[HN Gopher] Xorg-Server 21.1.0
       Xorg-Server 21.1.0
       Author : Liskni_si
       Score  : 132 points
       Date   : 2021-10-27 17:29 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lists.x.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lists.x.org)
       | jancsika wrote:
       | I found a neat tool recently called x2x. It lets me forward
       | keyboard/mouse movement from my laptop to my rpi-connected tv
       | over ssh. So my laptop ends up doubling as a very fancy remote
       | control. :)
       | E.g., I just mouse over to the right on my screen so I can move
       | the mouse on my tv and then type in a search string to bring up a
       | video to watch in the browser on the tv.
       | 1. Can this be done with Wayland currently? (Currently = works in
       | some lts version of a popular distro like Debian or Ubuntu).
       | 2. Glad to see people still working on fixing bugs and making
       | improvements in Xorg-Server!
       | Liskni_si wrote:
       | Coincidentally, xmonad 0.17.0 was released today as well:
       | https://xmonad.org/news/2021/10/27/xmonad-0-17-0.html :-)
         | nextos wrote:
         | Yes, I've been using XMonad (and StumpWM) for many years and
         | they are tightly coupled to Xorg.
         | Moving to Wayland implies a complete rewrite of both is
         | necessary.
       | dyingkneepad wrote:
       | It's so nice to see this!
       | As someone who is still not using Wayland by default (I tried,
       | but it regresses my setup), I am thankful there are still people
       | involved on this. Good job, guys, you are appreciated. It's not
       | just because Wayland looks sexier [0] that your work on the thing
       | most people actually use is appreciated.
       | [0]: considering Wayland is more than a decade old by now and is
       | still a huge mess, I guess I'll keep trusting old lady Xorg's
       | experience to handle my workflow.
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | > The meson support is now fully mature. While autotools support
       | will still be kept for this release series, it will be dropped
       | afterwards.
       | autotools delenda est.
         | sprash wrote:
         | Rather bad news. Meson introduces a rat-tail of build
         | dependencies.
           | doppioandante wrote:
           | You may be interested in muon:
           | https://git.sr.ht/~lattis/muon/
             | cozzyd wrote:
             | Terrible name. A muon is a lepton, not a meson.
             | If it were a lighter replacement of electron, muon would be
             | an appropriate (if counterintuitive) name.
             | There are so many mesons (pion, kaon, \eta, \rho, J/\psi,
             | D, B, \omega,\upsilon), why not pick one of those?
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | > Meson introduces a rat-tail of build dependencies.
           | From the Ubuntu repos, it looks like the top-level
           | dependencies are Ninja and Python 3[1]. That doesn't seem
           | particularly bad to me?
           | [1]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/meson
             | eddieh wrote:
             | Had to deal with this recently, Homebrew on macOS though.
             | Meson build failed. Had to manually install Mako with pip,
             | which also installed MarkupSafe. Then bitched that Homebrew
             | (or Linuxbrew) will break in the future for some reason. So
             | next time I build X, I can look forward to that. :/
               | wott wrote:
               | Each time something requires Meson, you can also bet it
               | requires a different version than the one you have
               | installed... :-/
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | My understanding (which could be very wrong) is that
               | Meson on its own has no external dependencies like Mako,
               | but that (by virtue of being Python) anybody can write a
               | terrible build that introduces additional dependencies.
               | Is that correct?
               | If so, that's unfortunate, but it isn't _that_ different
               | from what happens in autotools land -- I 've had plenty
               | of builds fail because the configure step fails to check
               | for `$tool` and then expects it to be present at build-
               | time.
               | eddieh wrote:
               | I believe that's correct.
           | bonzini wrote:
           | Two: Python and ninja/samurai (samurai doesn't have any
           | dependency other than a C compiler). Almost any program the
           | size of Xorg will likely already depend on Python anyway.
             | wott wrote:
             | > Almost any program the size of Xorg will likely already
             | depend on Python anyway.
             | Last time I built X by hand, there was one... one single X
             | element the building of which depended on Python amongst
             | the many, many components of X: XCB. So I had to install
             | Python just for that one module; let me tell you I wasn't
             | happy at all with such choice. Icing on the cake, the
             | Python scripts were not compatible with Python 3, and also
             | mixed spaces and tabs for indentation, so I had to write
             | patches to get the stuff to compile.
         | pantalaimon wrote:
         | Won't that annoy most distributions as they now have to update
         | their package build script for X.org?
