[HN Gopher] How I made Google's data grid scroll faster with a l...
       How I made Google's data grid scroll faster with a line of CSS
       Author : mankz
       Score  : 130 points
       Date   : 2021-10-27 20:39 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (medium.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (medium.com)
       | hitekker wrote:
       | Wow, $2040 for a table component: https://www.bryntum.com/store/.
       | I'd pay that in a heartbeat if it had the API and UI that fits in
       | with the rest of my software. Better an upfront price in dollars
       | for a component that I know will be well-supported by a company
       | than a "free" component that will likely be abandoned or
       | mismanaged by one bored developer
         | Twirrim wrote:
         | > abandoned or mismanaged by one bored developer
         | I mean.. you're just at risk of the company going under, or
         | getting bored and randomly deprecating something because they
         | don't care about it.
         | Your risk level wouldn't really change all that much.
       | jaywalk wrote:
       | I have never heard of the "contain" property before this article.
       | It seems like it can be very useful.
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | Browser support aside, it seems very counterintuitive.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain
         | suggests that it can cause pages to render differently, which
         | is very strange, considering that the description implies that
         | it only effects _when_ the browser repaints /re-processes
         | region, and not what the result is.
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | "When" can definitely affect the end result if the page
           | elements are arranged such that they break the rules implied
           | by the contain logic.
           | For example, the `paint` rule implies that child elements
           | have their renderable pixels completely within the containing
           | parent. If the containing parent is moved off screen,
           | computation of whether any of its children need to be painted
           | is skipped. That will cause the child to vanish if it extends
           | outside the parent.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | Browsers give no control over when areas are repainted. If
           | you change a bit of CSS or DOM, it _will_ be repainted in the
           | next frame. There is no way to say  'dont paint this yet'.
           | The thing the contain property does is ensure that a
           | particular Dom change won't affect pixels outside the element
           | involved, which means the browser won't _need_ to do any
           | extra repainting.
         | cxcorp wrote:
         | Unfortunately, as is often the case when one learns of a new
         | CSS property or a Web API, the browser support is just not
         | there yet. Safari, for example, doesn't support this at all:
         | https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_properties_contain
           | jaywalk wrote:
           | It never surprises me to hear that SafarIE doesn't support
           | something.
           | onion2k wrote:
           | Writing good browser based software is about delivering the
           | best possible experience for all users regardless of their
           | browser choice. That doesn't mean withholding beneficial
           | features just because they're not available everywhere. It
           | means writing software to take advantage of every possible
           | benefit that improves the user experience, and detecting
           | browser support where necessary to provide fallbacks and
           | polyfills if you need them.
           | In this case it's just a performance hint, so Safari users
           | would have the same experience they do now. Everyone else
           | would benefit.
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | I don't think this matter much? It's just a performance
           | optimization, Safari can remain slow while all modern
           | browsers benefit. Unknown CSS values should be ignored so
           | there should be no impact on actual usability.
           | Seems to me like it's excellent for daily use despite the
           | lack of compatibility of outdated browsers.
       | lxe wrote:
       | I've been doing web development for 20 years now. I don't know if
       | it's strictly endemic to web or frontend, but I feel like we're
       | solving the same problems over and over again, using the same low
       | levels of abstraction.
       | There's no reason for lists to scroll slowly after so many years
       | of scrolling lists. There should just be one way to do a
       | scrolling list, implemented natively and left alone. Yet, in web
       | development, there's always a new and different way to do a
       | thing, with either new, or pretty much the same ways for things
       | to be broken.
       | Grumble grumble
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | There are just a few too many forces at play, the quest for
         | dynamic easy to start rules (css) and immense flexibility while
         | never having to dig into lower layers causes that. Wait another
         | 10 years, and even then..
         | madrox wrote:
         | If you think that's bad, let me talk to you about backend
         | development and the reinvention of CRUD over the same time
         | period...
         | arendtio wrote:
         | > There should just be one way to do a scrolling list,
         | implemented natively and left alone.
         | Maybe this one implementation should not be implemented
         | natively? (otherwise you would need a new implementation for
         | every platform)
         | However, I agree with you, that in the web development we are
         | missing a mature component library. Everybody seems to build
         | his own library when he needs one. In addition, the libraries
         | to connect components to applications (react, vue, etc.) have
         | their own component formats and logic, so that building
         | components that can be used with different libraries is
         | difficult. Furthermore, building a good component library is in
         | itself a pretty daunting task.
