[HN Gopher] Learning Common Lisp to beat Java and Rust on a phon...
       Learning Common Lisp to beat Java and Rust on a phone encoding
       Author : medo-bear
       Score  : 165 points
       Date   : 2021-10-01 17:42 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (renato.athaydes.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (renato.athaydes.com)
       | tyingq wrote:
       | Not the same phone encoding challenge, but an interesting feature
       | of the bsd globbing built into bash. The map is the typical map
       | of letters on a touch-tone phone..where "2" can be a, b, or c.
       | All letter combos for the number "6397":
       | #!/usr/bin/bash       m[0]=0;m[1]=1;m[2]="{a,b,c}";m[3]="{d,e,f}"
       | ;m[4]="{g,h,i}";m[5]="{j,k,l}";
       | m[6]="{m,n,o}";m[7]="{p,q,r,s}";m[8]="{t,u,v}";m[9]="{w,x,y,z}"
       | var=$(echo ${m[6]}${m[3]}${m[9]}${m[7]})       eval echo $var
       | eggy wrote:
       | Before Python became ML's darling, there was Lush: Lisp Universal
       | SHell by none other than Yann LeCun and Leon Bottouk[1], and I
       | thought my Lisp knowledge was going to finally pay off ;) I've
       | since moved on to J and APL. SBCL is amazing and aside from
       | calling C directly, it is still very fast. Python is slow without
       | its specialized libraries from the C-world, but SBCL produces
       | short, readable code that is pretty efficient. There ECL[2] for
       | an embedded Lisp, or uLisp[32] for really small processors like
       | the ESP chips.
       | [1] http://lush.sourceforge.net/ [2] https://common-
       | lisp.net/project/ecl/ [3] http://www.ulisp.com/
         | pvitz wrote:
         | I am using J on and off, but I am not aware of a ML package for
         | it. Are you writing all algorithms yourself or could you
         | recommend a package?
           | ruste wrote:
           | I'd also like to know. I'm considering writing some for fun
           | in GNU APL right now.
           | liveranga wrote:
           | There's a handful of resources around that look fun though I
           | haven't dug into them yet.
           | There's this on the J wiki: https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/U
           | ser:Brian_Schott/code/feedf...
           | And there's this YouTube series for APL: https://youtube.com/
           | playlist?list=PLgTqamKi1MS3p-O0QAgjv5vt4...
       | kragen wrote:
       | This is a pretty introductory CL article, mostly a commentary on
       | Norvig's solution to the problem. Still, I learned about the #.
       | readmacro from it. The conclusion: "[The Lisp implementation] was
       | the fastest implementation for all input sizes except the largest
       | one, where it performed just slightly worse than my best Java
       | implementation." GH repo at
       | https://github.com/renatoathaydes/prechelt-phone-number-enco....
       | Sounds like he was mostly measuring the performance of the SBCL
       | bignum implementation.
         | xxs wrote:
         | The tests are just few seconds, it's measuring bootstap,
         | compilation time for the most of the part.
           | kragen wrote:
           | It's true that they're just a few seconds, but if he were
           | measuring compilation time then none of the Java tests would
           | come in under 10 000 ms, and (although the graph isn't
           | usefully labeled) it looks like they're around 100 ms.
       | tehjoker wrote:
       | I tried experimenting with Common LISP but never understood how
       | one was supposed to deploy a finished binary to the end user. It
       | seemed like you were supposed to load up an environment? It made
       | me leery of continuing.
         | vindarel wrote:
         | See this recipe: https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-
         | cookbook/scripting.html The core of it is to call "sb-ext:save-
         | lisp-and-die" after you loaded the system, and the portable way
         | across implementations is to use asdf:make, with 2 lines on
         | your system declaration (.asd).
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | For most common-lisp implementations you can just save the
         | current state as an executable, along with specifying an entry-
         | point.
         | Obviously doing this from your dev environment is a bad idea,
         | so most people write a script that loads the system and dumps
         | the image. Or you can use one that someone else has already
         | written.
         | Not all lisps work this way (most notably ECL does not), and
         | you can use ASDF's program-op to create an executable directly
         | from a package definition, which should work on any
         | implemntation supported by ASDF.
           | tehjoker wrote:
           | Thanks, the saving the dev environment part was the part that
           | scared me. It certainly helps to have someone tell you you're
           | not crazy. Maybe I'll give it another try sometime!
             | aidenn0 wrote:
             | One of the things I've learned with powerful tools is that,
             | by their nature, they empower you to do bad things almost
             | as much as they empower you to do good things.
             | It's even alluded to in the ruby bare-words example in this
             | famous talk[1]
             | 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3se2-thqf-A
         | gibsonf1 wrote:
         | We have a makefile and: sudo make it creates an executable.
