[HN Gopher] How to Rapidly Improve at Any Programming Language (...
       How to Rapidly Improve at Any Programming Language (2016)
       Author : jcubic
       Score  : 246 points
       Date   : 2021-09-18 16:25 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.cbui.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.cbui.dev)
       | _skhan_ wrote:
       | I feel like the approach the author laid out near the end is
       | passive and would lead to one assuming they have retained some
       | knowledge. At the most, it would help someone avoid a similar
       | bug/mistake.
       | A better approach would be to checkout the repo at a commit
       | before the fix and try to replicate the solution in a short
       | amount of time. You would then build context around what the
       | contributor had to figure out and in the worst case you'll have a
       | "gold standard" solution to fallback on (assuming the PR was
       | successful).
         | jcubic wrote:
         | I don't think it's good idea, because it will be wasted time.
         | You can use your time to contribute to the project after
         | reading some closed PR, try to use your knowledge to
         | contribute.
         | For me it's best advice how to start with Open Source, and be
         | sure that your PR will be accepted. And as side effect you will
         | learn a lot, but this is with any practice like with your idea,
         | but you will make project better. Your idea is as worthless as
         | doing LettCode or similar.
         | christophergs wrote:
         | This guy deliberate practices
       | rStar wrote:
       | i play guitar every morning in my free time. work is for work.
       | you're a good enough programmer already. enjoy yourself.
         | redeux wrote:
         | For some coding is a craft and a job. Just as I would expect a
         | professional musician to enjoy growing in their craft and
         | learning from their peers, so do people in other areas of life,
         | including programming.
           | _hilro wrote:
           | Do it on company time.
             | WJW wrote:
             | If you enjoy programming for its own sake, why not improve
             | your skills in it both on and off company time?
         | schwartzworld wrote:
         | Eh, I was a hobbyist before being a pro. I love coding at home,
         | I just won't do the same thing I do at work.
         | parafactual wrote:
         | Not all of us are professional programmers, and especially not
         | all of us are _only_ professional programmers.
           | autoliteInline wrote:
           | For me, programming for free would be painful at a cellular
           | level.
           | Better to learn the piano or how to do portrait art.
         | teddyh wrote:
         | Programming constantly changes and evolves. Does your employer
         | allow you to use your work time to read journals and educate
         | yourself on modern developments? If not, you'd better do it in
         | your own time if you want to avoid being stuck in the past.
           | tayo42 wrote:
           | You read journals about programming? Like research papers?
         | nkrisc wrote:
         | And my work is not programming so coding in the morning for me
         | is the same as you playing guitar.
       | lordnacho wrote:
       | Here's what I do when learning a new language. I've written
       | projects in C#, VB6, C++, Python, Rust, Kotlin, Java, Swift,
       | Objective-C and a tiny bit of typescript.
       | - First of all, find out what the typical toolchain is. What IDE
       | do people tend to use? What compiler? How is package management
       | done? These can be really complicated or super simple to answer.
       | - Compile a Hello World and see that it runs. If it's reasonably
       | specific and supported by a bigcorp, there's often extensive
       | downloadable examples. Android and iOS for instance will tell you
       | a lot in their tutorials. If there's a book, get the book and see
       | how the author presents it, just skim it for key concepts, don't
       | get bogged down in the cpp templates SFINAE explanation, it will
       | only make sense once you have done some coding.
       | - Find out how modules work in your language. Every language has
       | this, and you need to know it before you can get anywhere, both
       | reading and writing.
       | - Note down keywords from the tutorial code. Recurring things you
       | see, look them up. If you're doing Rust maybe you see `match,
       | await, clone, some, and unwrap` quite often. If it's iOS maybe
       | `controller`, or if it's Android maybe `fragment`. Google all
       | these things.
       | - Look for the libs that you need. If you need a websocket, look
       | for that. Major frameworks will tend to have good examples in
       | idiomatic style. You can't know all the libs you'll need, so just
       | get the ones that are obvious. This will give you a better
       | histogram of keywords and soon key concepts.
       | - Start to code your actual thing you want to make. As you run
       | into issues the errors will give you keywords. This will improve
       | your knowledge as you google those as well. After a short time
       | you will run into larger issues than syntax, and those issues
       | will turn out to have been mentioned in the appropriate books.
       | dudul wrote:
       | "start reading them from the beginning. Just a few a morning for
       | warmup while you drink your morning coffee and catch up on
       | email."
       | How do you read PRs while you catch up on emails?
       | Not to discount the overall advice, but this statement is kind of
       | weird.
       | darkbatman wrote:
       | If someone need my suggestion, here is what you do - try doing
       | different sort of questions (multiple topics too) on leetcode
       | from different topics may be just 20-30 in language you want to
       | learn.
