[HN Gopher] Professional maintainers: a wake-up call
       Professional maintainers: a wake-up call
       Author : FiloSottile
       Score  : 307 points
       Date   : 2021-12-11 19:28 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.filippo.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.filippo.io)
       | bluefox wrote:
       | Maybe businesses should pay a tax that goes into paying a
       | respectable universal basic income.
       | That would make it easier to develop and maintain such software,
       | and it would make it easier for people doing other things besides
       | software development (yes, they exist) to open up their artware
       | without starving.
       | Then there wouldn't be a need for the insane "professional"
       | formalism described in this blog post.
       | ozfive wrote:
       | This assumes that large companies are willing to pay in the first
       | place. In my experience most companies if they can get something
       | half-developed for free. They will jump on it and think nothing
       | further of the ramifications in the future however near or far
       | that is. Any business that operates on that level deserves what
       | is to come.
       | vmception wrote:
       | You can get a closer view of this sentiment in action within
       | communities built on open source with distributed governance.
       | Very many communities in the blockchain space routinely discuss
       | how to compensate the development work necessary, and the
       | recurring theme is that people imagine a nonexistent cheap
       | developer:
       | An engineer with in Micronesia with specialized skillsets.
       | Try to convince these communities about the need for a well
       | compensated _team_ of people including product managers and
       | designers all making 6-figures and honestly people just don't
       | believe you. The truth is that cost of living discussion doesn't
       | even matter, people should be compensated on the value they bring
       | (and in those communities that is very easy to quantify.)
       | This has wildly slowed down many projects as UI and usability are
       | completely neglected.
       | Its pretty much only been one year that an engineer in this space
       | can reliably land compensation packages somewhat competitive to a
       | tour in NAAAM
       | heisenbit wrote:
       | Good maintenance requires skills and a steady hand but nobody is
       | going to pay for it. New software is valued much more and thus is
       | the resource allocation. If maintenance is done at all and not
       | shifted to some lower cost organization or country. The Apple App
       | Shop puts a premium on new over working a long time.
       | jokethrowaway wrote:
       | This is happening because we created a culture that glorify an
       | ideal, Free Software, over practical concerns.
       | OSS is communism applied to software: it doesn't make sense and
       | it doesn't work. After a few generations of idealistic people who
       | sacrificed themselves and worked for free to give us foundations,
       | most of OSS nowadays is just: - Advertising to let engineers know
       | that company X is cool and you should go work for them - Ways to
       | keep your staff motivated (who doesn't want to become a OSS
       | rockstar?) - Advertising to sell an actual business
       | I'd rather live in a world where companies are building and
       | maintaining software and reselling it to other companies.
       | Unfortunately we made it sound uncool, somehow.
       | Pay your invoice, get your token and npm install @user-agent-
       | experts/ua-parser
       | I'm not necessarily against open source and I certainly benefit
       | and contribute to it; OSS also has the benefit that more people
       | can spot bugs and end users can fix your shit when it's broken.
       | Still, I would never maintain something that allows companies to
       | use it for free. It doesn't make any sense, no matter how much
       | code the companies are publishing.
       | throwaway5371 wrote:
       | no, people should commit security vulnerabilities on purpose;
       | anarchy and chaos should arise
       | reign of chaos
         | qnsi wrote:
         | hail eris
       | rch wrote:
       | It seems like Stripe Atlas could be adapted to help people
       | formalize side projects, with invoices and subscriptions, while
       | providing guardrails to keep from having to worry too much about
       | the minutia of business, taxes, fees and so on.
       | fleddr wrote:
       | Apart from the discussion that nobody will pay, have you
       | considered that companies aren't even remotely aware of what they
       | use?
       | wolverine876 wrote:
       | Is the lack of a micropayments system the real problem, as with
       | journalism, art, etc.? If people could pay FOSS projects with a
       | click, I think they would. They pay Amazon that way, and that's
       | often for useless junk.
       | beebmam wrote:
       | The solution to this, along with many other socioeconomic
       | problems, isn't going to be solved through voluntarism.
       | This is easily solved with a universal basic income. Some of us
       | would gladly forever maintain and contribute to free software if
       | we had our basic needs guaranteed.
       | I certainly would
         | wolverine876 wrote:
         | > The solution to this, along with many other socioeconomic
         | problems, isn't going to be solved through voluntarism.
         | Open source has been incredibly sucessful using voluntarism.
         | We could also throw in political movements; the all-volunteer
         | military, which has existed on and off since the American
         | Revolution; science (the pay doesn't nearly match the efforts
         | and value); non-profits; teaching (same as science); etc., etc.
         | Why do people feel so motivated to sh-t on voluntarism, which
         | has changed the world with great success. Almost every major
         | advance in history has been accomplished by volunteers
         | (depending on how you define it). Declaration of Independence,
         | Newton, Van Gogh, World Wide Web, etc. etc. etc. ...
       | qwerki wrote:
       | It's great to see more discussion in this space. The way I see
       | it:
       | 1) It's really difficult to donate to Open Source; 2) Companies
       | don't get enough value in exchange for donating - They are
       | businesses and think in dollars & cents; 3) and, Devs much prefer
       | to write code rather than chasing companies for donations &
       | sponsorships.
       | As a result of these dynamics, OSS is very mispriced at the
       | moment. Unfortunately that is going to impact quality and we
       | shouldn't be surprised by the Log4j bug.
       | andreineculau wrote:
       | > Professionalizing the role of maintainer
       | My 2c are that the problem is there, not specifically to OSS. The
       | whole industry is looking down on maintenance and maintainers.
       | Keeping things working might not be a great career, but it's
       | equally important as creating new stuff, and guess what: some
       | people don't want to create but like to debug and maintain.
       | A parallel might be drawn with the right to repair electronics.
       | When we will get back the culture of repairing stuff, then we
       | will value more the act of repairing. Because now, it's an art of
       | repairing that very few afford.
       | Jupe wrote:
       | I don't know... I just don't see how OSS will ever be a real,
       | sustainable business. The moment it does, someone else will
       | simply subvert the paid-for software with a look-alike that does
       | 90% of what the original does, but for free. In my view, this is
       | the birth story of OSS. And I don't see any real market there.
       | Even if you manage to find a "niche", like some sustainable
       | software-as-a-service with subscription, there's nothing stopping
       | someone else from undercutting you... all the way to "completely
       | free".
       | Moreover, isn't this what's happening to most software,
       | everywhere? Cases-in-point:
       | Compilers - when's the last time you actually paid for a
       | programming language? I know for me: SAS C in the mid 1990's
       | Databases - any new solution would likely use a free DB.. and why
       | not?
       | Digital audio workstations - "free" ones seem to come out monthly
       | Graphic editors - 2D and 3D alike - the free varieties are
       | getting better every year
       | Developer IDEs - From console editors to full GUIs to online
       | offerings; all free
       | Even the business model of "hoping to make server software so
       | good that everyone wants it" fails when hosting services just
       | grab it, re-package with their own branding and profit.
       | [deleted]
       | fatcat500 wrote:
       | If there was a button on Github that donated small amounts of
       | money to the maintainer(s) of a project, I would press it
       | frequently for many libraries I depend on.
       | For example, donating 25 or 50 cents every time I visit
       | gofiber/fiber would be fine with me.
       | However, there is no way to feasibly charge small quantities of
       | money without the majority of it getting raked in processing
       | fees. For example, Stripe charges 30 cents plus 2.9 percent (last
       | I checked), meaning only ~20 cents would make it to the
       | maintainer(s).
       | The same issue exists with rewarding content creators. You either
       | donate a non-trivial amount of money (often recurring) like $10 a
       | month (which means you have to keep track of that expense, which
       | is arguably an even greater disincentive for donating), or you
       | don't donate at all.
       | rubyist5eva wrote:
       | It's a double edge sword. They can you use your stuff AS-IS
       | WITHOUT WARRANTY, but if something goes wrong it is AS-IS WITHOUT
       | WARRANTY.
       | We've gotten complacent that open source just exists and is
       | maintained and it's sunshine and rainbows. We've been able to
       | build amazing things on the backs of these maintainers, but you
       | have to factor in that they _don 't owe you anything_. So keep
       | that in mind when you're just gonna install some random library
       | from the public package repository because "not invented here" or
       | something.
       | nobodyandproud wrote:
       | For businesses, "free, as in speech" is equivalent to "free, as
       | in beer" because I as a company developer can build it and use
       | it. Even better if it's a non-viral copy-left license.
       | Why pay for the cow when you get the milk for free? There's no
       | incentive for anyone to pay and this has become best practice.
       | Anyone remember the uproar over CentOS being retired?
       | There's this unrealistic expectation that maintainers be paid
       | without a real business model, but that's what needs to be done.
       | Become a business or being part of a business, and find a cost
       | model that is both appealing to customers and self-sustainable.
       | All which comes with non-engineering headaches, but there's no
       | avoiding it.
       | What may help here--and the missing ingredient---is the lack of a
       | professional, trade organization.
       | In fact, this would solve a number of pressing problems in our
       | industry.
       | smasher164 wrote:
       | I agree that appropriate compensation is necessary, but I don't
       | think it's sufficient. There's a lack of visibility and tooling
       | for dependency management/auditing. I can't even find a proper
       | list of critical OSS along with their donation links.
       | Moreover, there needs to be a fundamental re-thinking of the
       | security model of languages and runtimes, i.e. even if I can
       | eval() user input or load a plugin from the network, it should
       | not be game over. There should be finer-grained access control in
       | programs, both at the type-level and with how they interact with
       | the OS. The global view of "your program can do anything unless
       | said otherwise" needs to change.
       | neilwilson wrote:
       | There is of course another way to do this.
       | The state offers a guaranteed job and collects tax.
       | Just as it does to maintain the roads.
       | Toll roads became public roads .
       | Earning six figures is a chore and frankly gets boring after a
       | while. But if you had enough to keep the wolf from the door ...
       | pbiggar wrote:
       | Here's something I wrote in 2018 that could basically be the
       | exact same thing written today:
       | https://medium.com/@paulbiggar/how-to-fund-open-source-8790e...
       | daenz wrote:
       | I'm an open source author and maintainer of a somewhat-popular
       | python package[0] (~1M downloads/month) that I've maintained for
       | over 10 years. I don't recall ever receiving a donation. I am
       | still maintaining it, but I just don't have time to add the
       | improvements that it needs to keep up with the ecosystem
       | (asyncio, for example). If organizations who use it got together
       | and chipped in some non-negligible amount, I would be much more
       | serious about keeping up with it, but $0, or $5-20/month, is just
       | not realistic incentive to compete with other priorities in my
       | life. I don't know the answer, but that's my thought process.
       | 0. https://github.com/amoffat/sh
         | pdonis wrote:
         | _> organizations who use it_
         | Do you know which organizations these are?
         | nopenopenopeno wrote:
         | Good for you. The welfare queen megacorps have been too
         | comfortable expecting handouts like open source charity work
         | and public bailouts. Open source software has served the elite
         | executive class while leaving working people to depend on anti-
         | freedom proprietary offerings. I am sick of watching it go down
         | like that. The never-ending data leaks, dark patterns, lock-in
         | strategies, and attacks on encryption and freedom of speech,
         | are all exacerbated by this tendency to yield the commons to
         | the ruling class. If open source doesn't serve working people,
         | I don't care a lick for it anymore. Cheers to Stallman and all,
         | but this is where his proposals fell short.
