[HN Gopher] Project Euler
       Project Euler
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 205 points
       Date   : 2021-11-13 17:33 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (projecteuler.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (projecteuler.net)
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Took a look at the simplest problem:                 Multiples of
       | 3 or 5              Problem 1              If we list all the
       | natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3,
       | 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.              Find
       | the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
       | The naive idea is: iterate from 0 to 1000, test each number, add
       | it to an (initially zeroed) accumulator when adequate. A little
       | bit of thinking... ok, sum the multiples of 3, add the multiples
       | of 5 and subtract multiples of 15. A little more bit of thinking:
       | sum of multiples of 3, 5 and subtract multiples of 15. These can
       | be calculated using an arithmetic progression formula in O(1) and
       | limits can be found using rest of division operation.
       | Cool! Even a simple problem made me think of a naive solution and
       | how to iteratively improve it.
         | rand846633 wrote:
         | An you explain me the difference between your solution 2 and 3?
           | kadoban wrote:
           | Solution 2 is still iterating, once by 3, then by 5 then by
           | 15.
           | Solution 3 uses the closed-form solutions the the question
           | "what is the sum of the multiples of k between x and y".
           | If you're not familiar with that last part, it's pretty easy
           | to get there from the formula for the sum of numbers from 1
           | to n, ie n(n+1)/2 (which is itself ~easy to see by pairing up
           | 1 and n, then 2 and (n-1) and etc.)
       | rfreiberger wrote:
       | So I'm a mostly self trained low level programmer and found
       | Project Euler is great but there is a level of math knowledge
       | that left me more puzzled on the formulas than actual coding. Is
       | this something I should focus on as someone learning to code, or
       | the other coding puzzle sites with "linked list" type of
       | challenges are just as good.
         | kadoban wrote:
         | No, you shouldn't focus on this. PE is _mostly_ a math site,
         | which if you want to learn that is great, but it's not the same
         | as programming.
         | What other sites are you looking at? I don't actually know that
         | I'd recommend any puzzle sites to a new programmer. The ones I
         | know of are for fun, not for improving your software dev
         | skills.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | A friend of mine applied to Amazon, and they told him he
           | should do the first ~100 problems of Project Euler to prep
           | for the interview. As someone who is not at all advanced in
           | math, I found this to be fairly discouraging. I feel like I'm
           | a reasonably strong programmer without advanced math
           | knowledge, and not sure why it would be necessary for a
           | general dev job.
             | baby wrote:
             | I hope they're paying him for all the time he's gonna spend
             | doing these exercises
             | throwaway81523 wrote:
             | You don't need a lot of math knowledge for the first 100
             | problems of Project Euler, but you do need some aptitude
             | and problem solving ability (rather than knowledge per se).
             | I think getting all 100 has to be pretty hard even if you
             | are good at math. The first 20 or so are pretty doable.
             | They get harder after that. I do know of some people who
             | have gotten them all way beyond 100. I lost interest long
             | before that.
               | btilly wrote:
               | You're likely to get stuck on
               | https://projecteuler.net/problem=66 if you don't know
               | about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pell%27s_equation.
               | As someone with a math background, that was the only
               | problem in the first 100 that I didn't find pretty
               | straightforward.
             | kadoban wrote:
             | That sounds like pretty bad advice. Does Amazon really ask
             | interview questions based on those? I'd be very surprised
             | if they did. Competitive programming problems as interview
             | requirements are bad enough (don't get me wrong, I find the
             | problems fun, they just don't have much to do with software
             | dev).
             | But yeah, as a good programmer with a job at a large
             | company, you _definitely_ don't need to do 100 PE problems,
             | and any company asking for that (for general software dev
             | role) has lost their mind.
               | balls187 wrote:
               | From my understanding, Amazon's teams have a lot of
               | autonomy so I wouldn't be surprised if a team took that
               | approach.
               | Also (and this includes Amazon) I've never had anyone on
               | a loop/hiring manager tell me how to prep for an
               | interview. That has entirely been the recruiter.
