score  : 85 points
       Date   : 2021-09-10 17:42 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (coalton-lang.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (coalton-lang.github.io)
       | reikonomusha wrote:
       | In a lot of programming discussions, especially those about
       | Haskell or those about Lisp, types invariably come up as a
       | feature (or a bug). Some even suggest static or dynamic types are
       | most useful at different phases of a programming project. I've
       | heard opinions go every which way with types. By and large, the
       | concept of static types (to Haskell levels) and dynamic types (to
       | Smalltalk levels) are typically spoken about as a sort of
       | dichotomy.
       | Many technologies have tested this dichotomy; even very
       | mainstream languages, like Python with type annotations and mypy.
       | However, what I've found consistently lacking is the
       | "completeness" of either side of the experience: either half-
       | baked dynamicism buried in a static language, or type annotations
       | that actually don't have predictable correctness guarantees--
       | typically, type checkers in this arena are "best effort".
       | Coalton doesn't try to paper over Lisp as a dynamic language, or
       | try to change the philosophy of Common Lisp code by restricting
       | it, but instead invites static features as a separate, well-
       | defined language within Lisp. Critically, though, inter-operation
       | between Lisp and this separate language must be essentially free.
       | Coalton makes use of what many cite as Lisp's greatest power: the
       | ability to do seamless metaprogramming and syntactic abstraction.
       | Often, non-Lisp programmers, especially in forums like these, see
       | these features get used for programming party tricks. (I myself
       | have even engaged in such shenanigans, like saying macros are
       | good for making DSLs like                   (rpn 1 2 + 3 *)
       | ; RPN notation embedded in Lisp
       | even though the next natural question would be, "Why would I ever
       | actually use that?") In that regard, Coalton is implemented
       | _actually_ as quite sophisticated Lisp macros, without any
       | separate (pre-)processors.
       | Though it has some sharp edges as an alpha release, we think
       | Coalton satisfies the objective of bridging static and dynamic,
       | and opens a very interesting and relatively under-explored
       | paradigm of functional programming.
       | Coalton isn't the first to explore this space in earnest. In
       | fact, Racket, Typed Racket, and Hackett have done so quite
       | successfully. There are several others, as well.
       | Lastly--though I think it goes without saying--there's value in
       | having an _entire language_ buy in to some core ideas, because it
       | means library authors and application developers can have solid
       | expectations of one another. As a Lisp developer, though, I 've
       | witnessed that a clean, modular coding style allows many
       | programming styles to participate with one another without the
       | headache one might imagine.
         | didibus wrote:
         | How do you handle the boundary between typed and untyped? My
         | experience is that this is where things fail, because most code
         | you'll want to leverage will be untyped.
           | reikonomusha wrote:
           | Everything in Coalton is statically typed. The boundary
           | happens at the "COALTON:LISP" operator, which lets the
           | programmer drop into dynamically typed Common Lisp to perform
           | a computation. (This is how a lot of the standard library is
           | implemented.) If you decide to drop into Lisp with the
           | COALTON:LISP operator, then it's on you to supply a correct
           | type annotation for that Lisp code. (This type will be
           | checked at run-time.) So there's certainly room for human
           | mistakes with types.
           | However, if you're really scared, you can do
           | (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3)))
           | and really precise run-time type assertions will be inserted
           | into the code.
         | tempodox wrote:
         | A strong static type system that looks much like Haskell's but
         | coupled with eager evaluation, the ability to use macros, and
         | SBCL's excellent x86 compiler? That's too enticing to be passed
         | over. I'm using mostly OCaml now but I'll have to try out
         | Coalton, see how it feels and how it works out in practice.
         | I've been looking for an excuse to do more Lisp again anyway :)
           | reikonomusha wrote:
           | I hate to admit this but there are definitely still a few
           | sharp edges. (What happens when you re-define types across
           | compilation units? What happens when you want to back out of
           | a type definition?) With that said, our criterion for
           | shipping was "did it become useful for our purposes?" and the
           | answer is "yes." So, there's still work to be done, and we'd
           | love any feedback at all that would improve your experience.
             | tempodox wrote:
             | Thanks for the warning, I'll buckle up :)
             | If I should happen to find a fix for any problem I might
             | run into, or come up with ideas for improvements, I'll be
             | happy to contribute.
         | 12thwonder wrote:
         | what is your view on Clojure.spec?
       | srcreigh wrote:
       | Last weekend, I put together a working sample for how to show
       | multiple syntax errors from Racket macros. It works in DrRacket
       | and racket-xp-mode. It's based on code from Typed Racket.
       | https://gist.github.com/srcreigh/f341b2adaa0fe37c241fdf15f37...
       | The well-documented Racket `raise-syntax-error` will let you
       | display 1 syntax error at a time. It works by throwing an
       | exception during macro expansion hence you only get 1 error in
       | your IDE. That code lets you highlight 2+ errors.
       | Please build a type system in Racket! I would love to try it out.
