[HN Gopher] Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberr...
       Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4
       Author : rcarmo
       Score  : 294 points
       Date   : 2021-10-06 15:05 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | poetaster wrote:
       | For my older pies I found
       | https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/projects/raspberrypi/tutorials/os/
       | great. But this is arm assembly territory. I believe subsequent
       | generations of pi have had good tutorials. OS, of course, is a
       | very large, encompassing term. What is a minimal OS?
       | hikerclimber1 wrote:
       | Everything is subjective. Especially laws.
       | nanis wrote:
       | I find the writing style tedious: The author expects a reader who
       | does not know about `make` or cross compilers to relate to
       | writing ARM64 assembly for the bootloader.
       | If I am following along this material, then I don't need all the
       | digressions with close enough descriptions of the tools. Like, if
       | I am reading a home building tutorial, don't explain what a
       | hammer is.
       | subhro wrote:
       | Very refreshing to see this. It is so much fucking easy to grok
       | bare metal C compared to the <flavour of the year>-script junk
       | that floats around these days.
         | kennywinker wrote:
         | Ah yes, nice easy to grok code like `curval &= ~(field_mask <<
         | shift);` :P
         | But for real - I've had way more luck grokking embedded rust
         | than all of the bare metal C examples i've looked at. C breeds
         | dense bittwiddling and code that relies on inscrutable compiler
         | behavior. There are easier ways to learn how these systems work
         | at a bare-metal level.
           | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
           | Would you like to propose or reference a way of doing bit-
           | twiddling that is clearer than this?
           | Also hint: C doesn't breed bit-twiddling, writing software
           | that actually interacts directly with hardware does.
             | Veserv wrote:
             | They are just implementing a generic contiguous bitfield
             | clear.
             | field_mask was probably constructed as ((1 << width) - 1)
             | instead of as a manifest constant. So you can just do:
             | ClearBitField(input, width, shift) { return input & ~(((1
             | << width) - 1) << shift) }
             | Now you just use that everywhere you would clear a
             | contiguous bitfield which is a pretty common operation when
             | operating on hardware. Now all your bit-twiddling is
             | isolated to a single well-defined generically useful
             | function instead of repeating it a billion times.
             | We know this is a generically valuable operation since this
             | is basically a C implementation of the ARMv8 bfi
             | (b)it(f)ield (i)nsert instruction with a fixed 0 argument
             | or in assembly:
             | BFI X{n}, XZR, #shift, #width
               | kennywinker wrote:
               | I like this answer too. When opaque code is irreducibly
               | opaque, put it in a fn with a well chosen name.
             | kennywinker wrote:
             | That was just a throwaway example of a pretty write-only
             | line of code from the op codebase, but since you asked:
             | One operation per line. A comment for every operation.
             | Shifts that explicitly say if they are wrapping or
             | overflowing. Rust uses ! instead of ~ but if I had my way
             | it'd be a named function like bitwise_invert().
             | // curval &= ~(field_mask << shift); // original line
             | // pseudo-rust version         let shifted_mask =
             | FIELD_MASK.wrapping_shl(shift); // be clear about what kind
             | of shift we're doing         let invered_mask =
             | shifted_mask.bitwise_invert(); // use a fictional invert fn
             | to avoid single-char operators.         let shifted_val =
             | curval & inverted_mask; // new variable instead of mutating
             | the existing one
             | Ideally those comments would say WHY we're doing those ops
             | rather than what's notable about them - but i didn't dig
             | into the code enough to write explanations.
             | And then we let the compiler crush that into an efficient
             | lil one liner like the author of the original code did
             | manually.
               | adrian_b wrote:
               | When booting a real CPU you might easily have to modify
               | from a few tens to a few hundreds of hardware registers,
               | by doing to each one or more such bit operations.
               | If you would choose such a deliberately verbose style,
               | especially the splitting in multiple lines is the worst,
               | the written code would become really unreadable, as too
               | much space would be filled with text that does not
               | provide any information, obscuring the important parts.
               | Normally the name of the register, the mask constant and
               | the shift constant have informative names that should
               | indicate all that needs to be known about the operation
               | done and any other symbols should occupy as less space as
               | possible on the line of code.
