[HN Gopher] Kanidm: A simple, secure and fast identity managemen...
       Kanidm: A simple, secure and fast identity management platform
       Author : haveyaseen
       Score  : 163 points
       Date   : 2021-10-16 09:36 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | SSH key/ca management is the only thing I can see that makes this
       | different than say AzureAD. I am glad projects like this exist,
       | even though most people can be best served by ping,aad and the
       | like.
       | hs86 wrote:
       | Isn't the name also working in Turkish?
       | https://translate.google.com/?sl=tr&tl=en&text=kan%C4%B1tlam...
       | The kanidim conjugation is basically like "I did [verb]".
         | firstyear wrote:
         | It's Japanese - Kani == Crab. Crab-Identity-Management :)
       | mooreds wrote:
       | Interesting that they are choosing to provide an integrated
       | solution including user management and OAuth IdP (
       | https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/pull/485 ) rather than plug into
       | existing open source or even commercial offerings.
       | Here's a design doc about their OAuth choices:
       | https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/blob/master/designs/oauth.r...
       | It would seem simpler to go with the Ory approach of "best in
       | breed" for, say network management tooling (most of which they
       | already have implemented), and then integrate with Keycloak,
       | Okta, FusionAuth, the Ory suite, etc for user management. Maybe
       | they didn't want to do that because there are synergies with
       | integrated user management? I dunno, seems like there are a lot
       | of user management tools out there.
       | I also find it interesting that they explicitly disallow a goal
       | of building a better LDAP server. I think there's a lot of room
       | to run in that. My employer has had users show a fair bit of
       | interest in a modern experience with LDAP layered on top (
       | https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-issues/issues/954 ) and
       | I talked to someone at a conference that had built a whole
       | business out of virtual LDAP: https://www.radiantlogic.com . They
       | were working with companies with multiple LDAP based auth
       | systems, and providing a way to have apps see one view of the
       | user.
       | Maybe kanidm isn't that project, but it seems like a modern OSS
       | LDAP implementation would be welcomed by the software community.
       | Disclosure: I work at FusionAuth.
         | GekkePrutser wrote:
         | > Interesting that they are choosing to provide an integrated
         | solution including user management and OAuth IdP (
         | https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/pull/485 ) rather than plug
         | into existing open source or even commercial offerings.
         | I can understand their focus of being completely open and self-
         | contained. At work we use Azure AD and I've been looking at an
         | IDP to use personally. I actually do have access to a personal
         | AAD instance. But I don't want to give commercial parties
         | access or data about my stuff.
         | Existing open source offerings would be ok but then you have a
         | codebase to consider that you don't manage and it could make
         | the product heavier. The only thing I'd 'outsource' would be
         | algorithm stuff in libraries like crypto.
         | I'm looking for something lightweight that is stand-alone and
         | this looks really interesting. I'll definitely try it out.
         | Just wanted to point out that there is definitely a niche for
         | it :)
           | mooreds wrote:
           | > Just wanted to point out that there is definitely a niche
           | for it :)
           | Thanks for the info! I get that controlling the whole stack
           | can make sense (great post about this here:
           | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/10/14/in-defense-of-
           | not-... ) but just seems like yet another user management
           | system might not be the best use of resources. But I'm not
           | entirely in that world (of deploying ssh keys to servers, for
           | example) so appreciate the perspective.
         | firstyear wrote:
         | Disclosure: I work on 389-ds at SUSE, so I have a lot to say
         | about LDAP, and why I don't want to re-implement a new LDAP
         | server.
         | As mentioned, the main goal is "all in one" to avoid the
         | FreeIPA style fragility from using lots of moving pieces.
         | Making everything tight knit gives us a lot of ability to
         | change and adapt to what we need, rather than being bound by
         | what other projects want to do :)
       | Huma12_ wrote:
       | Yes that's it
       | _Anima_ wrote:
       | Is it a replacement for freeipa? Key cloak?
