[HN Gopher] Svelte Cubed
       Svelte Cubed
       Author : 0xedb
       Score  : 117 points
       Date   : 2021-11-22 18:49 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (svelte-cubed.vercel.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (svelte-cubed.vercel.app)
       | martyvis wrote:
       | Pixel 3XL, Android 12, Chrome. Home page and demos work great.
       | qwertox wrote:
       | Not working on Chrome/Android, Firefox/PC, Chrome/PC. The
       | examples, those are not working. It stays white. "no camera set"
       | and other stuff.
         | pavel_lishin wrote:
         | Doesn't run in Brave for me at all.
         | dandellion wrote:
         | The examples don't work on Firefox or Brave for me either.
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | The React version is react-three-fiber which is also a cool
       | project.
       | - https://github.com/pmndrs/react-three-fiber
       | - https://docs.pmnd.rs/react-three-fiber/getting-started/examp...
       | qmmmur wrote:
       | Works for me on Bromite. Exciting stuff.
       | mathiasrw wrote:
       | The examples did not work in iOS safari.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | They work fine for me on iOS Safari (iPhone XS, iOS 15.1)
         | Edit: The home page animation works fine (30+ FPS), but the
         | ones listed under the actual Examples tab are blank white pages
       | boberoni wrote:
       | While the 3D animation is very beautiful, my laptop noticeably
       | started working harder to render the homepage and my fans started
       | to get loud within 15 seconds.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | That's one of the most annoying aspects of WebGL. My Android
         | phone runs the demos at 60fps, my M1 Mac Mini is fine, and my
         | top spec 2021 Intel Macbook Pro sounds like a jet engine.
         | It's mostly down to the browser and OS, and a function of
         | screen resolution and GPU 'power', rather than anything to do
         | with the framework or JS aspects.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | The Intel MacBook Pros have a discrete GPU that's turned off
           | most of the time, and only kicks in under certain
           | circumstances (WebGL seems to be one of those). As soon as it
           | turns on things get hot in my experience, even if it's not
           | being pushed to capacity
             | EarthLaunch wrote:
             | There's a WebGL (and Threejs) setting for whether to use a
             | discrete GPU: 'powerPreference' [1, 2], with the caveat:
             | "Note that this property is only a hint and a WebGL
             | implementation may choose to ignore it."
             | 1: https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/1.0/
             | #5.2
             | 2: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/renderers/WebGLRenderer
       | joemi wrote:
       | That site runs so slowly in Firefox on my computer. I didn't try
       | it on anything else since that just turned me off too much.
         | bob331 wrote:
         | Works beautifully on edge on an iphone7
         | gs17 wrote:
         | It's a Firefox issue in general in my experience. I have a
         | Babylon.js project that runs at half the framerate in Firefox
         | on the same computer.
         | pastrami_panda wrote:
         | Yes it's quite the juxtaposition.
         | "Create beautiful, high-performance 3D apps"
         | While it runs incredibly choppy on my Android in Chrome and the
         | renderer looks both awkward and has artifacts on the shadows.
           | wussboy wrote:
           | Worked fine on my desktop Firefox.
       | yawnxyz wrote:
       | This was presented by Rich Harris at the Svelte Summit a couple
       | of days ago, and it's heavily prefaced as a tech demo and very
       | incomplete. The examples worked two days ago, so not sure what
       | broke.
       | Apparently the underlying code was used for some of the NY Times
       | Covid infographics.
         | gs17 wrote:
         | The examples are working well for me, if there was an issue it
         | must be resolved.
       | beepbooptheory wrote:
       | Why does this need to be its own thing? Looking at the repo[1],
       | we have less 500 lines of code not counting the website itself,
       | and its mostly just svelte code doing what any developer would do
       | to use Threejs on their website.
       | I'm sure its nice to have that glue code written for you, (I
       | haven't actually seen it work on any of my devices yet), but I
       | don't really see what this is doing other than making a repo with
       | Svelte and threejs dependencies, writing some svelte components,
       | and making a flashy website. Is this really all you need to do to
       | "create something"?
       | As a self-taught developer I am always confused what _should_ be
       | my labor or not , especially with web-development. Like, I
       | honestly would assume that I would get laughed off of HN if I
       | ever "made" something like this and passed it off as an
       | accomplishment. But perhaps I am missing something crucial
       | here...