               | throwaway81523 wrote:
               | I would say if you take a room full of programmers and
               | select only the ones who managed to do the first 100 PE
               | problems, you'll lose a lot of good ones that way. But
               | all the ones you do select are almost sure to be pretty
               | good, so in that regard it is an effective filter, plus
               | then you get to complain about a lack of candidates and
               | lobby for more tax breaks or whatever.
         | exdsq wrote:
         | If you're learning to code try build stuff (unless you enjoy
         | project Euler style challenges - enjoyment is the priority).
         | Trying to model the inventory system of Skyrim or something is
         | more useful in the long run than puzzles, IMO. When you find
         | something feels wrong with your design; that's when you start
         | identifying new and better data structures.
           | jorgesborges wrote:
           | I agree it's more fun creating your own little games or
           | problems to solve. Someone posted an elevator coding game
           | here a couple months back[0]. Those are more fun to me. I
           | found Euler too math-heavy and I spent most of my time in
           | Wikipedia trying to understand the question.
           | [0] https://play.elevatorsaga.com/
         | sokoloff wrote:
         | You may find Advent of Code a better fit than Project Euler if
         | the intent is to focus on coding rather than math.
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | Definitely, though some of the AoC challenges are pretty
           | mathy too, or at least benefit from some basic knowledge
           | around combinatorics, factoring, etc.
           | xcambar wrote:
           | Or contribute to Hacktober fest.
           | Or meet fellow devs at meetups and get into open source.
           | Or meet people at a local hacker space.
           | Basically, developing requires people to inject interesting
           | projects and perspectives at you.
           | Yes. Coding requires social skills. I'm not taking that back.
             | atomicnumber3 wrote:
             | They seem to be interested in short-form programming
             | puzzles, I don't really see how your comment applies to
             | that.
               | xcambar wrote:
               | Open source projects and hacker spaces offer just so much
               | more than short-term projects.
               | I expect you to tell me you're well versed in both, but
               | don't expect me to believe you.
               | vlunkr wrote:
               | I don't know why you've decide to compare these things
               | and get immediately hostile about it.
       | shiado wrote:
       | Years back I did a couple hundred problems on this site. It's
       | very good at making you learn about important results in basic
       | math and algorithm complexity. It forces you to write your own
       | library of efficient functions for factoring, etc... because you
       | have to use them so many times and as the problems get harder
       | anything brute force will take too long.
       | [deleted]
       | siddboots wrote:
       | I have big love for PE. I've learnt so much in the process of
       | trying to solve some of these problems. In particular, number
       | theory and data structures are two fields that I have come to
       | love almost entirely because of this website. I did a random
       | selection of the first 200 problems on my own about a decade ago
       | but ran out of steam as the problems got harder.
       | Recently, however, I introduced it at work as a way of
       | encouraging the team I manage to work collaboratively. We have a
       | fortnightly catch up where we talk through solutions, pick new
       | problems (we have a script that randomly picks an easy, medium
       | and hard problem, which has become an exciting ritual), and then
       | we have an initial discussion about each of the new problems.
       | It's a good way to foster group work. It's also a great way to
       | introduce people to using version control and pull-requests in a
       | non-scary way!
         | nnoitra wrote:
         | Do DT problems pop-up in PE? To me it seems most are related to
         | number theory.
           | philiplu wrote:
           | Most PE problems are more math than data-structure based.
           | There are plenty of number theory problems, but lots of other
           | areas as well, especially combinatorics and probability. I've
           | learned about many more niche areas, like impartial games and
           | chromatic polynomials, via PE.
           | But there are definitely more CS-oriented problems. I can
           | recall problems solved by using segment trees, Aho-Corasick,
           | simple parsing, etc. And lots and lots of dynamic
           | programming.
           | Also, working your way through the first 100 problems will
           | require writing code to evaluate poker hands and solve Sudoku
           | boards.
       | nsa_magic wrote:
       | Project Euler was how I learned to program back in the days. I
       | used to do a lot of Math but I was terrible at programming and
       | really hated the way it was taught at school.
       | wging wrote:
       | I really like Project Euler. I'm unsure why it's coming up now,
       | but everyone is new to it at some point.