               | kennywinker wrote:
               | That's what functions and automatic compiler inlining are
               | for. See verserv's answer
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28776751
               | adrian_b wrote:
               | No, using functions for such things is worse.
               | It does not matter if the compiler inlines them,
               | encapsulating the bit field operations obfuscates the
               | code instead of making it more easily understandable.
               | It is not possible to make the name of the function to
               | provide more information than the triplet register name +
               | bit field name (the name of the shift constant) + the
               | name of the configuration option (the name of the mask
               | constant).
               | Encapsulating the bit operations into a function just
               | makes you write exactly the same thing twice and when you
               | are reading the code you must waste extra time to check
               | each function definition to see whether it does the right
               | thing.
               | The C code would look just like a table with the names,
               | where the operators just provide some delimiters in the
               | table that occupy little space.
               | Replacing the operators with words makes such code less
               | readable and concatenating the named constants into
               | function names or using them as function arguments brings
               | no improvement.
               | The only possible improvement over explicit bit
               | operations is to define the registers as structures with
               | bit-field members and use member assignment instead of
               | bit string operations.
               | Unfortunately the number of register definitions for any
               | CPU is huge, so most programmers use headers provided by
               | the hardware vendor, as it would be too much work to
               | rewrite them.
               | For almost all processors with which I have worked, the
               | hardware vendor has preferred to provide names for mask
               | constants and shift constants, instead of defining the
               | registers as structures, even if the latter would have
               | allowed more easy to read code.
               | kennywinker wrote:
               | > you must waste extra time to check each function
               | definition to see whether it does the right thing
               | I think I see what you're arguing. That this:
               | reg1 &= ~(width_mask_1 << shift);         reg2 &=
               | ~(width_mask_2 << shift);         reg3 &= ~(width_mask_3
               | << shift);         // etc...
               | is clearer than something like this:
               | reg1 = ClearBitField(reg1, 1, shift);         reg2 =
               | ClearBitField(reg2, 2, shift);         reg3 =
               | ClearBitField(reg3, 3, shift);         // etc...
               | If that's what you're arguing, I simply don't agree.
               | `ClearBitField` is descriptive and readable. It avoids
               | creating all those width_mask_n constants, since you
               | specify the width as input to the fn. You don't have to
               | go digging into `ClearBitField` because you wrote a unit
               | test to confirm that it does what it says on the label
               | and handles the edge cases.
               | On top of that, the code inside `ClearBitField` can be as
               | verbose or as compact as you desire, because it's
               | contained and separated from the rest of the code.
               | adrian_b wrote:
               | Obviously this is a matter of personal preferences and
               | experience.
               | Real register names are usually very long, to indicate
               | their purpose, so you would not want to repeat them on
               | each line.
               | This can be avoided by redefining ClearBitField.
               | Even so, writing an extra "ClearBitField" on each line
               | does not provide any information. It just clutters the
               | space.
               | Anyone working with such code is very aware that &=~
               | means clear bits and |= means set bits.
               | When reading the table of names, the repeated function
               | name is just a distraction that is harder to overlook
               | than the operators.
               | The way to improve over that is not adding anything on
               | the lines, but using simpler symbols by defining the
               | registers as structures, i.e.:
               | register_1 . bit_field_1 = constant_name_1;
               | register_2 . bit_field_2 = constant_name_2;
               | register_3 . bit_field_3 = constant_name_3;
               | Unfortunately, like I have said, the hardware vendors
               | seldom provide header files with structure definitions
               | for the registers and rewriting the headers is a huge
               | work.
               | However, if you are able to rewrite just the register
               | definitions that you use, that would be better spent time
               | than attempting to write functions or macros for these
               | tasks.
               | fouric wrote:
               | I find the first code example easier to read and process.
               | However, that's because I've written a fair bit of C
               | code, and so when my brain goes into "C mode", the
               | symbols &, =, ~, <<, etc. all have clear and unambiguous
               | meanings - whereas ClearBitField does not. Additionally,
               | the pattern ~(foo << bar) is a common C idiom, so beyond
               | the individual symbols, my brain recognizes the whole
               | pattern so it's "semantically compressed" (easier to
               | think about) for me. This would not be the case for a
               | beginner.