       | Its different way but you will learn a lot of new libraries, ways
       | to mutate objects, lists, all sort of data structures and new
       | things really really fast.
         | raman162 wrote:
         | I've only done a few leet code questions but only in languages
         | that I'm comfortable with. Even then, I've had similar
         | experiences to the author mentions where I've gotten different
         | perspective on how to approach certain problems.
         | nostrademons wrote:
         | Leetcode is leetcode. It's its own skillset within software
         | engineering, one you often need to get a job, but it bears
         | pretty little resemblance to any of the skills you need to
         | deliver working, functional software that solves a user's
         | problem. Practicing it will help you get better at it, which
         | may help you land a job where you can practice all the other
         | skills, but don't confuse leetcode with proficiency in software
         | development.
         | Among other differences, leetcode teaches you little about
         | reading large unfamiliar codebases; debugging; organizing large
         | software-engineering projects; working in teams; teasing out
         | actual requirements; making incremental progress; real-world
         | performance (and the tools you need to identify bottlenecks);
         | and most of the libraries and frameworks that are common
         | industry knowledge.
           | btheshoe wrote:
           | I have a feeling that most of these skills don't change all
           | that much between languages
         | xondono wrote:
         | I've tried a lot of those, even contributed to exercism. I
         | think it has it's uses, but you can only extract value from
         | those exercises once you know _enough_ about a language.
         | For me those exercises are more about developing muscle memory
         | than really learning a language.
         | OPs idea is good, but I think fails in the same way. I don't
         | think you'll get much value out of reading PRs until you have
         | certain familiarity. No amount of PRs will teach you what a
         | monad is, you need to dive deep and conceptually understand the
         | model(at least IMO).
       | raman162 wrote:
       | I never thought about reviewing existing open source project PRs
       | to get better at a language. It seems so obvious considering it's
       | similar to how I get ramped up with new projects.
       | > 2. When you want to level up, start reading the diff, and
       | review the code and changes yourself before reading the comments.
       | > 3. Finally, when you start feeling more confident, start
       | leaving those comments on new PRs so that the maintainer doesn't
       | have to. You're starting to contribute to open source!
       | The steps from two to three are pretty dramatic, I personally
       | would replace step 3 with tackling an open issue related to code
       | you reviewed before. I feel like to give feedback on a PR you
       | need to be intimately familiar with the code, something you get
       | from writing and/or making changes to it.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I just feel that taking on projects I can't [yet] do, is the best
       | way for me to improve.
       | It bucks up my language skills, design skills, debugging skills,
       | research skills, framework skills, etc.
       | https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/thats-not-what-ships...
       | [deleted]
       | enduku wrote:
       | In addition to wonderful responses already posted, I'd like to
       | add one more: Learn Forth. Learn Lisp. Learn APL. No need to be
       | good at these; just enough to learn their programming models.
       | Imperative, functional, OOP, or any other, it doesn't matter.
       | Learning the programming model in such languages changes the way
       | you think. Then start with a language you wish to master. Start
       | with a problem in mind. Always have a problem in mind. Try coding
       | the thought on paper. Do the same with the target programming
       | language. Though it appears as an idealistic procedure, it does
       | serve its purpose and instills confidence in the learner like no
       | other approach out there.
       | rafaelvasco wrote:
       | Two things I did and always do: Code things that solve real
       | problems you want to solve. The harder the problem, the better
       | you'll get in the language and as a programmer in general.
       | Second, look at existing open source, well written code that,
       | again, solves a problem you're interested in. I always emphasize
       | this: Things you're passionate about. That way you can master any
       | language/framework. By master here, I mean you can code anything
       | you want in the technology efficiently. Your final app will be:
       | Easy to modify/enhance, easy to understand in terms of code.
       | Memory and CPU efficient in terms of runtime.
       | voidnullnil wrote:
       | This only works for so long until the devs get tired of
       | spoonfeeding. More importantly: There shouldn't be subtle nuances
       | in something like a web routing library which is _supposed_ to be
       | trivial. Just the other day I had the experience of watching a
       | grown man give a presentation on his beloved HTTP library,
       | explaining fundamentals of asynchronous (TM) programming and
       | syntax as if the audience does not understand their own
       | programming language in 2021, after seeing the previous 500
       | LangX.FrameworkY.HTTPlibs. This shouldn't be a thing. We
       | shouldn't be relearning basic shit every day. The problem aside
       | from UNIX being a giant pile of garbage, and HTTP being utterly
       | pointless (can you even name what problem is being solved when
       | you create a new p2p application and make them talk HTTP to each
       | other?), is that everyone keeps making their new languages and
       | libs to "fix" one tiny issue, and they _always_ lack basic
       | knowledge of the past 50 years of PL history, such as Standard ML
       | which is better than whatever they just came up with.
