[HN Gopher] RIP Jekyll (The Genesis of the Jamstack)
       RIP Jekyll (The Genesis of the Jamstack)
       Author : jaredcwhite
       Score  : 28 points
       Date   : 2021-09-13 17:15 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.bridgetownrb.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.bridgetownrb.com)
       | juanvqz wrote:
       | Oh I remember when in my town we used middlemanapp to build our
       | ruby community http://oaxacarb.org/ jamstack still growing up
       | Zababa wrote:
       | > Open source in 2021 looks like:
       | > Engagement on Twitter
       | > Official Discord chat room
       | Cherry picked from a list with 4 others elements that I agree
       | with, but the first two are terrible. Twitter is getting more and
       | more closed (you can't see some stuff without being logged in
       | now) and for Discord you have to create an account to see the
       | content. Both are not free software. Reading stuff around free
       | software shouldn't require an account on a proprietary platform.
         | jaredcwhite wrote:
         | Well if you want to reach lots of developers, you have to be
         | where they are, and they're on Twitter and Discord--for better
         | or worse. :shrug:
           | cvwright wrote:
           | Mastodon and Matrix instead?
             | Zababa wrote:
             | Elixir and OCaml mostly use a forum and it works well.
             | Everyone can read it, it's easy to post on it, it's easy to
             | moderate it, and it's great when you want to search for
             | things. I don't think microblogging and instant messaging
             | are what an open source community needs.
             | dorinlazar wrote:
             | Not for mainstream projects - plus those places tend to
             | become political mudwaters, because freedom in tech has
             | become political the past few years.
               | cvwright wrote:
               | Agreed about Mastodon, unfortunately.
               | But that has not been my experience with Matrix.
             | mdoms wrote:
             | No one is on Mastodon or Matrix.
               | jaredcwhite wrote:
               | I certainly _wish_ people were on Mastodon (haven 't
               | tried Matrix yet). I ran a Mastodon instance for some
               | time. The experience was decent but discovery was
               | terrible, and discovery is what makes Twitter (for
               | example) so compelling.
           | Zababa wrote:
           | Sure, but hiding public discussions about your open source
           | project behind a Discord server is a really bad idea. The
           | goal of these things is to also act as a public repository
           | for knowledge, and by using Discord you fail at that part.
           | qwertox wrote:
           | Mailing lists are not bad, as well as the issue tracker on
           | GitHub.
         | kevwil wrote:
         | Yeah, I almost choked on my lunch when I read that. In addition
         | to your well-said reasons, it just seems icky. In my not-so-
         | humble opinion, Twitter (among others) has become a harmful
         | echo chamber of dangerous ideas and hypocrisy. Requiring the
         | use of Twitter is not a good signal to send.
         | dorinlazar wrote:
         | The Discord chat room is very little different from the (RIP)
         | freenode channel. Sure, you need to create an account, but
         | that's where communities are built nowadays - in closed groups
         | that can be controlled, moderated properly, and automated,
         | while still being a fun and friendly environment to chat in. It
         | does that well.
         | Github is not open. All the things listed there are costly, in
         | one way or another. There's nothing free about anything that
         | makes up open source today. Open source became corporate some
         | time in the late 00s. And while I don't agree with the author
         | (including the fact that he calls the new product Ruby-powered,
         | not Impaired by Ruby), I do agree with that strange assessment
         | that open source communities work that way.
           | Zababa wrote:
           | You can read Github without creating an account. You can't do
           | that with Discord and it's becoming harder with Twitter.
           | Discourse forums can be read without an account too. I agree
           | that we should be careful of Github too.
         | jgwil2 wrote:
         | Don't disagree but tbf he also said:
         | > Lack of any one of these points isn't the end of the world,
         | but at the present moment, Jekyll lacks ALL of them. That's a
         | real problem.
         | I think the point is that most projects will engage with the
         | public in at least _some_ of these ways.
           | Zababa wrote:
           | That's true, but I don't see how Jekyll would be improved
           | with a Twitter and a Discord.
         | dwheeler wrote:
         | > Engagement on Twitter
         | > Official Discord chat room
         | No. Not at all. Many very popular OSS projects don't use
         | Twitter or Discord. Any time you say "all OSS projects use
         | technology X", be it GitHub or Twitter or whatever, the only
         | thing you can be _sure_ of is that the statement is wrong.
