[HN Gopher] Image Sharing. No Bullshit
       Image Sharing. No Bullshit
       Author : vyrotek
       Score  : 162 points
       Date   : 2021-09-27 21:49 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (imgz.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (imgz.org)
       | fortran77 wrote:
       | He says there's a $5/year option, but if you go to pay, there
       | isn't one.
       | https://imgz.org/money/
       | RcouF1uZ4gsC wrote:
       | Very neat.
       | The thing that scares me about doing any type of personal project
       | for image sharing/hosting (especially with a free tier/trial) is
       | that very quickly it will become a magnet for some very awful
       | stuff. What are your plans for dealing with that?
         | stavros wrote:
         | CloudFlare has a thing where it automatically reports bad stuff
         | to me and the authorities, and I turned it on, so hopefully all
         | the abusers will be discouraged by that. Also I have their
         | credit card info.
           | Lammy wrote:
           | A "privacy" paragraph would be appreciated on the Terms page:
           | https://imgz.org/help/terms/
           | Personally I would want to know if my uploads were going
           | through some scanning engine from one of the tier-1 Internet
           | gatekeepers who I would have to trust to not keep/forward a
           | copy.
             | stavros wrote:
             | Hm, the site uses CloudFlare (and that's about it), is that
             | what you mean?
               | Lammy wrote:
               | Yes :)
               | stavros wrote:
               | I can mention that on the privacy page, yep!
         | tgsovlerkhgsel wrote:
         | The paid-only model makes the host a lot less attractive for
         | this. The free trial accounts will likely become a problem at
         | some point, but there's still a verified e-mail address, so the
         | next step would be banning throwaway mail hosters, and/or
         | limiting the lifetime of uploads by trial accounts.
       | vyrotek wrote:
       | I hope their architecture handles the HN front page load well. :)
       | https://imgz.org/i9hxfgRu.png
         | busymom0 wrote:
         | Funniest pricing page. Make sure to read the disclaimer at the
         | bottom:
         | https://imgz.org/money/
         | tyingq wrote:
         | May be more a TOS problem than a load problem, though maybe
         | they are on the big paid plan at CF.                 server:
         | cloudflare       cf-cache-status: HIT
           | stavros wrote:
           | I am definitely on something.
       | NelsonMinar wrote:
       | Call me back once they have a plan to deal with abusive content.
         | Scaevolus wrote:
         | For $1/mo/user, it's still profitable to spend 2 minutes
         | reviewing an abuse complaint and banning a user. :-)
       | kragen wrote:
       | I gave up and just put a file-upload CGI program (I'd say
       | "script" but it's in C) on my own web page.
       | hnaccy wrote:
       | This is ~17x more expensive than B2 served through Cloudflare.
         | rexreed wrote:
         | Other people's servers, other people's liability.
       | NikolaNovak wrote:
       | I see a lot of comments about the $5 a year quote. I see $12 on
       | front page - I wonder if it's just changed in last hour or am I
       | getting a Canadian special :-)
         | BitAstronaut wrote:
         | Hit the front page of HN so it's time to raise the prices.
         | stavros wrote:
         | (It changed in the last hour https://gitlab.com/stavros/imgz/-/
         | commit/7bdac35c8bc397bf829...)
       | paxys wrote:
       | Those are some pretty terrible prices. You can share images (or
       | anything else) publicly from Dropbox/Box/GDrive/OneDrive for a
       | lot cheaper. Or just cut out the middleman and set up a S3 bucket
       | for a few cents.
         | detritus wrote:
         | This is like $12 a year.
         | I also have a dropbox account, which I hate. I also have
         | various web storage accounts.
         | For sharing silly daft images that have little connection to
         | me, I use my imgz.org account all the time.
           | paxys wrote:
           | $12/year for 2GB.
           | Free plans: Dropbox 2GB, OneDrive 5GB, Box 10GB, GDrive 15GB.
           | They all let you generate public read-only links which aren't
           | connected back to your account.
             | detritus wrote:
             | You know what, I literally couldn't give a fuck.
             | I have multiple hosted web storage, google storage, paid-
             | for dropbox etc accounts, as well as reddit and imgur
             | accounts - and the one I use to share stupid images is this
             | one.
