[HN Gopher] 'Impossible' particle discovery adds key piece to th...
       'Impossible' particle discovery adds key piece to the strong force
       Author : theafh
       Score  : 153 points
       Date   : 2021-09-27 14:40 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.quantamagazine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.quantamagazine.org)
       | dmbaggett wrote:
       | I'm curious: could anyone knowledgeable share a bit about these
       | QCD lattice models -- are they incredibly complicated? Are there
       | open source implementations of these models and if so, would the
       | code make any sense to a non-physicist programmer?
         | maxnoe wrote:
         | A Quick search found this: https://github.com/akio-
         | tomiya/LatticeQCD.jl
         | Not my field of expertise though, I am in experimental gamma-
         | ray astronomy
         | ahefner wrote:
         | I've wondered this too, and if it's possible for a toy
         | implementation to help teach the concepts, but I suspect not.
         | Probably the translation to code obscures more than it
         | illustrates.
           | evanb wrote:
           | You might enjoy Lepage's "Lattice QCD for novices" which
           | develops a lot of the ideas without getting bogged down in
           | the specifics of QCD (it focuses on the harmonic oscillator +
           | a harmonic oscillator).
           | [0] https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat/0506036
         | rrss wrote:
         | > Are there open source implementations of these models
         | there are some open source packages for lattice QCD. e.g.
         | https://jeffersonlab.github.io/chroma/
           | zbyszek wrote:
           | Goodness me, that's a blast from my very distant past! The
           | venerable MILC code is still available:
           | https://web.physics.utah.edu/~detar/milc/milc_qcd.html
           | dmbaggett wrote:
           | Also found this GitHub topic page:
           | https://github.com/topics/lattice-qcd
         | lisper wrote:
         | > are they incredibly complicated?
         | That depends on what you mean by "complicated". Conceptually
         | they are not too bad, it's basically just quantum field theory
         | (which some might consider "incredibly complicated" so YMMV).
         | But the devil is in the details. From the article:
         | "While physicists know the exact equation that defines the
         | strong force -- the fundamental force that binds quarks
         | together to make the protons and neutrons in the hearts of
         | atoms, as well as other composite particles like tetraquarks --
         | they can rarely solve this strange, endlessly iterative
         | equation, so they struggle to predict the strong force's
         | effects."
         | > Are there open source implementations of these models
         | That I don't know.
         | > and if so, would the code make any sense to a non-physicist
         | programmer?
         | Having seen code written by scientists, I can confidently
         | answer this with: almost certainly not.
           | datameta wrote:
           | >Having seen code written by scientists, I can confidently
           | answer this with: almost certainly not.
           | Got a kick out of that, thanks. I think there is a kind of
           | compartmentalization of environments going on when one
           | engages in scientific programming. It seems to often be
           | structured more akin to math than code. I once worked with a
           | brilliant multitalented individual who held a PhD in a
           | specific field of physics that I cannot recall. In one
           | instance they ported the orchestration software for a
           | supercomputer from python into java, in a _week_. It was
           | beautiful to read. This same person used single letter
           | variables in their ML models and had virtually zero comments
           | which made it somewhat difficult for me to follow their
           | updates after a week of having not seen the code.
             | tsimionescu wrote:
             | This reminded me of the chemical PhD who created Clasp, a
             | full common lisp implementation using LLVM as a JIT
             | compiler, able to call even template C++ code from Common
             | Lisp (a feat which no other language I know of even tries,
             | except perhaps .NET with managed C++).
             | [0] https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
             | ethbr0 wrote:
             | To me, it's a difference in professional gestalts(?) in
             | highly trained individuals.
             | Physical engineers, especially, have a very formalized,
             | standardized way of looking at the world. They all share
             | it, and so their code follows from that.
             | Physicists, biologists, software developers all have
             | different ways of looking at the world (some more
             | standardized, some less). Our code follows from that.
             | So while we may gripe they don't leverage (insert language
             | arcana / convention), my intuition is our code would still
             | look very different even if they did. Biggest example, as
             | you point out: math-structured code, from math-heavy
             | disciplines.
