[HN Gopher] AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A - How AWS signs and verifies AP...
       AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A - How AWS signs and verifies API requests
       Author : Corrado
       Score  : 53 points
       Date   : 2021-09-23 19:56 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (shufflesharding.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (shufflesharding.com)
       | psanford wrote:
       | This is neat, although it throws a wrench into my recent move
       | encrypt my AWS secret access key with my TPM to prevent the key
       | from being used anywhere besides my laptop[0].
       | [0]:
       | https://github.com/psanford/awsv4signer/tree/main/examples/t...
         | timmattison wrote:
         | We actually just did a livestream today at AWS about how to
         | store a credential in an HSM to avoid having IAM credentials in
         | clear text. You can see it here -
         | https://www.twitch.tv/aws/video/1156973272
         | We haven't released the code yet but are in the process. If you
         | think this could work for you or you'd just like to see how we
         | did it DM me on Twitter @timmattison and I'll give you the code
         | ASAP.
         | gnabgib wrote:
         | The article is vague (no link to docs, no formula, no block
         | diagram), but it seems to say the fundamental process still
         | runs via a pre-shared-secret. That is secret you're trying to
         | secure, and one that AWS knows.
         | However, that secret is no longer used for the signing. Instead
         | it's combined with a date and service-description to generate a
         | public-private keypair, which is itself not secret (both AWS
         | and you can derive this if you know the algorithm). Your
         | requests are now signed with this private key (client side) and
         | can be verified by the services with the public key (server
         | side).
         | AWS still knows your secret, but it keeps it in a more secured
         | location verses out on the farms. The farms would need a way to
         | request your public key for the day from the secured location,
         | so they can verify the sender. But, the farms no longer have
         | access to your secret key, so cannot sign other requests
         | masquerading as you.
           | psanford wrote:
           | If the ECDSA key pair is still derived using an hmac keyed by
           | the private key, I can do that with the key loaded in the
           | tpm. Otherwise it is unlikely to work with my current setup.
           | Once the key is loaded into the TPM as an HMAC key, you can
           | no longer get the plaintext key back out. You have to use the
           | TPM to perform any HMAC operations using the key.
         | twistedpair wrote:
         | Feels odd that AWS still uses secret tokens all these years
         | later. Take GCP for example. They use your personal identity
         | (via OAuth, service accounts use certs), and you can use FIDO
         | tokens to authenticate your local keys (e.g. for gcloud CLI). I
         | was very surprised to see that awscli still doesn't support
         | Yubikeys.
           | jffry wrote:
           | I'm a big fan of aws-vault [1], which helps securely store
           | your tokens and use them to obtain temporary credentials
           | which are time-limited and constrained to a specific IAM
           | role.
           | It's not as good as having something that supports a hardware
           | token, of course, but it's better than the default awscli
           | suggestion to keep the secrets around in plaintext either on
           | disk or in env vars.
           | [1] https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault
       | nielsole wrote:
       | I wonder why the subkeys are valid for 1d and not something much
       | shorter like 15 minutes. IIUC if the frontend IAM servers of a
       | service get compromised you can only accept traffic for that
       | service again on the next day, when a new subkey is valid.
       | I also wonder whether those subkeys are copied over to the
       | frontend server (that might be a lot of data to copy) every day
       | or requested and cached (possibly high latency for first call)
         | gjs278 wrote:
         | >IIUC
         | never use this again. we already have IIRC and "I think" for
         | fucks sake just stick with those
       | GauntletWizard wrote:
       | I flat out don't trust AWS SIG; It falls into the classic
       | encryption antipattern of signing the meaning and not the bytes -
       | Anytime a transformation of the data is required before or after
       | the signature is applied, you open up a hole for attackers to
       | exploit. See V1 and V3, which were flat out insecure and have
       | been abandoned.
       | Sign the bytes, not the meaning.
       | deanCommie wrote:
       | Super interesting! I wonder - have any other services or
       | companies (SaaS or otherwise) adopted SigV4 other than AWS?
       | Seems like a solid protocol (though a lot to implement in a
       | client, that can be encapsulated in an SDK)
         | et1337 wrote:
         | We use a flavor of SigV4 for our REST and gRPC APIs at
         | StrongDM[1]
         | [1] https://www.strongdm.com/
         | edoceo wrote:
         | I'm using signatures, influenced by AWS and ActivityPub specs
         | for some of our APIs. But I'm using Sodium for the
         | hashing/signing.
         | jaytaylor wrote:
         | Is there a benefit to companies all using the exact same web
         | service request signature scheme?