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Looks like it squarely competes with FreeIPA. Maybe main
         | differentiator is that FreIPA is in python whereas this is in
         | rust (and so less prone to bugs)?
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | Is it a widely held concept that Rust is less prone to bugs
           | compared to Python? I've only heard it being compared to C,
           | and only wrt. memory safety bugs.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | Rust is statically typed and doesn't have null returns, so
             | it's got advantages for correctness, but the big win with
             | Rust vs. Python would be performance, not security.
               | yaleman wrote:
               | There's a lot more checks and balances built into rust as
               | a language, so the foot-gun opportunities are less likely
               | - which makes it rather suitable for reliable systems
               | programming.
               | And getting back to this particular case... kanidm is
               | fast AND reliable. There's a lot of testing going on
               | comparing it to 389 DS.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Yes, I write a fair bit of Rust. I'm just saying: between
               | Python and Rust, there isn't that much of a security
               | difference (you could nitpick things like deserialization
               | in Python, but really the significant security win of
               | Rust is not having memory corruption flaws, which Python
               | has never really had.)
         | yaleman wrote:
         | Yes, it's a replacement for both - still in (a rapidly
         | developing) Alpha stage currently.
         | So far LDAP and PAM/NSS modules are fully operational, and
         | OAuth's being tested.
       | RedShift1 wrote:
       | Under features to avoid it says "Being like
       | LDAP/GSSAPI/Kerberos", but aren't you just re-implementing these
       | things?
         | gravypod wrote:
         | I think a good benchmark for most APIs is if someone, who isn't
         | a subject matter expert, can come in and understand the facade
         | the system exposes. For most LDAP/SSO/IdP/etc systems I'm
         | completely and utterly lost without spending hours reading
         | manuals and even then it's iffy. With this project I looked at
         | this graph and instantly knew their head is in the right space:
         | https://kanidm.github.io/kanidm/#why-do-i-want-kanidm
         | It seems like they are reinventing the API for what identity
         | management _should_ be and then calling that API from points of
         | enforcement (LDAP, RADIOS, etc). I have a feeling, as long as
         | deploying this is simple, it would be amazing especially if
         | their API exposes a limited amount of data that could be
         | stored. It seems like from this graph that  "Account Data
         | References [kanidm]" which is a great sign: this is not a
         | shared database, this isn't a complicated spec, this is a
         | service that manages a mapping of login credentials => (UUID,
         | metadata) in a secure way and integrates into "everything". You
         | can then run whatever things on top of that which you need
         | (email, corporate profile, etc) which, if this API is simple
         | enough, isn't too hard to build or buy especially if the SSO
         | token contains a display name, username, and email since, in my
         | experience, that's all most websites ever use from a jwt since
         | the entire space is too unstandardized on everything else.
         | q3k wrote:
         | Especially bundling these together as equally bad/legacy is
         | weird. LDAP itself can actually be quite easy to understand and
         | work with if you limit yourself to a useful subset of
         | functionality, ie. a account/group directory. Any Kerberos
         | compatibilty/design inspiration should IMO be avoided though,
         | as it was designed to not use public key crypto, and that
         | translates to a lot of its weirdness.
         | What I'd like to see is one of these modern offerings actually
         | expose an LDAP facade (bonus points for translating app-
         | specific passwords into binds and for flattening nested group
         | membership) so that it's easy to bridge existing software which
         | expects LDAP into this newfangled web-centric world. Things
         | like an email MTA/MDA, a PHP app that wants a user directory or
         | even nss_ldap for unified UIDs/GIDs across machines.
           | haveyaseen wrote:
           | It does speak LDAP as well:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IaxnSAggkI&t=1507s
           | firstyear wrote:
           | This is exactly what Kanidm does, and there is already some
           | ideas around application password validation via the LDAP
           | facade.
