[HN Gopher] Apache Guacamole
       Apache Guacamole
       Author : WallyFunk
       Score  : 380 points
       Date   : 2021-12-04 17:50 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (guacamole.apache.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (guacamole.apache.org)
       | fzumstein wrote:
       | I found noVNC easier to use.
         | rob_c wrote:
         | Best used in combination with guac imo. Good way of getting
         | past industry firewalls too
       | CyberShadow wrote:
       | The video on the main page is amazing. Rare that a product demo
       | video is both entertaining and informative with a high
       | information density!
       | ww520 wrote:
       | This is awesome. Sometimes I got lazy and don't want to go to
       | another room to access the computers. This allows for easy remote
       | desktop usage.
       | djrogers wrote:
       | Guacamole and tailscale make my life so much easier when I'm away
       | from home. Serving up guac from a machine with tailscale / wire
       | guard means I can get to it without exposing it to the internet,
       | or worrying about a home IP changing.
       | cowmix wrote:
       | I personally use Chrome Remote Desktop for type of access. If you
       | don't mind trusting Google for tunneling, it works great.
         | arthurcolle wrote:
         | yeah, Chrome Remote Desktop is a wonderful piece of
         | engineering. Pretty much _just works_ and was trivial to
         | install. Needed it to remote into a physical machine that
         | sometimes would have no internet, so I 'd use an old MacBook
         | Pro running Chrome Remote Desktop to "kick off" the VM before
         | figuring out a better way to accomplish this entire process
         | altogether. I am fairly surprised that they haven't made it a
         | paid feature of G Workspaces or whatever its called now lol
           | opless wrote:
           | I've been using it for years, and it just works.
           | Though every so often you need to reinstall the remote access
           | software
       | pkukkapalli wrote:
       | I bought a PopOS Gazelle with an Nvidia GPU so I could play
       | around with ML stuff. But, looking back on it, it might have been
       | more efficient to just get a GPU instance on AWS or Google Cloud,
       | and just using a remote desktop like this.
       | Anybody tried that configuration? If so, how has your experience
       | been?
       | Rexxar wrote:
       | Has someone already use guacamole to make a publicly available
       | desktop software demo ?
       | rob_c wrote:
       | Amazing project used it to host 40 accounts on a server recently
       | to host remote tutorials at a workshop recently :)
         | jll29 wrote:
         | That's the kind of scenario that I also have in mind. What
         | server and network did you use to serve 40 clients?
           | rob_c wrote:
           | Dual Xeon gold with 56 core. Ended up rolling a custom docker
           | image and instance with vnc all 40 managed by guac... Took
           | some sleepless nights
       | maximedupre wrote:
       | That is kind of mind-blowing.
       | The landing page and the video using Windows XP makes it look
       | unappealing though
       | I'd still use 10/10
         | mopsi wrote:
         | > The landing page /-/ makes it look unappealing though
         | Why, loads too fast?
         | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
         | It's not XP. Looks like 7 with the last decent theme that's
         | ever came from them.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Nope, that is definitely XP, past Vista the Windows 2000 like
           | theming was removed.
             | alphabet9000 wrote:
             | the windows version in the demo video is windows 7 ultimate
             | https://i.jollo.org/CaCZBXbc.png
             | mopsi wrote:
             | It wasn't. Classic Theme was available on Windows 7 and
             | Windows 8.
             | https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+7+classic+theme
         | ldoughty wrote:
         | We use guacamole as a way to gatekeep access to servers which
         | are explicitly made vulnerable for students to attack.
         | We give students a Kali Linux box, and a server with dozens of
         | vulnerabilities.. and we don't have to worry about those
         | vulnerable targets being otherwise internet accessible. We've
         | done over 200,000 VMs behind Guacamole over 4 years without
         | incident, despite having machines with the username/password of
         | "student", or being unpatched for 4 years (spinning up old
         | Ubuntu 14 images)
           | maximedupre wrote:
           | Wow! Incredible.
       | moontear wrote:
       | Setting it up via Docker container is a lot easier than a custom
       | setup.
       | I really am not a fan of Guacamole. I love the idea and
       | convenience of having everything running in the browser from the
       | client side, but I much prefer a real RDP session (via VPN) than
       | having it in the browser. Why? Keyboard shortcuts! I am soooo
       | much slower because browsers (not guacs fault - but at the same
       | time it is its fault since I would love a native client) can't
       | catch all keys (e.g. Windows key). ALT-TAB? Yeah you just tabbed
       | away from Guac. Or the new fancy WIN-TAB, no way that gets passed
       | on to Guac. Also the file sharing experience is worse. RDP? Just
       | drag an drop or Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V. That doesn't always work in
       | Guac...
         | reaperducer wrote:
         | Couldn't Guacamole hijack the keyboard shortcuts?
         | One of the reasons I hate Wrike is that it hijacks Command-
         | Shift-N (New private window) in Safari.
