[HN Gopher] Why Carmakers Can't Transition to Newer Chips
       Why Carmakers Can't Transition to Newer Chips
       Author : lambdasquirrel
       Score  : 148 points
       Date   : 2021-10-02 14:45 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jalopnik.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jalopnik.com)
       | anaganisk wrote:
       | When a Power PC is perfectly capable for a MARS rover missions, I
       | dont see any reason why they must run Snapdragons. Unless some
       | evil company, starts ditching physical controls or starts shoving
       | Ads into Speedometer. And everyone follows.
       | Im thankful that automobile tech didn't discover electron yet.
       | Imagine your speedometer consuming 200mb of ram.
         | willhinsa wrote:
         | Don't give them ideas!
           | ericbarrett wrote:
           | Too late: https://gizmodo.com/get-ready-for-in-car-
           | ads-1846888390
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | baybal2 wrote:
         | > Im thankful that automobile tech didn't discover electron
         | yet.
         | Too late. I am well aware of a few car dashboard clients using
         | it to their own detriment (imaging gluing CanBus I/O to
         | electron.)
         | sircastor wrote:
         | Speaking from experience, I can tell you automakers are already
         | shipping vehicles that some Infotainment apps are web
         | technologies. Not electron, but a similar system to run an
         | encapsulated web page.
         | I'm doubtful of the cluster being run by a browser engine
         | though.
           | joezydeco wrote:
           | Mazda has been using _Opera_ running JS for their
           | infotainment since 2014...
       | leroman wrote:
       | Sounds like the auto-makers play down on the talent they have and
       | prefer to push the work outside, probably fearing they are not
       | able to execute.
       | This reminds me of being a 3rd party selling service to some
       | company and they constantly ask for us to implement features that
       | they could easily add - but can't. They don't say that flat out
       | but we all understand what's happening..
       | baybal2 wrote:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28709481
       | > The aspect of the problem not talked about is that a lot of
       | automotive chips are really, really old.
       | > And they are old, because of many certification requirements
       | set partially by the industry, and a few odd governments.
       | > In reality, most of them are both less reliable, and harder to
       | work with in comparison to open market parts.
       | > The only two things I seen chips with micron scale nodes used
       | in my life were: air conditioner boards, and car parts.
       | For example, who in the world today makes PMOS TTL chips? I bet
       | the few foundries who can still do that will bill car parts
       | makers an arm, and a leg for keeping making something this old
       | Want to migrate? Find somebody who can can translate hand-drawn
       | TTL chip to moderately modern CMOS under 60 years old.
       | At times, the cases about I heard of car makers were having
       | troubles with were also nothing less of direct consequence of
       | conscious overengineering: some BWMs have one STM32 per window
       | switch just to blink the LED, and do ADC despite the switch
       | having just 5 positions. And now they can't ship because of this
       | single LED blinker.
         | wcunning wrote:
         | Window controls are safety regulated modules in modern
         | vehicles. They detect the closing force and reverse direction
         | off the required motor torque exceeds av threshold so that you
         | can't accidentally or intentionally choke someone with the
         | windows. This feature is required by standards bodies and some
         | regulators.
         | Why not put those smarts in one big module, say the Body
         | Control Module which is always huge and already gets redesigned
         | and uses more expensive, smaller feature chips anyway you ask?
         | Well, we need to run a bunch of wires to the door, several for
         | the switch, power and grind and Hall effect sensor for the
         | motor and we need to account for the noise and power loss on
         | the long wire run because as a safety feature the sensing has
         | to be ASIL compliant to high fault tolerance. Turns out that
         | that length of wire is several dollars more than putting the
         | module in the door... These things are all done for a reason
         | and the automotive engineers aren't solely stuck in the old
         | ways. They're frequently penny pinched to death, but if you
         | look at the constraints they're doing their best.
           | baybal2 wrote:
           | > Window controls are safety regulated modules in modern
           | vehicles. They detect the closing force and reverse direction
           | off the required motor torque exceeds av threshold so that
           | you can't accidentally or intentionally choke someone with
           | the windows. This feature is required by standards bodies and
           | some regulators.
           | All of this is achieved with a single <$1 part, fixed torque
           | clutch... But who in the world wants to intentionally choke
           | somebody with a power window? This add to the long list of
           | absurd product liability regulations in the spirit of one
           | demanding "do not operate the appliance with your genitals"
           | to be printed on every stove.
             | dharmab wrote:
             | I remember watching A Faster Horse, a documentary on the
             | Mustang. There was an interview with an accountant type at
             | Ford who pointed out a three cent difference in part cost
             | per car multiplied to millions of dollars at their scale. A
             | $1 part might have given him a heart attack.
             | imagi wrote:
             | Kids/dogs plus automatic windows...
               | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
               | Literally the thought I had :-) Been there, yelled at the
               | kid!
             | x0x0 wrote:
             | > But who in the world wants to intentionally choke
             | somebody with a power window?
             | children. eg:
             | https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=124854&page=1
             | > _A 1997 government study by the National Center for
             | Statistics and Analysis estimated power windows sent nearly
             | 500 people to emergency rooms in one year, and that half
             | the victims were small children._
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > > the sameso that you can't accidentally or intentionally
             | choke someone with the windows.
             | > But who in the world wants to intentionally choke
             | somebody with a power window?
             | Accidental is the more significant problem, particularly
             | with children.
       | lucidguppy wrote:
       | This feels like lack of planning. The semiconductor industry was
       | a known entity for many years before this level of integration
       | came to vehicles. They should have known this would happen.
       | Ultimately the industry will have to maintain their own
       | production for consistent silicon.
         | jes wrote:
         | > _This feels like a lack of planning._
         | In any complex undertaking, how can we know when enough
         | planning has been done?
         | dboreham wrote:
         | As mentioned above there are folks who's entire job is
         | maintaining the spreadsheet for said plan.
           | hef19898 wrote:
           | And you have to witness the mess without these people, or if
           | they aren't allowed to do their job, in order to believe it.
           | Better even, live the mess, I can assure you it is quite an
           | experience.
         | P24L wrote:
         | These "low-tech" fabs are e.g. in Malaysia and they are often
         | closed due to Covid..
         | coryrc wrote:
         | Texas power outages took down one of the few major US plants
         | and a random fire took down another, at the same time as a
         | global pandemic. We're almost at the level of "imports banned
         | from China"-levels of implausibility here.
         | Sometimes shit happens.
       | AbbeSomething wrote:
       | Is a part of the problem that the chips they are depending on are
       | so trivial and small that you would end up losing more when
       | cutting it up on a smaller process? I guess there is a limit to
       | how many chips you could put on a single wafer even if the chip
       | was only a single gate?
       | Maybe the old nodes are efficient enough for the chips they need.
       | Then again it would make sense to update designs frequently
       | enough to stay at nodes that have plenty of capacity, perhaps
       | every 5 or 10 years or so?
         | coryrc wrote:
         | Capital costs of a fab are the single highest cost of producing
         | chips. So long as the fab is running it's cheap to keep running
         | so little reason to spend money to put cheap things on other
         | processes (which is an expensive design cost) when you can
         | later switch to a more complex chip (which should allow you to
         | reduce supporting components too) which takes advantage of the
         | new process size.
       | dale_glass wrote:
       | Wouldn't the solution be planning better?
       | Sure, I understand that making a new car in combination with
       | making a new ECU or brake controller on a new process is going to
       | be stupidly dangerous and troublesome. So just don't.
       | Rather than doing it as a part of a single project, there should
       | be a department or separate company making the ECU/controller.
       | This way when the semiconductor company moves forwards, ECU Group
       | starts a project targeting the new process, and releases the
       | results when it's ready. And meanwhile what goes into the cars is
       | the ECU built on the previous, well tested process.
       | Also, are modern cars really in much need of custom silicon?
       | Micro-controllers are stupidly powerful now. There has to be off
       | the shelf hardware capable of handling what a car needs. There
       | are long standing architectures like ARM that don't require
       | starting from scratch every time somebody makes a better chip.
         | coryrc wrote:
         | Your comment displays a breathtaking amount of ignorance.
           | dale_glass wrote:
           | Then I welcome the opportunity to learn about something new.
           | Please explain what's wrong, I'm most interested.
             | coryrc wrote:
             | Start reading IEEE, SAE, or other trade magazines; get an
             | EE degree in the Midwest; get a job in the automobile
             | supplier industry; go to industry conferences or just read
             | their proceedings...
       | m0llusk wrote:
       | Can't is a really strong word. One potential solution that might
       | open some paths to innovation would be to split up the product a
       | bit more. Ship vehicles with extremely basic features only and
       | some of those features intentionally designed to be swapped out
       | in the short term. Use third party suppliers to swap in
       | instrument clusters, engine controllers, and such and allow those
       | to use all the latest chips.
       | bellyfullofbac wrote:
       | I look forward to the cyber-punkish future (real soon now?) where
       | there's an old beige computer case with a Pentium MMX sticker on
       | it on someone's passenger seat with wires snaking into the engine
       | bay. "Yeah the ECU died, so I had to hack together this
       | replacement...".
         | tyingq wrote:
         | There are cars where the enthusiast scene burns their own ECU
         | EEPROMS to compensate air:fuel calculations after installing
         | larger injectors, better flowing intakes, etc.
         | Edit: There's also some "universal ECUs" from companies like
         | Haltech. They sell a single ECU plus some adapter cables to
         | make that single ECU run on a broad variety of cars from the
         | 90's.
         | Possible since the 90's cars all have the same rough
         | types/numbers of sensors. Switchable software does the rest. I
         | imagine this doesn't work past some year of make as the cars
         | got more complex.
           | _0ffh wrote:
           | Yeah, but I think those enthusiasts are mostly just fixing up
           | calibration values, not changing the actual control software.
             | tyingq wrote:
             | It is more than just a few values, it's maps to plot a
             | curve.
             | But they do actual control software too, though that's less
             | common. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegaSquirt
               | _0ffh wrote:
               | Well I never wrote "just a few", but I did write
               | "mostly".
               | Also, disclosure: I'm intimately familiar with the ECU
               | software of a major player in the industry, though
               | primarily the part that governs the air system. It's
               | surprisingly sophisticated and extremely configurable
               | just by fiddling with those calibration values.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | Maybe we'll have CMOS printers by then... (I can dream!)
       | ChuckMcM wrote:
       | The middle road is missed here.
       | There are two problems, long duration supplies of a chip on the
       | same process, and the cost of making chips.
       | If the semiconductor companies can figure out an ASIC/FPGA type
       | strategy that would allow any of the current chips in a car be
       | produced "dynamically", then the semiconductor company could
       | achieve their economies by just fabbing one design, and car
       | companies could achieve longevity by getting commitments for
       | production of that one design.
       | Xilinx recently made some steps in a new direction by producing
       | what they called an "RF" SoC. Where RF stands for radio
       | frequency. Basically it had all of the analog to digitial and
       | digital to analog bits on the chip in addition to some FPGA
       | fabric and some ARM AARCH64 cores. Its expensive and small
       | quantity but I think it will turn out to be important in the long
       | run as the vanguard of chips that are not 'type specific' at the
       | time of manufacture.
       | Imagine a company that has the same basic FPGA architecture,
       | packaged in a variety of automotive spec packages, with one-time
       | programmability. That would reduce the number of SKUs
       | considerably (basically by package type).