       | ineedasername wrote:
       | _I learned that using the collection functions on strings in
       | Clojure is much less performant... But it doesn't have to be my
       | PR. It can be anybody's. "_
       | This reveals a fundamental problem in coding. Best practices for
       | performant code shouldn't require ad hoc digging into PR's, and
       | as long as it does then we'll have code that is buggy & slow(er
       | than necessary).
       | Learning from others, in any field, will always be a valuable
       | source of improvement, but it just doesn't seem that, in software
       | dev, it results in laying down solid incremental increases in
       | general knowledge that makes its way back into the education of
       | future devs or current devs in a language new to them:
       | If this was structural engineering, you'd have to have taken a
       | "materials" course and learn all about different types of
       | materials, their properties, load capacities, degradation
       | profiles and how to evaluate new ones that come your way under
       | the same criteria.
       | Maybe that's what we need for software development. A structural
       | engineer wouldn't use a composite material without knowing its
       | performance characteristics. Why should a programmer use
       | something like string collection from a language without knowing
       | its performance characteristics?
       | This is on _us_ to demand this, to standardize-- not languages
       | themselves-- but the performance profiles  & characteristics that
       | we must know about in order to make a choice on which tool to
       | use. And it shouldn't be that each user has to figure it out on
       | their own, dig into PR's or whatever. Again, there will always be
       | experiential learning. But _too much_ is experiential right now.
         | jcubic wrote:
         | I think you read this wrong, the performance doesn't matter. It
         | matter that the person learned something new even that he was
         | experienced Clojure developer. And he did this by reading
         | closed PR.
         | Success Open Source project are usually created by very smart
         | and experienced developers. And big projects have a lot of
         | them. Their Code Reviews are much better then anyone your
         | closed source team will have, unless you're junior developer in
         | team of Senior developers.
         | Right now I'm thinking that at work we also have git (for
         | intranet application) and we have PR, this may be very good
         | idea for newcomers to read the PR that was done to understand
         | how some features were implemented instead of just diving into
         | recent code. This may be best advice I've seen in a while. But
         | maybe it's just my own idea that came from this article, that
         | you've understand differently.
         | For me this article is about advice read closed PR you will
         | learn a lot, here for Open Source projects, because OSS
         | projects on GitHub are biggest projects you can find.
           | ineedasername wrote:
           | I fully agree that there is significant value in what the
           | author writes even if there was more of the sort of
           | crystallization of experience into learning. I just thing
           | that this method of learning-- which seems not just useful
           | but _essential_ in learning how to write performant and less
           | buggy code.
           | As I said, experiential learning and learning from others
           | will always be important & valuable, as it is in any field. I
           | just think the balance between that and more established best
           | practices is weighted too heavily toward the "figure it out
           | for yourself finding ad hoc sources" side of things.
         | SmellTheGlove wrote:
         | > Maybe that's what we need for software development. A
         | structural engineer wouldn't use a composite material without
         | knowing its performance characteristics. Why should a
         | programmer use something like string collection from a language
         | without knowing its performance characteristics?
         | Up front, I don't disagree with you, but let me throw out a
         | parallel benefit of your scenario here:
         | For the most part, in software engineering, a building won't
         | collapse if I'm fucking around with a language and doing sub-
         | optimal things. If I need optimization, I probably know that
         | going in, and would probably take the time to know exactly what
         | language/features I should use.
         | Since most software built today is pretty low
         | risk/inconsequential if it fails, we might be moving the state
         | of the art forward faster than they might in structural
         | engineering simply because we have the freedom to fuck around
         | and learn. We can test our materials in production, whereas I
         | hope the dude that built my office can't. Like, yeah,
         | definitely don't do this with medical devices and airplanes,
         | but with CRUD app of the day, I might learn something when
         | people decide to use it all of a sudden and it grinds to a
         | halt.
         | I dunno, I should say I'm not a real software engineer in the
         | first place and am open to being totally wrong here.
           | ineedasername wrote:
           | _we might be moving the state of the art forward faster than
           | they might in structural engineering simply because we have
           | the freedom to fuck around and learn_
           | Thanks-- I think that's a very concise response & reflection
           | on my comment.
           | I still think we can & should do better, but you're right
           | that the lower stakes probably lower the bar on acceptable
           | crystallization of experience into best practices. Which is
           | problematic because of things like writing a library for your
           | own low-stakes project, but the library gets published on
           | github and used by someone in a something that isn't low
           | stakes.
           | Maybe part of what we need are defined "stakes" levels and
           | corresponding criteria for acceptable practices at each
           | stage.
       | jamisteven wrote:
       | This is precisely why I hate coding, even the articles about
       | coding dont make sense to me.