             | This was posted here a couple of years back, I liked the
             | pitch, i paid for it.
             | I also enjoy avocado liberally smashed on shit.
         | stavros wrote:
         | By all means!
         | bradenb wrote:
         | Really? It doesn't get much cheaper than $1/mo. Yes, I know
         | that's only 2GB, but how many images do you need to share
         | anonymously with the internet?
           | paxys wrote:
           | iCloud has a 50GB plan for $1/mo. OneDrive does 100GB for
           | $2/mo, GDrive for $1.67/mo.
             | supperburg wrote:
             | Yeah but then you're supporting Apple and google and also
             | certainly being spied on and putting yourself at risk of
             | being flagged as a pedophile.
               | hnaccy wrote:
               | imgz will flag you to NCMEC too ;)
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28676746
             | hunterb123 wrote:
             | All of which disable sharing for a file if bandwidth usage
             | is too high.
             | That leads to the question. How much bandwidth does imgz
             | stand up to? It says it's "included" so no charges, but
             | quota is not clear.
           | hnaccy wrote:
           | larger cloud providers are free/cheaper
           | https://catbox.moe/ et al are free and no account needed
           | B2 and similar with a little effort is half a cent per gig
           | I don't know why you would use this unless you like OP's
           | attitude and want to simply support him.
       | statico wrote:
       | I've been hoping for an Imgur replacement for simple, hosted
       | image sharing.
       | I'm happy to pay $1/mo, but when I tried to upload
       | https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9ec8d13de2878c899fda0bd43... I
       | got this, which doesn't look like what I uploaded:
       | https://cln.sh/4coS9T / https://imgz.org/i5qphFzd.gif
         | yobert wrote:
         | Bug? Or feature?
         | stavros wrote:
         | Well that's extremely odd, I will look into that right now.
         | EDIT: This is very odd, I'm not really doing any processing on
         | the uploaded files, so it should definitely return the
         | originals. I will have this fixed soon though.
         | EDIT2: Unfortunately, the saved image in the DB itself is
         | corrupt, so you will need to reupload after I solve this.
         | EDIT3: Alright this should be fixed! Now I can start submitting
         | animated GIFs there.
         | EDIT4: Ironically, now ONLY animated GIFs work, because 2am is
         | when I do some of my best work. Stand by...
           | pkulak wrote:
           | > saved image in the DB
           | Whoa now... you're putting images in the database?
             | jagged-chisel wrote:
             | Advice these days is to rely on the database to do the
             | right thing with your uploaded files. I think they all
             | handle this rather well.
             | LegitShady wrote:
             | say hello to my friend BLOB
             | stavros wrote:
             | Yes, it's a database. That's where you're meant to put
             | DATA.
               | debarshri wrote:
               | How about filesystem or object storage? That where you
               | meant to put a FILE which is what the user uploaded.
               | jasode wrote:
               | _> Yes, it's a database. That's where you're meant to put
               | DATA._
               | Most (all) large-scale high-volume image storage
               | architectures I'm aware of do not store images as blobs
               | in a database. They store the images as files with
               | database only holding metadata and a pointer to the
               | filename (or url if using AWS S3). E.g. Facebook is one
               | of the largest MySQL sites (if not the largest) and they
               | don't store images directly in MySQL.
           | silisili wrote:
           | Same for me. I tried uploading this test image -
           | https://bhi61nm2cr3mkdgk1dtaov18-wpengine.netdna-
           | ssl.com/wp-... (dont ask, lol)
           | and the uploaded image was a negative of it.
             | stavros wrote:
             | That one worked for me: https://imgz.org/i4mdbiQL.jpg
               | silisili wrote:
               | Sorry I may have been dishonest there. I downloaded it
               | from the google search results directly, perhaps this
               | link- https://encrypted-
               | tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFsEM5...
               | it resulted in https://imgz.org/i5Q2gzwB.png
               | stavros wrote:
               | Hm, very odd that the type wasn't detected properly. The
               | animated GIF issue is because of EXIF stripping ruining
               | the image, though. I'm fixing that now.