             | NineStarPoint wrote:
             | From what I've heard the core of the issue is it's similar
             | to non-online game development. Most scientists make some
             | programs for a single paper, and then just start from
             | scratch for a new project. When you don't have to care
             | about long term maintainability readability becomes much
             | less of a concern to people.
             | lisper wrote:
             | Here's an analogy that I can speak from more direct
             | experience: if you study the theory of elliptic curves, and
             | then look at elliptic curve cryptography code, there will
             | appear to be no connection between the two. This is because
             | in between the theory and the code are a zillion
             | implementation details and tricks of the trade that aren't
             | generally mentioned in the theory. Add to that the fact
             | that the people who write scientific code aren't coders by
             | trade, so they learn to write code that is just good enough
             | but no better, and the result is something that looks like
             | a horrible mess. (Also, the code is often written by grad
             | students, so that makes it even worse. I look back on some
             | of the code that I wrote back when I was a grad student
             | that was the basis for publications and I shudder.)
           | andi999 wrote:
           | The Fortran code at particle research groups I saw looked
           | pretty solid to me.
             | lisper wrote:
             | "Fortran" and "solid" are not two words that go together in
             | my mind ;-)
             | But the OP didn't ask if the code was _good_ (or  "solid"),
             | they asked if it would make any sense to a non-physicist
             | programmer. And the answer to that question, I'm guessing,
             | is most likely not. But I would be very happy if I turned
             | out to be wrong about that.
               | andi999 wrote:
               | It probably boils down to if there are any non physicist
               | Fortran programmers...
         | evanb wrote:
         | I'm a LQCD practitioner.
         | There are a variety of open-source implementations; I'll just
         | point to a few. The one funded by the Department of Energy
         | through the SciDAC program is the USQCD software stack [0].
         | There's also the GPU library quda, which is maintained by
         | Nvidia employees (and others in the community). There's Grid
         | [2], development led by Edinburgh in close collaboration with
         | intel (to make sure it compiles down to sensible high-
         | performance primatives). There's openQCD [3], coordinated by
         | CERN researchers.
         | As to whether it'll be readable to you---maybe? How transparent
         | each library is differs. The most important parts are typically
         | (1) the generation of gauge configurations (typically by HMC,
         | which was discovered by the LQCD community [4]), which are MCMC
         | samples and (2) the calculation of observable on each sample.
         | Both rely on highly optimized (and preconditioned, and maybe
         | multigrid-ed) linear solves---the most important kernel.
         | Some libraries are written to be as transparent as possible;
         | some to be as portable as possible. All are written to handle
         | massive data parallelism across hundreds of high-performance
         | nodes with some mixture of OpenMP, MPI, #pragma acceleration,
         | etc.
         | Finally, the code will only "make (big picture) sense" to you
         | if you understand lattice quantum field theory.
         | [0] http://usqcd-software.github.io/ [1]
         | http://lattice.github.io/quda/ [2]
         | https://github.com/paboyle/Grid [3]
         | https://luscher.web.cern.ch/luscher/openQCD/ [4]
         | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/037026...
         | jerf wrote:
         | I'm not an expert on particle physics, but the verbiage sounds
         | to me like one of the standard problems in physics: We can
         | write the differential equations. But even simple differential
         | equations can be unsolvable. For example, consider the simple
         | Three Body Problem. The differential equations are simple
         | enough that you can use them as an introduction to the concept
         | of differential equations themselves, but the Three Body
         | Problem is not in general solvable.
         | The three body problem can generally be acceptably approximated
         | for a reasonable period of time. But that problem only involves
         | inverse squaring of distances. Strong forces decay much faster
         | than that, which makes them more sensitive to errors. Plus you
         | end up with one of the fundamental problems we have trying to
         | understand our universe, which is just how monstrously enormous
         | and monstrously slow we humans are. We operate at "meter"
         | scales and "second" time frames, and particle physics operates
         | at somewhere around 30 and 40 _orders of magnitude_ smaller,
         | respectively. (Not quite all the way down to the Planck sizes,
         | but closer to those than to the macroscopic world.) So when you
         | try to numerically approximate the differential equations, you
         | don 't get very far in time or space before your approximations
         | have critically diverged from reality.
