[HN Gopher] PDM: A Modern Python Package Manager
       PDM: A Modern Python Package Manager
       Author : sciurus
       Score  : 43 points
       Date   : 2021-12-09 20:47 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pdm.fming.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pdm.fming.dev)
       | roomey wrote:
       | Is virtualenv not very useful? I use pipenv and find it extremely
       | useful having my various projects separate.
       | Also when deploying to kubernetes or whatever it works the same
       | way
         | majormunky wrote:
         | So this is sort of like a virtualenv, except you don't need to
         | activate anything, it just looks within the main project folder
         | for a __pypackages__ folder, and uses that to look for packages
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | You kind of answered your own question. Virtualenv alone is too
         | much work so you're using a tool like pipenv to streamline it.
         | This is a similar idea to have less ritual and a faster
         | developer workflow.
           | johnhowardstein wrote:
           | It's a single command more, and then you don't need to prefix
           | everything with pipenv run.
         | bruiseralmighty wrote:
         | I use only virtualenv and have never really had any issues with
         | it for separating out my project environments.
         | Perhaps this is more of an issue with larger projects, but I
         | also noticed that 'no need to use virtualenv' as a positive.
       | akdor1154 wrote:
       | Cool to see an implementation of __pypackages__ support.
       | Ill still use Poetry, but this could be paving the way for Poetry
       | to work without virtualenvs as well one day.
       | kaesar14 wrote:
       | Another package manager for Python is exactly what the world
       | needed
         | smegsicle wrote:
         | over and over until one doesn't suck
         | [deleted]
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | Looks a lot like poetry
       | divbzero wrote:
       | PDM's support of PEP 582 seems promising. What would be even
       | cooler is if the maintainers of pip agree with PEP 582 and
       | incorporate it into pip itself.
       | fb03 wrote:
       | Genuine question: If I am starting a Python project NOW, which
       | one do I use? I have been using pipenv for quite some time and it
       | works great but locking speed has been problematic, specially
       | after your project grows large enough (minutes waiting for it to
       | lock without any progress warning at all).
       | Should I just upgrade to Poetry or should I just dive headfirst
       | into PDM? Keep myself at Pipenv? I'm at a loss.
       | Thanks in advance!
         | odiroot wrote:
         | Just go for virtualenv and pip. Virtualenvwrapper to have handy
         | shell tools.
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | Alternatively, pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv for shell
           | integration and seamless virtualenv activation.
             | timothylaurent wrote:
             | This is our setup - fits perfectly, don't even miss
             | `workon`
         | stavros wrote:
         | Use Poetry. It does everything you need and PDM is a bit too
         | new still.
           | fb03 wrote:
           | Great. I have heard "anecdata evidence" that sometimes poetry
           | fails to install a combination of packages or something along
           | those lines, did you find any of those shenanigans in your
           | own experience?
             | akdor1154 wrote:
             | (Not GP) Occasionally, but still use poetry.
             | The issues happen because poetry is strict about version
             | constraints. Pip used to be lax, so some packages could get
             | away with poor/overly restrictive constraints..
             | Now pip is strict as well, and poetry is also getting a lot
             | more common, so maintainers have had pressure to fix most
             | of these issues.
             | nbadg wrote:
             | I've run into this a couple of times. Typically it's when
             | starting a new project and gradually adding dependencies.
             | By default, when adding (poetry add <dep>), poetry adds the
             | most recent version of the library, and in pyproject.toml
             | that becomes the minimum possible version. If you then
             | later try to add something that depends on that library,
             | but isn't up-to-date on the most recent version, poetry
             | will (correctly!) error out because it fails to find a
             | compatible solution. For example, something like this:
             | poetry add ingredients  # most recent version: 1.0
             | poetry add cake         # requires ingredients, but <1.0
             | So here, poetry would add ingredients to your
             | pyproject.toml with version = "^1.0.0" in the first step.
             | In the second step, when you tried to add cake as a new
             | dependency, it would say it can't find a version of cake
             | compatible with your pyproject.toml's requirement for
             | ingredients.
             | The solution is to change pyproject.toml to be more
             | permissive about the version of ingredients, resulting in
             | it downgrading to a compatible version. Or submit an issue
             | and/or PR with the maintainers of cake to bump up the
             | supported versions.
             | acidbaseextract wrote:
             | No shenanigans for any library-ish code with few
             | dependencies that targets relatively modern Python.
             | I've had one or two fundamental version conflicts with a 5+
             | year old application with 100+ dependencies and a decent
             | amount of legacy stuff. They were a pain in the ass, and
             | the sdispater's stance on not allowing overrides is a pain
             | in the ass. We ended up forking the upstream libraries to
             | resolve the version conflict.
             | With all of that, poetry is amazing and a huge step
             | forward. I'd advocate it wholeheartedly.
         | cwp wrote:
         | I just started a Python project, using PDM. So far, I like it a
         | lot. If I hit a show-stopper, no big deal, it's pretty easy to
         | switch.