         | Its slightly tricky in that the whole make process can only
         | happen on a single thread, so you have to turn off all parallel
         | threads during make - so we have a key on many functions :make
         | that turns off parallel for using make. Ultimatel the make file
         | uses (asdf:make :package-name) to compile to an exe. The other
         | tricky part is to get a web server in the exe to work, and
         | thats handled like this:
         | (handler-case (bt:join-thread (find-if (lambda (th)
         | #+os-unix (search "clack-handler-woo" (bt:thread-name th))
         | #+os-windows (search "hunchentoot" (bt:thread-name th))
         | )                 (bt:all-threads)))               ;; Catch a
         | user's C-c               (#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
         | #+ccl  ccl:interrupt-signal-condition                 #+clisp
         | system::simple-interrupt-condition                 #+ecl
         | ext:interactive-interrupt                 #+allegro
         | excl:interrupt-signal                 () (progn
         | (format *error-output* "Aborting.~&")               (stop)
         | (uiop:quit)))               (error (c) (progn (format t "Woops,
         | an unknown error occured:~&~a~& - restarting service..." c)
         | #+os-unix (trivial-shell:shell-command "service trinity
         | restart"))               ))
       | xondono wrote:
       | Some weeks ago I tried to start learning Lisp too.
       | I found it odd, but I've seen weirder. Then I tried the simple
       | example of writing a function to compute the nth fibonacci number
       | (it's almost the first example). After testing some numbers, I
       | thought it seemed slow, so I quickly implemented the same
       | function in Rust (with recursion too).
       | Rust took less time in compiling, and computing fib(n) for n
       | 1..50 than Lisp to compute fib(50). Maybe I did something very
       | wrong, but for now I'd rather learn Rust better.
         | xondono wrote:
         | Maybe it came out wrong (English is not my first language).
         | I did not mean to say that I believe it inferior or anything,
         | just that I felt writing performant code in Lisp is non trivial
         | to learn, while rust feels pretty natural (to me).
         | I'll try again at some point, but I don't think it's a wise
         | investment of time at this point, I'd rather be "fluent" in
         | rust first, then maybe try lisp.
         | rscho wrote:
         | Maybe not knowing how to use a tool efficiently is a good
         | reason to refrain from strong criticism?
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | The only way anyone but you can know if you did anything wrong
         | is if you include your code, and your common lisp
         | implementation. They don't all have the same performance.
         | remexre wrote:
         | I believe that unless you put the inline pragma on the Lisp
         | function, the compiler isn't allowed to optimize the recursion.
         | In general, Common Lisp doesn't favor recursive functions (as
         | opposed to Scheme), and as far as I know, most implementations
         | don't put huge amounts of effort into optimizing it.
         | I'd be interested to see whether the same written using the
         | loop (or iterate:iter) macros would still be as slow.
           | gibsonf1 wrote:
           | If you make it tail recursive, its insanely fast in common
           | lisp. (sbcl)
             | jonsen wrote:
             | How would you code a tail recursive Fibonacci in LISP?
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | I haven't looked at trying and don't really have time to,
               | so I don't know, but with lisp, you can make anything
               | fast as a general rule, very very fast. (at least with
               | compiled sbcl)
               | lowbloodsugar wrote:
               | If you were a non LISP programmer and thought "Fibonacci
               | using recursion", you might think you'd have something
               | like fib(a)=fib(a-1)+fib(a-2), and scoff at its possible
               | performance, and also wonder how that would be tail call
               | optimized. But as a LISP programmer, you'll think of this
               | in the way a Java programmer would think of a loop, and
               | just treat this as a count over two values n times,
               | adding along the way. And this is why I don't like LISP:
               | because I have programmed assembly and built up from
               | there, and doing loops using tail call recursion seems to
               | be a lie. It is a faulty abstraction. It is a loop. You'd
               | be better off doing it in a loop, in any sane language,
               | and if you do it right in LISP, the code will generate a
               | _loop_ in assembly language. Just the fact that this
               | thread devolved into _how to specify compiler options_ so
               | that it actually generates that loop shows how absurd the
               | whole thing is.
               | oconnor663 wrote:
               | I think the appeal of expressing loops with recursion is
               | that it lets you to avoid mutation. But I agree with the
               | point that Rust folks frequently make, about how being
               | able to mutate things safely is a lot nicer than avoiding
               | all mutation.