       | schiffern wrote:
       | > "We were able to substitute alternative chips, and then write
       | the firmware in a matter of weeks," Musk said. "It's not just a
       | matter of swapping out a chip; you also have to rewrite the
       | software."
       | https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/26/22595060/tesla-chip-short...
         | echelon wrote:
         | Why did car companies allow themselves to make such a strategic
         | mistake? Shouldn't they be on a standard microcontroller
         | architecture?
         | Why not even use ARM, X86, etc? It'd save them money at this
         | point. And there wouldn't be a supply risk.
           | vvanders wrote:
           | There's an incentive for chip vendors to not standardize
           | since it makes migration hard and drives vendor lock-in. The
           | CPU cores are one part but equally important is the
           | peripherals and external featuresets.
             | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
             | That incentive might exist, but what really drives the lack
             | of standardization is that every application has different
             | needs, so you end up with a common CPU and wildly diverging
             | configurations tailored to various applications.
           | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
           | Wouldn't really make any difference. The last company I
           | worked for did pretty much everything with MCU's based on ARM
           | Cortex-M.
           | All that shit's still not in stock anywhere. And remember
           | that ARM, x86, etc. only defines the processor architecture.
           | The I/O is far more important in a control application and
           | I/O is anything but standard across platforms.
           | For one product we ended up buying a vendors entire supply
           | and redesigning the product to use it, crossing our fingers
           | that the supply chain would have unwound itself by the time
           | we ran out of inventory.
           | im_down_w_otp wrote:
           | Tier 1 suppliers have an incredible amount of influence in
           | that ecosystem, and Tier 1 suppliers have an incentive to not
           | be easily replaceable. That'd be my guess.
           | I mean, it's an entire MASSIVE industry that's comprised
           | almost entirely of truly commodity technology, and so you get
           | all the perverse outcomes that happen when trying to
           | "differentiate" despite being commodity by inventing ways to
           | be "special" to drive lock-in. Interoperability only really
           | benefits the OEM, and the OEM isn't the only part of the
           | chain.
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | Those processors aren't made on high reliability processes.
           | You don't want your ECU built with the same media processor
           | as the infotainment system.
             | somehnguy wrote:
             | Maybe I do! I've seen both fail just the same so it's not
             | like ECUs are failure-proof or something.
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | Your radio dying won't kill you.
               | somehnguy wrote:
               | Correct, but you seem to have disregarded half my
               | comment. ECUs are not failure-proof and fail all the
               | time.
               | I've never heard of anyone dying due to ECU failure
               | either..I'm not sure how that would even happen given all
               | the critical systems on a car are mechanical first with
               | electronic assist. So you can't lose steering, braking,
               | etc. The worst that happens is you lose power, which is
               | about the same risk as a subpar standard transmission
               | driver stalling out (and can also happen in a number of
               | different ways). Can you expand on how an ECU failing
               | might kill you?
               | I would love if someone could elaborate on why I'm wrong
               | instead of drive by downvoting. This isn't reddit.
               | VLM wrote:
               | Its easier and more realistic to kill the company via a
               | recall.
               | Take for example the Boeing 737-MAX. Eh, its bigger,
               | needs a little more elevator movement to simulate the
               | older model, just flex the software so it can wiggle a
               | bit more what could possibly go wrong?
               | Likewise, remember the VW Diesel emissions "scandal". You
               | can nearly kill a company without actually killing
               | anyone.
               | So, the specified ECU chip (which is no longer in stock)
               | could output 40 mA to the gas tank vacuum solenoid so we
               | spec'd the solenoid to draw 30 mA on the coldest day of
               | the year, usually it draws much less. Got a substitute
               | chip only rated to 20 mA usually it'll work fine, what
               | could possibly go wrong? Until it burns out and the
               | vacuum solenoid fails open and nationwide millions of
               | gallons of "excess" gas evaporate per year from sitting
               | cars. Harmless on an individual scale but on a nationwide
               | scale its a lot of ozone... Insert yet ANOTHER $35B
               | recall to replace all the ECUs for willful emissions
               | violations ...
               | I'm just saying its not binary where either people die
               | and it kills the company or people aren't even harmed and
               | nothing bad happens at all. Plenty of "company killer"
               | situations where "what could possibly go wrong" got the
               | F-around and find out treatment.
           | clairity wrote:
           | i'd guess adding an abstraction layer (between a general
           | purpose microcontroller and the custom interfaces it needs to
           | support) is likely not worth the added complexity (and bugs),
           | since cars are on development cycles of many years anyway
           | (for the benefit of simpler software development, and the
           | risk reduction of being able to swap out the microcontroller
           | if need be).
             | im_down_w_otp wrote:
             | They actually _theoretically_ have a thing for this
             | already. It 's called AUTOSAR (now AUTOSAR Classic). It's
             | supposed to be a component architecture to write down the
             | software against a framework that can be backed by
             | different MCUs. Of course, in practice much of the
             | underlying esoteria of any given MCU/board configuration
             | bled up through the abstractions and/or produced custom
             | extensions.
               | RealityVoid wrote:
               | And AUTOSAR is a nightmare of a framework where it's nigh
               | impossible to understand what is going on because of the
               | crazy abstractions.
               | im_down_w_otp wrote:
               | Indeed, it's a mess and the surrounding tooling ecosystem
               | is a pile of weird Windows GUI tools of about the quality
               | you'd expect for very expensive tools that do very little
               | provided to a captive customer base. It's all very circa
               | 1990s RAD-tool mania-esque still in many ways.
               | That said, we're working with some groups in some
               | automotive companies who are breaking this mold rapidly.
               | RealityVoid wrote:
               | Whom, if you don't mind me asking? I would.love to see
               | stuff change in this field.
               | im_down_w_otp wrote:
               | I can't upset the NDA Gods on this one, unfortunately. I
               | can say one is a traditional OEM that you wouldn't
               | necessarily expect to be the sort to take vanguard steps
               | like this and the other is a newer OEM that's not as
               | encumbered by tradition (though due to the supply-chain
               | also can't rid themselves of it).
               | Shameless plug WARNING: we (https://auxon.io) are hiring
               | for engineering, marketing, and BD if industrial &
               | operational technology is your thing.
               | VLM wrote:
               | I never signed the NDA, although I follow the space
               | distantly, and they went public on their own website a
               | couple years ago with a list:
               | BMW, Bosch, Continental, Daimler AG, Ford, General
               | Motors, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Toyota, and Volkswagen.
               | I always rooted for an older competitor GENIVI which
               | (very handwavy in a general sense) boiled down to "make
               | dbus great again". I just always have a soft spot for
               | anything that replaces CORBA and DCOP. More or less
               | GENIVI had the same players as AUTOSAR.
               | I believe AUTOSAR suffers from trying to do too much;
               | GENIVI's "all you need is a compatible bus" is the
               | minimum you need so simplicate and add lightness and
               | that's what should win; doesn't really matter if that guy
               | runs QNX and that other guy runs FreeRTOS as long as the
               | busses talk; whereas AUTOSAR tries to own and control
               | everything top to bottom which just ends up stifling any
               | productivity.
               | im_down_w_otp wrote:
               | If you look through the "Adaptive AUTOSAR" literature and
               | documentation that's out there you can find that enormous
               | chunks of it are lifted straight from GENIVI's
               | stack/specs.
               | However, GENIVI/Adaptive-AUTOSAR tends to serve a
               | different function in the vehicle architecture. It's
               | mostly cockpit and less control/platform. AUTOSAR Classic
               | is still the champ on the MCU side of the house.
               | [deleted]
           | to11mtm wrote:
           | As others have mentioned, the peripherals/etc related to a
           | specific model of microcontroller and how you work with them
           | play a big factor.
           | But I'd also like to throw in:
           | - 16 years or so ago, the US side of the Auto industry was
           | trying to steer towards PPC. Motorola/Freescale's presence in
           | the market probably had a bit of a play in this, as well as
           | ARM's then-status of 'not quite powerful enough to be future
           | proof.' A StackOverflow post from 2012 [0] seems to indicate
           | they did indeed standardize, whether they moved on from there
           | is another question.
           | - Most Carmakers probably -don't- want to change designs
           | outside of a refresh. There's a few reasons for this,
           | including both external (updating documentation to repair
           | network) and internal (when I worked at a place that did
           | software/services for a US automaker, we had to submit
           | _pages_ of documentation /paperwork to change a couple of
           | items placement/wording in a dialogue box.)
           | [0] - https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/26035/w
           | hats-...
           | hulitu wrote:
           | Because the architecture is not so important. What is
           | important is what periphereals are available. And even if you
           | have the same architecture you still need to test if you
           | change something. And things change rapidly also in
           | automotive. 10 years ago you had a 100 pin micro at 32Mhz
           | clock with 64kb ram, now you have a 384 pin micro running
           | atva couple of hundred MHz with 256 MB ram.
         | rootusrootus wrote:
         | That's a fancy way of portraying big tech debt. They will pay
         | for these decisions later.
         | GeorgeTirebiter wrote:
         | So much speculation here. Let me set the record straight(er).
         | (I worked in Tesla FW, left 5 years ago.) Tesla does use
         | industry best practices. All code must pass MISRA checkers,
         | code is modular, and reused when possible. We used all sorts of
         | chips (that were auto qual) of many different architectures. We
         | had extensive tools for e.g. stack monitoring, diagnostic
         | readouts, and much more. If you move from, say, one ST ARM chip
         | to another one in a similar family, the peripherals may be a
         | little different, but generally work the same way (with maybe a
         | few more or fewer features). So reworking the I/O drivers _is_
         | work, but given the excellent layering of Tesla  "body control"
         | FW, it's really quite straightforward to pick a different
         | processor from a given family. It's for sure true that if you
         | went from ST ARM to Freescale/NXP ARM the peripherals are diff,
         | so yes, more time would be needed to write the I/O drivers. But
         | the effort ongoing when I left was exactly to make the
         | appropriate SW generalizations so it would be possible to do
         | exactly this.
         | hulitu wrote:
         | If this is true, stay away from anything Tesla does. I work in
         | the industry. 2 examples: 1) you have to change a transistor
         | with one from a different supplier, same characteristics. You
         | need to do some HW engineering tests. If the transistor is part
         | of a safety relevant function, you need to do also system, SW
         | and safety tests. And then environmental and EMC tests. Of
         | course you can tailor but you need a very good justification.
         | 2) You change the microcontroller. You need new SW, new tools
         | (emulators - takes some time to be delivered), new sourcing,
         | new HW design etc. It is from development perspective a new
         | product so you need testing (HW, SW, System, Safety) and design
         | validation (environmental tests, EMC) , maybe more than one
         | loop.And when everything is passed and sourcing is done (i.e.
         | you can buy the component) you can start production.
         | baybal2 wrote:
         | ARM M family cores can run each other's code more or less.
         | Only the libraries for I/O need to be rewritten.
         | In some cases, there are drop in replacements (Gigadevices
         | STM32 clones)
           | pwg wrote:
           | Except that in some cases, the automakers are not using a CPU
           | with external interface hardware, they are using
           | microcontrollers similar to the PIC series, example here:
           | https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40300C.pdf
           | (Note, I'm not suggesting they use these exact chips, this is
           | just an example of the level of onboard integration that is
           | available for micro-controller chips).
