[HN Gopher] You can't download this image
       You can't download this image
       Author : calmingsolitude
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2021-11-27 09:30 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (youcantdownloadthisimage.online)
 (TXT) w3m dump (youcantdownloadthisimage.online)
       | sys_64738 wrote:
       | There's a multitude of ways to workaround this hack. You can
       | easily grab the screen area via the OS if need be. Seems
       | pointless to try to restrict access if it's viewable in a
       | browser.
       | thih9 wrote:
       | Somehow right clicking + saving worked fine on Safari (desktop).
       | I tried it a couple of times and it worked in all cases;
       | sometimes it took a second, sometimes more. Perhaps the server
       | dropped the connection?
       | [deleted]
       | huhtenberg wrote:
       | https://youcantdownloadthisimage.online/lisa.jpg... and?
         | mmmeff wrote:
         | Try reading
       | [deleted]
       | dobladov wrote:
       | curl --max-time 1
       | https://youcantdownloadthisimage.online/lisa.jpg > lisa.jpg
         | shrx wrote:
         | Results in an empty file.
           | dobladov wrote:
           | Increase the time a bit, it looks like sometimes it takes
           | more time to download curl --max-time 2
           | https://youcantdownloadthisimage.online/lisa.jpg > lisa.jpg
             | shrx wrote:
             | Nevermind, looks like MobaXterm shell provides a non-
             | standard curl implementation:
             | $ which curl
             | curl: aliased to _tob curl
             | After installing curl with apt-get it works.
               | hdjjhhvvhga wrote:
               | I hate it when people do that. You can wonder for hours
               | why something obvious doesn't work as it should and in
               | the end discover someone decided to implement something
               | substandard, often for no good reason.
               | ducktective wrote:
               | that's every distro and *nix derivation
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | And powershell!
               | hdjjhhvvhga wrote:
               | Well, Windows too. I recently had to set up something
               | simple on a Windows 10 machine, I quickly checked by tab-
               | completion if a python binary is available so I copied by
               | setup script only to discover someone smart decided to
               | redirect the binary to the Windows Store. Yes, I know the
               | rationale behind this, but still. Just like hijacking
               | nxdomain.
               | post-it wrote:
               | _Especially_ curl.
               | https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2021/05/20/i-could-rewrite-
               | curl/
         | styluss wrote:
         | Add -N, --no-buffer Disables the buffering of the output
         | stream. In normal work situations, curl will use a standard
         | buffered output stream that will have the effect that it will
         | output the data in chunks, not necessarily exactly when the
         | data arrives. Using this option will disable that buffering.
         | and it works
       | worldofmatthew wrote:
       | Copy and Pastes works fine.
       | ravenstine wrote:
       | There's another way to achieve this in a more malicious way.
       | Granted I haven't tried it in years, but it was possible back in
       | 2017 when I tested it.
       | The idea is to fake the image that's being displayed in the IMG
       | element by forcing it to show a `background-image` using `height:
       | 0;` and `padding-top`.
       | In theory, you could make an IMG element show a photo of puppies
       | and if the person chose to Right-click > Save Image As then
       | instead of the dog photo it could be something else.
       | For some reason I can't Oauth into Codepen so for now I can't
       | recreate it publicly.
         | bellyfullofbac wrote:
         | Not very new, the technique's probably been around since the
         | 2000's... e.g. you can't right click, save as on the web
         | version of Instagram because all the images are background-
         | images attached to DIVs. In the "old days" there'd be a 1x1
         | transparent GIF above the image, so any downloader would
         | download that instead.
           | trulyme wrote:
           | More like 1990s, but yes.
       | sumthinprofound wrote:
       | Firefox on Android long press save image no other action taken
       | and it shows up in my device photo gallery.
       | (edit: clarity)
       | unfocused wrote:
       | In Chrome, you can just do as the author says, right click and
       | "Save Image As".
       | Then just go to the folder where it is being downloaded, and
       | copy/paste the file "lisa.jpeg.crdownload" to
       | "lisa.jpeg.crdownload copy".
       | Rename to "lisa.jpeg" and cancel the download. You now have the
       | image. What's interesting is that you _ARE_ actually downloading
       | this image. It 's just that they don't terminate the connection.