       | Helpfully, the above sample code is an example of how to store
       | compiler-level state. It works by storing errors in a list until
       | its parsed the whole module, then sends all the errors to an
       | error handler (which is not documented so well). Next, just wrap
       | all your base forms, rewrite module code for your type-checking
       | lifecycle, add some type declaration syntax, type inference, etc.
       | I would love to have a language that can be used to define a
       | customized type system in Racket.
       | Typed Racket is an incredible feat. Can you imagine adding an
       | entire type system without writing a separate compiler? Using all
       | the batteries included with your language? Even IDE tooling has
       | its own API to let you display any error messages you want? Not
       | to mention Go-To-Definition is built into the language.
       | I don't like that Typed Racket enforces soundness with Runtime
       | checks, I much prefer TypeScript style checking. I also have run
       | into some pretty confusing messages ie [1]. Diversity is healthy,
       | it'd be nice to have a selection of static typechecking systems
       | to choose from for Racket.
       | [1] https://github.com/racket/typed-racket/issues/1021
         | Y_Y wrote:
         | I like this comment.
         | What doesn't add up for me, is how you can do compile-time
         | type-checking in a language that has eval, or an equivalent
         | mechanism. As far as I can see (which is not very far at all),
         | you have to either give up the dynamic Lisp magic of producing
         | and running new code whenever you like, or you give up the
         | static Haskell magic of proving (some) correctness at compile
         | time by having a rigid exoskeleton which limits dynamism, but
         | peels of cleanly before you run the program.
           | srcreigh wrote:
           | That must be how DrRacket works, right?
           | I've also dreamed of accessing Racket macro syntax errors at
           | runtime and building my own interface for viewing the errors.
           | For example, send sandboxed DSL code over an HTTP request,
           | and send any errors in a response to view them on a web
           | application.
           | I also cannot see very far, but I suspect you could whip
           | something like this up using the error-display-handler [1]
           | parameter and the macro stepper [2].
           | Of course, there is a paper written about DrRacket (aka
           | DrScheme) which you can study [3] as well as DrRacket source
           | code [4].
           | [1]: https://docs.racket-
           | lang.org/reference/exns.html#%28def._%28...
           | [2]: https://docs.racket-lang.org/macro-debugger/index.html
           | [3]: https://www2.ccs.neu.edu/racket/pubs/jfp01-fcffksf.pdf
           | [4]: https://github.com/racket/drracket
           | phoe-krk wrote:
           | In case of Coalton, you can simply hide the dynamic nature of
           | `eval` behind a black box, as you would with any other non-
           | coaltonesque Lisp-Object.
           | pritambaral wrote:
           | > ... how you can do compile-time type-checking in a language
           | that has eval, or an equivalent mechanism
           | 1. `(compile ...)` and `(eval ...)` don't always have to
           | succeed. Both those routines can be hooked into in Lisp -- by
           | and within the running process -- and made to fail upon Type-
           | incorrect code.
           | 2. In some Lisps, 'compile-time' and 'eval-time' are the same
           | thing.
           | > ... you have to either give up the dynamic Lisp magic of
           | producing and running new code whenever you like, or you give
           | up the static Haskell magic of ...
           | Note that even the "static" Haskell has a way to do "the
           | dynamic Lisp magic of producing and running new code
           | whenever". The simplest example would be a Haskell REPL.
           | ----
           | The "dynamic Lisp magic" you refer to is actually very
           | simple: allow code to be replaced within a running process.
           | Lots of non-Lisps have it. E.g., Python, Ruby, JS, even Bash.
           | The part where Lisp truly shines, and what sets it apart from
           | those other languages, is that those languages gained this
           | feature merely as a side-effect of dynamism, but not from the
           | purpose of enabling a truly dynamic software construction
           | developer experience. From simple things like
           | `defvar`/`defonce`, `undefine-function`, etc. to fabulous and
           | complicated ones like `defclass`, conditions and restarts,
           | the interactive debugging support, etc.
           | A good DX is a first-class feature in some Lisps.
             | Y_Y wrote:
             | Ok. I'm happy with compile-time eval failing in normal
             | Lisp, I might have given it an undefined symbol or
             | something. And in Haskell I can go "off the grid" and write
             | something dynamically typed, or even make a Lisp
             | interpreter.
             | Can I have it both ways though? Can I get compile-time
             | guarantees, about non-trivial run-time generated code? It
             | feels like there's going to be a Halting Problem that stops
             | me having my cake and eating it too.
               | pritambaral wrote:
               | > Can I get compile-time guarantees, about non-trivial
               | run-time generated code?
               | Sure. If you control all sites where run-time code gen
               | happens, you can gate them all on a compiler-check. In
               | fact, the former is just `cl:eval`; and in some Lisps, a
               | compiler-check already guards it.
       | dannyobrien wrote:
       | I've been watching Coalton since it was first mentioned by
       | @stylewarning -- possibly here.
       | I'm really happy they had the time and dedication to bring it to
       | this point. I hope it gets the community it deserves!
       (page generated 2021-09-10 23:00 UTC)