               | emptybits wrote:
               | There may be a faster or cleverer way to do it but here's
               | a basic tail recursive fibonacci:
               | (defun nth-fibonacci (n &optional (a 0) (b 1))
               | (if (= n 0)                a                (nth-
               | fibonacci (- n 1) b (+ a b))))
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | WEB> (time (nth-fibonacci 9999)) Evaluation took: 0.005
               | seconds of real time 0.004520 seconds of total run time
               | (0.000168 user, 0.004352 system) 100.00% CPU 13,120,881
               | processor cycles 4,716,256 bytes consed
               | 207936082371334980721126489886428368250870360940159031196
               | 829458665285014234556866489274560343052265155917573432971
               | 901580106247942672509731761338101799027380382317897483462
               | 355564831914315919245323944200280678103204087244146934628
               | 490626683870833080482509206544933408787332263775808474463
               | 248737976037347946482581138586315504040810172603812029199
               | 438923709428526016473982135544790818235937154295669451493
               | 129936648467790904377992847736753792842706601751346648332
               | 663776986420121068913557911418727769340808035049567940946
               | 482928805660563647181876626689707585373833526774208355741
               | 559456585420036347653245410061210124467856891714948032624
               | 086026930912116019739382294466360499015319632861596990778
               | 804277202892355393296718771829156434190791865251186788568
               | 216008975201710704994376570673424008710839088118009762597
               | 274318205395542568694608153559184582533982343823604357627
               | 598231798961167484242695459246332046141379928508143520187
               | 384809235815539889908971514694061316956144977837207434613
               | 737562186851068568260906963398154909212537145372418669116
               | 042505973537478237332681781821985092402269558264160166900
               | 847498160728435824886131848299053831501800478443537515542
               | 015738331055219809981238332532612286898240517778465884610
               | 797908078283671323847984517940110765690575221586803789615
               | 321608583872238829743804839319295412221008003135806885850
               | 025988795664632214278204484925650731065958088374016489964
               | 235633861097820456341224678729218456064091743606356182168
               | 838125623216644428229525375774927153653211342045306867424
               | 354545051032697681443701184949063902549349423589040315098
               | 773697224370533831653603885951169802459279352259015376349
               | 256548723808771830083010745694440024264364147569050945350
               | 728047646844921056800247399144905559043913692186963870929
               | 181892461571034503870502293006032416114107074539600801709
               | 282779518347632167052424858208014238665266338160829214428
               | 830954632590804718193292017101478280252213856563402074897
               | 963176632788722076077910344317001127535588134788887275038
               | 253890668230986833556957181378678829821117107964227067785
               | 369131923427333645567279280189539891531060473797412807940
               | 91639429908796650294603536651238230626 WEB>
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | You may want to put extra spaces in front of those lines,
               | and also manually break up that massive number.
               | weavie wrote:
               | SBCL doesn't optimize tail calls by default.
               | If I recall you have to set the optimization level prior
               | to compiling the function using `(declaim (optimize
               | xxx))` - where xxx is something I've forgotten. Perhaps
               | someone can come along and point out what xxx should be?
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | Oh thats interesting!, we don't use that but use tail
               | recursion extensively
               | https://0branch.com/notes/tco-cl.html#sec-2-2
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | ; disassembly for NTH-FIBONACCI       ; Size: 94 bytes.
               | Origin: #x2264E531                          ; NTH-
               | FIBONACCI       ; 31:       498B4510         MOV RAX,
               | [R13+16]                ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
               | ; 35:       488945F8         MOV [RBP-8], RAX       ; 39:
               | 488B55F0         MOV RDX, [RBP-16]       ; 3D:       31FF
               | XOR EDI, EDI       ; 3F:       E8AC343BFF       CALL
               | #x21A019F0                  ; GENERIC-=       ; 44:
               | 750A             JNE L0       ; 46:       488B55E8
               | MOV RDX, [RBP-24]       ; 4A:       488BE5           MOV
               | RSP, RBP       ; 4D:       F8               CLC       ;
               | 4E:       5D               POP RBP       ; 4F:       C3
               | RET       ; 50: L0:   488B55F0         MOV RDX, [RBP-16]
               | ; 54:       BF02000000       MOV EDI, 2       ; 59:
               | E8C2323BFF       CALL #x21A01820                  ;
               | GENERIC--       ; 5E:       488BC2           MOV RAX, RDX
               | ; 61:       488945D8         MOV [RBP-40], RAX       ;
               | 65:       488B55E8         MOV RDX, [RBP-24]       ; 69:
               | 488B7DE0         MOV RDI, [RBP-32]       ; 6D:
               | E84E323BFF       CALL #x21A017C0                  ;
               | GENERIC-+       ; 72:       488BF2           MOV RSI, RDX
               | ; 75:       488B45D8         MOV RAX, [RBP-40]       ;
               | 79:       488BD0           MOV RDX, RAX       ; 7C:
               | 488B7DE0         MOV RDI, [RBP-32]       ; 80:
               | B906000000       MOV ECX, 6       ; 85:       FF7508
               | PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]       ; 88:       E99507DBFD
               | JMP #x203FED22                   ; #<FDEFN NTH-FIBONACCI>
               | ; 8D:       CC10             INT3 16
               | ; Invalid argument count trap
               | Looks like it's doing tail call optimization to me, this
               | is without doing anything special with declaim. Note that
               | where it returns to the top is with _JMP_ not _CALL_.