         | It's like we're trying to work out the fundamentals of
         | chemistry and our primary tool is smashing planets together.
           | crznp wrote:
           | Well put, though one nitpick: the three body problem is
           | solved. It illustrates another case: even if a solution is
           | known, it might not be practical.
           | https://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/diacu/diacuNbody.pdf
           | klodolph wrote:
           | When people say that the three-body problem is "unsolvable"
           | they really mean that there's not a way to write out an
           | analytic solution to the problem. In the same way, you can
           | call quintic polynomials "unsolvable", because there's no way
           | to take arbitrary quintic polynomial equations and express
           | the solutions as ordinary algebraic formulas.
           | However, it's very misleading to call quintic equations
           | unsolvable, because we know where the solutions are, and we
           | can use various numeric methods to calculate the solution
           | with arbitrary precision. Any time we can calculate the
           | answer with as much precision as we want, I'd like to say
           | that the problem is "solved" in a very real and meaningful
           | way.
           | The problem is worse with quantum mechanics. With quantum
           | mechanics, not only do we lack analytic solutions to many of
           | the equations used in QM, but we also lack good numeric
           | solutions (using real hardware, at least).
             | ethbr0 wrote:
             | Following the analogy, as a layperson, what's the nature of
             | the difference with quantum mechanics that doesn't allow it
             | to be solved to arbitrary precision (even if through brute
             | force iteration)?
             | Is it that we haven't discovered the solution generating
             | algorithms? That the state/probabilities of quantum
             | mechanics are fundamentally untenable to similar
             | calculation? Or something else entirely?
               | evanb wrote:
               | Many problems in physics are perturbative. Then,
               | approximate methods suffice to get reliable answers. In
               | Asimov's "relativity of wrong" it's the perturbative
               | nature of gravity---gravity is very weak---that makes
               | "the Earth is a sphere" less wrong than "the Earth is
               | flat". So, if you need an answer to only such-and-such
               | precision, the approximation scheme lets me know how hard
               | I must work to achieve reliability at that scale. Once I
               | get the precision I need I can stop.
               | Electrodynamics is like that. There is a number, the fine
               | structure constant, about 1/137, that gives the natural
               | scale for how big the next step in the approximation is,
               | compared to the size of the current step. So, if I need
               | to know the answer to 1 part in 10^9, I'm going to need
               | to do 4 or 5 steps of fixing up the approximation (each
               | fix, of course, being a great deal more arduous).
               | QCD, and other "strongly coupled" or "non-perturbative"
               | problems are not like that. If you make the dumbest
               | approximation (flat-earth) and then fix it up a bit
               | (sphere earth), answers don't change just a little. They
               | change completely. In QCD the number that characterizes
               | the "obvious" approximation (the Feynman diagram
               | approach)---the number that's 1/137 for electrodynamics
               | ---is about 1.5. That's a disaster! The approximation
               | scheme is obviously no good---you learn that you can
               | never stop improving your approximation, because if you
               | only worked "a little harder" your answer could change
               | completely.
               | Other approaches are required.
               | klodolph wrote:
               | It's nothing fundamental, as far as I am aware. Depends
               | on what you mean by "fundamental".
               | There is no known way to simulate a quantum computer,
               | using a classical computer, in polynomial time. A quantum
               | computer is just a kind of quantum system, so we know
               | that some quantum systems cannot be efficiently modeled
               | (barring revolutionary advances in simulation
               | algorithms).
               | When your simulations take superpolynomial time, it tends
               | to be easy to find problems which you simply do not have
               | the computational resources to solve, and you may not be
               | able to solve interesting versions of the problem. There
               | are lots of examples of problems like this. However, I
               | don't consider this to be a fundamental difference.