         | dennisy wrote:
         | I hate giraffes, even the articles about giraffes don't make
         | sense to me
         | dwmbt wrote:
         | It's funny cause I feel the opposite way... I read endless
         | amounts of articles that I don't understand, books that go way
         | over my head, and even tutorials about things I'm completely
         | unfamiliar with and somehow it's entertaining? I've started
         | reading The Linux Programming Interface [1], thinking I was
         | well versed, and realized how little I knew about my
         | environment. It's sort of motivating knowing that I'll always
         | be able to dive deeper into the rabbit hole?
         | One pet peeve I do have is on forums dedicated to help people
         | (i.e. Stackoverflow, Arch forum, etc), albeit a small
         | percentage of users, seem to think that most basic things are
         | "common" knowledge. I understand that we shouldn't handhold and
         | leave people to do little to no work but the attitude certain
         | responses have rub me the wrong way. People ask questions
         | precisely because they are uninformed, why not point them to
         | the documentation or at least in the right direction?
         | [1] https://man7.org/tlpi/
       | tienthanh8490 wrote:
       | Nice advice. I always hear people suggest building some projects
       | to learn the language, but I doubt if it's realistic given other
       | constraints in life (I also tried it but the initial excitement
       | wears off pretty quickly). In the end, knowledge can come from
       | anywhere, we just have to find the right source.
       | rob74 wrote:
       | In the spirit of this, the Go project has a "common code review
       | comments" document
       | (https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments) - topics
       | that come up frequently when reviewing pull requests. Reading
       | these can certainly help you get better at writing (idiomatic)
       | Go...
       | 147 wrote:
       | Hey, author here. Surprised to see this on the front page of HN
       | since I wrote it 5 years ago.
       | I've always been fascinated with talent acquisition and skill
       | development and would probably different recommendations today
       | after having more experience and reading Ultralearning by Scott
       | Young.
         | basedbertram wrote:
         | I remember hearing about his MIT Challenge. This answer on
         | Quora from an MIT student highlights some of the issues with
         | that challenge https://www.quora.com/How-do-MIT-students-and-
         | professors-fee...
         | In the book does he reflect on any of this, or is it based on
         | the MIT challenge at all?
           | PartiallyTyped wrote:
           | Can be done given that a person has free time, energy, and
           | good planning. It doesn't seem feasible for someone who has
           | adhd or add.
           | Anecdotal, but I burned through 1/3 of a two semester
           | abstract algebra course in 3ish days of full-time studying,
           | and solving all exercises. But in all honesty, the retention
           | would have been very low had I not began a linear algebra
           | course aimed at graduate pure math students (I am not a math
           | student, nor do I have a math degree).
           | For such a challenge to work with topics like mathematics,
           | the content needs to be planned such that every course
           | studied builds on top of the previous one, so that the
           | student essentially revises and uses the content studied the
           | previous week.
         | 5faulker wrote:
         | Can vouch Scott Young's work. It applies to other subjects non-
         | related to programming as well.
         | mbrevoort wrote:
         | Would love to hear more about that. What was your biggest
         | takeaway from Ultralearning?
         | jcubic wrote:
         | I've published this because I was reading your more recent post
         | (GitHub Actions Limitations and Gotchas), found in newsletter
         | Programmer Weekly, and found this post that was 10x more
         | interesting.
         | ryohkyo wrote:
         | What would you do differently today than the article?
           | 147 wrote:
           | I'll probably go back and update the article at some point.
           | Background on the book Ultralearning. It was written by Scott
           | Young who went viral for doing his MIT challenge, to teach
           | himself the MIT CS coursework within a small amount of time.
           | I would expand on the post and focus on the concept of direct
           | learning. That is, if you're not really practicing a skill in
           | the way you're going to use it in an actual real life
           | situation then it's less optimal.
           | The example he gave in the book and I totally agree with is
           | learning a language. People look to apps like Duolingo where
           | you're working to recall vocabulary and language in a way
           | that's much different than when speaking.
           | This isn't to take anything away from doing drills wherein
           | you focus on a specific subset of a skill, like say, free
           | throws in basketball.
           | The approach I discovered myself and outlined in this post is
           | really a drill for doing code reviews in a language you're
           | learning and learning idioms and patterns from the community.
           | People don't usually look at these aspects because usually
           | the advice is to build a project you're passionate about.
           | I'm bad at finding side projects to build from the ground up
           | that I'm "passionate" about. I have a couple of drills to
           | work on coding more actively than reviewing code. I take an
           | open source library that I'm interested in, take the tests
           | and write the code to make the tests pass. Or vice-versa
           | where you write the tests for a library. You can make this as
           | big or small as you'd like. I'd start with either a function
           | or a module that's interesting.
           | This way you zero in on the coding aspect and you don't worry
           | too much about designing the interface since it already has
           | tests. It's also much more real world than doing leetcode
           | algorithm problems. I was taking this approach when I was
           | working on learning how the raft consensus protocol worked.