           | jpomykala wrote:
           | You said, no support. Why do you even care? F*k this guy.
           | Delete his account. /s
             | stavros wrote:
             | Hey, I use this thing, it has to work.
         | theawless wrote:
         | Nightmare fuel
           | stavros wrote:
           | This is hereby declared a feature.
         | romwell wrote:
         | >I've been hoping for an Imgur replacement for simple, hosted
         | image sharing.
         | If you are willing to pay for things, then any good old web
         | host + FTP are your friends.
           | statico wrote:
           | That sounds like a lot of work. Why not just push my
           | screenshots to good ol' NNTP?
       | detritus wrote:
       | I'm on my second year subscription, even if the owner's a total
       | cunt who actually responds to justifiable emails.
         | mattl wrote:
         | Owner sounds a bit full of themselves for sure. Any horror
         | stories?
           | detritus wrote:
           | Nope.
           | It's a few bucks a year silly image hosting account. I mean,
           | I'm a grumpy, cheap fucker, but even I would struggle to find
           | fault.
           | - ed
           | in fact, to clarify - I have twice written to Stavros, and
           | both times he's been upmost helpful. Proving what a liar he
           | is and how he fails to live up to his marketing.
           | Biganon wrote:
           | Owner has humor and talks to his customers like they're
           | adults (adults with a sense of humor)
           | AussieWog93 wrote:
           | >Any horror stories?
           | One time I made a joke on HN that feel flat, and he posted a
           | sarcastic comment! He also bought an oscilloscope from me and
           | made sure I marked the package correctly so it didn't get
           | caught up in (corrupt) Greek customs, causing a tiny amount
           | of extra work at my end!
           | True sociopathic behaviour!
       | CosmicShadow wrote:
       | Strike while the iron is hot I guess, but not sure why you you
       | are being such an ass in your copy, it's kind of a turn off, even
       | if it is super cheap.
       | Maybe it's a trend where if something is super cheap people tend
       | to write in that style, but it kind of erodes trust, unless this
       | is supposed to be a joke site, but the fact that I don't know
       | really hurts your chance to actually get users to want to give
       | you their email or money.
       | Nothing against being edgy or sweary or whatever, I like it
       | normally, but not when you are trying to sell something on the
       | Internet when you don't have some trust anchor that makes me
       | ignore it like a big name brand.
         | ASalazarMX wrote:
         | Goes perfectly well with the spirit of Imgur's style back in
         | 2009. I like the cheeky tone in personal projects like this, it
         | doesn't have to be serious because it's not a startup with
         | investors and neckties, at least not yet.
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20090226191747/http://imgur.com/...
         | [deleted]
         | stavros wrote:
         | Ah, see, you're assuming the site is not serious and I didn't
         | actually make this because I needed it and it'll be a hassle if
         | other people use it so they need to give me money to offset the
         | hassle.
           | edoceo wrote:
           | It's not "free" money. They pay for the service. It's just
           | regular money.
         | busymom0 wrote:
         | Call me crazy but the funny pricing page and copy is what
         | convinces me to throw some money at this site.
           | stavros wrote:
           | If you upload a video of you throwing money at the screen I
           | will give you a year's subscription.
             | busymom0 wrote:
             | Join my onlyfans to get that video..
               | mikestew wrote:
               | Now we know what keeps _busymom0_ so busy.
         | blunte wrote:
         | I'm not sure there's any definite way to erode trust these
         | days, since the most polished and believable sites can (and
         | often do) completely betray the trust they instill or profess
         | to uphold.
         | Perhaps the creator is truly tired of the BS and guesses that
         | there's an audience who also is. And for $5/yr, it costs
         | virtually nothing to try.
         | The bigger question is about limits of what can be posted,
         | policing of content, and privacy.
         | version_five wrote:
         | It would be interesting to see what kind of innovative products
         | got made if everyone worried about being tut-tutted by self
         | righteous internet critics for everything they did.
         | Honestly your comment is a charicature of the kind of internet
         | objections we'd expect to see to a new marketing style.
         | BrianOnHN wrote:
         | That style reads like "ego defense."