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | Yeah I kinda just stick to ssh tunnel+ssh keys+VNC. Old school
         | :)
         | ldoughty wrote:
         | Advantage to guacamole is you can have a corporate controlled
         | middle man... You might set your server username to root/root,
         | but that's not a problem if you can only get to it by
         | guacamole.. I mean it's not great, but guacamole can face the
         | world and be the castle to defend, not a dozen or hundred
         | maybe-managed servers...
         | stult wrote:
         | IIRC you can install the guac site as a PWA in your browser and
         | sometimes the browser then allows more keyboard events to
         | bubble up from the OS to the javascript layer where guac lives.
         | Doesn't fix everything, but it can help.
         | punnerud wrote:
         | The security is probably better if you enable HTTPS than RDP?
         | When I use RDP it is always over SSH (port tunnel)
           | stult wrote:
           | Yes. And many corporate and government networks deny list all
           | traffic on ports other than 80/443, so RDP just is not an
           | option in many cases. VDI over HTTPS also means users don't
           | need a separately installed RDP client and can just access
           | the VDI via their browser.
             | punnerud wrote:
             | Can easily enable reverse SSH at home through 443 and 80.
             | Log in with RDP just to enable the reverse-SSH and use that
             | for RDP.
             | The benefit is that you can access other things than RDP
             | with this solution.
           | moontear wrote:
           | That's why I said via VPN, but yes of course it's more secure
           | if you add another layer - I wouldn't say more secure than
           | SSH or VPN.
         | lunfard000 wrote:
         | have you tried fullscreen mode? At least on vscode-server some
         | shortcuts only work on that mode (probably using the browser
         | Fullscreen API?)
       | didibus wrote:
       | How fast and responsive is it? My current favorite is ThinLinc by
       | Cendio as I've found it the most reliable and performant.
       | bigmattystyles wrote:
       | We put an intermediary to them behind sso. Only the intermediary
       | can get to the machine and forward guacamole traffic. Solves the
       | no password / everyone in the company having access to test
       | machines. We have a little script that registers endpoint
       | machines with the intermediary and who can access the machine /
       | when. We even log and do time block. The intermediary does
       | password rotation with vault.
       | iamkarlson wrote:
       | I'm really looking forward to having all my working stuff in the
       | cloud. however, it's so annoying sometimes that networking is not
       | suitable yet to work from ANYWHERE. especially in public places
       | where you can pull a laptop from the bag and start working, with
       | remote it's mostly a challenge
         | waynesonfire wrote:
         | Setup wireguard
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Ah the memories of going for a coffee break at the university,
         | as $HOME failed to mount over NFS due to a bad terminator on
         | the campus network.
         | shepherdjerred wrote:
         | I've found that having a dedicated WiFi hotspot mostly solves
         | this issue, as long as you're somewhere with decent cell
         | service.
         | I haven't tried it with desktop streaming, but VS Code remote
         | development is a dream, even with little bandwidth.
           | iamkarlson wrote:
           | it doesn't really work well. network coverage differ from
           | place to place. also, whenever you sit in some shitty
           | coworking, their wifi should give you hard time getting this
           | working
           | brutal_chaos_ wrote:
           | My local library has WiFi Hotspots to checkout for free. They
           | are T-Mobile hotspots and Fast.com reports:
           | 35Mbps down (steady)
           | 3Mbps up (decays quickly suggesting shown upload is "boost" /
           | "burst" speeds or possibly throttled heavily in some other
           | manner)
       | rogereur wrote:
       | Could this work as an alternative to Mighty?
       | sudosysgen wrote:
       | We've been using Guacamole for around 5 years now. It is an
       | absolute godsend, and it makes remote work so much easier. Highly
       | recommend!
       | jstrieb wrote:
       | I have used Apache Guacamole to access running GitHub Actions
       | workflows as remote desktops. It worked super well for testing
       | GUI apps on other operating systems that I didn't want to deal
       | with setting up.
       | It's also nice if you want to run a GUI application in someone
       | else's sandbox.
       | https://github.com/jstrieb/ctf-collab/blob/9300c57364f71fe29...
       | Art9681 wrote:
       | Tried Guacamole and it was ok. For this type of stuff a simple
       | WireGuard VPN is much better. However, if you must serve apps
       | remotely via browser, I find KASM WorkSpaces a superior solution.
       | a-dub wrote:
       | how does performance compare with x2go/freenx?
       | chjohnst wrote:
       | Used the guac to host 100+ sessions for researchers and devs at
       | my previous company. Performed well and using docker made it a
       | breeze to deploy in the cloud and it also tied into my IPA
       | infrastructure nicely for central authentication. I did not play
       | with the screen recording feature though.
       | fhd2 wrote:
       | Love it!