               | For example, satellite navigation systems are just fine
               | calculating directions for driving all the way across the
               | continental US, even though that's a very "large"
               | instance of the problem that they are solving. But if you
               | try to find the fastest route for a delivery driver to
               | make a hundred deliveries within one city, good luck.
               | This is just an analogy, and I'd like to emphasize that
               | "no KNOWN algorithm" efficiently solves these problems,
               | and that we haven't proven whether such an algorithm
               | exists.
               | ethbr0 wrote:
               | Thanks! By "fundamental," I was curious about the nature
               | of the problem's difficulty, moreso than the progress on
               | solutions. And computational intractability due to system
               | properties makes sense!
               | zardo wrote:
               | Also a layperson, but as I understand it. We do have the
               | algorithms to simulate quantum systems with n states to
               | arbitrary precision through brute force. But they require
               | that you can put ~n bits into a superposition state.
               | If your computer doesn't have that capability, you can
               | simulate it to arbitrary precision with ~2^n bits.
       | nabla9 wrote:
       | These articles don't make clear distinctions between discoveries
       | standard model framework, and completely new physics.
       | This seems to be discovery within standard model. A new composite
       | particle.
         | stared wrote:
         | It is my general impression with Quanta Magazine: an
         | interesting phenomenon + a clickbaity title and headline
         | (bordering on crackpotty).
         | kordlessagain wrote:
         | Finally, warp drives.
       | esarbe wrote:
       | Interesting read. But I'll wait for what Sabine has to say about
       | it. :D
         | tux3 wrote:
         | Superdeterminism predicts that it was always pre-determined I
         | wouldn't really understand this article, and the universe left
         | me no choice, so I have nothing to feel bad about.
         | Sabine's blog exists in an interesting superposition of
         | comforting and existential dread =]
         | ryan93 wrote:
         | weird that people love to fanboy/fangirl anyone who has a
         | reputation for criticism.
           | Koshkin wrote:
           | Why is it weird? Criticism draws attention.
             | ryan93 wrote:
             | She's not even an expert in this subject but she has name
             | recognition so OP wants her opinion. Just weird.
               | esarbe wrote:
               | OP is not a physicist and Sabine is able to break down
               | the problems and issues with many of the scientific and
               | unscientific theories that are thrown around so that even
               | a layperson can follow the rational.
               | So, I get the drift of the article. Do I have enough
               | knowledge to make any reasonable assumptions about the
               | validity of the findings it presents? Nope, not at all.
               | That's why I cherish Sabine. She's down to earth and has
               | an understanding of science that suits me. She's
               | definitely more than enough physics under her belt[0] to
               | be qualified to talk about these topics. Go away with
               | your 'She not an expert'. Have you seen her
               | qualifications?
               | "Naw," I hear you say "she's a theoretical physicist, not
               | a particle physicist."
               | Yeah, well. I'm a Software Engineer. I can still tell if
               | a Network Engineer tells bullshit.
               | I do understand why some people hate on her; she's
               | abrasive and irreverent. Some people don't like their
               | ivory towers to be besmirched.
               | [0] https://portal.dnb.de/opac/simpleSearch?reset=true&cq
               | lMode=t...
         | Mizza wrote:
         | I like Sabine, but I found her "takedown" of the multiverse/MWI
         | ignored the most compelling argument for it, the computational
         | argument proposed by Deutsch, and that was enough to make me
         | skeptical of her other positions. Anybody know if she's ever
         | addressed that anywhere?
           | naasking wrote:
           | What is the computational argument?
             | spullara wrote:
             | https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/05/02/dream-machine
               | naasking wrote:
               | I figured this might be the "quantum computation is
               | computation done on parallel worlds". It just isn't that
               | compelling [1], and is in fact arguably false [2]. That's
               | probably why Sabine didn't touch on it.
               | [1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii
               | /S13552...
               | [2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1110.2514
               | Mizza wrote:
               | Both of those papers, and others like it, are by single
               | authors in philosophy journals, not physics journals. I
               | don't think they are 'serious' in the same way. That
               | Arxiv one is particularly bad.