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | The life of a package distributor is one of constant build
           | changes. Among them, the switch from autotools to meson is
           | probably not an especially disruptive one. For the ecosystems
           | I've helped maintain, it certainly wouldn't be.
             | wahern wrote:
             | Packaging frameworks like Debian and RPM coevolved with
             | autotools, especially when it comes to things like cross-
             | compilation, standard build flags, etc. Anything that moves
             | _away_ from autotools is, AFAIU, generally considered a
             | PITA for maintainers of the big distributions. Modern build
             | tools optimize for the problems of massive corporate
             | centralized repositories and build pipelines, which often
             | bundle dependencies and otherwise approach most problems
             | from an entirely different angle. Nuances related to
             | portability, cross-compilation, filesystem hierarchies,
             | dynamic library versioning, etc, are typically
             | afterthoughts if they 're considered at all.
             | OTOH, while it's a PITA it's certainly one to which package
             | maintainers are accustomed. autotools began to lose
             | mindshare among younger programmers and with younger
             | projects many years ago.
               | sjcoles wrote:
               | Modern rpm spec has built in macros for meson making it
               | less of an issue.
               | wahern wrote:
               | IME as someone who has done _alot_ of portability work,
               | both for my own projects and others, and including
               | writing more than my fair share of Debian and RPM builds
               | (but not as an official package maintainer for a distro),
               | boilerplate stuff is rarely the issue. It 's all the
               | random, niche problems that invariably crop up at least
               | once or twice with every project, even smaller ones.
               | Every build is broken somehow. Given that basic reality,
               | what matters is how often you can route around brokenness
               | without patching the upstream build, and when you must
               | patch how easy it will be to implement and maintain those
               | patches.
           | eddieh wrote:
           | Building X was already complex and annoying. While I hate
           | autotools, I didn't find Meson to be particularly better. If
           | anything this is a lateral change. Instead of m4, shell, and
           | makefiles, Meson has python, some python packages (managed
           | with pip), and ninja. I guess Meson is faster, but I'm not
           | convinced that justifies changing the build system especially
           | since the speed up isn't too significant.
             | p12tic wrote:
             | My own experience working on X server, clean ccache-based
             | rebuild is a couple minutes faster on meson compared to
             | autotools. These minutes add up quickly, switching my
             | workflow to meson paid for itself the same day.
             | bonzini wrote:
             | Meson doesn't depend on anything other than the Python
             | standard library.
               | eddieh wrote:
               | Okay, but builds can require additional python modules.
               | Mesa requires Mako and won't build without it.
           | chousuke wrote:
           | If you're packaging RPMs, what you need is approximately to
           | change a few %configure macros to the corresponding %meson
           | macros. Though X.org is large enough that there will probably
           | be some weirdness.
           | If your software is distributed as a source tarball, the
           | build system follows established conventions like honouring
           | $DESTDIR and doesn't do anything weird like download extra
           | stuff from the internet, creating packages is super easy, at
           | least with RPM.
           | Most of the time you just write out a bit of metadata, list
           | your dependencies, use standard macros for your build system
           | to do the actual building and then list the files that you
           | want to use from the build (potentially putting them in
           | subpackages), and that's it. RPM even supports specifying
           | dependencies like pkgconfig(library) or perl(Thing) so that
           | the actual package name that provides it does not matter.
           | I haven't done Debian packaging in ages so I don't know how
           | it compares.
             | p12tic wrote:
             | On Debian it's the same. I use Debian packages as the means
             | to ship code to test devices and the most time consuming
             | thing when converting X server from autotools to meson was
             | the default configure flags (meson and autotools use
             | different formats).
         | bradfitz wrote:
         | While researching what Meson was after reading this, I was
         | amused at this FAQ entry on their site:
         | https://mesonbuild.com/howtox.html --- "How do I do X in
         | Meson?"
