[HN Gopher] Type Stability in Julia: Avoiding Performance Pathol...
       Type Stability in Julia: Avoiding Performance Pathologies in JIT
       Author : leephillips
       Score  : 55 points
       Date   : 2021-12-08 19:57 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arxiv.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arxiv.org)
       | ulysses4ever wrote:
       | Author here. AMA!
         | dklend122 wrote:
         | Hi, cool paper! semi related questions:
         | What do you think of JET.jl?
         | Tension between Method ambiguities and desire for traits or
         | multiple inheritance is something discussed in the community.
         | Has your group given any thought to this?
         | Thanks !
           | ulysses4ever wrote:
           | Hey! we're tracking JET.jl and think that it's great already
           | and may become even better. We hope to base some of our
           | future stuf off it. Some of us (not me) actually work on a
           | trait design. Multiple inheritance -- not so much: we think
           | it would preclude some important optimizations and that way
           | defeat the whole purpose of Julia (performance + dynamism).
             | amkkma wrote:
             | Cool! Any repos or anywhere I can track the trait stuff?
             | Would they be interested in interfacing with some people in
             | the community who have worked on some trait packages/ have
             | experience and thoughts about adhoc method based traits in
             | practice?
         | Sukera wrote:
         | Hi, thank you! The paper mentions that the dynamic analysis
         | code is written in julia and could be used by package
         | developers to study instabilities in their code, but I couldn't
         | find a link to the code in the references. Did I just miss it
         | or is it contained in the zip containing the visualization
         | data?
         | --
         | EDIT: Nevermind, found it in the zip!
           | ulysses4ever wrote:
           | I think the link's supposed to be in the text but the repo is
           | here: https://github.com/prl-julia/julia-type-stability
           | There's a PDF there explaining how to get started with it and
           | repro the graphs but it shouldn't be too hard to utilize it
           | for the purpose you mention. We never got around to writing
           | that kind of docs (for package developers) properly
           | unfortunately. Feel free to open issues against the repo if
           | you have troubles using it!
             | Sukera wrote:
             | Ah, that link doeesn't seem to be in the paper (at least my
             | searching for `github` didn't turn up anything), thank you!
             | I did however find the same code as part of the
             | visualization, so I got what I was looking for.
               | ulysses4ever wrote:
               | That's my bad then. I think I might have thought Zenodo
               | link would be enough. But now I think it's a bad idea.
               | Probably will add the GH link in an update.
         | StefanKarpinski wrote:
         | I'm still working through the paper--reading your group's Julia
         | papers is always a great treat--thank you for this one and all
         | of them. Looking at the definition of "type groundedness" it
         | seemed to me that perhaps the definition should require that
         | "every _expression's_ type depends only on the argument types "
         | rather than only variables. I haven't gotten to the proof
         | parts, but this was just a thing that struck me early on.
           | ulysses4ever wrote:
           | Your intuition is right but _every_ expression is bound by a
           | variable in this representation.
             | StefanKarpinski wrote:
             | Ah, ok. I hadn't gotten to that part yet. Would it make
             | sense to change the general definition to "expressions"
             | since that would be the correct definition for Julia code
             | as well as the Jules IR format?
               | ulysses4ever wrote:
               | This may require more thinking on our end but the way we
               | design Jules is the usual SSA form. The idea being it's
               | easier to reason about it (and prove things) when every
               | expression has a name. It's a bit of cheating of course
               | but makes our life easier. We don't discuss how surface
               | Julia (or subset of it), which is more expression-
               | oriented, can be translated to Jules, because we have
               | only so many pages, and also it's not all that
               | interesting, I think.
       | celeritascelery wrote:
       | I am not familiar with Julia, but it seems like the common
       | feature of "automatic big num conversion" would work against
       | optimization like this correct? Because the output type no longer
       | depends on the input types, but also there values.
         | freemint wrote:
         | You are correct that "automatic big num conversion" works much
         | against optimization. Int{8,16,32,64,128} in Julia also
         | overflow silently. If you want other behaviour you can write
         | your own custom behavior and "overload" +,* for your type.
         | SafeIntegers throws an exception on overflow. Switching to
         | BigInt would also be possible to implement but i am not aware
         | of any package that does that or if it would give performance
         | benefit over just using BitInt to begin with.
           | Sukera wrote:
           | Another alternative is to use the Base.Checked.* family of
           | functions, though they have different names than (+) like
           | checked_add and thus have to be explicitly used.
             | freemint wrote:
             | Which is what SafeInteger does internally. Checked is kinda
             | obscure but i added a doc string to it which was merged
             | with the main branch today.
         | Sukera wrote:
         | If you're thinking about how in e.g. python, integer addition
         | never overflows and is always a big integer, then yes. If
         | "small"/machine integers and big integers are seperated each
         | have a distinct type, promotion on overflow would introduce a
         | type instability on every addition (not only the overflowing
         | one!). This is precisely because the type would depend on the
         | result of the addition, not only the input types (which may
         | both be machine integer types).
         | A "solution" to this conundrum is to have big integers by
         | default, which sadly isn't feasible for performance reasons -
         | you can't then take advantage of hardware, because every
         | operation necessarily has to do more work than would be
         | required for machine integers.
         | --
         | To add on to this, when encountering overflow (which doesn't
         | happen often in the first place), it's usually sufficient to go
         | for 128 bit integers first instead of jumping directly to big
         | integers. They're still quite a bit faster and offer a much
         | larger space to work with.
         | StefanKarpinski wrote:
         | This is one of the reasons that Julia doesn't do automatic big
         | num conversion, instead using native machine two's complement
         | modular arithmetic for integers. It would be a good
         | optimization to use an immediate representation for small
         | bignums, however. See this FAQ entry
         | https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/faq/#faq-integer-ari...
         | on the subject.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | It would only depend on the value if the operation had actually
         | overflowed in the past, in which case performance is already
         | going to be poor.
       | krastanov wrote:
       | There is an interesting story here that I wish was told in more
       | details somewhere on the internet (currently I just have some
       | partial guesses from listening to JuliaCon talks). It seems some
       | of these (awesome) properties arose very organically after
       | experimentation, not by having a committee of theorists define
       | the properties the language should have. This has led to a couple
       | of minor inconsistencies to be ironed out, however computer
       | scientists (like the authors of this paper) then decided to study
       | and formalize Julia and uncovered gems like this (I guess they
       | are gems particularly if you care about formal treatments).
       | I am certain I am somewhat wrong in this description, but I would
       | love to see a writeup of the whole story and how both sides (the
       | devs and the scientists) lived through it.
         | ulysses4ever wrote:
         | You're quite right about the organic nature. The story of how
         | we get together could be better told by our prof, Jan Vitek, I
         | guess. But in a nutshell, one of his older students (Ben, also
         | an author of the paper) was once on a plane with some other
         | student, Jean, from MIT, where Julia was developed, and Ben got
         | interested and told Jan... Then there were occasional meetings
         | with Julia devs (Jeff Bezanson in particular) that turned out
         | to be super nice and inviting people. I should add, we're all
         | from Northeastern University in Boston, and that's close to
         | MIT... All in all, we decided PL academia should learn about
         | this "organic gem".
       (page generated 2021-12-08 23:00 UTC)