[HN Gopher] JupyterLab Desktop App now available
       JupyterLab Desktop App now available
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 75 points
       Date   : 2021-09-22 20:54 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.jupyter.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.jupyter.org)
       | mike_ivanov wrote:
       | Is there still no way to disable the blinking cursor?
       | spywaregorilla wrote:
       | Looks pretty cool. I feel like I would be tempted to point people
       | towards this rather than anaconda if they're just going to dip
       | their toes into the python world.
         | Scene_Cast2 wrote:
         | Yep. I use Anaconda fairly frequently, and it's consistently
         | buggy on both the UI and CLI front; this seems like a better
         | alternative for beginners at least. On the flip side, I'm not
         | sure I like that it's yet another electron app.
         | jstx1 wrote:
         | Point beginners to python.org and give them more credit for
         | what they can learn. No one really needs Anaconda. If you like
         | the conda package manager without all the 3rd party libraries,
         | you can install miniconda but there's no reason for beginners
         | to start with it.
           | mintyten wrote:
           | This may not be the norm, but I have found Anaconda to be
           | extremely useful because I get 90% of the packages I need in
           | a single blob. Certain networks don't allow you to go around
           | pip installing packages and it is easier to push through a
           | single approval than 20 when a major update comes along.
           | spywaregorilla wrote:
           | Installing the language and trying to figure out if its
           | working is a big hurdle to a lot of beginners. Getting an
           | intuitive interface is too. CLI is not intuitive to a first
           | time coder.
           | A single download with relevant packages, bundled python env,
           | and a nice front end interface (jupyterlab) sounds like a
           | great idea to me.
       | jstx1 wrote:
       | Can you change the built in environment by installing/removing
       | packages or picking a different or new environment altogether?
       | tunesmith wrote:
       | This is a godsend to those of us with way too many browser tabs
       | open all the time. Don't get me wrong, I like starting up
       | Jupyterlab with docker-compose and hacking away, but I hate
       | hunting for the tab.
         | jupp0r wrote:
         | You should try out tab groups:
         | https://blog.google/products/chrome/manage-tabs-with-google-...
       | vl wrote:
       | This is just badly written announcement, which doesn't answer
       | basic questions:
       | 1) How is JupyterLab App different from the JupyterLab? Is it
       | just the same thing packaged in the electron app?
       | 2) It comes with it's own conda environment. But can it ran in
       | _my_ conda environment? Which is pretty much a requirement for
       | any serious project.
         | robotsteve2 wrote:
         | For #2: I tried it, downloaded the large file and installed.
         | Then on launch, it couldn't find any JupyterLab install from my
         | Conda environments, and it asked me to find it. I just
         | uninstalled. I'm not sure what it wants or how it interacts
         | with my many Conda envs and it's too much hassle to try and
         | sort that out right now.
           | ghshephard wrote:
           | Same here - I filed a bug. I've got Jupyter-lab running, I
           | have a clean venv - but couldn't start jupyterlab_app - even
           | when I manually told it where to find the module in my .venv.
       | [deleted]
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | I'm working on an open-source desktop app [0] similar to Jupyter
       | but more oriented toward non-data-science developer workflows
       | like querying/joining data from multiple databases and scripting
       | and graphing for internal reporting.
       | Another similar tool, but maybe more data science focused, is
       | Simon Willison's Datasette [1].
       | [0] https://github.com/multiprocessio/datastation
       | [1] https://github.com/simonw/datasette
       | singhrac wrote:
       | I feel like this is going to be really great for people getting
       | started with programming. A Big Fat Binary is really what early
       | programmers need.
       | Now imagine that it comes with Postgres.app as well (with a
       | little glue to turn it on via a button in the Jupyter UI, and
       | automatic off when the server shuts down...), and the xeus-sql
       | kernel.
       | If this gets halfway decent reviews, this is how I'm going to
       | tell people to learn to program. No more needing to learn how the
       | terminal works, explaining what a binary is, what an interpreter
       | is, etc. All of that can come later.
         | oolonthegreat wrote:
         | so true! I've been trying to figure out a way to get my social
         | sciences student friend learn programming and I was dreading to
         | install python/conda/jupyter ? on their computer. A single-
         | click jupyter app with electron indeed sounds like a lifesaver.
       | nothrowaways wrote:
       | I would suggest to keep the app as an independent front end
       | Letting users choose the server back end.