               | Which style is better depends on an individual's
               | preferences and experiences - there's no "right" answer.
               | This is a stellar example of one of the many reasons why
               | code-as-text is a huge mistake - because structure and
               | representation are conflated and coupled together. A
               | sanely written programming language represents code as
               | _code objects_ , and you can configure those code objects
               | to be displayed however you like, whether that's baz &=
               | ~(foo << bar) or ClearBitField(baz, 1, bar).
               | junon wrote:
               | No thanks, I'll take the C version any day.
               | kennywinker wrote:
               | Sure, the single line is more aesthetically pleasing.
               | Compact, clever, concise. But try fixing a bug or adding
               | new functionality to that one line. Especially as a
               | beginner. This is supposed to be an educational codebase.
               | isometimes wrote:
               | I've stated in part1 of the tutorial that "This tutorial
               | is not intended to teach you how to code in assembly
               | language or C".
               | My goal was to demonstrate some basic principles to get
               | code running on bare metal, encourage curiosity, further
               | my own knowledge and document my findings.
               | I appreciate that more self-documenting code might be
               | desirable, but to some people (me included) a large
               | number of lines can be as off-putting as more esoteric
               | syntax. I acknowledge, however, that it is very hard to
               | please everyone!
               | NobodyNada wrote:
               | That's significantly less readable than the C version. I
               | still have to know what a "left-shift" and "bitwise
               | invert" are, and if I knew that then I wouldn't have a
               | problem with `<<` or `~` either. IMO `<<` is even more
               | intuitive than `shl` because I can just look at the arrow
               | instead of having to think about which way "left" is (and
               | I don't even have a tendency to get "left" and "right"
               | confused).
               | All the extra verbosity simply obfuscates the actual
               | intent of the code: clear all bits in field_mask (shifted
               | to the left by some offset). That's pretty easy to see
               | at-a-glance from the C code (some comments could make
               | that clearer, but this is simple enough that any
               | experienced systems programmer will know what this does
               | without comments).
               | I agree that Rust embedded code is often more readable
               | than C, but that's done by creating abstractions to
               | manage complexity rather than just by adding more words.
               | For instance, one could write a wrapper struct that
               | provides a less-tedious interface than a bitfield (like
               | `curval.set_field(false)`).
               | kennywinker wrote:
               | >> All the extra verbosity simply obfuscates the actual
               | intent of the code
               | I have a preference for verbosity in code, and I know
               | that many people don't share my preference. That's
               | alright - there's no exact right way to write that code.
               | But my point was C encourages you to write code that
               | relies on knowing secrets about specific hidden behavior
               | in your compiler. `shl` isn't more clear than `<<`, but
               | `wrapping_shl` and `overflowing_shl` ARE more clear,
               | because it makes us explicitly aware of behavior that
               | `<<` doesn't surface.
               | As for clarity, I agree an abstraction would be best. And
               | Rust encourages those abstractions where C discourages
               | them. I'd still argue that the inside of that abstraction
               | should be the verbose version, but other than the
               | wrapping_shl that's mostly just a style/preference thing.
               | NobodyNada wrote:
               | In general, I'd agree with you -- I prefer spelling
               | things out explicitly instead of using terse
               | abbreviations. However, really common & fundamental math
               | operations benefit from some shorthand. For instance, 'y
               | = ax + b' is _way_ easier to read than:
               | let multiplied = a.wrapping_mul(x);          let y =
               | multiplied.wrapping_add(b);
               | The "terse" equation I can instantly recognize as a
               | linear function, while I'd have to stare at the more
               | verbose version it for a while to figure out what it
               | does. In my opinion, bitwise operators work the same way:
               | if you're working in a domain where you have to write
               | thousands of simple bitwise operations, a bit of
               | shorthand can make the code much more expressive.
       | sneak wrote:
       | I'm surprised this doesn't start with qemu on a Real Computer for
       | building/testing.
       | mrlonglong wrote:
       | I can recommend https://www.giters.com/rust-embedded/rust-
       | raspberrypi-OS-tut... for those of you interested in using Rust.
       | Be aware it also requires the use of Docker though but I don't
       | need Docker and have changed my code not to need it.
         | dljsjr wrote:
         | What is this site that's re-hosting GitHub repos?