         | julieturner99 wrote:
         | i paused the download and renamed the file to .jpeg and it
         | worked similarly
         | chunkyks wrote:
         | We have a security proxy at work that gives you the bits, but
         | then holds the connection open while it does a scan, then
         | resets the connection if it doesn't like something inside. Both
         | Chrome and Firefox [haven't tried IE/Edge, but I assume that
         | they'll do something that the proxy vendor would want] infer
         | [or are told?] that the connection broke and delete the interim
         | file. Unfortunately, with zip files, the header is at the end;
         | so it can't do scanning until the whole file is down.
         | For me, the easiest way to mitigate it turned out to be to use
         | wget [with an appropriate user-agent... say, the same as my
         | desktop browser]. wget Gets the bits, but doesn't in any way
         | molest the "partial" download when the connection resets. Then
         | it tries to download the rest using the "Range" HTTP header,
         | and the server says "oh, dude, you already got the whole
         | thing"; wget declares success, and all the bits are in my
         | download folder.
         | I believe that we pay, like, a lot for this proxy, which is
         | annoying on two counts: 1) If _I_ can get past it trivially,
         | then presumably competent attackers can, too, and 2) Sometimes
         | it takes a dislike to legitimate stuff, which is how I was
         | forced to learn how to get around it.
       | RolloTom wrote:
       | wget and aria2c both works. I get a jpg image 54,8 KiB, SHA256
       | sum
       | 204788602166C017B8FEF5D63EDFD814DC9865233C410BCDAD713F78DAE5AF18
       | human wrote:
       | No issue downloading it on iOS.
         | eyelidlessness wrote:
         | Same. Oddly, the page itself remained in a loading state even
         | after downloading succeeded.
       | Supposedly wrote:
       | right click > copy image > paste somewhere
       | Works for me :) (I pasted in Telegram FYI)
       | LeoPanthera wrote:
       | Safari Mac, I dragged it out of the page and into a Finder
       | window, and it saved.
         | tomashubelbauer wrote:
         | I right-clicked and pressed Open Image in a New Tab and then
         | pressed Escape to disconnect the browser from the server. No
         | infinite download here.
         | numbsafari wrote:
         | Yeah, I just:
         | 1) used the "copy image" function Safari on iOS.
         | 2) took a screenshot.
         | ... back to the drawing board NFT bros.
       | daedlanth wrote:
       | prtsc, dumbass.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | It worked fine on iOS (confirmed in my photo library)
       | pbobak wrote:
       | It downloaded on Safari on iOS. Long press on the image and tap
       | Add to photos.
         | robarr wrote:
         | Ditto
         | jb1991 wrote:
         | Same for me, but the webpage gave the impression that it was
         | still downloading, because after it download completely, at
         | least in firefox on iPhone, it's still showing that it was
         | downloading.
         | threatripper wrote:
         | I could copy the image from Firefox. Are you sure you
         | downloaded it instead of copying it?
       | ladino wrote:
       | iPhone Safari - Instant Download, no problem!
       | haunter wrote:
       | iPhone > long press > Add to photos
       | What am I missing?
         | wsinks wrote:
         | I posted the same snarky comment too. Seems the headline should
         | be "You can't download this exact image, but you can copy the
         | presentation image via other means."
         | More of a play on words for how copy and download often times
         | mean the same thing even though technically they're different.
       | grawprog wrote:
       | I had zero issues downloading the image with brave. Saves
       | normally like any other picture.
       | hollander wrote:
       | Rightclick and select "copy image". Why would you want this if
       | you can copy the image anyway?
       | 0xhh wrote:
       | I guess this is very similar to res.end() in nodejs servers
       | busymom0 wrote:
       | My usual way of downloading images is to click and drag the image
       | into my downloads folder on my Mac. Worked fine for me from
       | Safari. Am I missing something?
       | efortis wrote:
       | Load the website in Firefox with the Network Panel open, hit
       | "Escape", and right-click "lisa.jpg" -> "Save Image As"
       | synergyS wrote:
       | Hm opened chrome console and saved it from sources there, took 30
       | secs :)
       | kuroguro wrote:
       | The problem with leaving connections open is that there's a limit
       | on how many you can have on the server... I think the author has
       | committed self-DoS :)
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slowloris_(computer_security)
         | titaniczero wrote:
         | The website is down now lol
           | proyb2 wrote:
           | It should be ends with .offline
         | sildur wrote:
         | And now you can't download that image.