       | Some advice: people should definitely start off in linear order
       | to warm up, and it's worth sticking with a problem for a while...
       | but I think at some point it becomes valuable to skip around a
       | bit and do the next one if you get stuck. These are the sort of
       | problems where a fresh perspective can be very valuable.
       | Also, reading the solutions from the forum thread that is
       | unlocked after you solve one will give you a LOT of insight -
       | definitely do that.
       | ajakate wrote:
       | For people that love Project Euler, check out project rosalind!
       | http://rosalind.info/about/
       | Conceptually similar, but the problems are focused around
       | bioinformatics. Most lot of the problems contain some background
       | context that teaches you a little biology/statistics as well.
       | kadoban wrote:
       | PE is fun. I feel like for the vast majority of programmer types
       | though, something like: cses.fi/problemset , codeforces.com ,
       | codechef.com are better places to do problems. PE gets _very_
       | math heavy past the beginning ones. Competitive programming
       | problems get difficult as well, but they focus more on algorithms
       | and data structures that programmers are more likely to have a
       | solid background for.
       | gigalord wrote:
       | I learned to code on the side from Project Euler 9 years ago. It
       | changed my life.
       | mdturnerphys wrote:
       | I recently got back into the Euclidia geometric puzzle app [0].
       | You start with compass and straightedge tools and build up the
       | techniques to exactly construct the solution to various
       | challenges with the minimal set of operations.
       | [0] https://www.euclidea.xyz/
       | dang wrote:
       | Past related threads:
       |  _Project Euler_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15893911
       | - Dec 2017 (163 comments)
       |  _Project Euler Humble Return_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10025042 - Aug 2015 (119
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler has been hacked_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9990221 - Aug 2015 (35
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler 's 500th problem_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8977550 - Jan 2015 (56
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler Returns_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8181773 - Aug 2014 (100
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler is partly back_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7928107 - June 2014 (16
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler is offline_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7896621 - June 2014 (19
       | comments)
       |  _Project Euler_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7056888 -
       | Jan 2014 (134 comments)
       |  _Project Euler_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1262968 -
       | April 2010 (20 comments)
       |  _Project Euler - Fun Math and Programming Problems_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=86365 - Dec 2007 (10
       | comments)
       | I included the ones about the 2014 downtime because they're
       | mostly general threads about PE.
       | Other general threads:
       |  _Project Euler 001 the Hard Way_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22209793 - Feb 2020 (41
       | comments)
       |  _Consider Yourself a Developer? You Should Solve the Project
       | Euler Problems_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19174947 -
       | Feb 2019 (31 comments)
       |  _Solving Project Euler problems_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1062209 - Jan 2010 (27
       | comments)
       | rotexo wrote:
       | I'm definitely curious about other people's approach to Project
       | Euler. My experience was that the first several were pretty
       | straightforward, but I pretty quickly ran into a wall where I
       | couldn't rely on my intuition to generate a solution that would
       | work in an acceptable time frame (python is a hobby for me, and
       | I'm not sure that I have the quantitative ability to go much
       | farther than that. Im curious how many other people look up
       | algorithms and then implement them when they run into a similar
       | wall, or how many people sit and think and implement ideas until
       | they have an answer.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | Project Euler is how I learn new languages (caveat, I don't
         | deal in databases, web frameworks, etc). But... they're
         | exercises in mathematics. It's easy to brute-force many
         | solutions, but achieving actual high performance requires doing
         | the math, and figuring out how to reduce the parameter space.
         | Very big on "pick the right algorithm," even the best-
         | performing brute-force just won't do it.
         | adenozine wrote:
         | Project Euler problems for the most part aren't like
         | brainteasers. Sometimes you just do not have the mathematical
         | context to arrive at an optimal solution. Browse Wikipedia a
         | bit or watch some math videos or something when you're stuck,
         | and think about how to exploit the fast nature of computers
         | with what rigorous mathematical understanding of the problem
         | you have.
         | Also, I once spent over thirty cumulative hours on a single PE
         | problem, and I never solved it, I gave up. Don't feel bad. It
         | doesn't make you a bad programmer, just a bad mathematician.
         | That's probably not that big of a deal!