         | One downside is that it would make widespread web service API
         | abuse even easier than it already is. One would need to
         | understand even less about the mechanics and workings of same-
         | scheme services across companies. Yes, this is security through
         | obscurity, but why leave more surface area open than necessary?
         | Malicious actors will certainly appreciate it!
           | whartung wrote:
           | > Is there a benefit to companies all using the exact same
           | web service request signature scheme?
           | Well, there's some things to consider.
           | First, Amazon AWS is a very rich target. It hosts a very
           | large quantity of services that would be ripe for
           | exploitation. I'm sure attackers would love to find holes in
           | the AWS mechanism.
           | Second, because of number 1, I'm sure the AWS services are
           | not only a prime target for attack, but also actively being
           | attacked. By both nefarious black hat ne'er do wells, to
           | state level agencies. I would fully expect US, Russian,
           | Chinese and other state intelligence agencies to be very
           | interested in an exploit of something as ripe as the AWS
           | system.
           | Third, Amazon has the motivation, due to number 1, to keep on
           | top of and ensure that its technique is sound and robust. Not
           | only that, it has the resources to do it.
           | Four, the technique is open, and documented, and available to
           | all. No skullduggery is required at an algorithm level to
           | analyze it and understand it. Thesis seeking white hat PhD
           | students can have at it and advance the field.
           | So, if there were to be "one algorithm", Amazon and AWS have
           | the experience and know how to hold theirs up high on a
           | pedestal labeled "You could do a lot worse".
       | phnofive wrote:
       | Wasn't clear to me who wrote this or why, so:
       | > I'm Colm MacCarthaigh, a VP and Distinguished Engineer at
       | Amazon Web Services, and this website is my blog.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | > a VP and Distinguished Engineer at Amazon Web Services
         | Any further translation on what VP and "Distinguished Engineer"
         | means here? It sounds like both of them are honorary and
         | doesn't really mean much, but then "Distinguished" makes it
         | seem they received some sort of Nobal price of computing as
         | well.
         | And if neither of them really mean anything, then this guy is
         | really "just" a developer right?
           | Thaxll wrote:
           | > And if neither of them really mean anything, then this guy
           | is really "just" a developer right?
           | Probably yeah, he went to a coding boodcamp and was hired
           | after that.
             | BikiniPrince wrote:
             | Colm is a fairly badass engineer. He was a senior principle
             | when I left. Sounds like they made another level since then
             | and he jumped into VP. Somewhat makes sense as he leads the
             | business in both a technical and business sense. Amazon's
             | traditional issue is they only know how to level managers.
             | Turns out when the company starts accruing some really
             | senior people you have to accommodate them.
             | This is a fairly fluffy piece of writing. His internal
             | writings were much deeper.
               | bbgm wrote:
               | Amazon has long had a VP-level engineer track (Peter
               | Vosshall was the first IIRC). Colm is very rightly one.
           | mcspiff wrote:
           | Distinguished Engineer is the top "level" for engineers at
           | Amazon. It's equivalent to a VP position for managers. So
           | it's a job title, similar to Sr Engineer.
           | argc wrote:
           | What does '"just" a developer' mean?
             | capableweb wrote:
             | I specifically put quotes around it to avoid comments like
             | you. "Just" in terms of superfluous titles, not that
             | becoming a developer is easy or anything. Seems I've
             | managed to get my answers though, so thank you everyone
             | (except argc)!
           | slownews45 wrote:
           | Yes, a developer title basically. But very senior
           | Comp is $950K++++ per year range.
             | BikiniPrince wrote:
             | I'm sure he has exceeded this by now. If you can afford to
             | keep genius around then you should.
             | It's hard to get familiar with engineers at Amazon. They
             | have spokes persons who release things written by others
             | and their external contribution process is difficult at
             | best.
             | It isn't a surprise people think he is a nobody. I still
             | remember him after five years.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Colm is an extremely smart engineer who has designed some
           | really big systems. Distinguished is the title they give you
           | when they want to pay you VP bucks so you stay at Amazon.
           | pan69 wrote:
           | In the org I work in "Distinguished" is simply a level of
           | seniority (and pay grade). For engineers we have; grad ->
           | engineer -> senior -> specialist -> principal -> chief ->
           | distinguished.
           | The further/higher you get you usually do less "programming"
           | and more design/architectural, plus line management.
         | pvg wrote:
         | He's been on HN for ages
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=colmmacc
           | tptacek wrote:
           | He's an extremely good Twitter follow, for what it's worth.
         | ctvo wrote:
         | Really? Looks like someone's blog on technical things that
         | they're interested in and there's an 'About' link right where
         | you'd expect that tell you who they are.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-09-23 23:00 UTC)