             | jcubic wrote:
             | I would not edit the post in any way, leave it as it is.
             | But I would love to read a follow up. You can link to that
             | new post from that old one.
             | For me your article is a revelation, didn't realized that I
             | can just read old PR to check how to contribute to Open
             | Source project. I've never read this advice in any guide
             | that show how to contribute to FLOSS and I'm working on
             | Open Source for more than 10 years (I'm sometimes read
             | about how to get started, when I was starting with OSS,
             | there were no guides like this).
             | I would give this advice to anyone that that want to
             | contribute, it's even more important than looking for good-
             | first-issue or help-wanted. This should be first thing the
             | person do when trying to contribute. Look at old PR.
             | For me learning new language is side effect. You always
             | learn when you're practicing with real project and work
             | with more experienced developers. It doesn't matter if you
             | work on closed source program in your own team at work or
             | on Open Source. But with Open Source there may be more
             | people, and big project are usually created by very smart
             | people.
       | [deleted]
       | zarzavat wrote:
       | My hack to improve at a new programming language is to read its
       | grammar. We instinctively try to learn programming languages the
       | same way as we would a natural language, bottom up. But unlike
       | natural languages, programming languages have complete grammars
       | that can be read in a session. This will prime you with the right
       | questions to ask ("WTF is an XYZ?").
       | Doesn't work for Clojure though :)
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | For Clojure what helped me was starting to read the source.
         | Typically core lib first and then the Java implementation of
         | certain constructs.
         | For me it helps tremendously to see how the sausage is made.
         | wrycoder wrote:
         | Not really for Python, either.
           | d0mine wrote:
           | You can definitely read it
           | https://docs.python.org/3/reference/grammar.html Though I
           | found it useful only to answer narrow specific questions.
       | DoreenMichele wrote:
       | This is potentially approachable advice for a total noob who
       | can't really code: Just read the pull requests and comments in
       | open source if you want to start learning.
       | It's thought provoking and not what I expected. I'm used to
       | hearing "If you want to learn, build something." That assumes
       | some basic knowledge I simply don't have, so I haven't yet
       | managed to pull it off.
       | habibur wrote:
       | First try it yourself. Then read how others did it.
       | You will improve rapidly.
       | aloisdg wrote:
       | My own take, to improve at any programming language, use them to
       | build actual small project. The smaller the better. Something
       | familiar. Something easy. A library to convert celsius to
       | fahrenheit. A webapp to count the day until Halloween. This kind
       | of useless-ish stuff.
       | My last example is to add a state machine with xstate to a
       | project fetching some data and formatting a nice output. Do I
       | need a state machine? Not really, but it is a good way to learn
       | it. btw, the goal of the project is to smooth attribution to
       | stack overflow's answer. I just started it, sorry for any bug.
       | the app: https://stacktribution.vercel.app/
       | the code: https://github.com/aloisdg/Stacktribution
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | This is basically what they say in SICP. Write programs. That's
         | it.
         | It could be small projects or it could be well-known puzzles
         | you already know. Fibonacci- iterative and recursive, fizz
         | buzz, sudoku puzzle solver, 8 queens, etc.
         | Storytime: I would work at site when I worked in defense and do
         | 15 hour days. I could sit there and monitor, as the job
         | required, but I was also learning Perl for the job. I had no
         | Internet so I spent all my time writing tools and
         | reimplementing every programming puzzle that I could think of
         | in Perl. In very short time I became the go-to "Perl" guy even
         | though all the "toys" I made in spare time were "stupid and
         | useless" according to coworkers.
         | giovannibonetti wrote:
         | Instead of using a library for state machines, have you thought
         | about trying a language [1] that does that in a type safe way,
         | with a compiler that has your back if you forget to deal with a
         | state?
         | [1] https://elm-lang.org
           | aloisdg wrote:
           | I read a lot of good think about elm. I would personally rely
           | on F# and use Fable (with elmish syntax), but most front-end
           | team are not ready for this kind of jump. xstate is quite
           | easier to insert into a classic React code base. js devs dont
           | really like to move outside js. Beside it is hard to onboard
           | js devs, let's say that the F# or elm pool are even smaller.
         | Zababa wrote:
         | > A library to convert celsius to fahrenheit.
         | I don't think you learn anything with that, unless you mean
         | getting confortable with the toolchain.
           | aloisdg wrote:
           | You can learn a lot from new technology. Do it with state
           | machine (xstate in my case). Build a restful API. Do it in
           | Nim. Write a gui with Fable.Elmish. Whatever you are learning
           | at the moment. If you want to create a raytracer instead of a
           | degree converter, go for it :)
         | ducharmdev wrote:
         | I did something similar to learn Go & gRPC. I had a python
         | client for displaying a simple COVID-19 report with the option
         | to export as CSV, and had a Go server that sent a request to a
         | public API to collect the data for the report. Did I need gRPC
         | or the Go server? Not really, but when you're learning
         | something new, there's a certain psychological benefit to being
         | able to finish something using the technology you're learning.