           | Single chip system, with built in analog comparators, timers,
           | signal capture and PWM generation module, serial UART, etc.
           | I.e., a whole "system on a chip" with the external world
           | interfaces already built into the chip. Changing one of these
           | for an ARM CPU with external analog comparators, timers, PWM
           | modules, serial UART's, etc., is a redesign effort, not just
           | a "change the chip" effort. If the clock speed possible via
           | the internal clock oscillator is sufficient, then this chip
           | needs only +5V and ground (plus programming) to be able to
           | interface to and control some external analog or digital
           | equipment.
           | legulere wrote:
           | That relies on I/O being written as replaceable units of code
           | and not sprinkled throughout all of the code.
           | im_down_w_otp wrote:
           | Are there even any ARM Cortex-M chips that are ASIL-B rated
           | or better?
             | im_down_w_otp wrote:
             | Looks like the Cortex-R52 and Cortex-R5, a CPU and MCU,
             | respectively both have been ASIL-D (the highest rating)
             | qualified. Which is fantastic frankly. There's a bunch of
             | legacy PPC, MIPS, and TriCore tech that's just miserable to
             | work with because of their ancient and/or bespoke &
             | proprietary toolchains. So, really the automotive industry
             | lacks excuses that I would buy for why they're not moving
             | forward onto new platforms other than the institutional
             | inertia and supply-chain entanglements that its
             | prioritizing instead.
             | detaro wrote:
             | yes. ARM sells appropriate designs, and e.g. NXP offers
             | some chips.
             | TaylorPhebillo wrote:
             | I think the Cortex-R chips are more targeted here- I think
             | the V8-R chips are designed specifically for automotive
             | use, so I assume they have appropriate ratings.
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | There are very lazy car companies which simply specify
               | "automotive certified" car chips for everything,
               | including MCUs running window switches. So, don't be
               | surprised $20 ARM-R based MCUs being used to do something
               | trivial like driving window motor.
               | I seen a few dashboard where there is an STM32 sitting
               | connected to a single button, whose only duty is to
               | register a key press, and burp something on the CanBus in
               | response.
               | sbierwagen wrote:
               | A big chunk of this crisis was _caused_ by car
               | manufacturers being insanely focused on cost cutting.
               | Doing obviously dumb things with BOM isn 't exactly a
               | calling card of the automotive industry.
               | hulitu wrote:
               | Every component ( resistors, transistors,
               | microcontrollers, etc ) must be Automotive qualified
               | (AEC-Q ). That's how you have a minimum standard. A
               | button cannot communicate on the CAN bus that's why you
               | need the microcontroller.
               | coryrc wrote:
               | I guarantee you no one is running $20 MCUs in trivial
               | applications (in normal times). They're very cost-
               | conscious.
               | kortex wrote:
               | A) I doubt you need a $20 component to register a key
               | press and do some canbus IO
               | B) If you did have a $20 microcontroller for Canbus
               | control of a window motor driver but it saved $19 in
               | extra wiring/labor (driver controls usually route to all
               | windows), provides reliable debounce, automated one-push-
               | to-open, and allows things like holding keyless lock to
               | close all windows, it's totally worth it.
         | kube-system wrote:
         | CPUs aren't the only silicon out of stock right now. Most
         | silicon doesn't even run software.
         | stefan_ wrote:
         | What software can turn a MSP430 or 68 knockoff into a highly
         | efficient power transistor? Take everything Musk says with some
         | caution..
         | JohnJamesRambo wrote:
         | I feel like GM and Ford are at US Government and NASA size
         | where getting any change through takes so long and so much
         | middle management and red tape that it stretches to infinity.
         | I'm sure Tesla is more agile than that. For better or worse
         | sometimes...
           | mathattack wrote:
           | The bigger the company, the more effort that's needed to
           | coordinate the parts. At some point one person can't keep the
           | whole in the head and has to lean on process. Tesla is small
           | enough, and has a CEO that can keep everything in his head.
             | ulfw wrote:
             | Tesla has over 70,000 employees. I know people think Elon
             | is god, but come on, he can't have "everything in his
             | head". Tesla isn't some mom and pop shop.
         | jillesvangurp wrote:
         | Tesla is much better at writing software than most of their
         | competitors. That's how they can adapt so quickly.
         | They also do a lot more in house than their competitors. That
         | means they can optimize their development processes, and align
         | with chip suppliers across different components. If you have to
         | work with a multitude of suppliers that each ship their own
         | hardware and software, life is a lot more complicated. Changes
         | take years in such an environment. Even a simple thing such as
         | over the air updates to software is still science fiction in a
         | large part of the industry. VW famously struggled with doing
         | that for the ID.3 only managing their first updates fairly
         | recently.
         | Of course, Tesla is still affected by supply issues as well.
         | They can't switch suppliers every quarter.
           | hulitu wrote:
           | You cannot replace a Xeon with an Epyc without redesigning
           | the motherboard. In reality is even worse. You replace a chip
           | from ST with one from Renesas for example.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Are they better at writing software or do they just care less
           | about how safety critical it is?
             | coryrc wrote:
             | I think you underestimate how poorly software development
             | is done in traditional industries. Practice makes perfect
             | and they mostly practice writing reports not software.
               | hulitu wrote:
               | It depends. If you want to sleep well at night you take
               | care. Of course if you are VW you take risks.
               | coryrc wrote:
               | Taking a long time doesn't mean you've done more useful
               | work.
               | hulitu wrote:
               | But a longer testing can find more bugs.
               | coryrc wrote:
               | So can a shorter one.
               | (In a box at 120degC for a day is roughly equal to a
               | thousand days at room temperature).
               | Smarter not longer. Write in a memory-safe language and
               | you don't need to pay people to maintain spreadsheets of
               | memory allocations...
             | kiba wrote:
             | Agile does not mean less reliable. See Boeing versus
             | SpaceX.
             | filoleg wrote:
             | It isn't that their engineers are inherently better at
             | writing software. The parent comment explained exactly why
             | their organizational and supply chain structure allows them
             | to be more agile and better at writing software and
             | delivering it.
               | hef19898 wrote:
               | I personally would rank Tesla's Supply Chain to high, so.
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Weeks? This has been going on for almost 100 weeks
           | mkr-hn wrote:
           | I assume the alternative chips are still in short supply, but
           | less so than their first choice. Everyone else is looking for
           | alternatives too.
         | LennyWhiteJr wrote:
         | To elaborate on this, the feature sets on these low level
         | microcontrollers are no standardized. There is no common API
         | for them to implement. Even chips coming from the same
         | manufacturer will have different hardware capabilities, and
         | although low-level drivers can abstract that way to a certain
         | extent, there will always be differences.
         | The biggest challenge is when you need to update your firmware
         | to use a microcontroller from a different manufacturer. Often
         | times these chips are specifically chosen due to the set of
         | hardware functionality they offer, and the firmware is written
         | to take advantage of that from the start. The two are coupled.
         | Now you are forced to use a _different_ chip, and the firmware
         | that was written for a specific set of hardware now has to be
         | modified for a new chip that may have a different feature set.
         | Things fine print on how things like Analog to Digital
         | converters becomes _extremely_ important.
           | Espressosaurus wrote:
           | Even a single hardware iteration intended to be a drop-in
           | replacement in some cases won't be due to relying on
           | implementation-defined behavior that is not guaranteed by the
           | datasheet and wasn't considered a constraint by the people
           | designing the silicon. Sometimes it's a bug, sometimes it's
           | just "didn't think that was important".
           | Either way, you're left with something where the saturation
           | behavior changed, or it's no longer possible to read out a
           | value without risk of corruption since they assumed it can be
           | treated as write-only, or some other hard to find and debug
           | problem.
           | Swapping out chips is an exercise in testing and risk
           | management, and never should be done without care, even
           | before we start talking about safety critical applications.
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | I get that what Musk quoted is not a trivial task, and if
         | accurate, is probably much quicker than OEMs and Big Auto could
         | do since Tesla is presumably much better at software.
         | The article quotes Intel at 16nm, which is, what, 10 years from
         | cutting edge process node? At this point mature OEMs and Big
         | Auto should have been on a refresh process to auto-migrate
         | forward the chips. The semiconductor industry is 40-50 years
         | old now. And new generations produce better chips (cost, power
         | use, performance).
         | As other comments say, it smacks of laziness and lack of
         | forecasting.
         | Tesla has other advantages, since they are so much more
         | vertically integrated, they can probably manage migrations a
         | lot more easily and centrally.
         | Big Auto is more like "Big assemble OEM parts". OEMs make all
         | the components, Big Auto just wants to screw them into place
         | and wire them together. It's part of why they suck at software
         | that integrates things: They don't make any of the components,
         | and a dozen different departments order them from a hundred
         | suppliers, so getting interfaces/protocols/specs is a lot more
         | time consuming than for Tesla.
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | As far as I can tell, Tesla plays fast and loose, treating
         | their product like a manufacturer of consumer electronics and
         | not a manufacturer of a dangerous and durable good. That
         | obviously allows them to out-compete other auto manufacturers
         | who are more aware of things like product liability.
         | See the Toyota accelerator-gate lawsuits. From
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80%932011_Toyota_vehic...
         | :
         | > However, on October 24, 2013, a jury ruled against Toyota and
         | found that unintended acceleration could have been caused due
         | to deficiencies in the drive-by-wire throttle system or
         | Electronic Throttle Control System (ETCS). Michael Barr of the
         | Barr Group testified[30] that NASA had not been able to
         | complete its examination of Toyota's ETCS and that Toyota did
         | not follow best practices for real time life critical software,
         | and that a single bit flip which can be caused by cosmic rays
         | could cause unintended acceleration. As well, the run-time
         | stack of the real-time operating system was not large enough
         | and that it was possible for the stack to grow large enough to
         | overwrite data that could cause unintended
         | acceleration.[31][32] As a result, Toyota has entered into
         | settlement talks with its plaintiffs.
         | Not following software best practices(i.e. ISO 26262) can
         | expose your customers to unnecessary risk and leave your
         | company vulnerable to lawsuits. Tesla may learn a very
         | expensive lesson one day, or they may get lucky. Time will
         | tell.
         | ---
         | Depending on the design of your system and software stack,
         | switching SoCs can be anywhere from a massive effort to a
         | simple recompilation. Even switching architectures could be
         | trivial for some components(i.e. a UI written in HTML5 making
         | REST API calls) or a nightmare for others(ECU, ABS or other
         | real-time algorithm written to use bare metal modules on the
         | SoC without an OS providing abstraction).
           | baybal2 wrote:
           | It is very troubling development when doing something so
           | trivial even requires a computer.
           | That's a matter readily solved by a PID controller made of a
           | few dozen 74XXX parts. Possibly made n-times redundant.
           | Even a more fancy LP solver probably wouldn't need a fully
           | fledged computer.
             | SkyPuncher wrote:
             | It's really easy to over react because of the silicone
             | shortage, but in many cars these chips are replacing
             | physically manufactured parts or significantly increasing
             | efficiency in a way that isn't possible with physical based
             | components.
             | Electronic fuel injection is a _great_ example. Much of
             | modern fuel efficiency stems from the fact that an engine
             | can accurately control fuel in the cylinder based on a
             | bunch of factors. Not only does this system require
             | physically fewer materials, it uses less gas (in turn
             | saving production effort).
