[HN Gopher] K Programming Language
       K Programming Language
       Author : ColinWright
       Score  : 89 points
       Date   : 2021-09-11 16:31 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | Jenk wrote:
       | Maybe it's because I'm tired. Maybe it's because I'm half reading
       | this article while my 2yo is bathing/playing in the bath
       | But that looks like a really error prone syntax.. error prone
       | like writing Brainfuck I mean.
         | gaze wrote:
         | The argument is that your entire program fits on one screen. It
         | may be hard to read (without practice) but you can stare at the
         | whole thing all at once. I don't know if I buy the argument but
         | it's an interesting one.
         | quag wrote:
         | You're not wrong. While writing K you sit in the repl and work
         | out each piece as you go and make sure it gives the result you
         | expect and then build up.
         | Nekorosu wrote:
         | It's just a first impression. This is a very effective tool.
         | Ofc it requires some effort to use (as well as mathematical
         | notation). Required reading
         | https://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~jzhu/csc326/readings/iverson.p...
         | beagle3 wrote:
         | Yea and no.
         | Consider mathematical notation. That digit 2 could mean "power
         | of 2" if it's small and upper right of an object; "index 2" if
         | small and bottom right. "Multiply by 2" if regular sized and to
         | the left - very confusing! Indeed, it _is_ very confusing if
         | you are not versed in the accepted syntax of math expressions.
         | But if you are used to it, there's no confusion - it's just a
         | very concise and useful way to express various concepts.
         | K is similar.
       | quag wrote:
       | K made a lot more sense to me after I realised it is three
       | things: a library of functions, operators, and a set of types.
       | The only way to access the function library is through the
       | operators/type overloading. Different versions of K (or related
       | languages) then choose different libraries of functions, or
       | different operators. Code is essential a very dense encoding of
       | function calls into a fixed library.
       | gaze wrote:
       | K is cool but really, really expensive. Kevin Lawler's Kona seems
       | nice. Shakti (next K version) could be good but I can't figure
       | out a damn thing about it.
       | And then there's J, which, man. Hard to learn, but cool.
         | huhtenberg wrote:
         | > really, really expensive
         | Can't find any pricing info on their website. How expensive is
         | "expensive"?
         | threatofrain wrote:
         | What is the largest open-source community for a K-like
         | language?
           | rscho wrote:
           | If you consider J K-like, then J. Otherwise, ngn K or Kona
         | gbronner wrote:
         | A number of orgs have perpetual site licenses, or so I've been
         | told. It can solve many problems elegantly and with minimal
         | code and development time. But it requires a core group of
         | people who do almost nothing else.
         | mlochbaum wrote:
         | There's now ngn/k[0] for a free implementation of K6. The
         | author prefers K6 to Shakti, which is K9. And there are a
         | number of other open-source K dialects and array languages as
         | well[1]. For learning about K, the recently-created K wiki[2]
         | is a great resource.
         | [0] https://codeberg.org/ngn/k
         | [1] https://aplwiki.com/wiki/List_of_open-
         | source_array_languages
         | [2] https://k.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
           | Bostonian wrote:
           | Do Octave and R qualify as array languages? You could say
           | that Python is not because Numpy is not part of the language.
             | mlochbaum wrote:
             | It's hard to say how exactly to draw the line, but "array
             | language" to an APLer usually means a language whose
             | primary influence is APL. So these scientific languages
             | that throw out most of the syntax are nearby but don't
             | quite belong. From a practical standpoint the APL Wiki is
             | centered on APL and exists to document the kind of niche
             | material Wikipedia wouldn't cover, which is why there's
             | nothing about these more mainstream languages currently.
             | stingraycharles wrote:
             | I'd argue that array languages are far, far more limited
             | than Python, to the point that the only thing you can
             | reasonably do with them is processing array data (but
             | they're really good at it!)
               | mlochbaum wrote:
               | Sounds like you're generalizing, based on... early APLs?
               | NumPy? You could translate any BASIC code to, say, Dyalog
               | APL easily without significant loss in fidelity.
               | Different languages take different approaches but most
               | modern ones (the ones that aren't just made to be
               | calculators like Ivy) support either a generic functional
               | or imperative style just fine.
               | K is inspired by Lisp, although you can't adapt that
               | style directly because of the limited scoping rules:
               | variables are either local or global, so a function can't
               | see variables from containing functions. This means no
               | closures, which K implementers consider a feature (I
               | don't).
