[HN Gopher] Experts from a world that no longer exists
       Experts from a world that no longer exists
       Author : yarapavan
       Score  : 246 points
       Date   : 2021-11-20 15:16 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.collaborativefund.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.collaborativefund.com)
       | polskibus wrote:
       | Timing is king. If you know when the current experts will become
       | the old fools, and bet on it, you can be the richest man ever.
       | It's akin to knowing when the stock will rise or fall. Close to
       | impossible unless you know more than others (and therefore become
       | an expert ).
       | cblconfederate wrote:
       | Not just experts, visionaries too. One that strikes me as odd is
       | Electric cars. Why just make a 'faster horse'? We can have
       | battery transport options in all kinds of shapes and forms, why
       | sell sedans and SUVs and underutilize the road networks?
       | bigbanggoesbang wrote:
       | Is Gavin Newsom an expert in putting hair gel into his hair so he
       | can be a proper hair-gel nazi?
       | nickdothutton wrote:
       | What I found interesting is that the period for reappearance of
       | "failed ideas" is roughly the length of a career. Coincidence or
       | due to any real effect I don't know. I wrote a little about it
       | here:
       | "Don't be discouraged by the failure of technology or approaches
       | of the past. If the problem is still important after all this
       | time then it's a problem worth solving. Don't avoid unsuccessful
       | solutions. Avoid insignificant problems. Success this time around
       | could be unlocked by advances in any number of unrelated
       | disciplines."
       | https://blog.eutopian.io/the-next-big-thing-go-back-to-the-f...
         | jonplackett wrote:
         | I read a while back that scientific ideas usually take about 50
         | years to be accepted. Which means essentially that they never
         | are accepted, the people who disagree with them just die and
         | the next generation embrace them. Einstein pretty much hated
         | quantum mechanics and ended up making a bunch of discoveries
         | while making every effort to disprove it.
         | So if that's how scientists do it - who should be the most
         | amenable profession to new information and ideas, what chance
         | do the rest of us have?
           | dougabug wrote:
           | > Which means essentially that they never are accepted, the
           | people who disagree with them just die and the next
           | generation embrace them.
           | This is to some degree the point made in Kuhn's "The
           | Structure of Scientific Revolutions."
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Structure_of_Scientific_Re.
           | ..
           | raziel2701 wrote:
           | I think the new ideas get accepted when either the old guard
           | die, and/or an undeniable technology gets created by use of
           | the new idea.
             | teddyh wrote:
             | " _A new scientific truth does not generally triumph by
             | persuading its opponents and getting them to admit their
             | errors, but rather by its opponents gradually dying out and
             | giving way to a new generation that is raised on it._ [...]
             | _An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by
             | gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it
             | rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is
             | that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing
             | generation is familiarized with the ideas from the
             | beginning: another instance of the fact that the future
             | lies with the youth._ "
             | -- Max Planck, 1948
               | pfdietz wrote:
               | I don't think this is accurate. Sometimes the facts are
               | so plain that the new truth wins (or, at least, the old
               | truth dies) quickly without much fuss.
               | Perhaps the earliest example of this was the destruction
               | of the Ptolemaic view of the solar system by Galileo's
               | observation of the phases of Venus. This was a "killer
               | fact" that rapidly (after 1611) led to abandonment of
               | that venerable theory, even by its supporters (although
               | Clavius would die soon after). Sales of the standard
               | texts on Ptolemaic astronomy, Sacrobosco's _Sphere_ and
               | Peuerbach 's _Theoricae novae planetarum_ went into
               | immediate terminal decline.
               | A more recent example is the Big Bang's success over the
               | Steady State model. The cosmic microwave background
               | radiation was such an overwhelming piece of evidence in
               | favor of the former that only cranks persisted with the
               | latter (including unfortunately Hoyle, admittedly.)
               | auggierose wrote:
               | Fuck. I don't have that kind of time.
           | burnished wrote:
           | I mean.. Einstein did prove himself wrong a bunch he just
           | hated it. Its not like the work was flawed, or not performed.
           | Its hard to find the sort of fault in that you seem to be
           | implying.
         | flir wrote:
         | That generational thing sounds a lot like IT's eternal flip-
         | flop between thick clients and thin clients. (I'm fully
         | expecting "web browsers are too thick, we need a thin
         | alternative" to appear any day now). On the back-end,
         | serverless is time-sharing.
         | Your attempt-fail-stigmatise curve has a lot in common with the
         | Gartner hype cycle.
           | padthai wrote:
           | I would argue that the birth of Gemini and the (timid) Gopher
           | revival have to do with this. They are very far from being
           | mainstream though.
         | raziel2701 wrote:
         | I went through grad school and I saw how change comes about one
         | funeral at a time. A big shot professor that has made their
         | name with their pet theory/work will fiercely defend it against
         | competing ideas, and people will defer to their expertise. It's
         | not scientific, it's egotistic. They are a wall against
         | progress that gets removed upon death. These professors can
         | also create a dogma through their students who also all rely on
         | the continued success of their theory for their employment. The
         | incentives are misaligned against accepting new theories if it
         | means someone will lose prestige.
         | This article resonated strongly with me.
           | notreallyserio wrote:
           | I can't help but wonder how much better our governments would
           | operate if the median age of their workers were somewhat
           | lower (IIRC that's around 45).
             | chaxor wrote:
             | This doesn't make any sense. Aging is certainly a problem
             | that needs to be solved, but the idea that you expressed
             | here seems to be that younger people are better at their
             | jobs - which is very wrong.
             | This line of thinking is akin to "If less of the postmen
             | had diabetes, I would get more of my mail faster!" Don't
             | fall for these ageist logical inconsistencies
               | ZephyrBlu wrote:
               | > _but the idea that you expressed here seems to be that
               | younger people are better at their jobs - which is very
               | wrong_
               | That is not the idea I took from the GP's comment about
               | government workers being younger.
               | Younger people have a different perspective to older
               | people. That might lead to a better direction.
               | If you think about progress/improvement as a vector,
               | there's speed and direction. Young and old people might
               | have the same speed but different directions, and younger
               | people might have a direction which is more beneficial
               | long term.
               | bsedlm wrote:
               | > Aging is certainly a problem that needs to be solved
               | by that logic, childhood is also a problem that needs to
               | be solved. I have to get metaphysical to argue against
               | the mindset, but IMO the origin of seeing aging as a
               | problem stems from seeing death as the opposite of life.
             | dariusj18 wrote:
             | Head to Capitol Hill and you'll see that the legislative
             | side of that is much much younger. Though perhaps the age
             | of the legislators skews the average.
             | sidlls wrote:
             | That's more than a little ageist. Age has little to do with
             | it. I've worked for--and been managed by--thick-headed,
             | egotistical 20-somethings and stodgy older folks alike.
             | Youth who think they're forging new territory usually
             | aren't, but there are plenty who think they are and have an
             | arrogance about it that is insufferable.
               | msla wrote:
               | > Youth who think they're forging new territory usually
               | aren't
               | But that's part of the point of the article: The
               | territory actively changes, so even if it's the same
               | location in some sense, it's still new territory, ripe
               | for exploration. Old people can see that, but it requires
               | looking with fresh eyes, as opposed to only being willing
               | to see what was there decades ago.
               | sidlls wrote:
               | I don't see how doubling down on the ageism brings
               | anything to the discussion. Old people aren't
               | "only...willing to see what was there decades ago."
               | msla wrote:
               | I didn't imply they were. You're seeing insults I never
               | made.
               | toss1 wrote:
               | Or, you are not seeing insults you did make (however
               | un-/sub-consciously / unintentionally)
           | ta988 wrote:
           | Exactly the reason why I left academia. Egos competing for
           | space, money or talk-time to defend themselves not the
           | progress of science.