       | 1. https://github.com/rich-harris/svelte-cubed
         | pcthrowaway wrote:
         | Adding to what others have said, lines of code isn't a great
         | measure of the quality of a project. There's beauty and
         | elegance in simplicity, and creating something well-structured
         | and concise can take incredible skill. In fact, Svelte is also
         | such a project; I believe version 1 was under 2000 LoC
         | One more thing, software is more than just the code.
         | Documentation is also a critical component of successful and
         | useful software, and the submission does an amazing job of
         | making this approachable and useful through Rich's
         | characteristically clear documentation
         | seeekr wrote:
         | Rich, Svelte's creator, likes to just jump in and create a
         | small little demo or showcase or just any kind of "project",
         | that shows something interesting that can be done, in some area
         | he's currently involved with. And he shares those as open
         | source on his Github. I appreciate that.
           | beepbooptheory wrote:
           | Yeah I figured that out now.. I think I was just reacting to
           | this like it was a full-fledged framework trying to sell me
           | something, so to speak. But as a demo of both Svelte and
           | threejs, along with some code to make them play nice, its
           | certainly a worthy/good/shareable thing!
           | Really didn't mean any snark at all!
         | rich_harris wrote:
         | The short answer is that you'd use Svelte Cubed for the same
         | reason you'd use Svelte (or indeed any component framework)
         | itself: declarative code tends to be more robust, readable and
         | maintainable than imperative code.
         | There's absolutely nothing wrong with using Three directly, but
         | it's equivalent to using the DOM directly. At some point it
         | gets hard to keep track of hierarchical relationships that
         | aren't expressed as hierarchies, and managing state across your
         | app becomes a burden.
         | In addition, because components have a managed lifecycle, you
         | get things like hot module reloading 'for free' if you're using
         | a framework like Vite (or SvelteKit, which uses Vite). Once
         | you've tried building scenes this way (e.g. maintaining your
         | camera position while you tweak the properties of an object
         | you've zoomed in on), Cmd-R driven development feels
         | paleolithic.
         | abraxas wrote:
         | Being an old geezer here I can't shake the feeling this is what
         | we did 20 years ago just reinvented (often wastefully). Yes, we
         | had 3D on the web then. It was called VRML. We didn't have
         | Svelte but somehow UI work didn't take years and an army of
         | coders to put together. Something went funny in the last couple
         | of decades. Back then I thought we'd be coding much cooler
         | stuff in 20 years.
         | jakelazaroff wrote:
         | There are a lot of reasons someone might have made this:
         | - They're a new developer, and this was a big accomplishment
         | for them that they want to show off
         | - They've built a few projects this way, identified the
         | repetitive boilerplate code and extracted it into a library
         | - They built a small app as a way to learn about Svelte and
         | Three.js and want to get others' feedback
         | - They're excited about Svelte or Three.js and want to show off
         | what it can do (this is what actually happened, since the
         | author is also the creator of Svelte)
         | - They realize that other developers who aren't familiar with
         | Svelte or Three.js may have trouble starting a project like
         | this, so they wrote the plumbing code to help them
         | It might seem to you that this code does "what any developer
         | would do", but I assure you it's not. Everyone is different,
         | and things that seem obvious to you may not be to others.
         | I also want to comment on this:
         |  _> Like, I honestly would assume that I would get laughed off
         | of HN if I ever  "made" something like this and passed it off
         | as an accomplishment. But perhaps I am missing something
         | crucial here..._
         | To be honest, I think the tone in your comment comes off as
         | dismissive, and comments like this _perpetuate_ the assumption
         | that people have that they 'll get laughed off HN if they show
         | something like this. Ultimately the result is fewer people will
         | show off stuff they make. And that sucks! The community should
         | be a welcoming place that fosters others' enthusiasm. If this
         | doesn't interest you, or you think it's too simple, you're
         | always free to not upvote and not read. Obviously, a lot of
         | other people _do_ think this is interesting, because it made
         | the front page.
           | beepbooptheory wrote:
           | You are right I'm sorry to perpetuate anything bad. Thank you
           | for your views and wisdom
         | makeee wrote:
         | > I'm sure its nice to have that glue code written for you
         | I think you answered your own question there. There aren't any
         | rules dictating how many lines of code must be written before
         | it counts as "creating something".