               | eiz wrote:
               | > This means no closures, which K implementers consider a
               | feature (I don't).
               | having not touched K in about 15 years, when did this
               | change? in k3:                   K 3.2 2004-09-23
               | Copyright (C) 1993-2004 Kx Systems         LIN32 16CPU
               | 15985MB ubuntu 0 EVAL
               | f:{a:x+1;{a+x}}           g:f 1           g         {a+x}
               | g 2         4           a         value error         a
               | ^         parse error
               | mlochbaum wrote:
               | This comes as a surprise to me! I thought none of
               | Whitney's Ks had closures--although I did neglect to
               | mention that kuc and oK add them. Digging around and
               | asking on the K Matrix/Discord I found some posts that
               | suggest that the K3 form is very limited. My read of
               | these is that functions can refer to variables in the
               | immediately surrounding scope (only one level up), and
               | their values will be copied in when the function is
               | reached in the source code. So it would be equivalent to
               | adding extra arguments to g and passing the variable
               | values in that way. And it wouldn't allow the programmer
               | to create object-like things and couldn't create
               | reference loops requiring garbage collection.
               | See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22572778, as
               | well as https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message
               | /53999576#5... with more discussion on following days.
               | smabie wrote:
               | No closures is one of the biggest pain points of k/q,
               | it's incredibly limiting and frustrating. Besides that
               | though, it's a wonderful language which allows you to
               | solve problems _very_ quickly with pretty good
               | performance, assuming the problem is naturally
               | vectorizable.
             | [deleted]
           | aseipp wrote:
           | Is there any summary of what's changed between K versions, or
           | their lineage, for someone who's not "K-fluent" but a tiny
           | bit familiar with array languages? What changed between K6,
           | 7, and 9?
           | Since Kx is the proprietor of the main toolchain I assume
           | such any such description would be more of an oral history
           | rather than a technical document with a changelog, but I'm
           | curious either way!
           | EDIT: There is a wiki page for this but it hasn't been filled
           | out (yet) unfortunately. Sad trombone.
           | https://k.miraheze.org/wiki/History
       | invalidOrTaken wrote:
       | Comment from a year
       | ago(https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22562344):
       | >A story, since in retrospect I think it's worth telling. Some
       | years ago I was at the SF Clojure meetup. Arthur Whitney's
       | daughter worked at the sponsoring company, and he agreed to come
       | tell us about K.
       | >In retrospect, I don't think we gave him the welcome he
       | deserved. No one was rude or anything, but it seemed there was a
       | disconnect: Arthur was keen to show off how fast K (and Kdb) was,
       | over zillions and zillions of rows.
       | >But the thing that the Clojurists were all searching for (that
       | got them into Clojure in the first place) was expressivity. Is
       | Clojure fast? I don't know, generally the problems I face come
       | down to avoiding balls of mud rather than performance
       | bottlenecks. And I think that was true of most there.
       | >So Arthur got something of an underwhelming reception. I
       | remember someone asking "Does K have the ability to self-modify,
       | a la Lisp macros?" When Arthur said no, you could see most people
       | in the room just sort of mentally shrug and move on.
       | >And this was too bad. Because recently I've been playing around
       | with J (another APL descendant) and been very impressed by some
       | expressivity/readability benefits. Some small things that have
       | very big effects on the codebase you actually end up with.
       | >The first thing is the avoidance of abstraction. To use a
       | Twitterism:
       | >Broke: Just write your code and don't divide it into functions,
       | creating one long main method
       | >Woke: Divide your code up, naming parts that get reused
       | >Bespoke: If your code is made up of really really short things,
       | it ends up being shorter than the names you would use, so you can
       | just write the thing rather than your name for it. An analogy
       | would be: there is no human-comprehensible way to communicate the
       | idea of "picosecond" in less time than an actual picosecond.
       | >The other thing I didn't expect was the benefit of multiple
       | dispatch being baked into e v e r y t h i n g. In Clojure I might
       | write (map + a b) to add each index together; in J I could just
       | write a+b.
       | >This is neat stuff! Best practices for keeping complexity down
       | in APL's tend to be the opposite of what they are in other
       | languages. Aaron Hsu gave a talk about this:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Mt0GYHU9A
       | >It's too bad! Arthur came to tell us about speed---there's a
       | reason it's used on giant datasets in finance, where performance
       | translates directly into cash---but I wish we'd had the presence
       | of mind to ask more about experience of writing K.