       | That said:
       | "We call it clientless because no plugins or client software are
       | required.
       | Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you
       | need to access your desktops is a web browser."
       | So... the web browser is the client software. Why not just come
       | out and say that instead of first calling it fairly misleadingly
       | "clientless"?
         | tjoff wrote:
         | They do, immediately. I was confused for a second but since the
         | next sentence clarified it I can't see the issue.
           | robotresearcher wrote:
           | "You don't need a hammer to bang our nail. Simply use a
           | hammer."
           | vs.
           | "You don't need a special hammer to bang our nail. Simply use
           | your existing hammer."
           | [deleted]
         | sbysb wrote:
         | I actually disagree tbh - web browsers are so ubiquitous at
         | this point that I would consider them a core part of the
         | desktop at this point. If I can use just the "core tools" of my
         | OS to access something I would consider that clientless for all
         | intents and purposes
           | kube-system wrote:
           | It's hard to believe this was 20+ years ago: https://en.wikip
           | edia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Microsoft_Cor....
         | codezero wrote:
         | Because every modern device has a modern browser included. I
         | think most people understand this and that might be why you're
         | getting downvoted.
         | What would a clientless (aka no additional client software to
         | install) might work?
           | fhd2 wrote:
           | Well, networking always requires some sort of client
           | software, calling it "clientless" because most systems most
           | likely already have the required software rubbed me the wrong
           | way.
           | But I think I get it now, it's probably a tongue in cheek
           | reference to "serverless" :P
             | myownpetard wrote:
             | I'm with you. I was confused by that term. Why not 'browser
             | based remote desktop'? I've never heard anything happening
             | in a browser called clientless before. In fact it is
             | usually explicitly called a client, e.g. client side
             | rendering.
       | buybackoff wrote:
       | Using it mainly because of the paranoia of just exposing RDP to
       | the internet. Http(s) is very convenient to add more layers of
       | security, in my case via NGINX (both as LXC containers in
       | Proxmox). I'm using a wildcard domain *.myhome.tld pointed to my
       | static IP. Guacamole is hosted at try_guess_me.myhome.tld, with
       | NGINX basic auth same for all subdomains (further protected by
       | fail2ban). So in total 3 tokens are required (subdomain and basic
       | auth username and password) just to get to the Guacamole login
       | page, where additional username/password + 2FA are required. I
       | used to expose RDP directly for years, but after a chat with a
       | colleague before vacations and a purchase of a NUC for a homelab
       | server decided to strengthen the security slightly.
       | RDP is still much better user experience, so once when I needed a
       | longer session I used Guacamole to access my router admin
       | interface and temporarily expose RDP directly via a random port
       | and a very strong password. I'm still not convinced that the
       | latter combination is not enough, but it's better to be safe than
       | sorry.
         | xen2xen1 wrote:
         | There is an IP ban / fail2ban app for windows and RDP, nice
         | extra layer.
         | ncrmro wrote:
         | For a lot of my stuff, the devices domain is only resolvable on
         | my Wireguard's dns and access allowed only from Wireguard's
         | subtnet.
           | buybackoff wrote:
           | I wanted to avoid VPN both for my main working/dev machine
           | and clients. What if VPN does not go up after hard reboot due
           | to some weird loading order while I'm not logged in (e.g.
           | electricity failure)? Both that machine and Guacamole/NGINX
           | host are configured to autostart after powering off. This is
           | the first thing I tested. For clients, I do not want to have
           | VPN on each of them. And what if I need to use a random
           | machine? Multi-layer opaque https endpoint seems safe enough.
             | ncrmro wrote:
             | Fair point, I have a pi 4 running pihole and wireguard so
             | starts up and runs everything on power. Also boot disk is
             | on zfs so scrubs each week incase of microsd corruption.
             | The Wireguard in Docker automatically generates new client
             | configs from ENVS.
       | edoceo wrote:
       | Oh, I remember this thing, built some shit-hack auth for it like
       | eight years ago. It's an awesome project and super easy to
       | extend.
       | guerby wrote:
       | meshcentral is another nice free software for remote desktop and
       | more:
       | https://github.com/Ylianst/MeshCentral
       | https://twitter.com/MeshCentral
       | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJWz607A8EVlkilzcrb-GKg
       | Disclaimer: we installed meshcentral for enabling student access
       | to regular physical desktops machine during COVID19
       | smbv wrote:
       | I deployed Guacamole myself (for SSH), but I found SSHWifty[0] a
       | lot easier to use and deploy.
       | [0] https://github.com/nirui/sshwifty
       | NovemberWhiskey wrote:
       | We adopted Guacamole for access to some of our Windows server
       | production environments; the great thing about it is you can put
       | your corporate SSO / authorization model into a web app to
       | control access and not have to disclose credentials to service
       | accounts to developers. You can also tap off a feed from the
       | guacd that represents a complete screen recording and save it for
       | audit trail purposes.