           | Rerarom wrote:
           | Yeah it's like a breeder reactor, it makes its own fuel.
         | tomxor wrote:
         | > The connection has timed out
         | Now I _really_ can 't download the image
           | purplecats wrote:
           | He got you!
       | TheRealDunkirk wrote:
       | Great! Just what we need these days: more tricks to screw around
       | with the simple, straightforward implementation of the HTTP
       | protocol! And just in time for Christmas.
       | olliej wrote:
       | On webkit based browsers at least you can just drag the image
       | out, it doesn't bother trying to redownload it just reconstructs
       | the image file from memory, this also applies to copy/paste on
       | ios
       | aerovistae wrote:
       | I was about to "Save as..." when suddenly it struck me that this
       | would be an incredible bait to spread a virus.
         | soheil wrote:
         | An image virus? Please do elaborate.
           | lgats wrote:
           | using "filename" within the "Content-Disposition" header, you
           | could theoretically trick a user into downloading a non-image
           | file despite the url containing lisa.jpg
           | I think certain browsers have security limits on the file-
           | extensions you download, which may include when image->"save
           | as" is used.
             | chunkyks wrote:
             | Don't forget that you can literally concatenate jpegs and
             | zipfiles [header at start of jpeg, but at end of zipfile],
             | so the valid jpeg can _also_ be a valid zipfile.
             | Combine that with something like Safari's insistence at
             | automatically exploding zipfiles on download, and you got
             | yourself a party.
       | xdrosenheim wrote:
       | Firefox mobile did hang when trying to download, but after
       | pressing cancel the image was downloaded and viewable in my
       | gallery app.
         | kuu wrote:
         | Same here
       | [deleted]
       | alias-dev wrote:
       | This does create a self inflicted Slowloris attack on the server
       | hosting the image, so this site is probably more susceptible to
       | the hug of death than most
       | meow_mix wrote:
       | How to download this image:
       | 1. Open Inspect (right click and hit "inspect")
       | 2. Click the "Network" tab
       | 3. Refresh the page (while clearing the cache Command+Shift+R)
       | 4. Right click on "lisa.jpg" in the list view under the "Network"
       | tab
       | 5. Click "Open in new tab"
       | 6. Right click the image on the new tab
       | 7. Click "Save image as"
       | Man I can't believe these clowns (or myself for typing all this
       | out--don't know who is worse)
         | hoten wrote:
         | What actually works: take a snapshot of the element via the
         | Elements panel.
         | Mogzol wrote:
         | Did you even try this before posting? These steps are no
         | different than just right-clicking the image and choosing "Save
         | image as". It still results in a download that never finishes.
           | alpaca128 wrote:
           | _Inspect > Copy > Image Data-URL_ works perfectly fine in
           | Firefox.
         | scoopertrooper wrote:
         | Did you even read the page? There's no reason to think that
         | this approach would work.
       | ReleaseCandidat wrote:
       | Koan of the day: Can you download something that doesn't load?
       | causi wrote:
       | _When you usually try to download an image, your browser opens a
       | connection to the server and sends a GET request asking for the
       | image._
       | I'm not a web designer, but that seems rather ass-backwards. I'm
       | already looking at the image, therefore the image is already
       | residing either in my cache or in my RAM. Why it is downloaded a
       | second time instead of just being copied onto my drive?
         | oefrha wrote:
         | You can totally "download" the image in your RAM by right
         | clicking / long pressing -> "copy image" or equivalent in most
         | browsers. It's just not going to be a byte by byte identical
         | file, and may be in a different format, e.g. you get a
         | public.tiff on the clipboard when you copy an image from Chrome
         | or Safari on macOS, even if the source image is an
         | image/svg+xml.
         | Tuna-Fish wrote:
         | Oh no, it's still downloading the one it's displaying on
         | screen. You can even see a spinny thing as the icon of the tab
         | on Chrome.
         | The format allows for showing images when they are partially
         | downloaded, and also allows pushing data that doesn't actually
         | change the image.
           | netizen-936824 wrote:
           | Okay? So we still seem to have an accurate representation of
           | the image we want. Why can't I just download that and what's
           | the point of the rest of the data. If we already are seeing
           | the image, the rest of the data is pointless no?