               | http://www.sbcl.org/manual/index.html#Debug-Tail-
               | Recursion
               | weavie wrote:
               | Ah, so as long as optimize is 2 or less you should get
               | tail call recursion. I found when I tried it (several
               | years ago) the default was debug optimize.
               | I wonder if different installs (or perhaps it's Slime)
               | sets this value to different levels.
               | Something to bear in mind anyway..
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | Wow, that worked, thanks!!!
               | WEB> (declaim (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0) (speed 3)))
               | NIL
               | WEB> (defun nth-fibonacci (n &optional (a 0) (b 1))
               | (if (= n 0)                     a
               | (nth-fibonacci (- n 1) b (+ a b))))
               | WARNING: redefining LOBE/SRC/WEB::NTH-FIBONACCI in DEFUN
               | NTH-FIBONACCI
               | WEB> (time (nth-fibonacci 9999))
               | Evaluation took: 0.002 seconds of real time 0.001887
               | seconds of total run time (0.001887 user, 0.000000
               | system) 100.00% CPU 5,476,446 processor cycles 4,715,760
               | bytes consed
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | Yep, that's how you'd do it. So long as your CL
               | implementation supports tail call optimization, that will
               | be on par with the same algorithm using _loop_ or another
               | looping construct.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | That's pretty darn close to the single worst benchmark you
         | could use for CL vs. rust.
         | It's going to make a lot of memory allocations and make a lot
         | of uninlinable function calls, both of which are places that I
         | would expect rust to have an advantage. That being said, I'd be
         | curious to see your rust version, as just the number of bignum
         | operations done for fib(50) is going to take a long time.
         | fsckboy wrote:
         | I don't know for certain at all, but I'd propose that you are
         | being downvoted for not going far enough with lisp to grasp the
         | point of lisp, which has more to do with recursive data
         | structures--and data that is code--than just recursive
         | procedure calling.
         | Factorial and Fibonacci as a pair are good introductions to the
         | issue of recursion--and lisp had recursion back in the dark
         | ages before other languages did--but they're aren't what lisp
         | is about.
         | so, were some other newbie to read your comment, it might
         | really put them off learning lisp for entirely the wrong
         | reasons.
         | cheers :)
       | get52 wrote:
       | Common Lisp? Yuu mean the language that got horsefucked like 30
       | years ago and barely anyone uses? I'll pass lol
       | Decabytes wrote:
       | Is it weird that I don't like Common Lisp at all but I like
       | Scheme a lot? I just never liked Lisp 2s and separate name spaces
       | for functions and variables. But really that is the biggest issue
       | for me. I'm sure if only Common Lisp existed it wouldn't bother
       | me at all.
       | That being said, I think CL is a fantastic language and there is
       | a lot more libraries out there to do useful things than in
       | scheme. My C programming is really weak so I find it challenging
       | whenever I come across a library in c that isn't already wrapped
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | Not at all weird. I'm the opposite; I never liked Lisp 1s, and
         | whenever I use one I always end up shadowing function or macro
         | bindings by accident.
         | sleibrock wrote:
         | I'm a bit the same. I've been writing Racket for a number of
         | years now and looking back at Lisp I see a lot of ugliness that
         | I don't really think I enjoy.
         | Racket has a nice package manager and module system that kind
         | of works for me, and the documentation is honestly some of the
         | best I've ever used, if not my favorite. Comparatively, I've
         | tried using GNU Guile and found the online documentation to be
         | horrendous, and trying to find online documentation for what's
         | considered to be the "standard library" in Common Lisp still
         | confuses me.
         | I love seeing people use CL and other Lisp-likes in the wild,
         | and Norvig was a big inspiration for me.
         | bitwize wrote:
         | Not really. I'm a diehard Schemer as well, for the same
         | reasons: the Lisp-1 nature helps you treat procedures as true
         | first-class values and fits in with Scheme's more functional
         | style. Something you can do in CL also, just with a bit more
         | ceremony. And CL programmers are more "haha, setf go brrrr"
         | anyway.
         | That said, I'd rather use CL by far than any other language
         | _except_ Scheme, and there are cases where CL is the right
         | thing and Scheme is not. The most brilliant, beautiful, joy to
         | maintain enterprise system I 've ever seen was written in CL.