         | That, and you can focus more on the learning part instead of
         | getting sidetracked by the other details of a larger project.
       | bbertelsen wrote:
       | I love this approach. I think looking at the FAQ for a
       | programming language's tag is also an amazing way to dive into a
       | programming language. Lots of detail, different approaches and
       | people discussing best practices on even the simplest of
       | programming tasks.
       | [deleted]
       | wefarrell wrote:
       | As a first step I like solving basic problems on Exercism (but
       | any other leetcode platform will probably work) and then working
       | my way up to the more advanced ones. Then I like to read a thick,
       | in-depth guide to the features of that language while continuing
       | to work on increasingly harder problems. When I start actually
       | using the language for work or other real-world problems I'll
       | read through the code of the libraries I'm using.
       | I've used this approach to come in as a lead developer to
       | unfamiliar languages and give meaningful feedback to developers
       | who have worked in that language for 10+ years.
       | bradneuberg wrote:
       | Does anyone know good open source projects that are using modern
       | c++ (c++ 11 to 17 techniques) that I can study and possibly
       | contribute to to get better at c++?
         | ensiferum wrote:
         | Well since you asked...a 2D game engine
         | https://github.com/ensisoft/gamestudio
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | But don't only a few languages/frameworks/library collections
       | have such a repository of "PR"s, with diffs and review comments
       | and everything?
       | eyelidlessness wrote:
       | The is a great suggestion. I've also learned a lot just from
       | reading the already-merged code of projects I'm interested in,
       | and stepping through git history to see how it evolved. I even
       | frequently do this on my phone when I want time away from the
       | desk.
       | For instance I've been super interested in SolidJS[1] for months.
       | I learned from reading the source that a lot of the work is done
       | by its underlying dom-expressions[2] compiler. And in reading
       | _its_ source, I learned enough about JS AST transformation that,
       | when I had a need to do some AST transforms of my own for work, I
       | knew enough to confidently timebox a proof of concept to two
       | hours (and actually finished the work in that time!). All from
       | reading code casually on my phone.
       | Sure, I front-loaded a lot of that work in my free time. But I
       | did it because I was genuinely interested in the project I was
       | learning from.
       | 1: https://www.solidjs.com/ 2: https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-
       | expressions
       | betwixthewires wrote:
       | This is actually a great idea that I hadn't thought of. I've been
       | trying to learn a new language for something important and it's
       | been a bit much. I'm going to try this.
       | e9 wrote:
       | When I need to learn new language I try to solve basic coding
       | questions with minimum number of characters. You learn a ton
       | about language this way pretty quickly.
       | greggman3 wrote:
       | A lot of people seem to be saying "build a small project" and I'm
       | not saying that doesn't work but...., but, something I've
       | experienced a lot is that people stick to their old ways, myself
       | included.
       | As a C/C++ programmer I used to hate JavaScript (pre ES5). I
       | didn't like it's function based scoping system. I didn't like
       | it's prototype based class system. I loathed using it and wrote
       | as little as possible, only enough to make a small WebGL demo or
       | add a tiny feature to my blog. I was basically trying to use
       | JavaScript as C/C++ and hating it.
       | At some point though I flipped. I actually started using
       | JavaScript and playing to its features. I embraced prototypical
       | inheritance and all the ways it's more flexible than class based.
       | I embraced JavaScript's dynamic typing using, where appropriate,
       | the ability to easy wrap APIs, to write more generic and flexible
       | code. I also really loved closures and building functions that
       | closed over data, something that, at the time, C/C++ didn't have.
       | I also really enjoyed that, at least in the browser, JavaScript
       | is bundled with a lot of CROSS PLATFORM functionality (graphics,
       | GPU access, audio, video, networking, UI) that pretty much no
       | other language has and of course that I could share anything I
       | made with just a link.
       | Then ES5 to current shipped with better scoping, import,
       | map/reduce, promises, async/await
       | But, I bring this up because I still work with 30-40 people that,
       | even in 2021, they work on the browser teams (Chromium, WebKit,
       | Firefox) and yet none of them really know JavaScript. They all
       | still have the same attitude that I had 15yrs ago. They avoid it
       | as much as possible and they treat it like C/C++. Some of them
       | have been doing this for 15+ years. They've written 1000s of even
       | 10s of 1000s of lines of JavaScript to create tests for the
       | features they're implementing but they still having really
       | "learned the language".
         | wpietri wrote:
         | What would you or others recommend to fellow dinosaurs wanting
         | to come to grips with modern JS?
