[HN Gopher] 1-Line CSS Layouts
       1-Line CSS Layouts
       Author : sysadm1n
       Score  : 157 points
       Date   : 2021-11-21 12:51 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (1linelayouts.glitch.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (1linelayouts.glitch.me)
       | butz wrote:
       | My favorite CSS one liner is "gap" property in flexbox layouts.
         | anschwa wrote:
         | Agreed! I spent way too long doing flexbox layouts before I
         | discovered 'gap'.
           | infensus wrote:
           | Well, gap for flexbox is fairly new
           | https://caniuse.com/flexbox-gap
       | cosmotic wrote:
       | All the examples are more than one line.
         | ggoo wrote:
         | The "1-line" is referring to the one line doing most/all the
         | hard work in each example. Though I do agree - seems like they
         | wrote the title before the article here.
         | laGrenouille wrote:
         | The text makes it fairly clear that there is one particular
         | line of code that each slightly longer example is showing off.
         | The one line of interest is highlighted at the top of each
         | example.
       | username91 wrote:
       | These are great.
       | I've been using CSS since it first [barely] appeared in IE3, but
       | I've been behind on fully getting to know flex and grid. Didn't
       | know about aspect-ratio at all.
       | Maybe that says more about the amount of attention I've been
       | paying, but I learned a lot from these examples.
       | tommek4077 wrote:
       | Wow, CSS examples and all you see with JS disabled are white
       | boxes. o_O
       | system2 wrote:
       | I don't want to sound cocky but why is this even fascinating?
       | Literally CSS Basics 101 and the first thing to learn about boxes
       | and grids.
         | wvh wrote:
         | Because some of us started out in the nineties and like to get
         | a quick update on what is possible in case we need it somewhere
         | and web design isn't our main responsibility.
         | In fact, the single most important resource I wish for of this
         | kind, would be a reference page that shows all common layouts
         | and tech-stack agnostic examples of popups, overlays, off-
         | canvas sidebars and such using the most up-to-date
         | implementation so we wouldn't have to include a huge CSS
         | framework for something that's a few lines of modern CSS
         | supported by evergreen browsers.
         | rocky1138 wrote:
         | Many people learned CSS before these functions were available.
         | So, it's a newer, simpler way of doing something known.
           | system2 wrote:
           | If someone is using CSS for living, they must know these
           | basics as they come out. Also, browser compatibility is a
           | thing.
             | mankyd wrote:
             | As someone who used to live and breath css, but has been
             | out of web development for about 6 years now, I find info
             | like this awesome.
             | mankyd wrote:
             | As someone who used to live and breath css, but has been
             | out of web development for about 6 years now, I find info
             | like this awesome.
               | system2 wrote:
               | CSS display: grid existed since 2007, flex since 2009. If
               | people are not using box model with CSS, I wonder how
               | they are using it. Box model of CSS is "hello world" of
               | python.
               | I said I didn't mean to be cocky. It just makes me think
               | people don't even touch CSS because if I publish an
               | article saying "this is how you print hello world in C"
               | people wouldn't care.
               | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
               | But none of this is about the box model.
               | strenholme wrote:
               | Between 2007 and 2009, Internet Explorer 6 was still a
               | thing. It was incredibly daring on YouTube's part to put
               | up a "Internet Explorer is deprecated" banner back in
               | 2009; it had to be done without official approval. [1]
               | In 2011, "display: table" was cutting edge; we _finally_
               | had few enough IE6 and IE7 users that it was practical to
               | pull off, albeit with " <!--[if IE lt
               | 8]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->" hacks.
               | I still had to deal with IE-specific bugs like the fact
               | webfonts didn't work in IE8 when put in an IFRAME -- but
               | did work in IE9 when rendering in IE8 mode. This wasn't
               | limited to IE: Safari had a bug where you couldn't
               | legibly print a page with webfonts on them, requiring a
               | Safari-specific hack to disable webfonts in the print
               | CSS.