             | mnl wrote:
             | We tend to romanticise it, but in the end it's just another
             | job. It shouldn't, because selling you doing science is not
             | the same as doing science, but on the other hand social
             | expectations are that you must have a job, so what kind of
             | exemption were we hoping for exactly? Once you realise it's
             | ordinary people looking for whatever ordinary people look
             | for anywhere else everything falls into place. Some science
             | gets done regardless, we're talking about professionals
             | here.
               | paulpauper wrote:
               | Academia can be likened more to a clergy or priesthood
               | than a job. Although academics are expected to publish,
               | it's not like the results or output are as tangible or
               | quantifiable compared to most jobs.
               | mnl wrote:
               | Well, it's not that. Output is quantifiable and expected,
               | try to survive doing your thing before tenure (at least
               | and don't). Alas, the Republic of Letters is long gone.
               | Kind of an _ought-is_ problem.
               | paulpauper wrote:
               | Cornel West has only published 3-4 or so slim volumes in
               | 4 decades. how does he still have a job?
               | mnl wrote:
               | I don't know, I've mentioned tenure though. I know that
               | Peter Higgs has published IIRC 11? papers and that he's
               | talked about his former status at his departament and not
               | being productive enough for the modern academic system.
               | throwkway69 wrote:
               | http://www.cornelwest.com/books.html#.YZlPiWiIY4M
               | NotSammyHagar wrote:
               | That was about 15 books, several I've heard of, but it's
               | unclear about academic papers at least on that web page.
               | He's clearly making an impact with his ideas.
             | varelse wrote:
             | But that's the system we built. Starting in college you're
             | going to spend a decade and a half studying to be a world-
             | class expert researching a topic of your own choosing.
             | And as soon as you become a professor you stop doing
             | research and start begging for research funding so others
             | can do what you did. And no one sees the problem with this
             | so it continues.
         | hungryforcodes wrote:
         | Wow, that's incredibly well expressed. I bookmarked it - I
         | rarely do that too.
       | bigbanggoesbang wrote:
       | Is Nancy Pelosi an expert in insider trading? Damn, I wish I
       | could get a lucrative government job like that.
       | CalChris wrote:
       | > Webvan failed, but Instacart and UberEats are now thriving.
       | Instacart has been in business since 2013 and had its first
       | profitable _month_ last year during the height of the quarantine.
       | It's probably closer to Webvan than anywhere near Amazon.
         | Zanfa wrote:
         | And Uber has made like $25 billion in losses with no end in
         | sight?
         | spaetzleesser wrote:
         | These companies still have no clue how to make profits. I
         | wouldn't call that "thriving". They are still riding a huge
         | investment bubble.
       | gorwell wrote:
       | There was an amusing example of this yesterday with The Economist
       | saying, `The sharp increase in inflation over the past year has
       | blindsided many economists. Almost no one saw it coming`
       | https://twitter.com/TheEconomist/status/1461651190144503808
         | NikolaeVarius wrote:
         | The social media person at the Economist is bad at their jobs.
         | The article goes into the nuances of the claim.
         | The specific claims are
         | Higher than expected inflation
         | > new data showed that America's consumer price inflation rose
         | to 5.4% in June, well above economists' expectations. On July
         | 14th it was revealed that British inflation rose to 2.5% in
         | June, which was also higher than forecast.
         | The specific reason high inflation was not expected was because
         | expected long term slump, which didn't happen
         | > Not long ago economists tended to the view that the covid-19
         | pandemic would lead to a prolonged slump in the rich world.
         | That view has not worn well
         | > With unexpected growth has come an unexpected spurt of
         | inflation
           | WarOnPrivacy wrote:
           | How dare you soil my single-sentence belief with this filthy
           | nuance.
         | Puts wrote:
         | Well this is not true. There has been debate about an emerging
         | inflation threat for many years now even long before the
         | pandemic due to the rapid rate central banks are printing money
         | to keep the economy floating since 2008. However in the
         | financial market there are many people whose lives depend on
         | constant growth creating a strong sentiment to either willfully
         | mislead the market or just lie to themselves for comfort and
         | self-preservation.
         | Mikeb85 wrote:
         | Lol everyone saw it coming, but policymakers needed everyone to
         | think it wouldn't come, otherwise the public appetite for Covid
         | measures would have been far less...
         | smitty1e wrote:
         | ZeroHedge has predicted 83 of the last 7 downturns.
           | paulpauper wrote:
           | more like 83 of the last 2 downturns
           | dwiel wrote:
           | I follow ZeroHedge, but this statistic isn't very helpful
           | without knowing the number of false positives or incorrect
           | timing.
             | jameshart wrote:
             | At the risk of explaining the joke...
             | "predicted 83 of the last 7 downturns" implies a false
             | positive rate of at least 76 incorrect predictions for 7
             | correct ones.
             | Of course, if they made 83 downturn predictions but didn't
             | correctly predict the 7 that actually occurred, thee false
             | positive rate could also be worse than that.
               | jointpdf wrote:
               | It's a reference to a 50+ year old economics joke: https:
               | //worldin.economist.com/article/17506/edition2020dont-...
           | fein wrote:
           | I always remembered this as a Peter Schiff joke.
             | smitty1e wrote:
             | Very likely the source.
           | beckingz wrote:
           | That's pretty good. How many times were they able to predict
           | the same downturn?
           | beamatronic wrote:
           | I'm still standing for delivery of my physical silver
         | dorianmariefr wrote:
         | "The less confident you are, the more serious you have to act."
         | - Tara Ploughman
       | dqpb wrote:
       | Maybe "expert" is no longer a useful term. Instead we could
       | differentiate between creators and power users.
         | dorianmariefr wrote:
         | I don't get the link
           | WarOnPrivacy wrote:
           | I think OP is saying is we're moving toward a time when
           | growing fields are more likely to be saturated by non-
           | specialists
         | ksaj wrote:
         | I've done various forensic-oriented gigs for court cases. I was
         | always given an titles like "Technical Expert" and sometimes
         | really specific "Expert" terminology.
         | In one case I was brought in only to give a high level synopsis
         | about how deleted files can often be carved out either in full
         | or in part, may appear in multiple places at once, sometimes
         | clearly showing edits, and also come with useful metadata
         | stored within the directory entries both past and present.
         | They referred to me as the "Computer Filesystem Expert" which I
         | thought was a bit strange, because I'm _not_ what I 'd consider
         | an expert in file systems. Hell, I only barely know how
         | journaling works without breaking down. I just know a lot about
         | a very specific set of details that are useful in a forensic
         | investigation.
         | So there is yet another use of the word "expert" that doesn't
         | necessarily mean the same thing to everyone. It's not a useless
         | title in this case, but it's really ambiguous to a person who
         | understands more than the role requires.
       | brabel wrote:
       | This article offers nothing of value IMO... because what it's
       | saying is basically that experts will, at some point, fail to see
       | that circumstances have changed and advice that was good in their
       | own "time" is no longer good... however, that's an obvious
       | remark: as another commenter pointed out, people almost always
       | tend to think "this time it will be different" and choose to
       | ignore the experts... I would say more useful advice would be
       | that you do that at your own peril: most of the time, nearly
       | always, the experts will be right... the occasions where things
       | really will be different are rare and far between. Eventually, a
       | lucky kid will do well by ignoring the experts, but only after
       | thousands before them failed doing the same thing.
         | efitz wrote:
         | And what if the opportunity cost lost retrying something that
         | didn't work over and over? Maybe it will eventually succeed but
         | what else could have happened with the same effort?
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | If half the experts say to buy stocks and the other half say to
         | sell, who is right? Aat some point, you have to decide. I have
         | observed this a lot with finance. Listening to the wrong
         | experts would have meant missing out on the biggest bull market
         | ever (2009) or selling during the lows of the 2020 covid crash.
         | IncRnd wrote:
         | You missed about half the article. There was this part (along
         | with lots of examples), "Some expertise is timeless. A few
         | behaviors always repeat. They're often the most important
         | things to pay attention to."