         | javajosh wrote:
         | First, I don't use it, but thanks. (I know, being a maintainer
         | is a thankless job, but I'm a rebel.) Second, the OP addresses
         | this issue directly. He's talking about "making OSS maintenance
         | _legible_ " (emphasis mine) to BigCorps via 5-6 figure invoices
         | "on letterhead".
         | It's a grand idea, and I hope it works. The path to not working
         | is too achingly obvious though. Budgets are always tight (even
         | if you're Apple and you have to artificially make money feel
         | tight). What corp officer with budgetary discretion is going to
         | greenlight a 5-6 figure payment to someone who's not doing work
         | directly for the company? I think the key here is that that
         | person is going to have to a) be principled, and b) smart about
         | selling it, by emphasizing the fact that the changes were
         | beneficial to our company, and leave out the fact that those
         | changes were beneficial to every company. It wouldn't hurt if
         | BigCorp got a measurable recruitment bump from it, too.
           | daenz wrote:
           | If I could figure out for certain which big companies were
           | using my software, I might try the invoice idea for fun. I
           | expect it would be ignored, but I would send it anyways to
           | prove the idea one way or the other.
             | gumby wrote:
             | Big companies don't just pay random invoices;* you need to
             | indicate what project and account (usually IDs from their
             | CRM). So it would merely be chucked out.
             | * In really big companies it's possible for admins to buy
             | routine stuff below a threshold just to save on paperwork.
             | So there's a scam in which someone sends out a bunch of
             | $100 invoices for "printer paper" -- account payable
             | assumes the department code was left off by the vendor but
             | it seems legit so they pay it. Seems like a hard way to
             | collect money.
               | jsmith99 wrote:
               | It's called a Purchase to Pay system - whoever makes an
               | order supplies a Purchase Order number from their
               | internal system, which the supplier will reference on
               | their invoice so the accounts team can look it up before
               | paying it.
               | In terms HN would understand, it's a stateful firewall
               | for invoices that prevents paying orders that didn't
               | originate from your company.
             | josteink wrote:
             | If you hosted the package/library yourself instead of in
             | closed silos/package repos, you could directly check the
             | IPs of whoever regularly pulls your stuff.
             | We all opted for centralized package repos though, so now
             | only they know. And they're not telling us.
             | Just another "free" opportunity lost to centralization, I
             | guess.
               | javajosh wrote:
               | _> We all opted for centralized package repos though, so
               | now only they know. And they're not telling us._
               | I'm sympathetic to the view, but there really are some
               | things that are better centralizing. Reducing code into
               | binaries is something that a "fair" 3rd party is going to
               | be better at than the 1st party. Why? The 3rd party
               | central source is (presumably) mechanically cloning and
               | building, whereas the 1st party is doing much much more.
               | Effectively the 3rd party offers a better guarantee to
               | the end user that this binary corresponds to that
               | particular source.
               | Also, the Way to measure who's using your code is to put
               | runtime telemetry in there. Distasteful, but so common
               | now with every kind of software, it's crazy. Yes, even
               | OSS CLI programs phone home now (heck, ohmyzsh phones
               | home every time I open a terminal!). For a generic server
               | library, you'd add a check to make sure it's the most
               | recent version and print that out to stdout on startup.
               | See, it's not user hostile it's to keep them informed of
               | updates! /s
               | oauea wrote:
               | > ohmyzsh phones home every time I open a terminal
               | are you talking about the update check that by default
               | runs once every 14 days[1], or is there something else?
               | [1]: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh#getting-updates
         | indymike wrote:
         | Oh, wow. I've used this before. I think the python community
         | needs to work out how to make it easier for us to identify and
         | donate to maintainers. When I pip install, I never get a donate
         | here: some url. When I npm install, I do (arguably too much).
         | Anyhow, sh is handy. Thanks!
       | dalke wrote:
       | > Open Source maintainers graduating to sophisticated
       | counterparties who send invoices for "support and sponsorship" on
       | letterhead, and big companies developing procedures to assess,
       | approve, and pay them as a matter of routine so that they can get
       | what they need from the ecosystem.
       | The first 1/2 already exists. It's the companies which need to
       | change.
       | I say this from experience. I'm self-employed, with my own
       | company. For the first 15 years my plan was to provide commercial
       | support for open source packages I worked on. I had an LLC, an
       | accountant, I paid a designer for a logo, etc.
       | I co-founded the Biopython project and offered commercial support
       | for it, with a couple of other Biopython developers under NDA so
       | we could work on commercial projects that used Biopython.
       | Any interest? No.
       | I started an open source package for high-performance molecular
       | similarity search. This got some funding, mostly from personal
       | contacts at companies which wanted new features. And people used
       | it.
       | In fact, at one conference a speaker gave a talk based in part on
       | the results of my software. He commented correctly that it's very
       | hard for a company to spend money on software they get for free.
       | I commented, correctly IMO, that I offered support contracts, and
       | support is easy to justify to management if they really cared.
       | (Over the course of the conference, I learned what they liked
       | best of "free software" was it is 1) available for no cost, and
       | 2) doesn't come with string attached - they didn't want to care
       | about upstream.)
       | My story isn't unique. I'm not the only one to try the
       | "sophisticated counterparty" route. LLCs are cheap.
       | The real onus is on the big companies. And since that's not going
       | to happen, I now offer proprietary licensing for my once FOSS-
       | only software.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | This is completely wrongheaded.
       | The people responsible for the logging library security are 100%
       | the people who decided to integrate that piece, not some open
       | source person who provides a patch and his three sponsors.
       | The Log4j library has a LICENSE.txt with clauses "7. Disclaimer
       | of Warranty." and "8. Limitation of Liability."
       | The wake up call is that programmers should take responsibility
       | for everything that they integrate, including all that they
       | recursively integrate. If you put it in the image, it's your
       | fault.
       | pselbert wrote:
       | The only reason I'm able to maintain a reasonably successful open
       | source library is because it is part of an open core business
       | model. Without that I couldn't justify the development effort or
       | relentless support to myself, or my family. Getting a few hundred
       | dollars a month wouldn't cut it either.
       | Building a business on a stack of other people's hobbies isn't
       | sustainable. I mean, just tell that to anybody outside of tech
       | and watch their reaction.
         | julianlam wrote:
         | Agreed. It is exactly the funding model my project (started
         | with two colleagues) endorses. We incorporated federally and
         | keep an open core.
         | I can't imagine it would be as clear cut for a "library", but
         | it can be done...
       | dkjaudyeqooe wrote:
       | Why not start a foundation, or even a business where companies
       | and individuals can voluntarily pay for open source software,
       | like an online store?
       | Different projects have different prices, but you can pay more.
       | The money is forwarded to project maintainers was wages, but a
       | "tax" is applied so that some money is redirected to small but
       | growing projects.
       | Projects that see sufficient income would be certified as having
       | certain level of guaranteed support, based on the fact that they
       | essentially have a staff to maintain the project. The entity
       | would ensure and manage this. Some of the money would be used to
       | fund this process.
         | WesolyKubeczek wrote:
         | You used the word "voluntarily" here, and it's going to be the
         | singular reason it won't work.
         | Corporations ever do anything voluntarily if the alternative is
         | tangibly worse, evidently more expensive, or existentially
         | threatening, especially in short to middle term.
       | thruflo wrote:
       | Sounds like an opportunity for a seedlegals.com style sass.
       | There's tipping and sponsorship infra, but is there a service to
       | plug an OS project into corporate-friendly licensing and support
       | invoicing?
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | This post didn't go the way I thought it would. When these
       | discussions get going, I always feel a little guilty because my
       | tiny company doesn't pay for all the open-source software we use.
       | I suppose we should, but it would be hard to make a business case
       | for that, since the software is already free. It would be easy to
       | conclude that this is a problem for the big, rich companies to
       | solve, but I'm suspicious of advocating any action that I'm not
       | willing to do myself.
         | reidrac wrote:
         | I don't know if this makes sense: sponsoring one of the open
         | source projects your business depends on, could that work as
         | PR?
         | Perhaps this could work for any company size, but I guess it
         | depends on what is your core business.
       | DarylZero wrote:
       | The real solution is to throw out all the crap at the top of the
       | stack, get down to simpler and simpler code that can be
       | maintained by the people autonomously without corporate
       | involvement.
       | E.g., Gemini.
       | baskethead wrote:
       | If the US government had any sense of strategy, they would employ
       | these maintainers en masse, not only to create good will but to
       | make sure that other bad actors don't get to them first.
       | bhauer wrote:
       | I feel as if engineers at firms that build systems that use open
       | source libraries should campaign internally to create budget line
       | items for paying non-trivial amounts to the maintainers of those
       | libraries.
       | I find it difficult to blame developers individually. Individuals
       | working at these companies aren't going to see it as their role
       | to send some of their own after-tax income to maintainers via
       | GitHub Sponsors unless they are unusually charitable. But I could
       | definitely see my _company_ sending thousands out the door (pre-
       | tax) every year to the maintainers of the libraries we depend on.
       | For example, imagine your team is 15 people. Have the company
       | budget for and send an additional one developer's worth of salary
       | out annually to the open source maintainers, divided among the
       | libraries in a proportion agreed to by the development team. Yes,
       | it's an additional cost line item, but it's the right thing to do
       | and it won't break the bank.
       | Open source has reduced costs dramatically for all of us who use
       | it in our dependencies list. A nominal cost line item on our
       | annual budgets is more than fair.
         | DarylZero wrote:
         | This makes more sense than blaming the developers.
         | But ultimately the problem is the same: engineers, i.e.
         | employees, don't control the money. They don't have agency to
         | direct the money toward functions other than enriching the
         | people who have the money.
         | They may have more agency relatively speaking than free
         | software developers, but on an absolute scale, you can measure
         | this kind of agency in dollars, and it's a pittance.
         | Maybe they could donate some of their own salaries. Maybe they
         | could get employer matching. Still doesn't seem realistic, but
         | it's closer.
       | jbk wrote:
       | > Now is the perfect time for Open Source maintainers to become
       | legible to the big companies that depend on them--and that want
       | to get more out of them--and send them five-to-six figure
       | invoices.
       | Well, this is exactly what I've been doing around VideoLAN (VLC,
       | x264) and FFmpeg for the last few years. In order to do that,
       | I've created 2 official companies Videolabs and FFlabs (besides
       | the non-profit orgs) and I've gone through all the hoops to get
       | paid (PO, billing, invoices, registering to large companies is a
       | lot of paperwork, tbh, but well..) and we try and bill small to
       | large companies that depends on those projects.
       | And FFmpeg and x264 are the core of the online video.
       | So I did exactly what Filippo is saying we should do.
       | But the result is really not impressive. Seriously, asking for
       | money for support from those companies feels like we're pulling
       | the nails, even if their full business depends on it. Getting
       | 30-50k$ from those companies for support for one year can be very
       | challenging, long or leading to nowhere at all.
       | So, large SV companies and startup should also start agreeing to
       | pay for open source, when it's the core of the tech.