           | georgyo wrote:
           | Kerberos' use of symmetric keys is actually one of its
           | strengths. In a post-quantum world, kerberos is significant
           | more resistant to attack.
           | Kerberos suffers in other areas, suck as only doing
           | authentication but not authorization, and realm discovery is
           | not trivial.
           | EDIT: Thinking further, I think you are taking about the fact
           | that you need to get a secret key (keytab) from the KDC to do
           | authentication, where as in other auth technologies you are
           | giving the public key to a server and no sensitive
           | information ever has to be transported. That is true.
         | firstyear wrote:
         | It depends how you look at it - as a professional LDAP
         | developer, I know the ins and outs pretty well, and the issue
         | is that both LDAP and Kerberos "limit" our thoughts on a
         | design. If we come at a problem and say "lets use LDAP, now
         | lets solve the problem" we will be limited by LDAP's ability.
         | But if we say "Here's our problem, how could we solve it?" we
         | can take a completely different approach. So there are many
         | parts inspired by the GOOD bits of LDAP and there are many
         | parts that are completely different.
       | gibsonf1 wrote:
       | Making this a Solid Server or starting as a Solid IDP would be
       | pretty valuable: https://solidproject.org/
         | yaleman wrote:
         | OIDC support's been merged, which would likely help with that?
           | gibsonf1 wrote:
           | Yes, that + PKCE dPoP and all is well
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Can this be used together with Keycloak in some fashion?
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Here is the OAuth/OIDC issue:
         | https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/issues/278
         | They are talking here:
         | https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/pull/485 about being an IdP
         | with support for OIDC, so once that is implemented you could
         | probably federate to Keycloak (or any other compliant IdP).
         | Might be worth filing an issue, I'm sure they'd love the
         | feedback.
         | firstyear wrote:
         | This is intended to provide oauth2 and oidc, which means you
         | won't need keycloak.
         | mindwok wrote:
         | Seems like it's intending to replace key cloak, or at least
         | some of it.
       | JamesBenson wrote:
       | Thank you for publishing this open source project! One question I
       | have though - there are so many projects in this area popping up
       | (eg. Ory's Kratos - https://github.com/ory/kratos) - isn't there
       | a way to collaborate on these larger projects instead of starting
       | new ones? Or are there specific differences or reasons for
       | rebuilding something like Kandim?
         | [deleted]
         | SahAssar wrote:
         | Looks to me like the main difference (besides the language) is
         | that this is planning to offer more in the way of OS and
         | network level auth (SSH/PAM/RADIUS) while kratos focuses on
         | app/website level auth. I'm not sure how hard it'd be to extend
         | kratos with those sort of features.
         | firstyear wrote:
         | The main reason to do Kanidm is that it's "all in one". I've
         | had a lot of experience with FreeIPA and have learnt that the
         | microservice design is hard to test and hard to make reliable
         | at scale. So a key goal was to be able to create a single
         | bundle, that we can test end to end to ensure reliability.
       | [deleted]
       | throwaway984393 wrote:
       | Trying to read the docs and look through the code, and it all
       | seems very jumbled, like someone had ADHD and went around
       | implementing a dozen different things that relate to identity and
       | authZ. It would seem like the efforts might be best applied as
       | independent components that combine with other open source
       | solutions, to prevent reinventing the wheel, and create more
       | independent composeable solutions that do one thing well.
         | 5faulker wrote:
         | Seems like the code just grow organically without a super
         | coherent structure. I'm sure there are folks with ADHD who
         | might be able to get through it though.
           | firstyear wrote:
           | There actually is a plan and set of designs that worked
           | towards these parts. There was a lot of foundational work,
           | and currently the goal is the integrations on top.
       | permalac wrote:
       | Nobody is mentioning a big open source project like Grouper,
       | https://incommon.org/trusted-access/
       | Can someone tell me why is this project, or 4 softwares, not more
       | widely known?