         | :)
       | p12tic wrote:
       | Hi, I'm the release manager responsible for this X release seeing
       | the light.
       | This release would not have happened if an effort to improve
       | touchpad support in Linux was not funded for the past year and
       | half. X server 21.1 makes touchpad gesture functionality support
       | universal so it's much easier to offer consistent user experience
       | for everyone and downstream developers are less reluctant to
       | accept contributions.
       | Thanks a lot to all the sponsors:
       | https://github.com/sponsors/gitclear
       | By the way, I wonder if there is demand for long-term maintenance
       | of X server specifically. If you think you could contribute,
       | maybe write here and if there's enough interest maybe it's
       | possible to crowd fund something.
         | eddieh wrote:
         | Hi, I was recently trying to make some improvements to the
         | build for XQuartz, which in turn was so I could make some
         | changes to XQuartz and fix some issues with recent macOS
         | changes too.
         | While I made some progress, it took much longer than I
         | anticipated. I wonder if there's demand enough for X server on
         | macOS to justify this work? Additionally, I'd have to find some
         | funds to support my work as well, if I were to continue.
           | ace2358 wrote:
           | Yes there is! XQuartz is so important to keep going as there
           | are a few beautiful tools that run on it that would be sad to
           | see go.
         | znpy wrote:
         | > By the way, I wonder if there is demand for long-term
         | maintenance of X server specifically.
         | Hello and thank you for your work!
         | I'd love to see Xorg maintained at least.
         | It seems to me there still is dust to settle around wayland and
         | xorg os getting little to no development.
         | Honestly, I'd just like xorg to keep working until the rest of
         | the ecosystem has native wayland support.
         | Taking myself as an example: i just like xfce. Xfce is not on
         | wayland yet. I don't care how buggy xorg is or how better
         | wayland is, I won't switch if I can't run xfce.
         | GekkePrutser wrote:
         | Thanks for your efforts!
         | In my view there's absolutely space for Xorg in the future. Not
         | every OS can run Wayland well and Wayland lacks some X features
         | like network transparency.
         | I kinda hope it'll be backed by an organisation that's really
         | keen on taking it forward. Augmenting the security model for
         | example. And going back to some client rendering enabling
         | features like anti-aliasing. I really think there's a lack of a
         | viable remote display tool in Linux, where Windows has RDP.
         | Block pushers are just too slow. VDI usecases are picking up
         | again heavily, as do other security based techniques which
         | could benefit, like remote browser isolation. Filling up my
         | desktop with Windows running on a bunch of other computers is
         | just so powerful.
         | So in other words I'd love to see an X12 that really moves
         | towards the future. As I understand it, it's currently with
         | RedHat which only sees future in Wayland and X is just on life
         | support. I regret that because I see a lot of concepts in it
         | that are still very valid and that have been lost in current
         | alternatives.
           | Klasiaster wrote:
           | For Wayland there is waypipe for single-window forwarding
           | over SSH, and there is wayvnc for wlroots-based compositors
           | (Phosh, sway) which can run in headless mode with llvmpipe
           | rendering, and weston has an RDP backend (but I recommend
           | wlroots with wayvnc over weston).
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | > I really think there's a lack of a viable remote display
           | tool in Linux, where Windows has RDP. Block pushers are just
           | too slow. VDI usecases are picking up again heavily, as do
           | other security based techniques which could benefit, like
           | remote browser isolation. Filling up my desktop with Windows
           | running on a bunch of other computers is just so powerful.
           | I think it's just a tooling problem; Apache Guacamole or Xpra
           | can trivially stick windows in a browser window, VNC is...
           | okay, not amazing, but passable, and even RDP can be made to
           | work well on Linux, it's just that setting up any of those is
           | a horrible pain on Linux (in my experience at least).
           | diegocg wrote:
           | X is a dead end. If you want an evolution of X with network
           | transparency, Arcan seem to be the most likely alternative
           | https://arcan-fe.com/2020/10/28/a12-advancing-network-
           | transp...
             | emidln wrote:
             | I successfully use X11 and its network and OS transparency
             | daily. Macbooks don't have 2TB of RAM or schedule 256
             | threads at the same time.