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | I think you are misunderstanding me.
               | What I mean under a computer is a Turing complete
               | machine. A circuit just doing some LP solving, or PID is
               | not necessarily a computer.
               | rcxdude wrote:
               | Very little applications strictly _need_ a turing
               | complete machine. However microcontrollers are ubiquitous
               | because they are so flexible. One chip does the job of
               | many, and without needing to be specialised, allowing all
               | applications to take advantage of the economies of scale
               | in semiconductor manufacturing. (Also as pointed out here
               | you drastically underestimate the complexity of a modern
               | ECU)
               | SkyPuncher wrote:
               | By that explanation, I actually 100% confident I'm
               | understanding you correctly.
               | Most of the functionality of these chips can be
               | represented in some form of hardware. However, that
               | hardware is often much more expensive, significantly less
               | flexible, and likely significantly bulkier.
             | avianlyric wrote:
             | There's nothing trivial about a modern internal combustion
             | engine. The throttle control system is doing quite a bit
             | more work than just opening and closing a physical throttle
             | valve.
             | tziki wrote:
             | Ah the classic HN "just use this things I just came up
             | with".
             | https://xkcd.com/793/
               | cycomanic wrote:
               | I actually believe programmers/software engineers are the
               | new physicists in this regard.
             | KZerda wrote:
             | Okay, so you've designed it. Now, make sure it works with
             | the dirty electrical signal of a typical car's power bus.
             | Then make sure it fits in the space requirements of under
             | the car's hood, or in the door, or any of the other tight
             | places that these embedded systems go. Then make sure that
             | it's verified to act over several years of vehicle life.
             | Then, make sure your suppliers will guarantee you that they
             | won't discontinue the part for at least 10-15 years because
             | of legal requirements for spare parts. Just throwing
             | discrete logic at the problem doesn't always help.
             | dharmab wrote:
             | ECUs are simpler to build than the mechanical components
             | they replaced and do things impossible to do mechanically
             | (given the space and weight limits of a car).
             | Jadon Cammisa has a great series on this stuff. Here's just
             | one episode on one topic, drive by wire throttle control:
             | https://youtu.be/gKsCHx5NOMM
               | joking wrote:
               | Simpler to build, and even simpler to overbill for them.
               | Is insane to charge over 1000$ for some replacement logic
               | board.
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | Most drive by wire systems I seen are nothing, but a
               | simplest closed loop PIDs.
               | It's very close to what you are taught in the "How to
               | write a PID controller" class without much extra
               | creativity.
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | Deciding how much fuel will be injected each cycle is not
               | just a simple PID. The throttle body control may just be
               | a basic servo (although it probably isn't) but the system
               | controlling it is more complicated.
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | A separate circuit to map fuel/gas ratio for a given
               | sensor input is also not a rocket science.
               | dharmab wrote:
               | Have you looked at any vehicle from the past 3-5 years? I
               | own one with drive by wire and you can feel and hear it
               | reacting to variables when you push it to the limits
               | (either in inclement terrain or on a closed course). The
               | linked video has specific video examples from production
               | vehicles as well.
             | [deleted]
             | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
             | Let's start by assuming that the engineers are at least
             | basically competent, shall we?
             | I mean, I could implement a PID controller without any
             | 74xxx logic at all: a basic op-amp, a handful of resistors
             | and capacitors and _boom_ I 'm done!
             | But there's a reason that engineering doesn't do that these
             | days and it's not that engineers don't know how. My PID
             | control built from an opamp? In 2021 that's almost always a
             | stupid idea. We use computers because doing it digitally
             | has many advantages. We don't use 74xx (or any other logic
             | family) for this because microcontrollers are far more
             | flexible, allow for behavior changes without reworking
             | hardware, allow inventories to scale (the same component
             | can be used in hundreds of products) and more reasons I
             | won't detail.
             | The reality is that in 2021, often the simplest, most
             | robust and cost-effective way to do something trivial _is_
             | by using a computer to do it.
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | > The reality is that in 2021, often the simplest, most
               | robust and cost-effective way to do something trivial is
               | by using a computer to do it.
               | Very much not. Complicated MCUs are a very risky single
               | vendor supply, and as we see now, people are now paying
               | for an engineering overkill.
               | 74xxx are available in every shape, and form, from dozens
               | of suppliers.
             | kortex wrote:
             | Ok, lets assume for a moment that throttle can be modelled
             | by a PID plant (it can't) - is the circuit temperature
             | stable? You don't want the characteristics changing as the
             | engine. Now you need a compensator circuit. What about
             | power supply stability and noise? Car power busses are
             | hella noisy, due to alternator and spark coil. Now you need
             | some serious conditioning and filtering. What about
             | knocking? Modern ECUs adjust parameters on knock detection
             | to reduce the damage from pre-ignition. Gotta put in a
             | control system for that.
             | Repeat for manifold air temp, exhaust temp, emissions, rev
             | limiter, etc., and as you mention, make that 3x for
             | redundancy. Now you have hundreds to thousands of
             | components, in a high noise, vibration, and temperature
             | environment, and you have something which is about as
             | efficient as an 80s car. And you can't as easily simulate
             | it cause it's analog.
             | Or just use some digital chips and simulate all the tuning.
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | > That obviously allows them to out-compete other auto
           | manufacturers who are more aware of things like product
           | liability
           | A lot of this era comes down to this. You have a legacy
           | industry with tons of regulations, then a new guy comes up,
           | steps on all the lines, and convinces people they're smarter
           | for doing more for less. (up until regulations come back in
           | the equation).
           | shiftpgdn wrote:
           | Toyota accelerator-gate is largely a farce. Almost all of the
           | people involved with Toyota unintended acceleration were over
           | the age of 65 and had the poorly designed loose floor mats in
           | their cars.
           | Even if they had perfect readable John Carmack tier coding
           | they still would have lost.
             | [deleted]
             | jcampbell1 wrote:
             | I worked for ford many years ago and I remember a really
             | funny conversation between young engineers and MBA types.
             | The issue was the Lincoln Towncar was designed to have
             | extremely low pedal pressure because that is what the old
             | buyers liked. Combine old people with limited hearing, no
             | pedal pressure, and a quiet cabin it was a perfect recipe
             | for old people to shift and send the car through the garage
             | wall. Lol. The classic issue of when customers want
             | something stupid, do you build it?
             | wrycoder wrote:
             | Easy to do. I stepped on the accelerator instead of the
             | brake once. First impulse is to step harder, until you
             | realize what's going on. If your realization is slow, bad
             | things can happen.
             | If bad things happen, the tendency is to blame someone
             | else.
               | andi999 wrote:
               | One solid step on the accelerator easily let's bad things
               | happen below 1s.
             | WalterBright wrote:
             | The pedals are close together in my car, and a couple times
             | I have hit the accelerator rather than the break. But I
             | knew immediately what was wrong and adjusted.
             | radicalbyte wrote:
             | It literally took me years to understand it - how can you
             | accelerate by accident? Until someone mentioned that all of
             | these cars were automatics.
             | But every automatic I've ever driven (not many - I prefer a
             | clutch) moves forward unless you're pushing the break in.
             | In the rest state, it's in motion.
             | The problem isn't Toyota, the problem is a broken system.
               | gedy wrote:
               | People panic and jam the wrong (or both) pedals. (There
               | are quite a few people who use two feet to drive
               | automatics, one foot for break, other for gas..)
               | lostlogin wrote:
               | > There are quite a few people who use two feet to drive
               | automatics
               | They are very irritating to drive behind. Some seem to
               | keep pressure on the brake pedal, and the brake lights
               | stay on as they accelerate. When they slow it takes
               | longer to realise they are braking as the lights have
               | been solidly on.
               | frosted-flakes wrote:
               | Are you sure they're not just driving a manual
               | transmission car? I can keep my foot lightly on the brake
               | and apply the clutch to accelerate, without touching the
               | accelerator pedal (diesel engine has a lot of low-end
               | torque). Not that I do this in practice, except in drive-
               | through lines just for the fun of it.
               | In first gear I can reach 8 km/h, but it's possible to
               | get all the way to fifth gear while idling (takes a long
               | time though).
               | swiley wrote:
               | I thought you would fail most driving tests doing that.
               | mpyne wrote:
               | That's a mechanical side effect of the torque converter
               | used in automatics, which even at engine idle with no
               | acceleration input is able to transfer power to the
               | drivetrain.
               | The Toyota case was an instance of the car's engine
               | control software unexpectedly commanding acceleration not
               | requested by the user.
               | In principle it could happen on a manual car as well, but
               | most of Toyota's vehicles in the U.S. are automatics.
               | AlfeG wrote:
               | Not sure how is this possible. Automatic cars almost
               | always require You to push brake constantly if you not
               | driving. You can't turn car on without pressing brake,
               | can't change to drive mode from parking state without
               | pressing brake. There should be something very broken in
               | Toyota case.
               | andi999 wrote:
               | Automatic handbreak at a traffic light?
             | 01100011 wrote:
             | Sure but that's not related to the point I'm making. The
             | point is that not following software design best practices
             | can leave you open to liability, or at least put you in
             | such a weak legal position that you are compelled to
             | settle.
             | If/when Tesla gets hauled into court over its software
             | flaws, any lack of adherence to best practices will make
             | the company appear negligent.
               | thoughtstheseus wrote:
               | This is a risk adverse culture then. Tesla is spending
               | gobs of money specifically on building safer if not the
               | safest cars out there.
               | kevingadd wrote:
               | How do you square that with them removing sensors from
               | their cars and going all-in on doing self-driving
               | exclusively using vision? If they were so passionate
               | about spending money to make the safest cars, they'd be
               | doing sensor fusion.
               | tantony wrote:
               | > If they were so passionate about spending money to make
               | the safest cars, they'd be doing sensor fusion.
               | That's your opinion. They have shown data where the
               | information from radar was of a lower quality than what
               | their vision stack was providing (e.g. lack of vertical
               | resolution). Watch their AI day webcast for examples.
               | Their current vision-only stack has been validated with
               | LIDAR ground-truth data.
               | heeen2 wrote:
               | Is anyone arguing for replacing vision with lidar and
               | radar instead of combining it?
               | matz1 wrote:
               | They specifically mention because camera is better than
               | radar. It gives more information than radar.
               | https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1380796939151704071?s
               | =19
               | giantrobot wrote:
               | > building safer if not the safest cars out there
               | Unless the car loses power and catches fire. Then you
               | can't open the fucking doors [0].
               | [0]
               | https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/23/man-
               | died-...
           | ahepp wrote:
           | Isn't the fact that Toyota lost this case damning to
           | traditional automotive software development practices, rather
           | than evidence of their importance?
           | The traditional players are already doing a bad job trying to
           | write safety critical software the way things are now.
           | pokerhobo wrote:
           | See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c5KzpamiM by someone
           | who worked for a number of auto OEMs including Tesla where he
           | explains how Tesla does agile hardware
           | rectang wrote:
           | From earlier discussions here
           | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9643551 "10,000 global
           | variables"), Toyota's conservative, arguably antiquated
           | approach to software architecture wouldn't necessarily prove
           | reliable as that software evolves.