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | Would following an open core model work better, like it has for
         | Hashicorp, Sidekiq, Tailwind, etc? Also, would focusing more on
         | the low 4 figures result in more revenue? I feel the crowd
         | sensitive to open source has that kind of spending authority,
         | but once you get into the enterprise amounts, it's out of our
         | reach to effect change.
           | ozfive wrote:
           | At Enterprise levels there is no excuse to be using open
           | source software and not paying some amount to get support.
           | Boo!!! Booo!!! To anyone in an Enterprise that exploits FOSS
           | without diverting funds to it. https://youtu.be/74GdZs2Ilk4
           | wpietri wrote:
           | That could work if the cost per sale were sufficiently low.
           | But unless companies set up some sort of low-overhead system
           | for putting that kind of money into open-source projects, I
           | can't see it working. From what I hear, most devs can't just
           | say, "We use project X a lot, so I'm going to fill out their
           | web form right now and expense a $1k annual donation."
           | jbk wrote:
           | > Would following an open core model work better, like it has
           | for Hashicorp, Sidekiq, Tailwind, etc?
           | Yes, I think this might be a better model, indeed.
           | But I did not start either of those projects, I came on board
           | later; and those models are difficult to back-fit into an
           | existing project.
         | DethNinja wrote:
         | Why not change the license to a revenue share agreement with a
         | cap on total amount of revenue?
         | For example, if a company uses ffmpeg on their products and
         | product generates a yearly revenue of 1m then they will pay you
         | 1k.
         | Current open source agreements do nothing to help smaller
         | companies or the maintainers and honestly I find it stupid and
         | destructive.
         | Charge larger companies more depending on their revenue and let
         | small size companies with less revenue basically use it for
         | free. Isn't this more ethical than letting FAANG use these
         | software for free?
           | hparadiz wrote:
           | I really don't understand this mentality. This is what we've
           | all been fighting for since the 90s. A free (as in beer) and
           | open stack of software that anyone can pull off the shelf and
           | use.
           | So many commercial platforms rely not just on ffmpeg and vlc
           | but also on nginx, php, python, nodejs, linux, mariadb, and
           | everything else you can imagine. We also pay for some very
           | niche things that are simply not available from the open
           | source community.
           | If my company was liable to have to pay out for each one of
           | these projects we would be bled dry and our business would no
           | longer be profitable. A bunch of people would also lose their
           | jobs in the process.
           | At my company we have revenue sharing so the idea of having
           | to cut out a piece of the pie for an open source project
           | would not be popular among staff. Most of them aren't even in
           | tech.
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | _> If my company was liable to have to pay out for each one
             | of these projects we would be bled dry and our business
             | would no longer be profitable._
             | Unfortunately, building a business on a limited resource
             | that is -currently- "free," is not a particularly wise
             | decision.
             | VideoLAN and ffmpeg are _amazing_ tools, but a lot of folks
             | have made a lot of money on wrappers (some of which, are
             | eye-wateringly expensive). I 'd be unsurprised to find a
             | number of license violations in some of these wrappers.
             | History is filled with examples of people making money on
             | resources that are not sustainable. These folks make a lot
             | of money, until they wipe out the resources.
             | OS is a limited resource.
             | pizza wrote:
             | Open source developers can still release things to everyone
             | for free. Seems fair to say that companies derive value
             | from open source in proportion to their scale. How about a
             | $1m value generated threshold before it's considered
             | impolite for a company to not at least give a little
             | something back?
               | hparadiz wrote:
               | Ultimately these tools have already been released for
               | free so asking for a rent seeking style payment after the
               | fact is a little bit like sour grapes. What stops me from
               | just forking the project? Really nothing. If anything
               | open source maintainers that want to get paid should look
               | into a model that mirrors the bug bounty programs. Have
               | bounties for features. Generally these projects only
               | really need security updates.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | Throwing money at some outside parties will not ensure that
         | your in-house developers aren't carelessly in including
         | snippets of code from the wild into your product.
         | Klonoar wrote:
         | Wasn't there some YC company that was trying to act as a sales
         | agent/middle-entity for this kind of situation? If not YC, they
         | at least were on HN at one point.
         | Curious if anyone knows.
         | hncurious wrote:
         | What's the largest company that uses FFmpeg and has refused?
         | What did they say?
         | H8crilA wrote:
         | You need a proper "asshole" in such organizations that will go
         | and threaten complete lack of support if the bill isn't paid.
         | Of course there is a lot more detail in such negotiations, but
         | the fact is that he/she will be facing similar "assholes" from
         | the side of the copros. The entire thing is essentially just a
         | game of standard capitalism. You have to know how to play that
         | game, though.
         | FFmpeg should be able to pull multiple $M per year easily from
         | all the major corporations that use it. For comparison, $1M is
         | the total yearly cost of ~3 average engineers at FAANGs. And
         | most, if not all of them, use FFmpeg quite seriously.
           | jbk wrote:
           | > You need a proper "asshole" in such organizations that will
           | go and threaten complete lack of support if the bill isn't
           | paid.
           | That's the point, they don't pay, and they don't get support.
           | But they still complain when there is a major CVE.
           | > For comparison, $1M is the total yearly cost of ~3 average
           | engineers at FAANGs.
           | I wish we got that...
             | bogwog wrote:
             | 1) Create a funding report newsletter for FFMPEG
             | 2) When funding is low, big scary exclamation marks all
             | over the place
             | 3) Include a bulleted list of doomsday scenarios showing
             | what could happen to YOU if a bug/vulnerability is found
             | 4) Add a picture of a sad kitten or crying baby for good
             | measure
             | Now just subscribe all of the non-tech business people at
             | organizations that use FFMPEG, and wait for them to panic.
             | (Make sure that they need to call you to unsubscribe from
             | the newsletter, especially if they work at the New York
             | Times)
               | DarylZero wrote:
               | >Now just subscribe all of the non-tech business people
               | at organizations
               | Ah, if only one could "just" get a mass of people's
               | attention and send the message
               | justinclift wrote:
               | > Now just subscribe all of the non-tech business people
               | at organizations that use FFMPEG ...
               | Don't do that bit unless you're sure it's not illegal in
               | your (and their) jurisdiction.
               | Spam being a thing, and there being laws against it.
             | infogulch wrote:
             | Note "yearly _cost_ ". Between administrative and
             | organizational overhead, taxes, benefits, etc, typically
             | only 50% of that cost is actually taken home as employee-
             | visible salary [1] (which the employee then pays income
             | taxes on...). $175k is still a healthy salary especially
             | when compared to other locales, but it's not the $333k that
             | is easy to presume based on GP's comment.
             | [1]: From what I've seen this ~50% number seems to be
             | pretty close to the mark across virtually all industries
             | and jobs. I.e. it's pretty safe to assume that the total
             | cost to your employer to retain you is around double your
             | take home pay.
               | cma wrote:
               | It doesn't seem like that 50% number would just keep
               | scaling with salary. There is a cap on payroll tax [1],
               | administration stuff around administering health,
               | vacation, etc. doesn't change that much, office space..
               | maybe so with things like the Apple spaceship ($5 billion
               | with capabilities for 12,000 employees; amortized over 25
               | years would be $16,000 per employee so I wouldn't think
               | so).
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payroll_tax#/media/File
               | :Effect...
             | watwut wrote:
             | Do those specific managers and layers really complain about
             | CVE? Afaik they don't care or know.
             | bscphil wrote:
             | > That's the point, they don't pay, and they don't get
             | support. But they still complain
             | You've put your finger on the core of the issue with
             | FiloSottile's suggestion. The problem is that to sell
             | something to a big corporation, you need to have something
             | tangible you can sell. What you have are enormous pieces of
             | widely used software, being given away for free. Many
             | companies are going to take that and run with it, and forgo
             | a support contract entirely. You may argue that they _want_
             | support when there 's an issue, but the truth is they're
             | happy enough with the status quo and just complaining a
             | lot.
             | In FiloSottile's model, a corporation needs to use your
             | software for something specific, but also expects to need
             | changes to it or prioritized issue support and approaches
             | you; you send them an invoice with five zeroes on it as a
             | bill for your services and they are heavily incentivized to
             | pay for it.
             | Unfortunately that's not the reality for 99.9% of open
             | source maintainers, a figure that includes most creators of
             | popular software like VLC. I've personally contributed to a
             | bunch of projects and maintain some of my own, but it's a
             | hobby. As far as I know no corporations are even using any
             | of them. Figuring out some software niche that no one yet
             | has a product it, building it, and waiting for a
             | corporation to swoop in and drop me a six figure yearly
             | check cannot be a career strategy.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Would it be unethical to refuse to fix bugs reported by
               | employees of large corporations, unless those
               | corporations pay a support contract or contribute a patch
               | themselves?
         | mfer wrote:
         | > So, large SV companies and startup should also start agreeing
         | to pay for open source, when it's the core of the tech.
         | Companies usually have a reason to keep their expenses low.
         | Sometimes they are a public company with fiscal
         | responsibilities. A startup will only have so much runway and
         | is likely trying to reduce expenses.
         | Given this situation, why will they pay for what they can get
         | for free?
           | skinkestek wrote:
           | > Sometimes they are a public company with fiscal
           | responsibilities.
           | Public companies also have accounts for goodwill in their
           | books, don't they?
           | Also, I'd even say that depending on volunteers for
           | everything when you aren't in dire straits isn't to
           | responsible.
             | watwut wrote:
             | No, the companies are supposed to generate value for
             | shareholders. They are supposed to have infinite financial
             | growth and that is pretty much it.
               | DarylZero wrote:
               | That's how it is most of the time but I don't see how you
               | can say it's "supposed to" be that way. It's
               | pathological. Essentially it's a form of group
               | sociopathy.
               | thedevelopnik wrote:
               | Yes, you just described Capitalism.
               | watwut wrote:
               | Supposed as per economical theory/ideology, legal
               | expectations and also per "what kind of CEO will get the
               | job".
               | It is not like most of the time randomly. It is like
               | that, because economic system is designed to work that
               | way.
             | OJFord wrote:
             | Yes, but it doesn't mean what you think.
             | Goodwill in that context is _towards_ the company, an
             | intangible asset comprising the value in its brand etc.
             | mfer wrote:
             | > Public companies also have accounts for goodwill in their
             | books, don't they?
             | I've worked for multiple public companies and have yet to
             | see this. I have seen different models. For example, when
             | they want a feature in an open source project they may
             | contract with maintainers to pay for work. Or, they may
             | have a maintainer for a project on staff.
             | > Also, I'd even say that depending on volunteers for
             | everything when you aren't in dire straits isn't to
             | responsible.
             | Responsible to whom?
             | People choose to be volunteers. Being a volunteer and
             | hoping for hand outs from companies it's working out well
             | for most folks. Maybe it's time to look at other ways of
             | doing things.
             | Note, I'm not suggesting what the right way to do things
             | is. I'm just looking at how people are doing things.
             | Expecting them to behave differently isn't likely going to
             | bring about a change in them.
           | wpietri wrote:
           | It seems like you haven't quite got the concept of open
           | source. If everybody consumes and nobody contributes, how
           | long will that last?
           | A while back I bought a cheap robot vacuum. Their scheduling
           | feature didn't meet my needs, so I reverse-engineered the
           | protocol and open-sourced a cron-friendly CLI tool and a
           | library so people could do other things with it:
           | https://github.com/wpietri/sucks
           | Honestly, this was a mistake on my part. It was a demanding
           | audience of home-automation hobbyists mostly without
           | programming skills. The company was thoroughly unhelpful.
           | When my vacuum finally broke, I was relieved, as I had a good
           | excuse for trying to hand off the project. Nobody stepped up,
           | so I shut it down. I just ran out of interest in doing free
           | work to support a company worth billions.