         | As in, "if I make sure it looks like I didn't try hard, then it
         | can't hurt when they say..."
           | stavros wrote:
           | The numbers don't lie: 99,9999987% of humans don't use this
           | site and I'm not hurt.
             | BrianOnHN wrote:
             | Well played.
         | bradenb wrote:
         | To me it's charming and funny. I like it. Others will, too.
         | umvi wrote:
         | This is same character "Maddox" plays (if anyone remembers him)
         | SkyMarshal wrote:
         | From the site:
         |  _> Looking for a dead-simple way to share some images but are
         | ashamed of what Imgur has become?_
         | I don't even know why I should be ashamed of what imgur has
         | become. I still use it to host images I want to post to social
         | media, be they funny memes, or screen shots of
         | system/programming errors I'm seeking help solving. It works
         | fine. What's the problem with imgur exactly? I imagine I'm not
         | the only imgur user who doesn't notice any issue with it.
           | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
           | > What's the problem with imgur exactly?
           | Since yesterday, it's owned by the company that runs
           | Genius.com
           | https://www.medialab.la/
           | rexreed wrote:
           | Just wait. The company that brought you Kik and Whisper and
           | Genius is now the proud owner of Imgur and all the fabulous
           | images and data contained within.
           | statico wrote:
           | What's wrong with Imgur:
           | Imgur started as a way to share images on Reddit. Imgur was
           | even a great way browse all the images in a subreddit at
           | once. Eventually Reddit implemented their own image uploading
           | and hosting and added the new layout, which makes images
           | bigger when browsing feeds. Imgur pivoted into being their
           | own social network, and use cases like yours began to be
           | ignored because they generated far more abuse than they do
           | revenue.
           | Even if you once paid for Imgur, like I did, the non-social
           | features are completely broken. I can't even view my own
           | images using https://statico.imgur.com/all, and I can't get
           | to my old albums of images.
         | civilized wrote:
         | Did anybody else read the copy, then read this comment, then
         | read the copy again and go "what planet is this guy from?"
         | How did "being such an ass" get defined down to something this
         | mild? People are so easily offended these days.
         | You can sign up for any image hosting website you want. I mean,
         | you wouldn't go to Chipotle and rant at them for three
         | paragraphs about how their mild salsa is way too spicy for you.
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | It's all about context.
           | In the context of informal Internet chat, this is mild.
           | But as a business, in my own personal subjective opinion,
           | it's a real turn-off. I don't ever EVER want companies to
           | feign personality. At the moment it seems like this site
           | exists purely because someone's upset with Imgur. That's a
           | trrrible business model. I'm not about to rely on this
           | existing in six months.
           | What I want is the most dead simple version of:
           | 1. What it does
           | 2. What's in it for you
           | 3. What's in it for us
           | Everyone misses 3 but it's imperative. Tell us why you're
           | here and how you plan on staying in business. If you don't
           | I'll assume the worst.
           | ASalazarMX wrote:
           | It this was a normal startup, the tone wouldn't inspire trust
           | or be good PR. Fortunately this is a personal project, so the
           | author can do whatever the heck he wants with its public
           | image.
           | pugz wrote:
           | I was fine with all of it except the domestic violence jokes.
           | Those weren't funny enough to warrant the topic.
           | smolyeet wrote:
           | Yeah I was having the same problem. If he posted I host
           | images , people would probably be less likely to join. People
           | just like to complain about nothing
           | nevir wrote:
           | TBH, I find the following from that site as "being a bit of
           | an ass":
           | > You are a guest here. You can use IMGZ, and it'll always be
           | great, because I'm great. I've even open-sourced it.
           | (in particular, due to the "because I'm great.")
           | > It's super cheap. Like, $5/yr. And that includes bandwidth.
           | There's even a free trial because I'm nice.
           | (same theme: "because I'm nice")
           | ---
           | past that, the honest talk is nice to see, IMO.
             | maldeh wrote:
             | Not to mention:
             | > Already have an account? No you don't.
             | > Try to log in below if you think you do anyway.
             | allenu wrote:
             | Yeah, I was confused by the copy. I also thought it wasn't
             | a real service.