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | If you haven't used them in awhile, Visual Studio Code notebooks
       | (which leverage Jupyter) are now at a level that they're better
       | than Jupyter/JupyterLab for Python Data Science. It now
       | integrates more closely with themes/settings, and has many
       | additional features such as native debugging, native diffing for
       | Git, Intellisense/autocomplete, and in general the UI/UX is
       | faster.
       | That said, a desktop JupyterLab is still very valuable as it
       | increases accessibility dramatically, but it's no longer the only
       | player in the space.
         | robotsteve2 wrote:
         | I use JupyterLab professionally and have never been able to get
         | VSCode notebooks working at the same level. For example, simple
         | bracket highlighting doesn't work in the VSCode notebooks I've
         | tried. I want to like them, but they don't get the job done for
         | me.
         | jjoonathan wrote:
         | Hey, it looks like ipywidgets finally work in VSCode notebooks!
         | Light/dark colorscheme clashes that would make Star Wars proud,
         | but I'll take it.
         | Pyviz (panel, holoviews, etc) interactivity doesn't look like
         | it works yet. Ipywidgets might be enough, though!
         | JupyterLab has had debugging for a while. It seems to be broken
         | in both VSCode and Jupyter, though (or, rather, it hasn't
         | broken on the breakpoints, where it ought to have broken). Ah
         | well, probably needs more futzing around with the kernel.
         | soVeryTired wrote:
         | Oh man. Lack of proper debugging and diffing is a _huge_
         | problem with jupyterlab notebooks. In several cases I've seen,
         | data scientists don't even realise that these tools exist.
         | I know VS Code has been making progress recently but a good
         | jupyter competitor with some halfway decent software
         | development features would be a game changer.
           | kimukasetsu wrote:
           | RMarkdown has neither of these issues, and it supports
           | Python. It is baffling to me that most data scientists use
           | Jupyter, since its diffs are meaningless. Its export options
           | are very underwhelming compared to Rmd as well. Notebooks [1]
           | are simply a special case of R Markdown formats. Besides, Rmd
           | are literally text files that work with any text editor,
           | including vim.
           | [1] https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/notebook.html
           | mistrial9 wrote:
           | some things are less-great in the FOSS world. I used
           | MetroWerks tooling that really, really was nice. I even wrote
           | code for them once .. it has been a long while and the real
           | win with Jupyter is the massive popularity I think.
         | ghshephard wrote:
         | I use all three of JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebooks and VS Code
         | Notebooks.
         | What I love about VS Code Notebooks - it's almost zero context
         | switching to jump from the the code you are working on to a
         | REPL and back.
         | What I don't love about VS Code Notebooks (and why I still
         | spend a lot of time in JupyterLab) - the context gets confused
         | as to what cell you are in frequently - so your Ctrl-Enter keys
         | don't work, and you have to manually run each cell one at a
         | time.
         | ~Removed comment about graphs not being inline~ - I stand
         | corrected. Just checked an the latest version does let you show
         | your graphs inline. And they look awesome.
           | minimaxir wrote:
           | > Also - and this is the deal breaker for most people I know
           | - you can't display graphs within your notebook. Until we get
           | that ability - everyone I know who does work and lives off of
           | their matplotlib workstream is going to continue using
           | Jupyter Lab/Notebooks.
           | Hmm? The latest demos seem to imply that a plt.show() does
           | embed the plot images into the Notebook.
           | The major limit on cell outputs is more limited
           | interactivity.
         | threatofrain wrote:
         | Do you have a link of resource explaining more about the VSC
         | notebook workflow?
           | minimaxir wrote:
           | Here's the official page on the integration:
           | https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-
           | noteb...
           | Some more demos:
           | https://code.visualstudio.com/learn/educators/notebooks
           | Once the extensions are installed, just open an .ipynb file
           | in VS Code.
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | Interesting. I've been very excited by and disappointed by
         | pycharm's work on that front. I'll have to check out the VS
         | code version. Thanks!
         | arthurcolle wrote:
         | I hate the automatic bottom right pop ups for every little
         | thing in VS Code, its so annoying
       | andy-x wrote:
       | One more Electron app on my desktop - no, thanks. Just install
       | anaconda and run jupyter with the browser, as good god intended
       | :)
       | batterylow wrote:
       | It was great to finally get PlotAPI (https://plotapi.com) working
       | with Jupyter Lab, Notebook, Google Colab, and VS Code...
       | They all have their own versions of packages used for displaying
       | video/images/HTML, and how they handle the inclusion of external
       | JavaScript, e.g. where Jupyter Notebook (classic) uses Require JS
       | I hope the Desktop App doesn't introduce another variation!
       | lvl100 wrote:
       | If only Mathematica would just go Python...
       (page generated 2021-09-22 23:00 UTC)