       | >So, Arthur, if you're reading this: Sorry everyone seemed kinda
       | bored in SF a few years ago when you kindly came to present. We
       | missed out!
       | nudpiedo wrote:
       | It's been a while now since I first met on theoretical level
       | array languages. I like the symbolic representation of Dyalog and
       | APL in spite of its input problem. Is there a language of those
       | well sure for mobile development or llvm and web compilation?
       | Also missing some comprehensive guide on its philosophy and way
       | of thought to solve problems? I remember there were some videos
       | on YouTube solving the advent Of code and comparing to Haskell.
       | These were awesome in order to get into the APLer mindset.
         | rscho wrote:
         | J runs on Android. To see J in action, you can check out
         | TangentStorm's channel on Twitch
         | CraigJPerry wrote:
         | BQN has an online repl
         | https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/
       | dotnwat wrote:
       | What does "k4 is proprietary" mean? Does that mean one way run
       | into problems building an open-source implementation of the
       | language itself?
       | huyage wrote:
       | Clicking on examples gives me 403.
         | AzzieElbab wrote:
         | Consider your self lucky
           | AzzieElbab wrote:
           | K and Q have to die along with MUMPS and maybe some other
           | sadistic experiments in pl development I may not be familiar
           | with
             | rak1507 wrote:
             | Why?
             | rscho wrote:
             | You could at least elaborate so we could tell you why
             | you're wrong :-D
             | dang wrote:
             | " _Please don 't post shallow dismissals, especially of
             | other people's work. A good critical comment teaches us
             | something._"
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | imachine1980_ wrote:
       | dumb question but where is the source ? what is the license?where
       | i can install the program(linux/ubuntu)?
         | marcelnita wrote:
         | K is proprietary and licensed by Kx Systems. Reading further on
         | it I gather it isn't cheap.
           | smabie wrote:
           | It costs an arm and a leg. I think Kx systems fucked up in
           | making the language proprietary and closed source and
           | charging for licenses. The smarter long-term play would have
           | been to charge for support/special features/etc ala julia
           | computing or lightbeam.
             | andylynch wrote:
             | I don't the Arthur Whitney feels like he missed out.
             | Looking quickly at the revs for Julia and Lightbeam, KX are
             | doing rather better.
             | hogFeast wrote:
             | They have a huge database product (kdb). The company that
             | owns Kx is a billion dollar company.
             | It really isn't clear to me why they do what they do (not
             | just with regards to the language). They have a large
             | consulting business (q/kdb consultants can make PS1k/day
             | easily) so it doesn't make a difference. I believe some
             | parts of q/kdb are open-source but some parts are not. And
             | I think this really does hurt them because there isn't a
             | big eco-system around their products (for example, they
             | have had to hire people internally to build ML libraries
             | for q).
             | It is very weird: they are at the eye of the storm for data
             | analytics, their product is fast, they are growing modestly
             | doing lots of business with banks and in other industries
             | that need streaming analytics particularly...but they are
             | still niche, and growing a lot slower than you would expect
             | (part of this is that management insists on being
             | profitable...people rip on SV companies for not making
             | money...well, Kx are the other side of this...they are
             | modestly profitable, but not really growing).
             | EDIT: I should add, if you see the stuff that is open...a
             | lot of the code is a total shitshow.
             | rscho wrote:
             | Given the combined cost of K licenses in banks and other
             | large companies, I'd say they are really far from having
             | messed up. The main goal of the company is not to promote K
             | the language.
         | rak1507 wrote:
         | commercial ks are not open source
         | ngn/k is foss and can be installed on linux
         | https://codeberg.org/ngn/k
         | andylynch wrote:
         | It's proprietary but free for personal use and worth trying out
         | (the download is absurdly small!)
         | Download + licenses are at https://kx.com/developers/download-
         | licenses/
         | The Q for Mortals book (free online) is a good place to start,
         | as is https://code.kx.com/q/learn/tour/
         | The licenses aren't cheap but are worth it for the right
         | problems. Definitely worth adding that the relatively few
         | people skilled in k/q are very much in demand and paid
         | accordingly.
       (page generated 2021-09-11 23:00 UTC)