           | markstos wrote:
           | Which OSes can't run Wayland well?
             | ch_123 wrote:
             | The last I checked, the BSDs and most other Unix-likes (and
             | genuine Unix(tm) variants) don't support Wayland. In fact,
             | Wayland is pretty much Linux-only in practice.
               | amarshall wrote:
               | Wayland is viable on FreeBSD, at least. It is very much
               | not "Linux-only".
               | ch_123 wrote:
               | From the FreeBSD wiki:
               | https://wiki.freebsd.org/Graphics/Wayland
               | > While Wayland isn't ready for general use.
               | I can't readily find anything to indicate that this claim
               | is out of date. I am aware that Wayland has been ported,
               | but I have not heard of it being widely used, or being
               | "production ready" as per se.
               | amarshall wrote:
               | FreeBSD wiki is a bit notorious for being out-of-date,
               | and that particular page is marked "CategoryStale".
               | Anyway, first result on DuckDuckGo is someone using
               | Wayland on FreeBSD successfully [1].
               | [1]: https://euroquis.nl/freebsd/2021/03/16/wayland.html
           | rbanffy wrote:
           | > Wayland lacks some X features like network transparency.
           | This, IMHO, is the most tragic loss in functionality desktop
           | systems suffered.
           | It's hard to justify being unable to do something we've done
           | since the mid 90's. The fact I could sit in front of a
           | computer while running GUI software from different machines
           | with different OSs as if they were local and that, now, the
           | best I can hope for is what VNC gave me in the early 2000's
           | is nothing short of depressing.
             | guenthert wrote:
             | I can relate as I'm one of the few people I personally know
             | who has used that feature in the last twenty years. In the
             | last ten years or so however, I used some variation of NX
             | in any case, whenever I needed a remote X application, as
             | then I typically need to preserve the session as well. I
             | think the last time I used plain X11 protocol across the
             | network was when I still had Sun Rays (between the Sun Ray
             | server and the application's host).
         | mrweasel wrote:
         | So if the touchpad funding had failed there would have been no
         | more Xorg release?
           | p12tic wrote:
           | At least I would not have been driving this release.
           | Maybe someone else would have stepped up, it's hard to say.
           | However there was no release manager for the last several
           | years, so the likelihood of this outcome would have been
           | small.
             | mrweasel wrote:
             | That seems to be very much in line with previous statements
             | from Redhat and others that X is almost abandoned.
               | wott wrote:
               | The statements that _they_ took the keys and then
               | abandoned it.
               | dralley wrote:
               | You would be hard pressed to find _any_ current-or-former
               | Xorg developer who actually _wants_ to work on Xorg
               | anymore, regardless of their employer. The intersection
               | between long-time core Xorg maintainers and people-who-
               | started-the-Wayland project is nearly 100%.
               | The fact that Red Hat doesn't see much future in Xorg
               | reflects this, rather than the other way around.
               | The other historically important corporate sponsor of
               | Xorg development is Intel, and they seem to have reached
               | the same conclusion.
               | (I work for Red Hat, but not on anything graphics
               | related)
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | > By the way, I wonder if there is demand for long-term
         | maintenance of X server specifically. If you think you could
         | contribute, maybe write here and if there's enough interest
         | maybe it's possible to crowd fund something.
         | Are we talking money, time, tooling, etc.? I'm rather attached
         | to Xorg and would like it to keep going; what would be the most
         | helpful?
         | zbuf wrote:
         | > By the way, I wonder if there is demand for long-term
         | maintenance of X server specifically.
         | Certainly interested in that, though you're not clear whether
         | it's time, money or community you're asking for.
         | Whatever happens, at some point momentum would have to gather
         | outside of RedHat.
         | Still very happy with X here, and mainly running X applications
         | across network rather than Qt/GTK toolkits and desktop
         | environments.
           | p12tic wrote:
           | > though you're not clear whether it's time, money or
           | community you're asking for
           | All of these, but perhaps the most important would be money
           | as it's the only thing that clearly indicates the level of
           | community support. Once there's funding it's much easier to
           | prioritize the work.
