[HN Gopher] Reframing Tech Debt
       Reframing Tech Debt
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 16 points
       Date   : 2021-11-21 14:43 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (increment.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (increment.com)
       | legerdemain wrote:
       | Is this the final issue of Increment? Has Stripe decided what, if
       | anything, will replace it?
       | mr_tristan wrote:
       | I've found most "tech debt" planning to be incredibly vague and
       | nebulous. Many engineers can identify what makes them
       | uncomfortable, but it takes real effort to fully explain why, and
       | what the real impacts are.
       | Maybe trying to think about "tech wealth" or "tech capability"
       | might change this. Instead of a ticket to "improve error
       | handling" it's "ensure the system can recover from a DNS failure
       | safely to the DB without manual intervention". This sounds more
       | like a feature, because, well, it is.
       | I've found most of the places talk a _lot_ about having good
       | quality, but few actually did anything concrete about it. Most
       | changes ended up not making any impact. And this is over the
       | course of a 20 year career.
       | sktrdie wrote:
       | I'm curious how largish software projects are organized to deal
       | with tech debt. Is it just ingrained and taken into account for
       | say 20% of the work at each sprint planning? Is there a specific
       | team dedicated to doing tech debt stuff? Do people just work on
       | tech debt when they feel like it? Are there just a few people in
       | the team that like to go around the project and take on smallish
       | tech debt tasks?
       | I'm curious because our team is struggling with tech debt. We are
       | divided in feature teams and I had this idea of maybe simply
       | having a "tech debt team" that, just like feature teams, has
       | sprints achieving tech-debt related goals such as "improve
       | startup times by 10%" or "decouple router module from auth
       | module" or "setup webpack to tree-shake modules" etc.
       | How do y'all do it?
         | taeric wrote:
         | I've rarely seen directly working on tech debt actually pay
         | off. You either get stuck fixing last year's problem, or you
         | lose the race to feature parity with where you were.
         | To that end, keep cleaning as you go. And accept that good
         | development can be like a good batter. Probabilistically good.
         | Not certain.
         | ahdh8f4hf4h8 wrote:
         | I have always done "just in time" refactoring - when a big
         | change comes to a module and you're going to have to re-test
         | most of it anyways, then perform the refactor, test the
         | code/module, and then implement the actual change. It helps if
         | you have some long term vision for the product, so you have
         | some idea of future changes as well.
         | You want to avoid refactoring if no one else is going to test
         | the change, or if your automated test coverage on the module
         | isn't too good. It's too easy to introduce changes that won't
         | be noticed before deployment.
         | Chances are most code already works well enough even if the
         | design or code is suboptimal - often the system only changes in
         | certain parts and changes there often. If you can identify the
         | parts of your system that are likely to change due to changes
         | in scale or business requirement, than that is a natural area
         | to focus on in future redesigns or refactoring.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | > I had this idea of maybe simply having a "tech debt team"
         | Please don't do this. If it's one team's job to clean up the
         | messes other teams leave, you've created a terrible incentive
         | for other teams around working clean.
         | I remember one place where each project had a fixed-in-advance
         | schedule and engineers were rotated among projects based on
         | whoever was available when the project officially started.
         | Since people rarely worked in the same area of the code base
         | from project to project, the incentive was to get something
         | working and then GTFO. The code of course got steadily worse.
         | So then the company would compensate with major rewrites of the
         | most garbage-y sections.
       | joshz404 wrote:
       | I like it. I've also found success as framing it as building tech
       | capability. Focusing people on adding capability or wealth,
       | positive connotations, I think is the way to go.
       | wpietri wrote:
       | I think this is a mistake a lot of people make:
       | > Carving out time to pay down tech debt requires buy-in from
       | leadership.
       | Not in my experience! I think one can do pretty well a) refusing
       | to put debt in to begin with, and b) for any new work, including
       | necessary cleanup of what you'll be touching in the estimates.
       | Some years back I had an explicit understanding with a product
       | manager: the engineers would track tech debt and take care of it
       | in small slices over time. He could always ask for details, but
       | absent his curiosity, we'd just leave him out of it, doing a
       | little bit every week so that things always stayed in good enough
       | shape that we would keep our velocity high and our surprises low.