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I'm not sure it's so much about timelesss expertise (Although
           | that exists as well). Rather, the advice is probably
           | something along the lines that when experts tell you that
           | some form of the thing you're doing has been tried half-a-
           | dozen times in the past and has failed--it _probably_ will
           | fail this time too. However, sometimes the difference from
           | what was done in the past is sufficient to make it work this
           | time. Or the surrounding technology ecosystem is
           | qualitatively different. So it 's worth considering what it
           | is in today's environment that would invalidate the expert
           | opinion.
           | brabel wrote:
           | I didn't miss it, just ignored it because no one, not even
           | the experts, konw which part of their expertise is "timeless"
           | and which isn't (otherwise the problem wouldn't exist in the
           | first place).
         | FormerBandmate wrote:
         | This article strikes me as the height of overconfidence tbh.
         | The experts are frequently wrong but they're also usually
         | right, and just blindly ignoring them usually leads to easily
         | avoidable mistakes. You weigh the opinions of experts and then
         | discount them when they're wrong, but only when you're _really_
         | sure
           | bratwurst3000 wrote:
           | How come they are very often two experts with opposite
           | opinion? Whoever is right can only be proven by time and
           | mostly by realizing the wrong choice was made.
       | franze wrote:
       | I am sometimes called an expert. I strongly focus on things that
       | I or others already tried and did not work. And then hypothesise
       | if the circumstances are the same or similar this time around.
       | Looking for arguments that they haven't changed (enough).
       | My track record is ok-ish.
       | rossdavidh wrote:
       | "This time it's different."
       | varelse wrote:
       | When someone today complains that solar power is still too
       | expensive, or that cell phones and flat screen TVs in the hands
       | of poor people proves they aren't really poor, they immediately
       | flip my Bozo bit. To be fair people who hate nuclear power have
       | always flipped my Bozo bit although they might have done the job
       | delaying its adoption long enough for solar power to become
       | cheaper by now.
       | streamofdigits wrote:
       | Experts tend to be specialists, focused on silos and deep dives
       | into specific domains.
       | The world is instead getting radically interconnected as
       | "everything" is represented - more or less faithfully - by
       | fungible bits. We are going through an "anti-specialization"
       | phase, where everything is in principle connected to everything.
       | This amorphous digital ocean phase will probably not last, but it
       | might be decades before a new landscape has settled.
         | musingsole wrote:
         | In the future, every individual must be an expert on a single
         | subject to a currently unimaginable depth. However, expertise
         | must be simultaneously robbed of prestige and its value
         | relegated to only its utility.
       | WarOnPrivacy wrote:
       | _buying stocks at all seemed like nothing but speculation in the
       | 1920s because corporate disclosures were so opaque. By the 1970s
       | that had changed, and you could begin to make rational,
       | calculated long-term decisions that put the odds in your favor._
       | Thriving growth follows sunshine.
       | Meanwhile, Govs/Corps compulsively fight transparency. Their only
       | greater priority is revenge on people who drag them into the
       | light.
       | thesausageking wrote:
       | I can't read a Collaborative Fund post without remembering the
       | email to a former board member the founder of CircleUp wrote to
       | the partner there who was on his board:
       | https://docs.google.com/document/d/17tEc9ETL4tjfTmNbpwJJ5OSx...
       | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
       | > So it will always be the case that those with the most
       | experience - and the good, smart, accurate wisdom that comes from
       | it - will be the least willing to adapt their views as the world
       | evolves.
       | This is where I stopped reading, although I will finish the
       | article.
       | He's writing about the stereotype.
       | Humility often comes with this experience and wisdom. Some people
       | are capable of seeing that everything is changing, all the time,
       | regardless of their personal experience.
       | That recognition frees you to embrace new, different, the things
       | that used to be unthinkable.
       | pezzana wrote:
       | > "Don't buy stocks when the P/E ratio is over 20" was a good
       | lesson to learn from the 1970s when interest rates were 7%, the
       | Fed hadn't yet learned what it's capable of, and most businesses
       | were cyclical manufacturing companies vs. asset-light digital
       | services. Is it relevant today? At a broad, philosophical level,
       | yes. In practical terms, probably not. In the same sense, buying
       | stocks at all seemed like nothing but speculation in the 1920s
       | because corporate disclosures were so opaque. By the 1970s that
       | had changed, and you could begin to make rational, calculated
       | long-term decisions that put the odds in your favor.
       | The funny thing is that _exactly_ this kind of talk was all the
       | rage leading up to both the 2000 and 2008 crashes. The boom makes
       | it impossible to imagine what the bust will look like, and vice
       | versa. Most people are utterly incapable of seeing 180 degrees
       | through the business cycle. They simply can 't do it and rather
       | extrapolate current conditions to infinity.
       | This is a big part of boom/bust cycles. They are spaced out by
       | just enough to entice a new group of greenhorns who ever more
       | loudly beat the new paradigm drum. Then this new class learns
       | that the business cycle is in fact immortal. But for many, it's a
       | short-lived lesson.
       | And that part about making "rational, calculated long-term
       | decisions" is amusing. Because it's during the boom that
       | companies start to engage in accounting shenanigans. The book-
       | cooking will all come out in the next bust, just like it always
       | has. 100x + price-to-earnings multiples will cover a multitude of
       | sins.
       | As Warren Buffet allegedly said, it's only when the tide goes out
       | that you find out who's been swimming naked.
         | nly wrote:
         | The problem is we're all now dependent on stock market
         | performance to make retirement feasible. Employer guaranteed
         | defined-benefit pension schemes are dead.
         | My uncles pension scheme was structured to pay out 1.5% of his
         | final salary, inflation adjusted for the rest of his life, for
         | each year he'd worked. He worked at one company his whole
         | career, from age 18 to age 55, when he retired. Factoring in
         | his mortgage, which he paid off prior to retirement, his
         | disposable income never even dropped when he retired.
         | Exact figures don't matter too much, but to achieve that with a
         | defined-contribution pension you need to invest something in
         | the range of 15%+ of your gross salary for 30 years and achieve
         | a 7% above-inflation annualized investment return. And it won't
         | be final salary but career average.
         | Most people aren't doing this so are fucked
           | redisman wrote:
           | I don't know how a pensions would work in tech. 95% of the
           | companies won't exist by the end of your career so who pays
           | for the pensions?
           | kristjansson wrote:
           | One wonders about the actuarial assumptions made by your
           | uncle's former employer and how, or if, they expected to meet
           | that obligation.
             | nly wrote:
             | The financial planning is the same, the difference is just
             | in who takes responsibility.
             | The bottom line is that many people had this as a benefit
             | and now very few do. What's unchanged is most people spend
             | less time thinking about their pension throughout their
             | lifespan than they do about almost anything else you can
             | imagine, but they really should be because it's all on
             | their shoulders now.
             | Here in the UK it seems we have a whole generation a couple
             | of decades away from retirement poverty.
               | jackcosgrove wrote:
               | What's changed is that declining population growth and
               | eventual reversal makes defined benefit pensions
               | impossible to service.
             | djbebs wrote:
             | If history is any indication the answer to both of those
             | were "they were wrong" and "caused severe financial issues
             | to the company, if it didn't bankrupt them entirely"
               | kristjansson wrote:
               | Exactly, the point of the comment being that generous
               | defined benefit pension schemes probably aren't some
               | paneceal solution that capital is now withholding, but
               | that they were at best a burden and at worst a lie.
               | actually_a_dog wrote:
               | How are individuals supposed to have it any easier,
               | though? Should people just be forced to work until they
               | drop? Or does everybody now need to be some kind of
               | financial genius in order to make retirement work?
           | ghaff wrote:
           | >He worked at one company his whole career,
           | Which was one of the issues with defined benefit plans. They
           | were structured around long employee tenure. Move around
           | every few years and you basically got no pension most of the
           | time.