         | AQuantized wrote:
         | This is perfect for me, I recently made the project OS for Nand
         | to Tetris and have been learning systems programming with Rust.
         | I wish there was a way to find resources like this more easily
         | than scouring HN or trying to sort through google searches.
           | chucksmash wrote:
           | I also did Nand2Tetris, like Rust, and had an interest in
           | more material in this area. I followed v2 of this tutorial[1]
           | and enjoyed it enough to become a GitHub sponsor for in-
           | progress UEFI work, you might enjoy:
           | [1]: https://os.phil-opp.com/
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | For a few glorious years google was amazing at this. the
           | difference coming from altavista was unreal.
           | at this point, I think I'd prefer boolean queries like
           | altavista so I can search the word vectors myself. maybe some
           | meta info so I can include/exclude based on various tags and
           | links.
         | ggregoire wrote:
         | Is this an alternative UI for GitHub but without the files,
         | commits history and so on? Why tho? I'm confused.
         | Actual GitHub repo for anyone looking for the files:
         | https://github.com/rust-embedded/rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutoria...
           | superkuh wrote:
           | Unlike github or gitlab this page is actually an HTML file
           | and does not need javascript executed to define the web
           | components "HTML". I appreciate an accessible link, at least.
           | I don't know if that's why he linked it.
             | mrlonglong wrote:
             | Oh, was it on GitHub? I hadn't noticed it was different.
             | I'll do better next time.
       | Brian_K_White wrote:
       | This is a great idea, but I can't square that kind of project
       | with WSL and brew instead of actual linux or macports.
       | If it's meant for the youths and neophites where you don't want
       | to scare them with strange not-windows things, perfectly fine,
       | but then aarch64 assembly is already out of scope.
       | If you don't know what's wrong with brew (as an os developer not
       | a casual user) then I can't take you seriously as a system
       | architect or os developer.
         | vagrantJin wrote:
         | Neophites?
         | > _can 't take you seriously as a system architect or os
         | developer_
         | I dont think OS devs and Sys Architects are the intended
         | audience. What might be helpful is if those rather busy people
         | could chip in with their knowledge to improve said project
         | rather than off-handedly dismiss it.
         | It is afterall being made available freely and some devs who
         | aren't low level proframmers might find it a good reason to
         | learn something low level as an OS, don't you think so?
         | Wouldn't it be nice?
         | kennywinker wrote:
         | I'm very familiar with many of homebrew's faults, but none of
         | them are dealbreakers for the casual "install latest version of
         | tool". If you don't like it, just install the same tools using
         | macports.
       | ac42 wrote:
       | And not to forget https://github.com/rsta2/circle
       | [deleted]
       | throwaway889900 wrote:
       | Of all the sections in the tutorial,
       | https://github.com/isometimes/rpi4-osdev/tree/master/part10-...
       | is probably the best one for anyone to read. I don't think a lot
       | of people grasp that all the cores on a system start running
       | immediately on power up and they're all running the same code
       | from memory initially.
         | Unklejoe wrote:
         | What happens when they all race to store to the same memory
         | location? I guess if they all run in lockstep it doesn't really
         | matter?
         | I've worked with some ARM SoCs from NXP and I could have sworn
         | that one core comes up first and the others get released from
         | reset later, with a "bringing up secondary CPUs" message
         | printed.
           | pm215 wrote:
           | The code that runs at startup makes sure they don't all write
           | to the same location :-) A common simple approach goes:
           | * read the CPU main ID register       * if core 0, branch to
           | primary-core bootup code       * otherwise, go into a loop
           | (eg "read x from known location for this core, if x is non
           | zero branch to x, else keep looping")       * core 0 releases
           | each secondary from the loop when it is ready -- this is when
           | core 0 prints that "bringing up secondary CPUs" message
           | (There are a bunch of minor variants on this, eg waking
           | secondaries by sending them an interrupt so they can sleep
           | via wfi insn instead of busy looping, but the basic approach
           | is always the same.)
           | It is also possible to do this in hardware -- you can have an
           | SoC with a power controller so secondaries start powered off
           | or held in reset, and the primary core prods the power
           | controller to start each secondary.