               | Professional web developers were not using stuff like
               | "display: flex" or "display: grid" in production until
               | the late 2010s, when Edge and Chrome was _finally_
               | reducing the number of Internet Explorer uses to a sane
               | level.
               | [1] https://blog.chriszacharias.com/a-conspiracy-to-kill-
               | ie6
               | dmitriid wrote:
               | > grid existed since 2007, flex since 2009.
               | These two only existed _theoretically_. For anyone
               | actually earning a living with the frontend they didn 't
               | exist because:
               | - grid kinda existed in IE, but not in other browsers.
               | Well, you could build a site that only targeted IE, but
               | in 2007 this was already being really frowned upon and
               | out of vogue.
               | When grid was finalized, it was a _different_ version of
               | the spec, not entirey compatible with IE 's. Chrome and
               | Firefox only got grid _in 2017_.
               | - flex was only partially supported by browsers until
               | 2012 when it was fully supported, but behind a prefix.
               | Full support without a prefix only appeared _in 2013_.
               | I mean, I love the fantasy world you have constructed,
               | but there are people who actualy do frontend and do
               | actually remember the anciaent histroy of _checks notes_
               | the past 10 years or so
               | strenholme wrote:
               | From where I sit, here in late 2021 it has just become
               | _finally_ possible to use "Display: Grid" [1] on a real
               | world site. Microsoft has _finally_ configured IE11 to
               | force a website to open up in Edge if the patched IE11
               | decides the site is not IE compatible; I just need to
               | learn how to make my site refuse to open in IE11 (opening
               | up in Edge instead) to use "Display: Grid".
               | I really wish Display: Grid was practical to use back in
               | 2009. It would had been a lot more straightforward than
               | the "Display: Table" stuff I did instead.
               | [1] https://caniuse.com/?search=Display%3A%20Grid
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | There's a great spectrum of people between "using CSS for
             | living" and "has never touched web development at all".
             | So yes. This is useful to significantly more people than
             | you imagine.
               | system2 wrote:
               | Well, there is a response above you to my reply, he is
               | saying he never used display grid or flex and used CSS
               | for living.
               | dmitriid wrote:
               | He said, literally, "used to live and breath css, but
               | _has been out of web development for about 6 years now_ "
               | I added emphasis so you don't twist other people's words
               | in the future.
         | krsdcbl wrote:
         | This is one of the places where you can learn it, us having
         | existing knowledge does not mean teaching materials are useless
       | TranquilMarmot wrote:
       | If you're new to flexbox/grid check out these fun games to learn
       | them. Really helped me get the syntax down a little better!
       | https://flexboxfroggy.com/
       | https://cssgridgarden.com/
       | NackerHughes wrote:
       | Why does a page about CSS layouts not display anything at all
       | unless JavaScript is enabled? So much for "1-line CSS layout".
       | Defective website.
         | Brajeshwar wrote:
         | I believe because this is an informational article hosted on
         | someone's platform (Glitch in this case).
         | oblak wrote:
         | I often complain about stuff like this but the page is visible,
         | it's the editable forms that you're expected to play with that
         | are empty.
         | On topic: these are great. I am not sure why grid is one of the
         | most useful, yet underutilized set of features in CSS. Could it
         | have something to do with the fact that there are literally a
         | 1000 ways to accomplish the same thing with it? It's been years
         | since their introduction and I am still very much not
         | comfortable and have to use MDN every time I have to do
         | anything.
         | Is it just just my old age? Am I alone in this?
           | cutler wrote:
           | You're not alone. Flex and grid are so complex you need to be
           | full-time front-end to master them. The old complexity has
           | been replaced by something even more complex.
           | globalise83 wrote:
           | No, you are not alone. CSS Grid takes everything you could
           | achieve with Flexbox and makes it more difficult.
           | rp1 wrote:
           | I use flexbox extensively, but almost never use grid. I
           | haven't taken the time to learn it and the API is not clear
           | enough to pick it up intuitively. I might use it if I could
           | read some type of primer on the basic concepts.
