[HN Gopher] Stack Graphs
       Stack Graphs
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 220 points
       Date   : 2021-12-09 17:51 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | spinningslate wrote:
       | Cool to see this is inspired by Eelco Visser's [1] group at TU-
       | Delft, who originated the concept of scope graphs [2].
       | The back story of their language design research and tools is
       | worth reading [3]. Not least because Nix originated as their
       | build system!
       | [1] https://eelcovisser.org/
       | [2] https://github.blog/2021-12-09-introducing-stack-graphs/
       | [3] https://eelcovisser.org/blog/2021/02/08/spoofax-mip/
       | --
       | EDIT: Fixed formatting.
         | dcreager wrote:
         | Hard agree, this is very much a "standing on the shoulders of
         | giants" situation. Eelco's group has done amazing work on scope
         | graphs, and we would not have been able to make this without
         | that work as a foundation.
           | spinningslate wrote:
           | ...and I should have said: great that you acknowledged it in
           | your blog too.
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | How do I plumb this precise code jumping into vim?
       | My tags files just don't seem to cut it any more.
         | dcreager wrote:
         | The most straightforward option would probably be to write an
         | LSP wrapper around the stack graphs code. One of the people on
         | my team wrote a very "contrib directory" version of that for
         | internal testing, which lets us test our stack graph rules for
         | a new language in something like VS Code before deploying to
         | production. If someone were to write a more polished version of
         | that, that would be a great way to get code nav into any LSP-
         | compatible editor for any language that supports stack graphs.
         | bbkane wrote:
         | NeoVim has Tree-sitter and Language Server integration. I
         | couldn't make it work for me, bit lots of people really love
         | it!
           | botdan wrote:
           | If you haven't tried again recently the neovim team has done
           | a ton of work updating the documentation on [nvim-
           | lspconfig](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig). There's
           | also projects like [kickstart.nvim](https://github.com/nvim-
           | lua/kickstart.nvim) which aim to provide a very simple
           | starting point for new users. It's "batteries-included"
           | neovim which notably includes LSP, TreeSitter, completion
           | engines, and some basic git functionality.
       | jandinter wrote:
       | Looks neat!
       | I wish this was available for legal texts, making it easy to jump
       | from one law to the referenced next legal provision. Many legal
       | provisions, especially in very regulated areas, make use of
       | "functions" "imported" from other, totally different laws.
       | Sorry for being off-topic, but if anyone knows a resource for
       | that, I am super interested!
         | earth_walker wrote:
         | I started doing this for a niche area: US and European
         | regulations and guidance documents for Good Laboratory
         | Practice, and later for Canadian Cannabis regulations.
         | Basically I created a standard XML schema for regulations and
         | parsed them into XML [1]. This allowed for e.g. presenting
         | tables of contents and section folding, pulling and linking
         | definitions into their own search engine, etc. [2]
         | I thought that I could easily write a parser for each
         | jurisdiction's formats, and then get predicate rules and
         | related regulations for free.
         | I was wrong. a) there are many jurisdictions and sub-groups all
         | doing their own thing; and b) most don't have any standard
         | document formatting or tagging, let alone a defined structure.
         | Even in the most structured formats (like the US eCFR's XML)
         | the focus is on display rather than content. In the worst cases
         | it was just whoever wrote up the Word document chose how they
         | numbered and formatted chapters and sections etc.
         | There were so many special cases that it was a huge amount of
         | work to add or update each document, and I ended up doing a lot
         | of categorization and fixing by hand.
         | [1] I know people hate XML on HN, but I did my research and had
         | specific reasons for choosing it at the time, including human
         | readable, nesting sections, being able to easily publish and
         | validate a schema, etc.
         | [2] See ReadtheRegs.com. You can browse the definitions page
         | without an account.
           | jandinter wrote:
           | This looks great! I share your sentiment: I looked into the
           | XML files for the published German legal texts[1], and they
           | seem to be made for display purposes only.
           | [1] Table of contents for XML files: https://www.gesetze-im-
           | internet.de/gii-toc.xml
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > I wish this was available for legal texts, making it easy to
         | jump from one law to the referenced next legal provision. Many
         | legal provisions, especially in very regulated areas, make use
         | of "functions" "imported" from other, totally different laws.