         | The first time I learned it was back in the days when it was
         | mainly for mouse rollovers. I want to tackle it as if it were a
         | different language these days (which in many ways it is). But
         | in years past I've been put off by what seemed like high
         | volatility in the current best practices, to the point of
         | flavor-of-the-month syndrome. I'm sure there must be a stable
         | core that's worth learning and using, but as an outsider I have
         | trouble spotting it.
         | heavenlyblue wrote:
         | Have many front ends are actually written in vanilla JS? I
         | thought that in many cases TypeScript is actually used instead.
           | chillpenguin wrote:
           | Perhaps it's a vocal minority or something that is giving
           | this perception. The reality is far more projects are written
           | in javascript than TypeSrcipt. Even greenfield projects.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | A lot. TypeScript is becoming popular these days, but there
           | are still a lot more projects being written in JavaScript
           | than TypeScript.
         | irrational wrote:
         | I have a similar problem, only it is with JavaScript. I started
         | using JavaScript in 1997 and have been using it professionally
         | since 1999. I am far more comfortable with JS pre-ES5 and tend
         | to stick with what I know. Very very slowly I have been coming
         | around to more modern JS, but it is very hard. It feels like
         | complexity for the sake of complexity versus the (perhaps
         | perceived) simplicity I have been accustomed to.
           | chillpenguin wrote:
           | I agree with you for the most part. They keep adding more and
           | more to the language and it is getting more and more bloated.
           | It's becoming a chore to keep up with, and the added power
           | isn't that necessary. Much of what they add is just making
           | the language more terse. I do prefer the terseness once I get
           | used to a new feature, but having to relearn javascript all
           | the time is pretty annoying.
           | I really admire small and simple languages that don't change
           | much over time. Lisps, SML, etc.
           | But once again, many of the improvements are quite nice once
           | you learn them and get used to them. I wouldn't want to give
           | up arrow functions, for example, now that I'm used to them.
           | nkozyra wrote:
           | I find modern JS much simpler, much more terse. You don't
           | have to carry `this` around like a chain, you have tight
           | arrow/rocket functions, you avoid leaky scope with var and
           | you have mutability control.
           | It's taken me from "this is a mess" to "ok I can work with
           | this."
           | It sounds to me like you have a familiarity issue. When
           | something changes drastically in something you're comfortable
           | with it evokes a very strong natural rejection, because it's
           | like someone's taking something away from you.
           | wizzwizz4 wrote:
           | Parts of it are overly verbose, but as a 1997 developer
           | you're likely to understand that better. Have a play with a
           | Lisp, or Python's functional aspects, or Haskell, then think
           | about how you'd put those in JavaScript: chances are, you'll
           | end up with a similar solution to what we have today.
         | hnrj95 wrote:
         | i agree. working on your own when learning a language seems
         | like a great way to pick up bad habits, especially if you're
         | moving paradigms. eg going from c to go probably isn't that
         | dangerous, but moving from java to ocaml is likely quite
         | dangerous
         | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
         | rhizome wrote:
         | The 30-40 people wouldn't seem to be in the market for building
         | a small project, could they be simply happy in their jobs?
         | Working with 30-40 C/C++ developers just for browser-oriented
         | code you obviously work at a company of a size where people
         | have families and stuff, settling into a career mode.
         | ecshafer wrote:
         | I come from a C++/C/Java background and also always disliked
         | Javascript. It still has its warts sure, but the book
         | "Javascript the Good Parts" really opened my eyes. I liked
         | programming lisp in school quite a bit, and the idea of just
         | treat Javascript like a lisp and program it in this specific
         | way was really enlightening. Prior to that I was either shoe
         | horning it in to a java model, or building on some legacy JS
         | that didn't really have a methodology to it.
       | travisgriggs wrote:
       | This seems great for language/library knowledge. As an
       | experienced polyglot, the languages are not where I'm hitting the
       | wall these days though. It's the tooling. I can learn new
       | language basics faster than I can figure out the
       | ecosystem/tooling.
       | For example, my current conundrum is how to deploy an Elixir
       | Phoenix/MQTT app. Writing the app was a fun curve to climb. And I
       | could use techniques like described here to learn from others in
       | the actual programming. But how to build an executable I can wrap
       | in a systemd process running on a different machine? Those are
       | actions people do, not expressed so much in code I can look at.
       | The few blogs I can find on the subject are mired in deep CI
       | toolchains.
       | I want the blog that discusses the secret sauce to learn to
       | acquire the knowledge to work the raft of ever evolving tools we
       | have to work with now days. The "materials" (the languages) are
       | the easy part now days. It's the massively automated complicated
       | machinery we've built around the language of ideas that are my
       | personal pain point of entry.