       | jmclnx wrote:
       | As a BSD user, glad to see the release, but I am concerned about
       | the future of X since Wayland has plenty of Linuxisms in it,
       | making it very hard to port.
       | https://www.sizeofvoid.org/posts/2021-09-26-openbsd-wayland-...
       | https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20210124113220
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | Can we get an html implementation of X, in such a way that it
       | doesn't require framebuffers, but just uses the the windowing and
       | text primitives?
         | cpach wrote:
         | Not sure but maybe this is similar to what you're
         | describing...? https://guacamole.apache.org/
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | You'd have to pair with xvnc or
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb + x11vnc or so, but yeah
         | pantalaimon wrote:
         | After a quick search I found
         | https://github.com/Xpra-org/xpra-html5
         | and
         | https://github.com/GothAck/javascript-x-server
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Xorg/Xfree86 served us very well for decades. Will still continue
       | to do so as XWayland. It feels like saying goodbye to a good
       | employer that is retiring but will be replaced by someone more
       | adequate for the job.
       | Thank you all, devs!
         | sprash wrote:
         | So far there is no viable replacement around that is "more
         | adequate for the job" (Wayland is fundamentally flawed at the
         | concept level). So Xorg will stick around much longer probably
         | decades.
           | pengaru wrote:
           | > (Wayland is fundamentally flawed at the concept level)
           | That's a mighty big hand you're waving.
           | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
           | As a consumer/power user with a fairly bespoke window manager
           | I'm worried that the minimalist approach to wayland will
           | fragment functionality depending on compostor / DE.
           | Wanna use Firefox? gotta use gnome compostor for that!
           | Chromium only works on KDE compostor, etc.
           | Is this a misguided fear, or do you anticipate it moving that
           | way?
           | wing-_-nuts wrote:
           | >Wayland is fundamentally flawed at the concept level
           | Expand?
             | sprash wrote:
             | The biggest problem of Wayland is that it has the wrong
             | philosophy ("Every frame is perfect") and the wrong
             | abstractions ("Everything in the universe is an array with
             | RGBA values"). If your foundations are flawed like that you
             | are doomed from the start. What remains is a very expensive
             | and cumbersome way of blitting bitmaps.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | People with decades of experience, each, in the Linux and
               | Unix graphics stack, have determined that the most
               | efficient thing to provide, from a display server
               | perspective, is a way of blitting bitmaps (specifically,
               | of compositing bitmaps representing viewports into a
               | final screen image) and that, if there is rendering to be
               | done, it should be done client side. This is the
               | consensus of those with domain knowledge, and it is what
               | is supported by the broader community (toolkits, DEs,
               | etc.). It's also how the major toolkits have been doing
               | things anyway, irrespective of how X11 actually works:
               | draw everything client side and send it to the X server
               | for display. So, your X server is really effectively
               | nothing more than a shitty Wayland compositor.
               | And people wonder why Linux lags behind Windows and macOS
               | in terms of desktop smoothness and quality.
               | When all is said and done, you may as well remove the
               | legacy cruft (drawing and filling primitives, the fucking
               | X font architecture, etc.), delegate remote display to a
               | protocol that is better designed to support it such as
               | RDP or PipeWire that only gets loaded when necessary
               | (which it's not for 90% of users in 90% of use cases),
               | and streamline the display server itself to just that
               | which modern clients actually need, and that's Wayland.
               | Wayland just brings Linux, barely, up to the state of the
               | art set by Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android -- which have
               | prioritized perfect frames and smooth compositing and
               | presentation since forever ago.
               | alerighi wrote:
               | Sure, it has better performance if there is not a
               | networking protocol in the middle.
               | What I like about X, that is missing in Wayland, is that
               | you no longer can run the X server on a machine and
               | connect to clients (application) on another.
               | And if you think about it... this day with the cloud it
               | could have been the killer feature! Nowadays is normal to
               | have programs that run in VM in the cloud with a sort of
               | remote desktop client. X11 would have been more
               | performant even with not so fast network connection,
               | because you have the rendering done in your local PC and
               | only commands that pass on the network.