           | thrashh wrote:
           | I think it's a funding issue.
           | A lot of desktop GUI toolkits were funded by the people who
           | created the platform themselves so they had every incentive
           | to make it both flexible and consistent.
           | When I look for a web component, the few component libraries
           | that cover several different components are often extremely
           | incomplete. Often they're just side projects of a company or
           | even an individual. No one is putting in the money to create
           | something fleshed out.
           | On the other hand, when I look for just a specific component
           | (like a drop down or autocomplete textbox), there are
           | sometimes very complete but because they are a single
           | component, it has its own usage and styling conventions that
           | are going to be completely different from some other
           | component in my app.
           | No one has the funding incentive of building a complete
           | component toolkit for the web.
         | zz865 wrote:
         | If only web front ends worked as well as Visual Basic in 1996.
           | starik36 wrote:
           | 1991
         | sdfaksdfjalj wrote:
         | There page in question is simply a paginated list. There is one
         | way to do it: Render an html list and style it with CSS. Then
         | fucking leave it alone.
         | jaywalk wrote:
         | > There should just be one way to do a scrolling list,
         | implemented natively and left alone.
         | I can't even imagine how that would work without turning into
         | something like <select> that can only be minimally styled and
         | has to be (usually poorly) re-implemented to get it to look the
         | way you want it to.
           | agent327 wrote:
           | Maybe webdevelopers should stop trying to make everything
           | look different from its defaults. It used to be that you
           | could reliably predict what clicking the mouse in a region of
           | the screen would do. It wasn't progress, when webdevelopers
           | threw that out...
             | tshaddox wrote:
             | It's not always only about custom theming. There is a ton
             | of functionality that is simply lacking in web standards.
             | If you want default behavior, feel free to use an unstyled
             | or minimally styled <table> element. But it's not going to
             | have any live searching or filtering, the ability to handle
             | enormous numbers of rows and columns (as can be done with
             | virtualization in JavaScript), draggable rows and columns,
             | resizable columns, etc. Sure, it's fair to say "too bad, I
             | don't care about those features anyway" or "too bad, no one
             | gets to use those features on the web until web standards
             | and browsers decide to implement them," but I don't think
             | that's a useful attitude.
             | enlyth wrote:
             | This seems to be a constant meme repeated in every single
             | thread which dares to mention modern web development.
             | I don't know if it's because the HN community is dominated
             | by backend developers who think UIs are pointless and
             | should be generated by code, but it's really annoying.
             | No, we shouldn't be stuck in a rigid framework of shitty
             | premade components with zero customizability.
             | Modern web interfaces can be designed to be user friendly,
             | performant, and good looking.
             | Try marketing a web app which looks like a Java applet from
             | 2003 and let's see how many users you get. As much as so
             | many developers hate to admit it, things looking modern,
             | polished and well designed is important.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | > _Modern web interfaces can be designed to be user
               | friendly, performant, and good looking._
               | Right. Name three examples that are all this, and still
               | considered "good UX" by webdev standards.
               | > _Try marketing a web app_
               | Herein lies the real issue. And it predates the web. I
               | recall a piece of documentation of Windows around 3.11
               | era, where the developers already threw their hands up in
               | the air over realizing that, no matter how good,
               | powerful, integrated and interoperable components they
               | design, they can't insist on people using them, because
               | marketers gonna market and suits will want their apps to
               | be unique and branded and shite.
               | tshaddox wrote:
               | I like https://airtable.com/, https://linear.app/, and
               | https://height.app/. They are all pushing the limits of
               | interactive web apps, not always entirely successfully,
               | but the overall product experience is mostly smooth and
               | polished. I wouldn't really be able to say what it means
               | to be "considered good UX by webdev standards," but I
               | develop for the web and I like these three.
             | jaywalk wrote:
             | I understand what you're getting at, but that ship has long
             | since sailed. It's also important to note that changing the
             | look of elements doesn't necessarily mean making their
             | functionality indecipherable. Bad design will always be
             | possible, restrictions to try and stop it are pointless.
             | sabellito wrote:
             | What do you mean "look different from its defaults" in
             | regards to scrolling lists of things?
             | I'm not sure what you meant with the second and third
             | phrases, do they relate to the first point?
             | bryanrasmussen wrote:
             | entertainment media will always develop the ability to
             | arbitrarily control every part of the media presentation,
             | and the web has developed into an entertainment medium.