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Incommon is focused on .edus, as far as I understand it. That
         | might be why it isn't as well known as it should be.
         | I've definitely heard of Shibboleth, it's one of the big
         | players in OSS SAML implementations.
         | chromatin wrote:
         | Well, objectively, looking at that page or for example the
         | grouper page (https://incommon.org/software/grouper/) I fail to
         | get /exactly/ where grouper fits in, what it does and doesn't
         | do, and just generally why I would or wouldn't choose it in my
         | application.
         | Likely, busy people don't spend a lot of time digging in to
         | software that doesn't effectively communicate clearly what it
         | is, unless they know from a trusted colleague, friend, or other
         | resource that the software/tool will be essential or a major
         | win for them.
         | That's a long-winded way to say "marketing" :)
           | permalac wrote:
           | I would have thought that in SCIM provisioning people would
           | invest more time researching for existing projects.
           | Said that, I fully understand why people would not invest
           | enough time to understand the Grouper environment, I going
           | through it and feels like a punishment.
           | If someone wants to see the potential, check this list of
           | known users and their use cases : https://spaces.at.internet2
           | .edu/display/Grouper/Community+Co...
             | yaleman wrote:
             | The front page says "the research and education system for
             | IAM" ... that reads like it's not for production use and
             | would turn me off immediately.
         | nick__m wrote:
         | Grouper look promising but there are performance problems with
         | Grouper when you reach a certain scale.
         | When I tried to import my institution LDAP, I had to exclude
         | the major groups it was meant to manage as they were basically
         | undeletable. Sure you could easily delete one reference group
         | ex (u:ref:students:adm:adm101:20201:01) but deleting all the
         | group from a faculty (evrything under u:ref:students:adm) took
         | more than a weekend (I killed the job and recreated the
         | database from a snapshot).
         | In the grouper mailing list it was suggested to keep only the
         | previous, current and next trimester but this arrangement was
         | unworkable at my institution, there are valid usecases that
         | require groups from the 5 last years.
         | Things might have changed since I did this experiment a few
         | years ago and I dont do identity management anymore :)
           | permalac wrote:
           | Could you share the setup you ended up using?
           | In my institution I have to replace a long lived solution
           | that even suports a nis domain, and I feel a bit overwhelmed.
       | chromatin wrote:
       | I like these types of projects (auth) and happy to see this is a
       | thriving area. I was a little puzzled by the very first line in
       | their gitbook [0] documentation:
       | "Kanidm is an identity management server, acting as an authority
       | on accounts and authorisation within a technical environment."
       | Shouldn't that be authentication, or am I misunderstanding the
       | purpose of Kanidm?
       | [0] https://kanidm.github.io/kanidm/intro.html
         | sigg3 wrote:
         | auth is auth. Don't overcomplicate the matter.
           | politician wrote:
           | Authentication and Authorization are distinct concepts whose
           | English terms both start with the same prefix.
             | nick__m wrote:
             | The set of possible Authorization policies without having
             | some form of Authentication is quite limited ;)
               | politician wrote:
               | Within ABAC schemes, Authorization is a boolean function
               | over (Request, Principle, Environment). If you zero the
               | Principle, you can still represent a large number of
               | unique policies considering just the Request and the
               | Environment.
           | krono wrote:
           | You would be the one overcomplicating the matter by clumping
           | these distinct concepts together.
           | Edit: For those unfamiliar with the concepts:
           | Authentication: subject identity - is the user who they claim
           | to be?       Authorization: subject permissions - is this
           | user permitted to execute that action?
             | b0afc375b5 wrote:
             | Authentication - can you login or not?
             | Authorization - should you be able to see the admin
             | dashboard or not?
         | yaleman wrote:
         | Authentication is part of the "accounts" part. :)
         | firstyear wrote:
         | Just for you, I fixed up this line in the book to make it
         | clearer. Issue reports about things like this is docs and
         | clarity are always welcome!
       (page generated 2021-10-16 23:00 UTC)