         | I mean, it "is", to the extent that if you put in the work of
         | hyperlinking all the things during the digitizing process they
         | can be.
         | Legifrance is fairly highly (though nowhere near completely)
         | hyperlinked for instance, here's one of the laws I selected
         | from the front page:
         | https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000044446848
         | Many (though nowhere near all) the legal texts being
         | referenced, modified, or inserted (as references, into other
         | texts) are hyperlinked.
         | ova-throwaway wrote:
         | ? baby lawyer and former dev here: don't we have that anyways?
         | E.g. on Casetext, Lexis, all the usual legal research sites.
         | I personally haven't encountered a situation where it was
         | _totally_ lacking.
           | jandinter wrote:
           | Many available options seem to be based on manual annotation
           | and, therefore, cover a limited range of all legal texts.
           | Especially with regard to regulatory topics, those research
           | sites usually fall short.
             | ss108 wrote:
             | I would be interested to know where you're encountering
             | these issues, specifically. I'm interested in legal tech,
             | would like to know where the gaps are
       | cloogshicer wrote:
       | I just want to say: This is an absolutely fantastic blog post. So
       | well written, and really well done graphics that help
       | understanding.
         | dcreager wrote:
         | Thanks very much, I appreciate the kind words!
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | is this from Github semantic
       | (https://github.com/github/semantic)?
       | Seems very suspicious since it's the same goal using the same
       | technologies. The latest commit is 4mo ago but i assume they have
       | a closed-source version they've been working on.
         | dcreager wrote:
         | It's from the same team (which I am the manager of), but it's
         | not using that same codebase. In Semantic, you would have to
         | write Haskell code to add support for a new language, and we've
         | found that the declarative DSLs that tree-sitter provides are a
         | lower barrier to entry. (Semantic also uses tree-sitter for the
         | parsing step, btw.) We do still have plans for Semantic, but
         | our stack graph code does not live there.
         |  _[Edit]_ Also, the stack graph implementation is also open-
         | source, just like Semantic, and we do our development on the
         | core algorithms directly there. The Python extraction rules
         | have not yet been moved over to the public tree-sitter-python
         | language repo, but that 's on the docket. Future language
         | support would happen directly in each language's public open-
         | source tree-sitter repo.
         | https://github.com/github/stack-graphs/
       | parhamn wrote:
       | Are there any editors that let you edit code in a structure
       | closer to the way the language handles it (e.g. graphs/stacks)?
       | You could achieve a lot more than the conventional file-per-
       | module approach. Off the top of my head benefits could include:
       | much easier refactoring, comments bound to specific tokens,
       | function level versioning, much smarter git diffs, and so much
       | more.
       | The mapping graphs to flat-files thing feels especially silly
       | when I do FE dev. Manipulating JSX doms on top of the JS function
       | stack is a constant reminder of how the flattening step feels
       | unnecessary.
         | sweetsocks21 wrote:
         | I don't know of any generic editor that can take a current
         | (popular) language and do that. There is however a lot going on
         | in this space, and I'll list some examples. Most are about
         | editing the tree structure better, but some do branch out a bit
         | more to the graph idea.
         | https://docs.darklang.com/structured-editing
         | https://hazel.org/
         | http://lighttable.com/
         | Emacs has some structural editing plugins like ParEdit
         | Many graph/node based editors like Blender shaders (3D),
         | Reaktor (music)
         | https://www.unisonweb.org/ (this has some of the function
         | versioning ideas)
         | https://enso.org/
         | Smalltalk
         | There's many many more, these are just some I remembered off
         | the top of my head.
           | parhamn wrote:
           | I appreciate the links!
         | hiaux0 wrote:
         | The Dion editor [1] is trying to tackling this problem, if I
         | understand correctly. [2] has some sweet GIFs for you.
         | [1]: https://dion.systems/dion_format.html
         | [2]: https://dion.systems/gallery.html
         | ball_of_lint wrote:
         | Lisp + SLIME is probably the closest thing that exists to what
         | you're describing.
       | dcreager wrote:
       | OP author here. I also gave a talk about this at Strange Loop
       | back in October if folks want to watch/listen instead of read:
       | https://dcreager.net/talks/2021-strange-loop/
         | dsanchez97 wrote:
         | I haven't had time to watch the full talk yet, so sorry if this
         | is answered there.