             | gipp wrote:
             | Certainly so, yes. But your browser doesn't know that.
             | chii wrote:
             | but the browser doesn't know that the image is already
             | done, and since there's still data coming in, the browser
             | is obliged to continue downloading.
             | you could right click, and copy image, rather than save as.
             | It achieves what you wanted - save a copy of the image.
         | paavohtl wrote:
         | I don't know about browser internals, but I would guess that
         | the browser decodes the image once into a format that can be
         | shown on the page (so from PNG/JPG/WEBP into a RGBA buffer) and
         | then discards the original file. This saves a bit of memory in
         | 99.99% of cases when the image is not immediately saved
         | afterwards.
           | Aerroon wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure it only discards the original after x number
           | of other (new) images have been decoded. (Or perhaps it's
           | memory footprint based?)
           | I ran into a Chrome performance bug years ago with
           | animations, because the animation had more frames than the
           | decoded cache size. _Everything_ ground to a halt on the
           | machine when it happened. Meanwhile older unoptimized
           | browsers ran it just fine.
           | mkl wrote:
           | More likely the original file is saved in the browser cache.
           | That's why it loads faster when you reload the page, and
           | slower when you do a full reload by holding down shift. In
           | Firefox you can see the files with about:cache, and find them
           | in ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/e1wkkyx3.default/cache2/entries/
           | or similar (they have weird names with no extension, but the
           | file command will identify them, in their original format).
           | In Chrome they're packed into files with metadata like the
           | URL at the start. You can extract the original file by
           | looking at a file in the cache folder [1] and snipping the
           | header off (you can guess where it is by looking at the file
           | contents with xxd or a hex editor).
           | More info (and link to a Windows viewer tool) here:
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6133490/how-can-i-
           | read-c...
           | [1] For me on Linux, Chrome's is ~/.cache/google-
           | chrome/Default/Cache/
           | ghusbands wrote:
           | One cool related thing is that (I believe) modern graphics
           | cards (even Intel) can store and use JPG blocks directly from
           | GPU memory, so it's not necessarily beneficial in the long
           | term to convert to RGBA in advance. Though I think no modern
           | browser actually does this, especially given how power-cheap
           | decoding jpeg (with SIMD) already is and how likely it is
           | that gpu bugs would interfere.
             | plekter wrote:
             | I don't think they can use jpg directly, that would be a
             | waste of transistors given that the graphics world use
             | other compression formats like etc1, bc, astc and so on.
             | It is however perfectly possible to decode blocks of JPG on
             | a GPU by using shader code.
           | causi wrote:
           | Interesting if that is the explanation. I wonder if any
           | browsers offer a "privacy mode" where the original images are
           | saved, thereby preventing the server from knowing which
           | specific images you chose to save and were therefore
           | interested in. I wonder how often that information is logged,
           | and whether those logs, if they exist, have ever been put to
           | a purpose such as in a court case.
         | forgotmypw17 wrote:
         | This used to be common behavior, but changed over time in most
         | browsers.
         | Your guess is as good as mine as to why.
         | masswerk wrote:
         | As far as I remember from a previous project from a few years
         | ago, the browser doesn't include a referrer for the download
         | request, which can be used for a distinction. (You'll have to
         | disable caching and E-Tags for this to work.)
         | However, this is easily defeated by the use of the console:
         | Select the sources tab, locate the image and simply drag-and-
         | drop the image from there, which will use the local cache
         | instance for the source. Works also with this site, at least
         | with Safari.
           | Omin wrote:
           | > [...] which will use the local cache instance for the
           | source
           | I don't understand why browsers aren't always doing this.
           | They already have the image, why redownload it?
         | stiray wrote:
         | I have problem understanding what problem is this solving?
         | When the image is on my screen I can just screenshot it.
         | This is a common problem, using something in insecure
         | environment, thats why companies are going into such extents to
         | encrypt movies on whole train from source to the display and
         | even those are regularly dumped.
           | dkersten wrote:
           | And even if they figured out some DRM method to prevent
           | screenshotting/screen recording, I can still point my phone
           | camera at my monitor and capture it that way, if I really
           | want to. There is always a way around whatever they try to
           | do.
           | If I can see it, I can make a copy of it.
             | Aerroon wrote:
             | But because they try the rest of us suffer the consequences
             | of more expensive and slower hardware and all kinds of
             | other problems.