             | This is why load time is so important, people will wait
             | long times for something they need to do, but will not wait
             | to be entertained.
             | xboxnolifes wrote:
             | Unless browser defaults happen to be the optimal expected
             | behavior for the majority of users, sites will always have
             | an edge by changing them.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | You should see what you can do with <summary> and <details>
           | these days, no more do your native browser elements have to
           | look like complete dog to receive free native device controls
           | LudwigNagasena wrote:
           | Look at Qt and its styles.
       | codedokode wrote:
       | The article still doesn't answer how scrolling a page can cause
       | layout change. Layout change occurs when elements are added or
       | removed from DOM or when they change their size. I assume there
       | is some Javascript that updates styles on scroll event.
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | I'd be willing to bet money that Google has hooked the onScroll
         | event and is computing their own top left offset for the
         | interior panel instead of just letting native scroll logic take
         | care of it.
       | thanhhaimai wrote:
       | Opinions are my own.
       | I don't think this is recommended to use internally at Google
       | because it's not supported on Safari.
         | kevingadd wrote:
         | Even if they can't use contain, this is a self-inflicted
         | problem - if you look at the screenshot, other elements + a
         | drop shadow overlap the content list, which means it can't
         | trivially be efficiently scrolled by a compositor, and it's
         | quite reasonable for the browser to assume that it can affect
         | layout. If it were a properly isolated box in the page without
         | overlap with overflow turned on I bet this would have already
         | worked properly.
           | Twirrim wrote:
           | But the fancy graphics! Got to have the fancy graphics! Form
           | > Function.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | That seems like a bizarre reason not to use it, given that it's
         | strictly a performance optimisation, and browsers will simply
         | ignore CSS rules they don't understand.
           | FastEatSlow wrote:
           | I imagine that it could cause accusations from Apple that
           | Google is trying to take their customers out of the
           | ecosystem, putting a nice cash flow at risk.
             | xmprt wrote:
             | It's a bad argument because if someone else makes a better
             | product then they deserve to get more users. Nothing's
             | stopping Apple from implementing those optimizations into
             | Safari. That's the whole reason we have competition. If the
             | government is going to make it so that improving your
             | product makes you liable to lawsuits then no one would ever
             | improve anything.
               | FastEatSlow wrote:
               | It's not the government dictating the lawsuits, I was
               | referencing the deal between Apple and Google to have
               | Google as the default search engine on Safari.
       | tdrdt wrote:
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain
       |  _The contain CSS property allows an author to indicate that an
       | element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent of
       | the rest of the document tree. This allows the browser to
       | recalculate layout, style, paint, size, or any combination of
       | them for a limited area of the DOM and not the entire page,
       | leading to obvious performance benefits._
       | I wonder how much of this is browser specific because isn't this
       | is all about implementation?
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | Yes, it's extremely browser specific. This property is a
         | rendering hint.
       | CodeIsTheEnd wrote:
       | TIL: Chrome DevTools Layers tab, accessible by going to to the
       | three-dot menu > More Tools > Layers, which allows you to see
       | things rendered outside of the browser viewing area (among many
       | other things I'm sure).
       | If you have something that "unmounts" things as they scroll off
       | the screen ("virtualized rendering" as the article calls it, a
       | common feature for data grids), this is great tool for verifying
       | that behavior.
       | eska wrote:
       | I'm not a frontend dev so I just stick to vanilla html and js.
       | I created a simple table with 40k rows, slapped an input box
       | above it, and had some vanilla js set CSS visibility on all rows
       | depending on whether they matched. This would update live as I
       | was typing (10ms trigger delay). No optimizations.
       | So what are frontend devs doing that they break all of this so
       | badly? Are they just trying to be too smart, I wonder?
         | Scottopherson wrote:
         | Filtering a list is easy when all the data exists on the client
         | and has no advanced filtering controls.
         | I'd love to slap an input box above a table and call it done
         | but the product owners and designers that fill my backlog have
         | other ideas.
         | I'd love to make sure this CSS visibility filtering worked well
         | for screenreaders and other accessibility tools but that ticket
         | was pushed down the backlog in favor of replacing native inputs
         | with custom inputs that better match our branding guidelines.
         | I'd love to make sure these new custom inputs we cranked out
         | last sprint work well for screenreaders and mobile devices, but
         | we had another marketing lead join the company and now the
         | branding guidelines are changing again.