               | And if you think about it for a moment, isn't how web
               | browsers work? Where you have the server that sends some
               | HTML to the browser (nowadays JS and other stuff) and the
               | browser doing the job of rendering? If you compare the X
               | server to a web browser and the X client to a web site,
               | isn't very similar? And this is the model that is winning
               | nowadays.
               | Meanwhile we think about a new graphical server that
               | cannot be used on a network, in a period where we are
               | returning in the era of mainframes, when X was created
               | (granted, nowadays is not a big PC in a room but a
               | multitude of VM in the cloud).
               | The problem is not X, the problem is that X was never
               | used at is full potential because we are so used to the
               | (to me not optimal) model that Microsoft/Apple proposed
               | to us.
               | You could have had monitors with an integrated X server,
               | like in the past you had serial terminals, without fans,
               | cables, and stuff on your desk, just a small ARM
               | processor with a GPU to render things on screen. And a
               | single network cable going to a computer that you had
               | anywhere else in the house/company, or in the cloud.
               | No need for HDMI or other display interfaces, just run a
               | network cable to each monitor, plug keyboard and mouse on
               | the monitor, you are done. The GPU is in the monitor,
               | doesn't it make more sense? How much money that could
               | have saved to a company? It would have been more
               | efficient than thin clients that connect to an RDP
               | Windows machine that has to have a GPU just to render the
               | remote session? Large installations like displays used
               | for public information? Why use a full screen web
               | browser, it's overkill, when you could have simply
               | launched a X server on the particular display, then
               | launched an application on a server and connected to the
               | IP of that particular monitor to display everything you
               | wanted?
               | The architecture of X was modern 40 years ago when it was
               | invented. It in some ways predicted the future, and now
               | that we are discarding it for something that tries to
               | imitate Windows/macOS (badly, because these operating
               | systems just works well, Wayland doesn't). Is it worthed?
               | bitwize wrote:
               | The people who write and maintain X decided that life is
               | too short to write or maintain X. Wayland is their way
               | forward.
               | Web browsers (and Electron) are replacements for NeWS,
               | not X really. That's part of the reason why Electron
               | won't go away, the architecture advantages are too great:
               | have the server push running code to the local display to
               | take advantage of local acceleration. NeWS was awesome in
               | its day, and it kind of lives on in the form of browsers
               | and Electron.
               | rbanffy wrote:
               | And none of the original NeWS developers miss writing
               | apps in PostScript.
               | rbanffy wrote:
               | > this day with the cloud it could have been the killer
               | feature!
               | My impression is that latencies kill X performance.
               | Having a server under my desk is one thing, but running
               | even something like xedit halfway across a world is
               | painful. It may be possible to update these tools to be
               | less synchronous, but I'm not sure this is a great use
               | case, certainly not for new applications.
               | > No need for HDMI or other display interfaces, just run
               | a network cable to each monitor, plug keyboard and mouse
               | on the monitor, you are done.
               | This would be great. Every monitor has at least a frame
               | buffer and there is no need to push every pixel to the
               | monitor 60 times a second. Worst case scenario is you
               | have a sporting event where you need to push every pixel
               | to the screen 60 or more times per second, but, most of
               | the time, there's no such need.
               | margalabargala wrote:
               | Presumably the designers of Wayland do not think that
               | this philosophy and those abstractions are so
               | fundamentally flawed.
               | Could you explain why these concepts are so flawed, for
               | those of us to whom it is not immediately obvious?
               | sprash wrote:
               | For some applications you want "every frame is recent"
               | and can tolerate some glitches as trade off for not
               | having perfect frames. Also displays have different pitch
               | values, subpixel arrangements, color spaces, etc. A line
               | from A to B might look completely different on different
               | monitors. By offering only RGB arrays as abstraction
               | Wayland pushes the the need for care of those differences
               | down to clients which is a mistake.
               | Additionally a Desktop system in general is much more
               | than a bunch of bitmaps blittet together. Applications
               | need to interact and such functionality has to be tightly
               | integrated into the compositor with standardized
               | protocols otherwise it will be impossible to have such
               | functionality. Taking screenshots, drawing to the root
               | window or knowing about coordinates of windows from other
               | programs are some examples.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | > For some applications you want "every frame is recent"
               | and can tolerate some glitches as trade off for not
               | having perfect frames
               | Oh and what gives, wayland just has an extension for this
               | use case!
               | HDR is work in progress, there is nothing unchangeable in
               | Wayland that would disallow different buffer types.
               | im3w1l wrote:
               | It tried to come up with issues (out of gamut colors?
               | other optical properties than opacity - turn a portion of
               | the screen into a mirror? not correctly modelling color
               | filter arrays?). Best I could come up with was that it's
               | not VR-ready. Which might be an issue in 15+ years.