       | Early on he asked a couple of times, but he quickly realized that
       | to him it was entirely boring.
       | I think it's a mistake to ask non-experts to prioritize things
       | they don't understand. You're not going to ask your execs if it's
       | ok for you to take time to eat or brush your teeth. You equally
       | shouldn't ask them if it's ok to be a responsible professional
       | and do things like writing tests and keeping the code base
       | reasonably clean. That should just be part of the deal; any
       | exceptions should be temporary and carefully negotiated.
         | infogulch wrote:
         | This is my preferred strategy, but gets muddled when managers
         | micro-manage code reviews. Maybe that's just a sign of a toxic
         | work environment.
         | > You're not going to ask your execs if it's ok for you to take
         | time to eat or brush your teeth.
         | I like this! I could add: machine shop workers don't ask if
         | it's ok to clean up the mess after a job.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | I don't know if I like this framing at all. If your company has
       | fostered an atmosphere where there seems to be tension between
       | writing unit tests and shipping features, you've already screwed
       | it up. If you divide your development schedule between shipping
       | features and writing tests you are simply enabling the bad actors
       | in your organization to inevitably short-change that part of the
       | cycle.
       | afarrell wrote:
       | I've worked on a team that explicitly aimed to budget about
       | 10-20% of its time on "tech investment" projects to
       | expand/protect our capability to deliver. We also delivered
       | fairly predictably on business goals. It was glorious.
       | ahdh8f4hf4h8 wrote:
       | Personally, I no longer use the phrase "technical debt" when
       | speaking to management. It's just too vague of a term. Instead I
       | just explain the actual problem and the consequences - too much
       | near duplicate code leading to slow maintenance, non-scalable
       | design choices leading to slow processes, rigid design choices
       | which hamper the team from implementing the upcoming stories,
       | excessive complexity leading making the code hard to change.
       | Once you get our of analogies and into actual problems, then you
       | can have a reasonable discussion about future tradeoffs. I find
       | even with non-technical managers, debt/wealth is just not a good
       | analogy for code.
       | Also, often poor code is just part of a larger process problem.
       | You really need to optimize for the whole project, not just code-
       | level to improve the situation.
         | redroot wrote:
         | I've also found the term quite dangerously misleading. The
         | 'tech' part of the statement makes it sound like the 'debt'
         | that is getting in your way it's purely a concern of the
         | engineering function, where it should be a concern of the
         | business. The 'debt' part is also confusing - I have seen non-
         | technical stakeholders thinking it can be dealt with like
         | financial debt with more revenue or VC rounds in one lump sum,
         | we don't have to worry about it because are a growing startup
         | and debt is normal.
         | Two alternative explanations I've begin to use over the last
         | few years that have helped:
         | 1) Inertia / Inert Areas - the reason this 'debt' is a problem
         | is it means future changes are hard to execute cleanly, and
         | previously. An area becomes inert to change unless an
         | intervention is made. For non-technical stakeholders they most
         | important thing is often that we can keep making changes, so
         | this sets all sorts of loss aversion alarm bells ringing in a
         | way the term 'debt' doesn't - this is where you can start
         | talking about risk, which crosses the divide between
         | engineering and other functions quite well.
         | 2) Product Debt - Yes in some cases code is just badly written,
         | which is an engineering concern, but often the reason changes
         | in Year 5 are hard to make because the domain / reality has
         | moved on, and the assumptions baked into the code written in
         | Year 2, no matter how clean the code, are now just wrong. For
         | example, baked-in assumptions of how business works in Market A
         | as you are expanding into Market's B and C. This isn't the
         | fault of engineering, just the reality of a product that
         | continues to persist - core changes are inevitable. Product
         | leaders therefore need to also get strategic about when it
         | makes sense to rethink previous decisions driven by product
         | needs, and work with engineering leaders to mitigate otherwise
         | you might end up in an inert ball of mud unable to hit goals.
         | In the most idealised vision of a piece of software, changes
         | will get harder to make in a linear fashion if previous
         | decision are not revisited will new information. In worst case
         | it's more like an exponential graph, so intervention steps will
         | always have to be taken.
         | As you say, once you're talking the same language, then you get
         | into the details about what strategies to address this inertia
         | / current conditions.
       (page generated 2021-11-21 23:00 UTC)