         | I'd love to just focus on some HTML and CSS, maybe improve some
         | of the touch support for mobile users, but now the release
         | engineering team wants to have a meeting about micro-frontends?
         | Really not sure where I'm going with this comment I'm going to
         | stop now.
           | sgarman wrote:
           | Where you are going is that software often the result of a
           | complex blend of different stake holders and requirements.
         | FastEatSlow wrote:
         | They just all need to have the latest shiny thing, spurred on
         | by the idea that a huge amount of abstraction is a good thing.
         | Abstraction is great, our modern world wouldn't exist without
         | them, but it's a website.
         | Let's put our tinfoil hats on, and use this to discover that
         | managers promote inefficient development to force higher
         | management to put more funding into projects. It's clear now,
         | the bloated hobby websites are just from that idea spreading.
         | nawgz wrote:
         | I'm not sure what you are asking. You can of course build a
         | trivial use-case with a native feature and have it perform as
         | one would expect from a native HTML element.
         | However, it's not like the UI guys in the article didn't do
         | that and implemented some crazy shit poorly. They just slapped
         | a table on the page, incidentally with 38k elements - sounds a
         | lot like what you did actually, and it lagged the page due to
         | browser painting/layout issues.
         | Now, finally: how exactly is what you did not just the same as
         | this, except they were actually making a usable front-end so
         | the addition of CSS broke the browser rendering engine? Because
         | it sure doesn't sound like you would know what to do in the
         | situation the article discusses...
           | xmprt wrote:
           | Usable has many meanings and to me personally, a website that
           | isn't very responsive and lags when you scroll doesn't seem
           | very usable.
             | nawgz wrote:
             | Did you read the article and the comment I was replying to?
             | Both basically rendered 40k element HTML <table>s.
             | Difference is, the Google UI lags because it is hampered by
             | browser painting/layout computations taking forever,
             | despite the <table>s in discussion having near-identical
             | complexity, so one can conclude the Google UI bug is more-
             | or-less a bad interaction between the UI's CSS and the
             | browser rendering engine.
             | So, pray tell, how does parent comment decrying UI
             | developers for supposedly not just rendering HTML tables
             | make any sense in light of this context? It is just sass
             | from someone who likes to rail against UI development,
             | there is no insight
         | xmprt wrote:
         | I had similar fears when implementing a large table with some
         | data visualization during one of my first forays into web
         | development. I had noticed how slow things with 100 elements
         | were let alone 1000. When I wrote my code that handled much
         | more than that, I was surprised how responsive it was. How does
         | a company with thousands of employees manage to make something
         | that runs more poorly than something I wrote in an afternoon?
         | sabellito wrote:
         | Assuming you're arguing in good faith, managing complexity of
         | large applications requires "something". What something is
         | takes many different shapes, some of them trade performance for
         | complexity management.
         | Having said that, it just looks like you're arguing about
         | something you don't know much about, while at the same time
         | trying to put down people who have been doing this for a while.
         | dan-robertson wrote:
         | I think this is actually a little subtle: if you don't have
         | fixed-width columns then changing the visibility (or more
         | strictly the display property) of rows can require column
         | widths to be recalculated which is often pretty slow. It's easy
         | to say that obviously you should just set fixed widths but it
         | is pretty hard to decide what they should be in practice if you
         | want the page to still work when someone resizes their window.
         | arendtio wrote:
         | Doesn't sound like you tested it on a mediocre mobile phone,
         | sounds more like a laptop/desktop.
         | However, regarding your question: For one thing, many pages are
         | being build for mobile devices first nowadays. So you would not
         | simply push 40k rows but use some kind lazy loading which is a
         | lot harder to build and can easily degrade the desktop
         | experience.
         | Furthermore, people often use libraries to get rid off the
         | browser differences and if you use too many of them, use them
         | inappropriately or just a few that are not optimized for
         | performance you can easily ruin the performance. In addition,
         | the whole npm ecosystem makes it very easy to load and combine
         | libraries. Often you need only a few functions but if your
         | tree-shaking doesn't work correctly you end up with a lot of
         | code that has to be loaded even if it will never be used.
         | So frontend development is a messy place and it is easy to fuck
         | up the performance. Even though that should be no excuse for
         | any frontend dev to write crappy code...
       (page generated 2021-10-27 23:00 UTC)