         | _Some_ projects may, sure, but that 's different.
         | Probably the only "technology" you can say they generally use
         | is a web page.
         | It _is_ reasonable to say  "they have 1 or more ways to
         | interact, and that's clearly identified on their web page". But
         | assuming that everyone uses the same communication mechanism is
         | demonstrably false.
       | ThinkBeat wrote:
       | I dont often say this on the internet but WFT?
       | I am autistic. I love coding.
       | A single person can create wonderful software that is a gift to
       | everyone as open source.
       | I hate trying to be an extrovert and engage with a lot of people.
       | I hate twitter and discord
       | Does that mean that I and people like me cannot do open source in
       | 2021?
       | Most of these seem like detriments more than anything.
       | * Engagement on Twitter * Official Discord chat room * Public
       | roadmap * Predictable release cycles * Welcoming community
       | involvement in shaping new features and tackling technical debt *
       | Cultivating working relationships with wider ecosystems (in this
       | case Ruby, Jamstack, etc.)
         | kthejoker2 wrote:
         | The very next sentence in the article:
         | > Lack of any one of these points isn't the end of the world,
         | but at the present moment, Jekyll lacks ALL of them. That's a
         | real problem.
         | Nobody cares if there's no Discord if you're releasing and
         | responsive to Github issues / roadmap questions.
       | Communitivity wrote:
       | I loved Jekyll, and still do. This is a sad state, and I hope
       | both that it improves and Jekyll survives.
       | I switched to Zola for most of my stuff a while back, and while
       | there are still gaps, it does everything I need and is production
       | ready.
       | https://www.getzola.org/
         | jaredcwhite wrote:
         | Oh interesting, that's a Rust-based SSG. Definitely something
         | nice about a single binary and not needing a full language
         | runtime installed.
           | sleibrock wrote:
           | Absolutely. I started using Zola after writing my own
           | solution, Zola seemed like the next best step up. It has a
           | lot of good, but it also requires a lot of setup to get
           | going. If you don't care about making your own theme, it's
           | easy to get going and start up a new site, but past that,
           | it's very fast to compile files and comes with image
           | transforms for additional resizing needs.
         | CarVac wrote:
         | I use Zola for my project website. As someone who had never
         | built a website before, I tried several static site builders
         | but only really succeeded in getting a tweakable theme working
         | with Zola.
       | Sodaware wrote:
       | I used to use Jekyll. I still do, but I used to, too.
       | qrush wrote:
       | Hi, original Jekyll "core team" (if it could be called that)
       | member here - just wanted to say thanks for writing this up, and
       | I had no idea about the current status of the project or that one
       | of the maintainers recently passed away.
       | That all being said: I think it's ok for OSS projects to "pass
       | on" - and hopefully be replaced by better ones! I wish we had a
       | better way of recognizing this for projects or talking about this
       | industry-wide.
         | nirvdrum wrote:
         | Closely related, I wish we had a better way of saying a library
         | or product is now feature-complete. We use recent commit
         | activity as a proxy of viability, but all of that churn could
         | just as easily be an indication of immaturity. It's okay for
         | tools to achieve their objectives and just live on as stable
         | code with maintenance releases as needed.
         | To my mind, Jekyll is feature-complete. The only changes I've
         | needed to make to my Jekyll site are dealing with breakages
         | from backwards-incompatible updates. I've been hosting with
         | GitHub Pages for the past 12 years and I largely don't even
         | have to think about it. It's nice.
           | jaredcwhite wrote:
           | I get what you're saying, and for single-purposes libraries
           | or other simple infrastructure, that totally makes sense. But
           | Jekyll lives in a wider world of vital tools from Gatsby to
           | Eleventy to Hugo to (fill in the blank of your favorite SSG),
           | and if it can no longer serve its main audience relative to
           | compelling alternatives, it's not feature-complete, it's
           | obsolete.
             | nirvdrum wrote:
             | I'd imagine Jekyll's main audience is GitHub Pages and it
             | seems to be used quite widely there. I get what you're
             | saying, but I don't think Jekyll needs to compete with
             | every single site generator on every feature. Gatsby is a
             | case where the whole concept is taken in a wildly different
             | direction and that's fine. I can't use Gatsby the way I use
             | Jekyll and so Gatsby isn't the tool for me. But, Jekyll
             | takes Markdown and turns it into HTML really well and has
             | done so for over a decade. It's really not that complicated
             | a tool.