               | naasking wrote:
               | "Particularly bad" in what sense? The notion that quantum
               | computation happens in parallel universes _is a
               | philosophical position_ , not a scientific one, so of
               | course philosophers of science are evaluating it.
               | Mizza wrote:
               | It introduces the fundamental question but never answers
               | it. He quotes Deutsch partially, "explain how Shor's
               | algorithm works" - but doesn't answer this question. He
               | also leaves out the important part of the quote:
               | "To those who still cling to a single-universe world-
               | view, I issue this challenge: explain how Shor's
               | algorithm works. I do not merely mean predict that it
               | will work, which is merely a matter of solving a few
               | uncontroversial equations. I mean provide an explanation.
               | When Shor's algorithm has factorized a number, using
               | 10^500 or so times the computational resources than can
               | be seen to be present, where was the number factorized?
               | There are only about 10^80 atoms in the entire visible
               | universe, an utterly minuscule number compared with
               | 10^500. So if the visible universe were the extent of
               | physical reality, physical reality would not even
               | remotely contain the resources required to factorize such
               | a large number. Who did factorize it, then? How, and
               | where, was the computation performed?"
               | Computation is real - it requires matter and energy. If
               | Shor's algorithm can factor a number so large that it
               | would require more matter than there is available in the
               | universe: _where is the computation occurring_? I have
               | never seen this plainly addressed. I'm a layman, of
               | course, which I why I would hope she'd break this
               | argument down in her MWI video.
               | jessaustin wrote:
               | _There are only about 1080 atoms in the entire visible
               | universe..._
               | Should this be read as 10^80? The way it's written is
               | confusing.
               | trenchgun wrote:
               | Indeed.
               | Those sentences should be like this: "When Shor's
               | algorithm has factorized a number, using 10^500 or so
               | times the computational resources than can be seen to be
               | present, where was the number factorized? There are only
               | about 10^80 atoms in the entire visible universe, an
               | utterly minuscule number compared with 10^500."
               | trenchgun wrote:
               | You dropped these: ^^^
               | naasking wrote:
               | > but doesn't answer this question
               | The author doesn't have to answer that question to
               | dispute Deutsch's alleged answer.
               | Secondly, Deutsch's challenge of explaining Shor's
               | algorithm presupposes that quantum computation requires
               | an explanation _in terms of classical computation_. While
               | I 'm sympathetic to that view, this assumption is easily
               | rejected by people who don't view reality as
               | fundamentally classical or local. So for these people,
               | there is no challenge to meet.
               | Thirdly, while you can speculate that Shor's algorithm
               | will scale to factoring numbers so large they require
               | more atoms than are in the universe, _no one has
               | demonstrated that this is the case_. Just because our
               | current _models_ describe this happening, that _doesn 't
               | mean the model corresponds to what will actually happen
               | in reality_. It could easily be the case that the model
               | is not accounting for noise or other factors that will
               | prevent entanglement from scaling to the levels you
               | describe. This is the position of some determinists, in
               | which case Deutsch's challenge is also neutered.
               | Finally, other interpretations of QM can also provide
               | explanations for speedups. For instance, any
               | interpretation of QM that accepts its non-locality has an
               | escape hatch via relativity: non-locality is effectively
               | time travel in GR, but in a form that cannot be exploited
               | for superluminal signalling. There are many other
               | possible answers given by other interpretations of QM.
               | I personally think it's an interesting question, but it's
               | not a compelling argument for many worlds, not least
               | because the "many worlds as parallel computations"
               | doesn't actually work beyond trivial examples.
               | > Computation is real - it requires matter and energy.
               | Yes, _classical_ bits require a certain amount of matter
               | and energy, but _qubits_ do not have the same matter and
               | energy requirements, which seems to be what you 're
               | expecting. If you expect there to be an answer of this
               | sort, then I think you must give up believing that
               | quantum computation will scale. Basically, you are
               | expecting reality to actually be classical, and so have
               | some deterministic classical computation happening behind
               | the scenes (hidden variables), and these hidden variables
               | will more than likely disrupt scaling quantum
               | computations.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | Well, you should be skeptical in general, no? What's the
           | alternative, just adopting some other person's opinions?