           | I personally think it's unfortunate that most people won't
           | have defined benefit plans any longer. (I'm glad I'll have
           | one from a long-ago 10+ year job whenever I decide to start
           | collecting.) But it's hard to get away from the tenure
           | requirements unless you make the system portable and then
           | you're basically creating a shadow social security system.
             | ChrisLomont wrote:
             | >most people won't have defined benefit plans any longer.
             | Most people never had them. Only a minority of middle and
             | upper class white men had them for a short period in time.
             | Here's some historical tables [1]. For example, in 1975,
             | 44M people were in one, decently less than half of workers.
             | [1] https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ebsa/researchers
             | /stat...
             | nly wrote:
             | In the UK the law was changed such that people were given
             | the freedom to transfer out of their defined benefit
             | schemes, and most were paid handsome lump sums for doing so
             | because the schemes were desperately underfunded and wanted
             | people out
               | sokoloff wrote:
               | How does paying a handsome lump sum to leavers help make
               | them less underfunded? If the handsome amount is less
               | than the value of the pension, people would leave it in
               | there. If it's more than the current value of the
               | pension, the pension fund is left worse off, right?
           | trenning wrote:
           | Adding on to your first paragraph about dependency on stock
           | market performance for retirement.
           | 401ks that my generation is used to are a concept only
           | ~36years old, even at that most companies didn't start
           | offering them until the 90s.
           | It's a very young tool that we're only just now seeing play
           | out for people reaching retirement age that missed the
           | ubiquitous pension era.
           | And roth IRA was introduced in 1997.
           | No comment on any of this being good or bad, I think it's
           | interesting to look at the historical perspective of it
           | though.
         | Mc91 wrote:
         | Yes. The current p/e ratio of the S&P 500 is 29.59. Prior to
         | November 1998 it never hit that high in the prior century. So
         | what has the S&P 500 history been since then?
         | It kept climbing from November 1998 until the dot-com crash
         | started in spring 2000. By Jan 2003 it hit 29.59 on the way
         | down and went down to 17.46 in April 2007.
         | Then the subprime boom started really going and it climbed to
         | 27.58 by July 2008, hitting 122.39 in May 2009. By October 2009
         | it was back down to 20.33 and by September 2011 it was down to
         | 13.01.
         | Then it started its climb again. It was at 22.04 October 2019,
         | before they were talking about Covid even in Wuhan. It hit
         | 39.26 in December 2020 and is now back down to 29.59.
         | As the poster says, in 1999 and 2000 and in 2007 and 2008 we
         | were hearing about how we were in a new paradigm unmoored from
         | the old reality and so forth. At the end of the day, the
         | economy always came crashing back to earth. In October 1999,
         | the book Dow 36,000 was published echoing a lot of this
         | sentiment. The Dow was 10336 the day before the book came out,
         | then it went down to 7591 by September 2002. In February 2009
         | it was at 7062. We just finally hit 36,000 DJIA this month
         | (before going down again).
         | spaetzleesser wrote:
         | The 2000 and 2008 blowups were pretty bad but back then there
         | were still things that could be done like running deficits or
         | lowering interest rates. We now have huge deficits and almost
         | zero interest already during the boom. What can the Fed or
         | government do during the next downturn? I don't see them having
         | any tools left to reinflate the bubble.
         | ItsMonkk wrote:
         | > They simply can't do it and rather extrapolate current
         | conditions to infinity.
         | This is what I think more people should be paying attention to.
         | I keep seeing the FIRE(financially independent; retire early)
         | people talk about the returns they have gotten the past 100
         | years, not taking into account that the first 50 of those years
         | saw tremendous growth, and the last of those 50 years saw
         | tremendous stagnation and debt that doesn't seem sustainable.
         | The world's first billionaire was Rockefeller in the early
         | 1900's. By 1970 the world's richest man was Hughes, who had
         | amassed a fortune of $2.5 billion. In 70 years the number
         | doubled. Since then in the next 50 years the world's richest
         | man is now Musk, with a wealth 100x that of Hughes at $290
         | billion. In 1970 the minimum wage was $1.70 compared to today's
         | $7.25, an increase of 4.2x. 100x vs 4.2x.
         | When you extrapolate that growth out another 50 years, the
         | world's richest man ends up at $25 trillion. Minimum wage would
         | grow to $30/hour. Another 50 years further, $2.5 Quadrillion,
         | minimum wage is now $125/hour.
         | It's ludicrous. Have we been boiling frogs the past 50 years?
         | If the wealthy at those price levels tried to sell even 1% of
         | their wealth/year the system would crash. So it's clear from my
         | standpoint that those growth levels will simply not happen. How
         | does it break? Does it break with minimum wage growth? Does it
         | break with everything going to 0? Something else happens?
         | What happens when interest rates are unable to fall further?
         | Are we already at the end of the ball? How much higher can it
         | go?
           | ricardobeat wrote:
           | The value of USD is not constant. Either you adjust the 1970
           | values to today's dollar, giving you $17B for Hughes'
           | fortune, or you index the $100B by the minimum salary giving
           | you 23B vs 2.5B, a less than 10x increase. Not unreasonable
           | considering the global scale business can have today.
           | phkahler wrote:
           | >> What happens when interest rates are unable to fall
           | further?
           | We are there. QE is the next thing. I think they understand
           | now that raising interest rate quickly will kill the housing
           | market like in 2007. So they need inflation while slowly
           | raising rates.
       | anm89 wrote:
       | Hilarious that he had to write all of this just to be able to
       | sneak in a justification for MMT in the last paragraph.
       | This is a complete fallacy. Don't listen to reason or experts,
       | the world has changed! Don't worry about debt and deficits, we've
       | invented fiscal policy(which has been around since forever), that
       | old wisdom no longer applies!
       | Believe it if you want. We live more or less in a society with
       | free markets where, at least for people with saved wealth,
       | individual outcomes can be highly variable by your personal
       | ability to understand these systems and allocate your wealth
       | effectively. If you think MMT is great and will have no
       | consequences, then allocate your money accordingly. I'm going to
       | assume that's not true.
       | Just like everything else time will tell who was right.
         | rrrrrrrrrrrryan wrote:
         | > you think MMT is great and will have no consequences
         | Doesn't MMT just tell us that we should focus on inflation
         | instead of The Deficit?
         | I don't think any of its adherents believe that printing money
         | is consequence-free; rather, MMT states that over-printing
         | money _will_ eventually result in inflation, and we can choose
         | to respond to that inflation by either reigning in government
         | spending (which enables us to dial back the money printing), or
         | by raising taxes (thereby decreasing the money supply).
         | Its prescriptions are largely the same as the current mode of
         | economic thought. If you spend too much, you'll have to pay for
         | it somehow. Arguably, it just offers a better model of the
         | trade-offs between taxation/spending/printing/inflation, and
         | suggests a different feedback mechanism to drive policymaking
         | decisions (inflation instead of deficit levels.)
           | anm89 wrote:
           | > Doesn't MMT just tell us that we should focus on inflation
           | instead of The Deficit?
           | While this is roughly aligned with some of MMTs talking
           | points, I don't think you can reduce MMT to just this. At a
           | minimum these talking points have some other implications
           | like:
           | 1) Our current congress is capable of reigning in spending
           | - I strongly disagree that there is any political will power
           | to do this regardless of inflation
           | 2) That the timeframes of tax policy decisions exist on the
           | same time scale as would be necessary to use tax policy
           | decisions to regulate inflation.
           | - This is the core fallacy of MMT, even much more so than
           | point 1. Maybe congress can figure out how to reduce
           | spending, maybe if for no other reason than spite by a
           | congress controlled by a different party then the president.
           | But the idea that there is any feasible way to fine tune
           | taxation to manage inflation on a fast enough timescale to be
           | useful is beyond the pale. We get maybe one meaningful tax
           | plan per president and even that is a battle every single
           | time. so we are talking about maybe on average a meaningful
           | change to tax policy every 6 years.