           | I really admire the community spirit of open source But it's
           | not sustainable if companies making their money off it keep
           | depending on the niceness and generosity of others without
           | giving back enough to keep them happy, healthy, productive
           | people.
             | mfer wrote:
             | A few thoughts...
             | I've long known people who modified cars. Sometimes they
             | did it as a business. Sometimes they helped friends out.
             | Sometimes the work was on nights and weekends. The car
             | manufacturer never had a responsibility to support them.
             | They never had to support people in forums. Anything they
             | did was their choice. Sometimes as a business and sometimes
             | volunteering.
             | You didn't have to open source that work. Once it was out
             | there, you didn't need to provide support.
             | Doing volunteer work and hoping for generosity from
             | companies isn't working.
               | phkahler wrote:
               | >> You didn't have to open source that work. Once it was
               | out there, you didn't need to provide support.
               | That's true. The problems brought up in the article all
               | stem from companies relying on open source and then
               | getting into trouble when there are problems with it.
               | They would pay if they had to.
               | The core problem is that everyone wants something for
               | nothing. Sure companies appreciate that they can get
               | billions of dollars worth of infrastructure software for
               | free. Individuals appreciate that they can get useful
               | software for free (though many don't care if it's FLOSS
               | or illegally obtains commercial). People will take what
               | they can, and pay for what they must. Open source is
               | sometimes better than commercial, and even if the
               | developers were paid industry rates it would be much
               | cheaper because companies charge rent for software - not
               | for development.
             | bawolff wrote:
             | > It seems like you haven't quite got the concept of open
             | source. If everybody consumes and nobody contributes, how
             | long will that last?
             | I think that's a pretty unfair characterization of the
             | previous post.
             | candiddevmike wrote:
             | IMO, I think the golden age of completely FOSS apps (no
             | open core) is ending/has ended as users expect more
             | features and apps struggle to meet demands without
             | effective monetization. I think open source will always
             | have a place for libraries and tools, but end user
             | applications will either become open core or no longer open
             | source.
               | smorgusofborg wrote:
               | > as users expect more features
               | I think mobile was a reprieve for commercial software and
               | UX specialists and the increasingly negative comments on
               | new OS versions indicate it is close to done like
               | desktop.
               | For every user that likes a change there are 19 that
               | prefer the flow they already learned to stay exactly the
               | same and at least half are looking for exploitive
               | attempts to modify their behavior in anything a publisher
               | changes.
               | the_af wrote:
               | > _I think open source will always have a place for
               | libraries and tools, but end user applications will
               | either become open core or no longer open source._
               | Very sad if this ever comes to pass. It's a world in
               | which I would never have learned about computers or
               | decided to work with them. I think it makes more sense to
               | charge big companies but keep software free and libre for
               | individuals.
               | (I don't think this future will happen though: I think
               | it's based on a deep misunderstanding of what drives FOSS
               | developers to do what they do).
               | laurent92 wrote:
               | Shouldn't Open Source be considered the 8th wonder of the
               | world?
               | - OSS allowed an entire industry to flourish,
               | - It has had so many contributions that it is easily the
               | category which is the biggest benevolence of the world,
               | and possibly the biggest achievement of humanity,
               | - It allowed the entire world to go securely on the
               | internet (launch a Debian and it's secure and up to very
               | high professional standards without effort, try doing
               | that in the legal field),
               | - Its results are permanent. In 2100, documents written
               | in Office 365 or Adobe will be lost, but they'll be able
               | to recompile LibreOffice, Chrome (at least Webkit) or
               | Wordpress. Benefits of OSS accrue over time, as opposed
               | to closed-source software which is sold under closed
               | license and DRM.
               | wpietri wrote:
               | Entirely possible. Although I suspect more libraries and
               | tools will go that way as well. Note that mine was in
               | theory a library/tool. And the examples mentioned in the
               | blog post were similarly infrastructural.
               | Most of us work at such high levels of abstraction we
               | couldn't even name all our dependencies. Which in effect
               | makes us the same sort of consumers app users are:
               | expecting a lot out but not putting anything in.
             | usefulcat wrote:
             | >> Given this situation, why will they pay for what they
             | can get for free?
             | > If everybody consumes and nobody contributes, how long
             | will that last?
             | That doesn't answer the GP question, which is all about
             | incentives.
             | The answer is, at least some parties won't pay for what
             | they can get for free. So the options are:
             | a) deal with it
             | b) require payment
             | c) come up with some way to incentivize more donations
               | meheleventyone wrote:
               | d) stop
               | It's not like there is a parable about killing the goose
               | that laid the golden egg to teach you how to appreciate
               | these things.
             | [deleted]
           | KarlKemp wrote:
           | In strictly economic terms, it rarely makes sense for all but
           | the largest users of some upstream project, putting that
           | proposition squarely in tragedy-of-the-commons territory:
           | it's better to hope for others to support it.
           | That applies even to existing sponsorships, however. Their
           | existence thus points at more than cold-blooded short-term
           | business interests being at play here. While corporations are
           | in theory seeking only shareholder value, corporations happen
           | to be (made up of) people, who are capable of altruism, and
           | should be encouraged to use it. Just because US capitalism
           | has managed to build a not-entirely-failing system on
           | unadulterated selfishness does not turn that mindset into a
           | virtue, or even reality: as far as I can tell, the dominant
           | reason for sponsorship is that some person with a bit of
           | authority likes the idea.
           | They may consider it good for marketing, or recruitment, or
           | to secure their supply chain, or just morally called for, or
           | they want to be the fat cat at this years TINYTEC-CON. If you
           | asked them, they'll give you a reason that totally makes
           | sense for a business and has little to do with reality. And,
           | no, nobody ever got sued or fired for these decisions. So go
           | ahead, do it! You got all the left-padding you needed, it's
           | right to pad their wallet in return.
           | (recycled from earlier comment on the topic)
           | DarylZero wrote:
           | Right. Mostly they wouldn't even pay employees if they could
           | get away with it. We have to make laws about it.
             | imachine1980_ wrote:
             | like dual licensees?qt?
               | DarylZero wrote:
               | I mean just ordinary employees really wouldn't get paid
               | at all if not for labor regulations.
               | Just look into the amount of simple "wage theft"
               | (employers forcing employees to work off the clock, etc.)
               | that exists in the USA.
               | Of course, this country fought a war over the issue of
               | free labor from black slaves.
               | jokethrowaway wrote:
               | What you say is nonsense. Companies will try to pay as
               | little as possible to make more profit. They won't pay
               | you more than you can make them. Employees will try to
               | get paid as much as possible. They won't work for
               | something they can't live on.
               | All is good and dandy.
               | If employees are not getting paid, they'll go and do
               | something else (like another job or growing food
               | themselves) or steal and starve if there are no jobs or
               | resources. They would never work for free because they
               | can't live without eating.
           | [deleted]
           | jbk wrote:
           | > Given this situation, why will they pay for what they can
           | get for free?
           | See the article...
             | mfer wrote:
             | I was responding to the parent comment not the article. The
             | article makes great point. It essentially talks about a
             | services and support business around open source. Some have
             | been doing this for decades.
             | When you have contracts and support at a cost you aren't
             | doing the work for free. The article is talking about
             | running open source like a business rather than a volunteer
             | situation. That means, you're not doing everything for
             | free.
               | jbk wrote:
               | > It essentially talks about a services and support
               | business around open source.
               | Which is _exactly_ what we are doing...
         | Terry_Roll wrote:
         | It aint going to happen, have you read some of the contracts
         | linked to opensource, it will be a minority who make money from
         | it. For example, I could use opensource internally, add
         | features to it but I dont have to submit those changes back to
         | the main source for others to use. Not only that who is going
         | to police it? Its not like there is some magic open source
         | police who will police my computer is there?!? So sure whilst
         | the statement is true that Open Source runs most of the
         | internet, the companies using it like Facebook or Google are
         | not under any legal obligation to submit any changes back to
         | the public domain for the greater good under some of those
         | contracts. Even MS has some API's which come very close to
         | mirroring Open Source functionality which makes me question MS
         | is this legal!
         | Open Source is just naive charity, much like the UK Govt
         | exploited the charity of the public by helping along a Weekly
         | 8pm clap for NHS workers on a Thursday night during Covid
         | Lockdowns. A weekly clap aint going to pay the bills and the
         | rich will say anything to get out of handing over money. Hard
         | lesson but its the truth, they would spend on PR Image control
         | than pay bills IMO.
         | So sorry, Open Source is something people can practice on and
         | not get paid for except in a consulting role at best.
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | It is really not that hard with the right licensing.
         | Offer your FOSS project with the meanest anti-corporation
         | license you can find (AGPL?) which is not going to bother your
         | user base but it is going to be a major hurdle for any
         | corporation and then offer the software with a corporate
         | friendly license for 100.000 / year.
         | Wouldn't this work?
           | coldpie wrote:
           | You run into problems when there are contributors other than
           | yourself.
       | [deleted]
       | tomxor wrote:
       | Unpopular opinion:
       | Maybe there is nothing wrong with the "status quo", maybe we
       | don't need _yet another_ attempt to finance small FOSS projects
       | where it 's hard to explain how money will actually solve any of
       | these issues.
       |  _Maybe_ people just need to be more considerate of what they
       | depend upon. And in the case that a popular yet well maintained
       | project has a CVE on day, _maybe_ we need to accept that
       | popularity does not make them invulnerable to bugs, all software
       | has bugs.
       | </ unpopular realists opinion>
         | jjoonathan wrote:
         | "Being considerate" and "accepting" can't fix bugs. Time and
         | money can fix bugs. We need to get these projects more time and
         | more money.
           | rglullis wrote:
           | No doubt. The question is who should be paying them?
           | finnh wrote:
           | Would more time or money prevented the log4j bug? If anything
           | that strikes me as coming from too much time spent on
           | overarchitecting something.
             | jjoonathan wrote:
             | That's more an argument against old-school "no amount of
             | architecture is ever enough" Java -- not so much an
             | argument against the principle that engineer-time can fix
             | bugs.
               | watwut wrote:
               | This bug was not consequence of not enough developers.
               | And there will never be guaranteed "no security issue"
               | situation. That level of certainly is simply too
               | expensive.
             | taberiand wrote:
             | Money spent on dedicated testing might have discovered it
             | earlier perhaps?
               | mro_name wrote:
               | I don't think testing is the silver bullet here - it's
               | about system boundary awareness.
               | jsiepkes wrote:
               | I don't really see how the Log4J2 issue would have been
               | uncovered by testing. It's not really a bug but more of a
               | design flaw.
               | The reason is that the whole JNDI string interpolation
               | feature by itself opens a door to a whole world of
               | layered complexity which you can't comprehend. And even
               | if you could comprehend it all Java could add some
               | feature to JNDI which introduces an issue which wasn't
               | there when it was all tested.
               | brabel wrote:
               | Exactly, the JNDI feature has been on the docs for
               | everyone to see for several years:
               | https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/lookups.html
               | Anyone who knows anything about JNDI would've immediately
               | recognized that this was an incredibly bad idea, as JNDI
               | attacks are well known around black-hat circles (LDAP is
               | just one of the things you can do once you have JNDI
               | available).
               | Yet, here we are, several years later, acting surprised
               | this thing existed and thinking that tests would've
               | helped!? What kind of tests, exactly?!!? I think I am to
               | blame myself, as many other Java developers who actually
               | use log4j, has a good understanding of how it works,
               | knows JNDI and LDAP, yet never connected the dots and
               | noticed what this incredibly stupid feature was making
               | possible.
