[HN Gopher] Sysz - An fzf terminal UI for systemctl
       Sysz - An fzf terminal UI for systemctl
       Author : ducktective
       Score  : 264 points
       Date   : 2021-09-18 15:09 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | [deleted]
       | psacawa wrote:
       | With fzf-tab [1], you can use fzf wherever your zsh completion
       | is. Here is a screencast showing it[2].
       | [1] https://github.com/Aloxaf/fzf-tab
       | [2] https://asciinema.org/a/KhDMhtZ3J8ppO7B8L6jFSE1co
         | sva_ wrote:
         | Seems nice but it gets slow with long lists. Should lazy-load
       | zamadatix wrote:
       | Does anyone know of a way or how to go about making a way to get
       | <tab> and <tab><tab> to bash autocomplete "systemctl status "
       | with service names? It seems like remembering where the service
       | name has dashes, matches the package name, has a "d" at the end,
       | and so on is half the battle for me when working with systemctl.
       | This achieves something similar but it also does a whole lot more
       | than just help complete the name.
       | Edit: Helps to have bash-completion working properly for the user
       | :).
         | [deleted]
         | isodude wrote:
         | Does it suffice with systemd's bash completion? On debian it's
         | bundled with systemd.                 systemd: /usr/share/bash-
         | completion/completions/systemctl
         | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
         | This works for me out of the box. Your bash profile might not
         | be sourcing systemd's /usr/share/bash-
         | completion/completions/systemctl or equivalent path.
         | This host has bash 4.4.23 and systemd 247.6
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | Thanks for the confirmation I cleaned a few things up and the
           | user profile is now loading it properly and auto-completion
           | works.
         | jfrunyon wrote:
         | Honestly I don't understand why some distros still don't ship
         | with completions for this sort of thing. Debian and Ubuntu have
         | had this for the entire time they've been using systemd, as far
         | as I recall. (And they've supported completion on other tools
         | for even longer!)
           | freedomben wrote:
           | what distros don't? (honest question)
       | Spivak wrote:
       | The crazy thing about this is how simple the code is.
       | _sysz_list_units |           fzf \             --exact \
       | --multi \             --ansi \             --reverse \
       | --no-sort \             --history="$SYSZ_HISTORY" \
       | --prompt="Units: " \             --bind
       | "ctrl-v:preview('${BASH_SOURCE[0]}' _fzf_cat {})" \
       | --preview="'${BASH_SOURCE[0]}' _fzf_preview {}" \
       | --preview-window=70% |       readarray -t PICKS
       | This is the whole UI. Just give it a list of things to search
       | through, a prompt, and a command for previewing the thing and fzf
       | handles literally all the rest of the UI for you.
       | ripley12 wrote:
       | If you have trouble running this, try updating fzf. TIL that my
       | package manager's version of fzf is 4 years old, and that did not
       | play nicely with some of the features used by Sysz.
       | jabo wrote:
       | Off-topic, but TIL about Unlicense License from this project's
       | license. Was wondering how it differed from MIT and found this
       | interesting thread:
       | https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/1471...
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Can anyone compare/contrast fzf and pick[1]? I use pick for all
       | sorts of things, but especially as a replacement in vim for
       | CtrlP. Wondering if I'm missing out on something :-)
       | [1] https://github.com/mptre/pick
       | seumars wrote:
       | I love fzf but somehow I can never find a way to naturally make
       | it a part of my workflow.
         | petepete wrote:
         | My biggest tip is to use the '**' shortcut from bash/zsh. My
         | most frequent use case is for running tests, I can type:
         | $ be rspec spec/**{tab}
         | Fzf will open inline, select the file(s) you want and run them
         | (like this https://asciinema.org/a/mYTmT908gvVxZTMAsfPxltULx)
         | To get this to work I had to add this line to my .zshrc
         | source /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/fzf
         | tcoff91 wrote:
         | The zag ctrl-r integration for fuzzy searching terminal history
         | is amazing. Also you can do * and hit tab and use fzf to grab a
         | file to use as a command line argument.
         | Fzf is wonderful.
       | flitzofolov wrote:
       | Looks like a useful tool, thanks for sharing!
       | bloopernova wrote:
       | I'm continually impressed at how many uses fzf has. Yet I still
       | feel like we're only scratching the surface of its utility.
         | ducktective wrote:
         | Did you know we can make unix tools (like jq) interactive (lik
         | a REPL) using fzf?
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28577337
         | Checkout Daniel's other scripts:
         | https://github.com/DanielFGray/fzf-scripts
         | vcdimension wrote:
         | I use it for browsing documentation and code files, e.g. to
         | browse syscall manpages:
         | apropos -s 2 '.*' | fzf --height=100% --preview-
         | window=down:wrap --preview='man -s 2 {1}'
         | --bind='alt-v:execute(man -s 2 {1}),enter:execute(man -s 2
         | {1})'
         | You can also use it with rlwrap for browsing commandline
         | history of arbitrary REPLs (https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap
         | /blob/fb60c9aa7579d6b68f2...)
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | I have not heard of fzf - but anything that makes cli
       | interactions with systemd is welcome by me. I love it as a tool -
       | but it is kinda verbose with cli args.
       | dr_kiszonka wrote:
       | Off-topic: how do you call a prompt that looks like the one in
       | the video? I'd like to have one in my fish terminal.
       | (I tried installing an oh-my-fish theme with such a prompt, but
       | it required Powerline fonts, which I can't get to work.)
       | eliaspro wrote:
       | Why does it use "sudo" in the first place when systemd uses
       | PolicyKit for proper fine-grained/action-specific privilege
       | acquisition out-of-the-box?
         | quasarj wrote:
         | Wait, does that mean I'm supposed to use systemctl without
         | sudo, and just type my password when it prompts me?
       (page generated 2021-09-18 23:00 UTC)