       | wnevets wrote:
       | > https://svelte-cubed.vercel.app/examples/trisolaris
       | > Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on
       | 'WebGL2RenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type
       | 'WebGLShader'.
       | deltron3030 wrote:
       | Very cool, but the text on the buttons still isn't optically
       | centered, there's to much padding on the bottom likely caused by
       | an inapropriate font for ui design!
       | 2fast4you wrote:
       | Working for me in Windows/Firefox, and the demos are impressive.
       | Svelte is such an amazing library, I use it exclusively when I
       | need to do web dev
         | [deleted]
       | throwaway07686 wrote:
       | I see that it doesn't work for some. To Rich's credit, he did
       | mention during the presentation that it was unfinished. From my
       | experience, Svelte and Three.js are a very productive
       | combination. While the declarative approach of Svelte Cubed makes
       | sense for generic scenes, for complex ones I prefer classic use
       | of Three.js even if that means writing more lines of code.
       | I've used Svelte and Three.js recently for several data
       | visualizations and the DX is very good. Shamelss plug:
       | https://cybernetic.dev/ (HN warning: uses crypto data).
       | I think Rich will solve the current problems promptly now that he
       | is working full time on Svelte at Vercel.
       | findjashua wrote:
       | works for me on osx chrome & ios chrome/ffox
         | isuckatcoding wrote:
         | Interesting. The main page loads for me but the examples pge
         | just shows a blank canvas. iOS Chrome.
       | kristjansson wrote:
       | Oh man Safari (15.1, macOS 12.0.1, MacBookPro15,1) is _unhappy_
       | with this page.
       | jonplackett wrote:
       | Very interested to try this. I love react and I love Three.js but
       | react-three-fiber feels like somehow battling against the tide.
       | Maybe this will feel like a more natural fit.
       | rado wrote:
       | Very slow home page, examples don't work.
       | me_bx wrote:
       | See also:
       | Svelthree - Svelte powered three.js development
       | https://svelthree.dev/
       | Do these two projects cover the same scope?
       | shimmeringpenny wrote:
       | Hey this hacked my computer, f you thankfully I have a lot of
       | extra security I put on my computer to block stupid crap like
       | this from happening. Ban this guy
       | glimmeringpenny wrote:
       | Hey this hacked my computer, f you thankfully I have a lot of
       | extra security I put on my computer to block stupid crap like
       | this from happening. Ban this guy
       | EarthLaunch wrote:
       | I have a multiplayer game client using Svelte for the UI [1].
       | Svelte Cubed looks awesome for this, but...
       | Is declarative easier to reason about for complex projects, or
       | does it become necessary to go imperative? I can imagine the
       | advantage of imperative is being able to use normal engineering
       | practices, but this isn't something I've thought about before.
       | Are there examples where a declarative approach was phased out as
       | complexity grew? The only example I can think of is when a
       | company I worked for tried to use Flex (declarative Flash), which
       | we later converted into pure ActionScript for larger projects.
       | 1: https://github.com/Suncapped/babs
       | Graffur wrote:
       | I feel like this could be cool but as it says "It is not yet
       | done.". There's nothing really to see.
       | thedangler wrote:
       | Didn't work in my version of FF at all, well the demo pages
       | showed nothing.
         | gliptic wrote:
         | The console says "no camera is set".
         | gnabgib wrote:
         | Works fine in FF for me (94.0.1). There's a gently spinning 3D
         | svelte logo casting a shadow. No jank, but 2-5% GPU usage.
           | gliptic wrote:
           | The main page works, but did you try the examples?
           | blux wrote:
           | The logo on the title page works for me too, but none of the
           | examples do.
         | gadrev wrote:
         | https://svelte-cubed.vercel.app/examples/trisolaris
         | "no camera set" too, FF 94 Linux. May be the linux part and the
         | 3D/drivers mess/therefore lag of support for these things in
         | linux that's to blame.
         | Also fails the same way with Chromium 91 Linux.
           | gliptic wrote:
           | I get the same on Windows, FF 91.
           | Mikeb85 wrote:
           | Chrome 96 works.
           | thedangler wrote:
           | Running 93.0 (64-bit)on windows 10
       (page generated 2021-11-22 23:00 UTC)