             | I think there's probably two levels of discussion going on
             | here. In very broad terms and with a generous scope of
             | "we", we largely treat anything written in the last 15
             | years differently than anything that came before it. I
             | don't know if it's because GitHub makes it so easy to see
             | source or because recent languages have public repositories
             | or something entirely different. But, no one looks at
             | `bzip2` or `dig` and dismisses them as being obsolete
             | because they don't have a hockey stick shape on the commit
             | graph or because they don't serve multiple possible
             | functions. To qrush's point, there has been a recent push
             | to create "modern" implementations of system utilities and
             | so we now have `ripgrep` and `bat` and maybe those new
             | tools will reign supreme. But, I don't think that means
             | `grep` or `cat` are dead and it's fantastic that they've
             | worked reliably and consistently for so long (minus GNU vs
             | BSD differences).
             | So my lament, if you will, is software being declared dead
             | just because activity on it has slowed down (or essentially
             | ceased). I think another way to interpret that data is it's
             | mature and stable. I think it's great that Jekyll is a
             | reasonably stable utility that I can rely upon. I can even
             | install it via `apt` now and not have to deal with the mess
             | of maintaining a Ruby environment. I can push a commit to
             | GitHub and have a high degree of certainty that my site
             | will generate the way I expect and that can match what I
             | see on my own local system.
             | That level of maturity is something I'd like to see more
             | software approach. In my experience, constantly chasing use
             | cases often transforms a tool or library that was great at
             | one thing into a tool that is okay at best at several
             | things. Breaking compatibility is a good way to start
             | annoying your supporters.
             | Maybe Jekyll won't be adopted for greenfield projects and
             | that'll lead to its obsolescence. I just think that's a
             | premature proclamation. It has a massive installation base
             | via GitHub Pages, so stability is likely the better lever
             | to pull.
           | skrtskrt wrote:
           | Even if the core project is feature complete and excellent,
           | "death" can come from a lack of continued creation and
           | maintenance of 3rd party integrations or plugins.
           | Personally I found Jekyll plugins lacking and those that were
           | good seemed pretty old/unmaintained.
           | However I only moved to Hugo from Jekyll just because I
           | didn't want to deal with Ruby gem installation and dependency
           | management. I am not a Ruby dev by any means, I have enough
           | dependency management misery from being a Python dev.
           | Hugo installation is just a brew-installed or Go-installed
           | CLI tool I never have to think about dependencies of, thanks
           | to how great the Golang packaging/distribution situation is.
             | nirvdrum wrote:
             | That's fair. Having to set up a Ruby installation to run a
             | utility just isn't fun. Especially when the expectation is
             | that you don't use the system-provided Ruby. You're
             | supposed to go use a Ruby version manager and set all of
             | that up. And that rough experience can contribute to its
             | death, for sure. I just don't think "has few commits in the
             | last month" is a great reason to declare a project as dead,
             | especially one providing the backbone of GitHub Pages.
       | mfer wrote:
       | I wonder if GitHub will step in and maintain. Isn't it still a
       | built-in part of their pages stack? Even if there isn't new
       | feature development, if it's part of their stack they should step
       | in and maintain it.
       | You don't want bitrot to introduce vulnerabilities through
       | unmaintained publicly exposed things in your stack.
         | jaredcwhite wrote:
         | AKAIK, they apply (or backport) security fixes to the Jekyll
         | 3.x branch. No word on if they ever plan to migrate to Jekyll 4
         | or beyond.
         | sam1r wrote:
         | Right. They (gh) should creative a relief team that handles
         | repositories with very high stars, and no active maintenance.
           | mfer wrote:
           | I'm not suggesting they do that.
           | GH pages is includes jekyll. It's a feature of their product.
           | I would expect them to maintain that as long as jekyll is
           | part of their feature suite.
           | I'm only bringing them up because it impacts their product
           | directly.
           | https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-
           | pages-s...
       | ctoth wrote:
       | Pretty sure that open source in 2021 means releasing the code
       | somewhere public under an Open Source license, just like it did
       | in 2011 and 2001. Not sure where all these other requirements
       | come from. I'm already giving you free software, I don't also
       | need to build a community.