           | If this is about Sabine Hossenfelder, she has opinions and
           | she has arguments. Sometimes she's right, sometimes she's
           | wrong. Like everyone. Sometimes her opinions are well
           | supported, sometimes I think not. Some of her explanations
           | are sound, others contain mistakes.
             | cmeacham98 wrote:
             | I've never read Sabine Hossenfelder, so I can't comment
             | specifically on her.
             | However, life is about trusting other people and adopting
             | their opinions. I do not have the time or energy to be an
             | expert on every subject, so naturally I will have to read
             | the opinions of other people who have spent time in that
             | particular subject.
             | Someone's previous record of factual accuracy as well as
             | considering reasonable opposition to their points obviously
             | will affect how much I trust them to influence my
             | worldview, and how likely I am to believe what they say is
             | true.
       | Amin699 wrote:
       | The tetraquark now presents theorists with a solid target against
       | which to test their mathematical machinery for approximating the
       | strong force. Honing their approximations represents physicists'
       | main hope for understanding how quarks behave inside and outside
       | atoms -- and for teasing apart the effects of quarks from subtle
       | signs of new fundamental particles that physicists are pursuing.
       | NovaS1X wrote:
       | Can anyone informed and eager enough tell me how it's possible to
       | measure something that only exists for "12 sextillionths of a
       | second"? In my computer minded mode of thinking in sensors and
       | clock cycles I can't imagine a way this is done.
         | frob wrote:
         | The answer is you don't measure the particle directly, but
         | instead measure its byproducts. I spent my graduate career
         | studying the Upsilon meson, which is a particle dominated by
         | two valence bottom quarks. The Upsilon exists for a similar
         | amount of time and there is no way we can measure it directly.
         | However, about 3% of the time, it will decay to a pair of
         | highly energetic electrons and another 3% of the time, it will
         | decay to a pair of muons. These extremely energetic leptons
         | (think 99%+ the speed of light) are something we can detect as
         | they come screaming out of the collision. (side note: an
         | electron weighs ~ 511 keV in particle physics units. The
         | Upsilon meson weighs at least 9.46 GeV depending on the state.
         | That means each electron has at least 4.73 GeV of kinetic
         | energy with a mass of 511 keV, or ~9000x more kinetic energy
         | than its energy in mass). We have ways of measuring their
         | energy, so we can reconstruct the mass of the original particle
         | via $E=mc^2$ plus some kinetics.
           | im3w1l wrote:
           | Something I never quite understood: When you shoot particle A
           | at particle B in some accelerator, how does the formation-
           | and-almost-immediate-decay of particle C affect the end
           | result? Like how can we know that those leptons didn't just
           | come from the initial collision?
           | NovaS1X wrote:
           | This is a great answer. Thank you.
           | So in these situations how do you tell apart electrons from
           | one source compared to another? In the article they mention
           | how the LHC collides particles at a rate of "40 million times
           | each second". I can imagine there are a lot of electrons and
           | other particles flying around from other collisions. What
           | makes an electron discernible between one type of particle
           | and another?
             | frob wrote:
             | Truly, you never really know which pair of particles came
             | from a specific decay, and which come from some other
             | processes and just happen to line up with the mass/energy
             | you're looking at. Fortunately, for most particles, the
             | combinatorial background signal follows a smooth curve
             | around the energies you're looking at, so you can fit a
             | curve to that background signal and then attribute the rest
             | of the signal to the particle production. For an example,
             | see the main plot on the Upsilon page in Wikipedia
             | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upsilon_meson). You can see
             | there is a linear decline (in log space) of the background
             | signal but then there's another peak around 9.5 GeV which
             | is the additional signal from the Upsilon decay.