           | beiller wrote:
           | Open source always trails professional software solutions.
           | Yet always time after time will eventually surpass it as the
           | bleeding edge moves further. Maybe we can view it in such a
           | way that major companies have become too reliant on free open
           | software. If you want secure software, pay for it. The
           | knowledge will eventually flow down to free software because
           | it's ultimately run by hobbyists. I like the way it is and I
           | don't see it changing because so many are just donating free
           | time to open free software. Maybe something we could do is
           | make open source contributions tax deductible (if we could
           | somehow price it accurately)
         | er4hn wrote:
         | I would say that this is different from "hard to explain". What
         | is being proposed is essentially "OSS with a paid model for
         | premium support / feature development." It shifts the language
         | from "donations", which companies don't understand, to
         | "consulting", which companies do understand.
         | It's not completely novel, projects such as openssl and sqlite
         | do offer paid consulting, but it's not normalized among
         | companies to pay for doing so. If Filippo can normalize having
         | OSS be treated as paid consulting engagements I think that
         | would be wonderful for the community.
           | tomxor wrote:
           | > OSS with a paid model for premium support / feature
           | development.
           | Adding features do not reduce likelihood of bugs, if anything
           | the opposite.
           | It's very difficult to come up with a paid model that
           | specifically encourages a preventative strategy towards bugs
           | and security flaws. Currently the best we have is getting
           | people who care about those things to build software.
             | pixl97 wrote:
             | Yep. Working for a company that makes paid for software and
             | customers always want more features. It's really fun when
             | paying mutually incompatible features added and the sales
             | people and developers go at it for months trying to figure
             | out how to make it work.
             | Then, maybe a year later, that feature is no longer the hot
             | new thing and it becomes abandonware inside the
             | application. If you're app isn't cloud based you have no
             | idea if you can rip the feature out or not as you have no
             | idea how many people, if anyone still uses it.
         | brabel wrote:
         | Quite honestly, I think that if companies paid open source
         | maintainers to get the features they wanted, the log4j problem
         | would NOT have been averted at all, it would likely have
         | happened earlier... notice that the source of the issue
         | (support for JNDI lookups right into any log messages) was
         | introduced because of someone asking for that feature (and
         | getting it for free!)... if a company had paid for it, it
         | would've been just the same, I doubt very much the company
         | would have done any kind of security veto on the
         | implementation.
         | What's needed is for open source libraries to somehow get
         | "rated" by security experts before they get used by businesses.
         | If those businesses using it paid for that, and then paid
         | someone to fix any issues found, then I think we would have a
         | working solution. Just paying for features would just make
         | things worse... have you ever seen companies paying for
         | security features, though?? No, I haven't at least... they pay
         | for business features that will make them money, they hope,
         | security is kind of just implied (and they might lay the blame
         | entirely on the developer if they actually had a business
         | relationship with them - which may be a big nightmare,
         | actually, for OSS developers - and I am one of them myself...
         | you can no longer use a license that just says you're not
         | liable to anything bad that happens).
           | F6F6FA wrote:
           | Perhaps OSS has become too sophisticated and professional-
           | standard for its own good, while still being created and
           | maintained by amateurs.
           | I have an analytics package which is apparently being
           | evaluated by the military of a large country. Even if secure
           | code, now the maintainers themselves are under attack.
           | For I am definitely a weaker link than a soldier or agent or
           | gov department. Did not expect such usage when creating this
           | project. If said government had seen how this was developed
           | and tested, they would probably physically destroy the
           | machines it is installed on.
         | qwerki wrote:
         | Open market dynamics should in theory change this one way or
         | another. Long term you can't have some code cost $0 while an
         | SVE's code costs $300k+ per year... Reality is open source code
         | is badly mispriced right now.
       | geerlingguy wrote:
       | No thanks.
       | Maintaining business relationships with $megacorp is one of the
       | primary reasons OSS maintainers (maybe just speaking for myself,
       | but I don't think so) do their OSS work, and don't develop
       | proprietary software and market and sell it around a business
       | venture.
       | If you start writing up contracts or accepting direct payments
       | with any strings attached at all, the dynamic is completely
       | changed.
         | foothall wrote:
         | +1.
         | This can lead to corporate capture. We see this in some
         | projects already.
         | WJW wrote:
         | Not to mention that the dynamic would completely shift in terms
         | of community contributions. If I submit a patch to a free
         | project where the maintainers make nothing, I wouldn't even
         | think of asking for anything in return (even if it is a project
         | used by bigcorps, such as Redis or GHC). If I know that the
         | maintainers get paid a full salary for maintaining the
         | software, it becomes a much weirder thing to send them bugfixes
         | for free.
           | kam wrote:
           | "Sending them bugfixes for free" is both a benefit and a
           | burden to an open source project. It takes maintainer time
           | and effort to review the fix, test, make releases, etc, and
           | that's a thankless job. When a company pushes their patches
           | upstream, they're gaining a benefit for themselves (avoiding
           | maintaining a fork), and potentially benefiting any other
           | users who might be affected by the bug or want the same
           | feature. But they're also adding to a maintainer's workload,
           | and that's often the scarcest resource in open source.
             | WJW wrote:
             | Fair enough, but I didn't mean sending in bugfixes because
             | I need it for my employer, I meant sending in bugfixes (or
             | features) to a project that I wanted to make because it
             | bothered me. For example, some time ago I sent in a patch
             | to use better data structures in an event loop library that
             | I think is cool but otherwise don't use.
             | Should OSS devs optimize for my (probably quite rare) use
             | case? Probably not, but the feeling when making a patch for
             | something that I like is still different when the
             | maintainer runs it as a business compared to when they run
             | it as a hobby.
             | (This is what the whole discussion seems to be about btw.
             | Some people like to program in their free time as a hobby
             | and other people would REALLY like guarantees about the
             | software that cannot be made without losing the essential
             | hobby-ness of it)
       | KingMachiavelli wrote:
       | It would certainly help if the IRS did _something_ to encourage
       | open source. You can donate a work of art to a museum for a
       | deduction but you can 't donate 20 hours of labor. The IRS is
       | deliberately becoming more strict [1] so many current non-profit
       | software foundations e.g. Apache are actually the exception to
       | the rule.
       | [deleted]
       | er4hn wrote:
       | Filippo, I think that what you are proposing is an unusual, even
       | radical idea. I hope you are able to follow through on it for
       | yourself and that you can inspire others to do so by seeing the
       | path you are marking.
       | daemonhunter wrote:
       | Side note: dang there are salary discrepancies in the SWE
       | community.
         | 1_player wrote:
         | There are salary discrepancies everywhere in the world. If you
         | mean the salaries across countries, you're comparing apples and
         | oranges. EUR100k in Berlin goes much further than $100k in
         | Houston (a random big city in the US, I don't think Berlin is
         | comparable to NYC)
           | usrbinbash wrote:
           | Not to mention the person in Berlin has access to state
           | funded medical support, a state funded pension, paid sick
           | leave, paid ma/paternity leave, ...
           | Salaries are lower, but expenses for essential services are
           | simply A LOT less in most of Europe.
             | jakear wrote:
             | Tech companies also pay for health insurance, sick leave,
             | and ma/pa leave. Sure pensions aren't a big thing, but
             | increased savings from increased salary can make up for
             | that (not to mention 401k).
               | usrbinbash wrote:
               | The difference: It's not up to the companies in most of
               | western Europe. These services are guaranteed by law, and
               | provided by the state.
               | >but increased savings from increased salary can make up
               | for that (not to mention 401k).
               | And huge medical bills can quickly eat up even
               | substantial savings...that doesn't happen as easily when
               | medical services are provided by universal coverage.
               | Also, state guaranteed pensions aren't lost if some
               | company in a portfolio crashes.
               | JJMcJ wrote:
               | > pay for health insurance
               | Have cancer, or a premature baby with 90 days in Neonatal
               | Intensive Care, in the USA, and get back to me on your
               | health insurance.
               | jakear wrote:
               | The fun thing with healthcare bills is you can just...
               | not pay them. There's an immense amount of medical debt
               | in the country, and it tends to get passed around for
               | pennies on the dollar to people who think they can string
               | arm it out of you. Ignore them, and they're stuck holding
               | the bag.
               | Your credit score will take a hit. But that's of
               | relatively little consequence.
           | daemonhunter wrote:
           | There are big discrepancies in the US alone. I'm comparing
           | mine (L6+) to those.
       | lumost wrote:
       | Once upon a time, the best way to get a software job was to
       | demonstrate your ability to build _useful_ open source projects.
       | 10 years ago the Principal Engineers I would work with had super
       | sized open source portfolio 's which leant them both credibility
       | and experience building products people liked. Junior devs would
       | search (sometimes in vain) for issues where they could contribute
       | a few PRs
       | Now the best way to get a job is leet code, leet code, and more
       | leet code. Rather than spending <5 hours a week working with real
       | code and producing real value on open source projects - most
       | career minded engineers will simply focus on leetcode.
       | Not many people patch esoteric software that's been around for
       | 10+ years because it's particularly fun or because there is
       | specific business value in it.
         | ogogmad wrote:
         | > Now the best way to get a job is leet code, leet code, and
         | more leet code. Rather than spending <5 hours a week working
         | with real code and producing real value on open source projects
         | - most career minded engineers will simply focus on leetcode.
         | Maybe more broadly: The only way to prove that you're good at
         | X, is to do X well. An artist is only as good as his portfolio.
         | The same is true for all creative jobs.
         | I'm thinking that these proxies (see all attempts at
         | standardised testing) are a disease of our time.
           | didibus wrote:
           | I'm not sure I fully agree. Doing open source doesn't mean
           | you do it well. You have no sense of how quickly, efficiently
           | and independently they managed to achieve it. I'd much rather
           | hear from prior experience, and probe about situations and
           | scenarios they were in, projects and problems they
           | contributed too, and hear the story of how they went about
           | it, how long it took them, what they did in the face of
           | setbacks and pressure, etc.
           | I have seen first hand developer that are just okay or below
           | average successfully deliver on open source, because you have
           | infinite time, no constraints, no stress and get to choose
           | exactly what you do or contribute. But in a work environment
           | they struggle, given ambiguous problems they struggle, given
           | time constraints they struggle, given changing needs and
           | demands they struggle, working within a team they struggle,
           | given something outside their area of knowledge they
           | struggle, etc.
             | [deleted]
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Neither of those make for good _filters_ ; though they are
         | decent enough _indicators_. Most engs can 't be bothered with
         | leetcode, let alone F/OSS.
         | didibus wrote:
         | This might sound weird, but I find every time someone publishes
         | or contributes open source, they are stealing value from me,
         | because it is one less thing that a company will need me to
         | implement, build and maintain for them, instead they'll now
         | expect me to simply use the existing free of charge open source
         | one.
         | Not only does it feel like I'm stolen value, open source work
         | tends to be the most interesting, and as more and more is done
         | and offered for free, my work becomes less and less
         | interesting, and the job becomes more about connecting and
         | configuring all these open source systems together.
         | Needing to contribute free work in open source before getting a
         | job therefore sounds like the biggest of scams to me.