       | orthecreedence wrote:
       | I miss my common lisp days, and I think rust being able to export
       | C ABIs makes it a really great companion language for CL. I also
       | think common lisp (or really, any _fast_ lisp) is a really great
       | tool for game development. The fact that you can redefine a
       | program as it 's running really helps iterate without having to
       | set up your state over and over. Pair that with a fast, low-level
       | language that can handle a lot of the lower level stuff (been
       | trying to find time to look at Bevy on rust), and you have a
       | killer combo.
       | The main reason I stopped using lisp was because of the
       | community. There were some amazing people that helped out with a
       | lot of the stuff I was building, but not a critical mass of them
       | and things just kind of stagnated. Then it seemed like for every
       | project I poured my soul into, someone would write a one-off copy
       | of it "just because" instead of contributing. It's definitely a
       | culture of lone-wolf programmers.
       | CL is a decent language with some _really_ good implementations,
       | and everywhere I go I miss the macros. I definitely want to pick
       | it up again sometime, but probably will just let the async stuff
       | I used to work on rest in peace.
       | kjgkjhfkjf wrote:
       | It's not quicker to write code in Lisp when you don't know Lisp,
       | and you have to learn it to make a change to some Lisp code that
       | someone randomly added to the codebase.
       | This is true of all niche languages that are supposedly quicker
       | to use than regular mainstream languages.
         | [deleted]
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | Your first part is tautological but worthless. It's never
         | faster to write in a language you don't know versus one you do
         | know.
         | EDIT: To amend the preceding sentence, it's _almost_ never
         | faster. There are probably languages which people know that are
         | sufficiently in conflict with the problem domain that they
         | could be faster in some other new-to-them language versus the
         | one they know for specific problems.
           | fsckboy wrote:
           | APL comes to mind as a language that could be faster to learn
           | and use for a particular task, if your particular task
           | involves a lot of pure matrix combination and manipulation.
           | though, the fact that it wants its own keyboard is a bit of a
           | hurdle :)
       | wedesoft wrote:
       | If you're coming from Java, you might want to look at Clojure. It
       | has immutable datastructures and Java interop.
         | afandian wrote:
         | I just used a Clojure library from a Kotlin project via Java
         | interop. And it wasn't even weird.
         | medo-bear wrote:
         | From the author:
         | > Even though Clojure might be a more obvious choice for
         | someone, like me, who is used to working with the JVM, I
         | actually wanted to try using something else with a lighter
         | runtime and great performance.
         | facelessuser wrote:
         | Unless you go out of your way in writing non-idiomatic Clojure
         | like in Java with parenthesis Clojure, Clojure will the slowest
         | of the three by far.
       | kubb wrote:
       | I found Common Lisp to be surprisingly ahead of its time in many
       | regards (debugging, repl, compilation and execution speed,
       | metaprogramming), but unfortunately it doesn't have a large
       | community, and it's showing its age (no standard package
       | management, threading not built into the language). It's also
       | dynamically typed which disqualifies it for large collaborative
       | projects.
         | gibsonf1 wrote:
         | It has great package management with
         | https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/ and some truly great and high
         | quality libraries, especially Fukamachi's suite of web
         | libraries and so many others. Woo, for example, is the fastest
         | web server. https://github.com/fukamachi/woo (Faster then the
         | runner up Go by quite a bit)
         | For parallel computing, we use: https://lparallel.org/ Its been
         | great at handling massive loads accross all processors
         | elegantly. And then for locking against overwrites on highly
         | parallel database transactions we use mutex locks that are
         | built into the http://sbcl.org/ compiler with very handy
         | macros.
           | Mikeb85 wrote:
           | Slightly off-topic but I'm in awe of Fukamachi's repos. That
           | one person has built so much incredible stuff is amazing to
           | me. Not sure it's enough to get me using CL all the time, but
           | it's very impressive.
             | gibsonf1 wrote:
             | The math library we use is incredibly fast with quaternion
             | matrix transformations: https://github.com/cbaggers/rtg-
             | math/
             | The only gaps we've had with our production code and lisp
             | is PDF (we use the java pdfbox), translating between RDF
             | formats (also a java lib) and encrypting JWP tokens for
             | PKCE dPop authentication (also java)
             | The complete conceputal AI system and space/time causal
             | systems digital twin technology is all in common lisp
             | (sbcl)
             | Also fantastic is the sb-profile library in sbcl that lets
             | you profile any number of functions and see number of
             | iterations and time used as well as consing all ordered by
             | slowest cummulative time. That feature has been key on
             | finding those functions that are slow and optimizing
             | leading to orders of magnitude speed improvements.
               | medo-bear wrote:
               | are you able to go into detail as to what sort of AI
               | technology you are using ? when you mention causal
               | systems do you mean causal inference ?
