[HN Gopher] Show HN: Simple access to your music from the web
       Show HN: Simple access to your music from the web
       Author : dusted
       Score  : 98 points
       Date   : 2021-10-18 19:28 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | bwestergard wrote:
       | Interesting. I accomplish something similar with git annex, fzf,
       | and vlc.
       | https://git-annex.branchable.com/ https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
         | dusted wrote:
         | cool! I like peoples custom solutions! I'm using fzf too, I
         | found out about it here on hackaday, it was quite easy to
         | script a nice little TUI for playing midi files (what I did)
         | with it.
         | [edit] Ooooh, git annex seems super useful! I'm definitely
         | going to have fun with that, for other things
       | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
       | > totally a halfhearted hack, except for this markup file that I
       | did spend a lot of time making
       | LOL
       | entropie wrote:
       | This kind of software made me a web developer and got me into
       | real programming.
       | My first big project, like 20 years ago, was a streaming
       | interface to my music collection at this point around 7k mp3s.
       | I had almost no programming knowledge. It took me like 12 month
       | to the first working version (http auth, usermanagement,
       | playlists) which I iterated at least 3 more times. I think this
       | version [1] ran for me and my shared flat people for like 3
       | years. Used it daily to stream music while being in school and
       | coded my tumbelog.
       | Later I proceeded to rewrite it in ruby [2]. Much less code. Same
       | features. I think it had even the functionality to not download
       | playlists and stream but also play the music locally on the
       | server.
       | At some point my goal was a wrapper to play music depending on
       | moods, previous played songs and stuff like that (that was way
       | before spotify existed) but I never came far.
       | The code is on github only for historical reasons.
       | [1] https://github.com/entropie/Jamp [2]
       | https://github.com/entropie/bagpipe
       | Cool project. So little code.
       | flyingcircus3 wrote:
       | How simple would this be to adapt to a raspberry pi, where the
       | music played on the pi itself, over the 1/8" jack, instead of in
       | the web client?
         | spicybright wrote:
         | Likely not so simple.
         | You'd have to run the browser on the pi, which is no problem,
         | but then you need a was to access that browser from the
         | outside.
           | flyingcircus3 wrote:
           | My goal is to use the pi as a car audio player with a USB
           | SSD. Put the pi's wifi in AP mode. Connect a phone to the pi.
           | Now the phone is the UI, but the audio plays through the pi,
           | into the car's aux input.
         | dusted wrote:
         | Not at all what this was made for, but that could be a fun
         | project and also not especially complicated (spawn mplayer on
         | the pi)
           | flyingcircus3 wrote:
           | Does this maintain any state? Lets say I start playing an
           | album, then leave the page. Does the music restart from the
           | same track/time, when I return, or do I need to reselect the
           | track and start from the beginning?
             | dusted wrote:
             | Nope, the state is all in the audio player component of the
             | browser, this is really nothing but an interface to tell
             | the browser what file to play
         | Phrodo_00 wrote:
         | I don't know, but you could use mopidy or mpd to accomplish
         | this.
           | daveevad wrote:
           | It looks like mpd just released recently.
           | https://www.musicpd.org/news/2021/10/mpd-0-23-released/
           | flyingcircus3 wrote:
           | Does this rely on tagged files? The music I'm interested in
           | using is live shows from The Grateful Dead and Phish, and is
           | all labelled in folders and filename. Last time I tried mpd,
           | everything needed to be tagged.
             | mr_sturd wrote:
             | Most clients I've used allow you to browse the library via
             | the filesystem, even allowing you to use that as the
             | default.
             | [deleted]
       | stiray wrote:
       | Hm, ok, I know I am not a typical user today and I am using
       | sailfish on phone, but what is wrong with mounting sftp? I dont
       | need any additional services for streaming and it just works. For
       | music, movies, actually whatever I want to use as long as it only
       | uses the offsets for obtaining the metadata while it doesnt
       | download the whole song/movie/... just to open it.
         | mongol wrote:
         | Can you do that with Android?
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | I do something similar with Samba.
         | dusted wrote:
         | Tldr; optimized for my specific search intensive and jumpy
         | "music listening flow" using keyboard and mouse on a desktop
         | workstation behind a corpo wall.
         | There are a few reasons I couldn't live with that (I did samba
         | over openvpn on my phone for quite a while, vlc as the player).
         | Primary reason is I want it to be https so I can listen to my
         | music at work, on my workstation without needing to poke
         | through their firewall.
         | Secondary reason is that I listen to music the entire day and
         | want a very quick way to find what I want, browsing lists and
         | picking files is not working for me, I got addicted to the "j"
         | key in winamp many years ago and this is kind of that idea
         | distilled and redined a bit.
         | I made this after seeing another player here on HN called
         | mstream, I used it for a while but the UI managed to both do
         | too much and not entirely what I wanted.
           | spicybright wrote:
           | Having a a temporary music queue you add to and shuffle
           | around while it's playing is sadly under rated in most music
           | players. That's how I listen to music too.
           | Nice work!
       | f_gergo wrote:
       | I wrote boringstreamer to listen to my collection. I start more
       | instances on different ports in different directories and connect
       | to different ports similar to fm radio frequencies. With
       | tailscale I can listen from anywhere without any explicit access
       | control. github.com/fgergo/boringstreamer
       | Glench wrote:
       | Neat, always great when someone makes minimal software that fits
       | their needs.
       | Inspiring to see it done in a relatively small amount of code,
       | too! Right now I rely on Google Music for desktop and mobile
       | streaming but it kind of sucks. It's nice to know I could make my
       | own player relatively easily!
         | pavel_lishin wrote:
         | Google Music desktop kind of sucks, but works _ok_. The main
         | reason I'm still sticking with it is because I like listening
         | to music on my phone, and I don't want to have to stream
         | everything. I'm very, very vaguely looking at better solutions,
         | and have a few things bookmarked.
         | dusted wrote:
         | Yeah, the browser really does all the lifting, it's just about
         | exposing some files and making an interface that allows you to
         | interact with your collection the way you like.
         | lnxg33k1 wrote:
         | I use emby for Music (and TVshows/Movies too so it fits in my
         | all catch mediacenter), but if you need something simple to do,
         | maybe do something that reads an Mp3 and sets the correct id3
         | tags :D
       (page generated 2021-10-18 23:00 UTC)