[HN Gopher] You don't (may not) need Moment.js
       You don't (may not) need Moment.js
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 43 points
       Date   : 2021-09-18 18:57 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | throw_m239339 wrote:
       | You don't need all those small libs but apparently React is
       | mandated in every shop now... the JS community is a joke.
       | Where is the "you don't need React" website/repo again?
         | honie wrote:
         | I was wondering if you would mind being a bit more specific
         | about your criticism towards React and the JS community?
         | If you know React well, it seems like there are things that
         | everyone can learn from or think about. Would you use vanilla
         | JS or other frameworks and why?
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | People don't use React because the magnitude of managing the
         | view update code is so large and/or complicated that diffing a
         | reified DOM tree in toto is superior (I've seen it used for an
         | app that consisted of a few screens with some text and a button
         | each), its become standard so everyone learns one interface and
         | development is normalized across shops. This has the benefit of
         | a flourishing component ecosystem.
           | throw_m239339 wrote:
           | > its become standard so everyone learns one interface and
           | development is normalized across shops
           | An industry using the exact same framework (for a time, it
           | never lasts) doesn't make that framework a "standard". jQuery
           | was also "a standard" by the same logic.
             | 8note wrote:
             | A standard choice, rather than run by a standards committee
               | imbnwa wrote:
               | Yes, thank you
       | sam_goody wrote:
       | JS has been moving forward with a new Date/Time API called
       | Temporal[1].
       | I haven't had a chance to use it myself, but a friend dropped
       | Moment.js for it (I think to keep the browser from adjusting the
       | date to the local time).
       | New APIs (and hence, Temporal) are the type of things that if you
       | don't know about, you can easily miss and go straight to a
       | library for.
       | [1]: https://2ality.com/2021/06/temporal-api.html
         | wruza wrote:
         | Oh wow, someone finally took it serious. Everyone: visit the
         | link if you didn't yet. Abstract dates, durations, easy dmy
         | math, mostly everyday developer-friendly. Dates are one of
         | these computer topics that seem familiar (just like numbers in
         | a floating point form) but are hard to operate on. And if the
         | language's core date/time library is poor man's one, it's
         | better to not have it at all.
         | smichel17 wrote:
         | How do they compare to Luxon?
           | merb wrote:
           | they might get built-in https://caniuse.com/temporal?
           | (https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/)
           | (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal)
           | > NOTE: Although this proposal's API is not expected to
           | change, implementers of this proposal MUST NOT ship unflagged
           | Temporal implementations until IETF standardizes
           | timezone/calendar string serialization formats. See #1450 for
           | updates.
           | it's basically already accepted. Stage 3 means it's basically
           | ready for a preview implementation and stage 4 means passed
           | for "official" ecmascript inclusion
       | guptaneil wrote:
       | Shameless plug: if you're looking for natural language date
       | parsing, check out Sherlock.js -
       | https://github.com/neilgupta/Sherlock
       | Otherwise, definitely try native APIs first for straightforward
       | date manipulation.
       | AdrianB1 wrote:
       | I love the approach. I would love to see a good quality "You
       | don't need jQuery" out there; people talk about that, but I never
       | found something to tell what to use instead and why, just generic
       | "use JavaScript for DOM manipulation" (fair) and "use one of the
       | alternatives for AJAX" (which one?).
       | Is there anything like this planned for "You don't need"?
         | steve_adams_86 wrote:
         | The Ajax alternative is fetch, the native browser API which has
         | excellent polyfills for the server which enable JavaScript to
         | be isomorphic and dynamic to users and search engines.
         | Basically your code will run as expected on the client or
         | server, so fully rendered pages can be served - even if it
         | needs to call an API to populate content.
         | https://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ Is this the kind of thing
         | you were mentioning? Maybe it's been a while, but if you Google
         | "you don't need jquery" you'll find plenty like this and it
         | seems to explain well enough.
         | ptx wrote:
         | The post-jQuery native browser APIs that were added to support
         | those use-cases are _querySelector_ for querying the DOM and
         | _fetch_ for AJAX (assuming you don 't need the X part).