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | We basically build a space/time model of the world, where
               | systems are performing functions in events that take
               | input states and change them into output states such that
               | those events either causally trigger each other or the
               | causal link that the input states to an event means that
               | the event outputting that states is the cause of the
               | current event.
               | The conceptual AI models operational concepts based on an
               | understanding on how human concepts work, inference and
               | automatic classification using those concepts, and then
               | learning new concepts. The operational side of the
               | digital twin uses functional specifications held
               | elsewhere, which is also true of the operational concepts
               | which use specifications in the form of conceptual
               | definitions.
               | And the technology takes in RDF graph as data for input,
               | builds the digital twin model from that data with
               | extensive infererence, then expresses itself back out
               | with RDF graph data. (Making https://solidproject.org/
               | the ideal protocol for us where each pod is a digital-
               | twin of something)
               | dunefox wrote:
               | Do you have links to more information?
               | gibsonf1 wrote:
               | We have a beta running on that framework:
               | https://graphmetrix.com The live app and Pod Server is at
               | https://trinpod.us
               | We are working toward commercial launch in the coming
               | weeks. (We are adding Project Pods, Business Pods, Site
               | Pods with harvesting the sematic parse we do of PDFs into
               | the pod, so we handle very big data)
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | > It's also dynamically typed which disqualifies it for large
         | collaborative projects.
         | I've been around the block for long enough to see how far the
         | pendulum swings on this one. I'm guessing that it starts going
         | the other way soon.
           | ballpark wrote:
           | I'm not following, could you elaborate?
             | varjag wrote:
             | Dynamic/static typing came in/out of fashion several times
             | already. Any trend is temporary; neither kind of type
             | system is a help or impediment in collaboration.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | I think it originally tanked as a backlash against how
               | verbose and painful it was in Java and friends (as well
               | as the limited benefits because of things like
               | nullability)
               | Modern static type systems are a totally different beast:
               | inference and duck-typing cut down on noise/boilerplate,
               | and the number of bugs that can be caught is dramatically
               | higher thanks to maybe-types, tagged
               | unions/exhaustiveness checking, etc. I think we've
               | circled around to a happy best-of-both-worlds and the
               | pendulum is settling there.
               | blacktriangle wrote:
               | Line noise is a red herring in the static/dynamic
               | comparison. You will still run into serious problems
               | trying to shove ugly human-generated data into your nice
               | clean type system.
               | For mechanical things where you the programmer are
               | building the abstractions (compilers, operating systems,
               | drivers) this is a non-issue, but for dealing with the
               | ugly real world dynamic is still the way to go.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | Alexis King's "Parse, don't validate" is pretty much the
               | final word on using type systems to deal with "messy real
               | world data": https://lexi-
               | lambda.github.io/blog/2019/11/05/parse-don-t-va...
               | tl;dr when used properly, static type systems are an
               | enormous advantage when dealing with data from the real
               | world because you can write a total function that accepts
               | unstructured data like a string or byte stream and
               | returns either a successful result with a parsed data
               | structure, a partial result, or a value that indicates
               | failure, without having to do a separate validation step
               | at all -- and the type system will check that all your
               | intermediate results are correct, type-wise.
               | blacktriangle wrote:
               | You're not the first, nor fourth for that matter, person
               | to respond to dynamic typing advocation with that blog
               | post, and it's an interesting post but it misses the
               | whole point. The problem is not enforcing rules on data
               | coming in and out of the system. The problem is that I
               | have perfectly valid collections of data that I want to
               | shove through an information processing pipeline while
               | preserving much of the original data and static typing
               | systems make this very powerful and legitimate task a
               | nightmare.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | They don't, though.
               | For example: a technique I've used to work with
               | arbitrary, unknown JSON values, is to type them as a
               | union of primitives + arrays of json values + objects of
               | json values. And then I can pick these values apart in a
               | way that's totally safe while making no dangerous
               | assumptions about their contents.
               | Of course this opens the door for lots of potential
               | mistakes (though runtime errors at least are impossible),
               | but it's 100% compatible with any statically-typed
               | language that has unions.
               | rewma wrote:
               | > The problem is that I have perfectly valid collections
               | of data (...) and static typing systems make this very
               | powerful and legitimate task a nightmare.
               | What leads you to believe that static typing turns a task
               | that essencially boils down to input validation "a
               | nightmare"?
               | From my perspective, with static typing that task is a
               | treat and all headaches that come with dynamic typing
               | simply vanish.