           | can16358p wrote:
           | I don't think it necessarily makes you a bad mathematician
           | either. We all sometimes focus on a problem and start
           | thinking inside the box whereas it has a simple out-of-the-
           | box solution that we're missing because of our focus. Just
           | like a novice programmer can sometimes easily spot an expert
           | programmer's bug in a mere of minutes.
             | mirekrusin wrote:
             | Ones that get you stuck are the best ones. That's the ones
             | with potential to teach you something you didn't know and
             | improve your skills. Find a way to fall in love with
             | training. Don't fixate on holding the trophy.
           | weatherlight wrote:
           | I've spent 30 hours on this problem I and I've never solved
           | it.
           | https://projecteuler.net/problem=453
             | robocat wrote:
             | That is fun!
             | I keep thinking I have a core intuition for a solution, and
             | then corner cases ruin it!
             | marcodiego wrote:
             | Maybe there is a small list of "fundamental simple
             | quadrilaterals" and any other simple quadrilaterals can be
             | obtained by transforming elements from this small list.
             | Maybe it is possible to find an expression to quickly
             | calculate the number of simple quadrilaterals from the
             | initial fundamental list.
             | Or, maybe Q(m, n) can be calculated as a function of Q(m -
             | 1, n), Q(m, n - 1) and Q(m - 1, n - 1). But calculating
             | Q(m, n) may not be that important, maybe finding its
             | factors is! So, all you have to do is to find the factors
             | of Q(m, n) and then calculate a rest of division. So, maybe
             | it is possible to find Q(m, n) mod x as a function of Q(m -
             | 1, n), Q(m, n - 1) and Q(m - 1, n - 1). If this can be
             | found, the problem becomes trivial.
             | Note that if we don't have to care about lines crossing,
             | calculating Q(m + 1, n), Q(m, n + 1) and Q(m + 1, n + 1) as
             | a function of Q(m, n) maybe easy. All that needs to be done
             | is to find an expression for these that take line crossing
             | into account, then use this expression to calculate a rest
             | of division.
               | siddboots wrote:
               | This is broadly how I was thinking about it, but I don't
               | have an intuition for why there would be a recurrence
               | relation involving the factors of Q(m, n). What made you
               | think of attacking it that way?
               | marcodiego wrote:
               | Note: Q(m + 1, n) =                 each valid quad of
               | Q(m, n) moving an edge to another possible one in the new
               | line +        each valid quad of Q(m, n) moving a vertex
               | to the new line +       the same thing moving each unique
               | valid quad of Q(m, n) to the new line.
               | The number of new possible edges on the new line is n *
               | (n - 1) / 2 . The problem is: moving each edge of each
               | quad that can be generated in Q(m, n) to the new possible
               | edges may generate quads that break the rules.
               | The number of new possible vertices on the new line is (m
               | + 1) . The problem is: moving each vertex of each quad
               | that can be generated in Q(m, n) to the new possible
               | vertices may generate quads that break the rules.
               | Finding a way to calculate both terms looks like good
               | progress.
               | marcodiego wrote:
               | Because it may allow us to use dynamic programming to
               | calculate Q(m, n) and because some new quadrilaterals can
               | be easily generated simply by moving edges and vertices
               | to new spaces when m or n is increased. So, it seems
               | natural for me to try to write Q(m + 1, n) as a function
               | of Q(m, n).
               | Also, note that Q(m, n) = Q(n, m), so if we can calculate
               | Q(m + 1, n) as a function of Q(m, n) we can also do it
               | for Q(m, n + 1). Calculating Q(m + 1, n) as a function of
               | Q(m, n) doesn't seem complicated if it weren't by the
               | rules "no straight angles and does not self-intersect".
               | Maybe it can be done with some combinatorics, but seems
               | beyond my skill. Also, expressing it in terms of
               | combinations may also simplify calculation of rest of
               | division.
               | If such relation can be found, I think the problem may be
               | easily solved.