           | loudmax wrote:
           | I guess in the same way that public libraries steal value
           | from book publishers and public education steals value from
           | private tutors. Also, how rainwater steals value from bottled
           | water companies, fresh air steals value from air filter
           | vendors, and sunlight steals value from the electric company.
             | didibus wrote:
             | Libraries still pay for each copy of a book, and in some
             | countries royalties are paid out each time the book is
             | borrowed. The library is not allowed to make additional
             | copies of a book and borrow them either. Public education
             | pays its teachers.
             | But overall I'm not in disagreement with you, you could say
             | open source is done as part of the greater good and
             | advancement of technology and computer science, and not for
             | personal capital gain. That also means that it isn't meant
             | to be a sustainable career path, or job that you can do
             | full time though.
           | wolverine876 wrote:
           | I can understand the perspective. But it goes both ways:
           | Aren't you (and I) 'stealing'? How much do you use open
           | source, as a developer and as a user - and just to post his
           | message: try enmuerating all the open source that goes into
           | it.
           | We benefit far more than we can ever repay.
             | didibus wrote:
             | > How much do you use open source, as a developer and as a
             | user
             | As a user I agree, things would probably be more expensive
             | if nothing was open source. But as a developer, I disagree,
             | my employer would simply need to pay for the stuff I use,
             | or they'd pay me or another developer to build them one.
             | And this is precisely what the article argues, that
             | companies should pay for it. If there wasn't any open
             | source logging library, the maintainer could either work
             | for a company that offers a paid one, start his own
             | company, or work for a company that pays him to maintain
             | one for them.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | > But as a developer, I disagree, my employer would
               | simply need to pay for the stuff I use, or they'd pay me
               | or another developer to build them one.
               | Good point, but you would have a much smaller industry
               | and platform without FOSS, and there is no way you could
               | build all the libraries, tools, etc., yourself. Even
               | FAANG depends on FOSS. If everything had to be paid for
               | and professionally developed, licensed, etc., there would
               | be much less around, and nobody could fork and innovate -
               | there's a reason people develop and use FOSS.
               | didibus wrote:
               | I think that's the counterargument, and I can imagine it
               | being true, but I also think we just don't know. Maybe
               | there'd be just as much advancement but more developers
               | would be properly compensated. It's hard to say exactly
               | what would have happened because we're talking an
               | alternate history.
               | Lowering the barrier to entry by being able to leverage a
               | lot of free stuff probably helps make the industry bigger
               | in having more startups, but I also can't say for sure
               | there wouldn't be more jobs or higher paid jobs
               | otherwise.
               | In the end, I'm not trying to push to end FOSS, but I'm
               | trying to bring to front the contradiction I'm seeing of
               | people wanting FOSS but also wanting FOSS developers paid
               | a full wage. It seems fundamentally at odds, if you want
               | people working on logging libraries to be paid full
               | wages, stop making FOSS logging libraries.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | > I think that's the counterargument, and I can imagine
               | it being true, but I also think we just don't know. Maybe
               | there'd be just as much advancement but more developers
               | would be properly compensated. It's hard to say exactly
               | what would have happened because we're talking an
               | alternate history.
               | Yes, valid and important point. We could look at how
               | other industries develop. Software + Internet is
               | especially condusive to 'free' products. Other industries
               | must at least share knowledge, which arguably is embedded
               | in software.
               | > I'm seeing of people wanting FOSS but also wanting FOSS
               | developers paid a full wage. It seems fundamentally at
               | odds, if you want people working on logging libraries to
               | be paid full wages, stop making FOSS logging libraries.
               | An unarguably logic ...
             | Scarblac wrote:
             | We benefit far more than we can repay, but "stealing" is
             | too strong. It's what the author who adopted an open source
             | license explicitly intended to allow.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | Agreed. I use to term to compare it to the parent
               | comment.
           | Scarblac wrote:
           | That's a good point. We as developers trying to make a living
           | doing it are competing with an ever-expanding sea of OSS. And
           | therefore we'd be mad to contribute to it, for free even.
           | On the other hand, from the viewpoint of all of humanity, it
           | is great that there exists a huge amount of software that is
           | useable by everyone for free.
           | orangecat wrote:
           | This is just the broken window fallacy. Hobbyists giving away
           | schematics for unbreakable windows are not stealing from your
           | window repair business.
           | Yes, having open source competition means you'll have to
           | either build a superior product that customers are willing to
           | pay for, or find another niche. That's a good thing.
             | didibus wrote:
             | > That's a good thing
             | Good has many dimensions. I'm saying that as a developer,
             | FOSS means people don't need to pay you to build those
             | things, only to use them, and that's why FOSS developers
             | themselves don't get properly compensated, because they
             | chose to build it for free.
             | You could say FOSS is a good thing if you talked about
             | computing progress, or barrier of entry for a startup
             | wanting to build an app, or as a great source of example to
             | learn from, etc.
             | As for your comparison, I don't think it holds, because
             | very rarely are FOSS contributors hobbyists, most of them
             | are professionals. So it is much more akin to a
             | professional window engineer giving away free schematics
             | for unbreakable windows, which means that companies
             | manufacturing unbreakable windows no longer need to pay a
             | professional window engineer to make schematics for them.
         | watwut wrote:
         | I don't think there was ever such time. Only a tiny minority of
         | developers ever has open source projects and some companies
         | even actively discouraged that.
         | Moreover, with industry moving towards agile, having project
         | and developing in a company are massively different kind of
         | work.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | I don't know if that is objectively true. There are numerous
         | small companies who will leetcode every candidate. Then there
         | are Google and Microsoft and the other bigs who hire thousands
         | of people every week, where the best way to get hired is to
         | have a Ph.D and get referred by insiders.
         | Mediocre candidates getting leetcoded by mediocre companies may
         | be a highly visible pattern but on industry scale I am not
         | convinced it is the dominant mode.
           | pcwalton wrote:
           | Having a Ph.D. and getting referred by insiders in no way
           | reduces the amount of LeetCode you have to grind for Google
           | interviews.
       | pixiemaster wrote:
       | well written.
       | One thought: i disagree with the classification of (senior)
       | software engineer.
       | i think it's more comparable to a VP of Engineering in a company
       | with n engineers (n = count of committers/involved), so salary
       | estimate are even higher.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | When I worked at eBay, our policy was that we had to use RedHat
       | and that any open source we used had to be provided by RedHat or
       | we had to get a support contract from someone else who would be
       | willing to 1)Support the software and 2)Accept legal liability if
       | it failed.
       | #2 was the big sticking point. RedHat made a lot of money
       | accepting that legal responsibility, but very few others were
       | willing to do so. It made using software difficult (and a lot of
       | us just ignored the policy).
       | But if you follow this advice, you may end up accepting legal
       | responsibility for the software, and that may be bad.
         | rightbyte wrote:
         | Heh ... I recall somewhere in a Emacs manual it says "prints
         | the non-warranty, or the warranty if you version of Emacs comes
         | with one".
         | I thought that was a joke. What did the warranty disclaimers
         | say on your system?
       | AnotherGoodName wrote:
       | That edit to the XKCD image is pointless since it's the same joke
       | but worse.
       | https://xkcd.com/2347/
       | philosopher1234 wrote:
       | There should be an umbrella company that takes ownership of a
       | large number of major projects, charges a single licensing fee
       | and grants access to all of them or none of them. It should
       | remain free to amateurs and should be free or cheaper for small
       | businesses.
       | the_gipsy wrote:
       | Please define "unsustainable".
       | It has worked great for decades, both for the free market side,
       | and for the FOSS community.
         | fivelessminutes wrote:
         | It has certainly 'worked great' for leeches, if you ignore
         | bombs like this logging bug destroying Western civilization.
         | Can you explain a bit more how it worked great for the bulk of
         | maintainers / authors who don't see any return on their work,
         | burn out and have to do something else?
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | > It has certainly 'worked great' for leeches,
           | And for communities, and for sponsoring companies, and for
           | some (although not all) authors.
           | > if you ignore bombs like this logging bug destroying
           | Western civilization.
           | ...yeah, no; a library had a bug. Somehow, Western
           | civilization is still here.
           | > Can you explain a bit more how it worked great for the bulk
           | of maintainers / authors who don't see any return on their
           | work, burn out and have to do something else?
           | Can you explain why you think the majority of
           | authors/maintainers burn out?
           | nosianu wrote:
           | > _authors who don 't see any return on their work, burn out
           | and have to do something else?_
           | I don't understand this argument. Nobody starts an open
           | source project - and posts it in the open to share freely -
           | expecting to make any money. Are there even any significant
           | amount of projects with a donation or a Patreon page?
           | Webnovels I read on RoyalRoad all have it and are much more
           | successful that I would ever have thought given that the
           | stories are all coimpletely free and all any one who pays a
           | story author gets is a few chapters ahead of others, but I
           | can't remember any of the numerous OS projects I use one way
           | or another to even try to make any money.
           | I _did_ see burnout in some projects. I once joined as co-
           | maintainer of a medium sized project and was left as the sole
           | maintainer because the main author just up and left and was
           | unreachable (we only heard of him again over a year later,
           | and he never touched that particular project again).
           | All the stories I saw had nothing to do with money at all
           | though, just getting fed up with the expectations. In "my"
           | project's case it also was the large amount of complexity and
           | technical debt that made the original owner's attempts at
           | adding and/or refactoring a huge time sink, and he probably
           | would have been better off to start again from scratch (it's
           | what happens after adding more and more features in a complex
           | cross-mobile phone platform library project's code).
           | None of those "disillusioned open source maintainer" stories
           | I saw ever included any attempt of making money with it.
           | Disappointment of not being able to get money from anyone
           | only ever comes from people starting a commercial project (a
           | new company), if that kind of disappointment exists for
           | freely shared open source software then I must have missed
           | all instances of such a thing happening.
           | > _It has certainly 'worked great' for leeches, if you ignore
           | bombs like this logging bug destroying Western civilization._
           | All of life and especially commercial life in anything
           | slightly sophisticated or at scale is "muddling through" to
           | some degree. The same as biological life actually.
           | So overall I agree with the previous statement that it worked
           | quite well. Nobody should be called a "leech" for using
           | projects that were meant to be shared openly and freely,
           | given the license and method of distribution (e.g. freely on
           | Gitlab or Github).
           | rglullis wrote:
           | Do you pay for every piece of Open source software you use?
           | How much? What is the criteria you use to determine how much
           | you want to give them?
           | Yes, it would be _very good_ if more people started to
           | contribute to software they depend on, but to call them
           | "leeches" is not only against the spirit of free software, it
           | is counterproductive as it will probably lead people to the
           | idea that proprietary/closed source is better.
           | [deleted]
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | there is no past tense for unsustainable, so if one wants to
         | indicate something was unsustainable in the past they say it
         | 'was unsustainable' but if they want to indicate something will
         | be unsustainable for the future they just say it is
         | unsustainable, one of the downsides of English; also, past
         | performance is no indicator of future performance applies to
         | many things outside investing.
         | In other words open source as it was practiced was sustainable
         | up until the point it got taken advantage of too much by big
         | players not putting things back into the system. At this point
         | it has become unsustainable.
         | uniqueuid wrote:
         | At the very least, it's unsustainable to maintainers as people,
         | because many are burning out (I have no data, so this is an
         | assumption).
         | As a result, it's also unsustainable to other coders because
         | the OSS ecosystem grows replete with broken and stale code that
         | is no longer maintained and which creates cognitive cost to
         | ignore/prune.