               | Take for example Typescript. Between type assertion
               | functions, type guards, optional types and union types,
               | inferring types from any object is a trivial task with
               | clean code enforced by the compiler itself.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Presumably the GP's data is external and therefore not
               | checkable or inferrable by typescript. This makes the
               | task less ideal, but still perfectly doable via
               | validation code or highly agnostic typing
               | rewma wrote:
               | > Presumably the GP's data is external and therefore not
               | checkable or inferrable by typescript.
               | There is no such thing as external data that is not
               | checkable or inferable by typescript. That's what type
               | assertion functions and type guards are for.
               | With typescript, you can take in an instance of type any,
               | pass it to a type assertion function or a type guard, and
               | depending on the outcome either narrow it to a specific
               | type or throw an error.
               | roca wrote:
               | Not a nightmare at all. For example, if you're doing JSON
               | processing in Rust, serde_json gives you great tools for
               | this. The serde_json::Value type can represent any JSON
               | value. You parse JSON to specific typed structures when
               | you want to parse-and-validate and detect errors (using
               | #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] to autogenerate the
               | code), but those structures can include islands of
               | arbitrary serde_json::Values. You can also parse JSON
               | objects into structs that contain a set of typed fields
               | with all other "unknown" fields collected into a dynamic
               | structure, so those extra fields are reserialized when
               | necessary --- see https://serde.rs/attr-flatten.html for
               | an example.
               | ballpark wrote:
               | I've found this to be a non-issue in Clojure with
               | specification validation. Some call this gradual typing
               | olau wrote:
               | People seem to interpret blacktriangle's post in a parser
               | setting. I don't know why, but if you're writing parsers,
               | you're explicitly falling into the category he's
               | mentioning where static types make a lot of sense.
               | GP's claim was that Java was too verbose. But verbosity
               | isn't really the problem. There are tools for dealing
               | with it. The problem is a proliferation of concepts.
               | A lot of business applications goes like this: Take a
               | myriad of input through a complicated UI, transform it a
               | bit and send it to somewhere else. With very accurate
               | typing and a very messy setting (say, there's a basic
               | model with a few concepts in it, and then 27 exceptions),
               | you may end up modeling snowflakes with your types
               | instead of thinking about how to actually solve the
               | problem.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | If you're referring to the "parse, don't validate"
               | article, it's using the word in a different sense. The
               | idea is that you make a data model that can only
               | represent valid values, and then the code that handles
               | foreign data transforms it into that type for downstream
               | code to handle instead of just returning a boolean that
               | says "yep, this data's fine"
               | mwcampbell wrote:
               | I'm not sure I understand what makes dynamic typing
               | better for handling real-world data. Yes, the data is
               | messy, but your program still has to be prepared to
               | handle data in a specific shape or shapes. If you need to
               | handle multiple shapes of data, e.g. varying JSON
               | structures, you can still do that with static types,
               | using sum types and pattern matching.
               | [deleted]
               | lamontcg wrote:
               | Most modern static languages have some way to hold onto a
               | dynamically typed object, stuff them into containers of
               | that dynamic type and do some basic type reflection to
               | dispatch messy dynamic stuff off into the rest of the
               | statically typed program. Sometimes it does feel fairly
               | bolted on, but the problem of JSON parsing tends to force
               | them all to have some reasonably productive way of
               | handling that kind of data.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | This has not been my experience.
               | dtech wrote:
               | Can you elaborate on that? As I see it dynamic was
               | popular in the 90's (Python, JS, Ruby), but outside of
               | that it's always been pretty much dynamic for scripting
               | and static for everything else.
               | varjag wrote:
               | Consider that first Fortran (statically typed) and Lisp
               | (dynamic) implementations date back to late 1950s. Since
               | then there was a constant tug of war between these camps,
               | including BASIC, COBOL, Smalltalk, Pascal, and trends
               | falling in and out of favour.
               | All this however is rather orthogonal to the strengths of
               | type systems. CL type system, for instance, is stronger
               | than one of Java or C.
               | bcrosby95 wrote:
               | None of those languages were popular in the 90s.
             | [deleted]
         | AlchemistCamp wrote:
         | > It's also dynamically typed which disqualifies it for large
         | collaborative projects.
         | Like Github or WordPress?