           | On 64-bit Arm the common standard is that this is all handled
           | by the firmware (which implements a standard ABI called
           | PSCI), and the OS code just makes SMC calls into the firmware
           | for "power on the secondary". (The firmware does something
           | like the above under the hood.)
             | throwaway889900 wrote:
             | This is assuming an asymmetric multiprocessing model. It
             | may be that the hardware is set up as such, but symmetric
             | multiprocessing is also an option which is what the Pi
             | seems to do.
             | my123 wrote:
             | The code that runs at reset on the Arm CPU complex for the
             | RPi: https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools/blob/master/armst
             | ubs/ar...
           | monocasa wrote:
           | They don't all store to the same location.
         | SavantIdiot wrote:
         | That depends on the architecture. E.g., Intel uses a wired-OR
         | circuit and the cores race to determine who booted first, then
         | that core becomes the boot core and executes the first
         | instruction from boot ROM.
           | throwaway889900 wrote:
           | I'm assuming a simplistic CPU architecture aimed towards
           | beginners, which is generally what a tutorial is aimed at.
           | From there you can learn about all the nitty gritty details
           | that you need to get actual chip to work.
       | not-elite wrote:
       | Wow, is it really this [1] easy to run a C routine?
       | Where does the rpi4 store the firmware necessary to read from the
       | sd card where this software is (presumably) stored?
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/isometimes/rpi4-osdev/blob/master/part1-b...
         | teraflop wrote:
         | Yeah, the bootloader is responsible for the hardware stuff up
         | to this point. It doesn't take _that_ much more assembly code
         | to bootstrap C in the Linux kernel on x86:
         | https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/arch/x86/boot/...
         | There are a bunch of other headers in that file, but the
         | "start_of_setup:" label is what's invoked by the bootloader,
         | and "calll main" transitions to C. So 32 lines of code, by my
         | count.
         | Teknoman117 wrote:
         | There's a bootloader (u-boot) written into flash memory in the
         | RPi4 SoC that handles the early initialization of the core and
         | finding a kernel to boot. Think of u-boot as the UEFI
         | equivalent for your RPi.
         | Getting into C (or Rust) assuming the presence of some kind of
         | system firmware (BIOS, UEFI, u-boot, coreboot, etc.) isn't too
         | difficult in the grand scheme of things.
         | Not to toot my own horn much, but here's an example I did of
         | getting into Rust on a 386EX SBC i had hanging around. I
         | actually yanked out the BIOS chip and this replaces it. Please
         | forgive any poor Rust practices, this was written in a hurry.
         | https://github.com/teknoman117/ts-3100-images/tree/master/ru...
         | I discovered a mind-melting bug where replacing the RTC clock
         | chip / battery-backed RAM can erase the BIOS. This SBC uses the
         | same flash chip for both user storage and the BIOS. The
         | partition between the user area and the bios is stored in the
         | CMOS ram, so if there is any junk in it, the BIOS might
         | misidentify the flash boundaries and erase itself...
         | So, I wrote this to recover the boards. Bonus points were that
         | I only had an 8 KiB EEPROM hanging around so it had to fit in
         | 8K initially.
           | my123 wrote:
           | It isn't u-boot, it's something totally barebones.
             | Teknoman117 wrote:
             | I forgot the RPi didn't use u-boot, but they use an
             | equivalent.
             | https://github.com/isometimes/rpi4-osdev/tree/master/part2-
             | b...
             | https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/10489/how-
             | do...
             | You don't handle the CPU from the reset vector like you
             | would in a microcontroller or system firmware environment.
             | There is an entire loader stack that finds a boot device to
             | read a kernel image from that exists under you.
             | That's not to take away from this series at all, it's just
             | the parent comment was asking about how it was so easy to
             | get into a kernel image written in C on an SD card without
             | any apparent SD card or FS logic.
         | cesarb wrote:
         | > Where does the rpi4 store the firmware necessary to read from
         | the sd card where this software is (presumably) stored?
         | The main chip of the RPi4 has a small amount of code in a
         | built-in ROM which runs on boot. In the normal boot flow, that
         | code loads the bootloader from the EEPROM chip, but it can also
         | read a recovery image from the SD card. See
         | https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberr...
         | for details (or
         | https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberr...