             | On the "Money" page (with title "Buy my shit"):
             | > That's because we want to avoid having to sell photos of
             | your vagina to shady Russian oligarchs to pay for our
             | servers and cocaine.
             | I'm not offended by the language. It just doesn't give me a
             | sense that this is a serious business.
         | rexreed wrote:
         | Honestly I'd rather have this straightforward no-BS talk than
         | the "take this amazing journey with us" all is happy BS that is
         | much easier to be cynical and skeptical about. What about the
         | copy is false? It seems true to me, if it is blunt. I can't say
         | the same for other website content that is much more bland, but
         | also much more false.
           | nimvlaj30 wrote:
           | I don't know why talk like this gets a reputation as being
           | straightforward and no-BS. It would be more straightforward
           | and have less BS if it just said, "Image sharing made simple.
           | Like imgur, but without he bullshit."
           | Not a long ramble about being ashamed (why?) about an image
           | board I never even think of.
             | [deleted]
           | loktarogar wrote:
           | There's a middle ground that isn't "amazing journey" and
           | isn't "i'm an asshole but i'll let you use my service, I
           | guess"
           | From my perspective the latter associates itself with
           | volatility which isn't fantastic for any kind of hosting.
           | user-the-name wrote:
           | This is neither "straightforward" nor "no-BS", there's plenty
           | of BS in there are and pointless posturing.
           | actusual wrote:
           | We're trying to maintain the puritanical simplicity of the
           | internet, didn't you hear?
           | On a more serious note, I tend to agree with you and would
           | add one more thing: I have several friends who have
           | explicitly asked for more websites with this paid model. My
           | friends want to pay to not be advertised to or have their
           | data sold. It also happens to be the case that those same
           | people all express their opinions in a very similar style as
           | this website's copy.
         | delusional wrote:
         | I think the author commented on this view in their FAQ:
         | > Listen, this is half service, half art project. I made it in
         | two days because I needed one and Imgur is an embarrassing husk
         | of its former self, and I had nothing better to do. If you're
         | expecting professionalism, call Oracle and ask for a quote of
         | Oracle Advanced Image Sharing for Hadoop or whatever crap they
         | sell, IMGZ is awesome but what you see is what you get.
           | system2 wrote:
           | Then why would I trust him with my credit card or give him
           | money while there are free alternatives?
             | rexreed wrote:
             | Because the customers know that "free" has a cost. That's
             | the reason for this site's creation -- because if you're
             | not the customer, you're the product. Free isn't the
             | alternative that it might seem to be.
               | user-the-name wrote:
               | That does not answer the question "Then why would I trust
               | him with my credit card"?
               | rexreed wrote:
               | For the same reason you'd trust a free service with your
               | data. Especially photos and image data.
         | 27182818284 wrote:
         | Eh, it isn't too far off from the "I created an image hosting
         | service that doesn't suck." language used in the announcement
         | of Imgur on Reddit 12 years ago.
         | durpkingOP wrote:
         | ok arbiter of copywrite, should we call it imgzen instead.
         | kumbaya
         | CaptainMarvel wrote:
         | Funnily enough, my reaction was the opposite. This is blunt,
         | honest, and makes fun of all the crap marketing and fake sale
         | pitches of other services.
         | carabiner wrote:
         | The "no bullshit" is a low key HN meme:
         | https://hn.algolia.com/?q=no+bullshit+guide
           | threatofrain wrote:
           | The top hits on this query is Ivan Savov's pedagogical
           | branding sparsely spread across the years. The rest are like
           | 0-comment posts.
       | yelnatz wrote:
       | $34
       | 500 GB
       | You're just showing off
       | More images
       | The server doesn't have that much space don't get this
       | LMAO
         | s1artibartfast wrote:
         | from the FAQ:
         | >Does bandwidth cost extra?
         | >No. I don't know. It's not a problem yet. If it becomes a
         | problem, I'll make it your problem, but I think we're gonna be
         | okay.
       | [deleted]
       | holler wrote:
       | > With this in mind, we found the perfect balance of the "early
       | startup employee" compensation package: 50% stock, 50% equity, 0%
       | salary[0].