         | rubyn00bie wrote:
         | I totally agree with you about tooling being the major hurdle,
         | and I would like to also note your particular case: deploying
         | Elixir/Erlang the first-time is a real motherfucker.
         | I've deployed (server-side) code in Ruby, Python, PHP, Java,
         | .NET, JavaScript, and probably a couple others I forgot
         | about... but among all of those Erlang/Elixir was by far the
         | most difficult first-time deploy (as an OTP application). It
         | has gotten infinitely better, but probably only for those of us
         | who have been doing it for a while (6+ years doing Elixir
         | professionally for me). For your particular case, let me see if
         | I can help you out ('cuz I've definitely been there).
         | It _now_ mostly boils down to, use mix release:
         | https://hexdocs.pm/mix/1.12/Mix.Tasks.Release.html#module-te...
         | with the "secret sauce" being to setup a build server where you
         | will build the production release. You'll want the same
         | flavor/version of Linux you plan on deploying to, and then copy
         | the build artifact (tarball) from your build server to your
         | application server (or somewhere else in-between).
         | One other thing to note, there's a good chance (because
         | _everyone_ does this) that you 'll have some broken environment
         | variables, or module attributes, because you thought they were
         | set at runtime but they are in-fact set at compile time.
         | Maybe I should write that blog you're looking for...
         | jcubic wrote:
         | If you find some project that do this right and use tools you
         | need, just ask the author to publish his knowledge. It will be
         | beneficial to everyone not only you. Most people like to share
         | their knowledge, and if you find that other person, just try to
         | find another one.
         | A year ago I've read article about the person that self-
         | published a book (printed and ebook), here wrote an article how
         | he do that and how he created it in markdown (very well written
         | book about TypeScript in Polish), I've asked an year ago (when
         | read that article) if can publish the code, he said that he was
         | thinking about this. Recently he published how own blog system
         | online on GitHub and wrote another article this time with link
         | to GitHub. I still waiting for the book code.
         | derefr wrote:
         | The trick for tooling is usually to find the blog post where
         | the newest major version of the tooling was announced. Such a
         | blog post will almost always contain a demonstration of what
         | idiomatic use of the tooling looks like now. (Because, if it
         | didn't, how would anyone get started using it?)
         | This is also the domain of the more extensive language
         | tutorials and/or "Learn X" books. Elixir's website's getting-
         | started docs have a very good section on using Mix, for
         | example, including `mix release`.
         | (People tend to forget to re-check an ecosystem's official
         | getting-started docs as new tools are introduced into the
         | ecosystem. I'd encourage everyone to give your favourite
         | language's docs a quick skim every year or two; something new
         | might jump out at you!)
         | samhwr wrote:
         | > But how to build an executable I can wrap in a systemd
         | process running on a different machine? Those are actions
         | people do, not expressed so much in code I can look at.
         | The former sounds like a makefile, and the latter sounds like a
         | Terraform plan (perhaps combined with something like Kubernetes
         | manifests, but that's getting more architecture-specific).
         | These days I don't think there's any excuse to use the point-
         | and-click approach for setting up infrastructure: it's
         | effortful, bug-prone, a security hazard, means everyone has to
         | be trained in yet another area, and risks accidentally spending
         | far more money than you intend (either by using surprisingly
         | expensive services like Spanner, or by inadvertently leaving
         | unused infrastructure running).
         | That said, I do agree that platforms like AWS are unnecessarily
         | complex for the vast majority of CRUD web developers. The
         | complexity makes sense for the small percentage of people who
         | are genuinely setting up a very idiosyncratic and unique
         | architecture, but the 98% of CRUD developers really need an
         | opinionated platform, perhaps built on top of AWS/GCP/Azure and
         | modelled on v1 platforms like Heroku, which would set up the
         | infrastructure you need for the average web backend.
       | black_13 wrote:
       | Being good at anything or anything in demand doesn't translate
       | into an income.
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | Also reading the source code for the standard library can be
       | illuminating.
       | Note that some languages have pretty subpar standard libraries.
       | This might have changed but ~10 years ago the Ruby standard
       | library really left some things to be desired. I don't recall the
       | details but I wasn't a fan of parts of it.
       | On the other hand, the Rust standard library is top notch.
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | > Also reading the source code for the standard library can be
         | illuminating.
         | That's a lot more hit-and-miss. On one end of the spectrum, you
         | have Java, where all of the lower-level, nitty-gritty work
         | happens within the JVM anyway; and on the other end of the
         | spectrum you have C++, where it's "turtles all the way down"
         | almost, with lots of repetitiveness, ugly hacks to within the
         | library to help the user avoid ugly hacks in their code, a big
         | bunch of preprocessor macro definition checks for meeting
         | innumerable compatibility requirements for different versions
         | of the language standard on different platforms, and so on.
         | Yes, you will learn from it, but it will be painful.
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