           | Yet how fast did inflation just jump? We went from a CPI of
           | nothing to 5+ in a few months. Who is this magical bureaucrat
           | who just jumps in and fine tunes the taxes to account for
           | this? It simply does not exist and will not exist any time
           | soon without a major political revolution in America.
           | But the problem is the policy is justified based on the idea
           | that micromanaging velocity and money supply is possible but
           | any time I've heard an MMTer questioned on this point, they
           | openly admit that this part would need to be worked out when
           | the times comes.
           | Anyway, no obligation to agree with me. But as I said, be
           | sure you know what you're talking about if it's your own
           | money on the line.
       | abeppu wrote:
       | This sounds like a bunch of boring truisms when stated this way,
       | but perhaps a little extra insight can be wrung out by binding
       | this to some more specific claims.
       | There's a corner of the cognitive science literature about
       | iterated learning in a Bayesian framing. A question it asked was
       | roughly, "If we partition a dataset over a sequence of agents who
       | each see only a slice, and we allow each agent to communicate
       | something to the next agent down the line, what must be true of
       | the communication between those agents for them to learn the same
       | thing as a single agent who saw all of the data?" And roughly,
       | for the sequence to converge to the same posterior as a single
       | agent, each agent had to adopt an unbiased estimate of the
       | previous agent's posterior as their prior. See esp work from
       | Griffiths and colleagues.
       | In a somewhat looser analogy, there's a family of techniques for
       | distributed convex optimization (like ADMM), where a group of
       | agents are collectively trying to optimize a function over data,
       | and each agent sees only a slice of that data. Note especially
       | that the way the data is partitioned can be entirely arbitrary,
       | including e.g. training an SVM classifier where some agents see
       | only positive data points. And for the group of agents to
       | collectively converge to the global optimum, each local agent
       | basically adds a large term to the function which penalizes
       | disagreement with the other agents.
       | In slightly hand-wavey terms, in either case, for the agents to
       | reach a "correct" conclusion as a group, each needs to be able to
       | give potentially an arbitrarily high weight to the information
       | distilled from others. In the iterated learning case, the
       | posterior distribution received from a previous agent may have
       | more information than the likelihood distribution of the data
       | that an individual agent sees. In the optimization case, the
       | consensus term may contribute more to the local loss than the
       | data that an individual agent sees.
       | So in contexts where one is actually trying to solve the _same
       | problem_ as a group, placing very high weight on the honest
       | information received from previous experts can be critical.
       | But in cases when you're _not_ all working on the same problem,
       | it can be disastrous.
         | ericjang wrote:
         | > So in contexts where one is actually trying to solve the
         | _same problem_ as a group, placing very high weight on the
         | honest information received from previous experts can be
         | critical.
         | Another "loose attempt to make this argument rigorous" might be
         | to invoke Grim Trigger [1] strategies from repeated PD games. A
         | very large negative weight is placed on "dishonest" behavior
         | across a communication channel (game).
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grim_trigger
           | abeppu wrote:
           | Of course, this is only available in certain scenarios.
           | A Gen Z person at the beginning of their financial lives may
           | want to _discount_ the advice of baby-boomers as having come
           | from experience in a structurally different economy. But they
           | have very little mechanism to _retaliate_ against the boomers
           | who supported state university tuition increasing faster than
           | inflation for decades.
       | dsizzle wrote:
       | This seems to assume that experts' advice can only be valued (or
       | not) as an appeal to authority. But that would ignore that
       | experts can also provide _explanations_: "This won't work because
       | this subsystem would violate the laws of physics" e.g. -- and
       | that explanation might then spur someone to find an equivalent
       | subsystem without that flaw, or perhaps one would find a flaw in
       | the initial reasoning, or whatever.
       | Similarly, seeing a list of past failures may inspire variations
       | that seek to overcome the shortcoming without having to waste
       | time first reproducing the same failure. One can try to learn
       | _why_ it failed and use that to guide future attempts.
       | The advice to be wary of experts reminds me of the advice to
       | avoid criticism while brainstorming, the idea in common being
       | that criticism and negativity supposedly stifles creativity.
       | However, it turns out that criticism _enhances_ the brainstorming
       | process https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/should-we-
       | allo... It seems that criticism from expertise could similarly be
       | a boon to future advances.
         | clairity wrote:
         | we avoid negativity during brainstorming to create
         | psychological safety. that in turn expands the boundaries of
         | creativity. the process doesn't end there however, which is
         | what your criticism sems to assume, since we need to winnow
         | down the ideas generated to a feasible subset, and then further
         | to a pursued option. this latter part is where criticism (but
         | not negativity) is employed to iterate toward the chosen
         | option. literally no one argues the strawman that there can be
         | no criticism during decision-making.
         | optimizing both divergence _and_ convergence processes leads to
         | good decision-making, not just one or the other.
           | dsizzle wrote:
           | To your point about psychological safety, that is actually
           | reason to have an initial phase of idea generation occur
           | individually before meeting in a group. Even a fully
           | "positive-only" group likely inhibits divergent thinking to
           | some degree.
           | Regarding groups, research challenges your claim that
           | avoiding criticism during brainstorming "expands the
           | boundaries of creativity", and that criticism is only useful
           | for "winnowing down [already proposed] options." There are
           | multiple studies showing that criticism during discussion
           | _produces_ (not just selects) better ideas.
           | This is a good academic review of literature covering these
           | topics https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/full/10.1287/orsc.2
           | 020.14...
             | clairity wrote:
             | no one's arguing that we can't (or shouldn't) have any
             | criticism during brainstorming, only that negativity (which
             | can also be read as aggression) reduces psychological
             | safety, which in turn reduces creativity. people do pull
             | back (consciously and subconsciously) when the sting of
             | (negative) criticism looms.
             | idea-focused criticism (rather than people-focused) can
             | hone decision-making, but we still need that psychological
             | safety to get the best outcomes. these things can both be
             | true at the same time, and we can both succeed and fail at
             | fostering either or both and not get the best outcome.
             | just as we might criticize an overly safety-oriented
             | decision-making process, criticism-oriented decision-making
             | processes tend to degenerate into contests of aggression,
             | which tend to produce inferior outcomes. dogmatism in any
             | direction doesn't help.
         | Vetch wrote:
         | I came here to write something similar: the article does not
         | pay enough attention to changing environments. The dotcom
         | bubble ideas that are now successful do not share the same
         | background environment of internet availability, bandwidth,
         | networks of datacenters, storage, powerful portable computers,
         | and all around higher digital literacy and people used to
         | interacting with computers. If these things hadn't changed then
         | trying and trying again would have continued to fail with high
         | probability.
         | As written, the statement by Ford is wrong, it is important to
         | keep a kind of Tabu list detailing what didn't work in the
         | absence of gradient information. What experts get wrong is they
         | fail to be sensitive to dependent parameters that are not
         | static (I know the article says something like this too but it
         | sort of glosses over it). The problem is many of these are hard
         | to say outside of hindsight.
         | Perhaps listing the requirements before launching and listing
         | the state of those requirements after failure, in addition to
         | the idea might form a basis for what to retry. An expert might
         | say something like "A website for dog food and toys will never
         | work, we already did that 20 years ago and it failed
         | spectacularly", when they should be saying "A Website for dog
         | food did not work 20 years ago, here were our requirements and
         | environment, has anything changed?". But even that isn't
         | perfect so the process can't be deterministic.
         | 5faulker wrote:
         | From my experience, many of the problems can be solved by
         | spending time on extended introspection. The problem with
         | authorities is that they often don't have a firsthand
         | experience of the problems itself.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | The thing with believing that this time is different is that your
       | worst case is you fail but your best case is you succeed. The
       | thing with believing that every time is the same is that you
       | guarantee mediocrity.
       | When looking to the probability cone of future outcomes, some of
       | us accept wider cones that encompass positive and negative
       | outcomes. Others accept narrow cones where they constrain
       | outcomes.