       | I'm IN! Congrats :D
       | 0: https://imgz.org/blog/
         | stavros wrote:
         | Fantastic! I will send you the contracts to sign.
         | I didn't relaunch though, I just wrote a comment about it and
         | someone posted it and now I have to fix my EXIF stripping
         | breaking animated GIFs at 2 am :( Ah well, no better time than
         | the present.
           | aduitsis wrote:
           | Hah, Greek time zone eh?
             | stavros wrote:
             | Yes :( There are worse timezones, there's this school in
             | England whose timezone is like 12 minutes away from the
             | rest of the country.
           | [deleted]
       | vmception wrote:
       | > Image Sharing. No Bullshit
       | Sign up with email: Bullshit
       | Free trial (for a paid service?): Bullshit
       | That's a lot of bullshit for a no bullshit service
         | romwell wrote:
         | It's a statement, not a product.
         | And it's a bullshit statement, FWIW
       | [deleted]
       | nikolay wrote:
       | Unfortunately, Stavros has some issues keeping his services up. I
       | was a user of his https://historio.us long-time ago, a paying
       | one, and he just killed the service and lost all my data. Some
       | time later, he restarted the service and gave my username to
       | somebody else. Don't put anything meaningful and valuable into
       | his services!                 Hello,       I'm afraid I couldn't
       | find your backup file :/ It looks like your account may have been
       | one of the older ones to be reclaimed, when we hadn't added the
       | backup functionality yet. I'm sorry about that :/
       | Thanks,       Stavros
         | stavros wrote:
         | That's a bit of a liberal retelling. You had a free account,
         | the system sends you one (or two, I forget) emails if your free
         | account is inactive, and if you don't log in for a few months
         | it deletes the data to make room for others.
         | There was a period where I didn't keep backups of the data on
         | free accounts, but people complained, so I added that.
         | I think it's a bit unfair to expect me to keep account data
         | around forever for free, even after notifications that the
         | account is inactive and will be deleted. Also, wasn't this more
         | than half a decade ago?
         | EDIT: Also, your account isn't even deleted, only the pages
         | are, so your username should still be there, no?
       | [deleted]
       | calltrak wrote:
       | i like to use https://picc.io image sharing
       | bananamerica wrote:
       | Somebody suggested me cubeupload some time ago. Is there anything
       | wrong with it?
         | tyingq wrote:
         | Is it free? Free image hosting always eventually shuts down or
         | monetizes with redirects to an html page with your image and
         | bunch of ads. Bandwidth isn't cheap enough for free image
         | hosting to survive.
       | mahgnous wrote:
       | Step 1 asking for my email is bullshit though...
       | jonny_eh wrote:
       | Is it $5/year (says on home), or $1/month (says on pricing page)?
         | d4mi3n wrote:
         | From the pricing page (fine print):                   * All
         | prices paid per year but shown per month because if I get
         | another person telling me that "$5 A MoNth Is toO ExPeNSiVe FoR
         | 1 GB" I'm going to lose it. Small print may be too small to
         | read. Service comes with no guarantee, not even guarantee of
         | service. Do not email us for support you do not get any. Paying
         | us money doesn't entitle you to anything except owning less
         | money. Disclaimer may make less sense as you read on, this is
         | not the disclaimer's fault and is by design.
           | blunte wrote:
           | Well, I might pay $5/yr for an image service that sometimes
           | works, with a side of comedy. It's better than some of the
           | free options...
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | I still don't understand. $1 month is $12/year? Where does
           | $5/year come from?
             | topher200 wrote:
             | The pricing was updated today: https://gitlab.com/stavros/i
             | mgz/-/commit/7bdac35c8bc397bf829...
       | toomuchtodo wrote:
       | A Stavros product.
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=stavros
       | Show HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21627714
         | jessaustin wrote:
         | The switch from 'StavrosK really confused me and seemed fake at
         | first...
           | [deleted]
           | stavros wrote:
           | Oh yes, sorry! I legally changed my username, apparently you
           | can do this and dang was very accommodating.
             | jessaustin wrote:
             | It's fine! I understand now, and it's nice this was
             | possible.
       (page generated 2021-09-27 23:00 UTC)