           | Trying to assess whether thousands of global variables are
           | still playing nice during a major rewrite to accommodate a
           | new chip would be definitely be difficult and time consuming!
           | Not that a fast-and-loose approach is ideal, either.
           | Writing reliable software in the context of an organization
           | is hard.
             | finnh wrote:
             | 10K global variables sounds insane, until i realize "oh,
             | huh, we have that too, we just call it _config_".
             | Almost every place we would have a constant (tuning
             | parameters, etc) we instead have a configurable value with
             | the likely default declared in code, but all overridable in
             | config. Managing config can be a hassle, but the number of
             | times we've merely had to tweak a value rather than roll a
             | new build pays for itself every day.
             | We have thousands of such "global variables"... of course
             | they are read-only, so aren't used to share state.
             | If Toyota is doing that: nbd. If they are using them to
             | share state ... god have mercy on their souls.
               | tremon wrote:
               | I always interpreted the "10K global variables" to mean
               | 10K directly accessible, heap-allocated symbols. It's a
               | code reek. If you use a configuration object or other
               | abstraction, the number of accessible variables may not
               | change, but their scope and access method does.
               | It's a matter of interpretation I guess, but I would not
               | classify a wrapper object (like .Net's
               | ConfigurationManager singleton) as "10K global variables"
               | even if the accompanying config contained 10K items, or
               | if the ConfigurationManager backing store was
               | preallocated in the data section of the binary.
               | delfinom wrote:
               | >I always interpreted the "10K global variables" to mean
               | 10K directly accessible, heap-allocated symbols. It's a
               | code reek.
               | Which to me on an old _accelerator_ design is suspect
               | because that's alot of heap for the micros that would
               | have been used back in the day. This isn't a Linux
               | system. It was at best a micro with like 8KB of RAM. (I'm
               | not actually sure what it is but there's no way it was
               | impressive).
               | [deleted]
               | rightbyte wrote:
               | If they used Simulink, the model output and input, aswell
               | as state, are global variables when generated to C in
               | some settings.
         | jowday wrote:
         | I mean they also just dropped certain feature, like radar on
         | autopilot.
       | nbernard wrote:
       | But for the cost, couldn't (for instance) a 16nm fab produce 90nm
       | chips?
       | If not, how complex would it be to "port" an existing 90nm chip,
       | to produce a 16nm revision? Impossible, or quite easy but not
       | cost effective? From the POV of the car companies, could such
       | revisions be used directly, or would they need to be qualified in
       | the same fashion as new parts?
         | coryrc wrote:
         | No and about as expensive as having designed it in the first
         | place. Given design costs are the largest portion of per-unit
         | costs it's not a good investment.
           | pedrocr wrote:
           | Could you explain why not? Naively, having a much more dense
           | process should allow automatic conversion. Going from 90nm to
           | 16nm is 10x the density, that's a lot of margin for an
           | automatic tool to use. Why doesn't that work?
             | coryrc wrote:
             | It's more than just a size change and there are features
             | besides transistors. Say you have a 100 fF capacitor; is
             | that because that's the right value based on an external
             | constraint (say, interacting with a crystal) or because
             | it's matching the inductance of a long internal path?
             | Because you adjust them differently based on circumstance.
             | And your transistors with a specific load must still supply
             | the same current as before so they can't shrink as much as
             | ones for internal logic.
             | Also because the materials have changed the dialectic
             | constant probably has and now the relative sizes of
             | components need to adjust. And circuits are designed to
             | minimize switching loss based on the old switching time and
             | now they'll be wrong.
             | Oh, and the breakdown voltage of the new process can't
             | handle the voltage many of these old circuits use IIRC.
         | VLM wrote:
         | If you're bored you can go to mycmp.fr and check their process
         | catalog and compare a typical 55nm run to a 160nm run. Its not
         | quite as standardized as ordering PCBs over the internet.
         | Different metallization (you usually don't get to choose Al or
         | Cu) will have different resistances. Generally the smaller
         | processes will be faster so a design with no race conditions or
         | metastability problems on 160 might not run reliably or at all
         | on 55. Some processes are analog oriented so they'll guarantee
         | up to 60 volts or more, if you're trying to design power
         | devices, other processes are logic oriented and they might have
         | a standard voltage of 2.5, 1.1 etc.
         | You can design something that'll run on a 55nm process and
         | something that'll give similar performance on a 160nm process
         | BUT they'll be different designs. I think the closest analogy
         | would be changing processes is like changing manufacturing
         | material. You can make a car piston out of steel or aluminum
         | but you can almost never just swap materials in an existing
         | assembly line.
       | dboreham wrote:
       | Admittedly it was a long time ago, but I worked in the semi
       | industry and this isn't how things were done. We manufactured
       | batches of totally obsolete EOLed devices for various customers
       | when they had sufficient volume. Devices that are in volume
       | production (e.g. for cars) are carefully managed by people who do
       | nothing but ensure that they're available in the right place at
       | the right time in the right volume. In order to not have product
       | available to meet demand either a factory has to go on fire, or
       | the customer has to screw up their forecast.
         | UncleEntity wrote:
         | Due to covid I'm back to driving trucks and they have the same
         | supply problems as everyone else -- the dude I'm working for
         | can't find a used truck to put me in because new trucks are
         | taking 6-8 months to get.
         | Used trucks sell as fast as they go up on the websites (with
         | the lease returns from the company we're running for selling
         | even before that) and the truck dealers apparently think this
         | is the time to charge excessive finance fees (basically
         | doubling the cost of the truck) because they can.
         | Quite a stressful time...for him. I don't really care since I'm
         | making money and team driving isn't as bad as I remember it
         | from the last time I did it 23 years ago.
         | mkr-hn wrote:
         | The customers screwed up the forecast. That's a huge part of
         | the problem. They assumed the pandemic would kill demand and
         | cancelled orders, but it didn't, and the cancelled capacity was
         | already sold to someone else.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | As I understand it, there's also the case that you can't just
           | move from one fab to another of the same process size at
           | will. There's different setup/software/procedures, so the
           | capacity isn't instantly interchangeable. There may even be
           | fabs with excess capacity, but no "ready" customers.
           | zdragnar wrote:
           | I know of dealerships that had sales drop by 95% in the
           | initial months of the pandemic. What they got wrong was the
           | duration of the drop and that sales would bounce back, rather
           | than simply return to normal after a bit.
           | Now some dealerships are selling new cars _above_ MSRP, just
           | because supply is so low.
           | slavik81 wrote:
           | There was also a factory fire.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26558359
         | baybal2 wrote:
         | What an irony. Car makers with their volumes can buy decades
         | worth of these STM32s for the price of a single car...
           | jnsaff2 wrote:
           | Come on, let's say they get the STM32 for a quarter for a
           | really high volume. There are tens if not hundreds of them in
           | a car. 25k car would give you 100k stm32. 1k-10k cars is
           | hardly decades.
             | kube-system wrote:
             | And that's just one component.
           | [deleted]
       | DarkmSparks wrote:
       | Really well written investigative piece. Its so often forgotten
       | that safety critical hardware like a car ecu dances to a
       | different rhythm than consumer electronics that just has to not
       | explode in your pocket..
       | Azsy wrote:
       | At the root is the question: "Do we make it more complex" or "Do
       | we do try it 3 times".
       | The carmakers have been making the wrong call for the past
       | decades.
       | One of their suppliers has eclipsed their impact on society,
       | marking one of the first times in something like ~70 years that
       | things didn't bend over to meet their needs.
       | ----
       | And before you ask. Yes i would rather have a pace-maker with
       | triple redundancy and thrice redesigned.
       | dotancohen wrote:
       | The fine article quotes the Intel CEO:                 > "I'll
       | make them as many 16 nanometer chips as they want"
       | However,                 >  Carmakers have bombarded him with
       | requests to invest in brand-new production capacity for
       | semiconductors       > featuring designs that, at best, were
       | state of the art when the first Apple iPhone launched.
       | He then says of that:                 > "It just makes no
       | economic or strategic sense"
       | So if we look at this from a capitalistic standpoint, automakers
       | are not offering enough money to convince Intel to continue
       | supplying their "old" types of chips. Either the automakers need
       | to supply a convincing amount of money, or they need to adapt as
       | their suppliers change priorities.
         | hef19898 wrote:
         | Or Intel will loose that _entire_ market to some company that
         | can make the business case happen.
         | rasz wrote:
         | >automakers are not offering enough money to convince Intel to
         | continue supplying their "old" types of chips
         | Like that time Apple was "not offering enough money to convince
         | Intel to continue supplying their "old" types of chips" aka the
         | StrongArm
       | csense wrote:
       | I always thought chips were dominated by fixed capital costs of
       | fabs. If they were dominated by variable material cost of wafers,
       | as the article seems to imply, it wouldn't make sense that we see
       | 90nm microcontrollers that sell for $1 and a high-end 16nm PC CPU
       | that sell for $1000.
       | So the question is, what's the reason that 90nm microcontroller
       | sells for $1?
       | I'm trying, and failing, to figure out an economic model that
       | explains the market dynamics we actually observe.
       | If building a new 90nm fab costs $billions, almost as much as
       | building a new 16nm fab, why does the 90nm microcontroller sell
       | for 0.1% of the price of the 16nm Xeon?
       | If building a new 90nm fab costs 0.1% as much as building a new
       | 16nm fab, why can't existing chip companies, some startup or GM
       | themselves spend $10's of millions building a fab that can
       | unblock $100's of millions of product, and alleviate the
       | shortage?
         | sbierwagen wrote:
         | Chips made on modern processes _are_ dominated by capital
         | costs. Old chips are made on old foundries, which are fully
         | depreciated and therefore have no capital costs. If you made a
         | 90nm foundry today, then it probably couldn 't sell those
         | microcontrollers for less than $100 each, just like a modern
         | CPU.
         | >why can't existing chip companies, some startup or GM
         | themselves spend $10's of millions building a fab that can
         | unblock $100's of millions of product, and alleviate the
         | shortage?
         | They can't do it fast enough. Standing up a new foundry takes
         | years under the best circumstances, and today you couldn't do
         | it all, since all the tooling is sold out and deeply
         | backordered. If GM could snap their fingers today and magic a
         | cleanroom into existence, they'd still be waiting a hell of a
         | long time to put tools in it.
         | Secondly on the price question, microcontrollers just have way
         | fewer gates than a desktop CPU. A dozen registers, a thousand
         | bytes of RAM, a few kilobytes of flash. This makes them
         | physically smaller, which lets you put more on a wafer, and
         | makes the unit price cheaper. The total die area of the ATmega8
         | is just 7.9 square millimeters... at the 500nm node!
         | https://zeptobars.com/en/read/atmel-atmega8 This gets you 8,100
         | dies from a single 300mm wafer. (If there are any 300mm
         | foundries at 500nm, which there probably aren't)
         | Thirdly, what makes you think anyone could build a 90nm foundry
         | at all?
         | Take a look at a list of foundries:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_semiconductor_fabricat...
         | I don't see anything making 90nm after 2014.