               | [deleted]
               | marcodiego wrote:
               | This made me think of... U(m, n) as the number of unique
               | forms of Q(m, n). By unique forms, I mean forms that
               | can't be obtained by simply translating previously found
               | forms. Maybe it is easy to calculate Q(m, n) as a
               | function of U(m, n) and maybe calculating U(m, n) as a
               | function of U(m - 1, n) is a bit easier than calculating
               | Q(m - 1, n).
             | philiplu wrote:
             | Heh, thanks for the nerd-sniping. I'm down to 25 unsolved
             | problems (currently working on #522, for way more than 30
             | hours), but #453 is one I haven't done anything with yet.
             | So of course I took a look, had some thoughts, and will
             | probably have to force myself to look away in an hour or
             | two. But, ooh, maybe that one's next.
             | I'm retired, and PE is my main intellectual stimulation for
             | the past 5 years. I thought I might be done by now, but
             | everything left is at least 80% difficulty, and I've given
             | up estimating how long those will take, if ever.
             | I started PE to practice Python for fun, but it's turned
             | into so much more than that.
             | Dopameaner wrote:
             | My suggestion would be to use Pick's Theorem.
             | adenozine wrote:
             | Oh, now this one has that "simple-enough" vibe to it that
             | would make someone go crazy.
             | Looks beautiful.
         | Imnimo wrote:
         | My approach has always been to read about relevant mathematical
         | concepts but avoid looking at specific algorithms or code. I
         | figure I'm not going to reinvent some concept from abstract
         | algebra or rediscover some formula named after Euler, but I
         | still want to have some challenge of figuring things out beyond
         | just writing the code.
       | yeellow wrote:
       | Is there a website that would gather different solution to those
       | problems (or other similar problems, like Advent of Code) written
       | in Python preferably sorted by some rating? I don't want to
       | scroll the long list of similar solutions but I would like to see
       | selected interesting attempts. I think it's a good way to learn
       | new tricks and useful libraries, but searching for different
       | solutions on blogs/git repos/long reddit threads is no fun.
         | emi2k01 wrote:
         | Project Euler explicitly says this [1]:
         | > I learned so much solving problem XXX, so is it okay to
         | publish my solution elsewhere?
         | > It appears that you have answered your own question. There is
         | nothing quite like that "Aha!" moment when you finally beat a
         | problem which you have been working on for some time. It is
         | often through the best of intentions in wishing to share our
         | insights so that others can enjoy that moment too. Sadly, that
         | will rarely be the case for your readers. Real learning is an
         | active process and seeing how it is done is a long way from
         | experiencing that epiphany of discovery. Please do not deny
         | others what you have so richly valued yourself.
         | > However, the rule about sharing solutions outside of Project
         | Euler does not apply to the first one-hundred problems, as long
         | as any discussion clearly aims to instruct methods, not just
         | provide answers, and does not directly threaten to undermine
         | the enjoyment of solving later problems. Problems 1 to 100
         | provide a wealth of helpful introductory teaching material and
         | if you are able to respect our requirements, then we give
         | permission for those problems and their solutions to be
         | discussed elsewhere.
         | I'd advise anyone who wants to solve the first 100 problems
         | against looking their solutions online. They are simple enough
         | to not require you to research complex topics to solve them as
         | later problems do.
         | I'd recommend Rosetta Code [2] if someone wants to have a look
         | at a programming language in action.
         | [1] https://projecteuler.net/about
         | [2]
         | http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languag...
       | kaba0 wrote:
       | There is a very interesting problem I've yet to crack (as per the
       | sites guidelines, do not share solutions here, please): You have
       | a triangle with equal sides. You shoot a laser at the minuscule
       | opening at one corner, where it gets inside and bounces off the
       | inner surface of the sides.
       | How many angles exist from which shooting the laser, it will
       | bounce N times and exit through the same hole it entered from?
       | I have tried doing it in the naive way by writing a scala program
       | that calculates reflections on the sides of the triangle and my
       | idea was that iterating the degree in small quantities and
       | plotting the distance of the Nth ray to the enter/exit corner
       | would give me a visual way to count the angles we are looking
       | for. The accuracy of doubles disallowed me from doing even the
       | given N=11 example, so I made/reuse a rational number lib and I
       | got the correct number for this sample. But the actual question
       | wants N on the order of millions... I'm thinking that maybe some
       | mathematical series could help, but haven't tried cracking it
       | since. But it was a great feeling writing even this easy version
       | (I have even made a visual version with scala.js :D)
         | karmakurtisaani wrote:
         | A wonderful problem. I must have spent over a year thinking
         | about this on and off before arriving to the critical insight.