         | When python resolves 'import' statements, it looks for the
         | modules based on the PYTHONPATH. Although not done that often,
         | it is possible to modify the PYTHONPATH at runtime, changing
         | what an imported symbol will resolve to. How do you handle
         | situations like that?
         | Just from a hypothetical stand point, someone could take
         | advantage of this to make it seem like the library is linking
         | to a safe implementation of a function such that when using
         | this feature people are directed to the safe implementation.
         | Then at runtime without the user knowing, they could
         | dynamically change the PYTHONPATH so a malicious version of the
         | function is loaded.
           | dcreager wrote:
           | Ooh that's a good one. Right now, our lookups are only within
           | the single repository. And so if you had two files that
           | _could_ provide the same (fully qualified) symbol, we aren't
           | doing any PYTHONPATH analysis to determine which one it is.
           | We'll show you both.
           | We do eventually want to support cross-repository use cases,
           | and there, the answer boils down to needing to find the set
           | of dependencies in which to do the search. One we have that,
           | it's no different than an in-repo case -- we look for any
           | file in _any_ of the repos (yours and your dependencies) that
           | could provide the symbol that we 're currently looking for.
           | So, short version, we'd be aiming for a solution where we'd
           | be able to show you both the "good" and "bad" definitions,
           | and let you the user decide how to use that information.
             | dsanchez97 wrote:
             | I have been doing some stuff where I analyze python code
             | via the AST to try to figure out symbol reference so it was
             | top of mind when I read the article. My tool works at
             | runtime by importing the users code as module, which means
             | all the symbols are evaluated by the python interpreter and
             | then I can inspect the loaded module to determine the
             | references. This is all part of a larger framework that has
             | lifecycle rules for how/when it will load user defined
             | code, which allows me some flexibility and information.
             | Even with that flexibility, there are still some things
             | that just weren't possible because of how configurable
             | python is at runtime. For example, someone could write a
             | factory style class that dynamically creates python object
             | instances based on a passed in string that represents the
             | class the object will be of. Then they could pass user
             | input into this factory making the created objects
             | completely dependent on runtime input.
             | I would wage 99% of python written doesn't use these kinds
             | of runtime abilities, and it probably isn't a great
             | practice to use them in general from a maintainability
             | point of view but they do exist. My solution to this is
             | that if you are sophisticated enough to be using these
             | features then you should be able to understand why my tool
             | can't capture that information from the AST.
             | Not sure if that solution would work for what you are
             | working on, but I figured I'd let you know about my
             | experience because it can get gnarly quickly once you start
             | thinking about all the things that are possible in python.
               | dcreager wrote:
               | Yes! Those are exactly the kinds of examples that mess up
               | this kind of analysis. Anything where the _structure_ of
               | your program depends on arbitrary computation:
               | https://twitter.com/dcreager/status/1467654252516589571
               | dsanchez97 wrote:
               | Yep I feel you on that making life harder for these kinds
               | of tools!
           | jkaptur wrote:
           | I think the (unstated) expectation with code navigation tools
           | is that they are best-effort. Beyond your example, plenty of
           | languages allow exotic and dynamic runtime behavior -
           | eval(..)ing user/network input, monkeypatching, etc. - that
           | makes it impossible to know a priori exactly what a call site
           | might invoke.
         | one_off_comment wrote:
         | For people like me who don't have time to watch the talk,
         | what's the answer to the question posed on the blog post? "Why
         | aren't we using the Language Server Protocol (LSP) or Language
         | Server Index Format (LSIF)?"
           | dcreager wrote:
           | I go into some amount of detail in a talk I gave at last
           | year's FOSDEM: https://dcreager.net/talks/2020-fosdem/
           | For LSP, the short version is that running separate sidecar
           | services in production for every language that we want to
           | support is a complete non-starter. That would completely eat
           | up my team's time budget handling operational duties.
           | LSIF is a great technology that lets you run LSP servers in a
           | "batch" mode. But we _really_ need our analysis to be
           | incremental, where we can reuse results for unchanged files
           | when new commits come in. Language servers tend to do
           | monolithic analyses, where _every_ file needs to be
           | reanalyzed whenever _any_ new commit comes in. If you want to
           | analyze your dependencies, as well, that exacerbates the
           | problem. _LSIF_ (the data format) has recently grown the
           | ability to produce incremental data, but that requires
           | language servers to work in an incremental mode as well. Very
           | few (if any?) do, and because language servers tend to piggy-
           | back on existing compiler technology (which is also not
           | typically incremental), it will be a heavy lift to get
           | incrementality into the LSP /LSIF world.