       | buster wrote:
       | I'd be interested, in what constitutes a performance sensitive
       | web application... is it a full fledged 3D game renderung
       | thousands of time strings per second? Or .... ?
         | mimsee wrote:
         | These days facebook.com could be considered as one.
       | dSebastien wrote:
       | Established projects using Moment.js a lot might have a hard time
       | migrating to something else. Quite unfortunate because there are
       | now much nicer / better optimized libraries/APIs out there today
       | like date-fns, the new Temporal API, Luxon, etc.
       | For those still stuck with Moment, it's worth exploring means to
       | reduce the impact on bundle sizes. I wrote about that a while
       | ago: https://dsebastien.net/blog/2020-07-12-removing-moment-js-
       | lo...
         | Alex3917 wrote:
         | Day.js is basically a drop in replacement, and is 97% smaller.
         | You still need to regression test, but imho it's one of the
         | highest impact ways to spend a few hours if you care at all
         | about performance.
       | binarymax wrote:
       | Considering moment.js says[0] you should actively consider
       | alternatives instead of it, I can't disagree. But I do like the
       | breakdown of what to use when instead!
       | [0] https://momentjs.com/docs/#/-project-status/
         | amarshall wrote:
         | In fact, Moment's post links to the OP here.
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | What's the state of cached ES module imports?
       | The ultimate goal is, your <script>s are modules, and import
       | their dependencies from a common CDN like unpkg. The browser will
       | cache the import, so that large common imports are rarely
       | actually fetched. Dependencies would have their own cached
       | dependencies as well (although this would sharply decrease
       | efficiency without extra coordination between client / server for
       | bulk fetching).
       | This would significantly reduce MB-large JavaScript files because
       | most of that code is shared general libraries. Even if you use a
       | huge library like core.js with no tree shaking, it's no longer an
       | issue, as long as many others are also using core.js.
       | I do know that module scripts can import from remote sites, and
       | unpkg with the experimental '?module' resolves imports in unpkg
       | modules to other unpkg modules. I also know that browsers are
       | very good at caching modules. I doubt browsers are smart enough
       | to bulk fetch multiple unpkg dependencies in one request.
       | Does anyone have more experience with, in general, trying to
       | cache large JavaScript imports?
         | doliveira wrote:
         | Even before the current rules partitioning cache by domain, has
         | the promise of those cached scripts ever paid off? Even when
         | every website would use just jQuery, everyone had a different
         | version, getting it from a different CDN, etc...
         | realityking wrote:
         | > The browser will cache the import, so that large common
         | imports are rarely actually fetched.
         | Cross site caching is dead. Safari hasn't supported it in years
         | and Chrome recently dropped it as well. It's better to hold all
         | assets on your domain to avoid TCP and TLS overhead.
         | Here's a blog post with more details about Chrome's change:
         | https://www.stefanjudis.com/notes/say-goodbye-to-resource-ca...
           | extra88 wrote:
           | Looks like Firefox also made it the default in January with
           | version 85.
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/Privacy/State_P...
         | qvq wrote:
         | > I doubt browsers are smart enough to bulk fetch multiple
         | unpkg dependencies in one request.
         | https://github.com/WICG/import-maps/issues/209
       | dexwiz wrote:
       | I implemented a date time library for JS a few years ago and took
       | heavy inspiration from java.time. My conclusion is that the time
       | zones are the hardest part of the whole thing. Time zones are
       | defined by political entities that doesn't give two cents about
       | implementing them. Also there is a huge variance in their details
       | so just because you understand time zones in X country, don't
       | assume that knowledge is universal. Some of my favorites are
       | timezone changes at midnight, so 1159>1am, meaning some days lack
       | a midnight. Also some Muslim countries switch back to normal time
       | for Ramadan, which means up to 4 changes in a single year.
       | Also anyone trying to sell "Midnight GMT" as a date only format
       | is in for a world of trouble down the line.
       (page generated 2021-09-18 23:00 UTC)