       | The only issue we've had is that FreeRDP (that underlies it for
       | connectivity to Window servers) is a bit fussier than the native
       | RDP environment, or at least we've had challenges getting
       | equivalent compatibility across old/odd Windows configurations.
       | mukundesh wrote:
       | This is a life saver, have used it on different environments and
       | it always worked...
       | dmitrygr wrote:
       | I use guacamole. It is awesome and super convenient. Nice
       | insulation from various protocol bugs too. I don't care what
       | exploitable bugs RDP server in windows has if I access it only
       | over guac.
         | BrandiATMuhkuh wrote:
         | I don't see any window installation/compilation guide. Do you
         | know about any pre compiled windows executables (client +
         | server)?
           | dmitrygr wrote:
           | I run it on my home Linux server (a nook color tablet with an
           | Ubuntu Linux chroot) to access my home windows server
           | remotely.
             | jacob019 wrote:
             | next level recycling!
               | dmitrygr wrote:
               | It is all due to this. No r-pi or anything like it is
               | ever this stable:                  root@localhost:~#
               | uptime         22:21:32 up 3139 days, 19:42,  1 user,
               | load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05        root@localhost:~#
           | easton wrote:
           | It's Java and Tomcat, so should work fine on Windows. I'd
           | highly suggest using Linux + Docker in a VM or something
           | though, it'll be a way faster setup (configuring Guacamole
           | manually is a pain in the rear, there's good Docker
           | containers out there that do it for you).
         | johncena33 wrote:
         | Do you need a static ip address for it?
           | FrostKiwi wrote:
           | DynamicIP + DynDNS works just as fine. Getting DynDNS can be
           | acomplished via many routes.
           | - Even old routers support at least noip.com and update the
           | IP when it changes
           | - major DynDNS providers have a custom tool you can install,
           | running in the background sending the current IP every minute
           | or so
           | - every major registrar has a DNS API, which allows you to
           | send IP updates in a simple CURL command and putting that
           | command into crontab automates this as well.
           | dmitrygr wrote:
           | I use a dyndns thing I host on my VPS
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | On what side?
           | The server software can run on any address as long as you
           | don't hardcode the listening IP, just like any other web
           | server. You'd need a way to have the URL point to the right
           | server, of course, so DDNS or similar is a necessity if your
           | server doesn't have a static public IP.
           | The desktop connections to the machines from Guacamole are
           | tuples of { protocol configuration, hostname/IP,
           | credentials}. If you specify the device Guacamole connects to
           | by its IP and then that IP changes, the connection and
           | configuration will break. You can probably work around that
           | with some kind of dynamic DNS setting, or maybe local name
           | resolution (LLMR and friends) if the machines are on a flat
           | network.
           | TL;DR you don't need it, but it helps.
           | matthewaveryusa wrote:
           | just use tailscale. seriously it's what you want
           | shepherdjerred wrote:
           | You could always use an IPv6 address, or setup something like
           | Tailscale.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | As silly and astonishing as it is, I've heard from some
             | (mostly American) ISPs that a static IPv6 subnet is either
             | not available for consumers or costs extra.
             | Yes, that's right, some ISPs rotate IPv6 subnets, negating
             | many things IPv6 was invented for in the first place.
             | Tailscale, Nebula or any of the automagical VPN solutions
             | you can run yourself (like Innernet,
             | https://github.com/tonarino/innernet) will probably negate
             | the issue as long as you can reach some server with a
             | static IP.
               | tinus_hn wrote:
               | Of course, because if you can use it to offer services,
               | it's a 'pro' connection!
       | TheDudeMan wrote:
       | That was a heck of a demo. I wonder how many takes that took.
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | > once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access
       | your desktops is a web browser.
       | These days, where basically nobody has a real ip, this is not
       | entirely true. Using tor, you can easily expose a server to the
       | outside world, the other point must support tor connections. Is
       | there a way to freely expose anything to the outside world
       | without needing special software on the client side?
         | Ginden wrote:
         | Even if so, configuring forwarding-only VPS costs ~3$/month.
         | djrogers wrote:
         | If you want to do so securely, use tailscale or wireguard, or
         | any of a number of p2p vpns.
         | dmitrygr wrote:
         | DynDns exists
         | tssva wrote:
         | > These days, where basically nobody has a real ip, this is not
         | entirely true.
         | This is a vast exaggeration. Although this is true for many and
         | perhaps a majority, are there any publicly available stats
         | regarding this, there are still a large number of ISPs which
         | provide real ip addresses and allow incoming connections. My
         | ISP serves several million customers across several US sates
         | and provides real up addresses and allows incoming connections.
         | xz18r wrote:
         | Awingu can do this. (https://www.awingu.com)
       (page generated 2021-12-04 23:00 UTC)