             | The point is, we cannot tell which pair of electrons/muons
             | come from the decay of a specific particle, but we can tell
             | how many extra occurred beyond what we would expect from
             | all other known processes.
               | NovaS1X wrote:
               | Thanks so much for the explanation and the example. I at
               | least know a little more about these complicated
               | endeavours now.
               | frob wrote:
               | Happy to do it! Thanks for asking insightful questions.
               | :)
             | retbull wrote:
             | Statistics like the op said. If you are expecting your
             | decay products from an interaction to be 20% X and 80% Y
             | but after 100 billion attempts which should have averaged
             | out to the expected outcome you instead get 21% X and 79% Y
             | something in your calculation is wrong.
           | beambot wrote:
           | Are the decay modes (3% one way, 3% another, 94%?)
           | experimentally determined, or does theory predict this
           | distribution?
             | frob wrote:
             | As in most things with particle physics, it's a combination
             | of both. Theory predicts a wide band and then
             | experimentalists come in with the best estimate they can
             | make. Some theories are excluded and other are refined.
             | There are another round of predictions and when the
             | experiments get powerful enough, they can challenge or
             | support some predictions.
             | Some of the best data for branching ratios comes from e+e-
             | (electon-positron) colliders such as LEP (literally, the
             | Large Electron-Positron collider). In these colliders, we
             | can fine-tune the energy to produce massive amounts of
             | particles we care about. From that, we can see how they
             | decay. Mostly, Upsilons decay into massive sprays of
             | hadrons and leptons (called jets in particle physics).
             | These can come from decaying Tau particles (the much much
             | heavier cousins of muons and electons) or from
             | quarks/hadrons decaying over and over and over again into
             | things like Kaons, pions, muons, electrons, photons, and
             | other lightish particles. In the relatively clean
             | environment of a e+e- collider, we can reconstruct these
             | jets and determine which may have come from Upsilons.
             | Combining this with a whole bunch of other measurements
             | (and some theory) lets us determine the branching ratio
             | (how often a particle decays into certain things).
           | japhyr wrote:
           | I did an undergrad in physics, and at one point I wanted to
           | be a particle physicist. But I didn't want to go straight to
           | grad school, so I spent a couple years teaching middle school
           | math and science. I loved that, and spent 25 years teaching
           | instead of going back to physics.
           | If you don't mind my asking, what are you doing now after
           | spending years studying such a specific area of particle
           | physics?
             | [deleted]
             | frob wrote:
             | I've been a software engineer for the better part of a
             | decade now. My areas of focus during that time have been
             | NLP, messaging, teaching, politics, and now data analysis
             | and processing around criminal justice.
           | jxy wrote:
           | s/mass/rest mass/g
           | It's 511 keV at rest, and you are sensing a 4.73 GeV electron
           | coming out of the decaying Upsilon. E=m and c=1 in the units
           | you are using.
         | PicassoCTs wrote:
         | frobs answer is of course right, but theoretically - given
         | enough resources, almost all phenomena should be observable.
         | Imagine having a oscilloscope which measures once every 100 ms
         | (Really slow i know). Now all you need is a 100 oscilloscopes,
         | put in a phalanx seperated 1 ms each and a way to measure their
         | clocks drifting. Given good enough "stitching" algos, any event
         | above the theoretical limit of the nyquist theorem should be
         | observable.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampli...
         | This answer simplifies alot and of course,one only gains a
         | stop-motion picture show of the observed phenomena, but none
         | the less..
         | gizmo686 wrote:
         | It isn't. They measure the decay products and infer what
         | happened.
           | NovaS1X wrote:
           | That makes sense. Thank you.
       | carbocation wrote:
       | > Polyakov's analysis suggested that the four quarks banded
       | together for a glorious 12 sextillionths of a second before an
       | energy fluctuation conjured up two extra quarks and the group
       | disintegrated into three mesons.
       | Poetic and informative. What a sentence.
         | [deleted]
         | wiz21c wrote:
         | I feel out of my element.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks072waMayk
       (page generated 2021-09-27 23:00 UTC)