       | I personally fall into the former category and also believe that
       | societies that enable both kinds of people (well, all along the
       | spectrum of cones) will succeed.
       | I also believe that the biggest factor constraining your cone
       | parameter is how much you have. The more you have, the less
       | willing you are to expand your cone. This is because human beings
       | are highly loss averse. I have seen this in my own life.
       | The people most able to succeed are those who (intentionally or
       | unintentionally) have a cone with the Markov property. No matter
       | how far along the cone they are, the remainder of the cone looks
       | the same.
       | But Western society is prosperous and so the natural loss
       | aversion leads to risk aversion. And so the balance shifts
       | towards preservation. This article, then, is a message to that
       | aspect of ours that is listening for the possibility that,
       | perhaps, this time really is different.
       | smitty1e wrote:
       | > Some expertise is timeless. A few behaviors always repeat.
       | They're often the most important things to pay attention to.
       | AKA: wisdom. Seek, cherish, and protect that. Wisdom is
       | functional.
       | 'Expertise' is often knowledge if the current/historical state of
       | affairs. When a dam breaks:
       | > It usually means other parts of the system have evolved in a
       | way that allows what was once impossible to now become practical.
       | The state of the hardware, the software, and the peopleware at
       | any moment in time is an Overton Window.
         | foundart wrote:
         | TIL Overton Window: "The Overton window is the range of
         | policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at
         | a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse."
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window A very useful
         | concept.
           | aigo wrote:
           | The window, and the ways political agents try to move it in
           | one direction or another, explains a lot of modern discourse
           | It intersects with Chomsky's ideas about manufacturing
           | consent quite nicely too
       | cblconfederate wrote:
       | Time to dust up those old ideas. Perhaps search HN for the ideas
       | that everyone ridiculed
         | codehalo wrote:
         | Lol. Bitcoin
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | >"Expertise is great, but it has a bad side effect. It tends to
       | create an inability to accept new ideas."
       | Doesn't being an expert already contain the idea of continuous
       | learning? Is expertise something static?
       | jaybrendansmith wrote:
       | Now my own way to look at this, at least from a software product
       | perspective but perhaps it's applicable everywhere: "Everything
       | always gets easy if you wait long enough." It's almost a motto at
       | this point, because there are so many technical challenges that
       | prevented this or that product in the past, or more likely, made
       | them niche utilities that required deep expertise to maintain.
       | These utilities suddenly become building blocks that are simple
       | and commoditized, allowing larger products to be built where
       | before it was impossible, or at least very difficult. For anyone
       | starting a software business: You can enter a crowded market as
       | long as most of the difficult problems have almost been solved,
       | and if you can establish that beach head, then acquire and
       | sustain customers quickly enough, you can win, because everything
       | is perpetually getting easier. The downside of course is that
       | eventually your product will be commoditized into oblivion, but
       | that's part of the game.
       | lettergram wrote:
       | One thing I also find interesting are when people think the rules
       | change when they really don't.
       | For instance, Green energy is the future yes, but it'll take
       | generations. So people assume the rules change faster than
       | reality.
         | ryukafalz wrote:
         | It better not take generations! We don't have that kind of
         | time.
       | abetusk wrote:
       | This line is what I think of whenever the cryptocurrency vitriol
       | comes out here:
       | """
       | Pets.com was mocked, but Chewy is now a $30 billion business.
       | Webvan failed, but Instacart and UberEats are now thriving. eToys
       | was a joke, but now look at Amazon. Some of the biggest
       | businesses of the last 10 years are all in industries that were
       | the starkest examples of stupidity 20 years ago.
       | """
         | the_cat_kittles wrote:
         | just because something is profitable doesnt make it not stupid.
         | pfdietz wrote:
         | They laughed at Galileo, but they also laughed at Bozo the
         | Clown.
         | b3morales wrote:
         | Taking this as a lesson is just survivorship bias, unless _all_
         | the failed 90s companies have had their business plans
         | replicated.
         | Some ideas are ahead of their time; some are just bad.
       | intrasight wrote:
       | I did enjoy the article. I forwarded it to some colleagues. I
       | wasn't aware of Ford's rule. But I will say that the rule perhaps
       | only applied in that place and time. I've worked in the nuclear
       | industry, in defense, in aerospace. Not documenting failures in
       | those industries would be a recipe for disaster. Technology is
       | way too complicated today. The man who "either did not know or
       | paid no attention to the previous figures" isn't very likely to
       | help in advanced engineering disciplines. In basic research, I
       | think this man or woman can still make an important contribution.
       | nickthemagicman wrote:
       | This article is trying to drive an artificial wedge between
       | wisdom and innovation when there is none.
       | Both are valuable to people.
       | (regardless of age, sex, race, status, etc)
       | bbbhahah wrote:
       | "experts" - much like all the liberal fucktarded "covid experts"
         | FormerBandmate wrote:
         | Are you five
       | kingcharles wrote:
       | This quote made me feel better: "Some of the biggest businesses
       | of the last 10 years are all in industries that were the starkest
       | examples of stupidity 20 years ago."
       | I'm still a little bitter from VC experiences 20 years ago.
       | In 1998 my friends and I built a browser-based (Java applet)
       | collaborative word processor and spreadsheet called Office
       | Wherever (o-w.com). We shopped it to a dozen VCs and all went
       | ROFLMAOWTFBBQ. They all said the same - no company would want to
       | put their files on the (scary) Internet (the term "cloud" was
       | still years away).
       | In 2001 my friend and I had built a full music & movie/tv
       | streaming service with a full-screen interface that looks just
       | like the modern ones, built demo hardware, had access to all the
       | rights etc. Everyone we pitched it to went ROFLMAOWTFBBQ. They
       | said people will NEVER get rid of their DVDs! They like having
       | things on their shelves to show off. What a stupid idea! You need
       | to be like Netflix and rent DVDs to people! You stupid! STUPID
       | I wonder what folks are pitching today to VCs who are rolling on
       | the floor laughing when they see the "stupid" demo?
         | 2sk21 wrote:
         | I feel you. When I was working in IBM research, I developed a
         | web-based tool eerily close to Jupyter in 2007 but was simply
         | unable to get traction within the company and abandoned the
         | work by the end of the year. I still regret not pushing forward
         | with it to this day.
         | toast0 wrote:
         | There was a time that Google had good sucess by launching new
         | products that Yahoo had launched 5 years earlier and cancelled
         | due to lack of interest.
         | Nobody wants to be a patent troll, but being too early and
         | filing patents can set you up for late revenue. Even if it's
         | just watching for patent trolls and licensing your patents to
         | the victims to double troll.
       | tjr225 wrote:
       | I can't wait to see what the experts at hacker news have to say
       | about this!
       | zackmorris wrote:
       | It's weird reading this as someone who identifies strongly as Gen
       | X, witnessing how we can't seem to address existential threats
       | like global climate change until the Boomers retire. Or a
       | thousand other problems.
       | I've spent the last 20+ years under a near-constant form of
       | gaslighting where everybody told me my ideas would never work.
       | Having to watch time and again as a different version of me wins
       | the internet lottery.
       | Dunno about all of you, but I'm kinda over it.
       | My dad (a Boomer and self-proclaimed radical in the 1960/70s
       | environmental spirit) reminded my just yesterday though that not
       | all Boomers are alike, and that stereotypes hurt. I wish we had a
       | different term for people who self-ossify, glorify ignorance, and
       | take it upon themselves to dictate to others why they're wrong.
       | I'm thinking of guys like Mitch McConnell and Milton Friedman, so
       | sure in their certitude that it's inconceivable to them that
       | their theology could actively harm the modern world. How do we
       | resist such glacial forms of resignation?
         | pfdietz wrote:
         | Milton Friedman was a supporter of taxes on pollutants. He
         | recognized that negative externalities are a case where
         | government intervention is needed, and thought Pigovian taxes
         | were the best way for government to do that. Were he alive
         | today he'd be advocating carbon taxes.
