[HN Gopher] Show HN: Giving a 2D grid a 3D look - part 4
       Show HN: Giving a 2D grid a 3D look - part 4
       Author : atum47
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2021-11-28 16:05 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (victorribeiro.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (victorribeiro.com)
       | a_c wrote:
       | Please forgive my ignorance, I think I'm missing context here.
       | Would you mind sharing what is this demo trying to achieve? Is it
       | like the star war intro https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tGsKzZtRwxw
       | where a wall of text is being transformed, and yours is another
       | visualization?
       | Again apologies for my ignorance
         | atum47 wrote:
         | If go under the links I've submitted you will see that I
         | started a project just for the heck of it and it ends up
         | looking like this. No specific goal in mind, just to spend a
         | few minutes a day doing something cool.
       | eganist wrote:
       | once upon a time, there was a twitch stream that only played
       | synthwave and vaporwave with backgrounds looped from
       | RoyaltyFreeTube
       | (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDyoFl3axaufRwkpBA38-1w)
       | https://www.twitch.tv/synthwavebeats (it's been offline over a
       | year now)
       | It was fairly successful, averaging between 40 and 100 listeners
       | at any given time of day, which suggests to me that you could
       | keep building on your visuals with a very basic synthwave,
       | vaporwave, or other similar lo-fi-ish streaming page people could
       | background on a tv or spare monitor, procedurally generating the
       | visuals over time to keep things fresh.
       | Lifestyle businesses have been done with less.
       | FpUser wrote:
       | Love your website. Selection of music for the Rock channel is
       | very nice as well. Bookmarking it.
       | Btw I've written pixel shader based music vis ages ago. Here is
       | screenshot:
       | https://imgur.com/a/txWiOih
         | atum47 wrote:
         | I'm glad to hear that. I put so much care into my website. It
         | makes me really happy when people like it.
       | 094459 wrote:
       | Love this
       | Snd_ wrote:
       | Great work! Love it
         | atum47 wrote:
         | Thanks
       | samradelie wrote:
       | i should like to see how you did the infinite terrain. did a
       | mars-walk some years ago with a friend's sculptures
       | https://samelie.github.io/mars-amenothep/
       | atum47 wrote:
       | Hi people, here's the source code. I hope you make good use of
       | it.
       | https://github.com/victorqribeiro/retroSynthwave
       | Could you please like this comment so it goes to the top? Thanks.
         | [deleted]
       | mywacaday wrote:
       | Really like this, not normally my thing but really like the 80s
       | feel while being modern at the same time. Great work!
       | fnord123 wrote:
       | Reminds me of Vector:
       | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1175140/Vecter/
       | atum47 wrote:
       | I think I'm getting close to "finish" this project. I've been
       | thinking about using as a music visualization for my web radio
       | project [1] or let people save it as an image or a short video,
       | so they can use on their designs...
       | Anyways, on this iteration I have added a CSS linear gradient
       | background, a setting sun at the center of the screen also with
       | some gradient and fiddle a bit with the alpha values, so the
       | mountains would appear more gentle on the horizon.
       | Hope you like it. I'm open to suggestions on how I should use
       | this project.
       | 1 - https://victorribeiro.com/radio/
       | Part 1 - https://victorribeiro.com/random
       | Part 2 - https://victorribeiro.com/random2
       | Part 3 - https://victorribeiro.com/random3
         | terhechte wrote:
         | This is really really beautiful :)
         | I build something similar last year
         | (https://hyperdeck.io/beta/) using Rust and webassemly. Yours
         | looks much much much cooler though! Looking forward to the
         | source to see how you did it :)
           | atum47 wrote:
           | Thank you. Just pushed the code to GitHub
         | achillean wrote:
         | This looks amazing! Are you considering open-sourcing it? Would
         | love to see how it fits as a background for
         | https://2000.shodan.io
         | There are probably a lot of outrun-style websites/ projects
         | that could use this.
           | atum47 wrote:
           | Yes, I'm on the road but as soon as I can I'll push it to
           | GitHub
       | krisrm wrote:
       | This is really cool! Feels very chill.
       | If I had one suggestion, some parameter sliders would be fun.
       | Modify the speed over the land/height of the mountains/variance
       | in mountain height.
       | Well done and thanks for sharing.
         | atum47 wrote:
         | I've pushed the code to GitHub it would be very easy to fiddle
         | with the parameters or add sliders - Mr.Doob has a library for
         | that. Let me know if you make something cool with this. Thanks
         | [deleted]
         | kattjakt wrote:
         | I've actually made something quite similar a while ago which
         | you might find interesting! 22 parameters plus a step by step
         | visualization of how the scene is created "layer by layer" :)
         | https://kattjakt.github.io/mars-playground/
       | dataviz1000 wrote:
       | Here is another example of making a 3D look with 2D graphics
       | using JavaScript from the CodeIncomplete blog building an Outrun
       | type car racer game,
       | https://codeincomplete.com/articles/javascript-racer/.
       | FractalHQ wrote:
       | Nice! How do you like the JavaScript canvas api? I found it hard
       | to be productive with but I plan on taking another stab soon.
       | I've had more luck with svg animations and pixi.js but I want to
       | learn enough of the canvas api to solidify my opinion of it.
         | atum47 wrote:
         | Well, I really enjoy it. I've been using it on my projects
         | since 2013 (when I first learned that I could use a 2D array as
         | map for a game, haha).
         | To be honest, I feel I let a lot of people down because I write
         | my projects on it. The radial menu, for instance, o lot of
         | people like it, but they resent the fact that I did not used
         | SVG so it could be styled with css.
         | This project for instance, I tried to give a glow to the grid
         | but the frame rate dropped to the ground, something that would
         | not happen if I had used webgl.
         | Anyways, to small games, interactive demos, cool scenes, canvas
         | is my weapon of choice.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | As someone that used to play the old "wireframe" video games
       | (like SPECTRE), I think this is cool; especially, since it is
       | just JS.
       | globalise83 wrote:
       | A nice mix to go with it:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJcpcb1wnDE
       | Matheus28 wrote:
       | FYI multiply canvas width & height by window.devicePixelRatio so
       | it won't be blurry in high res screens
       | mentos wrote:
       | Pairs nicely with my friend's 80's themed track:
       | https://soundcloud.com/protocolzero/trainride-to-paradise/s-...
       | Would be cool to drive the rendering with the song?
       | Definitely could see combining music with a visualizer like this
       | to travel back to the 80s. Maybe put billboards up on the side of
       | the road with all of the hit products/popculture of the time
       | passing by? Probably too heavy handed, open to suggestions ha
         | atum47 wrote:
         | Yes, on my other comment I've linked my web radio project where
         | I sync canvas animations with cool music. I'll try to add this
         | one to it later. Glad you liked it.
       | codetrotter wrote:
       | Very outrun. Nice work :)
       (page generated 2021-11-28 23:00 UTC)