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | How would Wayland be fundamentally flawed?
             | sprash wrote:
             | Wayland makes the wrong abstractions and does not offer
             | vital functionality usually needed on a Desktop system. As
             | a result every Toolkit/Compositor has to implement that
             | additional functionality itself and most of the time it is
             | incompatible to the competitor for no apparent reason.
             | As an exercise I recommend to write a native universal
             | applicable Wayland application that takes screenshots.
               | xxpor wrote:
               | Why are objections like this not solved with things like
               | wlroots?
               | folmar wrote:
               | wlroots are not used by the two main desktops, so to get
               | basic features like screenshots you need to support 3
               | different ways already.
               | boudin wrote:
               | You're mistaken, that's not the role of wayland. If
               | you're looking into an universal way to takr screenshots,
               | screesncast, etc..., you're looking for xdg-desktop-
               | portal. There'is implementations for wlroots, gnome, qt,
               | and others.
               | wing-_-nuts wrote:
               | >You're mistaken, that's not the role of wayland.
               | A side note, but I _really_ hate this ideology of  'x
               | does one thing' outside of command line tools. This is a
               | display server we're talking about. It should be able to
               | enable normal desktop usage. Maybe not everything but
               | core features like brightness control, screen sharing,
               | screenshots, etc. Otherwise every wm that comes along is
               | going to have to reinvent the wheel. There are tons of
               | really great window managers out there, where the authors
               | have looked at all the work it will take to get running
               | on wayland, and have simply thrown their hands up in
               | frustration.
               | It seems to me the only people that really benefit from
               | the switch to wayland are the wayland devs themselves.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Wlroots is an implementation of wayland protocols -- if
               | gnome and plasma implement the same protocol according to
               | specification, you only have to write code to that
               | protocol, once.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Right, but that protocol isn't in wayland proper and
               | isn't standardized, so GNOME and KDE and wlroots all have
               | different takes.
               | dralley wrote:
               | Right, but the point is that the protocol doesn't _need_
               | to be in Wayland proper, so long as it 's standardized
               | _somewhere_. And it is.
               | https://flatpak.github.io/xdg-desktop-portal/portal-
               | docs.htm...
               | craftinator wrote:
               | > As an exercise I recommend to write a native universal
               | applicable Wayland application that takes screenshots.
               | As someone who tried to do this... Ouch. Things like this
               | are why X will still be around in 15 years.
               | markstos wrote:
               | Wayland as a `screencopy` protocol and the `wlroots`
               | library packages it for other compositors to use.
               | Is the issue that compositors don't implement the
               | `screencopy` protocol themselves or use the
               | implementation provided by wlroots?
               | Ref: https://wayland.app/protocols/wlr-screencopy-
               | unstable-v1
               | folmar wrote:
               | Not really - to quote the page you reference:
               | > "Warning! The protocol described in this file is
               | experimental and backward incompatible changes may be
               | made.
               | and the compositors were there way before 2018, so it's a
               | bit too much to expect them to jump on the protocol.
               | tosihakkeri wrote:
               | Based on what you just wrote, it sounds to me that you
               | might be assuming the wrong abstraction yourself.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Wayland as a display protocol (correctly) started out
               | with a tiny core, which can display the content of a
               | window, and manage available extensions by version.
               | This has grown out to be a really great abstraction,
               | where later multiple implementations can decide on new
               | protocols/extensions to support. And they have already
               | done plenty of such extensions, and they are compatible
               | with each other. Remember, these are protocols. There is
               | no need to implement them yourself, they can be made into
               | a library, like wlroots, and you can build your
               | compositor on that base, without any repetition. Also,
               | multiple implementations only mean that there won't be
               | implementation-specific quirks.