       | zuj wrote:
       | Oh, no. Please, not one more.
       | rossipedia wrote:
       | How many times must we teach you this lesson, old man?
       | https://xkcd.com/927/
       | carabiner wrote:
       | So many of these... I now need a tool to manage the managers.
       | Kinrany wrote:
       | How does it compare to poetry?
       | jefurii wrote:
       | We keep having to repost this: https://xkcd.com/1987/ Why don't
       | we ever learn?
       | pyuser583 wrote:
       | Another one?
       | sterwill wrote:
       | There should be a rule that before you create a new Python
       | package manager, you have to kill off an existing one first.
         | [deleted]
       | denysvitali wrote:
       | Thanks! I was really missing yet another package manager
       | cosmotic wrote:
       | Please use descriptive words instead of 'modern'. Modern, to me,
       | in this context, means untested and unreliable.
         | cozzyd wrote:
         | I can't wait for the postmodern package managers...
           | cdot2 wrote:
           | packages are really a social construct
             | dangerbird2 wrote:
             | Inspired by Michel Foucault's _Pypi and Punish_
           | tamentis wrote:
           | You `pdm install requests` and it installs Django.
         | tamentis wrote:
         | "The Python Package Manager That Is Newer Than All The Others"
         | diogenesjunior wrote:
         | >Modern, to me, in this context, means untested and unreliable.
         | that's what PDM is
         | [deleted]
       | mindwok wrote:
       | I tried PDM earlier this year and there's a few things worth
       | noting:
       | - PEP582 which it is based on is still in draft, and some tools
       | (VS Code) won't fully support it until it's accepted.
       | - If you want to develop or test using different Python versions,
       | you still need to use a virtual environment. PDM does handle this
       | for you though.
       | IMO, the Python packaging ecosystem has been a dumpster fire for
       | a long time, but the flurry of recent PEPs that provide a
       | standard way of defining a package with pyproject.toml have made
       | it so much better. Now it's just a matter of the tools catching
       | up.
       | tapia wrote:
       | So, what's the difference with poetry? It seems pretty similar to
       | me. Do we really need another python package manager?
         | lelandbatey wrote:
         | The big distinguisher of PDM is that it support PEP 582[0].
         | That means it works less like Pip and works more like NPM of
         | the JS world. To quote PEP 582:
         | > This PEP proposes to add to Python a mechanism to
         | automatically recognize a __pypackages__ directory and prefer
         | importing packages installed in this location over user or
         | global site-packages. This will avoid the steps to create,
         | activate or deactivate "virtual environments". Python will use
         | the __pypackages__ from the base directory of the script when
         | present.
         | Thus, the idea of PDM is that it will create a directory,
         | called `__pypackages__` in the root of your project and in that
         | folder it'll populate all the dependencies for that project.
         | Then, when you run scripts in the root folder of your project,
         | your Python install will see that there's a `__pypackages__`
         | folder and use that folder to look up dependencies.
         | This style of "dependencies inside the project directory" is
         | similar to how npm of the Javascript ecosystem works, where it
         | creates a `node_modules/` folder in the root of your project
         | and fills that folder with the dependencies for your project.
         | This style of dependency management is different from other
         | package managers such as Poetry (Python), Pip (Python), go
         | (Golang), and cargo (Rust), all of which instead have a sort of
         | "secret folder acting as cache of dependencies at particular
         | versions", a folder that's usually pretty hidden out of the
         | way, in which the package manager automatically manages the
         | acquisition, storage, and versioning/version resolution
         | (Poetry, Go, Cargo, all do this but Pip does not).
         | That's a very fast and probably wrong rundown on what makes
         | this package manager different from others.
         | [0] - https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0582/
           | divbzero wrote:
           | I've long been of the opinion that pip and venv (and
           | sometimes pyenv) is good enough. PEP 582 is a rare instance
           | where a new packaging proposal makes sense right away when I
           | read it and could beat pip and venv in simplicity.
           | It seems functionally similar to venv but has the benefit of
           | standardizing the location of dependencies to ___pypackages__
           | /3.x/*_. With venv the developer selects some arbitrarily
           | named directory that is sometimes but not always _.venv /*_.
           | tomrod wrote:
           | Wow! This is basically dramatically simplifying to a "venv
           | per script" type approach -- some basic file reorganization
           | and you're solid.
           | I have not come across PEP 582, thank you for linking.
           | twunde wrote:
           | Basically PDM supports project-specific python package
           | installs. This is different from how python has traditionally
           | worked where it has installed globally for the user running
           | it. Why is this important? Because with virtual environments
           | it's easy to forget to activate a virtual environment and run
           | a pip install or upgrade and clobber your computer or
           | server's python environment. It also avoids the confusing
           | issue where someone updates their PATH variable while in a
           | venv, but then its no longer there after exiting the virtual
           | environment.
           | jrimbault wrote:
           | Composer (php) also uses the "project local" approach
       (page generated 2021-12-09 23:00 UTC)