         | Which makes sense. Fabs don't make all their tools in-house,
         | that's done by vendors. As an example of one tool, by one
         | vendor, the NXE:3400B EUV stepper by ASML. Unit cost, $175
         | million: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/tsmc-euv-tools-order
         | These are ultra-bespoke, super-low-volume machine tools. ASML
         | makes a couple dozen or a hundred steppers of a given model,
         | then shuts down production and starts upgrading to the next
         | node. Is it even possible to buy a new 90nm stepper today?
         | I'm sure they have all the documentation and could roll back to
         | the previous generation easily enough, if they had to. (Which
         | they don't! They are maxed out just supplying current-gen
         | tools) But given all the voodoo in semiconductor lithography,
         | people retiring etc, I bet that rolling back two decades would
         | pretty much require starting from scratch.
       | fidesomnes wrote:
       | Just like how they can't build electric vehicles 10 years ago.
       | Yeah sure. The automotive industry is run on room temperature
       | IQ's.
       | tbabb wrote:
       | That website is unreadable on mobile due to ads.
         | EastOfTruth wrote:
         | Block ads?
       | adamrmcd wrote:
       | I'd love to see Ken Sherrif do a teardown of some vintage ECM.
       | https://www.autotrader.com/car-news/when-did-cars-get-comput...
       | (tldr)
       | > So instead of one clear answer, we have three possibilities:
       | 1957 Rambler, 1958 Chrysler or 1968 Volkswagen.
       | csours wrote:
       | Disclaimer up front: I work for GM. I don't work on chips or
       | components for my day job. What follows is solely my own opinion.
       | Some things to emphasize:
       | OEMs (GM, Ford, Toyota, VW, etc) do not design components, and
       | they do not want to. They design specifications for components,
       | and then get suppliers to bid. This is great for efficiency in
       | established ecosystems, not great for agility.
       | To my knowledge, GM did not cancel any chip orders, because GM
       | itself had no chip orders (this is oversimplified). The suppliers
       | cancelled chip orders.
       | For a 1st tier supplier to move to a different process/chip would
       | also be difficult, because they do the same thing the OEM does -
       | supply a specification, and get 2nd/3rd tier suppliers to bid on
       | it.
       | A wholesale migration to a modern architecture is risky and
       | costly.
       | Smaller process/feature size on a wafer is believed to be less
       | resilient, for example to heat and vibration.
       | The risk to large automakers is that something goes wrong and
       | they have to do a recall. The risk to up and comers (Tesla) is
       | failure to grow. Also, Tesla has a small product line and
       | absolute loads of cash.
       | If you were going to design a new car electrical architecture
       | from scratch today, you would have something like a 40-60V system
       | with a centralized controller (or pair of controllers in a safety
       | redundant configuration).
       | Even with a largely cleansheet design, Tesla uses 12V because of
       | the sheer ubiquity of 12V components.
         | sandGorgon wrote:
         | > _If you were going to design a new car electrical
         | architecture from scratch today, you would have something like
         | a 40-60V system with a centralized controller (or pair of
         | controllers in a safety redundant configuration)._
         | Actually this point is something im curious about - it seems to
         | be redundant to have a 3X redundant processor ..probably placed
         | in different places on the car body for safety.
         | Would that not be superior to current architecture..while being
         | able to tap into the most modern chip architecture of the day ?
         | I'm not a car engineer and dont understand CANBUS, etc. But
         | just wondering if this is indeed possible.
           | csours wrote:
           | Do not take any of this as a particular endorsement of a
           | safety system.
           | Airplanes need 3x redundancy on safety critical components,
           | because they carry a lot of people and are not fail safe when
           | they are in the air. Cars can generally stop safely.
           | As far as changing architectures - think about safety
           | critical loops and real time computing. Some processes should
           | never be pre-empted.
             | perl4ever wrote:
             | >Cars can generally stop safely.
             | "Brake-by-wire is used in all common hybrid and electric
             | vehicles produced since 1998 including all Toyota, Ford,
             | and General Motors Electric and hybrid models."
             | "Three main types of redundancy usually exist in a brake-
             | by-wire system:                  Redundant sensors in
             | safety critical components such as the brake pedal.
             | Redundant copies of some signals that are of particular
             | safety importance such as displacement and force
             | measurements of the brake pedal copied by multiple
             | processors in the pedal interface unit.        Redundant
             | hardware to perform important processing tasks such as
             | multiple processors for the ECU"
             | "The highest potential risk for brake system failure has
             | proven to be the Brake Control System software. Recurring
             | failures have occurred in over 200 cases documented in NTSB
             | documents. Because each manufacturer guards the
             | confidentiality of their system design and software, there
             | is no independent validation of the systems.
             | As of 2016 the NTSB has not directly investigated passenger
             | car and light truck brake-by-wire vehicle accidents, and
             | the manufacturers have taken the position that their
             | vehicles are completely safe, and that all reported
             | accidents are the result of "driver error"."
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake-by-wire
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | Generally speaking those are not _purely_ brake by wire.
               | The master cylinder is still mechanically connected to
               | the pedal. However, in normal conditions the brake
               | actuation will be performed over wire.
               | perl4ever wrote:
               | This is a question of semantics, but I don't understand
               | your usage of "purely".
               | How can it not be "purely" brake by wire, if, when
               | depressing the brake pedal, the friction brakes are not
               | always triggered?
               | If electronics decide not to apply hydraulic force when
               | everything is going fine, that there must be a potential
               | failure mode where they ignore the pedal inappropriately.
               | Can you explain further?
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | In a brake-by-wire car, if you stomp on the brake pedal
               | with all you've got you end up engaging a cylinder that
               | can directly exert force on the front brakes, even if the
               | electronics are fully dead. (Maybe there are some systems
               | where the brake pedal is truly just a "dimmer switch",
               | but I've not been able to find them).
               | smolder wrote:
               | Yeah, brakes that don't function when power is lost would
               | just be too brittle. That'd be unacceptable in any market
               | regulated by one or more working brains.
           | tullianus wrote:
           | Most SpaceX hardware works this way: off-the-shelf processor,
           | triply redundant, using voting to figure out if one is wrong.
         | api wrote:
         | > OEMs (GM, Ford, Toyota, VW, etc) do not design components,
         | and they do not want to. They design specifications for
         | components, and then get suppliers to bid. This is great for
         | efficiency in established ecosystems, not great for agility.
         | There are some great stories about SpaceX trying to source
         | components this way and then finally ending up having to DIY.
         | What they found was that modern CAD and rapid prototyping made
         | it easier than it used to be. Car companies would probably find
         | the same thing, and have the luxury of doing it piecemeal at
         | their own pace by gradually insourcing components in the order
         | of necessity or benefit.
         | The "do not want to" part probably points to these companies
         | being run by Ivy League MBAs educated in the 1990s and 2000s
         | when this was conventional wisdom. The world is changing.
           | weinzierl wrote:
           | I worked in aerospace for six years before changing into
           | automotive. The difference could not be bigger.
           | In aerospace cost didn't matter a lot and many things are
           | custom built, even down to custom alloys and materials. Also
           | the amount of planning, numerical analysis, simulation,
           | preparation and especially testing is insane. Project
           | timelines are sometimes more than a decade.
           | In automotive 'cost down' is _the_ mantra and is often enough
           | measured in fractions of cents. Almost nothing is customized
           | and parts reused for different product lines whenever
           | possible.
           | BuyMyBitcoins wrote:
           | I wish company leadership knew that conventional wisdom is
           | time-bound and has an expiration date. Of course, actually
           | trying to figure out if the conventional wisdom still holds
           | involves risking time and money on R&D. And, the larger the
           | institution the more risk averse the leadership will be. It's
           | a real shame that the companies you would think have the most
           | ability to absorb risk are the most averse towards taking
           | them.
             | roughly wrote:
             | It's not just science that advances one funeral at a time.
         | cainxinth wrote:
         | > A wholesale migration to a modern architecture is risky and
         | costly.
         | I have no doubt that your company and all the other big
         | automakers are running the numbers and trying to weigh those
         | risks and costs with the risks and costs of not updating.
         | Given that the chipmakers and supply chain experts are not
         | making rosy predictions for things to drastically improve in
         | the next 12 months or longer, I wonder if the balance is
         | shifting towards taking action.
           | csours wrote:
           | > "I wonder if the balance is shifting towards taking
           | action."
           | I can't find a public source, but some actions are being
           | taken. Bear in mind that any major shifts would happen in a
           | new product, that is, something 5-7 years out.
             | mwint wrote:
             | Fundamentally, what is it that prevents the established
             | auto makers from making changes mid lifecycle? Seems like
             | Tesla keeps pulling it off; why can't GM?
             | Is it that the component specification+acquisition cycle
             | you describe is optimized to take as long as the
             | development cycle of a new car?
               | willcipriano wrote:
               | That would be disruptive to the fiefdoms and all put all
               | the feudal lords into a tizzy.
               | syntaxing wrote:
               | Disclaimer: I work and worked for subsidiaries of big
               | automakers but this opinion is of my own.
               | I would guess it's a mixture of culture, cost, and scale.
               | Culture wise, Tesla is extremely vertically integrated so
               | that gives them a lot more breathing room. Cost wise,
               | Tesla pretty much still sells car at a loss and relies
               | heavily on carbon offset subsidies for income. When your
               | revenue is established, trying to change margin or
               | anything is probably much more difficult. Lastly, it's
               | scale, while Tesla is trying to catch up, the throughput
               | of the major automakers is absolutely mind defying. The
               | whole system is an oil machined that any sort of downtime
               | is detrimental and difficult once the line is
               | established. To put into perspective, Tesla "monumental"
               | Q2 quarter shipped 200K cars or so. GM in the US only
               | sold 200K per month.
               | panick21 wrote:
               | > Cost wise, Tesla pretty much still sells car at a loss
               | and relies heavily on carbon offset subsidies for income.
               | I'm sorry but that is just straight up complete nonsense.
               | Like seriously, you are directly disagreeing with public
               | financial statements. We know exactly how much margin
               | Tesla has, with and without carbon offset.
               | The simple fact is, Tesla has leading automotive margins
               | even when you exclude any carbon credits.
               | mcguire wrote:
               | Hmm. I'm not sure I'd go strongly either way.
               | According to reports
               | (https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/31/investing/tesla-
               | profitability...) Tesla received $1600M in regulatory
               | credits and had a net income of $721M.
               | If you look at the 10K (https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edga
               | r/data/1318605/000156459021...), Tesla received $27,236M
               | in automotive revenues (which includes sales of
               | regulatory credits, thanks Elon). The corresponding cost
               | of sales is $20,259M giving gross profit of $6,977M and
               | gross margin of 26%. But after that, you have operating
               | expenses ($4,636M) (blah, blah, interest, taxes, other,
               | blah) and a final net income of $721M.
               | brianwawok wrote:
               | You need to read their financials closer. They are
               | profitable without offsets.
               | csours wrote:
               | Small company risk is failure to grow. Big company risk
               | is every other failure.
               | Tesla is valued as a growth/tech company. As long as
               | people believe in their growth, they get more cash.
               | I don't personally understand how Tesla hasn't had more
               | problems with their apparently uncontrolled engineering
               | changes. At least part of it is customer enthusiasm for
               | the product papering over any drawbacks.
               | It's not that GM can't make changes like this, it's that
               | GM WON'T make changes like this.
               | All of this is, again, solely my own opinion.
