[HN Gopher] Old CSS, New CSS (2020)
       Old CSS, New CSS (2020)
       Author : pferde
       Score  : 148 points
       Date   : 2021-12-12 18:08 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eev.ee)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eev.ee)
       | chilling wrote:
       | Man! That was a really, long and funny read. It brought me so
       | much memories.
       | I remeber seeing a great site around 2003 and spending night-time
       | reading its code and trying to grab all the details on how they
       | did it. Copy pasting its code to the Notepad and trying to
       | replicate it in Microsoft FrontPage.
       | thought_alarm wrote:
       | > this company Netscape had been selling its Navigator browser
       | (to businesses;         > it was free for personal use), and then
       | Microsoft entered the market with its         > completely free
       | Internet Explorer browser, and then Microsoft had the         >
       | audacity to bundle IE with Windows. Can you imagine?
       | I believe the larger problem was that Microsoft offered companies
       | and OEMs discounts on their Windows license fees if they agreed
       | to stop purchasing _any_ Netscape software, client and server,
       | thereby collapsing Netscape 's revenue from both ends.
         | conception wrote:
         | BeOS has entered the chat.
           | dkdbejwi383 wrote:
           | Could you expand on this for someone unfamiliar with the
           | reference you're making?
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | Basically, MS offered discounts for anybody that wouldn't
             | sell alternative OSes too. That includes OS2 (well I
             | imagine it as aimed at it, and Be was unintentional), that
             | IBM developed in a partnership with MS.
             | After they settled that case, they stopped offering
             | discount, instead they just billed Windows copies by
             | computer sold, independently of the OS.
       | _HMCB_ wrote:
       | You, sir, deserve a Pulitzer Prize for this. I smiled and yet
       | shed tears of pain reading this. I worked for a web dev studio in
       | the mid '90s. That was so rare. We had a partnership with a
       | design and marketing firm because we were really the only ones in
       | quite a wide area that knew how to code. To top it off, we were
       | an Oracle database partner and would service big and upcoming
       | companies. A database tied to a website, that was next level.
       | LOL.
       | Those were the days. I kinda miss them. Everything was new and
       | unexplored.
       | edoceo wrote:
       | Fantastic read for a geezer like me. Web-safe colour is why my
       | logo is #336699 blue
         | kingcharles wrote:
         | I still use web safe all over the place, because OCD.
       | mmcgaha wrote:
       | I am pretty much shit at using CSS correctly. I am working on a
       | 38 page site and looking at the CSS is disgusting. The html is
       | clean, the back end is simple and easy to understand, and the
       | database is something to be proud of (well except where I used
       | those seductive postgresql arrays instead of relations.) Some day
       | though I am going to come back to make a change and that CSS is
       | going confound me to no end.
         | lloydatkinson wrote:
         | I recommend trying out Tailwind
           | krono wrote:
           | > The html is clean
           | Bye clean html
             | armchairhacker wrote:
             | Html can't be clean without custom components, you have to
             | add elements to alter layout.
             | Unless you're making a "classic" HTML page like an article,
             | but then you wouldn't have trouble with CSS.
       | [deleted]
       | aasasd wrote:
       | I gotten off the frontend train ten years ago. Then just the
       | other day I decided that generating some stuff for printing in
       | HTML should be way easier than fussing around with spreadsheets
       | (and was right)--so finally looked up how one positions things
       | with the flexbox. Where back in the day things were like literal
       | masochism and still even selling your soul wouldn't get you far,
       | now it's just 'put these properties on your divs to tell the
       | browser which way each of them goes'. Whoa daddy.
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | HN source is also a testimony of css2 era. Inline attributes
       | still present.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | I don't see a stark difference between inline attributes and,
         | say, tailwind CSS.
           | rvense wrote:
           | To me it's the other way around. If you have a class that's
           | only used once, is it better than inline styles? To me it's
           | worse. You've just moved it to a different file.
           | With Tailwind, I work from the bottom up, with small
           | composable classes, I notice common combinations and bundle
           | them together in new classes. The end result is a lot better.
           | [deleted]
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | fair point, i was thinking about tailwind actually .. i guess
           | it just provide shorter encoding and a few shortcuts to get
           | done quickly (at the cost of ad-hoc names)
           | 1123581321 wrote:
           | Utility classes are typically fewer characters, can contain
           | multiple declarations and benefit from cascading, can benefit
           | from responsive selectors, and can be updated in one place in
           | the code when changes are required.
       | yRetsyM wrote:
       | Side note: the comments in this are all almost as valuable as the
       | content itself. Remember when comments were a way people used to
       | enhance content rather than attack or degrade it?
         | [deleted]
         | geektips wrote:
         | Thank you for the reminder, I went back to read the comment
         | section.
       | eCa wrote:
       | I still have an old personal website[1] that uses Server Side
       | Includes. I've been meaning to convert it to something newer for
       | many years, but it chuggs along.
       | Next time I switch servers I won't setup Apache so then it would
       | need to be solved.
       | [1] It maybe gets updated once a year.
       | KarlKemp wrote:
       | This is indeed something I've noticed. The discussion about
       | browser engines seems to draw heavily on late-90s folklore while
       | entirely missing the point: browser engines today are _extremely_
       | easy to work with, in the sense that it 's entirely possible to
       | develop something on, say, Safari, and expect it to work
       | flawlessly on Chrome and Firefox, as well.