           | Whereas stack graphs have incrementality out of the box.
           | (This was the primary thing that we added to "scope graphs",
           | the academic framework that stack graphs are built on.) It's
           | the core algorithm (which is implemented once for all
           | languages) where the incrementality happens. The only
           | language-specific parts are figuring out which graph
           | structures you need to create to mimic the name binding rules
           | of your language.
         | billconan wrote:
         | Thank you very much for this and for open sourcing it!
         | For production, is there a good database system that can index
         | this graph structure?
         | for incremental update, how do you prune deprecated part of the
         | graph (for example, removed/renamed files/functions?)
         | and for this example
         | (function_definition name: (identifier) @name) @function {
         | node @function.def              attr (@function.def) kind =
         | "definition"              attr (@function.def) symbol = @name
         | edge @function.containing_scope -> @function.def
         | }
         | how can it guarantee the python shadowing rule? it doesn't seem
         | to encode any order preference. does the code traverse the
         | source file in the reverse order basically?
         | And, probably not closely related to stack graph, but about
         | using tree-sitter for c/c++ understanding, how to handle the
         | preprocessor?
         | because the c preprocessor can make the code look like a
         | completely different language and mess up the parser.
         | And how to prune and simplify CST to AST at scale (supporting
         | many languages)?
           | dcreager wrote:
           | > And, probably not closely related to stack graph, but about
           | using tree-sitter for c/c++ understanding, how to handle the
           | preprocessor?
           | Ha yeah that's a good question. Some uses of the preprocessor
           | won't be problematic -- it would require deep token mangling,
           | for instance, to really start to cause a problem. You can
           | treat more basic `#ifdef` style conditional compilation as
           | parsing/analyzing both sides and showing both as potential
           | definitions. (And from there you could extend it further to
           | try to identify (or define) "profiles" that have different
           | preprocessor symbols defined, and use that to actually prune
           | some of the results.)
             | billconan wrote:
             | Thank you very much for the answers! This is a great work!
             | I'm thinking maybe stack graph can be used to understand
             | the preprocessor. finding the original toggle/condition
             | that turns on/off a #ifdef block.
             | I heard a simple c++ hello world contains 5000 #defines
             | introduced by standard libs. if stack graph can improve
             | exhaustive search somehow, that would be awesome.
           | dcreager wrote:
           | > And how to prune and simplify CST to AST at scale
           | (supporting many languages)?
           | We're not doing any pruning or CST-AST translation, we just
           | operate directly on the CST. With the new graph DSL you
           | should be able to implement something like that, since an AST
           | is a tree, and a tree is one shape of graph that you could
           | create. For our purposes, that isn't a meaningfully useful
           | step, since we can just as easily generate the stack graph
           | structures that we need directly from the CST we get from the
           | tree-sitter grammar.
           | dcreager wrote:
           | > For production, is there a good database system that can
           | index this graph structure?
           | For awhile, we were storing this in a (very large) MySQL
           | database, sharded with Vitess. The sharding behavior worked
           | great (since repo ID gives you a nice sharding key), but we
           | found that it wasn't elastic enough for our needs, since we
           | quickly filled up the available capacity of the machines that
           | we had reserved.
           | Since then we've switched over to storing this data in Azure
           | Blob Storage, basically using it as a glorified key/value
           | store. We had to write custom logic for deciding how to
           | structure our data so that we can efficiently write it at
           | index time and read it at query time, but so far it's been
           | working quite nicely!
           | > for incremental update, how do you prune deprecated part of
           | the graph
           | Short version is that we're storing everything on a per-file
           | basis. So whenever a file is changed, we generate a new stack
           | graph snippet for that file. There might be lots of content
           | in that stack graph that is identical to the stack graph of
           | the previous version of the file, but we don't try to do any
           | structural sharing more fine-grained than the file.