         | Both might grow in a non-linear fashion, which would be really
         | bad news.
       | dash2 wrote:
       | I maintain a tiny, tiny, unimportant open source package. It gets
       | about 10K downloads a month. Assuming that each of those
       | downloaders saved one minute of their time on average, and their
       | time is worth $15/hr, I'm providing a service worth $2500/month.
       | I'm starting to think, how could my next project provide the same
       | value, and get paid for it?
         | JJMcJ wrote:
         | Hmm, 25 downloads at $100 per month would do it.
       | WesolyKubeczek wrote:
       | There's a whole old elephant in the room, but we're not really
       | talking about it because it's an elephant everyone loves to hate.
       | And yet.
       | This is a model that MPAA and RIAA use. And their equivalents in
       | countries that have functional copyright legislation. Most first
       | world countries have one. Don't get me wrong, they are mostly
       | rent-seeking racketeers, but if you try to weasel out of paying
       | for stuff you're using for your own profit, you're bound to get
       | one.
       | Either some law pertaining to maintenance of "digital
       | commonwealth" or some other nice name is passed in enough
       | countries so other countries have to follow suit if they want to
       | be in good company, and organizations with teeth, one per
       | country, are set up to make sure the "digital commonwealth" tax
       | is collected from everyone, big and small. They will even
       | distribute money among creators, by usage or something.
       | Microsoft would probably love to be such an arbiter. They have
       | Github. They have all the stats. They know if your company had
       | been naughty or nice, how many times they downloaded your stuff,
       | and how many times their employees were demanding shit in issues.
       | It's child's game to join the party, just have an account with
       | them.
       | Or we just piggyback on the existing copyright legislation and
       | give RIAA and their likes more power and custody of making sure
       | OSS maintainers don't starve. They will surely protect their
       | interest with eagerness, who wouldn't like more profit?
       | Of course, companies will try to fight tooth and claw. They will
       | tell you all sorts of doomsday scenarios, how the poor
       | megacorporations won't be able to afford it, how they will have
       | to raise your subscription fees. Gee, haven't we seen those
       | crocodile tears when free roaming in EU was going to be
       | established? We also know how it ended: they all sucked it up,
       | complied, maybe their profits took... well... not a hit, but a
       | nudge maybe. Companies who have to buy music know how to pay the
       | music tax to copyright racketeers. They will get used to that.
       | They will also be happy to pay just one entity and be done with
       | it. And if you dare start a company using F/OSS, you're in for
       | the largest financial hit. The little man always suffers the most
       | in such schemes.
       | [deleted]
       | skeeter2020 wrote:
       | Everything stated about the risks and current deficiencies is
       | true. Meanwhile the OP works for Google on OSS, one of the
       | "untenable" approaches to funding it that is lamented. Nothing
       | else presented is close to an alternative solution; there's no
       | "ask" that would fix the situation, let alone an attempt to lead
       | by example, so what's the point of this post?
         | wutbrodo wrote:
         | > This is what I hope to see happen more and more: Open Source
         | maintainers graduating to sophisticated counterparties who send
         | invoices for "support and sponsorship" on letterhead, and big
         | companies developing procedures to assess, approve, and pay
         | them as a matter of routine so that they can get what they need
         | from the ecosystem.
         | In what way is this not an ask?
       | moksly wrote:
       | The alternative to what we have now is not going to be a healthy
       | OSS community. The alternative is going to be big companies
       | insourcing more of their libraries.
       | The only reason why OSS has seen the up-pick it has is because
       | major companies profit from it. Microsoft didn't embrace open
       | source because it had a change or morals, it embraced open source
       | because it started making so much more money from enterprise orgs
       | switching to Azure compared to selling us licenses for on-prem
       | alternatives. Facebook and Google don't share their massive front
       | end-libraries and extensive tools because they are nice, they do
       | so because it helps them dictate web-development and being able
       | to on-board new hires who are already familiar with their tech.
       | If anything, I think it's more likely that we are going to see a
       | big player pick up a NPM alternative and make sharing packages
       | much harder. I think the fact that no one has done this, should
       | tell you all about how little the enterprise industry worries
       | about the status que.
       | I don't think it's necessarily healthy, and I sympathise with OSS
       | maintainers who don't get paid for their work, but I don't think
       | it's a massive issue either. The OSS world is still better than
       | it ever was, and your tech stack isn't actually in danger if you
       | review that code you use.
         | creamytaco wrote:
         | Reviewing code is the elephant in the room. Filosotile -perhaps
         | out of ignorance or disconnect- fails to mention that the vast
         | majority of open source projects (log4j being a great recent
         | example) are absolute shit. Nobody should be building anything
         | on top, nevermind giving the maintainers more money.
         | In-house development, software BOMs, rising of standards and
         | multiple rounds of code review are the processes that the
         | industry is shifting towards and for good reason.
           | the_af wrote:
           | > _In-house development_
           | ... keeps resulting in shit code, too! There 's no evidence
           | standards of quality are rising. In my own extremely limited
           | view of in-house software -- i.e. my own professional
           | experience -- code quality is crap, standard quality
           | practices are very low and actually _worse_ than in FOSS
           | projects (I 've seen someone mention more than once that
           | "this crap PR simply wouldn't fly if this were an open source
           | project, it's so bad nobody would want to review it!")
           | In-house code is just code you don't know is garbage because
           | you cannot look at the code.
           | wpietri wrote:
           | I would be fascinated to see your evidence that in-house code
           | is any better on average than open-source code.
           | I haven't done a lot of consulting lately, so I haven't seen
           | much in-house code in the last few years. But my experience
           | is that the average in-house codebase is worse. And that
           | makes sense from the incentives. Open-source projects that
           | want more than one contributor need to be approachable enough
           | that people join in. Whereas with most in-house code, people
           | commit to working on it without ever seeing it. Switching to
           | work on another open-source project is easy; switching to
           | another job is hard. Open-source authors get to decide when
           | to release; in-house code is generally driven by execs. And
           | so on.
             | creamytaco wrote:
             | I worked at engineers-call-the-shots fintech and later SV
             | shops for many years. No, their in-house code is not worse
             | than open-source.
             | In fact one can safely say that top companies that attract
             | top talent also have methodologies in place that lead to
             | better than average code quality.
               | the_af wrote:
               | If you are comparing the top engineering shops to open
               | source, you should also pick the top (quality) open
               | source projects. Apples to apples.
               | Most in-house code is crap.
             | pixl97 wrote:
             | As someone that has to support a lot of in-house code, yea,
             | it's a bunch of crap too.
             | "Works good enough" is how our world generally operates
             | unless under strict regulatory guidelines.
           | watwut wrote:
           | The industry is nor moving towards multiple rounds of code
           | review. Nor towards in house development nor away from using
           | open source.
             | creamytaco wrote:
             | Every engineering-driven fintech company I know of (having
             | myself worked there or having friends who work there) is
             | doubling down on every single one of the processes I
             | mentioned.
               | geodel wrote:
               | Yeah, and that is about 0.1% of total amount of software
               | assembled and deployed in the world. It is like saying
               | all my friends drink Evian water so that's the way we
               | handle clean drinking water shortage in the world.
         | nopenopenopeno wrote:
         | The welfare queen megacorps have been too comfortable expecting
         | handouts like open source charity work and public bailouts.
         | Open source software has served the elite executive class while
         | leaving working people to depend on anti-freedom proprietary
         | offerings. I am sick of watching it go down like that. The
         | never-ending data leaks, dark patterns, lock-in strategies, and
         | attacks on encryption and freedom of speech, are all
         | exacerbated by this tendency to yield the commons to the ruling
         | class. If open source doesn't serve working people, I don't
         | care a lick for it anymore. Cheers to Stallman and all, but
         | this is where his proposals fell short.
         | simonw wrote:
         | "Your tech stack isn't actually in danger if you review that
         | code you use."
         | Tell that to everyone who depended on Log4j for the past 8
         | years!
       | bawolff wrote:
       | Companies barely spend money on their own internal security dept.
       | It seems like it would be a hard sell to convince them to spend
       | money on improving an external projects security posture. Maybe
       | if it was core to their business, but investing to imorove the
       | security posture of a logging library seems like a hard sell.
       | usrbinbash wrote:
       | > _But! Maintainers need to be legible to the big company
       | department that approves and processes those invoices._
       | I imagine this could be a hard sell to people who just want to
       | build some cool software and maintain it. Setting up an account,
       | okay, that may be possible, but that's not the end of it.
       | Companies pay invoices FOR something. That something means
       | contracts, potentially about substantial sums, that means getting
       | legal support to navigate said contracts & obligations.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | We have software licenses and yet every open source project
         | doesn't employ a lawyer. The solution is probably the same:
         | canned, off-the-shelf contracts. If a company wants to
         | negotiate a custom contract, then the maintainer can decide
         | whether or not it's worth hiring a lawyer.
           | b3morales wrote:
           | Even if the contract itself might be commodified, the
           | _relationship_ won 't be. Business will want what it wants,
           | regardless of what the contract says. Maintainers will
           | certainly be subject to influence campaigns by business,
           | which will sometimes conflict with other "clients". Even
           | saying "no, read the contract" to a persistent VP has a
           | psychological and social cost. I can't really imagine this
           | decreasing the pressure on maintainers: it's basically
           | turning the project into a startup.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | I think the idea is to provide a middle ground option
             | between full-on startup and doing free work for
             | corporations. That implies meeting in the middle both on
             | compensation and on work delivered, but it's possible that
             | we'll find new non-zero-sum opportunities.
       | jpeter wrote:
       | MANGA should pay them. They have enough money
       | [deleted]
       | qnsi wrote:
       | Can someone help me find whos idea was it?
       | Basically kill free open source. Make every "new open source"
       | (NOS) program dual licensed, free for non commercial use and paid
       | for conmercial use.
       | He proposed companies paying 1% of revenue to license this
       | software. But it would all go through a proxy company that would
       | gather payment and send it to participating companies, I dont
       | remember how it would be split.
       | I think this is actually a way forward. I would feel better
       | building on top of this kind of stack vs npm ecosystem
         | rgrmrts wrote:
         | Doesn't answer your question but something I've wondered about
         | as well. I don't maintain any open source software (yet?) but
         | if I were to start a project I'd likely use a permissive
         | license.
         | I don't want to start a philosophical flame war about licenses,
         | but this idea makes sense to me. The details will likely take
         | work to iron out, but why not have open source licenses with a
         | clause for companies with over a certain amount of annual net
         | profit. Does anyone have examples of this in practice? As far
         | as I know, licensing models like Mongo or Elasticsearch are a
         | bit more binary.
         | I'd be fine letting individuals, small businesses, and startups
         | use the software for free in perpetuity unless they hit some
         | metric like "greater than $x in annual profit" or whatever. I
         | guess a counterpoint to this might just be that companies that
         | get to that scale would just develop the same thing in-house
         | instead.
       | ralph84 wrote:
       | It's a bit dubious that paying maintainers more will make them
       | write more secure code. Certainly professional developers who
       | write closed source have produced plenty of vulnerable code in
       | exchange for their six-figure salaries. If you're really
       | concerned whether a particular open source package is secure,
       | it'd make more sense to pay a third party to audit it than the
       | maintainer.
       | F6F6FA wrote:
       | I feel this is a problem of companies being cheapskates, not of
       | OSS maintainers. So do not make it their problem. I do not make
       | OSS for companies, but for enthusiasts, contributing to building
       | cool stuff, students and researchers.