       | Back in the days, you had to budget twice the time to make
       | something work in two browsers that it took for one. This is not
       | hyperbole. You'd gain a bit from doing something the second time,
       | but lose just as much trying to make it work in more-or-less the
       | same way.
       | Then, there are the complaints about Chrome: there is _absolutely
       | nothing wrong_ with the way Google manages Chrome, with the
       | possible exception of what they are doing to adblocking. Their
       | approach is to try to make the browser platform an equal among
       | the walled gardens they fear, primarily iOS and, to a lesser
       | degree these days, Facebook. _None of the lessons of Internet
       | Explorer apply_ , because the problem with IE was that it was
       | using Windows-only extensions such as ActiveX.
         | thrower123 wrote:
         | That's because Safari is now the laggard that IE used to be
         | notpachet wrote:
         | It was even worse than that: you often had to budget for
         | different version _numbers_ of the same browser, or even
         | different versions of a single version number. I 'm a little
         | foggy on the details, but I believe IE7 would force pages into
         | "compatibility mode" if they were hosted via intranet. I was
         | working for the government at the time and our apps were all
         | hosted on the agency network. It was hell.
           | kingcharles wrote:
           | Especially if you were doing anything clever with Javascript.
           | You pretty much had to code from scratch for several versions
           | of every browser. Some you could do client-side and others
           | would have to be rendered server-side. As poster above said,
           | you would spend half your design time on getting the thing to
           | look/run the same everywhere. Things are a _lot_ closer now.
       | kall wrote:
       | I saw the examples like `<img border=0>` and kept thinking "wtf
       | why are they using styled-system here? Is this supposed to be
       | pseudo code?" until I realized it must be something browsers
       | supported (and probably still do). That should date me as a web
       | developer.
       | kingcharles wrote:
       | That early image of Internet Explorer is very advanced. The page
       | has a white background. When I first got into web design the page
       | background was whatever the default color of the window control
       | was. Usually light grey. I don't remember being able to change
       | it?
       | warpech wrote:
       | I wouldn't be surprised if this ended with a smirky one-liner
       | presented in a popular CSS framework, making a full circle from
       | (early HTML):                  <H1><FONT
       | COLOR=red>...</FONT></H1>
       | to (Tailwind CSS)                  <h1 class="text-
       | red-500">...</h1>
       | I totally acknowledge the accomplishments that the Web standards
       | and their implementations have made since the early days.
       | On the other hand, while I am no Tailwind proponent, for many
       | applications "worse is good" and Tailwind is a bridge to the
       | straightforward beginnings of the web design.
         | seanwilson wrote:
         | > On the other hand, while I am no Tailwind proponent, for many
         | applications "worse is good" and Tailwind is a bridge to the
         | straightforward beginnings of the web design.
         | The difference here is with utility classes, you're meant to be
         | using UI components to share styles between pages (e.g. you
         | have a `button` file that contains all the styles for that
         | button), instead of CSS features (classes, cascading styles and
         | specificity) so it's not the same as just reverting back to
         | inline styles.
         | The article is a great read on how current best practices
         | evolve and how the initial attempt to solve something (e.g.
         | with a new standard) doesn't work out as we learn more about
         | the problem. There's nothing to say the traditional CSS
         | approach is going to be the best approach, especially since
         | complex single page web apps weren't even a thing when CSS was
         | invented.
         | iratewizard wrote:
         | Remember that text-red-500 can be changed in one place across
         | the application and allows you to apply general design ideas to
         | quickly build layout. I don't personally use anything like
         | tailwind, but the self-rolled css library I do use has a whole
         | section of one liners like "flex" or "vertical-center" that
         | saves me hours.
         | mcntsh wrote:
         | What if you want it to be red on hover?
         | hover:text-red-500
         | What about just at the medium breakpoint?
         | md:text-red-500
         | Only in dark mode?
         | dark:text-red-500
         | Tailwind is much more powerful than inline styles.
         | wildrhythms wrote:
         | What do you mean by 'worse is good'? Remember the 'separation
         | of concerns' wrt HTML/CSS was at a time when JSX, lit-html, web
         | components et al did not exist. There was no easy way on the
         | front end to do something like this:                   function
         | PrimaryHeader({children}){             return <h1
         | className="text-red-500">{children}</h1>         }
         | <PrimaryHeader>...</PrimaryHeader>
         | Thus, the 'separation of concerns' and many thousands of hours
         | of developer toil ensued to both completely separate, yet still
         | closely bind, style to markup by way of class names. There's no
         | point to have a .PrimaryHeader class in a world of web
         | components and atomic CSS (Tachyons, Tailwind, etc.)
         | Even absent of an atomic CSS library, I still prefer inline CSS
         | to making up arbitrary class names; my entire codebase can be
         | JSX files, and every component is self encapsulating. I don't
         | see this as 'worse' in any way.
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | junon wrote:
       | Needs the (2020) tag.
       | rectang wrote:
       | Now _If Only_ (tm) debugging CSS and organizing CSS hierarchies
       | to avoid conflicts were easier...
         | dexwiz wrote:
         | Proper use of chrome dev tools will help you here. Instant
         | feedback based on modifying css in the page is about as good as
         | you get when debugging. The computed tab really helps also.
           | extra88 wrote:
           | All browser dev tools are good for that. I like Firefox's
           | slightly more that Chrome's for it, Safari's is third. I
           | don't know if Edge is different than Chrome for write,
           | debugging CSS.
       (page generated 2021-12-12 23:00 UTC)