         | Lammy wrote:
         | > Not sure where all these other requirements come from.
         | They come from people who want to make money more than they
         | want to build a nice thing and share it. Gotta spread that
         | Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt to usurp Jekyll's userbase.
       | Exuma wrote:
       | What do people use besides Jekyll?
         | schwartzworld wrote:
         | I use Pandoc and a few lines of nodeJS code.
         | cyberge99 wrote:
         | I use hexo. It's node and not super popular, but it does what I
         | need and I've built my workflows around it so alost everything
         | is done by cli (bash, imagemagick and hexo).
         | It can be seen here:
         | https://chrisbergeron.com
         | Xavdidtheshadow wrote:
         | My work has moved largely from Ruby to JS, so I've been
         | enjoying Gatsby! It's probably overkill for simple sites, but I
         | like how customizable it is.
           | jaredcwhite wrote:
           | For React-based projects, I would advocate for Next.js...but
           | yeah, unless you _know_ you need React for very specific
           | reasons, it 's definitely overkill. =)
         | bilal4hmed wrote:
         | Ive been using Hugo
         | skrtskrt wrote:
         | Hugo. I did find creating my own theme to be a bit of PITA due
         | to the lack of documentation but once I got over that hump it's
         | smooth sailing.
         | cproctor wrote:
         | I've been using Hugo as well. I used Pelican (Python port of
         | Jekyll) for a long time, but Hugo is so much more performant
         | and has a larger ecosystem at this point.
         | The main downside is that the Hugo documentation is sometimes
         | terse and snarky.
         | moreoutput wrote:
         | https://www.11ty.dev/
         | I'm doing a non trivial project with eleventy in my free time
         | -- works well.
       | Lammy wrote:
       | The thing I love about Jekyll and other SSGs is being able to
       | build my site into a bunch of static files and put every single
       | one of those files on my own server, on IPFS, or even just for
       | offline viewing, so there's no need to leak requests to the
       | Cloudflares/Amazons/Googles of the world.
       | Meanwhile "the Jamstack" seems to be the _exact opposite_ of
       | that, a privacy nightmare all about gluing together micro-APIs
       | that I have to keep paying for forever. I could wake up one day
       | and find that my  """static""" site is suddenly missing all its
       | images because Cloudinary is having an outage or whatever. Why
       | would I want to subject my readers to this, much less myself?
       | mdoms wrote:
       | I use Jekyll for a static site and I guess I just don't really
       | understand why it needs further development. I haven't upgraded
       | my version of Jekyll since I think 2017 because it does what it
       | says on the tin.
       | Sometimes it's ok for software to be "done".
       | xupybd wrote:
       | Frank didn't look like he was at the age where people pass in
       | their sleep.
       | This reminds me to be thankful for every day I get.
       | indigodaddy wrote:
       | Will Bridgetown support current Jekyll themes?
         | jaredcwhite wrote:
         | Only with a few modifications ...we're nearly through a stint
         | of addressing tech debt, and then we plan to publish a guide
         | for porting over Jekyll themes out for to make this process
         | much more clear.
         | megraf wrote:
         | This is a pretty important question. The themes are the main
         | reason I continue to use Jekyll
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | > While Bridgetown has diverged somewhat from Jekyll in terms
         | of architecture and is not source compatible (for example
         | plugins and themes)
         | Based only on what I've heard, but my understanding is it's not
         | a huge undertaking to port over
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | Personally I don't find static site generators worth the effort
       | to learn or keep up-to-date as versions inevitably come. I end up
       | just writing my own for each site in 1-200 lines of Python. It's
       | normally just a markdown library and a template engine wrapped
       | with a file system walker.
       | Here's an example:
       | https://github.com/eatonphil/notes.eatonphil.com/blob/master....
       | It's longer than usual since it embeds parts of the home page
       | html inside it.
       | These scripts last for years and only change slightly over time.
       | Very low maintenance.
         | abricot wrote:
         | You don't find them worth the effort, but you wrote your own?
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | Updated to clarify that it is the time it takes to learn and
           | the upkeep over time that I find not worthwhile.
       (page generated 2021-09-13 23:00 UTC)