               | kjksf wrote:
               | Alternatively, maybe just like SpaceX has faster
               | development cycle AND greater safety and reliability of
               | rockets, Tesla has faster development cycle AND greater
               | safety and reliability of cars?
               | Judging by the number of recalls, Tesla doesn't seem to
               | be doing worse than GM, Porsche or Ford.
               | vvanders wrote:
               | Their EMMC issue on the S was pretty egregious, that's
               | something you get right in even basic consumer
               | electronics. They also had numerous issues with door
               | handles(I had two fail once the car was outside of
               | warranty).
               | There's things they do well but I don't know if I'd
               | qualify them as having better reliability.
               | optimiz3 wrote:
               | Tesla is past the cash raising phase though - they are
               | massively profitable and actively retiring debt early.
               | https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/0
               | 000...
               | "On July 16, 2021, we issued a notice of redemption to
               | the holders of the 2025 Notes informing the holders that
               | we will redeem the notes in full in August 2021 at a
               | redemption price equal to 102.65% of outstanding
               | principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if
               | any."
               | csours wrote:
               | They are raising money by selling stock.
               | perl4ever wrote:
               | >Tesla is past the cash raising phase though
               | It appears to me that they are steadily issuing stock at
               | the rate of about 20% of their market cap per year, or
               | roughly at the rate of $10 billion per month.
               | It looks like the number of (diluted) shares outstanding
               | increased by over 20% between 2019 and 2020.
               | What did that consist of? Their annual report says
               | mainly:                 - Issuance of common stock for
               | equity incentive awards       - Issuance of common stock
               | in public offerings
               | e.g. "On February 19, 2020, we completed a public
               | offering of our common stock and issued a total of 15.2
               | million shares (as adjusted to give effect to the Stock
               | Split, as described in the paragraph below), for total
               | cash proceeds of $2.31 billion, net of underwriting
               | discounts and offering costs of $28 million."
               | "On September 1, 2020, we entered into an Equity
               | Distribution Agreement with certain sales agents to sell
               | $5.00 billion in shares of our common stock from time to
               | time through an "at-the-market" offering program. Such
               | sales were completed by September 4, 2020 and settled by
               | September 9, 2020, with the sale of 11,141,562 shares of
               | common stock resulting in gross proceeds of $5.00 billion
               | and net proceeds of $4.97 billion, net of sales agents'
               | commissions of $25 million and other offering costs of $1
               | million."
               | "On December 8, 2020, we entered into a separate Equity
               | Distribution Agreement with certain sales agents to sell
               | $5.00 billion in shares of our common stock from time to
               | time through an "at-the-market" offering program. Such
               | sales were completed by December 9, 2020 and settled by
               | December 11, 2020, with the sale of 7,915,589 shares of
               | common stock resulting in gross proceeds of $5.00 billion
               | and net proceeds of $4.99 billion, net of sales agents'
               | commissions of $13 million and other offering costs of $1
               | million."
               | Also, as of their 2020 annual report, roughly a billion
               | shares were authorized to issue, which is on the order of
               | another 100%, or double the current outstanding.
               | https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/0
               | 001...
               | You might dismiss this as "way back in 2020", but it does
               | seem to be their latest annual report.
               | Their latest quarterly report is as of June 30, 2021, and
               | guess what? Shares outstanding are up about 4.6%.
               | Compounded over a year, that's going to be just about 20%
               | again.
               | 10-Q:
               | https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/131860
               | "Stock-based awards" seem to have been 93 million in the
               | last three months. TSLA is around $775/share.
               | oceanghost wrote:
               | > I don't personally understand how Tesla hasn't had more
               | problems
               | It's that nobody cares and the media doesn't cover it. A
               | friend of mine-- his Tesla has broken down a dozen times
               | and he still happily pre-ordered the cyber truck.
               | My 10-year-old Honda has never had any work done to it
               | other than maintenance-- but that doesnt make the news
               | either.
               | brianwawok wrote:
               | And if we go for antidotes, my current Tesla has had 0
               | problems or recalls, my previous Honda had many many
               | recalls and issues.
               | This is not a useful way to look at a product.
               | hef19898 wrote:
               | Tesla has yet to do even a face lift on its Model S. In
               | the meanwhile most incumbent OEMs either came up with EVs
               | based on existing platforms or completely new EV
               | platforms.
               | rootusrootus wrote:
               | The little changes are going to end up as technical debt
               | they will pay for later. And notice that they haven't
               | come out with any meaningful refresh of any of their
               | cars, some of which have been on the market quite a
               | while. It's definitely too soon to suggest they have a
               | good, effective update strategy.
         | raverbashing wrote:
         | Yeah, I remember some talk about moving car buses to 24V or
         | maybe even 48V but that didn't seem to have gained ground.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | The suppliers are running in pretty thin margins aren't they?
         | Did they really have any choice but to cancel those orders or
         | potentially go bankrupt?
         | If you sit on someone's shoulders and forget that they're doing
         | most of the work, you can be shocked all you want when they
         | collapse out from under you but nobody on the ground is going
         | to have any sympathy at all for you.
         | I've worked for software subcontractors and it's always
         | frustrating when the customer is so excited about all the
         | things we're going to accomplish together, all the plans that
         | hinge on our mutual success, and isn't it so wonderful that
         | they're getting such a great deal on it too?
         | Meanwhile we're slowly going broke because we can't make money
         | on that sweetheart deal loaded with scope creep not spelled out
         | properly in the contracts. Good luck with those plans when we
         | go under.
           | novok wrote:
           | I don't think money is a problem in this specific case.
           | Because of car shortage conditions they can afford to add a
           | few hundred dollars to the MSRP and pay more for non-cutting
           | edge chips and still come out fine.
           | alfiedotwtf wrote:
           | > If you sit on someone's shoulders and forget that they're
           | doing most of the work, you can be shocked all you want when
           | they collapse out from under you but nobody on the ground is
           | going to have any sympathy at all for you.
           | Ajax Fasteners where a small manufacturer in the name of
           | Division of Labour, and when they went into receivership, it
           | took down Australia's entire car industry. Let me repeat -
           | Australia no longer has a car industry.
             | tablespoon wrote:
             | > Ajax Fasteners where a small manufacturer in the name of
             | Division of Labour, and when they went into receivership,
             | it took down Australia's entire car industry. Let me repeat
             | - Australia no longer has a car industry.
             | Holy crap:
             | https://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2006/s1719988.htm
             | You'd think the car companies could have just bought the
             | manufacturing assets of the supplier if it was this
             | critical (that's assuming they weren't looking for a back
             | door excuse to shut down their own Australian production,
             | that is).
               | alfiedotwtf wrote:
               | Holy crap indeed
               | ... but the Australian car industry was nothing more than
               | rent seeking anyway, so it was a good thing we stopped
               | funding a non-utility.
           | MichaelZuo wrote:
           | ' sweetheart deal loaded with scope creep not spelled out
           | properly in the contracts' That sounds more like a problem to
           | take up with your lawyers?
           | syshum wrote:
           | Automotive is notorious in MFG for being one of the WORST
           | industries to be a supplier in (at least for US Based
           | Suppliers). Low Margins, and unrealistic demands by the big
           | brands.
         | syshum wrote:
         | >>>To my knowledge, GM did not cancel any chip orders, because
         | GM itself had no chip orders (this is oversimplified).
         | Come on, Really? So GM cancelled the orders for all the tings
         | that the chips go in, and you want to spin that as "well
         | technically GM did not cancel the chips"
         | That is bullshit.... The supply chain does not work like that,
         | if GM cancels an order for 100,000 ECM's the supplier for the
         | ECM is going to cancel their order for 100,000 chips for them
         | to make the ECM for GM, it is unrealitic to believe anything
         | else would happen.
         | baybal2 wrote:
         | > If you were going to design a new car electrical architecture
         | from scratch today, you would have something like a 40-60V
         | system with a centralized controller (or pair of controllers in
         | a safety redundant configuration).
         | Aircrafts historically been using high frequency AC, on both
         | sides of the iron curtain (as both sides were copying each
         | other.)
         | Old analog instruments actually benefited from AC availability.
         | And when SMPS were big, and heavy, transformers were much more
         | reliable, and smaller (and they are still are, depending on the
         | frequency)
         | 3 phase power was also giving some interesting cost cutting
         | benefits at the time
         | snthd wrote:
         | >40-60V system
         | What makes that voltage a better trade off?
           | optimiz3 wrote:
           | Thinner wires can be used, which significantly reduces
           | weight, complexity, and cost.
           | zh3 wrote:
           | Power is volts x amps. The more amps, the thicker the wires
           | need to be (volts are irrelvant).
           | So to minise weight/wire size, use the highest voltage
           | possible (and thus the lowest current). Losses are purely
           | related to current (I^2*R) so the incentive is to squeezee
           | the current (so needing to increases the voltage).
           | There's a reason the high-voltage overheads are 432 kilovolts
           | (or more); 10 amps at 432kV = 4.3MW (MegaWatts) while 10amps
           | from a stock AC outlet is 1.2KW (KiloWatts). The wire
           | thickness required for both is the same (though the HV wires
           | need to be better insulated, out of the way of crazy fools
           | etc).
           | So a 60V system for a car carries 1/5 the current of a 12v
           | system, and the wires can have 1/5 the cross-sectional area.
           | (yes, I know there are caveats when it comes to AC).
             | a1369209993 wrote:
             | > The more amps, the thicker the wires need to be (volts
             | are irrelvant).
             | Nitpick: the wire as a whole includes insulation, which
             | technically does need to be thicker at high voltage (though
             | at 40-60V, and maybe even at 40-60kV, it's probably
             | dominated by tolerances for erosion and abrasion and such).
             | High voltage power lines use air, which is actually a
             | fairly good insulator _per se_ , but has the problem that
             | wires tend to pass through it on their way to a short
             | circuit if not well-restrained.
             | a9h74j wrote:
             | Recent TIL:
             | Wire _guage_ follows a 10log10 of ohms per 1000ft, relative
             | to 0.1 ohms per 1000ft:
             | 0ga .. 0.1 ohms per 1000 ft
             | 10ga .. 1.0 ohms per 1000 ft
             | 20ga .. 10 ohms per 1000 ft
             | 30ga .. 100 ohms per 1000 ft
             | http://www.interfacebus.com/AWG-table-of-different-wire-
             | gaug...
           | csours wrote:
           | Other comments pointed out why higher is better. The cap at
           | 60v is somewhat arbitrary, but as others said, higher voltage
           | is harder to switch, and above 60v DC it is easy to kill
           | people.
             | R0b0t1 wrote:
             | Voltage levels sometimes arise from the geometry of
             | semiconductors, capacitors, etc. 60V is a common cutoff,
             | usually to give some slack to a 48V design voltage.
