[HN Gopher] I created a front page Show HN project CodingFont.co...
       I created a front page Show HN project CodingFont.com with low code
       Author : wentin
       Score  : 43 points
       Date   : 2021-10-28 17:31 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (retool.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (retool.com)
       | drcongo wrote:
       | Didn't actually work for most of the people in the Show HN
       | though.
         | codetrotter wrote:
         | Worked fine for me when I tried it yesterday. Revisiting the
         | thread it looks like they were making changes to it based on
         | feedback and that unknowingly to them they broke it before
         | going to bed.
         | Personally I appreciate the fact that they made an effort to
         | implement some of the suggested changes. And I think that in
         | such situations, when making changes and even maybe being tired
         | when doing it, it can easily happen that something breaks,
         | regardless of whether you are developing with code or low-code
         | or no-code.
         | For example, when I tried the tool/game, I did not yet see a
         | way of hiding the font names and I was thinking about exactly
         | the fact that I may be biased towards preferring the JetBrains
         | font because I use it in CLion where I write most of my code,
         | and that as a result I may be ranking it higher than I would if
         | the name of it was not displayed to me.
           | drcongo wrote:
           | Thanks, hadn't checked it again since it was broken that
           | first time. I'll give it another go.
           | wentin wrote:
           | Thanks for your kind words! Yeah, yesterday was such a roller
           | coaster! The comment section is like a gold mine of good
           | features to implement. We took the easy one to implement
           | first, and will continue to add more complex ones!
       | lasercat wrote:
       | I would be interested in hearing more about which fonts win the
       | most tournaments.
         | wentin wrote:
         | Yes! we think alike. I am planning to implement a database to
         | store this info. I think it would be super interesting to see
         | the result! From an extremely limited data set (Twitter), I see
         | many people are reporting Inconsolata being their winner.
       | warent wrote:
       | How to get on HN front page unlimited times:
       | 1. Make a Show HN intersecting coding with something uncommon
       | 2. Write an article about how you got on front page with Show HN
       | 3. Write an article about how you got on the front page twice
       | 4. Write an article about how you got on the front page n+1 times
       | xupybd wrote:
       | What's the learning curve on a tool like this. I find I invest so
       | much in learning things that are supposed to speed me up. Then
       | find out they're too niche to use in my day to day.
         | wentin wrote:
         | I know the feeling. I dropped React because of the learning
         | curve is too steep for me, eventually adopted vue.js because it
         | is friendlier (from my perspective and learning path, I am
         | stronger in HTML/CSS coming from my design background).
         | Knowing vue.js, it took me about one or two days to get my
         | first app running and I felt learned after the first app. After
         | that, getting project off the ground is not a hurtle anymore
         | and i can develop new ideas and learn along the way.
         | I think knowing vue.js (probably React too since I know they
         | are similar) will contribute to flattening the learning curve
         | for Retool. Mostly it is learning 1) set up the data source 2)
         | find places to plug in the data using {{}} syntax
         | knowing these two things can get one very far.
           | xupybd wrote:
           | I don't mind tools like React. There is a big learning curve
           | but there are a few related things in the space that open up
           | when you understand one of them. Low code tools seem to be
           | very specific. So the time you invest is only applicable to
           | that tool.
       | spyke112 wrote:
       | So it was a marketing stunt?
         | wentin wrote:
         | No, it is not a marketing stunt, I just genuinely want to share
         | how i built it. I am a designer turned coder, so sharing and
         | teaching how to adopt new skills (by others) is what got me
         | here, so I tried to do the same.
         | I am not affiliated or paid by the tools I used. I start
         | writing about them on my newsletter when I found it useful, and
         | then that leads to this guest post on their blog.
       | skrtskrt wrote:
       | Add the Hack font to this, the winning font I got (Courier Prime)
       | I like less than half as much as I like Hack
         | wentin wrote:
         | adding more fonts including hack is definitely something we
         | plan for the next release! stay tuned!
       | variablen wrote:
       | nice work, I thoroughly enjoyed this yesterday. how many hours
       | did it take to create it?
         | wentin wrote:
         | I think maybe a solid 2 days of work in total, but done in
         | small portions, so maybe 16 hours in total roughly. The hardest
         | part is to figure out how to do the recursive stuff
         | (recursively generate a pair of fonts until fonts run out) that
         | took me at least 3 hours to draw the logic on paper to help me
         | think. Recursive stuff always trip me up.
       | nobrains wrote:
       | Final 2 were JetBrains Mono and Fira Mono for me. I chose to hide
       | the names until the last 2. The winner was Jetbrains Mono.
         | dugmartin wrote:
         | Same for me but I think showing the font names biased me - I
         | just switched from Fira Code to JetBrains Mono three months
         | ago.
       | contingencies wrote:
       | Alternatively, see https://www.programmingfonts.org/
       | Missing _B612 Mono_ (I prefer it to _Jetbrains_ ): _B612 is an
       | highly legible open source font family designed and tested to be
       | used on aircraft cockpit screens._
       |  _In 2010, Airbus initiated a research collaboration with ENAC
       | and Universite de Toulouse III on a prospective study to define
       | and validate an "Aeronautical Font": the challenge was to improve
       | the display of information on the cockpit screens, in particular
       | in terms of legibility and comfort of reading, and to optimize
       | the overall homogeneity of the cockpit._
       | https://github.com/polarsys/b612
       | Previously on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18946601
       | re: Site presentation, I think having sample prose as well as
       | sample code is important. Spacey code blocks are largely non-
       | representative when it comes to typography in context.
       | Particularly when working on the console with high density
       | information (SQL, stringy datasets, etc.)
       (page generated 2021-10-28 23:01 UTC)