         | The funny thing with some of these problems is that you get an
         | amazing rush on the moment you solve a problem, but afterwards
         | just feel kinda stupid for not seeing the solution much much
         | earlier.
         | Years later, I was able to impress my colleagues by solving a
         | similar problem someone posed over beers in an instant.
         | Have fun!
         | enriquto wrote:
         | This is a very beautiful geometric problem!
         | EDIT: removed hint.
         | random314 wrote:
         | Good problem! Solution is very simple
         | Edit : REMOVED HINT
       | ketanmaheshwari wrote:
       | I am on a mission to solve 100 Project Euler problems using the
       | Awk programming language. About 20 solved so far:
       | https://github.com/ketancmaheshwari/projecteuler
         | Smaug123 wrote:
         | (Note for everyone: Project Euler requests that people only
         | post public solutions to problems 1-100, per
         | https://projecteuler.net/.)
       | guessmyname wrote:
       | I find it interesting how many people love solving problems like
       | the ones available in Project Euler [1] and Advent of Code [2],
       | but are opposed to solving similar problems during a technical
       | interview at a tech company.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=projecteuler.net
       | [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=adventofcode.com
         | chrisaycock wrote:
         | PE is untimed and no one is looking over my shoulder. Plus
         | there's a right answer---no hidden test suite.
       | omosubi wrote:
       | Project Euler is why I am a programmer - i spent many nights in
       | university doing PE problems instead of studying and nothing in
       | class gave me the visceral excitement like doing PE
       | MontagFTB wrote:
       | I have found this series of problems to be a good way of getting
       | started with a new language. Because they are straightforward,
       | the main issue with the problem isn't as much how you solve them,
       | but how to get what I have in my head into a language I'm
       | unfamiliar with.
         | wging wrote:
         | They start off that way, so it is good for that, but that flips
         | around in later problems... coding them is _not_ the hard part.
         | Many require nontrivial mathematical insight to solve in any
         | practical time frame.
           | cameronh90 wrote:
           | Makes me wonder if there's something like Project Euler but
           | for more programming-like problems. Logic, application of
           | well known algorithms, modelling, etc.
             | gfosco wrote:
             | Also, CodeChef. https://www.codechef.com/
             | kadoban wrote:
             | Competitive programming sites are at least a lot more like
             | that than PE.
             | Examples: cses.fi/problemset , codeforces.com ,
             | codechef.com , hackerrank.com (tho HR makes it harder to
             | find the good problems every time I look).
             | wging wrote:
             | I really like Advent of Code for that.
             | https://adventofcode.com/
             | Igelau wrote:
             | Rosetta Code might fit the bill...
             | http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
             | As long as you just read the problem description first, and
             | don't cheat by skipping right to the implementations.
             | Q6T46nT668w6i3m wrote:
             | LeetCode
             | rawling wrote:
             | CodeWars?
             | elsjaako wrote:
             | There is cryptopals for crypographic security exploit
             | stuff. It's very good!
             | https://cryptopals.com/sets/1
       | julienpalard wrote:
       | I learned Python using Project Euler, and then created
       | https://hackinscience.org, it's the same but different (only
       | Python, running unit tests against your code).
         | __s wrote:
         | Same here for me 15 years ago (& then C when my brute force
         | approaches needed the perf boost to finish in a timely manner)
         | Recently ran into Project Euler again while benchmarking my
         | recent Befunge JIT work. Most Befunge programs are pretty light
         | computationally, but https://github.com/Mikescher/Project-
         | Euler_Befunge solves the first 102 problems in Befunge
         | It's given me reason to go beyond spec & eventually I'll
         | implement 64 bit cells with unbounded space so that I can
         | execute their entire catalog
       (page generated 2021-11-13 23:00 UTC)