               | As for screenshots specifically, while the base use case
               | is trivial enough, recording screens are most definitely
               | not (it needs proper synchronization). Pipewire is the
               | project that can solve the issue perfectly, and it is
               | indeed working correctly for like a year already, with
               | screen share even in proprietary apps like teams.
               | enriquto wrote:
               | > As for screenshots specifically, while the base use
               | case is trivial enough, recording screens are most
               | definitely not (it needs proper synchronization).
               | Pipewire is the project that can solve the issue
               | If I understand the OP correctly, this sort of philosophy
               | is deeply troubling to some people. For simplicity-
               | oriented folks, trivial things should be trivial, as a
               | matter of principle. If some trivial thing becomes
               | slightly less convenient so that complex stuff may be
               | possible, this is an unacceptable compromise; or at least
               | a very worrying one. When taking static screenshots
               | requires an entire "project" that is "just ready this
               | year" , the threshold of unacceptability is long
               | surpassed.
               | I get that wayland folks do not share this worldview and
               | they want to do the right thing, even at the expense of
               | sacrifying things that were previously easy. But, to
               | other people, this rubs them in a _very_ wrong way.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | wlroots does implement a very simple screenshot protocol,
               | the reason I didn't mention it was that it is not cross-
               | wayland-implementation. But there is nothing inherent in
               | wayland that would prevent this functionality -- they
               | just try to find a good abstraction they all can stick to
               | (as these APIs will likely be used for a long time), and
               | gnome and plasma people have a different view on that.
               | (Also, if we have a complex program that does all the
               | things we need and a simple program+the complex one, we
               | will have more complexity in the latter case so the
               | previous one may be preferred)
               | bitwize wrote:
               | I'm sure the architects of Xorg have a much better idea
               | of which abstraction to use and why it's superior to
               | Wayland.
               | Oh wait, the architects of Xorg _designed_ Wayland!
               | X11 is a dead end. Its authors have deprecated it and
               | offered an upgrade path: Wayland. Time to make like Elsa
               | and let it go.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | > As a result every Toolkit/Compositor has to implement
               | that additional functionality itself and most of the time
               | it is incompatible to the competitor for no apparent
               | reason.
               | Or, compositors can use these wonderful things we have
               | called dynamic libraries, and simply link against
               | implementations of that desktop functionality, such as
               | wlroots -- which implementations, by the way, will be far
               | less crufty and ad hoc than the equivalent X11 solution!
               | Much of the reason why X is the way it is is because back
               | in the day, Unix lacked dynamic libraries in general, so
               | in order to share an implementation of, say, graphics
               | primitives, the best way was to write a server that
               | implemented them and have clients communicate with that
               | server. Now that we have dynamic libraries, we can share
               | a single implementation of graphics rendering across
               | multiple programs, _and_ still have all the speed
               | advantages of doing all the rendering client side!
         | pantalaimon wrote:
         | I think it will take several years before smaller desktop
         | projects like Mate will move to Wayland, until then I'm happy
         | to use X.org
         | There is nothing Wayland puts on the table that makes me
         | compelled to go out of my way to use it.
         | jgb1984 wrote:
         | Wayland solves problems that I don't have, while introducing
         | new ones (my Nvidia GPU isn't well supported, remote X doesn't
         | exist and none of the wm's I love support it, like openbox). So
         | I'll stay on Xorg for as long as I can.
           | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
           | Are you able to elaborate on the GPU issues you've had? Im in
           | the same position w/ an nvidia flu but I've never tried
           | wayland
             | jatone wrote:
             | lack of support for nvidia is entire nvidia's own fault.
             | basically they decided to go there own way on buffer
             | management for userspace and the development community
             | rejected them at large.
             | it'll be fixed in about 1 year, nvidia finally got on board
             | and built the APIs they needed to build. iirc KDE forced
             | one of the nvidia devs to implement and then fix all the
             | problems with nvidia on KDE wayland. basically the dev went
             | back to nvidia and was like 'just implement the GDM apis'
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