           | Right now we aren't going in any pruning old files that
           | aren't being touched by any active queries, but we could. Or
           | move it to a colder storage tier in Blob Storage, something
           | like that. At least for now, the marginal costs of storing
           | the data for longer aren't our cost bottleneck.
           | dcreager wrote:
           | > how can it guarantee the python shadowing rule? it doesn't
           | seem to encode any order preference. does the code traverse
           | the source file in the reverse order basically?
           | That snippet of graph DSL does not show the precedences being
           | applied, but if you look at the diagram a bit earlier in the
           | post, you'll see that some of edges do have precedence values
           | applied. In the graph DSL, that would appear as an additional
           | statement in the stanza:                   attr
           | (@function.containing_scope -> @function.def) precedence = 1
         | dahart wrote:
         | This is way cool!! I don't have any deep questions yet, but to
         | start I'm a bit curious about some very minor things like the
         | name and description. I'm curious why "stack graph" as opposed
         | to "call graph" or "callstack graph" or something like that,
         | I'm guessing you do have some thoughts there. Also curious
         | about the way you described it, the process overall certainly
         | sounds a lot like parsing, compiling, and linking at the end,
         | but you haven't really used that analogy. I guess I'm just
         | wondering if you're framing the name and description carefully
         | and if there are specific reasons you'd be willing to discuss.
           | dcreager wrote:
           | Great questions! The framework is based on some great
           | existing academic work from Eelco Visser's group at TU Delft.
           | Their framework is called "scope graphs":
           | https://pl.ewi.tudelft.nl/research/projects/scope-graphs/
           | We extended scope graphs to have the symbol stack (described
           | in OP) and also a "scope stack", which allows us to support
           | the more advanced examples that I alluded to at the end. So
           | we chose the name "stack graphs" because it was "scope graphs
           | but using stacks".
         | ZeroCool2u wrote:
         | Just out of curiosity, what's the timeline look like for adding
         | precise code navigation to other supported languages and what
         | languages do you think will get support first?
         | No need for precise answers, just wondering which ones we're
         | likely to see next after Python :)
         | Also, I'm looking at the list of supported languages here[1].
         | Maybe you're not the right person to ask, but are there any
         | plans to add support for one of the lower level / systems
         | programming languages like C, C++, or Rust, etc?
         | Finally, thank you so much for you and your teams hard work.
         | This feature is _incredibly_ helpful, especially in Python!
         | [1]: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/working-with-
         | files/u...
           | dcreager wrote:
           | It's not "easy", but we've found that because it's based on a
           | declarative DSL it's less effort than you might expect. And
           | we're finding that there are common patterns that you use in
           | your graph construction rules, because there are many aspects
           | of name binding that end up working the same way in different
           | languages. So, hand-wavily (not out of secrecy but because of
           | not having rigorous data yet), we're finding that it's
           | O(months) to get a new language out the door.
           | We do have a couple of other languages in the pipeline that
           | my team has been working on, both in terms of writing stack
           | graph rules to get precise support, and also to write "fuzzy"
           | tagging rules to get search-based support. And we definitely
           | do plan to include lower level languages like the ones you
           | mentioned.
           | Lastly, one major reason that we're doing all of this in
           | open-source projects is that we want to ensure that language
           | communities can self-serve support for their languages,
           | should they wish to. That will be especially useful for the
           | long tail of languages that my team will honestly never be
           | able to get to ourselves. We have some work to do to get the
           | documentation written to properly support self-serve stack
           | graph rules, but it's definitely a goal that we're aiming
           | for.
             | ZeroCool2u wrote:
             | Got it, that's really helpful in terms of estimating the
             | work involved. Thanks for taking the time to answer all
             | these questions and congrats again on the release!
         | chefandy wrote:
         | As an aside to the technical conversation-- I appreciate the
         | use of cooking as an analogy in your code samples in the posted
         | article.
         | It's not just because I was a chef! Using nouns, adjectives and
         | verbs from (familiar) concrete hierarchical analogies makes
         | technical writing much more accessible. It reduces cognitive
         | load by implying more about the structure of the relationship
         | than variables like "intVar" and functions like "printVar" tied
         | together in entirely contrived, abstract ways. In particular,
         | newer developers, or ones unfamiliar with your language
         | paradigms will benefit heartily.
         | I implore my fellow developers to follow suit.
       (page generated 2021-12-09 23:00 UTC)