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | Siblings covered why 12 V is annoying, let's talk about why
           | 12 V was chosen in the first place.
           | 6 and 12 V electric systems in vehicles came about because
           | lead-acid batteries made sense in this application, and
           | cetpar. a higher voltage lead-acid battery is overall
           | costlier to manufacture, because it contains more individual
           | cells. Another big thing is that there are many switches and
           | relays in a car, and those often switch significant power.
           | E.g. the light switch for the headlights has to deal with
           | around 200 Watts total for incandescent/halogen headlights,
           | indicators are like 15 Watt each front and back, the starter
           | motor requires a tremendous amount of power, and has a very
           | robust power switch built into it.
           | All of those switches become much more expensive when you
           | increase the voltage. DC at 12 V and sizable currents is
           | something you _can_ reliably switch with mechanical contacts
           | without costs going through the roof.
           | Being able to use 48 V for everything in a car is more or
           | less dependent on using silicon switches for everything, not
           | something that was possible in the past. The reason why
           | legacy ICE cars (all ICE cars are now legacy) stick with 12 V
           | is because everything is 12 V, and everything would have to
           | change for the new voltage.
             | mcguire wrote:
             | I seem to recall, several years ago (when stopping the
             | engine at traffic lights and restarting as soon as the
             | driver released the brake), at least one company was
             | exploring moving to 24V. However, the effort failed
             | precisely because the lifetime of 24V switches was
             | significantly shorter.
             | Naturally, I can't find any links to the info...
               | winrid wrote:
               | FWIW Almost no switches in a modern car (turn signals,
               | wipers, door switches) carry a significant amount of
               | current as they are controlled via confuzers.
               | Just built a car without a single relay. I used PMUs
               | (basically boxes of mosfets and current sensors AFAIK).
             | perl4ever wrote:
             | >All of those switches become much more expensive
             | Wouldn't a more important question be _how does the failure
             | mode change_?
               | tuatoru wrote:
               | Above 30V - 50V DC, contact arcing becomes a huge
               | problem. (It's a problem below that, but less huge.)
               | With AC, the arc will self-extinguish a half-cycle after
               | the switch opens. With DC there is no cycle, and contacts
               | can be completely vaporised in tens of milliseconds.
               | Commodity switching components are usually rated "30V DC,
               | 250V AC" for this reason.
               | It is possible to design switches so that even DC arcs
               | self-extinguish, but the result is expensive and not as
               | reliable as one could wish.
               | If cars had been invented after 1980, they would probably
               | use solid-state switches except for the very high current
               | circuits such as the starter solenoid and headlights.
               | (Transistors were around a lot earlier than that, but
               | engineers are sensibly cautious about new technologies.)
               | Edit: To answer your question directly: no. Cost is
               | prime.
             | grecy wrote:
             | Plenty of older diesel road vehicles like Land Cruisers run
             | 48V for everything. They've been that way since the 80s
             | (maybe 70s).
             | Note: These were never sold in the North American Market,
             | but they're extremely common in Australia, South Africa,
             | etc.
           | orthoxerox wrote:
           | Lower amperage.
           | dotancohen wrote:
           | I'm not the OP nor an electrical engineer, but I believe that
           | you can get higher DC power with less resistance losses using
           | higher voltage and lower amperage. Additionally, this allows
           | the use of thinner wire (lighter, cheaper, easier to package
           | in tight locations).
           | acranox wrote:
           | Another factor I haven't seen mentioned in the responses yet
           | is safety to human bodies. You (or your kid) can stick a wet
           | finger in a 12V DC charger socket in your car and not get an
           | electric shock, including any of the exposed contacts under
           | the hood, including the battery terminals. But once you're up
           | to 40-60V, the risk of electric shock to humans is actually
           | something that needs to be factored in.
             | R0b0t1 wrote:
             | You'll get a shock if wet slightly below 9V. It just stays
             | on your skin. Voltage penetrates dry skin at around 50V,
             | and this is the legal definition of high voltage.
               | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
               | Something I learned around 12 years old, licking the
               | terminals of a 9V battery :-)
             | YZF wrote:
             | 40V is still fine IIRC. I think 48V is the threshold.
             | oehtXRwMkIs wrote:
             | What amperage are we talking about here? Discussions of
             | electrical safety solely in terms of voltage is nonsense.
           | buescher wrote:
           | One of the big issues with 40-60V systems, which have been
           | right around the corner for 20 years now, maybe more, has
           | been that typical relay contacts arc over at about 28V DC.
           | Yes, there are ways to adress this. No, none of them are as
           | practical as relays yet.
             | idiotsecant wrote:
             | This isn't really a fundamental problem. It just means
             | using relays with contacts rated for higher voltages. It's
             | probably the _easiest_ part of the bom on a typical vehicle
             | to move to a higher voltage range. I use 125VDC contact
             | /coil rated relays all the time.
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | It _is_ a fundamental problem (it 's physics). The
               | current rating for relays drops off sharply as the DC
               | voltage increases; you might see 125 V DC rating, but the
               | current will be a fraction of the nominal current at the
               | rated _AC_ voltage. If you 're using an relay rated for
               | up to 250 VAC/DC, then the breaking capacity with DC
               | might be as low as 1 % compared to AC. Bad relay
               | datasheets don't mention this at all, or maybe only for
               | 30 V. Good datasheets have plots of capacity vs. voltage
               | and current vs. life (rated capacity of relays is
               | generally for around 100k cycles).
               | idiotsecant wrote:
               | I am an engineer in a field that has been using >100VDC
               | relays for _a hundred years_. There is a sizable supply
               | chain out there for these things. You can buy them in
               | whatever amperage you need, they just use different
               | construction from typical low frequency AC relays. Wipers
               | are often high quality metallurgy to extend life and they
               | make use of simple passive magnetic snubbers to  'blow
               | out' the arc that is self-extinguishing in AC circuits.
               | They aren't substantially more expensive than regular
               | high quality AC relays and use standard form factors.
       | OliverJones wrote:
       | Vehicle electronics have some real environmental challenges as
       | well.
       | They have to function correctly                 * after they've
       | been parked outdoors in Death Valley all day.            * after
       | they've been parked at -40 degrees for a long time.            *
       | when doused with slush containing road salt.            * when
       | their wiring harnesses deteriorate after a couple of decades of
       | hard use.            * at least for a few seconds after a
       | catastrophic crash.
       | It takes the kind of risk-taking guts that Tesla exhibits to push
       | new, better, electronic parts into test and production. Most car
       | companies' executives, designers, and test engineers just don't
       | want to take those risks.
         | cma wrote:
         | > risk-taking guts that Tesla exhibits to push new, better,
         | electronic parts into test and production.
         | After their delaminationg non-automotive grade screens I'd be
         | wary.
         | Their solution to it was to make the air conditioner always run
         | in the sun when parked and promote it as a feature, wasting
         | untold megawatt hours of electricity.
           | Ekaros wrote:
           | That sounds like possible death trap. Drive Tesla to some
           | place without range, stay out there for week. Then come back
           | an notice car is dead and you can't reach next charging
           | station.
           | Maybe this is why Musk is making Starlink...
             | useful wrote:
             | you can tow charge an electric car with another car or
             | truck
               | Ekaros wrote:
               | How do you order an other car or a truck if you can't
               | make phone calls?
               | burntwater wrote:
               | I looked into this a few weeks ago while exploring
               | purchasing an electric car, and from what I could find
               | "tow charging" was experimented with but has basically
               | been given up on. The expectation is that if you lose
               | power, you will need a flatbed truck to cart the car to a
               | charging station.
               | rampant_ai wrote:
               | Charging efficiency isn't 100%, so you'd have to tow it
               | further than the range you need. Seems like it'd make
               | more sense to just tow it to a charger.
               | tantony wrote:
               | > Charging efficiency isn't 100%, so you'd have to tow it
               | further than the range you need
               | That's not how it works. You basically get 5 mpg or less
               | on the truck, while the car charges at significantly
               | higher rates than the speed of the truck (in mph),
               | because the car is more efficient at using the energy.
               | https://insideevs.com/news/514727/tesla-towing-70mph-
               | fast-ch...
               | Towing at 70mph in the above example was charging the car
               | at 65 kW. That's equivalent to ~260-270 mi/hr of charging
               | rate assuming 250Wh/mi.
               | seabrookmx wrote:
               | The comment you replied to is still correct though.
               | Distance wise, tow charging makes no sense. Energy wise,
               | maybe it does.
       | phkahler wrote:
       | Give me a microcontroller with between 32K and 2MB of onboard
       | flash, some eeprom, multiple CAN peripherals, ADC, SPI, good
       | timers, and some specialized peripherals - synched PWMs with dead
       | time for driving power electronics, and some other special
       | things. Dual-core lockstep for safety critical things (like the
       | fronk latch). Some combination of all that at a price starting
       | under a dollar.
       | Oh, and a temperature range of -40 to +125C ambient.
       | Can Intel do that on their obsolete 16nm multipatterning process
       | for anywhere near the price target? Didnt think so.
         | YetAnotherNick wrote:
         | ESP32 satisfies each of your requirement. They are available
         | for $1(without BT sensor) in bulk pricing, have 4MB flash, have
         | eeprom, have CAN, ADC, SPI, goof timers, good PWM, good DAC, is
         | realtime, dualcore, and ambient temperature range of -40 to
         | +125 C.
           | dvh wrote:
           | Aren't all esp32 out of stock on digikey?
           | phkahler wrote:
           | ESP is close. I was poking at Intel claiming they could help
           | when they dont have anything close and wouldn't want to for
           | the price.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | Any discussion about why you can't transition to newer chips that
       | doesn't mention the software is incomplete.
       | Chips are not fungible in part because of software compatibility.
       | OK, so you got a newer chip, and have redesigned the board and
       | everything to fit. Now you have to get all the old firmware
       | running on it and validate it.
       | If the new chip isn't a 100% backwards compatible version of the
       | old one, including all the peripherals, that could be a
       | considerable effort, fraught with risk.
         | VLM wrote:
         | In the long run we'll only use FPGAs and soft cores.
         | In 2050 if your old 2035 Ford needs a new ECU you'll just stuck
         | a somewhat newer and larger FPGA on it, and if the 2035 ECU
         | needs three hardware I2C bus with clock stretching, one of
         | which bus has to do 10 bit I2C addrs and it also needs three
         | hardware PWM pins with 11 bit resolution and two 8051 cores
         | running at 5.25 MHz each and two CANBUS, you (or more likely
         | Ford) will just compile the brand new FPGA to have exactly and
         | precisely all that stuff and it'll work fine.
           | noir_lord wrote:
           | I think you are probably right, economies of scale mean that
           | using a ridiculously powerful modern process to emulate an
           | old processor often makes sense.
           | The C64 mini runs a modern(ish) arm processor and an emulator
           | to pretend to be a C64 - that's a machine that is literal
           | multiple orders of magnitude more powerful than the original
           | system.
       | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
       | Can we manufacture designs for larger/older process nodes on
       | newer ones? I understand it's a little bit like the DPI on a
       | printer. I imagine there are many other changes, and expense, but
       | would it work?
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | Why can't they just make pin-compatible versions of the chips
       | using new processes? That would take time, but surely easier than
       | investing in new fabs for old processes?
       | uvesten wrote:
       | I did a short stint in the automotive industry ~10 yrs ago (on
       | the software/safety side) at one of GM's brands. The lack of
       | forward-thinking was absolutely horrible, as was the constant
       | insistence that anything new would never work (you remember the
       | constant doomsaying about tesla?). I got out as fast as I could,
       | I seriously think that being in that environment might cause
       | serious mental impairment... So, not in the least bit surprised
       | about this. Just nice to hear that the world is moving on whether
       | the big auto brands wants it to or not.
       (page generated 2021-10-02 23:01 UTC)