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | .. are those considered "good" ? github is meh at best
           | considering it's 13yo and the billions of dollars poured into
           | it, and wordpress, I don't think anyone can reasonably say
           | that it's a sane software. They are both good arguments
           | against dynamic typing imho (especially the latter).
         | medo-bear wrote:
         | common lisp supports type annotations. there is even an ML-type
         | language impletmented in it (see coalton). quick lisp [1] is
         | used for package managment, bordeaux-threads [2] for threading.
         | 1. https://www.quicklisp.org/index.html
         | 2. https://github.com/sionescu/bordeaux-threads
       | lkey wrote:
       | As with all of these forays, I applaud the author for learning
       | new things, but these benchmarks are primarily testing reading
       | from stdin and format printing to stdout, followed by testing
       | bignum impls as mentioned elsewhere. For this reason, the title
       | and benchmarks are a bit misleading.
         | xxs wrote:
         | ...also testing half-compiled code. JIT compiled tests that run
         | few seconds just discredit their authors. It's yet another
         | example of how not to perform microbenchmarks.
           | twicetwice wrote:
           | Worth pointing out for those who don't know that the Java
           | runtime does JIT optimizations of bytecode based on observed
           | runtime patterns. Blew my mind when engineers were talking
           | about "warming up the code paths" during startup of a large
           | Java service and I found out it wasn't joke/superstition.
             | xxs wrote:
             | Warming is a tiny part of microbenchmarking actually.
             | Knowing how and what the compiler optimizes, like purpose
             | lattice checks to ensure no extra array boundaries in the
             | code. Call site optimizations (class hierarchy analysis) -
             | single site (direct calls, inclines), dual site - guarded
             | checks, vs 3-5 - inline caches vs. full virtual calls.
             | Card-marking of stores for concurrent GC. L2 and L3 CPU
             | cache sizes awareness (certain dataset may fit and the
             | results are misleading)... There are a lot other techniques
             | to consider, including looking directly at the assembly
             | code.
             | Microbenchmarking requires rather deep knowledge how the
             | JIT works, how the hardware - CPU/cache/memory operates,
             | the costs of calls certain system calls and what not.
             | mhh__ wrote:
             | I just tentatively found a 10% speedup in the D compiler
             | frontend by enabling profile guided optimization.
               | xxs wrote:
               | Java effectively always have guided compilation with
               | perf. counters and all.
       | eigenhombre wrote:
       | I write Clojure for food, and Common Lisp for fun. One reason for
       | the latter is CL's speed -- awhile back I compared a bit of (non-
       | optimized) Clojure code I wrote for a blog post with a rough
       | equivalent in CL, and was stunned that the Common Lisp code ran
       | about 10x faster. This made me curious as to how fast it could be
       | made if I really tried, and was able to get nearly 30x more[1] by
       | optimizing it.
       | Clojure is definitely fast enough for everything I've done
       | professionally for six years. But Common Lisp, while having
       | plenty of rough edges, intrigues on the basis of performance
       | alone. (This is on SBCL -- I have yet to play with a commercial
       | implementation.)
       | [1] http://johnj.com/from-elegance-to-speed.html
         | NoahTheDuke wrote:
         | Your post is a lot of fun! I have a fondness for these kinds of
         | deep dives. That being said, I feel like comparing the initial
         | unoptimized Clojure code to highly optimized Common Lisp is
         | kind of unfair. I wonder how fast the Clojure code could run if
         | given the same care. Maybe I'll give that a try tonight!
         | vindarel wrote:
         | It would be cool if you updated the link to the Cookbook in
         | your article from the old one (on Sourceforge) to the newer one
         | (on Github): https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/ Best,
         | lmilcin wrote:
         | I have implemented real algotrading framework in Common Lisp
         | (SBCL) that connected _directly_ to Warsaw Stock Exchange.
         | The application was receiving binary messages from the exchange
         | over multicast, rebuilding state of the market, running various
         | (simple) algorithms and responding with orders within _5
         | microseconds_ of the original message, at up to 10k messages
         | per second.
         | With SBCL you can write a DSL and have ability to fully control
         | the resulting instructions (through vops). It is just the
         | question how dedicated you are to writing macros upon macros
         | upon macros.
         | I used this to the fullest extent and the result was as good as
         | any hand optimized C/assembly.
         | For example, the binary message parser would receive a stack of
         | complicated specifications for the messages in the form of XML
         | files (see here if you are curious: https://www.gpw.pl/pub/GPW/
         | files/WSE_CDE_XDP_Message_Specifi...), converted XML to DSL and
         | then, through magic of macros, the DSL was converted to
         | accessors that allowed optimal access to the fields. Optimal
         | here mans the assembly could not be improved upon any further.
         | Large parts of the application (especially any communication
         | and device control) was written in ANSI C but the Foreign
         | Function Interface makes integrating it into the rest of
         | application a breeze.
         | I write all of this, because I frequently meet complete
         | disbelief from people that Lisp can be used in production.
         | I personally think it is exactly the opposite. Lisps offer
         | fantastic development environment. The problem are developers
         | who are mostly unable to use Lisp for work effectively, I guess
         | due to too much power, freedom and complete lack of direction
         | on how to structure your application.
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