           | zackmorris wrote:
           | Interesting, I didn't know that. Most of the clips I see of
           | him online show him berating young people who aren't wrong
           | IMHO.
           | A bit serendipitous, but his name popped up just now when I
           | was searching for an article about regulation to make
           | companies responsible for their own externalities:
           | https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-10-29/cop26-.
           | ..
           |  _Big investors really do think of themselves as universal
           | investors
           | The typical attitude is: "If we're a big investor, we're
           | universal investors. We can't say we're going to divest
           | fossil fuels companies; we have to stay invested." Other
           | companies in the portfolio will continue to use carbon. At
           | the same time, a universal investor needs to look after the
           | wellbeing of its clients. That means making sure they have a
           | healthy climate to breathe when they retire, and not just
           | that they have an adequate cash flow.
           | Put differently, the report says they believe that they "own"
           | the negative externalities caused by the companies in their
           | portfolio "due to the sheer depth and breadth of their
           | holdings in all asset classes and regions." As far as they
           | are concerned: "Such 'paper' holdings do not negate their
           | fiduciary responsibility to wider society." This is a long
           | way from the "shareholder value" philosophy associated with
           | Milton Friedman that held sway for decades._
           | Right now I put the responsibility for environmental collapse
           | squarely on the shoulders of corporations, their shareholders
           | and fundamentally consumers who (due to tragedy of the
           | commons) frankly don't know how to begin to be sustainable
           | when it takes everything they got to make it in today's
           | world.
           | To say that another way, I don't think that Friedman's views
           | are fundamentally incorrect, I just think that they put
           | attention in the wrong places. For example, capitalism is
           | just economic evolution. It doesn't need to be defended as
           | some alternative to social democracy. Capitalism isn't going
           | anywhere, but it can be constrained by human will so that it
           | doesn't make us slaves to it, toiling in the workaday world
           | every day until we die as the earth burns around us.
         | gedy wrote:
         | Unfortunately , as a fellow Gen X, "Boomer" is turning into a
         | term for "older than me and a little more successful/further
         | along in life". Hate that some younger people are calling me a
         | Boomer, when we didn't have pensions _or_ 401ks, our families
         | were gutted with parents divorcing, etc.
       | renlo wrote:
       | This reminds me of the linotype machine's [0] invention. Many had
       | tried to invent a similar machine and failed, the inventor went
       | into it without knowing about the other failed attempts and used
       | a completely different and novel technique than other attempts
       | and managed to make it work.
       | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linotype_machine
       | dougabug wrote:
       | This article is uncannily apropos for HN.
       | The spectrum of opinions towards emerging technologies is so
       | starkly colored by the eras during which practitioners did their
       | primary work.
       | It reminds me of the Heinlein quote from "A Door into Summer",
       | "When railroading time comes you can railroad--but not before."
         | wpietri wrote:
         | For sure. The older I get, the more I try to watch out for this
         | effect.
         | It's a pain, but one of the nice parts is that it drives you to
         | look for deeper principles. E.g., when my dad started coding,
         | machine time was really expensive as was storage space, so
         | everybody optimized for those things. Hello, Y2K! Now the
         | opposite is true: developer time has gotten more expensive, and
         | computation is cheap. In one sense, that invalidates a lot of
         | old expertise. But on the other, optimization is still usually
         | important, we're just optimizing for different things. A little
         | reframing of habits and you can end up with a more flexible and
         | subtle model.
           | dougabug wrote:
           | We are in violent agreement!
           | Optimization never grows old, but it's the more general form
           | of optimization of which you speak, rather than hyper-
           | specific instances of optimization which can overfit to
           | specific eras.
         | 2sk21 wrote:
         | I was thinking about this in the context of large transformer
         | based language models like GPT-3. Based on my years of
         | experience in the field, I keep thinking that this is a dead-
         | end on the path to full AI but I have to force myself to keep
         | an open mind and to not to fall into that trap.
         | Incidentally, Morgan Housel, the author of this essay is a very
         | good financial writer - worth reading his other essays too.
           | dougabug wrote:
           | Perhaps this was a cherry picked example on the part of the
           | authors, but the network generating relevant novel images
           | conditioned upon the text prompt "an illustration of a baby
           | daikon radish in a tutu walking a dog" ... made me take a
           | (not entirely permanent) break from on ripping on GPT-3.
           | https://openai.com/blog/dall-e/
       | squiffsquiff wrote:
       | Tldr: "society advances one funeral at a time"
       | howmayiannoyyou wrote:
       | Tl;dr - Old experts cannot distinguish between
       | historical/economic cycles vs. Paradigm shifts that break those
       | cycles.
       | Nice theory, but adjust your scale over a thousand years and
       | innovation has yet to usurp megacycles of boom/bust, war/peace or
       | the rise/fall of "empires".
       | We may be better informed than we were in the 1700's, but we are
       | no less partisan in our views, speculative in our ventures, nor
       | vulnerable to geopolitical storms.
       | Using one of Housel's examples - high PE equity ratios are
       | indicative of excess liquidity in the system chasing speculative
       | yield; a subset of which excess liquidity is capital fleeing
       | China for the West (or) A federal reserve & US Treasury committed
       | to ensuring Boomer retirement assets are not wiped out in a
       | market reversion to a historical mean. High PE equity ratios are
       | not indicative of any underlying fundamentals that justify the
       | majority of these prices.
       | Yes, Tesla _may_ be an exception _if_ Musk's innovation
       | convergence strategy is monetized as its investors hope. But for
       | every Tesla there is a Nikola, and for every Moderna a Theranos.
       | What do old experts (old farts like me) know that Housel may not?
       | We've lived through about 8 recessions, three economic crisis,
       | one bout of epic inflation, and we've watched change, ignorance
       | and greed greatly disrupt or destroy corporate behemoths like
       | Lucent, Enron, GM, GE, etc.
       | We know what is coming. We just can't tell you precisely when.
       | Housel's temporal sense appears to be stunted. And, yes, he does
       | (as he stated) sound arrogant.
         | GDC7 wrote:
         | > Yes, Tesla _may_ be an exception
         | Tesla is not the exception, matter of fact it's the poster
         | child of a world where the stock market going up becomes the
         | goal pf both the elected and non-elected branches of the
         | government and not an agnostic measurement tool to check how
         | American public companies are faring.
       | paulpauper wrote:
       | My heuristic is to extend current trends outwards. Stock prices
       | will keep going higher, like it or not, even though the media for
       | over a decade has been predicting a bear market. Valuations
       | matter, but market dominance, growth, and network effects matter
       | more. Large tech companies are excelling on all these fronts.
       | Microsoft has been dominant and growing for 40 years and its
       | share price reflects that. Google and Amazon have been doing it
       | for the past 20, and Facebook for the past 10.
       | publicdenial wrote:
       | We should execute every last politician that ordered "lockdowns",
       | and masking and forced vaxxing.
       | They all need to be executed. Every last one of them.
       | the_cat_kittles wrote:
       | this author is revealing something embarassing about themselves,
       | namely that they think of expertise in almost exclusively
       | financial terms. knowing how to get rich is not really the same
       | thing as expertise to me.
       | publicdenial wrote:
       | Is Fauci still considered an expert since he likes to rip vocal
       | cords out of puppies and torture them to death? Just asking...
       | Tarucho wrote:
       | Everything is tied to the present situation. My past failures
       | could be someone else tomorrow successes.
       | But what about human nature knowledge?
       | ketzo wrote:
       | At first I was a little wary of this, because it had the sort of
       | smooth, business-school-y tone that makes you worry someone's
       | trying to sell you something.
       | But I after reading I thought this was genuinely insightful.
       | Particularly politically.
       | I think it helps give me some perspective to know that different
       | smart, well-intentioned people have believed wholeheartedly in
       | _entirely contradictory_ positions in their lifetimes.
       | DoreenMichele wrote:
       | I enjoyed this so much. The stories about Ford were terrific.