           | a_chris wrote:
           | I feel the same issue and I'm 24, I think css grid is
           | overwhelming
           | TranquilMarmot wrote:
           | > I am not sure why grid is one of the most useful, yet
           | underutilized set of features in CSS
           | First time I tried to use grid layout, we had to roll back
           | the changes because it didn't work in IE11... now that IE11
           | support is being phased out in most places it might be more
           | usable now?
           | I do agree that the grid stuff is a little too robust. I'm
           | also finding myself looking it all up again every time I need
           | to use it... but maybe I just don't have the muscle memory
           | down yet like I do with flexbox.
             | Semaphor wrote:
             | > now that IE11 support is being phased out
             | Between last year and this year, our IE11 visitors shrank
             | from a few percent (I think it was 5% during the week,
             | under 1 on the weekend...) to under 1, and I got permission
             | to kick IE11 support. Already implemented the first grid
             | and can't wait to use CSS variables. It's like I suddenly
             | landed in the future :)
           | rocky1138 wrote:
           | I suspect it has something to do with the state of the art at
           | the time you initially learned CSS. Grid came so much later
           | and superseded so much of what came before that it's
           | basically likely throwing away everything we know and
           | starting to learn from scratch.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | Grid had a very awkward release / compatibility story so
           | loads of devs who were looking for a good support story just
           | used flexbox to accomplish what they needed to do and never
           | learned grid. The zeitgeist of grid kind of ended before
           | support hit acceptable levels, and grid is more or less just
           | a syntactical wrapper around flex. The `gap` property is the
           | real killer
       | dorianmariefr wrote:
       | That's not one line and tldr it's about flex and grid
       | iamandras wrote:
       | this page is great and very helpful.
       | keb_ wrote:
       | I've run into CSS Grid more than once, but every time I do, I'm
       | confused by it. I know I should probably just deep-dive into it.
       | I have tried CSS Grid Garden in the past. I don't remember a damn
       | thing from it.
         | c-smile wrote:
         | Yes, nor flexbox nor grid are intuitive.
         | And Classic Holy Grail Layout is not a one-liner but this:
         | .ex5 .parent {           display: grid;           grid-
         | template: auto 1fr auto / auto 1fr auto;         }
         | .ex5 header {           padding: 2rem;           grid-column: 1
         | / 4;         }              .ex5 .left-side {           grid-
         | column: 1 / 2;         }              .ex5 main {
         | grid-column: 2 / 3;         }              .ex5 .right-side {
         | grid-column: 3 / 4;         }              .ex5 footer {
         | grid-column: 1 / 4;         }
         | For the note, in Sciter (flow+flex units) that is definable as
         | main {           flow:grid(1 1 1,                     2 5 3,
         | 4 4 4);         }              main > :nth-child(5) { /*middle
         | section */           width:*;  /* takes all available space */
         | height:*;          }
         | https://terrainformatica.com/2018/12/11/10-years-of-flexboxi...
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | The key thing is that it's the one line of `grid-template:
           | auto 1fr auto / auto 1fr auto` that's doing the heavy lifting
           | in the layout.
           | The job of assigning elements to their places could also use
           | named areas:                 .ex5 .parent {         display:
           | grid;         grid-template: auto 1fr auto / auto 1fr auto;
           | grid-template-areas: "header header header"
           | "left   main   right"                              "footer
           | footer footer";       }              .ex5 header {
           | padding: 2rem;         grid-area: header;       }
           | .ex5 .left-side {         grid-area: left;       }
           | .ex5 main {         grid-area: main;       }            .ex5
           | .right-side {         grid-area: right;       }
           | .ex5 footer {         grid-area: footer;       }
         | tehbeard wrote:
         | I have the following bookmarked and on the hotbar for this
         | exact reason. I don't have to mess with frontend every day so
         | they're not memorized.
         | [1] https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/ [2]
         | https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
         | bradwoodsio wrote:
         | This might help - https://layout.bradwoods.io/
       (page generated 2021-11-21 23:00 UTC)