[HN Gopher] Gregory MS
       Gregory MS
       Author : rcarmo
       Score  : 27 points
       Date   : 2021-09-29 07:08 UTC (15 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gregory-ms.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gregory-ms.com)
       | nexuist wrote:
       | There's a lot of effort put into this page. It makes me think the
       | author has a personal stake in curing the disease. I'm happy this
       | site exists.
         | brunoamaral wrote:
         | To be honest, there was more effort in all the backend stuff,
         | and some friends helped me along the way.
         | I'm a digital communication strategist, so all the design and
         | content took about 16 hours. The theme being used is from my
         | old website and was I had built it around content-modules that
         | can be mixed and matched.
         | Next step is to reach out to doctors and researchers in
         | Neurology so that they can use it and guide the development of
         | new features they might need.
         | Thank you for your comment.
       | IceWreck wrote:
       | Is using Baymax to advertise your product, even if open source
       | and non profit allowed by Disney ?
       | You might want to remove that picture before they come knocking
         | brunoamaral wrote:
         | It's not. There are plans to change the logo and illustration,
         | but right now Baymax will have to do because he is also a
         | "healthcare companion".
       | uKVZe85V wrote:
       | Many people here will wonder which "MS" this is about. It is
       | "multiple sclerosis", a medical condition.
       | > Gregory MS > I am a robot that indexes and identifies relevant
       | research and clinical trials for Multiple Sclerosis
       | > Daily information on Multiple Sclerosis > For Doctors > For
       | Researchers > For Patients
       | Snippets above might save a few clicks to some here.
       (page generated 2021-09-29 23:01 UTC)