       | A lot of "wisdom" is contextual and gets mistaken for universal.
       | We learn "X works" and, having been burned by everything else we
       | tried, jealously guard the value of X as very special and
       | precious.
       | Scars obtained in the process of obtaining expertise are likely
       | an underrecognized factor in experts becoming ossified in their
       | opinions. They learned that everything else bites and this
       | doesn't. They don't want to get bit again.
       | Then conditions change and now nothing is guaranteed to work like
       | it did before. It likely seems unfair to find their hard won
       | wisdom is now irrelevant baggage.
         | visarga wrote:
         | Experts have done a lot of exploration and gained much
         | experience, but just having abilities is nothing by itself. You
         | need to exploit your abilities as well, employ them for good
         | gain, and that takes time from exploration. Maybe you don't
         | want to explore anymore because it's so good where you are at.
         | This happened to Microsoft as well.
       | publicdenial wrote:
       | Is Barbara Ferrer an "expert" even though she has no medical
       | degree?
       | Doesn't she know the facts and science that masking spreads
       | germs?
       | paulpauper wrote:
       | Whether it's finance, geo politics, economics or even Covid, I
       | have found that experts tend to have terrible track records. The
       | same people today who are predicting Bitcoin will go to 250k in
       | four years, made that very prediction four years ago. These
       | people are being paid large sums of money to produce worse
       | insights and worse performance that even random bloggers or
       | random posters on r/wallstreetbets. It's hard to take these
       | people seriously no matter how many degrees they have or how rich
       | they are. It's obvious that prestige does not select for
       | competence anymore.
         | antod wrote:
         | To me that kind of observation seems subject to all kinds of
         | biases.
         | You seem to be equating "prestige" in a topic with being an
         | expert in a topic - the two are not necessarily related.
         | eg the more outrageous or unusual the claim from an "expert"
         | (hence the less likely to be right), the more memorable that
         | claim will be, or the more likely it will get attention. And
         | the more someone is a "nobody", the more likely that their
         | numerous eventually wrong claims will be dismissed or forgotten
         | about compared to the memorable times some random was correct
         | by accident.
         | Likewise I find the more certain someone is of something that
         | is still uncertain, the more likely they will be to be wrong.
         | The alternative of wishy washy consensus full of qualifications
         | doesn't report well if at all, and tends to have minor errors
         | picked apart and amplified even while broadly correct overall.
           | paulpauper wrote:
           | >n. And the more someone is a "nobody", the more likely that
           | their numerous eventually wrong claims will be dismissed or
           | forgotten about compared to the memorable times some random
           | was correct by accident.
           | I think this applies more to some subjects than others. I
           | think math and physics experts have a much greater claim to
           | epistemological certainty than political or finance experts.
           | The vast majority of political experts were wrong both about
           | trump getting nomination, wrong about him winning ,and then
           | were wrong about the economy doing well under Trump. I think
           | nobodies in finance and politics can do as well, if not
           | better ,than experts.
       | socmovesus wrote:
       | Everyone is seeing this all wrong.
       | Our problem is only with experts who linearly regress away other
       | real people!
       | A politically empowered minority see the masses a rounding error.
       | Experts in economics tell us it's OK to watch our family members
       | die of preventable disease for profits sake.
       | That doesn't mean we don't need Fauci's and Grace Hopper's.
       | We need experts in qualifying physical reality not constraining
       | criteria for success. Experts accept ideas are not sacrosanct.
       | publicdenial wrote:
       | Is London Breed an expert in sucking dick?
       | Is Kamala Harris an expert in getting rugburns on her knees?
       | dqpb wrote:
       | If you're really an expert, you should be the vanguard, not the
       | old guard.
       | publicdenial wrote:
       | Is Joe Biden an expert in fucking little kids including his
       | daughter Ashley in the shower (her words)?
       | leobg wrote:
       | Great article. Reminds me of Nietzsche's "On The Use And Abuse Of
       | History".
       | coffeefirst wrote:
       | Something I've noticed in the pandemic: there's a pretty big gap
       | between what people remember "the experts" saying vs what, if you
       | listened to one or two qualified professionals and kept them
       | straight, actually said.
       | Individual experts--the good ones at least--seem to hold up
       | pretty well even if they didn't see everything coming.
       | It's the widespread sampling of chyrons and faces that inevitably
       | says everything all of the time and winds up looking incompetent.
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | From the book of Proverbs (in the Bible): "The wise man gets a
         | lot of advice" (paraphrased).
         | One chapter later: "The fool listens to most of it" (also
         | paraphrased).
         | If you don't have the time to sort it all out, don't listen to
         | all the viewpoints. Society, collectively, is insane - it
         | believes so many contradictory things that could not all
         | possibly be true. You can't listen to society or "they say" as
         | a guide. You'll get nonsense.
         | But part of this is on the news, especially television and
         | internet news. They need a hot take for this hour to draw
         | eyeballs. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be new
         | and different. But if you're trying to follow it to learn what
         | to do to protect yourself in the pandemic, it's a hopelessly
         | self-contradictory jumble. People wind up saying "They lied to
         | us! They're still lying to us!" The problem is that "they" -
         | the "they" that the media present to us - is too big a set.
         | Now, individual experts still can be mistaken, give bad advice,
         | or even lie. But no expert is as confused as the union of all
         | the experts.
           | ericjang wrote:
           | You don't believe in the "wisdom of the crowds" ?
             | AnimalMuppet wrote:
             | Here is a set of people. On a given subject, the _median_
             | position is likely to be at least reasonable. That 's the
             | "wisdom of the crowds".
             | Here is a set of experts. Within the area of their
             | expertise, the median position is probably pretty close to
             | right. The _intersection_ of their views are almost
             | certainly right (though it may be the empty set).
             | But what you can't do is take the _union_ of the views of a
             | set of people, and expect anything except a bizarre jumble
             | of self-contradiction. And that 's what the media gives us.
             | (In fact, the media gives us the union, with extra emphasis
             | added to the outliers, because those are "more interesting"
             | and therefore attract more eyeballs.)
             | Wisdom of the crowds? Maybe. Wisdom of the media coverage
             | of the crowds? No way.
               | musingsole wrote:
               | Union vs. intersection vs. outlier weighting is a
               | beautiful way to put this.
               | [deleted]
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | This is why eyewitness testimony can be unreliable . People are
         | sure someone said or believed something, or that there is a
         | consensus about something, but this may not be true. Social
         | media can make this worse, particularly by forming false
         | consensuses about issues in which no such consensus may exist.
         | gilleain wrote:
         | Yes it seems like a combination of magnifying and muddling
         | information.
         | Say, for example, a cancer researcher makes a statement like
         | "Red wine contains compounds that might protect from some
         | cancers" - not very interesting as news. So it gets magnified
         | to "Red wine CURES cancer".
         | Next, another expert says "excessive use of alcohol can
         | increases the risk of certain cancers". Of course the news
         | converts this to "Alcohol causes cancer".
         | Finally, combine these two messages and people quite
         | understanderbly conclude that cancer experts have no idea if
         | alcohol causes or cures cancer.
           | skybrian wrote:
           | There is that, but it also seems to be true that a lot of
           | scientific studies are done badly. A lesson of the pandemic
           | seems to be that when doing a meta-analysis you need to make
           | sure to avoid the low-quality and fraudulent studies.
         | nostrademons wrote:
         | Some of this is a conflation of who the experts are, as well as
         | hindsight bias on that question. If you look at say Fauci or
         | Trevor Bedford's predictions, sure, they were pretty accurate
         | (with some confusion in the middle of the pandemic when
         | everything was confused). But if you take Rand Paul as your
         | "expert" (also a medical doctor, but in a different specialty),
         | you would've had a very different sense of what "the experts"
         | were saying. And in the moment, you don't have the benefit of
         | hindsight to judge the credibility of expert predictions, only
         | their credentials.
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