       | Don't really want a commercialization of OSS maintainers. Does
       | not seem in the spirit of OSS, but a convoluted way to contract a
       | single dev to work on your stack. If you are this big company,
       | ping your developer advocate, set aside a budget, and have them
       | go through your dependancies and reward accordingly.
       | What bothers me way more, is when companies take OSS and then do
       | not adhere to the license. Not as in forgetting to attribute you,
       | but publishing a patent based on your code and approaches. That's
       | easy enough to kill your motivation if you are doing it for free
       | in the first place.
       | If money becomes an incentive for OSS maintainers, then they will
       | start replying to the emails they constantly get, to buy their
       | extension or use their CDN. Your company bet the house on a poor
       | Polish CS student for logging or useragent parsing? Your, and
       | only your, problem. OSS keeps on working.
         | indymike wrote:
         | > I feel this is a problem of companies being cheapskates, not
         | of OSS maintainers. So do not make it their problem. I do not
         | make OSS for companies, but for enthusiasts, contributing to
         | building cool stuff, students and researchers.
         | I'm starting to do something different at my company. I'm
         | finding the package maintainers for the non-commercial stuff we
         | use in our product and making a donation. I'm also going to
         | start asking the maintainers to invoice my company for support
         | where that is possible to do.
           | F6F6FA wrote:
           | If this becomes a cultural thing, part of OSS, then more
           | employees inside big companies will start to advocate for
           | funding the OSS they rely on. Companies found to be profiting
           | of OSS, while keeping a closed wall, complaining, but not
           | contributing patches or funding, will lose market mind share,
           | and a percentage of the best developers.
           | Seems doable, but still hard without centralized control and
           | PR.
           | ttyprintk wrote:
           | What do you think of hiring maintainers to audit? Answer
           | specific questions about usage and security, with some
           | visibility into your codebase? We've talked this over and hit
           | risks concerning access to code where we'd like an NDA that a
           | consultant may dislike.
             | F6F6FA wrote:
             | Consultants sometimes dislike NDA, because as a consultant,
             | you are already expected not to disclose. It is strongly
             | implied, like patient-confidentiality. Airing dirty laundry
             | or competitive advantage as someone visiting many companies
             | a year, is like a doctor amputating the wrong leg. You do
             | this once, then you are out of a job and reputation.
             | Risk is on your end, so you pay for it. A 10k contract
             | becomes a 12k contract. You clarify your risks, your
             | mitigation method (NDA), and that the extra money is for
             | the legal liability the consultant takes on.
       | wakeupcall wrote:
       | As a maintainer of several OSS projects, I could work full time
       | on them and have time for nothing else. Yet, I'm pretty sure that
       | even if these projects would be 100x more popular, the donations
       | I would receive wouldn't even pay my daily expenses.
       | I refuse all donations/tips for three reasons:
       | - as per above, your donation is generally insignificant. it's
       | just overhead in tax accounting
       | - people donate "with strings attached": AKA "here's $2, but I'd
       | really love this feature"
       | - receiving donations wouldn't be fair to any current or past
       | contributors that made the projects what it is
       | The last point is especially true in the OSS landscape. The most
       | front-facing programs get the donations, but the low-level
       | libraries and infrastructure that make them possible get nothing.
       | Heck, I've seen forks with a few superficial tweaks receiving
       | donations and reaping the benefits while the original projects is
       | chugging along slowly at the hard-to-build infrastructure that
       | nobody else wants to do.
       | Bug bounty sites fall almost universally in the last category in
       | my eyes.
         | slooonz wrote:
         | > - receiving donations wouldn't be fair to any current or past
         | contributors that made the projects what it is
         | Hard disagree on that. Maintaining (bug triage, pull requests
         | review, bug fixes...) is actually the hard work and the part
         | that deserve the reward IMO.
         | When I contribute to an open source software to fix a bug/add a
         | feature, my reward is that the software I use has an annoying
         | bug gone/the feature I want. I don't need any reward. On the
         | other hand, the thankless maintainer deserve it.
           | DarylZero wrote:
           | Just fixing a bug isn't making the project what it is,
           | though.
       | bogwog wrote:
       | Everyone does open source work for different reasons, and I'm not
       | sure if more money is always enough of a motivator. I have a
       | handful of projects that you couldn't pay me to provide
       | commercial support for because I no longer have any interest in
       | them. Working on boring projects for money is what full-time jobs
       | are for (and most full-time eng jobs are much easier than
       | maintaining a popular open source project).
       | With that said, I could totally see how paid OSS work as the norm
       | would be a catalyst to improving the status quo. It would
       | certainly lead to more and better OSS projects. Even if the
       | current OSS ecosystem doesn't like it, it will 100% lead to new
       | projects and new devs pursuing the money.
       | Maybe part of the solution is to form agencies which work with
       | OSS devs to pursue contracts/sponsorships/donations from
       | commercial users of their projects? The legal/business/sales part
       | of the process is non-trivial. This makes me think of "content
       | creators" on social media that make a ton of money producing free
       | videos/streams. OSS devs are maybe like the B2B version of that?
       | :P
       | Jsharm wrote:
       | Are the salarys on levels.fyi accurate? Looking at Dublin
       | salaries, they seem very high?
       | didibus wrote:
       | I feel like the examples of log4j and ua-parser aren't that
       | great, because it would be relatively easy for any other similar
       | lib to take their place, as it's mostly straightforward to
       | implement, even though it still takes time.
       | But there are some things like Kafka, PostgressSQL, Spring Boot,
       | Tomcat, Apache Math, ZooKeeper, the OpenJDK, and all that which
       | are definitely non-trivial and a huge amount of time and effort,
       | and you couldn't just take an extra month or two and have a dev
       | on your team implement a replacement, unlike log4j and ua-parser.
       | I think those would be better example to discuss, and my
       | impression has been that those things often have a company behind
       | them offering support or offering them as a service that in some
       | ways pays for some real devs to contribute to them, but maybe I'm
       | mistaken.
       | Like for example, the author mentions working on the GO team at
       | Google, and Go I would consider one of those big open source
       | projects that truly are foundational and would be non-trivial and
       | huge effort to replace. So that shows that the really big pieces
       | do have companies hired and paid staff behind them.
         | tobltobs wrote:
         | First those developers don't get any money for their work, now
         | you also telling them that the work they are doing isn't really
         | valuable anyway?
         | Did you consider the fact that half of your examples of worthy
         | things are using the unworthy log4j?
           | WJW wrote:
           | Quite a few managers I have spoken to will use the exact
           | reasoning ("we could rewrite this in two weeks or so, why
           | should we worry if it disappears?") and do indeed seem to
           | think that the fact that because the OSS dev did not get paid
           | for their work implies that it is low value work. If it was
           | in fact high value, they would have gotten paid for it you
           | see.
           | didibus wrote:
           | As a developer, if there were no free open source logging
           | library, then I'd be paid to implement one at my work. It be
           | a fun project, but because someone is willing to do it for
           | free, and give it away, it's hard for me to justify to my
           | employer that we should build our own.
           | This is how the value is measured.
           | But if you take a much harder task, like building a
           | performant and safe JIT language runtime like the OpenJDK,
           | you'll see that even in the open source model, people can't
           | actually deliver it effectively for free. It often starts out
           | from a company that later open sourced it, or it's backed by
           | academia, and contributions require deep expertise, so
           | sometimes companies had to have their own staff contribute to
           | it on their own payroll.
         | javajosh wrote:
         | _> I feel like the examples of log4j and ua-parser aren't that
         | great, because it would be relatively easy for any other
         | similar lib to take their place_
         | Log4j is a good example, anyway. It's an old library, very old.
         | And a lot of other software depends on it. So the effort of
         | replacing log4j is not proportional to it's feature list, but
         | rather to the feature list times the number of projects already
         | depending on it. (The replacement exists, btw, called slf4j,
         | usually with logback, written by the same author as log4j.)
         | Java Logging is a subject in itself (I won't say "interesting
         | subject" although it _is_ interesting, in the same disturbing
         | way the lifecycle of a tapeworm is interesting.) but I would
         | argue that these logging libraries are old and have evolved
         | over time in ways that are hard to anticipate or recreate.
         | (Rewriting things also leads you to the xkcd  "standard
         | proliferation problem" - https://xkcd.com/927/)
         | The real problem is that it takes time, like real calendar
         | time, to understand an implementation fully enough to fix it,
         | and no-one wants to do that, because it's a job as critical as
         | it is thankless.
         | f311a wrote:
         | There are some maintainers for Postgresql that get paid. It's a
         | part of their job in consulting companies (they specialize in
         | postgresql). Not sure about the other projects though.
       | ItsBob wrote:
       | Does this not mean it's time for a new open source license?
       | Perhaps one that stipulates all the freedom current ones have up
       | to a point?
       | I am not a lawyer and know little about open source but is it
       | possible to create a new license that allows free use up to a
       | certain revenue level?
         | johnny22 wrote:
         | sure, and I think I've even seen one. The problem is, your
         | software won't be included in any distribution repositories
         | anymore because it is no longer Free Software under whatever
         | definition they use (likely based on Stallman's "Four
         | Freedoms")
         | Some similar things have happened to mysql (to mariadb) and
         | mongodb (to whatever the fork is called).
         | Dual licensing it like MySQL did is one way to approach it, but
         | plenty of people were happy enough with what it did that they
         | didn't pay for it.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | One thing that I constantly think, when reading about these
       | Jurassic-scale disasters, is "where are the wise, conservative
       | stewards?"
       | I've been appalled at the way that older, more experienced
       | developers are treated, and am not surprised at this.
       | There's a really good chance that many of these bugs were
       | _introduced_ by developers that are now older, and more cautious.
       | In some cases, these may be the harsh lessons that caused these
       | developers to become more conservative, these days.
       | A conservative (not political "conservative," _practical_
       | "conservative") approach is generally best, when maintaining
       | infrastructure. Be careful, test well, don't "push the envelope"
       | too much, and, for God's Sake, _don 't add new stuff, until you
       | have the old stuff completely tested, documented, and supported_.
       | New stuff can be added via forks, and introduced via carefully-
       | vetted PRs.
       | I keep thinking of the Linux core kernel project as an example of
       | how to do it right, but I am not very involved in that ecosystem,
       | so it may be a case of "the grass is greener on the other side of
       | the fence."
       | I can tell you that I take each of the tools I make, _very_
       | seriously. A quick shufti at any of them will tell you that. No
       | one really uses them, but that 's fine with me. I write them for
       | myself.
       | trinovantes wrote:
       | Even if you dual license your software with AGPL/Commercial
       | license, there's still companies that just plain ignore them. I
       | was doing some scripting on my PDF bank statements and discovered
       | they were generated using iText (AGPL version). Imagine a
       | multinational bank blatantly violating copyright laws let alone
       | expecting them to pay for open source.
       | imglorp wrote:
       | I liked that analogy to paying a law firm.
       | Most of these companies spend more on greenhouse services to keep
       | plants in their offices than they spend supporting the F/LOSS
       | stuff that they built their product around. That's how it should
       | be viewed.
       | The Faangs probably have on the order of 100m boxes running Linux
       | etc. It would be totally reasonable to expect they would pay
       | someone $1/year/box to help maintain all the F/LOSS in there.
       (page generated 2021-12-11 23:00 UTC)