         | for how it was on the older RPi devices).
         | dragontamer wrote:
         | Yeah, C is really easy to interface with assembly language.
         | The hard part is the linker-script to get this working right
         | :-)
         | https://github.com/isometimes/rpi4-osdev/blob/master/part1-b...
           | [deleted]
           | sigjuice wrote:
           | _Yeah, C is really easy to interface with assembly language._
           | Doesn't necessarily have to involve assembly!
           | https://duckduckgo.com/?q=c+interpreter
         | jandrese wrote:
         | The main core gets bootstrapped by the opaque binary blob in
         | the graphics subsystem.
       | rkagerer wrote:
       | _The Bluetooth modem is a Broadcom chip (BCM43455), and it needs
       | to be loaded with proprietary software before it 's useful to
       | us._
       | Are there any efforts out there to create open-source firmware
       | for this chip?
         | isometimes wrote:
         | I looked for a long time, but to no avail. Broadcom are
         | notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to their intellectual
         | property.
         | Some have attempted to reverse-engineer... This was a good
         | read: https://blog.quarkslab.com/reverse-engineering-broadcom-
         | wire...
       | erdo wrote:
       | Might sound like a strange comment, but I really like the tone of
       | the readme. It's very welcoming and clear, you don't often find
       | that level of professionalism in readme docs - it makes me think
       | the author is probably quite unusual (in a good way)
         | isometimes wrote:
         | I'm going to take that as a compliment, thank you ;-)
       | isometimes wrote:
       | Quick thanks to the OP for linking my project:
       | https://www.rpi4os.com &
       | https://github.com/isometimes/rpi4-osdev. I'm humbled to be
       | mentioned here. So great to read the feedback! Feel free to get
       | in touch.
         | rcarmo wrote:
         | No problem. I've been looking into bare metal runtimes for ARM
         | chips, and when I chanced upon this thought it was too much of
         | a gem not to be posted here. :)
       | 908B64B197 wrote:
       | CS107E[0] might be an interesting course for those interested in
       | bare metal programming.
       | Enrollment is over for it as of now, so better luck next
       | semester!
       | [0] http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs107e/
       | hikerclimber1 wrote:
       | You should only invest in the country you live in since you know
       | what goes on politically.
       | sylwester wrote:
       | On the Pi Zero and Pi CM (maybe also others) you don't even need
       | an SD card to boot it. You can boot it via rpi-boot
       | https://github.com/raspberrypi/usbboot so no need for qemu for
       | testing. You can just test it on real hardware in no time.
         | junon wrote:
         | Without qemu you have to implement serial interfaces early in
         | order to debug your own OS. Qemu is a huge benefit early on,
         | and provides a sane environment for deterministic development
         | as opposed to potentially quirky hardware.
         | Usually hobbyist OS projects don't start directly on hardware.
         | Many of them never reach the point of running on hardware.
           | toast0 wrote:
           | I don't know about qemu for a PI/arm in general, but you do
           | have to be careful on x86, because segmentation limits aren't
           | checked by default, and you can be lulled into doing things
           | that don't work on hardware (I messed up secondary processor
           | starting), and if you don't frequently test on hardware, it's
           | easy to forget things. (See also homebrew games that only
           | work on emulators)
           | But, you can certainly wait to start on hardware until you've
           | got it started on qemu. Debuggability is a lot better unless
           | you've got specialized equipment for your hardware setup
             | pm215 wrote:
             | On Arm a couple of only-on-hardware pitfalls are (a) cache
             | maintenance -- QEMU doesn't model caches so won't notice if
             | you forget to clean the dcache and flush the icache before
             | executing code you just wrote or modified and (b)
             | synchronization/barriers -- QEMU doesn't reorder memory
             | accesses and generally makes writes to system registers
             | take effect immediately, so won't notice if you forget
             | necessary barrier insns.
         | LeoPanthera wrote:
         | The Pi 3 and 4 can also boot from TFTP with an NFS root. This
         | also allows you to switch the OS your Pi is booting just by
         | renaming a symlink on your server. All my home Pis boot that
         | way. As a bonus, you never need to worry about an SD card going
         | bad.
       (page generated 2021-10-06 23:00 UTC)