               | dkersten wrote:
               | Yes. DRM always hurts the legitimate users more than the
               | "pirates". Same with disabling right click or otherwise
               | trying to prevent downloading images.
             | cesarb wrote:
             | > I can still point my phone camera at my monitor and
             | capture it that way
             | Back in the late 1990s/early 2000s (this was so long ago
             | that I cannot quickly find a reference), there were
             | proposals to require all non-professional audio and video
             | recorders to detect a watermark and disable recording when
             | one was found. Needless to say this was a terrible idea,
             | for several reasons.
           | gipp wrote:
           | It's not "solving" anything, just demonstrating an
           | interesting gimmick
             | spiderice wrote:
             | Definitely a gimmick. Interesting might be a bit of a
             | stretch
       | countmora wrote:
       | I chuckled about this. However you can drag and drop it to your
       | Desktop on macOS.
       | soheil wrote:
       | Works fine with _wget_ it just keeps hanging but if you CTRL+C it
       | and open the file it 'll look fine.
       | The trick is to have nginx never timeout and just indefinitely
       | hang after the image is sent. The browser renders whatever image
       | data it has received as soon as possible even though the request
       | is never finished. However, when saving the image the browser
       | never finalizes writing to the temp file so it thinks there is
       | more data coming and never renames the temp file to the final
       | file name.
       | CyberShadow wrote:
       | The site does not send a Content-Type header for the main web
       | page, so I get a download dialog when trying to open it.
       | dibeneditto wrote:
       | In Chrome, Right-Click on Image - Inspect - Right-Click on <img
       | src="lisa.jpg" alt="Mona Lisa"> Tag - Capture node screenshot -
       | Save
       | mark_and_sweep wrote:
       | I would have expected this to do something different, like
       | rendering the image via WebGL (so it looks like an <img>, but
       | isn't easily downloadable).
       | neximo64 wrote:
       | If you wait long enough it downloads.
       | nicebill8 wrote:
       | Drag and drop to Desktop on macOS works too.
       | barelysapient wrote:
       | Downloaded on my iPhone with a single tap.
         | singularity2001 wrote:
         | Downloaded on my mac with two clicks (FF): open in new tab,
         | download
           | busymom0 wrote:
           | Worked on Safari (Mac) too by dragging and dropping into my
           | downloads.
       | earth2mars wrote:
       | On Google Pixel there is a new feature where I can go to the
       | recent app screen and it defects images to click on them to do
       | Google lense or save images or share image. I was able to save
       | the image of size 506kb with 841x1252 1.1MP pic.
       | zeeshanejaz wrote:
       | `prt sc` anyone?
         | donkarma wrote:
         | 99% sure it said download, not screenshot
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | You can on iOS safari. No hacks/workarounds
       | sam1r wrote:
       | You can't download the code on github either.
       | Because github is currently down.
         | jcun4128 wrote:
         | rare occurrence I imagine but good check to not have everything
         | in one place
       | marcelotournier wrote:
       | iOS Safari saved the image in my photos, as any regular picture
       | that I do a long tap on.
       | wsinks wrote:
       | On iOS, long press > add to photos
       | I now have a photo of the Mona Lisa in my camera roll.
       | I guess this is one of those things that wouldn't be as edgy with
       | the actual mechanism stated. :)
       | progman32 wrote:
       | This is a perfect (if maybe unintentional) example of how to get
       | help from otherwise disinterested technical folk: Make an
       | obviously technically-incorrect claim as fact, and watch as an
       | entire army comes out of the woodwork giving you technical
       | evaluations :)
         | manbart wrote:
         | I'm aware of this phenomenon, but have never tested it
         | (confidently posting something incorrect to get responses with
         | the real answer). Has anyone here actually tried this? How did
         | it work?
           | [deleted]
           | spondyl wrote:
           | Anthony Bourdain used to find the best local cuisine by going
           | onto message boards (anonymously I assume) and saying X is
           | the best restaurant, only to receive a flood of
           | recommendations
           | https://archive.md/0UQsd: Ctrl + F for "nerd fury" to find
           | where the claim starts
         | userbinator wrote:
         | People hate DRM. Thus everyone will work their hardest to
         | bypass it.
         | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
         | Cunningham's Law [1]: "the best way to get the right answer on
         | the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong
         | answer".
         | [1]: https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law
           | codesections wrote:
           | Though note that Cunningham disavows the law attributed to
           | him:
           | > Cunningham himself denies ownership of the law, calling it
           | a "misquote that disproves itself by propagating through the
           | internet."
           | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham
             | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
             | His opinion on this matter is not of any importance, as
             | confirmed by a great many people who have found an unlikely
             | fame. Just ask mrs. Streisand.
       | can16358p wrote:
       | I just simply long tapped on the image and tapped save to photos
       | on my iPhone and it was saved.
       | Hard_Space wrote:
       | You really can't - the HN hug of death has killed it!
         | jancsika wrote:
         | Graceful nongradation
         | teitoklien wrote:
         | The image was dead in the first place, hence it cannot be
         | downloaded or opened.
         | That's the joke, i guess.
           | smolder wrote:
           | No, they DoS'd themselves with their "viewable but not save-
           | as-able" technique. Leaving connections open will do that.
           | The image is visible right now but the browser can't save
           | what appears to be an incomplete file.
       | html5web wrote:
       | Downloaded on iPhone
       | boublepop wrote:
       | Yes I could. No issues. Save to photos on iPhone.
       | tschesnok wrote:
       | No one seems to mention that Chrome keeps spinning on the HTML
       | load as well and eventually kills the image. This means the
       | webpage itself is broken and fails to work. Not just the
       | download. Soo.. this just does not work for anything..
       | T0Bi wrote:
       | It's definitely hard to download an image that doesn't load. :(
       | growt wrote:
       | Went to the download folder, renamed lisa.jpg.crdownload to
       | lisa.jpg. Cancelled the download in the browser.
       | dvh wrote:
       | If I wanted a non-downloadable image I would make it from 1px
       | wide/tall colored divs.
         | MildlySerious wrote:
         | Pretty sure that was actually used in emails at some point,
         | just with tables, to get around email clients not loading
         | images.
           | Karellen wrote:
           | Email clients generally don't load external images. The
           | majority should still display images that are sent as part of
           | a multipart/mixed message though, and those should take up
           | significantly less space than thousands of divs/tds and color
           | attributes.
         | dorkwood wrote:
         | I thought this is what it was going to be! Another method would
         | be to generate a plane with the same number of vertices as
         | pixels, store the pixel color values as an attribute, and then
         | render the mesh to a canvas.
           | dvh wrote:
           | You can right-click canvas and save it as image.
             | dorkwood wrote:
             | Oh, you're right! I guess you'd have to disable the context
             | menu too.
               | alpaca128 wrote:
               | Which doesn't help either because in the Inspect view you
               | can just click "Screenshot node" on the HTML element.
         | masswerk wrote:
         | I actually used this to generate graphs in JS/HTML in the
         | 1990s. :-)
           | can16358p wrote:
           | Out of curiosity, how was the performance (of course
           | normalized to performance of that era)?
             | masswerk wrote:
             | Here's a somewhat older approach splitting charts into
             | linear runs of 1x1 images, which has some statistics at the
             | bottom of each chart:
             | https://www.masswerk.at/demospace/relayWeb_en/chartset.htm
             | (Or see
             | https://www.masswerk.at/demospace/relayWeb_en/welcome.htm
             | and select "charts". Total time for calculations and
             | rendering was then in the about 1 sec range. The real
             | problem for using this in production was that these charts
             | could be printed on Windows with Postscript printers only.
             | I think, this was eventually fixed in Windows 98 SE.)
       | stevespang wrote:
       | I just saved the image on full with no green - hah. No problem.
       | [deleted]
       | zImPatrick wrote:
       | copy the not finished download file in your downloads folder (for
       | me lisa.jpg.crdownload) and name it lisa.jpg
         | unfocused wrote:
         | Just wrote the same. Didn't see your comment early. So really,
         | you can absolutely download this image!
       | dillondoyle wrote:
       | Another idea is canvas: https://jsfiddle.net/dvg45pcz/
       | But I don't know how to get it to not appear in network sources.
       | Or wasm but I don't know how to write that.
         | brodock wrote:
         | You could likely pack.and unpack from websockets...
         | cmaggiulli wrote:
         | Does WebRTC show in the network console?
       (page generated 2021-11-27 23:00 UTC)